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second to the left with the steepled fingers is leonard leo. mr. leo refused to answer questions about the fishing trip but issued a statement lam baiting the reporting on the ethical lapses and says in part, quote, we all should wonder whether this recent rash of propublica stories questioning the integgy of only conservative supreme court justices is reeling in more dark money from billionaires by rupper stamping their disorder and highly cultureal practices. a senior editor for slate writes about the court, quote, the hilarity of hearing about dark money from woke billionaires from the guy who was connecting unwoke billionaires to justices it's amazing the level of projection, end quote. all right, what's left to do except talk to dahlia lithwick

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Quote , Mr , Leonard Leo , Part , Questions , Fishing , Statement , Left , Reporting , Fingers , Lapses , Lam Baiting , Money , Justices , Propublica , Integgy Of Only Conservative Supreme Court , Stories , Rash , Billionaires , Court , Disorder , Slate , Senior Editor , Cultureal Practices , Rupper , Conservative Activist , Right , End Quote , Level , Hearing , Projection , Hilarity , Unwoke , Dahlia Lithwick ,

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