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Aljazeera. Hello and welcome to this aljazeera news hour live from doha im on team denis coming up in the next sixty minutes the uns human rights she says crimes are being committed against the rangers and those responsible must be punished. A senior kenyan official flees the country in fear of her life and the man in charge of next weeks Election Rerun admits it may not be free and fair. Pressure mounts on catalonia as leaders as the deadline to give up their secession bit lives. Plus the canadian province of quebec bans face coverings for those seeking Public Services. But first the un human rights chief says crimes have been committed against me and miles for him to muslims is a drug al hussein is threatening to seek the u. N. Security councils intervention if the perpetrators are not punished now this comes as Amnesty International accuse me of Security Forces of the systematic rape or murder of hundreds of range of villages which constitute crimes against humanity u. S. Actions say tricks to listens also condemn the violence saying mia models military should be held accountable now ever since august almost six hundred thousand have fled me a mile for bangladesh because of what the u. N. Has described as textbook ethnic cleansing well as a drugged out hussein told mike hanna the situation in mia ma is worsening. The attacks by the American Salvation Army was met by a very methodical and well planned well organized response that did not seem to us to be anything remotely like counterinsurgency but a wholesale displacement of people from Northern Iraq to cox bazaar and bangladesh and so it had all the hallmarks of ethnic cleansing now what monitors had made clear as well is that its not just the enforced removal of people its also the destruction of their homes to prevent them from brittany i mean the confirmation of this will come in two forms one is harmony theyre willing to accept back if its only a trickle then this confirms the ethnic cleansing cleansing hypothesis and the second of course is that all of this would have to be confirmed when one day surely those who have committed or perpetrated these atrocities are holed up before a court and answer to a judge so that the victims can sense that a certain extent justice will be served in particular for many years have passed that not just have an office in young gone but they will be given unfettered access to northern rakhine whenever we feel and deem it necessary and this second part was not forthcoming when we made it an explicit request of. October last year to send in investigators at a time she was telling the International Community that the military had completed its operation in the wake of that attack last year satellite imagery made very clear that they had not yes and today. They received further information that what were seeing in northern rakhine is still continuing what we have. Continuing reports of extra judicial killings reports of sexual abuses of the first to refer kind of course including rape this is still ongoing notwithstanding the claim that the military operations of largely wrong done this does not seem to be the case but the idea that this could be conducted with impunity i think must be put behind us and and then if. Resistant then Security Council should consider the measures of course to be applied well tom the challenge is our correspondent and hes been to the refugee camps the Bangladeshi Border to see what conditions are like a list ten to fifteen thousand people are stranded here in no mans land what is called zero line between myanmar and bangladesh brought out this area. This paper that fled me on my way the last two days that been stranded you have and has no safety to go to most of the people are exposed to whether the majority are women and children or elderly people the government has given permission to some of the aid agencies to bring Critical Care medicine and food but the idea there still of taking shelter in the pedophile and manmade dike just doesnt make sense are coming under critical review by the u. N. Agencies and other International Aid agencies that why are still kept you know we are one of the border guard officer that were undertaking to shelters and could have said we need a coordinated approach before we take them in that shelter in quite appalling area still the idea this people are still here is a major question what is behind the motive of the government to keep them here still in a very badly expose weather condition. Now the chairman of Kenyas Electoral Commission has admitted the next weeks Election Rerun may not be free and fair were full of trouble carty said thered been political interference in the commissions operations and a Senior Commission has resigned and fled to the United States saying she fears for her life for me to miller has more from nairobi it looks as if things are falling apart or Kenyas Electoral Commission headquarters rather than a calm bear one of seven commissioners has resigned alleging political interference she says threats have been made on the lives of Staff Members including our own commissioners are serving political interests and they have been last minute changes to technology and electronic transmission of results hours later the commissions chairman gave a stern warning without political changes in. This. Country and without. The chairmans appeal was also aimed at the kenyan public hoping to regain their tranced but the damage has been done the Electoral Commission is already starting with its credibility the chairmans admission that the commission is split and that conditions wouldnt allow for free and Fair Elections has only echoed an earlier Supreme Court ruling. Last month the cotton out august president ial elections it says the commission had not been transparent and there were illegalities in the telling of results that named incumbent president a work in the art of the winner a rerun is planned for october twenty six Opposition Leader raila odinga has withdrawn saying as long as the Electoral Commission does not reform the polls would be a sham but this week the Ruling Jubilee Party said elections would take place within the sixty day limit set by the court and that the opposition is stalling we have absolutely no problem and we told you be free clearly that whatever they agree with our competitors they dont have to be fired wife. Kenyatta is campaigning around the country while the opposition looks for public support for Electoral Reform questions around the Electoral Commissions ability to do its job have only added fuel to increasing confusion around just how next weeks election will take place for me to aljazeera nairobi. Us back full says fighting i saw in syria have been clearing main roads in rucka a day after their commanders declared the city under their control the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces raise their flag and record stadium after a four month battle to push eisel from its selfproclaimed capital yes yes says it will redeploy fighters to the current frontline against that in the Eastern Province of dare as it. Has more from on turkeys border with syria. Vs the air is now going through the mammoth task of trying to clear. Of landmines and ensure there are no booby trapped buildings this explains why they are not allowing civilians into the area were talking about hundreds of thousands of people in the forced out of iraq during the fighting over the last few months but further south there is fighting which is continuing to go on different. From kleins the syrian army is launching an offensive from the south and a Senior Army Officer was killed today from saturday and Brigadier General who was leading the fight against isis in its arms out a deal has been accused by the Syrian Opposition of committing atrocities against civilians in different parts of the country particularly in two thousand and twelve on the outskirts of the capital damascus and this comes at a time when the. Top military commanders are meeting in damascus with their syrian counterpart the iranian chief of staff said that israel has no right whatsoever to violate syria and i think he was referring to. The attacks targeting syrian targets. By the israelis israel on the other hand in says that it is concerned about wakin for those to be an iranian growing influence in so young and i dont buy syria to build military bases of the border with israel something that israel rejects. But it is a crime and is a medical corps to nato with Doctors Without Borders in tile rb add that in Northern Syria and she says there are a large number of people have managed to get out of rocca a still to receive medical assistance. In the last few days feeling no mothers and children come you know covered and thats the main stuff that you see when you know that theres been enormous structural collapse from from the power bombardments people are shell shocked not to use to be likely many of the lost children partners how families lost and unable to kanigher where they were for their extended family in a day and of course again this coming with the clothes or not the clothes on their back if theyve been injured and we often have to remove you know quoting when someone is has been injured and you know its its one of those things we realise its probably all that that person has right now so over the next weeks its again trying to meet those those needs ive basically irans Supreme Leader ayatollah ali how many has said iran will shred the nuclear deal if the u. S. Pulls out President Trump has adopted a harsh new approach to iran saying he may ultimately tear up the twenty fifteen deal how many also said tehran would not accept pressure from European Countries over its Regional Policy and missile program. Iraqs government has admitted that civilians were attacked by all the men during the military operation to take care cook from the Prime Minister. Has ordered the Security Forces in kirkuk to protect civilians and property. Mr about he the iraqi Prime Minister has received information that some armed men whose affiliations are unknown have attacked some civilians of course the Prime Minister does not accept such violations we also emphasize our commitment to the orders of the Prime Minister to protect the safety and security of all citizens and the kicker governorates without exception the interior ministry will take all measures to stop those who commit such violations. And iraqs oil minister has the Big Oil Company b. P. To make plans to develop the oil fields baghdad took control of this Oil Rich Region from the kurds on monday the fields have generated billions of dollars of revenue for the kurds Charles Stratford reports now from abil in Northern Iraq. Iraqi Government Forces are in full control here and now the oil fields around kirkuk one of iraqs two main Oil Producing areas vital for the economy. Before the Peshmerga Forces withdrew the Kurdistan Regional government was pumping around six hundred thousand barrels of oil a day from wells like these. This is one of the main processing units by has and feel it used to be exploited by the Occupying Forces of cook now thank god the fields have been handed over to the iraqi authorities when the peshmerga controlled this area the Iraqi Government accused the kurdish leaders of not sharing oil revenue with baghdad so it stops sending the seventeen percent of the federal budget as per the two thousand and five constitution to the region. Now with the oil fields back under Iraqi Government control the oil ministry has vowed to increase production to one Million Barrels a day. And its threatening legal action against the Kurdistan Regional government if it stops the flow to the turkish mediterranean port of jihan through a pipeline across the kurdish region of Northern Iraq the oil ministry isnt taking any risks. It plans to repair and reopen a pipeline that was damaged in two thousand and fourteen during fighting against eisel one that doesnt cross kurdish territory. As militia and iraqi Government Forces fill the streets in the nearby town to debase the shia song echoes from the loudspeakers. Dont underestimate mr kurd we are the ancestors of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad would be an accurate translation. Prime minister hyderabadi says in taking back control of the Kirkuk Oil Fields he has acted according to iraqs constitution for the benefit of all iraqis the kurdish government says its being punished by baghdad and the International Community holding a referendum on eventual secession from iraq which was the kurdish peoples right we are disappointed at the reaction of the International Community they should not have let down the people of color to stop they have abandoned us at the time that we have done exactly what they have been preaching that mean people preaching of democracy human rights rule of law transparency and openness going to the public going to the source of legitimacy is this a crime the Kurdistan Regional government is around seventeen billion dollars in debts and revenue from kirkuk spoil fields was vital to compensate for the seventeen percent of the federal budget the baghdad stopped sending this region in two thousand and fifteen now baghdad has not yet said when know if it will restart sending the money but with the oil fields firmly under government control the Economic Situation of this region could get even worse aljazeera. Weve got a lot of come on this al jazeera news hour including. Protests in tokyo at least four people are killed as protesters fight with Security Forces plus. Unicef says more is risking the education of four and a half million children in yemen. Four people have died in togo in clashes between Security Forces and protesters who are demanding the resignation of the president police fired tear gas at people who are defying a government ban on midweek protests for a second day the torah gave him the reports. The nissim they family has ruled togo for half a century these protesters say its time for a change. We want a change we want jobs for our youth we dont want an assembly a family in this country. Were really fed up with this regime have been in power for fifty years now and the did nothing to develop the country we want a nine hundred ninety two constitution but i can assure you that were rolling from south to the north in our efforts to have a constitution. Opposition activists have been demonstrating since august they want constitutional reforms including a two term limit for the president they say their protests have been met by a Police Crackdown this man says he was beaten up by officers so the whole manner i was on my way home i turned a corner and met about twenty policeman who beat me my god i was beaten severely. Anger on the streets has become a regular scene in name a but president who in a symbol way does have plenty of support as many try to shore up his familys been a state the government is. Conditions on where and when people can protest its all said the internet to control what it says is hate speech and misinformation. The west African Economic group then a symbol a colony heads. To set a date for a constitutional referendum and the United Nations has called on government leaders in tokyo to address the demands of the people. They are. Nigerian police say theyre trying to rescue four kidnapped british citizens a Police Spokesman said they were taken by unidentified gunmen on friday in the Oil Rich Delta state he added the the abductors have so far not made any contact with Police Police in somalia have fired into the air to disperse protests is who were rallying in the capital over saturdays massive bomb attack well the three hundred people were killed in that bombing and hundreds of others were injured Mohamed Attas our correspondent in mogadishu. On the streets of mogadishu the last single of talk in the citys history. Times public. When will our suffering and enough is enough its time we stood up and put our enemy as the crowds of protesters today as a blast site there was by Somali Police an uptick in your peacekeepers but the crowds pressed. The police to ship them back to this pos this. Morning pretty obvious. They come out ask the difficult questions they say they are. All they believe talk. For what they call a failure to protect them. They say somalia Security Forces friend to identify and destruct. Of the National Emergency Operations Center the human toll of the blast the. Days after the autopsy of the injured and missing keep coming to register themselves. For the hussein a mother elf to travel from hug village one hundred twenty kilometers away possibly not tooth brush from the end of the cuba to five junction where the truck exploded. Through a kind of. I last spoke to him two hours before the blast i dont know if he is dead or alive. The huge casualty figure has all but one place patrols in the city they quickly ran out of beds blood and medicine forcing them to tun away some of the injured. For elective zavos yet to receive medical attention their patience is wearing thin. My son is missing one part of his head and the wound is infected. Yet they keep asking me to wait i cant wait i need help from my son. International aid has been quick to arrive in somalia with talky cuts and kenya leading plots to airlift the most seriously wounded governmental Officials Say the help is needed it is beyond our capacity so we urgently need we dont have blood and we dont have other facilities for us even to locate the missing people. The explosion has shattered hopes of recovery in an impoverished country left by decades of conflict somalia remains from a country in shock. Spain has warned that it will suspend catalonia its autonomy if the regions leader doesnt abandon his secession bid separatist leader. Has until thursday morning to clarify whether or not he is declaring independence from the rest of the country if he does declare secession madrid says it will trigger a one five five or spains constitution a measure thats never been used before the would allow it to take direct control of catalonia now that would also allow madrid to suspend Regional Government and eventually call for new elections in the region well the Catalan Leader himself remains defiant but his native balkan now reports hes running out of options. Catalonia is Independence Movements looking increasingly desperate theyre reaching out for help it concerns to each and every european citizen but slick Campaign Videos wont end the tense standoff with the Spanish Government. For its. Earlier this week protests of barcelona against the jailing of two independents leaders by a spanish judge the catalan president put him on is called them Political Prisoners last week he unilaterally declared independence and civil teeniest he suspended it to allow for talks but Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy says his government wont mediate with secessionists hes given puts him on until thursday morning to clarify revoke any independence claim if he doesnt back down the Spanish Government could take an unprecedented step and impose direct rule put him on and his entire government could be suspended or even jailed this is high stakes political brinkmanship of if the preacher man seems ready to risk everything he believes hes honoring the will of more than two Million People that voted in favor of independence in a referendum that isnt recognized outside catalonia if the madrid government decide to impose direct rule the Independence Movement says the response will be seismic i think it would be tremendously unwise to interfere in Catalan Autonomy because i know my country people will be an enormous response by most of the people in schools and television in the media are we talking about people taking to the streets again on mass of course weve been doing that for seven years weve had millions of people going to the streets and we would have that again in protest of course but the Spanish Government knows the regions defy did some catalans want secession now others are hesitant and large numbers hate the idea of these risking his career. Here he is risking his liver to his freedom he is risking a star really i mean i was i. Mean is divided into two parts and i thing if he goes farther on it will be disaster with time running out which of all has little option but to push for talks with the hoary wearing out the desire for independent against the possible loss of everything he and others here spent years trying to achieve the park aljazeera barcelona the world bank has agreed to channel billions of dollars to the philippines to help rebuild the Southern City of mirali the philippine president declared the city liberated on tuesday after a five month battle against isolate fighters much of this is being destroyed the philippines will receive an estimated two point nine billion dollars to help with the reconstruction chinas president appears to be consolidating his grip on power at the communist partys Nineteenth Congress in the three and a half hour speech she jinping laid out his political and economic plan for the next five years heres our china correspondent adrian brown president xi jinping can control a lot of things but he cant influence the weather to the superstitious and many people here are the damp great start to this congress was perhaps a warning sign. In spite of the weather this was a day of choreographed unity after what has been a tumultuous few years for the party. But there was a stirring welcome for the president. This is as close as the foreign media get to the opaque workings of chinas communist party. She reported on his past five years in office saying the party had achieved miracles he also warned serious challenges ahead. Our country is at a Strategic Point in. The future is extremely bright but the challenges are also extremely serious all Party Congress must assert their size and the high and the think of a danger in times of safety his address lasted three and a half hours if nothing else it showed that she now sixty four is healthy healthy enough to rule for another ten to fifteen years insists his supporters at one stage former president jiang zemin appeared to nod off think he was chinas top leader twenty five years ago when i reported on the fourteenth Party Congress as china began to experiment with capitalism the new catch phrase is socialism with chinese characteristics in a new openness and economic anything seems to go anything that is political reform twenty five years on the faces behind me have changed but the backdrop remains pretty much the same and the prospect of political reform as remote now as it was then. The congress will now meet in secret for the next seven days after which chinas new leaders will be unveiled president xi is assured of a second term and this Congress Seems set to cement his position as chinas top leader for a lot longer adrian brown aljazeera beijing. Still to come here in the aljazeera news hour president denies making insensitive comments to the widow of the soldier killed in the air plus a Us University prepares to host a White Nationalist amid growing racial tensions in the country. The n. F. L. Bosses players and team owners for a second day in new york that and a lot more coming up later this. Much of the eastern u. S. And now east encounter is settling down to a few days a fine looking weather except for florida maybe with from front to still lying but this cloud played tuck in in the Pacific Northwest as an active system is bringing snow to British Columbia is bringing rain further seattles max one hundred fourteen degrees probably no sunshine at tall and thats going to keep bringing rain through california washington oregon the snow for montana and snow for the hills for the sas San Francisco is at seventeen degrees but if you look to your east youll see rain or snow falling and thats the case the next two days which leaves the rest of the states the good part of canada just enjoying the fine settle weather the temperatures typically in the low to mid twentys randiv not any shot down in the texas although the southwest in fact ive got a long way south to pick up any rain at all you know whats happening in florida that same frontal system just catches western cuba and then tails off as it gets to yucatan so powerful want to show as if mexico is not to wet. It is i think costa rica nicaragua and panama could see some pretty big dam polls the next few days and if youre lucky a few will fall in jamaica as well. She was a Society Hostess in beirut in the 1940s she was in touch with a lot of people from the lebanese the requests to make this work. And she spied for mossad in lebanon. What she was doing it was such a big break as it would make. Sure that. The baby. At this time. Groden in a very short time to be a trusted news source wherever you are in the world he really want to know whats going on there and you can find out very quickly when i look at the news some nations prison. We are probably International Everybody will learn something watching our coverage. Be sure and that we can be the best in International News and a trusted source of stories that people actually cant find elsewhere and thats going to continue. To take a look at the top stories here at aljazeera the un human rights chief says perpetrators of crimes against. Must face charges and if they dont he is going to the Security Council they drugged out husseins intervention comes as Amnesty International accuses me of Security Forces of systematic rape and murder against the ranger. The chairman of Kenyas Electoral Commission has admitted that next weeks Election Rerun may not be free and fair. Because he says theres been political interference in the commissions operations plus a Senior Commission has resigned shes fled to the United States saying shes in fear of her life. Spain has warned little suspend catelyn is autonomy if the regions the that doesnt abandon his plan for the session separatist leader colors pushed him on to his has until thursday morning to clarify whether or not hes declaring independence from the rest of the country. That the school year has just begun in yemen bought with the civil war raging access to efficient education is hard to come by lessons are being held in shacks around the trees and the teachers well they havent been paid for nearly a year natasha going to aim has more. Oh i was counting their numbers surrounded by rubble is what school has become for millions of yemeni students the unicef says more is risking the education of four and a half million children. Most of their teachers havent been paid in almost a year they may say double of the success of what he shouldnt have in shacks and the trees even about to tumble down classrooms out of partially damaged and my phone our heads at any moment unicef says during the more than two and a half year war sixteen hundred schools have been destroyed or damaged those in good enough condition have been used by the military or to provide a safe place for those forced to leave their homes. My children are afraid of the bombing they dropped out of school. Wants to make sure his children get an education he walks them to and from school to avoid the shelling. School is a hut on the beach with a piece of wood and chalk for surprise i was gone a little the morale has been damaged there in a constant state of fear they asked me not to leave because they worry warplanes my hit the making of it the un is urging the warring sides to recognize. Getting children back to school wont be just a break from the violence itll also help protect them from being recruited to fight or forced into marriage. Natasha going to aim aljazeera. The israeli army has raided the offices of several t. V. Channels and Production Companies in the uk replied west bank confiscating equipment and closing some of them down eight Media Companies were raided in all including channel in hebron palm media in bethlehem and ramallah and the palestine alue channels in ramallah as well as the offices of transmedia in nablus and her brother israel has approved another large set of plans a settler homes in the occupied west bank is part of an Israeli Government push to expand illegal settlement building and as hari forsett reports its increasing pessimism about progress towards a two state solution. Its been a week thats demonstrated israels plans despite palestinian protest International Opposition and us calls for restraint to accelerate settlement construction plans for two thousand six hundred forty six new Housing Units are being promoted in thirty illegal settlements that figure from just one of four planning meeting scheduled this year is higher than the total for the whole of twenty sixteen one Senior Palestinian political figure says the motivation is clear to guarantee in advance the failure of attempts to reach a two state solution but they feel they have already suffered from the going to have to end is that they can make a qualitative tune and because the world is not that easily desponding with punitive acts against israel they think theyre going to do it the approvals come at various stages along a lengthy and complex planning process here at bay hill for instance its right at the end final tenders being approved for the construction of nearly three hundred new Housing Units that would grow the settlement by about a fifth of its current size. The israeli Prime Minister has been trying to satisfy a powerful processor voices in his Coalition Government last month leading celebrations of fifty years of settlement construction the increase in building hasnt satisfied settler groups though he wanted more from the german netanyahu is warm relationship with a new u. S. President but the Trump White House is still if in milder terms than its predecessor urging restraint on settlements while it considers its options for reviving the Israeli Palestinian Peace Process this is not what stops the Peace Process from moving forward what stops the Peace Process from moving forward this is when you see the Palestinian Authority make a deal with hamas what kind of confidence does that give the people of israel to make concessions that deal signed in cairo last week was aimed at healing ten years of division between the rival palestinian political factions fatah and hamas on tuesday israel declared it would not hold any peace talks with a future palestinian unity. Government that included hamas which it considers a terror group all of which leaves the Peace Process is stalled as its been for years as Israels West Bank footprint continues to grow very force that aljazeera in the occupied west bank. Emir has called for dialogue with the four arab countries have imposed a blockade on his country been hammered felony made the comments during the final stop of his tour through Southeast Asia he met the indonesian president joko widodo in jakarta to sign trade agreements. And we spoke about the continuing embargo imposed on qatar and the humanitarian effect its having on Qatari Society and those from the g. C. C. Qatar is ready for dialogue to solve the g. C. C. Crisis there are no winners in this we are all brothers and all losing out and so qatar is open to dialogue as long as demands and expectations are met for all parties involved everyone sovereignty is respected. Aljazeera is demanding the release of its journalist mahmud her saying whos now being imprisoned in egypt for more than three hundred days hes accused of broadcasting false news to spread calles which cheney and there are strongly deny mark mood has repeatedly complained of mistreatment during his incarceration he was arrested in december whilst visiting his family six members of pakistans elite police falls under civilian have been killed in an attack on a patrol car twenty one other people were injured in the blast in the city of quiet or so far its not clear if it was a Suicide Attack or a car bomb no one has claimed responsibility. President trump is facing criticism over his handling of the deaths of false olders in asia earlier this month hes denied making insensitive remarks during a phone call to the widow of one of the men a member of Congress Says she heard President Trump make the comments the president himself says the story is fabricated kimberly how reports. Its an unwritten rule of the u. S. Presidency to act as the consoler in chief in times of grief outrage to the families of Fallen Soldiers has been a president ial role for republican and democratic president s for decades but its a duty an increasing number of americans say donald trump is not fulfilling this democratic congresswoman and longtime critic of the president is among them she says she overheard trump on tuesday calling a newly widowed woman at the airport where she was receiving her husbands body sarcastically theyre. Like you know. Most of them know what time to. Get to stick it to the grieving widow Army Sergeant Le David Johnson was one of four u. S. Service members killed while on patrol in a share earlier this month wilson and also johnsons family say trumps call was insensitive and disrespected the sergeant sacrifice a claim the president denies i did not say what she said had a very nice conversation with the woman with the wife who has sounded like a lovely woman on social media trump said he had proof the congresswoman statements were fabricated the white house did not provide evidence but did say despite the twelve day delay in reaching out those present for the call confirm the president followed protocol trumps words were taken out of context i think it is appalling what the congresswoman has done in the way that shes politicize this issue and the way that she is trying to make this about something that it isnt this was a president who loves our country very much who has the greatest level of respect for men and women in the uniform. Still sanders didnt explain why the trumpet ministration has continued a policy of allowing hundreds of u. S. Soldiers to train and advise in parts of west africa including nish air known to be high risk. Johnson and three others were reportedly in an an Armored Vehicle when they were ambushed families of soldiers killed in action are known as gold star families in the United States they are deeply respected and honored for their loved ones ultimate sacrifice giving up their life for their country. But thats why so many in the u. S. Consider the president s latest political controversy a showing of poor taste and an apparent lack of compassion toward a grieving family when it was empathy that was needed most kimberly hellcat aljazeera washington. Venezuelas opposition is refusing to swear in its newly elected governors before president with powerful constituent assembly which it deems. President this government eighteen out of venezuelas twenty three states in sundays Regional Elections this despite the polls putting the opposition far ahead Opposition Leaders have refused to accept the surprise when. Tricks such as elections and has been moved to dangerous areas at the last minute cooling the street protests if there isnt a full recount. Competition let them be there was a big party a big celebration but it was a day to celebrate at the age of the governors elected less than they were born to the president of the. People of the if you the former foreign minister that is that. Celebrated. That the result of elections where and fair and that if you open that but the International Community will be back then it will have electoral role have a right of the big questioning that have been on going here in venezuela but for nationally about what exactly happened here those who are after him during this ceremony where the five governors. Pay. That they had to be sworn in in their legislative. Year yet what is going to happen with membership in the. Governors elected that may not. Be legal because it was created basically. How are they would be different. But what we heard today that the president of the National Assembly their people that they should. Come to the family to be sworn in but so far the opposition continue to say they wont go to be a family. Now the canadian province of quebec has passed a controversial law which bans people from wearing face coverings when receiving Public Services or working in government jobs critics of the law say the move deliberately targets muslim women. Assembly possibile by a sixty five sixty six to fifty one vote. Minister of justice says the lore is a way to ensure provincial religious neutrality and fosters social cohesion the bill does allow people to request exemptions a woman who wears a face veil could ask for an accommodation to receive Government Service while having her face covered exactly how the new law will be in full say remains unclear bus drivers in quebec have voiced concerns about having to personally prevent people from getting on their buses and have provincial guidance a number of European Countries have already passed legislation which bans islamic face veils including france and belgium in twenty eleven now we can speak to eve torres who is a Public Affairs coordinator for the National Council of canadian muslims and she joins us via skype from montreal in quebec thank you for talking to us what do you make then of this law whats your response to this law. Good evening. First of all this is the first time in north america lore like these are being put into effect it is a real trail capacious and its and first jesus to matties ation of muslim woman. Shifted into the context in back with their rise up to muslim sentiment but the government says that this is not deliberately targeting muslims the government says this is a way to foster social cohesion to to make sure that everybody looks the same. Yes for sure and also. Diminished her valleys. And is good for sure so shall our money you know but you understand that to compute you know true. Good show shall our money was your by and part of woman to do society. I mean what about really the accommodation i mean there does seem to be. A certain amount of wiggle room. A woman could also for an accommodation to receive Government Services whilst wearing the veil. Yeah and if for example. Woman will not have access to too much needed social Services Like housing. And transportation and eventually good to deliberately imagine if a woman who is. She had to and wants to take birth she will need an accommodation and this is the this is the point you see the problem is not clear on accommodation you know. The media. Repeatedly ask what is the process for the accommodation rights and can you tell me roughly how many women will be affected by this law. Last number. May be. Back specifically. Sixty or seventy war and only three per cent in all to canada but sixty sixty or seventy. Or you have a low or sixty woman all right eve torres thank you very much indeed theyre sharing it so thank you all and let you know me right now in the usa to florida the authorities are preparing for the appearance of White Nationalists Richard Spencer at a university the university of florida is being forced to host spencer because of freedom of speech laws and the gallagher ripples out from gainesville. On the university of floridas campus students are doing their best to attend classes and study for exams but its a challenge not to be distracted by increased security as authorities here brace themselves for the appearance of white supremacist Richard Spencer hailed from hearing our people hail victory the leader of the socalled right spencer was one of the organizers behind demonstrations in Charlottesville Virginia in may the violence there led to the death of one protester this is spences first major Public Events in scenes that shocked the u. S. The students just want this to go away and the university didnt invite spencer but have been unable to stop him coming because of freedom of speech laws as much as we abhor the rhetoric that mr spencer. Spews we cannot maintain him from. Saying some classes have already been canceled and students are being encouraged to stay away all my professors have been telling me about also all the security i see the National Guard around now i saw him yesterday so i mean i feel like were in a safe place a kind of blew my mind when i was hearing about it because i think thats one of things over where you know and its not and its so prevalent still local businesses to are encouraging people to stay away this bar is offering free drinks to anyone that receives a ticket dispensers event but doesnt use it i mean its made things more difficult for us we thought and by our pledge to people to get their hands on twentys tickets they would like to trade on used tickets for beer i will do that all day Richard Spencer is the president of the National Policy institute an organization labeled as a hate group its thought his appearance will cost the university around half a Million Dollars in security theres an overwhelming desire here that Richard Spencer simply be ignored but hes already getting the attention he seems to crave this venue reportedly cost the National Policy institute around ten thousand. Well as to book and spencers appearance will make headlines around the world however for those at this Public University in northern florida the primary concern is the safety of students and ensuring that if there are protests they pass off peacefully and gallacher aljazeera Gainesville Florida coming out in the civil seas find out what caused these gray an n. B. A. Star to react in horror and the everything game of the season before live. As we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was he was started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to the kind of exposure and an investigation reveals how even the smallest devices deadly environmental and health we think ok will send our u. S. To china but we have to remember that air pollution traps around death by design at this time on aljazeera. Right its time for this policies that has peta thank you very much it was a special moment for barcelona stallion m. S. E. In the Champions League on wednesday as he netted hes one hundredth goal in european competitions general p. K. Was red carded after limpy courses the mithril cynical out put the ball into reason a ball so then doubled their lead courtesy of messi bringing up a century in european competitions look at the made it three before made up for his earlier era somewhat with a consolation goal three one the final score. There was a thrilling six goal encounter at Stamford Bridge between english champions chelsea and say our side roman louise and it in has a chance here to go lead before alexander call it off and inject a level four roma then gave the italian club the lead but has been levelled to secure a three three draw and it was a good night back in europe for the returning buy in munich boss you pint this Thomas Miller handed by in the lead in the first half against celtic joshua chemical made it to no before the half time break and then early in the Second Period mats hummels scored the third to wrap up a three nil win for bion also on the night event has defeated sporting lisbon two one paris st germain the hammer and elect four nil away from home and Manchester United will one no winners at benfica the way forward in the n. F. L. Seems as unclear is ever despite a two day meeting in new york between players team owners and officials in an attempt to work out some of the big issues plaguing americas most popular sport top of that agenda players who neil during the playing of the National Anthem and fell commissioner Roger Goodell says the league will not order players to stand during the anthem but stop short of announcing any penalties for those who continue to protest players protesting against Racial Injustice in the u. S. By kneeling during the National Anthem has been a major point of contention and has divided opinion in the country we believe. Everyone should stand for the National Anthem thats an important part of our policy its also an important part of our game that we take great pride in and its also important for us to honor our flag and to our country and we think our fans expect us to do that and so that is something that we continue to focus on the small but really talking a lot about the opportunity to exist with our players to try to go and really make a difference in our communities in a positive way. So that is some of what goodell had to say reported cable elizondo is in new york he can tell us more now after more than two days of closed door meetings at this hotel behind me its pretty clear that were not much different than where we were two days prior to these meetings roger go dell the powerful and n. F. L. Commissioner basically saying that the n. F. L. Believes that all players should stand during the National Anthem but giving no indication that the n. F. L. Plans to fine players if they do not abide by that or if they plan to change the rulebook that simply seems like it will not be happening so a lot of this was just about dialogue thats a word that we heard over and over the last couple days was one of the First Time Since this controversy has erupted that both the Players Union the n. F. L. Commissioner and the thirty two owners of the n. F. L. Teams have all gotten together to really discuss this to try to reach some sort of compromise and a lot of ways the n. F. L. Is trying to have it both ways trying to appease both the players who make up the n. F. L. And are the key aspect of football but also the fans and those that think that this is a patriotism issue now itll be interesting to see the next time n. F. L. Game will take place will be on thursday evening in Oakland California it will be interesting to see if players there decide to continue the protest and if they do what the fans reaction might be. In the n. B. A. The Chicago Bulls have suspended forward bobby portis for eight games of the seriously injured teammate Nicolette Marotta chin and also cation during practice meanwhile the Golden State Warriors got their title defense off to be losing start against the used rockets or the Boston Celtics went down to the Cleveland Cavaliers in the Season Opener but what was meant to be a joyous night in cleveland for celtics debutant Gordon Hayward turned into a nightmare the one hundred twenty seven Million Dollars signing scored two points but it was on court for just six minutes before this happened the twenty seven year old was knocked over by Le Bron James inflicting the gruesome fractured ankle that made even the grown stars of the n. B. A. Whence he was taken to hospital for surgery the celtics going on to lose one hundred to ninety nine. In tennessee its been a bad day for the top seeds at the kremlin cup in moscow Christina Mladen of h. Has been suffering from a knee injury recently and hasnt won a match since august the french player seeded number one in russia made it ten straight defeats and she lost to Alexander Cessna which intrinsics. Second seed coco than the way was also an early casualty in the american who was coached after winning the champion pat cash suffering a three said defeat to lecia. And home favorites Elena Vesnina swiftly followed suit the third seed losing in straight sets to fellow russian the tally of victory young said. And that is all the sport without more coming up again later. Thats all from peta and thats all from this aljazeera news dont go away theyd be back in a moment with more of the days means. It. Was. For years japanese have gone into countries lush course for what they call. Or forced bathing thirteen years ago dr lee was one of the first to conduct research on forest bathing he concluded that the essential oils the trees produce to protect themselves from germs and bugs can boost the human immune system. A lot of financial side or essential oil is found in the forests my research has shown that far as trying to size reduces stress hormones and relaxes us in the future the time may come when doctors prescribe the forest instead of medicine as we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was he was started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to the type of disclosure and the job and investigation reveals how even the smallest devices deadly environmental and health we think ok will center us to china but we have to remember that there felicia traveling around death by design at this time on aljazeera. The uns human rights he says crimes are being

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