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A historically Black neighborhood fights to remove a divisiv
A historically Black neighborhood fights to remove a divisiv
A historically Black neighborhood fights to remove a divisive wall of trees: "Racist Trees" on INDEPENDENT LENS - Jan. 22 at 10 pm
CONFRONTING PALM SPRINGS’ PROBLEMATIC PAST,“RACIST TREES” PREMIERES ON INDEPENDENT LENSMonday, January 22 at 10 pmHistorically Black Neighborhood Fights To Uncover City’s Prejudiced Hist
Related Keywords
United States ,
Americans ,
America ,
Kevin Williams ,
Agua Caliente ,
Sara Newens ,
Lois Vossen ,
Us Department Of Agriculture ,
Black Lawrence Crossley Tract ,
Producers Sara Newens ,
Palm Springs ,
Desert Sun ,
Jerry Henry ,
Palms Springs ,
Racist Tree ,
African Americans ,
Native American Cahuilla Indians ,