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Emerged victorious from one against five, footage of a unique battle, a fresh report from our ministry of defense, a fuel and missile Storage Facility was destroyed at the dolnitsevo airfield. One transmitted information to the enemy about the movements of our units, the other directed enemy attacks. In the lugansk peoples republic , traitors working for the kiev regime were detained. When you havent demanded a billion dollars in help for 5 minutes, elon musk ridicules zelsky against the background of the cessation of funding for ukraine. Collected. In kyiv Foreign Ministers are surprised by washingtons decision. Support for special operation participants and their families is under special control. Vladimir putin received the head of North Ossetia for a big talk about the development of the republic and assistance in the restoration of new regions. A measure that will help increase the volume of production of quality products, preferential loans for our farmers, was discussed by the government, and talk about the budget, all obligations will be fulfilled. The home stretch of the grand theatrical marathon chekhov festival, the last chance to see all the brightest and most interesting, well tell you what surprises await viewers in the final week. This night the russian Army Launched a massive attack on the ukrainian rear. Among the targets are the railway stations in kharkov and kupinsk, where trains with western weapons arrive; at the time of arrival they were unloading. And today , our ministry of defense reported details at the dolnitsevo airfield, this is the dnepropetrovsk region, where a fuel Storage Facility with aircraft missiles was destroyed. Latest news from the ministry of defense and footage from the front lines report by dmitry tolmachev. Unique footage of the kamchatka murp infantry of the 40th guards brigade of the Pacific Fleet repels an enemy attack. Short fight at a distance of a few meters. The russian fighter goes out alone against five, destroying one after another. This is the vicinity of novomayorsky in the southern donetsk direction, but in other areas on our military confidently holds the front. Here is the result of one such attack attempt in the ssu near ovdeevka ; only a few prisoners remained alive from the attackers. As far as i know, no one else survived except us. Our military successfully repulsed several attacks in the north of the lpr. The professional actions of the unit of the center group of troops, air strikes, fire, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems, repelled two attacks by assault groups, sixty7. Numbered over sixty military personnel. The zaporozhye direction about the ukrainian counteroffensive remains one of the hottest, but no one seems to remember here anymore, the battles are increasingly positional. In these shots our military destroy enemy equipment and manpower, artillery and targeted drops from quadrocopters in the foal area. The russians have become a serious threat to the enemy. So called fpv drones. Skilled operators send these deadly munitions straight to their target. And this is the outskirts of seversk, as reported, the attack aircraft of the Southern Group occupied enemy positions. They took a little bit of the arsenal. In almost all sectors of the front, Russian Forces have recently been actively using the power of the heavy flamethrower systems of the sun. On kupyansk direction, with the support of aviation, artillery fire, multiple launch rocket systems. And heavy flamethrower systems defeated the personnel and equipment of the forty fourth sixtysixth mechanized and twentyfifth airborne brigades of the 107th Territorial Defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. Eyewitnesses report powerful explosions in the kharkov and dnepropetrovsk regions. In the first case, according to preliminary data, the target of russian strikes was factory workshops where tanks and Armored Vehicles were being repaired. In the second is a military airfield located near krivoy rog. Operationaltactical and army aviation. The fuel and lubricant warehouses of aviation weapons at the dolgentsevo airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region were hit, as well as enemy manpower and military equipment. Similar attacks were carried out locally the day before. The location of the socalled foreign legion in krasny liman, as a result of which at least two mercenaries were eliminated, the estonian krigul tunnel, his death was confirmed by the estonian media and the american dalton medlen. Dmitry tolmachev, andrey kirillov, channel one. The fsb today announced the detention in the lugansk peoples republic of a local resident who worked for the Ukrainian Special services. He transmitted information to the enemy about the locations and movements of our army units. Now he faces up to 20 years for espionage. Our special services are constantly working to identify saboteurs. The kiev regime, promising mountains of gold and bright prospects, is trying to recruit traitors, but in fact it is consumable material for ukrainian terror, report oleg shishkin. The operational footage shows the finale of the special operation, which was developed by employees of the fsb department for the lugansk peoples republic. The arrest took place with lightning speed. The suspect of spying for ukrainian militants did not have time to come to his senses when handcuffs snapped onto his wrists. Directorate of the fsb of russia for the lukan peoples republic, you have been detained. Ukrainian militants carried out a missile attack on a hospital in the village of novo aydar at the end of january, firing rockets from hajmars multiple launch rocket systems, the building in which russian doctors provided assistance to local residents and were seriously injured. 14 people were killed, 24 patients and doctors were injured. During interrogations, the detainee gave detailed testimony. How he transmitted the coordinates of objects to the enemy in a calm, even voice, without a shadow of regret, he told how he rejoiced at the death of people. I called a security officer, he told me the number of dead and that i was involved in this strike. This brought me joy. Also, for the task i completed, the Security Service ukraine sent me money. Each transfer was 2. 5 hryvnia. In terms of rubles, only 6,500, as a consequence. It turned out that the suspect was responsible for another bloody crime. I conveyed information about the agricultural enterprise in novoyadar, which was the site of the attack, which resulted in the death of 36 people. The suspect communicated with ukrainian militants via the internet; promises were made from kiev to take him into the sbbu and, in case of failure, to organize an evacuation to the territory of ukraine. Of course, all these were empty words, as long as the agent didnt lose his temper from the hook. Members of the Ukrainian Special services. They promised me that if i was detained by the Russian Special services, they would ransom me from captivity for 1,000, and this is footage of the detention of another local resident accused of espionage. Attention, attention, the object got out of the taxi, in a matter of seconds the suspect was in handcuffs, the department of the federal Security Service of the poluga peoples republic, you were detained. During interrogation, he admitted that he directed enemy attacks on equipment columns and the locations of our troops, he faces from 10 years in prison, and now he says that he greatly regrets that he ruined his life. I understand, i realize, i repent, as they say, but as they say, mistakes are human, he must answer for his actions, he says he became an accomplice of the kiev regime under the influence of propaganda, but over time it dawned on him that everything that is shown on ukrainian channels must be perceived exactly the opposite, take for example the liberation of the milestone in may last year, the peoples militia of the lpr, kiev propagandists almost accused. They attack, take away, they beat, beat up, threaten, well, while i was in the city, i didnt notice this at all, the only thing i noticed was when, on the contrary, the ukrainian troops did not allow me to leave, they blocked the road, they said there was no road there, when i wanted to leave on the territory of ukraine, Russian Troops provided, as they say, a road. They took us to another city from hostilities. Recently, fsb officers in the lugansk republic have initiated and investigated more than a dozen criminal cases against gunners of the Ukrainian Armed forces and other accomplices of the kiev regime. Operatives emphasize that no matter what type of data is transferred to the ukrainian intelligence services. In most cases , the militant strikes civilian targets and civilians. Olek shishkin, dmitry kachurin, alexey bokhvalov, First Channel lugansk peoples republic. Meanwhile , in the west there is an increasingly noticeable reluctance to sponsor ukraine. The Foreign Ministers of the European Union countries today were unable to agree on the allocation of new military assistance to kiev. The meeting, by the way, was held for the first time there, in the ukrainian capital. It was announced as historical. But in fact , not everyone came. And this is against the backdrop of washingtons decision to leave kiev without funds in the next month and a half. About how attitudes towards ukraine and personally towards zelsky are changing in different countries, pavel pcholkin. The failure of the muchpublicized counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Army is gradually affecting the political fate of vladimir zelsky, his ratings in ukraine are rapidly declining, in the west words of irritation or ridicule are increasingly being addressed to him, like this from elon musk on social networks. When 5 minutes have already passed and you have not yet asked for a billion dollars in help, you are tired of zelsky, here is the most recent example of how the parliamentary elections in slovakia were won by a party with a leader who directly opposes military assistance to ukraine. We are a peaceful country, we will not send a single round of ammunition to ukraine and we will insist that the European Union use its full weight and support peace negotiations as quickly as possible. In the usa they are already hinting at some kind of russian trace in fitss success, but it looks its like disrespect for the slovaks, thats what they say about it in the kremlin. Many politicians, well, a whole number of politicians in europe, are accused of being prorussian, in fact, we are now faced with a situation where any politician on the european continent who is inclined to think about the sovereignty of his country, who protects the interests of his country, immediately tries to dub him prorussian politicians, well this is absurd. The american channel cnn recalls that after the start of the special operation, slovakia was one of the most ardent supporters of sanctions, but fitts victory, accusing kiev of provoking a conflict with moscow, this is a bad sign for zelsky, and now the american New York Times is sounding the alarm. Elections are about more than just voting in a small country in Central Europe with fewer than 6 million people. The outcome could change the contours of what has been a largely united front in europe regarding the conflict in ukraine. Considering that robert fitze criticized military aid to ukraine throughout the election campaign, ordinary slovaks in the majority think the same way, look how the attitude towards zelsky is changing, who is starting to bore the whole world, even the hawks have already realized that the incredibly financially difficult protracted conflict in ukraine is unacceptable in the long term, they are starting to speak a different language with zelensky, and zelsky must get used to it to the fact that he is no longer welcomed everywhere, applauding him when he is in the canadian parliament. Disrupted not only zelsky, but also the former ukrainian sss. Such a scandal has broken out that both zelsky and canadian Prime Minister trudeau will not be able to wash themselves away from it never. If last december the ukrainian leader received a warm welcome in the us congress, then this year, just recently, he was not allowed there at all, although he asked. When Speaker Mccarthy was asked why, he replied zelsky is elected to congress, he is our president , i am not going to promise anything, i have a question for him. Where is the accounting of the money we have already spent, what is the plan to achieve victory . I think this is what the American Public wants to know, it was on makart that the us president placed all the blame for that in the temporary budget signed for 45 days, there is no article providing for assistance to ukraine. Under pressure from republicans, biden was forced to sign such a budget to avoid a government shutdown. The speaker of the lower house himself explained everything this way. My priority is america. I support providing ukraine with the necessary weapons, but first of all i support the issue of strengthening our borders. Recall that macarthy spoke about the recent unrest on the usmexico border, where migrants from latin america they are almost trying to enter the United States by storm. The decision of the United States so alarmed zelskys european friends that the heads of the Eu Foreign Ministry today rushed to reassure him in kiev, and of course, not without the head of the german Foreign Ministry, who was glorifying with his defiant illiteracy. We are where the heart of europe now beats most intensely, here in ukraine, in kiev, the future of ukraine is in the European Union, in our community of freedom, soon it will stretch from lisbon to lugansk. The reaction of the russian Foreign Ministry followed immediately. The head of midgermany, annalena berbak, at a retreat of Foreign Ministers , said that the European Union will soon extend from lisbon to lugansk, or we are joining the eu, or she forgot to add. The head of european diplomacy said that the eu was surprised and regretted by the us decisions. I have hope that this decision is not final and that ukraine will continue to enjoy us support. For our part, we will not only continue to provide assistance to ukraine, but will increase it. True, so far the heads of the Eu Foreign Ministry have not been able to approve a plan for allocating military assistance worth 5 billion euros. The decision has been postponed until the end of the year. Wherein. There are no doubts that sooner or later the United States will resume financial military assistance to kiev, but there is also no doubt that the temporary budget signed by biden is not only another public calculation for zelensky, but an alarm bell for him. Republicans are against uncontrolled spending to support kiev not because they are against the war, because they feel the public mood in the United States, and the closer the president ial elections are, the more often the democrats will have to reckon with this. A robert fitzs victory in slovakia demonstrates that a similar situation is emerging. The implementation of the most important social projects and the development of North Ossetia was discussed today in the kremlin at a meeting with the head of the republic, Sergei Minyailo reported that the region was among the top five in terms of Industrial Production growth. The corresponding index has increased by 10 since the beginning of the year. New enterprises are opening, 2,500 new jobs have already been created, and there are plans to triple this figure in the coming years. The topic that received special attention was support for participants special operations and their families. Olga knyazeva will tell you more. North ossetia is helping residents of the zaporozhye region rebuild. Houses, schools, hospitals, sponsored, chernigov region, are built up and put in order, support pensioners, families with children, the president pays special attention to talking about this support during meetings with regional heads, as well as the issue of helping those who are now on the front line or returned home, for example, needs treatment. It was decided to create social passports for all mobilized, volunteers and active military personnel who were seriously injured. At the moment, we have more than 3,000 social passports, for each family and for a social worker , since june 1, we have opened a branch of the defender of the fatherland fund, it is working at full capacity, we have received about 1,100 requests, all requests have basically been implemented today, promptly, yes , yes, right away, right away, that means these questions, i ask you to keep very close attention to this, to this topic, the most important topic for us, for the country, and for the guys who are on the front line are, especially so, please keep your attention, personal attention , yes, from time to time, you know, i go there, which means that either the head of my administration is there, i have a permanent representative there, talking about the development of North Ossetia , Sergei Minyailo told putin, there are more enterprises in the republic, production is being restored or new ones are opening, so there is now twice as much production, this includes copper for the needs of the militaryindustrial complex, concrete, animal feed, today North Ossetia participates in all government programs, within the framework of the National Demography project, new kindergartens are being built. Please pay your attention. Unfortunately, this is the case, we at one time, your instructions for the overhaul of schools worked well, in principle , today we are in the top ten in terms of the volume of repairs, now in the republic we have developed a program for the overhaul of preschool institutions, so if this kind of help is everything, well talk about everything this. Graves, Socioeconomic Development of besslan, priority issue for North Ossetia, this includes the construction of a Terrorism Prevention Center to help families affected by the terrorist attack at the besland school, there is even a master plan for the comprehensive development of the city. Following your instructions, all activities have been ensured, this year we are completing 21 objects, next year 24 objects, and the program for the Socioeconomic Development of beslan will be completed next year, all activities will be completed. Russians began to travel to North Ossetia more often; the beauty of the gorges and quarries is hospitable, tasty, atmospheric, active a new ski resort is being built, 700,000 people a year will be able to spend their holidays here, now on mamison there is a huge construction site, foundations for supports are being poured , construction of parking lots, three garages for track tracks, an Engineering Network is underway, we have brought almost everything there, according to the routing it should it was supposed to be 4. 5 km, but we agreed with the goprom to make 15 km, this means a main gas pipeline, so that. More villages that are at the entrance to mamison to gasify, thats why its also so good, good too, yes, it turned out good, according to plan winter is twentyfour, twentyfive, which means already, yes, the first stage will be ready , the giant allania park is also being built in the republic, there is a cable car and a ski slope with night lighting, or you can choose a route and ride a mountain bike, an Amusement Park for children, hotels and restaurants for parents, so that both winter and summer there is something to do in the middle of nature. North ossetia. Olga knyazva ekaterina yarovenko ilya zhurav channel one. The government allocates another 10 billion rubles for preferential loans for farmers said mikhail mishustin. He held a meeting with his deputies. Ill remind you earlier. 45 billion has already been allocated for the same purposes. The rate will be only 5 . And such a measure will also help to increase the volume of production of quality products. The central topic of the meeting was the draft federal budget for 2020 and the next two years. Last week it was introduced into the state duma. Konstantin panyushkin has all the details. Since friday , the state duma and regional parliaments have been studying the draft budget for the next three years. First reading only at the end october, but the accents are already known. First of all, the state guarantees the fulfillment of all social obligations. In the priority of increasing the availability of medical services for residents of all russian regions, the construction and repair of a polyclinic, outpatient clinic, medical centers, we will direct assistance to citizens over the years to provide medicines, including patients with socially significant diseases and children with everything that the authorities promised people should be carried out regardless of the circumstances. We will pay special attention to families with children, substantial funds will be used for maternity capital, subsidizing Interest Rates on mortgages , foreign payments to parents with many children, for its partial repayment, as well as for a single benefit for needy pregnant women and parents who are raising children under 17 years of age. The necessary funds are included in the budget. To do this, we will direct resources to the development of industry, including aircraft production, unmanned aerial systems, Machine Tools and shipbuilding, radio electronics, to modernize the countrys infrastructure, including road and transport, in the project of a new the budget has preserved preferential lending programs for business development, but the ability of entrepreneurs to borrow for development is temporarily constrained by the rise. Rates. The actions of the central bank have already affected the program of preferential lending to Agricultural Producers at 5 . At the end of last year alone, more than 28 loan agreements were concluded on such terms. At the same time, due to the increase in the key rate for russian banks to 13 , the issuance of these loans was suspended. In order to resume accepting applications for preferential benefits as soon as possible lending, we will provide Additional Support to the agroindustrial complex. The government has allocated 55 billion rubles for state subsidization of rates for farmers, this will allow issuing at least 40,000 preferential loans this year. Another topic of the meeting was the development of the northern sea route; the Development Plan for this strategic route is planned until the middle of the next decade. A separate road map for strengthening the arkhanel transport hub has been prepared; it is planned to develop a deepsea terminal, expansion of river navigation approaches to enterprises, as well as railways and roads. Construction is planned for arkhangelsk. All this will significantly strengthen the transport framework in the northwest of russia and we expect that by the end of the next decade, transportation through the arkhanel port will at least triple. This will allow the implementation of a number of Large Industrial projects, which will create new jobs throughout the country. Konstantin panyushkin anna zayakina alexander anonichev channel one. Well, in sochi today they are discussing global challenges and transition to a multipolar world. The twentieth meeting of the International Valdai club started on krasnaya polyana. This year, representatives of 42 countries, experts, and political economists came. The main topic is fair multipolarity, how to ensure security and development for everyone, an emphasis on cooperation within the brix framework and the expansion of this platform. Anatoly lazarev will tell you how the world should change in the near future. Despite the changed geopolitical conditions, the valdai club this year, as say the organizers, came closest to their goal of gathering an audience that would be a cast of the whole world. Politicians, experts, and diplomats from 42 countries take part in the meetings. They all believe that the Outgoing International order was perhaps the last to be based on a balance of power within a limited group of states. We have a complete experiment where western countries failed to do what we were all promised. And the reason for modern problems and conflicts is precisely that they failed with their promises, well, we will move on collectively. Russia offered a way out of the global system. Crisis as soon as its first signs appeared, but the United States, after the end of the cold war and the collapse of the ussr, wanted to strengthen its role as a world hegemon. At the end of the nineties, our Country First proposed multipolarity as an applied basis for the international order. This was first recorded in the russianchinese declaration on a new world order in 1997, where the principles of this were set out order, equality, noninterference, respect for mutual interests. The participants in the discussion are confident that it is on these principles that the new world system will be built. There is no turning back. There is no chance that there will be any restoration of what was before, because of this we will most likely see the truly increasing independence of countries, but we see how they are changing in the middle east, they have grown new elites completely independently , this is visible in india and china and africa, russia due to its size, resources, logistics, geopolitical position, is on the side of the majority of states striving for maximum openness, they emphasize. Russia is one of the driving forces behind the construction of the new system. Your country is now going through a historical transformation. For 300 years it considered itself the easternmost state of the west, and now it is becoming the western center of the global east and global south. Its role is decisive. I believe that over the next 5 years it will be russia that will largely determine the outline of a new multipolar world order. One of the creation tools. Brix could become a fair system of international order, they said at the meeting. The increase in the number of members of the organization is a consequence of interest in multipolarity. Plans to introduce our own currency will reduce dependence on the dollar and, therefore, on the United States. The process of creating a single currency, brix , has been launched and received a new lease of life after the recent summit in johannesburg in august. What we are all lucky in is that russia will be the chairman in 2024 brix, it was russia, president putin took the initiative to create such a currency. The Current International system is neither balanced nor representative. One of brixs goals is to change this. Brix is ​​a format in which nonwestern countries can have a voice and express their point of view. Brix itself is not yet a new world order, but an important step in its direction. Brix may not solve all the worlds problems, the discussion participants believe, but the organization takes into account the interests of various regions, which means it an important step towards fair multipolarity. Anatoly lazreev, alexey labushkin, guram razilov, zulfiya khakimova, sergey romanov. First channel sochi. And finally, about the bright final chord of the chekhov festival. The grand theatrical marathon is coming to an end. Left. In just a week, viewers have the last chance to see the best performances from different countries, with the brazilian version of the Three Sisters hanging on the billboard, a colorful dance show from argentina and full of drama performances performed by artists from central asia, a choice for every taste mood, about what surprises await the audience daria shvidkaya, i think my heart is groaning. Languages ​​of culture that are so different from each other, but suddenly there is something common, even native , chekhovs Three Sisters, the brazilian version, to moscow polymsest is also a story about the past, in which it is impossible to return about dreams that are not destined to come true, first of all, this is probably a reading from the point of view of feminism, of course, from the point of view of chekhovs text, i cannot say that it is focused on revealing feminist russian women they are extraordinary, independent and beautiful, so i try to match them. The chekhov festival has been gathering the brightest theater groups in the world for more than 30 years; over the previous 2 weeks, the moscow audience has already seen productions from china, south africa, cuba, and international theater. The cis countries, and from the shosus countries, most of the world was represented at it, and i think that this, to the highest degree, demonstrates the attitude of cultural figures towards russian culture, towards russia, there is a meeting ahead with a theatrical troupe from uzbekistan in the Central House of the actor, a stage story of a woman who lost her husband and sons in the war. Immense maternal love and unbearable bitterness of loss, but at the same time pride in our men who honestly performed their military duty. Moscow audiences will also see the play letters to an airplane by the kyrgyz director ainura kachkinbek. This is the story of a little boy who, in a few days, needs to come up with and live through everything that an incurable disease will take from him, a drama with eternal questions that adults have no answer to, a letter from god, we need to send it urgently today, and we will do it, we will do it together, the chekhov festival is always a kaleidoscope of emotions and colors, its final chords will be. Argentine groups, a real dance battle in which the avantgarde traditions came together. They are called a south american sensation, ambassadors of the argentine identity, which has already captivated the whole world, and it is now russian viewers who are waiting. Daria shvedka, tatyana bodrova, roman khralenko, konstantin zhukovsky, channel one. Thats all for now, we are monitoring developments, and the information channel on the first, the program time for now will continue. Hello, live on the First Channel, the program time will tell, im artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about the most important, the most pressing, what is happening on the battlefield, what is happening in politics, especially since in general, today to a large extent degrees, politics. Is directly related to what happens on the battlefield, and

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