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Course they lieschen ship between the United States and the russia on the one hand and the relationship between washington and on the other hand have to be looked at in different perspective since the saudi arabia has been an ally of the United States and the United Kingdom since since its founding and of course since donald trump has been an outspoken proponent of realist Foreign Policy somebody who has not been a key in on moral grandstanding he has been. He says he is ok with letting sensual letting the saudis go with the. Killing of jamal has pressure get washington post. Journalist who had been killed in the saudi consulate in. Last year but and of course. The economic and political benefits that the United States gets from its relationship with. Far outweigh the moral considerations that would could possibly affect the relationship between washington and saudi arabia now as far as russia and the russian american elation ship is concerned there is not there is really not much Significant Movement in the russian american the lesions the are as they have been for the last several years at the a low point those that believe that g 20 is a forum a Decision Making for whom could well be disappointed but those that feel the g. 20 is a Discussion Forum for the leaders of great powers can well be satisfied since no leader is. The United States russia chair in the japan other world powers kava kava a venue where they can meet both bilaterally or multilaterally to discuss issues where they may not find the agreement but at the same time they could they could. In their present clarify their positions and perhaps each some local issue agreements so there have been no major agreements between putin and time during their bilateral meeting in or seka but at the same time the discussion itself if indeed theres a further great bars is a is a positive step ok apart from there i see it mr trump asking mr putin not to meddle in the next us president ial election thats a whole different conversation of course nancy snow in kyoto unpack that for us the victor says donald trump deploys realist Foreign Policy whats the difference between realistic or realist Foreign Policy being an aspirational or thorough tarion us president and just being Foreign Policy irresponsible in a numbered set of characters on your twitter feed at 6 am. Im not so sure trump is threatened by reale colletti youre taking me back to my International Relations classroom now i just see in terms of this twitter led diplomacy its its rather chaotic its an also we now may see President Trump possibly being the 1st american president to step into the d. N. C. No no he held this press conference and said that he would meet with kim jong on its personality driven aside i was saying earlier and i think the optics of this meeting even if its discussion oriented and there are a lot of not enforceable that it green ments its really intriguing when you solve the u. S. Delegation its the branding of the trump regime in many respects i personally found it rather off putting to see the trump and jared cushion or in tow right behind the elected president of the United States whatever you think of trump he has holding the office of the white house he is commander in chief but these 2 are under scrutiny in the United States and they are increasingly under a very negative scrutiny and i think for as an american living abroad many of us are really concerned with the the image and the diminishing return and credibility also and the socalled soft power of the United States globally so that whether its the twitter feed or the personality or the brandy were missing the grander picture here which is not only the depletion of our oceans with more plastics than fish according to the u. N. By 2050 but also the worlds majority so were really not here there are some. Nice dinners and gatherings but its certainly not battle in seattle i mean im just wondering where people are going with their frustration or what theyre questioning localization and frankly it was interesting to hear pluton talk about the end of liberalism because at least its putting something out there for people to grab onto and have some substantive dialogue that thats at least more intellectual than some of these tweets in the middle of the night Richard Wherrett in washington i mean nancy raises a valid point there doesnt she that the french president emanuel macro was threatening not to even begin the process of signing up to the final communique unless there was a strong signal about what the world is going to do to the environment and that was something that Donald Trumps white house clearly wanted to stifle they didnt want to anyplace near the final communique. Sure that was one of the major areas of disagreement but i think that nancy really focused on somewhat really the key issue that these you see division among the world both within countries and inside them over this question of globalization. And then so you had put an i thought skillfully at the tactical level trying to exploit those fissures saying that you know the reason trump was elected was because he understood that the globalization is hurting the American People all and and we see a rejection of liberalism the west and so on but of course the way he defines liberalism was clearly it was you know focused extension on social issues such as gay marriage or other progressive issues and exclude all the things that most liberals are which is the that checks and balances and political power and so on the thing is at the g. 20 you have these kind of checks so if countries disagree and this case its the u. S. And france then in the basically if they dont come to a compromise and the decision is not to do anything i would point out though that between the g 7 g 20 theres also at the much broader level the u. S. And the Climate Conference and so on and often they will take a lead role on a single issue even if its not dealt with that the lar at these summits but isnt there another sense if i flip that around richard and send it back to you because it is the g. 20 the best venue weve got for this its the only venue weve got for this because if you look at the w t o so many g. 20 countries want to use the w. C. As a punchbag if you look at the the g 20 so many of those countries they want to use the United Nations as a punchbag and thats not to diminish what those 2 organizations want to do but the wu might be the best place to achieve what those organizations comment. So yes i would agree that if youre going to deal with the World Economy the g 20 is sort of if you have a go the locks framework its not too hot like that like the un which is so larger to call it like the g 7 which is no longer to has the legitimacy to enforce its news on the World Economy so ideally g 20 is the right format so its not so much a challenge of the institutional structure or fora its more that the man major members disagreeing so if they were do agree on a policy then the g 20 would be great mechanism to at a put and bring out a common policy proposal action plans and plan and so on so its less a question of the institution here than it is of the members themselves ok lets come back to japan starting point for this get together unequivocally was we need a quote win win on something so the communication is more than just you know Civil Servant was full there wasnt a clear win win on any of the big issues apart from the trade war being stalled which generates more uncertainty not less for mr putin what would have been a win win on any of the issues were discussing. Russia really was not looking for a win win at the g 20 says it it. It looks at g 20 is more of a Discussion Forum than a Decision Making for whom where are the fleet of International Relations is were economic relations is decided and of course in discussions with stomp which in meeting with the Outgoing British Prime Minister tourism a meeting with his other counterparts was. All that russia was looking for and of course those discussions between leaders of the leading powers are a benefit to those countries themselves now looking back at the at the exchange between the journalists and on one fan then which in and dump on the other hand there that question. Raised by one of the journalists to tump asking him if he is going to tell putin to not meddle in the american the upcoming American Election and then we we saw that im clearly mocking. That the journalist by telling right in front of him to put in twice several times not to meddle in the election why was that really done well american officials on Different Levels both on the secretary of state level victor im going to interrupt you because thats kind of little think news debates which we have done on this program before but i just want to take what youve said and what richard a said and kind of boil that down and put one point to nancy and see if this is about a strong projection of self interest married to strong personalities married to president s and Prime Minister and crown princes who are pure and simple alpha males in the room how can any of the the issues the big issues of the small issues how can they be solved well i think they were somewhat lost here it was really disappointing to me and i was waiting for japan to really step up because japan will be hosting the summer olympics and its really has an interest in getting out there on the world stage but when you have somebody like trump come into the room mean even the way he handled his press conference just seemed more like it was the u. S. As the host it was ironic and. I think many of us too are wondering where is the Political Leadership we also see the decline or sort of the weve got 3 some may about to leave the stage and ungainly america all to is not going to be on the world stage as she was in a much more formidable position 3 years ago at the g 7 so its not just about gender but its sort of like having these dominant personalities just ride the whole show and there are Critical Issues here and thats what i think the world is waiting to hear from some of them rather than to get into this this mocking or this sort of taking hold of the the stage as i saw notably donald trump. And of course hes really gearing up in many respects for the election he even had time to tweet a lot about the back to back tonight democratic debates there were 28 candidates running against donald trump to oust him and 2020 and so he wasnt entirely event focused on g. 20 issues ok and thats the left ok nancy Victor Richard we have to leave it there thank you to i guess they were nancy snow but dont have it and richard wets and thank you to you too for your company you can see the show again via the web site out of here dot com and for further discussion to check out our Facebook Page forward slash ha inside story or you can join the chats on twitter at a. J. Inside story im at pizza topping one for me Peter Doherty and the entire team here in doha thanks for watching we will do it all again at the usual time tomorrow. Across china millions of cameras a watching citizens every move and score that high you know what i want to east investigates chinas surveillance crackdown on aljazeera. Venezuela colombia has become a Stomping Ground for trespasses. As desperate people transgress an illegal passage. To feed an emerging field trafficking markets. We follow that paris johnny unguarded for the line of fire. Risking it all. Venezuelan columbia. On aljazeera. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world send a matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Events that match at. Aljazeera. Im Kemal Santamaria here in doha these are the headlines on aljazeera donald trump has become the 1st sitting u. S. President to set foot inside north korea he met a leader kim jong un and said progress was being made on denuclearization diplomatic editor james bass has more. This went just the way President Donald Trump wanted pictures that will make history and potentially reinvigorate peace efforts waiting for him the other side of the line separating north korea and south korea kim jong on a handshake on the 3rd meeting and then. Trump became the 1st ever sitting u. S. President to step on to north korean soil. The 2 then walked back into the south underdressed reporters stepping of course that was agreed on a lot of pressure. A lot of friendships have been made and it just didnt particularly a great friendship so i just thank you very quickly notice that i want to thank you so you have i believe looking at this action this is an expression of his willingness to eliminate the unfortunate past and begin a new future. Then what sounded like an invitation so were going to break away from this is a way to separate. The 2 leaders of nations still technically at war a peace treaty was never signed when the korean war ended 66 years ago then went to whats known as the Freedom House on the south korean side of the d. M. Z. That is cool because here ive always wanted to meet you at this place as a symbol of the separation of the north and the south and a reminder of the unfortunate past meeting at such a place shows that we are willing to put an end to the unfortunate past and also open a new future to provide positive opportunities in the future. At the end of 50. Minutes of talks President Trump announced that detailed negotiations will soon begin steve is going to do a fantastic job hes going to be representing. Us in the talks and. Will be we will be dealing with south korea will be dealing with president moon and his people but pretty much its going to be the initial talks will be between the United States and with north korea this is now the difficult bit the devil is in the detail there now need to be complex negotiations involving military scientific and Nuclear Experts western diplomats whove been involved in diplomacy with pyongyang in the past say on previous occasions north korea has lived and cheated as he left south korea President Trump seemed very happy but its worth remembering the challenge ahead north korea has not yet given up any part of its sophisticated Nuclear Program the International Community has not lifted any of it scribbling sanctions jamesburg 0 south korea just a few of the headlines thousands of sudanese protesters have turned out for the 1st major demonstration since a crackdown earlier this month protest leaders called for a 1000000 strong march to demand a civilian led Government Security forces killed more than 100 people injured the 3rd morgan has more in todays rally. People have been in various parts lot just the capital but there is a state as well weve been speaking to activist since morning and they were saying that there was a heavy military presence heavy build up of our military our right police and the record support for switched with justice have accused. The dispersant and. Its now also instances well it was just a few minutes and theyre saying that there are reports of the use of tear gas and theyre worried that there will be more violence. The saudi u. A. E. Led coalition in yemen says there were no casualties after 2 drone attacks on saudi arabia the 1st targeted the province of the 2nd was aimed at a residential area in the theater province both were reportedly intercepted and the Afghan Taliban says it has killed 8 Election Officials in an attack in the Southern Province of kandahar that took place as people were registering to vote at a Government Office in the model district those are your headlines another check in half an hour right now though aljazeera world. Yes on the tele theme in all of our economy blog. Was the news i did it for the gods it was living way below the. More than hes a. Few saying off and above as it was some say. Just to fit in the article. Here block. You know the best a lot simpler than it is a business for an honest broker and in a lot of gaza it was sort of like. Were in a good amount of. Time. Against it would say is god give. Me your. Address of the ability it was a is a challenge islam in the. Midst. Of the augusta. Elemental the way to do things. Well. His will be. Something appropriate as the muslims call him also some some microamp. Lodging brought some in the images just. He joined us on hes been released were going to meet there was something in my he thought was on the side i was it was limited as. Well to see it would be a lead on muslims cannot show you had them with him. Governments are pros really can be a bit faster but. The question is are the values one of the good bits it was a chosen so nice said neutral yoko. Ono community or super geysers whoever got this who knew some of us from harvard in the post by taco bell dont normally approach would arjun it will question that or could i was trying to illuminate on the if you get. I was 13 i got a nice fat it quite nice when it cut that. Budget than i need then to full on nick at the last p. R. Because you. Guys who were surveyed who have been to take a saga see obvious not seeing it again that hassy yeah force unleashed just and he had a good enough but it was taught in hindi and that began to give the needs. Coyer so thats why my piece only had a pretty negative fare so negative bachata the piso to chin it was arc of cause can republican advantage him a poor pseudo who pioli chito beausire knots. Of perky thighs you a typo what can you get a video to quit i thought your point that we detect where multi discipline are most more of the nuts are now most of the kook around most. Oh yes to the rather some monkey. Theyre starting to tonopah me 3 cherry copies are standard some small town in. Gaza and some years most of ours require you to. Stop the stories. Its obviously they know cannot be usability it is just no good in the community not knowing the o. T. Is. That the tone and the need im taking going to. Go open the door to. The clippers even though theres this issue

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