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Government to special protection for nearly a quarter of a Million Immigrants from el salvador. And a new day is on the rise of. How a rousing speech at the Golden Globes sparks speculation that media mogul Oprah Winfrey could run for the u. S. Presidency. The birthplace of tango a small city dances to be very different to. Have you with us said about an hour north of south korea will hold the first high level talks in more than two years the rare meeting is expected to focus on the participation of next months Winter Olympics in chiang souls been projecting enthusiasm about the talks but some are questioning whether there are really any progress forward slowly possible from salt. This was the last formal face to face meeting between north and south korean officials in december two thousand and fifteen the two sides discussed reunions of families separated by the korean war and economic cooperation. That is make a good start and open the great path to unification. Despite the initial optimism the talks broke down and in the two years since north korea has fired more than forty missiles and conducted three Nuclear Tests to vili escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula but at the start of this year north Korean Leader kim jong il unexpectedly proposed dialogue with the south and. The focus of the discussions due to take place on tuesday at the truce village of panmunjom will be on north koreas participation in the two thousand and eight Winter Olympics in south korea next month and on improving into korean ties the last time north korean athletes visited the south was for the asian games in two thousand and fourteen. Sporting events have been useful in providing diplomatic openings between the two koreas but ultimately led nowhere and some analysts are skeptical of north koreas true intentions this time. Because of the effectiveness of the economic sanctions in north korea fired the value of south korea as an alternative source of Financial Relief and using the pension on the ground. As punishment for its Nuclear Weapons testing north korea has been subjected to increasingly tighten sanctions including one that effectively slashes its petrol imports by ninety percent but kim has vowed to continue with his countrys Nuclear Program calling for the mass production and deployment of Nuclear Warheads and miss else. Alternatively there is no guarantee that north koreas peace offer incentives will continue and those who are north korea can easily make a sudden change of attitude after the end of the term telling colin became south korean officials are aware of that and president when jay in his cautioned against expecting too much from the upcoming talks but engagement with north Korea Remains the best option to easing tensions on the Korean Peninsula lawrence lee aljazeera. Daniel bone is a Research Fellow at the on site University Institute for north korean studies he says the talks are a positive step towards easing tensions on the peninsula but really for. Those on the off. Line. So in the short time. I dont. Even have already shown up that. Is not everybodys interest were going to see you know all of the issues that might be assured by the. Right whether theyre in the manner. Of the Union Delegation on the on the table if i believe that this is the first prize the focus will be how do you know. Until it. Comes up with. And in the matter in the meetings separate gravity. Well the u. S. Government has decided it will terminate the temporary protected status of more than two hundred sixty thousand immigrants from el salvador. Just as rallied against the move outside the white house people from el salvador were allowed to live and work in the u. S. After two large earthquakes hit the country in two thousand and one the so called temporary protected status will now and did september next year. This congress there are bipartisan bills that have been introduced courted by republicans and democrats to fix this to provide a permanent legislative solution. To this congress so has proven that theyre not great at getting anything done so definitely tempers my optimism it was devastating but we kind of were expecting this news because of. Because of the administration and the work that theyve been doing to kind of to separate families so every day weve been living in fear well particularly now small from washington d. C. The department of Homeland Security says in eighteen months two hundred sixty two thousand five hundred people are going to have to leave this country and go back to el salvador they can even say how many kids could be impacted its likely many of them are parents to children born here in the United States so theyre there for american citizens they are giving them eighteen months to basically figure out how to go home after that they lose their work permits likely their jobs and they risk deportation now previous president s both democrats and republicans have continued the program even though it was initially because of earthquake the terms of ministration saying that has been repaired well previous president s allowed the permit program to continue because el salvador is such eight economically depressed country with such a high crime rate troubling mr shinde says those arent official factors so theyre ending the program put it out there that of Course Congress could fix it if they dont well President Trump says they have to go. Syrian Government Forces backed by russia ra advancing on the largest remaining rebel held territory in the north forcing thousands of civilians to flee towards the border with turkey in freezing winter temperatures at least twenty four people have been killed in the strikes an adlib new footage shows the aftermath of the strikes over the dare area in eastern pewter and hold into syrian observatory for human rights three people including one child were killed on monday duma and also reported to have been targeted a spokesman for the u. N. Secretary general says civilians are being forced to flee into areas already overcrowded with displaced families the un is deeply concerned for the safety and protection of tens of cells and of people in southern italy in rural hama in Northern Syria northeastern syria where ongoing hostilities have reportedly cause hundreds of deaths and injuries of civilians tens of thousands of civilians already in dire circumstances have been recorded is displaced since the first of december due to the fighting with the ansett of winter save shelters among the biggest concerns as many families are fleeing into areas that are already at full capacity into communities with depleted resources for displaced syrians the dangers of war extended far beyond bombs and bullets an increasing number of falling victim to preventable diseases and northern Homs Province a lack of basic services and clean water is causing a rise in water borne diseases asama binge if it has more. This shop may look close. But step in and youre in the makeshift home of the early family. The plastic sheets are in the tent at protection from the cold weather and the blankets are supposed to divide the space into rooms for the many members of this extended family. I barley helps out in the kitchen which is outside the shop. His family was forced out of their home in the countryside of Homs Province in Northern Syria he lost one son and his brothers were arrested by process militias this is now home. Every aspect of life is difficult and harsh there is no medicine if our child falls sick or cannot treat him we dont even have warm clothes. That story reverberates throughout syria six million displaced people. The countryside in homs has been besieged for years and desperate Living Conditions have been deteriorating. In the town of theres no running water. Those who can afford it rely on water tankers. Beard we bring the water from the well from the city seventy five to eighty percent of the water is not clean. And drinking that brings water borne diseases. The number of hepatitis patients has increased in all houla now its four or five times higher last month nearly forty cases in kafr la were mostly children or teenagers. This little girl has been diagnosed with jaundice a father thinks its due to what they have been consuming. She has Liver Disease because of the water and also vegetables being grown with sewage. In this cluster of villages that have been multiple deaths attributed to bad water mohammad find it difficult just to set up these days just. My whole body hurts after the tests the doctor told me i have Liver Disease the reason is unhealthy vegetables crown using sewage and tankers transporting contaminated water. Nearly seven years of war in syria has decimated its once respectable health care system. And as other basic amenities like water and electricity become scarse or more people are dying of preventable diseases some of the job aid there. Well still ahead here on aljazeera fears of an environmental disaster as an oil tanker continues to burn out of control in the East China Sea plus. All like like you like your mind months down but not out by jiri of vibrance head home from libya but many are still hoping to get to europe to stay with us here officer. From the Clear Blue Sky of the doha moony. To the fresh autumn breeze in the city of love. Welcome back we have a really march weather front moving southward across parts of china and through taiwan is bringing much colder air behind it now its a weakening feature during the course of cheese that weve seen a lot of heavy rain and snow further towards the north but the temperatures really way down a couple days ago annoyed was looking at temperatures in the mid twentys now were looking at highs of just twelve degrees hong kong about seven or eight degrees below where it should be at this time of the year theres some recovery in temperature as we head on into wednesday but hanoi still looking chilly a lot of cloud of her with a bit of drizzle underneath his cloud as well on the northeasterly flow but the rest of indochina weather conditions arent too bad how do you across southeastern parts of asia weve got some heavy showers for southern parts of the philippines. Picking up some fairly heavy showers and then for the clincher say looking fairly wet for both singapore and kuala lumpur at times but as you head up into thailand a few showers around the gulf of thailand itself otherwise a fair amount of dry bright weather that continues as we head through into wednesday moving across into south asia the threat of showers returning for parts of sri lanka maybe even talmud do during the course of choose day and through into wednesday northern parts of india still plagued by smoke and Poor Visibility generally and its not particular ma that delhi were looking at a high here of nineteen degrees celsius the weather sponsored by cattle and peace. And it sounds like an agreement between criminal bosses its like trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask a question these are throw their hands up in the air and say i dont know i was just nominee director were doing an investigation in. Ukraine did you a bribe youve been corrupt our own ive been corrupt i did just one presidency challenges here investigations the only guy at this time. Your child is there im so whole robert a reminder of our top stories south korean officials are on their way to the first high level talks with their northern counterparts since twenty fifty the red meeting is expected to focus on koreas participation in next months winter Olympic Games in pyongyang. Also the u. S. Government has decided to terminate the temporary protected status of more than two hundred sixty thousand immigrants from el salvador protesters rallied against the move outside the white house and twenty four civilians have been killed there the syrian city of idlib powers government and strikes bombarded the reach of Government Forces are advancing on the rebel held territory forcing thousands of civilians to flee towards the Turkish Border. Egypts former Prime Minister amateur feat has ruled himself out of the upcoming president ial election should be cowed said it over but that he did tended to run later this year he was widely seen as a serious challenger to president Abdel Fattah Elsisi a New York Times report says she feet could have been influenced by the government to withdraw from the race as a child reports. Despite being arguably the most powerful institution in the country egypts military intelligence appears to have its weaknesses on sunday the New York Times said it had received order recordings of phone calls made by a military Intelligence Officer the leaks suggest how the army tightly controls and directs Media Outlets in egypt. In the recordings an officer named a chauffeur who really makes a number of calls to talk show hosts and other famous president ologies instructing them on what they must say in the wake of president Donald Trumps controversial decision to recognize drucilla as the capital of israel by beloved dog and im letting you know the position of egypts National Security regarding the issue of declaring jerusalem the capital of israel there have to be compromises if you reach a point where jerusalem becomes the capital of israel and ramallah becomes the capital of palestine in order to end the war and avoid more death and we could probably do that aside from showing how egypt under president opted for the has sisi is apparently willing to accept and supports israels illegal occupation of jerusalem the leaks also demonstrate just how little Media Freedom there is transcripts of a second set of audiotapes were published in the New York Times on monday this time focusing on the upcoming president ial elections in egypt in these clips the same Intelligence Officers heard talking about former Prime Minister ahmed shafiq who had announced his intention to run for president suffix desire for the top job led him to be placed under house arrest and then deported from the United Arab Emirates where hed been living in exile his lawyers say he was detained as soon as he landed in cairo. But that and we wont attack she feet if he gives up his candidacy in it but if you insist on running for president we will attack him strongly and we will show his videos with the Muslim Brotherhood and you know there are some groups from general intelligence who supports if you will keep an eye on them coincidentally on sunday evening tweeted that he was withdrawing his candidacy just twenty four hours before egypts Electoral Commission was due to publicize the timeline for the twenty eight thousand election this isnt the first time leaks of emerge from deep inside egypts military intelligence in two thousand and fourteen polls involving sisi himself were made public including recordings of how the United Arab Emirates funded and orchestrated the protests which paved the way for the military coup in egypt five years ago. For some the recordings for their prove how sees egypt controls the media doesnt support the palestinian struggle for liberation for others it simply confirms what theyve normal along either way its a reminder that even the most feared Security Apparatus inside egypt has its weak spot. Now the greek government has won a temporary injunction that will suspend the asylum status given to a Turkish Military pilot the soldier who was initially granted asylum in december fled to greece on a helicopter with seven others following a failed coup against turkish president reza. Twenty sixteen the case will return to Court Next Month turkey is to extend its state of emergency for a further three months it was due to expire on january the nineteenth this is the sixth time its been extended the state of emergency was imposed after a failed coup attempt in july twenty sixth thousands of people suspected of involvement have since been arrested many from the government and the military what person has been killed during an Anti Government protest in tunisia demonstrators clashed with Security Forces of the tower of turtle the capital tunis protests spread to as many as ten towns as discontent grows against austerity measures that have led to tax hikes and increased prices for basic goods at least two people have been killed after protests broke out across sudar over the rising price of bread one of the dead was a High School Student in the city of judea police have arrested and probably Opposition Leader and confiscated newspapers in the effort to clamp down on the arrest of a stray showers began to the south eastern city of said our saturday after bread prices increased the price hike was a fall out of government cuts to subsidy programs but a move all of subsidies is part of this total measures as the country struggles with rising inflation. But he nigerians returning home after being trapped in libya are still hoping one day reaching europe by kurds escaping Economic Hardship are often found themselves being exploited by people traffickers after arriving in libya the thousands of returning home there is evidence rest has been traveling with them but has this exclusive report. These first time nigerian migrants heading home from this Holding Facility in tripoli i worried that the plane will leave without them. The only thing on their mind now is to get on with it when you people leave here theyre taking us back to that prison i dont want to continue we should help us by only. But many others here have been through these routine before for that person or sheraton vincent says his destiny allies in europe and he will make another attempt to get there so almost everything i have to about what is going to go above all like like youre like a madman not a lot of this attitude has surprised even the experts who say as many as forty five percent of deported migrants from libya attempt to go back. As a human being you are assuming that. I would my most important goal in life is to preserve my life and knowing that i come so close. To true to what ive seen i wouldnt go but you know survival is also important to to a person. If you are in a place you dont see a future then that pushes you government officials in west africa and me that there are vast porous borders makes it difficult to stop what they call irregular migration and most times Border Police feel powerless to make arrests because of an existing pact that guarantees freedom of movement of goods and people. Its that same agreement traffickers and Illegal Migrants exploit but the challenges go beyond that is frustrated that we as country when working together. Including europe it takes more than returning it takes more than public city to do this we need to walk together whats sauce. This nation going to do with the clean. For now african countries continue to evacuate citizens from libya preventing those citizens from attempting to reach europe again is proving difficult regardless of what happens to them in transit. Chinese media say a rescue vessel has hired a body believed to be one of the missing crew members from an Iranian Oil Tanker burning in the East China Sea they disappeared out of the ship collided with a freighter in one car has more concern is growing that the burning tanker could explode and cause an environmental disaster if the ship sinks around a Million Barrels of all products could be dumped into the East China Sea so far the spills been contained by emergency teams the iranian tanker was sailing from iran to south korea when it collided with a cargo ship off the coast of shanghai late on saturday the twenty one crew of the hong kong registered c. Of crystal was soon rescued but most of the crew of the old tanker remain missing and according to iranian authorities only one body has been found chinas foreign money she says whos to blame for the collision remains unclear. We are currently still investigating the cause of the accident we are also very grateful to other countries who actively participated in the search and rescue work of this maritime accident the tanker had one hundred thirty five thousand tons of Light Crude Oil on board based on tonnage the accident has the potential to be the worst environmental disaster since nine hundred ninety one when two hundred sixty thousand tons of oil leaked of the coast of angola imran khan. French president about. To move europes partnership with china into the twenty First Century in his first state visit to the worlds most populous country. Chinese president xi jinping in beijing after starting his trip in the ancient capital of chan he wants china and the e. U. To Work Together to share the benefits of increased trade and find ways to meet the challenge of global warming. And its up to europe in asia to france and china to define and come up with the rules of a game where we could all win or lose i have come here to tell china that i am determined to move the euro China Partnership into the twenty First Century so that it fits in this new framework that we need to define together europe will embrace this new strategy because it is now aware of its role and its place in this century it will get involved on all of the main topics yes my friends what i have also come here to say is that europe is back now people close to the media personality a businesswoman Oprah Winfrey say shes considering a run for the u. S. Presidency and twenty twenty the hash tag opera twenty twenty began trending on twitter on sunday after she gave a rousing speech at the Golden Globe Awards and hollywood fisher house more the new day is on the rise it. Is best known for a talk show which made her billions of dollars know the talk is of oprah running for president for too long women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power of those men. But their time is up. Comments at the Golden Globe Awards in hollywood and several Standing Ovations was described as inspiring by those in attendance and brought the Hashtag Oprah twenty twenty trending on twitter but while the idea has growing support the media giant has already said she doesnt want to run for office and wondering if youve narrowed down your shortlist of b. P. Candidates. And how shes lost her mind. Donald trump went from a hugely popular reality t. V. Show to the presidency his star power in name recognition his brand helped significantly several democrats have been named as possible candidates for twenty twenty. Cory booker Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren and kiersten jila brand are just a few of the names being thrown around none are as well known as oprah but one political analyst strikes a note of caution i think thats a very huge and tremendously for someone who has operated as a media personality moving into the space of governing we were already seeing how that hasnt worked out fully as many people had hoped it would oprah has done nothing to do dont speculation of a president ial run for the still two years before the race for the white house starts to get really serious. Alan fischer aljazeera washington now firefighters are battling a blaze at trump tower in new york the headquarters of president Donald Trumps Business Empire now the new York Fire Department has was called to the building during morning rush hour after the electrical fire broke out near the roof three people injured. Emergency crews in central argentina are struggling to control wildfires there which have been raging for a week hot dry weather has worsened conditions for those firefighters in the National Park at the center of the province firefighters are using heavy machinery to open roads and cut off the fire one hundred thousand hectares of land so far been burnt. Thats also summertime in argentina where dozens of cultural festivals are in full swing organizers say one of them is quite unique as to isabel reports the festival reflects the heart of argentinas traditions where bed trained for years with a dream of becoming a dance champion. Was the small city of level of a in the Central Province of the court of the law is transformed every year by my lambo. Danced exclusively by men who train for years to be able to compete here. As a way of life it is choosing a lifestyle its not a job its a passion. For him with the with the. Dancers from argentinas twenty three provinces travelled to the most important competition in the country it took choir skill strength and a lot of street. The dancers are dressed like they got the traditional horsemen that once roamed the land. Of the brave the way they count up to ten feet and fight. With one another back in the seventeenth and eighteenth century to the brim of the town and i can tell you the place for these people is a way of preserving argentinas tradition. He said teacher from the Southern Province of no can this is his first time at the competition. It is very difficult for us to be here especially when you dont have a lot of Financial Support only your family sometimes you want to abandon it all. He explained the two different style that they need to excel at if they want to win the biggest price whats unique about the competition is that the winner cannot compete ever again in the same category. I was champion seven years ago he started to dance when he was ten years old one of the lol. When you win you also have some sadness because you want to continue competing but at the same time being a winner means so much is like retiring and being champion all in the same night. Look at the heat on lisa young. Is a symbol of masculinity and unlike other argentine dances like tangle women have yet to join in with a lot of women who want to dance and verse some categories where they can like in couples dancing but theyre not allowed in the main competition. Character and style as crucial as the dance itself and even though it has changed over the decades it has not lost the spirit of the goal just that helped forge arjun tight cultural heritage. And i wore the i didnt tina. Youre watching officer i was the whole robert these are all top stories south korean officials are on their way to the first high level talks with their northern counterparts as twenty fifteen now the red meeting is expected to focus on north koreas participation in next months winter Olympic Games and change. The u. S. Government has decided to terminate the temporary protected status of more than two hundred sixty thousand immigrants from el salvador protesters rallied against the move outside the white house people from el salvador were allowed to live and work in the u. S. After two large earthquakes hit the country in two thousand and one particle hate has more from washington d. C. The department of Homeland Security says in eighteen months two hundred sixty two thousand five hundred people are going to have to leave this country and go back to el salvador they can even say how many kids could be impacted its likely many of them are parents to children born here in the United States so they are there for american citizens they are giving them eighteen months to basically figure out how to go home after that they lose their work permits likely their jobs and they risk deportation twenty four civilians have been killed in the syrian city of government strikes bombarded the region Government Forces are advancing of the rebel held territory forcing thousands of civilians to flee towards the Turkish Border and turkey is to extend its state of emergency for a further three months it was jus to expire on january the nineteenth its the sixth time that speed extended the emergency was imposed after a failed coup attempt a july twenty sixth two thousand the people suspected of involvement have since been arrested many of them from the government and the military french president about. To review its partnership with china into the twenty First Century in his first state visit to the country for many chinese president xi jinping good beijing after starting his trip at the age of capital of shown he wants china or the e. U. To Work Together to share the benefits of increased trade and find ways to meet the challenge of global warming. And hundreds of nigerian banquets stranded in libya have returned home the government to sort of the immediate evacuation of about five and a half thousand of its citizens from libya those were the headlines of the bout with board use it thirty minutes next on aljazeera its inside story to stay with us. Building bridges between china and france and backing the new silk road between continents the french president is on a three day visit with trade toughing his chinese agenda what do the potential deals mean for both asia and the well this is inside story. I know that welcome to the

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