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Of you there but it got there and then there was what has become common in america lines of people being led from the scene of another mass shooting on an on a day that would have been a normal day for someone to leisurely go shopping. Turn into one of the most deadly days in the history of texas. Lives were taken. Should still be with us today. 20 innocent people from el paso. Have lost their lives and more than 2 dozen more. Are injured. We as a state unite and support. Police have arrested one man a 21 year old who allegedly posted a reeses run on wind on an extremist website just out or so before the shooting but needless to say this scene is a riff ikhwan home fortunately because of the nature of the situation the scene will be in play for a long period unfortunately the seeds will remain at the scene until the scene is process properly for. Evidentiary purposes to be gathered for later prosecution the state of texas will be the lead agency for him to be prosecuting this particular individual. That has a nexus s. This will point in time to a hate crime the f. B. I. Will be looking into that with the other federal authorities right now were looking out for to ensure with capital murder charges for this individual kline emotional democratic president ial hopeful back to ork who is from el paso announced he was canceling for the campaigning and heading back to the city and so i just ask for everyone strength for a passer right now. Everyones resolved to make sure that this does not continue to happen in in this country u. S. President donald trump has been informed of the shooting and promised the city and state any help required this is the 13th mass shooting in the United States in just the past 7 days alan fischer aljazeera. Hong kong a search for more mass rallies on sunday a day earlier police fired tear gas at prodemocracy protesters standoffs occurred here in at least 4 locations but the rallies were mostly peaceful thousands of rallied for 9 weeks in a row to demand political reform. Russian police have arrested more than 800. 00 opposition protesters they were rallying in moscow after the government disqualified a number of candidates from standing in city elections next month. And the new u. S. Defense secretary says hes in favor of putting intermediate range missiles in asia markets but made the comment during a visit to sydney on friday washington withdrew from an arms control treaty it had signed with the former u. S. S. R. In the late 1980 s. Pakistan is protesting against indias decision to send thousands of additional soldiers to indian administered kashmir india says its concerned about attacks by fighters supported by pakistan a security alert ordered tourists and pilgrims to leave the area but pakistan is expressing skepticism and the foreign minister has written a letter of protest to the United Nations you can follow those stories on our website at aljazeera dot com more news in half an hour daryn jordan next its yemen war profiteers do stay with us here on out as a. That was. Its a school trip. 62 jane are traveling across one of them. The rest would be filmed by security cameras suddenly the bus is hit by a bomb. The strong blast rips through shops nearby. Well below me here the moment was a lot of thought about when a beating i love that i live in ink like you fish of mud that i know a lot of a lot of you know nothing of out of that a lot of other stuff ill have one and im going to dominate and hes going to go yeah im dyin way back. To let me have a nothing. Been up there i dont know what i. Opened and i thought im a lot. Of fun at a. Time and even e he about half an hour usually in our human hand i say head oh theres a lot about. Was 11 years old he was buried alongside the other children the airstrike killed 51 people and left 79 wounded. The school bus was hit by saudi u. A. E. Coalition jets they called it a mistake and claimed their target was the who the rebels the armed group that overthrew a democratically elected Yemeni Government the group has controlled northwest yemen and the capital city of sanaa says 2014 is saudi and u. A. E. Led coalition is trying to crush the who these and keep their next door neighbor in check it has pounded yemen relentlessly more than 19000 airstrikes since the coalition entered the war in 20151 3rd of these attacks have struck nonmilitary targets. It is believed that the fighting from both sides has caused an estimated 50000. 00 civilian deaths. Saudi arabia buys its weapons from the United States and the u. K. As well as a number of european arms manufacturers led by french and german companies. Officially the use of these european weapons is compliance with International Law but the truth is far more complex the say you can manufacture a weapon produced in may 2015. Minutes in scotland and ship girl one duck duck go together muffled about to look cool i. Asked for answers europes leaders are keeping their lips sealed. Because if he doesnt do it we dont need it is it a momentous year. For the falls which focus on the previous. Evidence has been gathered accusation nothing. Has to be mechanical the bomb maker back of china complete you think that lets you know that the u. K. And france themselves those states are risking complicity in future unlawful coalition attacks. The saudi and u. A. E. That coalition has been accused of violating International Humanitarian law and the rules of war supplying the weapons used in these alleged war crimes would make the u. K. France and germany complicit. A majority of the victims of this war are civilians every day families fleeing the fighting poor into the regions biggest hospital in also the ca. Most of the hospitals in rebel held areas have been destroyed so wounded civilians like these 3 women and their babies flock here theyre from her data a city near the frontline. That. The city not safe. I dont think 1006000 so most of them. Is the 6 month old babys mother she and her husband have been shuttled from camp to camp to escape the bombing with no need to feed their 6 children and for the past 3 years. There hasnt been to see it and he made it out that i had to get out of the 700 didnt like it it is just that my left i think. He learned that i. Started writing and then that i never did this i think. Motherhood over the. Alumni and then after the hash out am a number that sell them. And theyre the one i had them with and then i had them with me and chad and if we had 7 that had been on that i know that the 7 and 8 letters in the gap. One of hannahs children already died from malnutrition since the war started. To stop the filthy weapons supply the coalition has placed a naval blockade on yemen simultaneously preventing the delivery of food and humanitarian aid to the rebel held areas where these families live. A little off all those. Kind of. Set up differently. Even newborns are suffering before the war this new need 2 units usually cared for around 10 babies now there arent enough enqueue beaters to house the ailing infants on the way. I may lack it almost simply couldnt miss a heaven may lend a muttered to himself i had. This mother brought in her baby last night her 5 month old girl is fighting for life again london said that. Several. Bad now all the. While hilarious answered our questions. Get a bit of a 100. 1000000 the lead babies come. In the you know you. Of all it never. Was their land it let it you. Says this is an addict jurassic hell am i sure. That the i. Know that. It. Is a cancer and cigarette in my dining alone may or halibut but now that. I scented through of the realm of it. Since the war in yemen started 85000 children have reportedly starved to death. According to the u. N. Its the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. In 2018 the u. N. Appointed a panel of experts to examine the Coalition Blockade on yemen and the impact of the thousands of airstrikes launched against civilians there. It concluded that these practices could qualify as war crimes its pointed not only at saudi arabia and the u. A. E. But also at the party supplying the coalition with weapons based on a multilateral treaty regulating arms sales that has been enforced as 2014 the arms trade treaty or the. Stipulates that a state party shall not authorize any transfer of conventional arms if it has knowledge at the time of authorization that the arms or items would be used in the commission of attacks directed against civilians objects or other war crimes. But whose weapons are used in these alleged crimes the filthies are keen to put forward their evidence. After air strikes the rebels scour the rubble for bomb remains to identify where they came from. The start of the remains at sites like this. This bomb cemetery in sanaa holds both american and european bombs. The manager of the store house says these bombs are u. K. Maids. Yeah i found out a while she goes on to say youre not ok are you are the a lot of that shit. So what. If. You look at have to know how that bit funny so now that i think. Your mouth you want me to get out. Of a stock or. Good. For our british. Intermission is to give me a how did. I want to miss back. A little while how beautiful it happened in the house and i dont have one with. The house up more given that about the other 2 to. Walk but i dont have them you know if you go lucky. One cluster bombs like this have the ground they become landmines which have been outlawed since 2010 by the also convention. These are the people but these remains were shown to us by who thiis one of the parties in this conflict we have no way to corroborates where they came from there are very few independent sources in yemen Human Rights Watch is one of the few independent n. G. O. S investigating on the ground. That. If youre in a place where they wont let you take photos but you want to get the g. P. S. And you the phone that has to can take g. P. S. 40. Sometimes if you just take a photo of the floor then you can get the g. P. S. Coordinates at the secret site 25. 00 members of the engine room norton i have come together for the 1st time Human Rights Watch experts are training them on how to gather evidence most prefer to remain anonymous for their own safety and that of their families and were trying to do Something Like a human rights movie for the violations that happening in the ground to keep it for the future for in the accountability and legal steps. We are all. Saved by accident. Many of our soldiers such as has been detained more than once and want to know is receiving a lot of firsts and we are facing a lot of hate campaigns from all parties to the conflict what is the 1st way you would try and find information about what happened with fear straight. Over her. Ok. You know. What do you mean when you say oh. Oh oh oh. Ok great so many notes on this point is a really good reminder the accuracy of the information collected on the ground is vital it will be used by International Organizations in their reports or videos of the strike site they also talked about renditions and physical remains of the types of weapons that were used right so physical evidence can be very very important. Human rights watch has only been able to look into 88 attacks that would be deemed illegal under International Law in 24 of those attacks it managed to pinpoint where the munitions came from. This is a u. K. Manufactured weapon guided bomb produced in may 2015 and the reason the dates are important is because its months after the coalition began its military campaign as well as human rights organizations in the u. S. And others are raising concerns about the way in which the coalition was operating in yemen so by continuing to sell weapons to saudi arabia or other members of the coalition that are likely to be used in unlawful coalition attacks in yemen the you can france themselves those states are risking complicity in future unlawful coalition attacks. Aware of this risk of complicity the european parliaments began calling for a suspension of arms sales to saudi arabia 2 years ago. 5 e. U. Member states have stopped sending more weapons to saudi arabia but does exclude the kingdoms biggest suppliers led by the United Kingdom. Since the outbreak of the war in yemen u. K. Arms manufacturers have sold more than 5000000000 euros worth of weapons to saudi arabia with this support has sparked an eye. Unprecedented wave of protest from both the British Public and parliament. British arms sales are sharply increased and British Military advisors are directing the wall it cannot rewrite that government this is pretty good aid cannot be right that her government is truly looting in all the United Nations ses is evidence of war crimes. 3 months after that speech troubling revelations heighten the criticism over arms sales in the United Kingdom arms export permits are in theory granted on a case by case basis specific licenses must be approved by the government and n. G. O. The campaign against arms trade investigated the permits granted to export to saudi arabia. As good information for you i think people are no better as well that was really help him. They discovered that the British Government had loosened the licensing process to speed up arms exports. We find out freedom of information requests that bombs and missiles are going to say the forces under open license open licenses are meant to be for goods which are not but which are not particularly sensitive then 5 these are some of the most sensitive exports that can be made were talking about bombs were talking but missiles in fact government has hidden for true value of u. K. Arms exports to saudi arabia. Even a member of the u. K. Parliaments committees on arms export controls said that he is powerless. As an m. P. A member of the committee has been able to know how much i mean nation have been sent on these open licenses to saudi arabia you know we have no idea because the government just does not record they are open tickets to send as much of that particular item to that particular country so saudi arabia in this case as that country wants and the Company Wants and thats a real problem because it could be hundreds of millions of rounds to saudi arabia the saudi case is an interesting difficult one because the amounts of money involved. So you are always going to come up to the front page of ethics. Economics. France faces the same dilemma during the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin said mans last visit to paris president emanuel mark home was asked about the issue. In a position of. Business with you in a security lobby so would you go on exhaust the many again the previous regime. The french president is pursuing the same policy embraced by his predecessors on both ends of the political spectrum. Between 20122017 the volume of weapons supplied to saudi arabia has tripled from 400000000 to 1300000000 euros. In 2015 when the war intensified in yemen it didnt slow arms exports quite the contrary. If governorship us dollars to refuse to place you go check on the french government has continued to approve arms exports to a country accused of possible war crimes by the un. This sparked uproar in the French Parliament in new york called the other more for the but for it this is all Michael Janda really obvious to me ruling out enough force you just got gold of having said. No only of all but deserve a nickel more than the baguette the last leg claire to divulge it damn me dont ever eat sauce otoh if thats your express is set on. These are still x. Plus and if we then examine x. Time im not he who would give us all easy i mean is there really to press is a moment of silliness i dont know minos will. Act. According to flaunt sparkly question during a closed door meeting of the Defense Committee officially saudi arabia may use french made arms only to defend itself. Can our weapons had an impact on the population. To my knowledge the ground equipment sold to saudi arabia is not being used offensively defensively. Half. Trying to get us to fund them and if you show the best value it got a shock you dont like l. A. Galaxy illustrate the actual creation of a. Threat. But how does france monitor the use of arms that it sells. Like you. With the french government fail to respond to repeated questions on the matter. Its all official response to the issue of arms exports. I report to parliament issued every year. Since you left do you visit down south to see that. Seal so you get to go to we cant tickle me down with the stuff is there some useful tools there but dont be a catalyst you need to pull your bicycle support i mean. Because i dont necessarily care and of the issue im on i did of a mushroom but she recovered by the weapon i destroyed this ocean polluted this i wont see that it will do so screw you and all of us but who want us for that is what you said yeah sure but the city as it will point to it will see if i dont comply. Then they will question you ask me whatever you know the longest walk to. The office. Every other year french arms manufacturers gather outside paris in veal ponds to show off their newest and best armaments. Along with us u. K. And german manufacturers they supply the saudi arabia Led Coalition in yemen with the bulk of their equipment. Following 2 fatal crashes and the past year boeing decided to brown the brand new 7 through 7 bags but this wasnt the 1st time that grounded a new croft back in 2013 the 77 dreamliner ran into trouble when the battery caught fire but as aljazeera as Investigative Unit discovered there was more to the problem than just smoking batteries. Rewind of broken dreams the boeing 787 on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks. Out. With detailed coverage no one is willing to return home to rearm are without sort of. Security guarantees from around the world the challenges facing the new Prime Minister and months to negotiate a new brics a deal in one day a deal the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated. Eradicating leprosy in cambodia relies on education and treatment in equal measure. Following him bloody early you know disability yes jail until 3 year old 4 year more people have disabilities. And in normal weight the next generation of antibiotics may just be waiting at the bottom of the ocean maybe just but if it does it. Revisited on aljazeera john the president s son Donald Trump Jr was promised damaging information about the Hillary Clinton or obligation to see the investigation sit down to see did the Trump Campaign with russia did you at any time bridge the former f. B. I. Director james comey in any way shape or form the closer to the investigation into Michael Flynn and also as you will know. Next question Michael Field washington on al jazeera. I know im Darren Jordan in doha with a quick reminder of the top stories here on aljazeera at least 20 people have been shot dead at a Shopping Mall in texas near the border with mexico its the deadliest mass shooting in the u. S. So far this year President Trump has called the shooting an act of cowardice a 21 year old suspect has been arrested 40 saying he could be prosecuted on hate crime charges. Just because disgusting intolerable is not texan and we are going to aggressively prosecute both as capital murder but also as a hate crime which is exactly what it appears to be just as rob reynolds is at the scene the now paso texas certainly this scene behind me where you can see police if cordon it off is a massive on a side best now and whats already been looking into this individuals writing use. These interactions possibly with other people if there were any either online or in person and attempt to find out more about his motive for this horrific act that is shock this. Past so the state of texas and shocked once again the United States of america mass rallies are set to continue in hong kong on sunday thousands of rallied for 9 weekends in a row to demand political reform on saturday police fired tear gas and prodemocracy protesters 20 people well rested and russian Police Arrested more than 800 opposition protesters they are rallying in moscow off of the government disqualified a number of candidates from standing in city elections next month last saturday more than a 1000 people were arrested in a similar rally but most clear at least. The new u. S. Defense secretary says he is in favor of putting intermediate range missiles in asia lock us but made the comments during a visit to sydney on friday washington withdrew from an arms control treaty that signed the former u. S. S. R. In the late 1980 s. Pakistan is protesting against indias decision to send thousands of soldiers to indian administered kashmir india says its concerned about attacks by fight as supported by pakistan a security alert over tourism pilgrims to leave the area but pakistan is expressing skepticism the foreign minister has written a letter of protest to the United Nations but those were the headlines the news continues on aljazeera of the yemen war profiteer statement thats a lot by far. This is opportunity to understand in a very different way where there. Is and we dont leave the. News. Every other year french arms manufacturers gather outside paris in field ponds to show off their newest and best armaments. Along with us u. K. And german manufacturers they supply the Saudi Arabian that coalition in yemen with the bulk of their equipments. Both the Coalition Led by saudi arabia and the u. A. E. And the hutu rebels have been accused of war crimes raising the possibility that their suppliers are also complicit. At the last arms trade show this these are how would serve was on display used by the Saudi National guard it has a 40 kilometer firing range and the one meter strike accuracy this powerful weapon has been a big seller for the next 3 group. None of the groups or presented tips would answer the filmmakers questions. But an extra worker spoke out. The supply your course only solo you realize and you want to know makes their. If you dont was on the whole a human because it goes between your ears or eric bruna is a Union Delegates at next are driven by his convictions and protected by his union mandates he travels around france telling arms industry workers how french made arms are being used in yemen where you see no notice i just was indifferent isnt your is that are you aware that there was enough of luck in those that you referred to your government is that theyre more suited of us what with the us was real goods in the us if one of us like the no human. Has been protesting. The orders continue with more expected soon in the us in late august 2018 another next 3 employees is that a new contract has just been negotiated with saudi arabia. To protect our stores this dialogue has been reenacting. This contract was signed while the un was raising the possibility that the coalition committed war crimes. None of the details of these contracts have been made public its not the 1st controversial defense contract between france and saudi arabia. In 2014 france signed a contract to sell 2400000000 euros worth of military equipment to saudi arabia officially the saudis were supposed to give them to their ally lebanon to help it fight socalled terrorists. But 2 years later the saudis decided to keep the weapons for themselves with frances approval they claim the situation in lebanon had become too unstable. But this decision appears to have been premeditated on Jimmy Johnson was well its in winners understeer you just you just want to have more day than the day imagine and yell open shoot g. Man are in no urgent dont forget us wolf and dont match i need your nickel was only 20 oakland word that to you for National Geographic emetic incessant vengeance of an facile true young plan if you just show up or when you manage a certain box or you dont. Purportedly instead of helping lebanon saudi arabia was preparing its war in yemen with help from friends the filmmaker spoke with one of tony 14 sources. The informant still works in the arms industry and prefers to remain anonymous in 2015 he or she helped prepare the Communications Systems for the vehicles sold to saudi arabia. Source that the french arms maker knew the weapons would be used in yemen. Did it. And yet you do foresee. Us. Each being the false. Year. To a halt was Prime Minister when the donors contract was negotiated he was then appointed Foreign Affairs minister and held the position when the military weapons shipments to saudi arabia began. If you. Do that if. You were to preserve the book. Nuclear power. Is because it. Was it. Where pretty. It was every day but to. Me is that because it ever got comparable to you know what i was going to come out in a lab so basic but see what i talk about service on property a check for than exam oak up of growth of course good as you like to do you know me lounge also although i want to over there live as good as usual no no he goes. Straight to an ass so were off it. As you could be. As you know on jail which ordinary. Human cant win but you know this youre so full of you that met. The dollars contract provided for the delivery of munitions 1st is there how would. 24000 spotted them in footage filmed by a saudi t. V. Crew at the border with yemen. I see dont walk. Long joan valentine. Fletcher so for most value she says shes done the defensive some city turned home to no matter what young of a d. V. D. A she too but i wonder what your birthday to conceal nip out early in. The journal says. Thanks to his inside sources and social Network Sites that focus on armaments he identified french weapons and youth on the frontline. All up. Next youre going to pour. The dado you men read about it it was it was on the post on the ng and then you tell. 14 counted a total of 11 weapons that could have been used against civilian populations but couldnt get anyone to officially confirm his list. It is classified information deemed top secret. No one can check on the executive branchs arms deals not even members of parliament who are supposed to monitor the governments actions see kettles who are all to tell you well. Im not going to sauce. Best rocketeer sorry im in the hottest. They are you know what i guess is that this really isnt going to miss our turn against. What destroys. All up with the occasional executive post a to get in and i post a day on which is this all see that but he said he. Says he saw it all to fiction way home value. Me presentation of all places he didnt remember and i didnt want him to defame a fish the best your feeling really sure is we can use it all he said by the me shortly only to only put us in my own for sure but you never know so theres an admission he says after some time that i think it was all good what it went away when i spent time with that school is his role of almost nobody montel noble but that was. To increase transparency in july 2018 a deputy proposed creating a committee to investigate the use of french weapons in the war in yemen fabian good to fast oppose the move the committee of inquiry never got off the ground. One arguments used to justify the contracts these arms sales help france maintain its strong geopolitical foothold in the region. The 2nd argument is a canard make the arms industry employs 165000 people in france. This center in france is looking region has been set up to train saudi soldiers on how to use our lands purchased from france it was subsidized by the local government and is expected to employ 100 local workers just last longer senator for the muse supported the project while serving as French Defense minister in 20112012. He increased french trade with saudi arabia substantially you have known good into an on camera interview but had this to say be a telephone. Official. As im sure thats. The reason. All except the little kids didnt. Look as if he had come to get on television its a good and fresh again. To me but its any. Sort of. Nothing seems to have slowed down the sales not the accusations of war crimes nor the thousands of civilian deaths not even the murder of a saudi dissident in october 2018. Isnt that his judgment crashing into a tree just gets rid of answer that i did so did a stalking or its because i had to demarcate loudly so did. The man i should be again it is true it is something straight out i still mood. In france zs coningsburgh official protests but its effect trade with the saudis. In germany the reaction was harsher. Thats. Been deemed too stunned to name them all nixon. And the chance theres decision to the promise she made 7 months earlier but never put into practice and going to merkel was putting together her government at the time ishmael one doesnt mind the cost in voided despite some focus that. At the prompting of social democrats merkel pledged to stop exporting weapons to countries involved in the fighting in yemen. But has to. Act. And survive for the long. Exposure because its all. In a few forbidden to the show of a plea deal. Done. By a district suleman so were still mostly for woman from. Good reason but for me she is all i know. I know political. When you see him get america pleading for. Because of the case how do you feel. The good. Is fed in the as the same amounts. Most. Aligned before he a woman in the game and stopped in a ball in the house was dissolved disappointed tick side 30 of the your novel for the internets another put it took but boy did. The goodness come slocums. In germany 136000 people work for the arms industry and never this decision was numbed the knesset applauded by the german public. With a member of the committee on Foreign Affairs and the Disarmament Commission for 8 years im going to back and i dont need to give up yet kind of off and i saw the army. Going hard to bidding on creature c. And d. How much it does. Invite of an export economy to having another geelong amended got its ball saudia have been vetted by. Some weapons makers didnt even wait a few months. Time mittal germany 2nd biggest defense contractor apparently devised a strategy for getting around the back. Behind me time executive refused to answer requests come in. The information came out by accident discovered by a former italian and p. 29th 2015. P. T. And a colleague were getting ready to take off from count. Airports. Say a medicine man. Meant better over. Peter the bomb that. Was the bomb but. Able to document. It and. Even then it. Depends. On the. Start of. The stop a quest. For of course i went i meant that. He then discovered that more bombs were about to be shipped out this time and boots belonging to the body shipping company which belonged to saudi arabia. Container is again legal castello. Container. Entering shayna visually for. More than 20 of these convoys. He also made a key discovery the bombs are manufactured by an Italian Company that belongs to germanys behind mattel group. They are encased series bombs identifiable by the code stamped on them during manufacture 84447. With this code a link was made to a war crime committed against civilians in yemen. In october 26th the saudi and u. A. E. Led coalition bombed the house where a couple and their 4 children lived with the strike killed the entire family. The bomb remnants found in the ruins carried the high nitel subsidy found 3. 4 floors. They ski liberal do going to provoke little sort of. Local saying the. Saudi. Women to. Their sky aint that. Their investigation prompted germanys Peace Networks to take action. It confirmed the findings of arms expert next hour he spent the past 2 years investigating the arms exports which is fine mittal chinle to saudi arabia through its alyan subsidiary. Of these are from a defense i know thats when everyone all of them are fundamental in forgotten and yeah but talk to owns of maybe one or all. Mentality for us. On that help they need to string on from that union alls result legate you see in the audience ive been having with a few saudi arabi and a feeling. With politicians feeling to stem the tide of arms flowing to saudi arabia some activists have turned their efforts to the courts. Among them a team in the group enid by andrew smith and experts with the campaign against arms trade. In march 2017. 18 filed a complaint contesting the legality of uki arms sales to saudi arabia it worths 1st. For the reason we took legal action is because we believe fees arms sales are not just and moral we belief it also illegal you cant export criteria is very clear it says but if there is a clear risk that weapons might be used to commit a serious violation of International Humanitarian law. An arms sale should not go ahead the case brought several classified emails to light like this one consider the defense secrets. In it the head of the export control joint units a Government Organization expresses doubts about the legality of the arms shipments concluding. To be honest and i was very direct and honest with the secretary of state my gut tells me we should suspend. The n. G. O. Lost the 1st round in the case but was allowed to file an appeal. On june 20th the u. K. Court of appeals ruled on the case declaring british arms sales to saudi arabia for use in its war in yemen unlawful. The u. K. Government has halted licenses for weapons exports to yemen while it appeals the ruling. This victory has provided fresh hope for human rights advocates in yemen as they push forward to relentlessly with their investigation. Despite the chaos they have not given up hope that one day the perpetrators of these crimes and their accomplices will be brought to trial. For the victims families the mourning will not end until justice has been served. However we still got some showers just spilling across the black sea towards the caspian sea and see the area cloud here rolling across georgia into azerbaijan elsewhere across selamat pushing through iraq down into afghanistan much of pakistan dry and hot pretty much summed it up 35 celsius the kabul we get it to 32 in karate theres a hot sunshine made foresees for baghdad at the kuwait city it was hot as it has been but its still pretty warm 30 celsius there for by roots and also for jerusalem but when we come down into the writing peninsula and here were seeing temperatures just edging up a notch over the next couple of days a 44. 00 there for us here in doha that more cloud just around the fall south of the Arabian Peninsula not as cloud is it was at the end of last week but some of that plan well bill thicken up a few spots of rain a possibility as we go through monday 46 celsius in doha by that stage. Way and just starting to feed its way down but it will stay dry hopefully the humidity just easing off a touch draw i find in sunday across the southern parts of africa a little bit some places a cloud just getting across the foss out of the southern cake but the cloud to pushing over towards the east and a dry and fine the zimbabwe. Part. If you want to learn above that was my look like very soon got a 100 and hungry is in the stream example of the predicament the whole world is going through. Scenes Mass Immigration story we had paunch clashes between because yours and the problems that the culture that these. Cars should say some raiding to us is or is not comfortable with european culture this is not like food fascists. Triumphal march. Dreams of conquest and of global tribe. This is very very uneventful kulai to us depressives is without resistance we are pos the danger has already happened. It was then just 10 years ago. Now this is it. Oh im counting the cost this week were on patrol off the coast of west africa as nations deployed naval forces to account for the scourge of piracy and hostage taking off the 6 years of treading water gold prices are on the rise plus how iraq plan is to cut its gas if its counting the cost on aljazeera. The Palestine National locust was 1st founded in the 1930 s. But has had to be revived in 2010 all was very important for me to sing in palestine now musicians from all over the world come together to perform in the occupied territories so good for the theme its like every palestinian living in the aspirant felt it was the 1st time they perform using their identity aljazeera world hears music as a force for unity the diaspora orchestra. And some of the. Police in texas are investigating whether the mass shooting that killed 20 people in el paso was a hate crime. Low on down jordan this is al jazeera live and also coming up thousands more indian troops are deployed to kashmir as hindu pilgrims and tourists a lot of them leave other security concerns

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