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Ancient Mesopotamians used the vessels, which were inscribed with incantations, to ward off demons, disease and other misfortune
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Israel ,
Germany ,
Jerusalem ,
Israel General ,
Iraq ,
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France ,
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Samuel Thrope ,
Judith Sudilovsky ,
Dan Levene ,
Owen Jarus ,
Eli Eskosido ,
Dieynaba Young ,
Matthew Morgenstern ,
Amanda Borschel Dan ,
University Of Toronto ,
University Of Southampton ,
Yoli Schwartz Israel Antiquities Authority ,
Friedrich Schiller University Jena ,
Israel Antiquities Authority ,
Tel Aviv University ,
Yoli Schwartz ,
Theft Prevention Unit ,
Middle East ,
Live Science ,
Israel Antiquities ,
Babylonian Aramaic ,
Achai Bar Marganita ,
Mesopotamian Jew ,
Ancient Civilizations ,
Part Crimes ,
Crime ,
Cultural Heritage ,
Forgeries ,
Magic ,
Rituals And Traditions ,
Superstitions ,