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Mainland. Hello im Maryam Namazie and london youre watching aljazeera also coming up as president retreats a series of anti Muslim Videos triggering outrage online. A former Bosnian Croat military needed dies after drinking poison in court as hes told his war crimes sentence will be apel. And confusion and suspicion mounts and honduras over sundays president ial poll so haters on both sides are celebrating but still no official results. U. S. President donald trump says additional major sanctions will be imposed on north korea in response to its latest missile test and made the comments on twitter following a phone call with chinas president xi jinping the u. N. Security council is due to hold the much session on this in the coming hours. Young man now says it can reach the u. S. Mainland the new who are song fifteen Intercontinental Ballistic Missile flew to an altitude of up to four and a half thousand kilometers and traveled nine hundred sixty kilometers spending nearly an hour in the air that high the missile traveled more than ten times above the International Space station which orbits four hundred eight kilometers above the earth several weapons experts suggest the missiles last a trajectory suggest an actual range of thirteen thousand kilometers which is enough to reach washington d. C. And any other part of the continental United States but that also means europe which is seven thousand six hundred fifty nine kilometers away from north korea is also now reachable by missile kathy novak reports from south Koreas Capital seoul. Its being celebrated as a priceless victory in north korea state media says the country has completed its rocket System Development with the successful test launch of a new long range missile and youre going to get the i. C. B. M. What song fifteen Weapon System is it into continental ballistic rocket took to the super large heavy warhead which is capable of striking the whole mainland of the u. S. Its the third i. C. B. M. Test this year north korea says this one is more advanced than the hawse on fourteens in july traveling for around fifteen minutes to an altitude of about four and a half thousand kilometers before landing in waters off japan the intended target according to pyongyangs media from the u. S. President who has threatened fire in fury in the past this response or we tell you that we will take care of it we have general mattis in the room with us and we had a long discussion about it. It is a situation that we will handle it went higher frankly than any previous thought they paid for research and Development Effort on their part to continue building Ballistic Missile that could threaten. Everywhere in the world basically south korea says it detected the test in advance of the launch at around three a. M. Local time and immediately responded with joint army navy and air force drills launching three missiles that simultaneously hit a simulated target the intended message to north korea the south could take out the launch site if necessary President Trump spoke with the leaders of south korea and japan. Japan will resolutely enhance its pressure on north korea to the maximum level we will continue to protect the lives and livelihood of the people of japan on to the strong japan u. S. Alliance president monday and told trump that north koreas technology has apparently improved a. To continue the sanctions campaign that angers kim jong uns government but so far has failed to stop its missile and nuclear tests. Yourself korea and the United States along with the International Community have no other choice but to continue applying strong pressure and sanctions the south korean government says those sanctions are designed to force north korea to negotiations there has been no communication between the two countries since last year the u. S. And its allies have often said that denuclearization is a precondition for talks but it seems increasingly likely that if north korea comes to the table it will insist on doing so as a Nuclear State cathy know that aljazeera seoul Mark Fitzpatrick is the executive director of the International Institute for strategic studies americas joins me live now from washington d. C. Thanks very much for speaking to us how would you describe this lady here how would you describe this latest Missile Launch by north korea have we reached or are we reaching a critical point in the development of the Nuclear Program its an evolution in the capabilities of north korea this missile flew eight hundred kilometers higher than the other one it was in the air seven minutes longer so its a more capable missile but i think some people are exaggerating its capabilities it cannot hit anywhere in the world i dont think it can even hit anywhere in the United States that doesnt matter north korea just needs to be able to hold one major city in the United States at risk and seattle is within the range of this missile whats interesting here is that north korea is now saying that it has reached its goal this signals that maybe no further tests are needed in its judgment and if so thats a good thing because weve been worried the next evolution might be a nuclear test in the pacific that would be very very provocative but would you rule that scenario out. I dont rule it out i dont rule it out at all but its im just pointing out that if youre looking for some small Silver Lining here and im not sure anybody is but the fact that north korea said that it had met its goal may indicate that it thinks that it has completed its missile testing theres one other interesting thing here there have been three i. C. B. M. Tests all of them have worked thats rather extraordinary most of the time they dont work the first few times so north korea has a well developed system here at my institute we think they probably got it got the engine from somewhere else right so i know this is the First Successful test of an i. C. B. M. Following two launches and in july youre saying that that in itself is quite significant you surprise then the speed at which the engine is north korea has been able to reach this point yes its very surprising that that all three tests have performed. Well thats very abnormal in an i. C. B. M. Development you know if youre if youre developing new systems theyre not going to work perfectly the first time so this is why we. Think that the engines came from somewhere else and if north korea is now satisfied that it has a system that meets its needs maybe they want to do other provocative launches you know they had said that they might envelope guam in a series of missile tests and they havent done that and lets hope that the they wont but you know depending on how the world responds there could be an escalation and the crucial question now is how the u. S. Might respond does this in a launch propel or extinguish the prospects for diplomacy. Well i wrote a piece published this morning that it has extinguished diplomacy for the time being not that diplomacy was going anywhere the North Koreans showed no interest donald trump had told the secretary of state Rex Tillerson you know its what you know and forget about the diplomacy tillerson were still trying but wasnt getting support from the president you know that this would have been a period when diplomacy had some prospects because during the autumn and winter when there are no joint us south Korean Military exercises that always are something that north korea treats as a provocation and there is always an escalation this would have been a period for diplomacy but this missile tests blows that prospect out of the water im afraid. Mark fitzpatrick executive director of the double i double s. Americas thank you very much quite happy to talk to aljazeera thank you. U. S. President donald trump has shed and he Muslim Videos posted by a far right british activist going to his twitter account retreated three separate videos posted by j. De france and deputy leader of the person First Movement i want house correspondent can really help it has the latest from washington d. C. The largest Muslim Civil Rights Group in the United States is condemning the video shared by the president on wednesday morning calling them islamophobia and also inciting violence against muslims still many well finding this outrageous are not surprised by the material that has been retreated by the president given the fact that he on the campaign trail called for a complete and total ban on muslims entering the United States as well as president in the early days of his administration putting in place a travel ban targeting travelers from muslim majority countries its been challenged in the courts many people arguing that this in essence is a ban on most of them something that the white house has repeatedly denied certainly the white house still no Public Statement with regard to these latest videos however not surprising given the fact that the president has had these positions and even as recently as one month ago blaming an uptick on crime in the United Kingdom on what he called the spread of radical islamic terror the statement certainly inflammatory but also reflective of what many in the United States believe and helped donald trump become President Trumps tweets have provoked a strong reaction online t. V. Personality and presenter piers morgan has responded by asking trump what hes doing retreating burson first a group he describes as a bunch of disgustingly racist far right extremist british politician and labor m. P. David lammy has also accused us president s of promoting a fascist racist Extremist Hate Group he continues trump is not an old friend of ows and the husband of british politician joe cogs who was mugged by a far right supporter in two thousand and sixteen has also condemned the retreat writing trump has legitimized the far right in his own country now hes trying to do it in our as spreading hatred has consequences and the president should be ashamed of himself. Former Bosnian Croat military leader has died after drinking poison at a u. N. War crimes Court Somebody and probably ak drank the substance just seconds after his twenty year sentence has been upheld and its misreports. With his twenty year sentence for war crimes upheld on appeal. It was not about to go quietly it we received it through. Shouting i am not a war criminal a former croatian general took a drink from a small bottles. For a short time the presiding judge continued to deliver verdicts on the other defendants then probably heard again through a translator i have taken poison. The seventy two year olds lawyer peter kleins claim. Klein says he drank a poison this morning she says. Police. Flew from zagreb to the netherlands and surrendered himself to the Hague Tribunal in two thousand and four with his codefendants he was charged with trying to create what was described as an ethnically pure greater croatia. Probably ak was found guilty with others of helping a stylish concentration camps for Bosnian Muslims and specifically he was charged with ordering the destruction of the city of must ask ottoman era brick. These were the last verdicts to be handed down by the International Criminal court for the former yugoslavia it was set up in one thousand nine hundred three at the height of the balkans wars to prosecute europes worst atrocities since World War Two Bernard Smith aljazeera. And watching out is there still to come ages from europe and africa how that first joint summit on the ivory coast with migration top of the gender. And the pope calls for reconciliation in myanmar but again stopped short of referring specifically to go ahead. Hello its been raining in china not unusual you might think but this is on season we shouldnt have any significant rain in this part of chinatown the but there has been the still will be thats drawing up a little by the time we get to friday but still we havent talked in the winter wind to be honest its still twelve in shanghai the rather dismal twelve and twenty four in hong kong rain has been significantly heavy in tamil nadu in sri lanka as you might expect thats correct just on the even here weve had quite a bit falling nothing much elsewhere in india thats correct it should be dry is a breeze stirring up the atmosphere be a good sing in new delhi where equality of course is still the issue the potential development of a tropical depression here just the us is for like a couldnt house the rain even more in the next day or so so flooding seems quite likely even this time of year for the Arabian Peninsula has cooled down to proper winter conditions and low but a bit of a breeze running down the gulf for kuwait for qatar u. A. E. Temperatures there for hell down below thirtys a max needs higher than that on the western side mecca for example so it is for your thirty four degrees generally speaking it is dry is sometimes a little dusty but as you can see again a hint of cloud building with the potential for thunderstorms on friday some way northeast and saudi. Documentaries that open your eyes at this time. Welcome back lets update you on the stories making headlines u. S. President donald trump says additional major sanctions will be imposed on north korea in response to its latest test of a missile which could hit the entire u. S. Mainland. Donald trump has shed three anti Muslim Videos posted on twitter by a british far right activist group. A former Bosnian Croat military to solve it and probably act has committed suicide by tricking poison at a u. N. War crimes court. Now leaders from europe and africa are holding a joint summit in the ivory coast this is the first time the African Union will represent the continent in talks with its european counterparts Officials Say the meeting will herald a new Partnership Based on equality up theres growing concern that aid to africa is being used to control migration flows instead of development. Reports. In a park in brussels not far from the headquarters of the European Union volunteers help dozens of refugees to find shelter from the cold sudanese eritrean ethiopian most say theyve endured terrible journeys to reach europe like daniel hes been here for three months fighting fighting for even. No word. As refugees continue to rival my doorstep european leaders scramble for ways to stop more coming their latest strategy is to offer african countries more Development Aid if they crack down on migration and when i talk with our african partners about the future its not development that comes up more often its rather towards investments and secure it. The e. U. Is the biggest donor of aid to africa given twenty billion euros a year but some members of the European Parliament all frustrated that some of the money is being used to manage europes refugee crisis rather than to alleviate poverty the European Parliament be very clear about we dont think Development Aid from the should be spent on Border Controls we want Development Aid from the fan on on the ground they want to do which is reducing poverty in the world and making peoples lives better. Critics say you money is also fuelling already chaotic situations europe has funded tighter Border Control in libya fewer refugees a crossing the Mediterranean Sea but libya has become a bottleneck for others who are vulnerable to slave traders and people traffickers. Youth workers in africa say african and e. U. Leaders are favoring quick fixes over Long Term Solutions we cannot continue a partnership that has no benefit to people whats more important is where europe and africa to look each other in the eyes and say what do we want is it Economic Partnership is it political on a ship is it what do we need exactly european and African Union leaders hope that their first summit in abidjan will archer in what they call a new era in relations one based on equality once the hunt shakes and the greetings are over there is no doubt that after the latest revelations from libya that it is migration which will dominate the agenda. Aljazeera. And i ending grace which is struggling to look after an ever increasing number of refugees is being described as the Guantanamo Bay of europe thousands of refugees stuck on the island of last boss are living in squalid conditions and face a harsh winter and as jonah hill reports great government leaders a complaining of a lack of help from the European Union. On the aegean island of les boss the evenings have turned cold. Most of the roughly ten thousand refugees and migrants stuck on the island live in the bleak confines of moriah camp no. No. No food no food food no good. Moria is stretched way beyond capacity its occupants come from a dozen countries its a prison its not like a prison to prison because you dont go nowhere was normal because i dont know what my own is that wasnt taking and only let me know if you know your thoughts you know what. Inside this have a new fortified former Army Barracks families live rough. Children breathe in daily lungfuls of wood smoke and bed down with no more than a sheet of tarpaulin to protect them from the hard. Not. For she can not even hear my son see in hospital i cannot mistake in. This there is not so why not some variables die. Some to avoid as in what is very called die. They are free to come and go but cannot leave the island the deal struck between the e. U. And turkey last year to halt the flow of refugees to europe has left the greek government with the heavy burden of looking after those caught in the middle this is an extraordinary situation for people to find themselves in it is as if they have just literally escaped war or some awful disaster but this is a permanent camp many of them have been here for months and months in the care of an european government it feels more like a government that couldnt care less only the meanest thing only the meanest gov exist of course is a government case or to make it that they make your case that the government. Stop cross media on this works with volunteers and the islands municipality running a very different kind of camp its also stretched beyond capacity but here people smile children sing songs and go to school its everything the greek governments response to this crisis is not. In the hills above morea three young men from book you know fast food look down on what the islands mayor has called europes Guantanamo Bay if this is safety and freedom they must be starting to wonder why they came dont know how aljazeera lesbos greece. Or in the final part of our series from boston or investigates the Living Conditions in these camps for some its so appalling theyre resorting to self harm in the hope of getting out this is on thursday here on. Pope francis has urged but its leaders in myanmar to tackle prejudice and hatred jaring his visit to the countrys largest city young the pontiff again avoided using the term ranger to refer to the Muslim Minority from iraq and state but he preached a message of forgiveness in his first public mass warning followers a against the temptation for revenge scott hyder reports from young on. The people of myanmar were finally able to get a good look at pope francis this time more than a quick way out of a window. His popemobile is built so he can be seen unlike his convoy of vehicles that have been travelling through the streets of yangon since monday on the sprawling grass fields of the checkers and grounds in the city center. The pontiff held a mass for an estimated one hundred fifty thousand catholic faithful. I know that many in me in my bad the winds of violence. Visible and invisible the temptation is to respond to these injuries with the worldly wisdom like that of the king in the First Reading is deeply flawed we think that healing can come from anger and revenge yet the way of revenge is not the way of jesus the preachings of the pope were directed at the decades of ethnic wars and violence here. In his large public mass or the pope again did not specifically mention the right hinge up but his statements about acceptance and identity has prompted some of the think about the crisis. I dont think were hinges are as bad as people say theyre only a minority in our country like the pope said they should be treated accordingly by human rights as you know difference between us and them. From a religious point if you have sympathy for. But ethnically i cannot accept them the pope is due to hold one more smaller mass on thursday morning and then embark on the second leg of his trip to the region. To bangladesh where hes expected to meet refugees and the Small Catholic Community has got to either aljazeera yangon. Forces loyal to renegade libyan general who are accused of executing dozens of men in the eastern town of near benghazi Human Rights Watch says local Police Forces discovered the bodies of thirty six men relatives told the rights group the men had been detained by have to us forces the International Criminal court has already issued an arrest warrant for Mahmoud Al Gore finally a Commander Allied with half to for a series of killings and executions Election Officials in honduras have promised to announce the results from sundays president ial vote no later than thursday the outcome still isnt known and thats prompted allegations of fraud from the opposition candidate who holds a narrow lead over the sitting president where an essential is reports from to go seek out. It was the chant supporters of preceded this say theyre convinced he won the election despite the electoral tribunals revealing the total tally. To try piano hasnt published the results thats the problem but we know for sure theyll soon make an announcement and it will favor. Supporters of his opponents. Also claimed he won and therefore. The electoral tribunal is not independent. Before the tribunal would announce results for presidency the same day of the election and now they havent done so because the tribunals under the president s rule and theyre trying to keep him in power. European Union Observers criticised the tribunals handling of the vote count. Frequent communication about the results is not only a right for the honduran people but also an important instrument of transparency. Its left many who do once confused and increasingly frustrated questions like this was surfacing the only way. To build supporters have the dates. On tuesday preceded that none they said both from were both areas are reporting the trend were not still. Were projecting a victory based on our own teles which we have been comparing to the official results so for us the results are beyond any doubt. This person did that man this is tampering with the results you have to put this in. Because i am certain that the president will declare himself the winner because this is not a Democratic State this is an authoritarian state where yes power over all the institutions. International observers say the election was transparent there simply urging the Election Officials to hurry up and then i was the winner or explain. To us. Wileys Main International airport has reopened off the wind blew away ash spewed out by of all kaino indonesias second Busiest Airport has been disrupted since the weekend when mt ago and began belching out huge clouds clouds of smoke and ash one hundred thousand People Living near the volcano have been ordered to leave their homes. Present dodo has begged villages living in the danger zone around the volcano to move to Emergency Centers bought a step boss and found out why everyone is listening. This is twelve kilometers from the top of mt argonne this is still considered a safe area thats why families from villages closer to the crater five kilometers from the top have taken refuge here but as you can see during the day theres hardly anyone here most of the men have gone back to the top despite instructions by the government and also risking their lives mainly because they have to take care of their animals im going to ask if you want to hear if shes not worried her husband is so close in the danger zone and very close to the crater but the amount of evil. Army in my city are half of. What india is the picking up and in my solution for. It to be. The most unseen and here she said she is very worried but her husband has no other choice because he has to take care of the animals and this is a situation the government is facing right now two months ago they instructed everyone to leave because at that time the alert level was already raised more than one hundred thousand people damn left their houses and came down the mountain didnt erupt so many people had to go back to their houses and now it seems many are reluctant to leave again while everyone is watching mound are going very very closely and its now completely covered in clouds Scientists Say they have detected tremors which could indicate a major eruption is about to happen any time soon although nobody can predict exactly one in nine hundred sixty three mt argo erupted explosively killing up to fifteen hundred people and that happened just one month after the fall kaino started to massively erupt ash clouds and rocks similar to what is happening right now. So thats our take on top stories this hour u. S. President donald trump says additional major sanctions. Will be imposed on north korea in response to its latest missile test the Un Security Council is also due to hold an emergency session and you who are some fifteen Intercontinental Ballistic Missile flew to an altitude of up to four and a half thousand kilometers could theoretically hit me in time mainland United States has the i. C. B. M. Whats on fifteen Weapon System is it into continental ballistic rocket to the super large heavy warhead which is capable of striking the whole mainland of the u. S. U. S. President donald trump is shared anti Muslim Videos posted by a bush far right activist group is to assure a crowd retreated three separate videos posted by france and the deputy leader of the person First Movement i want house correspondent Kimberly Harkat has more of the tweets shared by the president to have been condemned by the largest Muslim Civil Rights Group in the United States calling the videos the president shared islamophobia also inciting violence against muslims this is certainly been concerning not just to those inside the United States but also outside who are finding the video shared by the president to be shocking and also verified a former Bosnian Croat military leader has died after drinking poison at a u. N. War crimes court so i drank the substance seconds after his twenty year sentence have been upheld he was one of six men whod appealed against war crimes convictions dating back to the breakup of the former yugoslavia in the one nine hundred ninety s. Forces loyal to renegade libyan general Khalifa Haftar accused of some early executing dozens of men in the eastern town of ajdabiya near benghazi Human Rights Watch says local Police Forces discovered the bodies of thirty six men. Syrian government finally arrived in geneva the latest round of un back talks aimed at ending the civil war the Assad Government had initially refused to confirm it would attend. And a pastor in zimbabwe been acquitted has been acquitted of trying to overthrow former president robert mugabe. Who is also an activist was accused of leading protests in a violent removal of the government last year coming up next witness with the story of a woman who grew up on the largest garbage dump in europe

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