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Sixty minutes after a chaotic start interruptions and delays the russian sponsored talks on the. Top. Two days of fighting in yemen and said have taken control of the port city of aden. Donald trump gets ready to deliver his state of the Union Address will he stick to script and can he rally a deeply divided nation plus. His main Opposition Leader declares himself the people president. Russian sponsored talks aimed at finding a political solution to the war in syria have ended with some progress in the black sea resort of sochi the conference final statement said elections should be held to allow syrians to decide their own future but there will be no formal agreements and the event was boycotted by the leader of the Syrian Opposition over what he called broken promises the us russian and france didnt attend the talks either they support a separate u. N. Mediation process with some delegates in foreign minister when he read a statement from president Vladimir Putin they accuse moscow of killing civilians and some opposition delegates refuse to leave sochi airport upon arrival a Syrian Government flag display in the terminal. But that is all this result the creation of the Constitutional Committee will be handed over to the United Nations the work of this new institution called the syrian Constitutional Committee will be organized in geneva according to the resolution twenty two fifty four of the Constitutional Committee and if the reform do comprising the government of the syrian republic delegation along with the wide represented opposition delegation for drafting a constitutional reform and james bays has more now from the United Nations. This is an Important Development but not a breakthrough you just need to look at the fact that at sochi the opposition werent even represented so its not clear whether they will take part in this new Constitutional Committee thats being set up its also worth remembering that all the previous rounds of peace talks over the last four years the government side is never properly engaged on issues like the constitution so its not clear with theyll do that now that theyll be part of a Committee Rather than part of full peace talks the other problem facing the special envoy stefan de mistura is that he faces a really difficult job of choosing whos going to be part of this committee he says hell choose about forty five members that represent the opposition that represent the government and that represent independent figures from Civil Society in syria theres criticism of the way the un is handling this process they are supposed to be interpreted in the will of the Un Security Council and resolution twenty two fifty four but they seem to ignore part of that resolution that talks about a transition in syria theyre not focusing on that instead for now theyre focusing on other parts of the resolution theyre focusing on the constitution and potentially then on un supervised elections lets move on to other news now into session of forces and yemen so theyve taken control of the southern port city of aden thats where the saudi backed government of president up double mental holly has been basins two thousand and fourteen when it was pushed out of the capital by what the rebels the russians News Agency Says the forces which a backed by the way have confined have these government to the president ial palace suggesting splits and the fell the lead coalition asama been job they have has the latest on. The seat of power for yemens government is no longer under its control this is the sudden port city of aden were secessionist say they are now in charge fighters from the the said. Transitional council have seized areas around the president ial palace and military bases. The Prime Ministers call to cease fire has not but the government of president. Of the is based out of saudi arabia and the man he appointed as governor of aden now heads the separatist movement secessionists had given how the no that made them to change his government and when the deadline expired on sunday thousands of their supporters took to the streets of aden. And that. We demand this corrupt gang in the liberated southern areas be expelled our youth have sacrificed for the school these sacrifices cannot go down the drain and see this corrupt gang and power to them we say enough is enough. Many people in the south of accuse the government in the north of discrimination since united in one thousand nine hundred the situation has worsened since the war against the who these began three years ago. We aspire to form a state the Coalition Must consider our cause if not they will be the losers as we were store our country and our state not only on us we are here today holding our ground youll remain in the streets we will topple the field government we will topple bin doctor and his government as theyve humiliated our people the people. The Saudi Led Coalition was supposed to fight the iran backed with the rebels you could call much of the north including the capital. Of the United Arab Emirates which is part of that coalition has been supporting the separatists in the south where you a partner saudi arabia marks an internationally recognized government which no longer has any control in the north or the south but despite that the saudis insist the coalition hasnt splinted. The position of the u. A. E. Remains deeply consistent with other members of the coalition concerning the yemen crisis the Foreign Ministers meeting last week was good evidence that members of the coalition are united and will take the liberation of yemen as their ultimate goal but instead of liberating and uniting yemen the war seems to have pushed the country to the brink of breaking up some of the job it does there. To the u. S. Now a president just was away from delivering his first state of the Union Address to a joint session of congress as used to outline the president s legislative agenda for the year ahead that includes an economic step shot where trump may talk up his successes with tax reform but has more divisive policies on immigration and belong to. Deploy missy have prompted several democrats to boycott the address lets go straight to our White House Correspondent kelly hellcat now she is live for us in capitol hill what are we expecting company from this first state of the Union Address. Well with donald trump you can never be one hundred percent sure he is consistently inconsistent but we do expect that it will be much like the speech that he gave to the joint session of Congress Last year where he did stick to the teleprompter and for the most part got very rave reviews but its always that sort of twenty four hour period afterwards when the president often takes to twitter they can sometimes and do that very good press so we want to talk a little bit about some of the political turmoil and divisions that you touched on just a moment ago i want to bring in one of our guests and that is congressman Roger Christian and marty from ellen no way thanks for joining us here not for having me i really appreciate it talk to me about these divisions that exist right now as the president delivers his first state of the union in fact there are many members of your own party that are not going to be in attendance what does that do in terms of the polarization does it exacerbate it well you know i cant speak for others but im here out of respect for constitutional traditions and i want the president to see the face of someone who very much hopes that he ends any divisive rhetoric from the past and tries to bring us together as a country tonight regardless im here to hold him and others accountable for what they say and they do and that is an important duty that i have to my constituents one of the big issues where there is a lot of divide shut down the government just a week or so ago and were facing another imminent shutdown potentially if this cant be resolved is what to do about the children who were brought here illegally by their parents but have grown up here what do you want to hear from the president on that and is there some give and take that would allow this to be resolved i think so i think there are people of goodwill on both sides the aisle who want to do the right thing by these dreamers and make sure that they have a home in the United States i hope that the president talks about them in the way that they should be talked about which is in a dignified way in. Humane way after all these people have known no other home than the United States in fact the vast majority of vast majority of them know no other language other than english and so these are folks who are some of the most impressive people youll meet they work they go to school they even serve in our armed forces very honorably but about the russian investigators because thats a cloud thats been hanging over this white house for some time and leading up to it just in the last couple of hours theres been you know further tensions over that partisan tensions what are your concerns right now as does the president talk about this what do you need to hear. I think this is a big problem this is a big challenge on the part of the Oversight Committee unfortunately we spend a lot of time actually interviewing members of the f. B. I. And you know thats the wrong agency that we should be interviewing right now we shouldnt be investigating the f. B. I. We should be investigating why why were the russians able to interfere in our elections and twenty sixteen and how do we prevent them from or any other foreign actor from doing this again and that is what we should be doing i hope i hope the president recognizes that and that is actually something a lot of people on both sides the al i believe would like to hear that we are combat ing attempts by foreign actors to influence our elections in the future and so forth congressman or freesheet you join us here on aljazeera and certainly that is something that is going to be watched very closely the president s actions with respect to russia and the future of that investigation certainly there are many that are concerned about its integrity many more on the other side that have equally different concerns on a partisan line the question of the challenge for the president will be bringing about unity may be a challenge to do in just one speech or a committee thank you very much for that for now that Committee Held joining us live from washington d. C. Well trump is famous for his America First mantra he cancel the Transpacific Partnership ban has threatened to tear up the north American Free trade act but he has changed his tune recently saying America First does not mean america alone or the world will be watching for more science on that front trillions of dollars traded back and forth between the United States and the rest of the world most of the biggest names in american industry went global generations ago and now employ hundreds of thousands of people in overseas offices and operations even the trump licensing empire although by no means among the biggest corporations is worldwide well ordering americans take part in global trade to every day the United States exports a trillion and a half dollars in goods and imports twice that American Consumers depend heavily on asian manufacturers more than five hundred billion dollars and goods are important to us shelves every year americans get the majority of their oil and gas from overseas and even a growing portion of the food americans eat comes from abroad the figure is about twenty percent overall but more than half of all fruit and almost all fish and seafood on grocery shelves in the u. S. Is important were going to bring in an aljazeera senior political analyst bashara now he is joining us live from london in milan we had completed talking about some of the main themes some of the main issues that are going to be addressed that we can expect from the state of the Union Address i want to ask you this is the president s state of the union but how do you assess the real state of the union and is there a gap and should we be looking for the gap between the two. Even if there isnt. We always depend on person trump to make one because he tends to sensationalize whatever themes hes addressing and he said he likes to give himself far more stars than he deserves and obviously tonight he would have every right to boast. But the reality is not the same as rhetoric and the record shows over the last year or even two years since he began his candidacy that the gap is huge between whatever claims he makes and whatever the realities on the ground is for example he says on that very topic you just mentioned the question of trade. That hes robust and the world respect america once again and its America First America Great again and so on so forth but what weve noticed well for example on the Pacific Partnership is not that all these other countries aciphex countries will be signing their own deal with out the United States so not only its not the America First its not even america lust america doesnt exist in one of the most important trade deals in the world between a very important economic power specific powers why because donald trump decides he wants to undo barak obama and walk and walk alone basically the United States alone and that that certainly does not serve u. S. Interests the same thing weve seen for example in davos last week when he said that he was respected highly received and so on so forth but a lot of us know and weve you know we read the media and we hear statements from foreign leaders hes basically already cute and hes basically disrespected america on the other hand remains respected america in general has favorable ratings but not donald trump and. The key question will be i guess how long america can be respected and be seen favorably if the president of the leader isnt hes also as well as you know pulling back and pulling himself out of various trade. Pacts hes been doing something similar in Foreign Policy lets look at some of his Foreign Policy because suns coming to office hes managed to offend allies forge some new alliances but attack all the enemies and reverse key Foreign Policy decisions situation on the Korean Peninsula is more dangerous because of north Koreas Nuclear test and missile launches but many believe the president s inflammatory responses have made things worse the president did talk peace between the israelis and palestinians saying he hoped to reach the deal of the century but his actions recognizing jerusalem as israels capital made that aim impossible for now hes pulled the United States out of the powers climate agreement much to the frustration of many of americas allies and the you when that self has felt the effects of a Trump Presidency the u. S. Pulled out of the cultural and Educational Agency unesco withdrew funding from the u. N. Population fund which promotes Family Planning and has withheld funding for the u. N. Agency that helps palestinians so given all of that one and those are just some of the key points from the first year as far as Foreign Policy goes what is the state of. Americas relations with the rest of the world how do you see them. Well look just to summarize because this is a fantastic Balance Sheet that you just put out there. Id like to remind viewers around the world i was in the United States back in the end of the one nine hundred eighty s. In fact it was one nine hundred eighty seven thirty years ago when young businessman called donald trump put out his own on his own expense a full page ad in the New York Times basically saying the same thing hes saying today that American Trading partners are taken advantage of the United States and merican our lives are taken advantage of the United States and american enemies do not respect of the United States thirty years later as if the man has not evolved he speaks with the same transactional concepts that he spoke when he was a younger businessman he does not see trade or Enter National relations as a win win situation he see them as a zero sum game if they gain from any transaction with the United States that means the United States loses the only way the United States the only they with that the recession can work is if the United States wins and hence the others lose and thats a problem thats a problematic approach to Foreign Policy and to Foreign Trade because the United States is over the last twenty five years certainly since the Second World War has built an International Liberal Order its the United States that takes the credit for the entire International System the rule of law the relations between states full of ration of nuclear in other weapons or nonproliferation and certainly on the questions of trade it is all an american order and all his successors since World War Two and certainly since the end of the cold war have respected in fact they have noticed this world order that the United States has built. Donald trump over the last year has begun to chip at this liberal order in fact he is insists on undoing an entire liberal order the United States built and takes credit for that will not only be bad for their so the war if theres no other system or theres no other order that they can splays that would be chaotic world it would also be very bad for the United States because it simply will lose an entire seventy Year Investment in the world thank you very much for that we will of course be coming back to you for more as we look ahead to the state of the Union Address but for now thank you very much that is our senior aljazeera senior political analyst mark one bashar and london thank you. We have plenty more ahead on the news hour including why nearly one and a half million afghan refugees living in pakistan are facing an uncertain future. Manchester city live the way as anguished premier league club splash the cash in the european football transfer one dollar bond that would paycheck coming up. To kenya now where the government has declared the Opposition Movement a criminal group hours after its leader ran a small himself and at a mock inauguration or thousands of his supporters attended the ceremony insisting he is the legitimate leader they argue the president ial poll that returned home to kenyatta to power was they the free no fair Catherine Sawyer reports from nairobi was i was right loading theyre taking an oath of office that is not officially recognized he swears to serve and protect the country as what he calls himself the peoples president hes basing his oath of the august eighth general election that he says he won the election was invalidated by the Supreme Court which ordered a new one to be held in october last year. And hes a position as a clinician quoted the happened. Oh tuesdays rally in nairobi was largely peaceful and there was no Police Presence despite the government declaring the gathering a new full and shutting down live signal to the countrys Main Television stations for most of the day. The ceremony itself took less than fifteen minutes and left mixed feelings on what today was sort of climactic for the many many supporters of the opposition. To witness the symbolic. And hes deputy. And the reason why people when told so. Disappointed is because the other three main leaders including this. Loading this deputy did not show up to this event. They later issued a statement saying theyre upset this was beyond their control but supporters here say does not look good for opposition unity or one of korea. Other leaders will be here to support it would have shown us how strong the opposition is. Other people we talked to told us that the important thing is that a. Lot. Of the thats. The kind of. The state of mind of this country this is sort of on the surface some of the so far not exactly is one of. The. Safe he is the socalled Peoples Assembly a forum established by the opposition to operate to the county governments to push for electorial forms and other issues last year the opposition also used the National Resistance movement the government has just declared that an organized criminal group. These are supporters say it does not matter if put all their hopes on him to deliver electoral justice even as they understand that the oath is largely ceremonial and. Catherine sorry aljazeera arabic. Hundreds of people have gathered for a procession valley and catalonia just as Regional Parliament planned to reappoint its a college pitched a moment as president but the parliamentary vote was suspended and the Central Government warned of a possible extension of direction from madrid explains from. Yet another large scale demonstration here in barcelona in support of council an independent it comes on the day in which the castle and parliament dominee by those in favor of independence fully suspended the session the would have formally recognize its new leader as carlos. The only problem is the colors put him on his own selfimposed exile in brussels if we dont attempt to come back here to boston. He runs the very very real risk of being jailed possibly for thirty years will charge the belly and sedition to declaring independence for catalonia at the end of october saying that the Constitutional Court on saturday said that if he doesnt come here to barcelona for his own investigator in person then they would suspend the session completely there is also the possibility that parliament could hold a symbolic session of their own or with the possibility of prison all appearing via live or video link up or for a speech to be read by somebody else on his behalf but then they run the very real risk of there being a continuation of direct role over at alone by Central Government in madrid but the people here have made it very very clear where their loyalty lies with this man recognize them as College Grads are. Well pushed him out has spoken out against what hes called the unfaithful tricks of the Spanish Government addressing a group of belgian politicians via video link to keep fighting for democracy or some who home is the site for democracy. To the shoe vote restrict. Democracy he said staking his own youth and this is such as to some. Where the capital city a few movies. You all do cringe. And also do you your friend shrink. Dont winter sun because latinas down the coast and still look. Still ahead on the news hour. Any of us who weigh one german city is tackling the you apply problem and solution. The philippines government declares war on Faith Community bought something just a way to stifle freedom of speech. Patriots touchdown to help the super bowl tell you how they plan to when title number say. Welcome back as we look at weather conditions across the americas in north america weve got another developing frontal system so got some cold air associated with it on its northern side quite a bit of snow across the states actually to wednesday not looking too bad twenty degrees in dallas with twenty one there from miami thirty chilly in atlanta just eleven degrees theres that frontal system pushing further science to the north of it temperatures dropping one as a high in chicago and the threat of some snow across parts of the mid atlantic out across the Pacific Northwest weve got more snow over the rockies more rain at lower levels heading down into central parts of america being pretty wet across parts of mexico over the last day or so weve lost the showers there but further towards the south on the caribbean side things are still looking fairly disturbed for about a cloud over the bahamas in recent days but again its looking somewhat brighter than just a scattering of showers likely across the islands with thirty as a high in kingston jamaica heading into south america seen some heavy rain affecting southern parts of brazil into Rio De Janeiro and that area of rain is still there only moving very slowly as we head into thursday we can see it moves a little bit further towards isa rio should be seen some dry and brighter weather and its looking fine in argentina with thirty two the high of one is aries. From Satellite Technology to three d. Printing and recycled waste to solar powered classrooms africa is transforming young innovators are propelling change Building Communities creating employment and solving problems their challenging systems and shaping you what its about creative thinkers shaping their continents future innovate africa at this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. And. Every. Good to have you with us on the al jazeera news al these are our top stories russian sponsored talks aimed at finding a political solution to the war in syria have ended with a call for elections in the country but the Syrian Opposition who boycotted the event and sort she says shed to moms would ignored. Session as forces in yemen have taken control of the southern port city of aden reports so the government of president will months old hobby has been confined to the president ial palace in the city and u. S. President donald trump has just hours away from delivering his first state of the Union Address to a joint session of congress thats used to outline the president s legislative agenda for the year ahead. How is the United States fairing after a year of trouble many of the homes now with some of the numbers. Lets take a look at some of this states of the union a lot of the economic numbers look good unemployment is at an historic low the stock market is breaking records and the u. S. Economy grew two point three percent in two thousand and seventeen that were a little less than expected and behind the world average salaries stayed mostly flat but costs are rising especially housing for example anything bigger than a one bedroom apartment to simply out of reach for people working minimum wage jobs in the u. S. And thats nationwide a good indicator of how our country is doing as Life Expectancy well it dropped in the u. S. For the second year in a row in two thousand and sixteen to Seventy Eight point six years thats far below most industrialized nations education numbers look better a full ninety percent of americans over twenty five have completed sick injury school thats the best showing ever thirty four percent have a University Degree when it comes to governance well theres been a lot of legislative drummer in d. C. Trumps promise to replace about his Health Care Plan a famously failed whats left is in disarray his Immigration Reform project is hitting one wall after another most notably the plan to extend to the one on the border with mexico and the legal battle over the socalled muslim ban has now reached the Supreme Court trumps biggest when is text reform although its text cuts for the rich have come under a lot of criticism and the most stressed it moves well thats deregulation the trumpet ministration and the Republican Controlled Congress delayed suspended or reversed will the ninety government regulations that was just the first three months of two thousand and seventy or lets get more on the knowledge on botany to don and washington d. C. She is the managing director of the Strategic Communications firm s. K. Date unlikable. As the White House Communications director under president obama on the stand its a pleasure to have you with us on aljazeera so it certainly sounds like at least some good things there and president trumps. Of course not all good how did they how do you assess the president s first year in office and i think the president s first year in office many people said i cant believe it i cant believe hes saying this i cant believe hes trying to do this i cant believe that hes insulting this person i cant believe hes insulting an entire continent i think that the first year in office has been exhausting unsettling and that people are very nervous about what comes next. Are you nervous about the state of the union if not what comes after what would you be looking for you know with all your many years of experience especially in political strategy what will you be looking for hoping for even tonight the white house has very aggressively talked about the fact that the president will call for unifying the nation tonight that it will be a message of unity but as weve all learned with this white house in this Administration Actions speak speak much louder than words and tweet speak louder than anything so i think what i will be looking for is not just the president talking about unity but his outlining programs that will actually help unify our country on things like immigration on things Like Health Care which is you know a issue that Americans Care deeply about on things like the infrastructure bill he will propose will he genuinely reach out to democrats and independents to try to build some bridges or is he going to continue to build a wall around his Republican Base constituency but what are the his first year in office being a good indication of how hes going to continue and does he have it in him to to very challenge and democrats are open to that. I think the Democratic Party has been open to working with the president on many of these issues the problem is as Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer said sometimes negotiating with the president is like nigga is like trying to pin jello to the wall you think that hes taken one position and then he goes out and takes another position i think democrats have been ready to work with this president the question is whether this president feels he genuinely needs to work with democrats his poll numbers are very low compared to most president s after their first year and it may be that he has decided he needs to take a different approach but again only actions will tell certainly not what he reads off a teleprompter tonight of course not and then well. Have to wait and see what he tweets as we always do with this president apart from the as we always do from the very real need for unity in the United States what else do you think this president needs to accomplish right now. I think the president needs to send a message that people can calm down he is because of the way he governs the way he pits one group against another the way he insults people the way he sometimes for no reason at all seems to take off after one particular group of americans or another trying to pit them against each other i really feel that he needs to send a message that he is going to genuinely try to be a different kind of president this year one who really does not take unnecessary fights or make it all about him you know barack obama said that progress isnt a Straight Line that its exams ags but with this president all you get is the zig and zag and very little process and again im going to have to ask because that is what weve seen from him it was certainly what we saw from the candidate and its continued while hes been president why would we expect anything different now you know american politicians when they are faced with losing at the polls sometimes reach deeply inside themselves and find a capacity to change this is a president who ended his first year at record low poll numbers for compared to other president s and where theyve been at the end of the first year hes looking at this november potentially losing at least one house in Congress State houses across the country and having a significant political loss if he does not improve things and those sorts of moments for american politicians can be remarkably focusing in terms of making them feel that they need to do things differently less done that it is great to get your insights your analysis on this and have done joining us live from washington d. C. Thank you well thank you for having me on. Now the u. S. Secretary of state and defense minister have been meeting their counterparts from cutter the secretary of state to listen says the u. S. Is keen to find a solution to the gulf crisis and has more from washington d. C. Qatar is a Strong Partner and a longtime friend of the United States a message of support from the u. S. Secretary of state to the state of cutter who didnt get the same treatment from Rex Tillerson boss at the start of the blockade we ask guitar and other nations in the region to do more. And do it faster President Donald Trump initially sided with the blockading countries but has since called for the sides to settle their disagreements he even promised to help them negotiate but that was last september and not much has changed so now these talks resolving some big sticking points in the relationship guitar airways has agreed to open its books a big demand of u. S. Air carriers and the sides have signed an agreement to Work Together improving labor laws and preventing Human Trafficking in cutter while here cutter sent a kind of message to the u. S. President in the kind of talk he likes the most money and business is already investing one hundred billion dollars in the u. S. Economy including ten billion dollars earmarked for infrastructure for its part the visit meant the blockade was once again being talked about in washington and framed in a way to highlight that this isnt just a gulf issue as the gulf dispute nears the eight month mark the United States remains just concerned today as we were and its out this dispute has had direct negative consequences economically and militarily from those involved as well as the time stage and qatar also got something it very much wanted a promise of protection signing an agreement that the u. S. Would work jointly with cutter to deter and confront external pressures to qatars territorial integrity and believes that will be heard in the region what it does it puts the United States more. Closer to each other so to speak and it basically there was the others about a blockade to get the United States is not going to be be in your camp any more there really hasnt been much discussion here at the state department about how much longer this blockade will last but they are sending a message with this meeting site in agreement that this is going to happen every year next year secretaries of defense and state will be headed to doha. Aljazeera washington. To egypt now where a coalition of opposition parties are planning to boycott the upcoming president ial election and calling on voters to do the same the Civil Democratic movement cited wave of oppression in the lead up to the march voters reason for its decision not to participate or president Abdel Fattah Elsisi is leading challenger former military chief of staff sami and now it was arrested last week and has since withdrawn his candidacy a number of other candidates have also dropped out of the race. As the u. K. Prepares to leave the link to government documents show that its economy is forecast to suffer no matter what kind of trade deal that ends up negotiation with the rest of europe or promise to trade in may is on her way to china along with fifty Business Leaders hoping to set up new deals and fresh markets china is already an important part of assam u. K. Companies as a hobby philips reports from yorkshire theyve been making woollen cloth since seventeen eighty three and the expertise built up over centuries by this very British Company in its yorkshire factory is now highly valued by the chinese today much of the focus is on markets in the far east and it exports more textiles and fabrics to china than to any other country. Really nowhere else mike tyner in the early days easing sanctions in their stagnant relations investing in it to join gangs and actually maybe. You can see brands they can impact you can you know that. This companys business is interwoven with china but the wider british and chinese economies are not so tightly bound to trade house grown sharply in recent years but its still relatively small the United States is the largest destination for british exports china is only eight. Exports to china are worth about one fourteenth of those to the e. U. Which britain will soon be leaving but chinas growing strength is felt in britain as elsewhere the arrival of the first train from china in london last year a symbol of chinas desire to reach across the world to trade more with britain tourism a has visited china before and met president g g p at the g twenty summit back in twenty sixty but now with the Prime Minister weak at home and with new government documents saying that breaks it will damage the economy is there a danger the chinese will consider her a little desperate they clearly have the upper hand in many ways because theyre bigger economy three times bigger i mean theyre important to us in ways that probably werent before brics it started to happen and so the best outcome really will be that she looks confident shes aware of the strategic importance of this visit as many many things that china does want from the u. K. Intellectual partnership intellectual property liberal investment environment and so the best outcome will be one where everyone comes away thinking markets when were in the yorkshire factory they make products the chinese want theres now a lucrative trade in cloth for snooker tables the challenge for tourism a on this visit to convince china and other countries that the brand of Global Britain still counts for something in a post it world Barnaby Phillips al jazeera yorkshire germany is among one countries in the European Union facing hefty fines of its levels of air pollution france and britain have also been warned that they must reduce their emissions as dominic a report from the german city of start efforts are being made to find new ways of cleaning up europes air. Nestling in a natural bowl of the neck of valley stuttgart is renowned as the cradle of the automobile several famous manufacturers have important bases here but there in lies the problem because with the car comes pollution which often lingers in the air because of the local topography to combat it the city has pollution meters set up in many locations gauging the amount of nitrogen dioxide and minute particles of fine dust in the air a sophisticated alarm system warns people in the levels are too high but local Authorities Say more needs to be done the federal level needs to spend more money for the for the local level at the moment we have what they call is for programs a Quick Start Program which is a one billion euros which is not that that few money but regarding are looking to the cities in germany which are ninety cities so we have the problem one billion euro is not that much money and given that so far in january the fine dust alarm has been triggered seven times other local solutions are being explored such as the fine dust eater it uses three applications to filter out particulates and fine dust and although its currently a prototype the project manager is optimistic exactly instructor it might be able to on the one hand equipped cars that means everything that has to do with internal transport of Public Transportation with find us Filtration Systems or with a brick dust particle for the problem for a city like short got is that although many of the measures it is taking or it has plans to take do reduce some of the emissions right now theyre only really scratching at the surface of a problem and this is a problem right across germany. One Environmental Organization in berlin says the problem is so entrenched in germany that its taking nineteen cities to court because we hope. To also get the federal level moved when they see that cities get more and more under pressure about fulfilling their local target so to speak to yet to protect the health of their citizens. In recent months germanys most the manufacturers have been committed to cutting emissions of nitrogen dioxide by a third but the Current Coalition government and the likely next one have admitted they must perspire own reaching Pollution Prevention targets the issue of their pollution is a developing danger in the eyes of the European Commission but at the local level for people in stuttgart its an ever present one dominant cane zero in the neck of valley the United Nations Childrens Fund has warned that around sixty thousand children are at risk of starvation and north korea over the situation made worse by International Sanctions they have been put in place because of north Koreas Nuclear and Ballistic Missile programs last week the u. S. Allows new sanctions on several organizations and people and on sites north korean ships unicef says the sanctions are making it harder to get aid into the country. The government in the for the paying for is introducing new needles to stop what it calls fake but opponents say the move is an attack on free speech and polishing journalists and bloggers who criticize president running out of her general allen those are reports from the capital manila the best antidote to fake news is truth filipina journalists are demanding accountability from president good legal deterred his government they see journalism has been under siege mostly from looters to supporters and some members of his government fuels massage rappler an online news site known to be critical of the government had its license revoked over a technicality a few weeks ago thing. In the past the turkey has said corrupt journalists are not exempt from assassination words that appear to have found a residence with his supporters rappler c. E. O. Maria ressa says deterred his presidency in two thousand and sixteen was largely want through social media and the internet has been used as a weapon since then she says some of those leading the attacks are part of the government machinery the end goal is to silence dissent when people dont know what is real and what is free when facts dont matter then the voice with the loudest megaphone gains more power the president ial Communications Agency admits it has made mistakes but denies these were all intentional but it continues to employ bloggers who have in the past released false statements and used violent rhetoric bloggers like assistant secretary michael saw and was around five point five million followers on facebook because i know. I told her aspirants your blog is concerned it does not reflect the view. After decades of restrictions. And controlled during the rule of president for dinner marcus the media in the philippines became one of the most influential institutions in the country but the community to protect journalists also ranks the philippines as would have the most dangerous places in the world to work journalists in far flung villages have been shocked at point blank range cases have been filed but these remain largely unsolved but legislators believe freedom of expression has been abused and want restrictions on the media critics say brutality is using a twenty First Century playbook using the internet as a weapon journalists at the senate today are demanding accountability and say they will not back down but many here question just how long they will be able to hold out or whether they can resist threats of government regulation theres never been such a for a time for the philippine media. Dogon aljazeera manila. On the news. And stock. Of the day. Thank you very much european footballs transfer window comes to a close this week and clubs are busy finalizing last minute deals to strengthen their squads nowhere more so than in the English Premier League with a new spending record for the january period were set on tuesday top of the table Manchester City added athletic bilbao defender aymeric ports to their roster taking the total premier League Spending up to three hundred and fifty six Million Dollars thats over fifty million higher than the previous mark set in twenty eleven twenty three year old laporte joined city for a Club Record Fee of eighty Million Dollars of course comes to the. Premier League Special in many many centers but i think hes intelligent he will be he will reproduce the situation but he has to leave it individually you know for the english players the Young Players will come in the premier League Always a little bit you know. Well be patient because he doesnt come for three months going for four or five years so that is where it is it wasnt all good news for man city on tuesday the forward leroys son a has been ruled out for up to six weeks with the ankle injury he suffered in citys english f. A. Cup win over cardiff on sunday. Well Pep Guardiola as men next town wins they but they were three premier league games played on tuesday arsenal missed the chance to close the gap on the top five they were beaten three one by swanzy west ham and Crystal Palace mates in a london derby the school day was one one and liverpool a turn for the f. A. Cup exit at the weekend beating huddersfield three nil what it all means is that they draw level on points on the table with chelsea now five time super bowl win is the new England Patriots have arrived in minneapolis ahead of sundays Season Finale against the Philadelphia Eagles the patriots are looking to equal the Pittsburgh Steelers record of six super bowl wins star Quarterback Tom Brady is keen to avoid a repeat scenario from last year when new england had to overturn a twenty five point deficit to win the Vince Lombardi trophy. Well i think theres a theres a you know a great belief you know no matter what the circumstance that we have enough to overcome it i dont think we want to try to overcome that again this year that was pretty tough to do. Hopefully we can get a lead by from a head play on our terms proud of what our players have done this year that worked extremely hard on all of the all Season Program april through Training Camp weve been out for a long time. This guys work hard every day and theyve earned everything that theyve accomplished this year and for sunday. In contrast to the highly successful patriots the Philadelphia Eagles have never won the super bowl they did Win Two National Championships in the days before the formation of the n. F. L. Though they will be looking to make history in minneapolis on sunday we know what were faced against we know the opponent were going against a lot of respect for them obviously and what theyve done and what theyve accomplished and. You know its about what we do. You know our players handle this week in a limited distractions and eliminate the noise and. How well they prepare and get themselves ready to go. Tell us now and australias davis cup captain Lleyton Hewitt says its unlikely Bernard Tomic will ever represent his country in the competition again it comes after tomic said australia could not win the davis cup without him tonics career has been marred by on and off Court Controversy and he has fallen to one hundred sixty eight in the rankings after failing to reach the main draw of the Australian Open the twenty five year old said he was heading home to counties millions since then hes been appearing on a reality t. V. Show but quit after three days saying he was depressed meanwhile a heros welcome awaited Roger Federer as he touched back down in switzerland after winning six will straighten open crown and twenty grand slam title on sunday fans packed into zurichs airport to get a glimpse of the thirty six year old and hes latest piece of the way. The president of the International Olympic committee thomas past has praised the unification of the team strong north and south korea for the upcoming winter games but arrived in the olympics host city pyong chang on tuesday at the Opening Ceremony athletes from the north and south will walk under a unified flag for the first time a joint a womens hockey team will also compete as korea and past was happy to hear that the team had been celebrating a Birthday Party together. That is the olympic spirit. Making friends and celebrating together so this is another great signal of the olympic spirit to go into korea and the final albine skiing world cup even before the olympics took place in stockholm on tuesday side by side slalom racing will make its debut in young chang as part of the Alpine Team Event ahead of that survey was timely boost for norways nina harbor last year as she claimed her first world cup victory in two years the mens event was won by ram on that is in the house and the swiss beating home favorite on the mirror for his first ever world cup with. India versus pakistan is a big deal in cricket no matter way when all the age of the players and that should have made for a fierce contest in the semifinals of the undermine thousand world cup in new zealand but india dominated pakistan after making two hundred seventy two in their innings pakistan with them bowled out for just sixty nine in christchurch indias massive win means theyll meet a stranger in saturdays finals. And thats all the sport for me more later and that does it for this hour as they are news hour but ill be back in just a couple of minutes with another full news by the time and planning our extended coverage as we look ahead to the u. S. President first stage of the Union Address tuesday butt out. It was oriol upon which modern day venezuela was established. For over a century this lucrative resource has divided the people both less than those with the Worlds Largest reserves. Charting the impact of industrialization and the legacies of its prominent leaders we shed light on the troubles afflicting venezuela today. The big picture the battle for venezuela coming soon. To. The frustration. The Palestine National locust was first founded in the one nine hundred thirty s. But has had to be revived in two thousand and ten all was very important for me to sing in palestine now musicians from all over the world come together to perform in the occupied territories. Its like every palestinian living in the aspirant felt it was the first time they performed using their identity aljazeera world hears music as a force for unity the diaspora orchestra at this time. After a heretic start into bumps and delays the russian talks on the one syria filing wrap up

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