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boats. that was the former home secretary speaking _ boats. that was the former home secretary speaking to _ boats. that was the former home secretary speaking to the - boats. that was the former home secretary speaking to the bbc- boats. that was the former home | secretary speaking to the bbc and remind you that we are watching bbc news warrior expecting the prime minister to hold a press conference in downing street talking about the government rwanda plan is still with us is the bbc harry farley. listening to the former home secretary interview there, remind of this policy is also being challenged within the ruling party itself, within the ruling party itself, within the ruling party itself, within the conservatives. yes, very much so. within the conservatives. yes, very much s0- you _ within the conservatives. yes, very much so. you remember— within the conservatives. yes, very much so. you remember when - within the conservatives. yes, very much so. you remember when thisj within the conservatives. yes, very - much so. you remember when this bill was first debated and voted on in the house of commons was controversy about whether we would pass and there were some like suella braverman and the right of the party who had significant concerns, as you heard there, but the bill contains loopholes, they feel it doesn't go far enough to blocking legal challenges to being deported to rwanda and they wanted the bill to be tougher. on the other hand, more moderate conservatives said that the bill goes too far as it stands and

Related Keywords

Boats , Government , Home , Home Secretary , Prime Minister , Press Conference , Bbc , Rwanda Plan , Secretary , Speaking , Downing Street , Warrior , Policy , Conservatives , Itself , Harry Farley , Us , Listening , Home Secretary Interview , Ruling Party , Bill , Party , Concerns , Controversy , Suella Braverman , Yes , House Of Commons , So , We Rwanda , Loopholes , Challenges , Hand , Doesn T Go ,

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