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Guilty of sedition and sentenced to between 9 and 13 years for their roles in the failed bid for independence 2 years ago has more now from the catalan capital. They turned out in their thousands at basle owners airport determined to cause as much disruption as possible and fronted by riot police to protest his intentions to signal the start of a campaign of civil disobedience cause and amnesty for the 9 politicians and activists convicted on monday for their roles in a failed attempt to secede from spain 2 years ago they were found guilty of sedition but were acquitted on the most serious charge of rebellion the defendants were sentenced to between 9 and 13 years in prison the reaction from the catalan Regional Government was unequivocal. And i personally reject these very big its because we consider them. Unjust and antidemocratic and because they are part of a political trial and were dragged of legal action against got along as right to selfdetermination and against the Independence Movement with a general election in his sights next month the spanish Prime Minister better sanches urged dialogue took a firm line on the Supreme Courts verdict or you. Can blow today exemplary judicial process has concluded but to the same time confirms that the sinking of a political project has failed in its attempt to not attain internal support and International Recognition leaving behind pain and confrontation on the front of coexistence in catalonia about the within hours of the sentencing protesters came out onto the streets and gathered here at the main square in Barcelona City Center they say they are part of what is being called the democratic tsunami but even but if there were one against the bus i think what is happening is shameful but i think the conviction is really unfair and i dont understand how this can happen in the 21st century and you were here once you know ok im here because i think the trial has been a complete fraud has been a trial that Human Rights International organizations have been that was having a lot of regularities i think we have to denounce it and this week a pattern. Not everyone sees it like this the castle a nationalist movement has itself become more divided between groups that support more direct forms of action and those who oppose it politics here is more fractured and there is no majority backing for secession solving the Catalan Crisis is as allusive as ever and in spite of the sentencing a long way from being a result. Aljazeera of barcelona. So to come in this half hour were going to have an. Exclusive report from iraq where syrian kurds are starting to arrive clean the fighting in Northern Syria and president transformer rush advisor testifies to congress as part of being peach make inquiries. How hes still got plenty of sunshine into many parts of Eastern Europe and city down into the south but i was towards the west it is after the tipping down big massive cloud of rain rolling in from the atlantic a number of areas of low pressure bringing some wet sand with the weather it at times and that cloud in the right will make its way right across the British Isles the low countries a good part of france things and heavy right but downpours there too into Switzerland Northern parts of italy some snow over the high ground choose they looks like a dry a day across spain and portugal we have got some wet weather pushing into the western side of the med further east still looking good plenty of warmth around plenty of sunshine as well and it stays that way as we go through where the cypress for the north is still very breezy a lot of cloud in the rain pushing up towards the Baltic States through scandinavia wednesday another port a wall cloud of rain rolling into those western parts northwestern there was a front seeing some very heavy right along with whiles and eventually pushing across into england well the pulse of africa generally not see bad but we have got the chance of wanted to shout into the far north of algeria northern parts of tunisia little more cloud to just sliding into morocco over the next day or so but a bit of cloud 2 into northern parts of libya and theres always a chance of one of 2 spots of rain coming in here. A clandestine world of illegal trade what you have here is not just archaeological object youre talking about the political damage. Well the spoils of war are smuggled in so we need to walk in houses and private collectors dying for selling an artifact is worth finances the beheadings and massacres in the middle east. Thats one quick solution trafficking aljazeera. Time now for a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera Syrian Government forces of moved into the strategic city of man be as well as other towns in Northern Syria a day after being invited in by Kurdish Forces at least 5 people one policeman and 4 protesters have been killed in the latest round the government of the stray sions in guinea and protesters take to the streets of Barcelona Spain Supreme Court handed lengthy jail sentences the 9 catalan separatist leaders for their roles in the failed in the pendants bid 2 years ago. Lets go back to our top story now the turkish offensive in syria syrian kurds fleeing the fighting are starting to arrive in Northern Iraq yes hours hes there said that they could be the 1st of tens of thousands of refugees plans are being made to accommodate the new arrivals but the priority for the kurdistan Regional Government is to stop isis fighters and supporters mingling with genuine refugees burnet smith says this exclusive report from Northern Iraq. On the just a few packs of essential all this family could carry as they ran from the fighting in northeastern syria theyre amongst the 1st to make it across the border into the kurdish government north of iraq. There was shelling and fighting this man says my family hasnt slept for days weve left everything behind. Almost 200 syrians were bussed into a refugee camp in the book on monday afternoon. The biggest concern for the kurdish authorities is who exactly is crossing the border i saw fighters or supporters mingled with the innocent officials cross reference names to make sure those who got on the bus of the border stayed on for the 90 minute journey here a local Intelligence Officer takes a photo of the tally i think its going to be interesting to see who is coming in the next days and what the authorities will do to filter it is a population coming in certainly theres going to be checks done to make sure they arrive generally and people are taking care of. Everyone we spoke to share their shock at the overnight switch from living peacefully to being. Little. America has let us down i didnt imagine that they would destroy the people in our future i used to like america but now i hate it i mean it you plan. The syrians will join the already more than 1000000. 00 internally displaced persons and refugees being hosted in the kurdistan region of iraq and depending on how long turkeys military Campaign Goes on for the kurdistan Regional Government the k r g estimates that anything between 30000 up to as many as a quarter of a 1000000 syrians will flee the fighting here into the chaotic. The syrian refugee camp has been here more than 7 years but tents a long gone children are growing up here people are putting down roots and now this small town is about to get bigger. Bernard smith aljazeera dormice refugee camp in Northern Iraq. Britains Prime Minister has laid out his governments agenda in the queens speech with leaving the European Union on october 31st a top priority is still to be finalized the divorce agreement was one of 26. 00 new bills presented its course johnson has no majority in Parliament Opposition parties have dismissed the speech as an election manifesto Charlie Angela reports from london. The costumes the carriage the queens speech is the high point of parliamentary pageantry and the british monarch announces the governments plans for new legislation in a speech written for her she began with proposals to support a back seat deal if the deal is reached this week my governments priority has always been to secure the united kingdoms departure from the European Union on the 31st of october my government intends to work towards a new partnership with the European Union based on free trade and friendly cooperation. Boris johnson has just 5 days to secure deal with the parliament would approve if he doesnt succeed he faces asking for an extension to the october 31st deadline or trying to force through a no deal press it against the wishes of the house of commons but there was no sign of a possible concession in his speech we aim to create a new age of opportunity for the whole country yet. As we prepare to get bricks. Final table the 31st we are sitting out now all vision of an open global free Trading United Kingdom a car a wage low tax economy the government says it is hopeful for an agreement after the Prime Minister as i was counterpart agreed on a pathway to a deal on customs arrangements with Northern Ireland and the need to quickly flush out the bones of that deal with the rest of the e. U. Although for europes leaders gathered for the summit on thursday. In brussels u. K. And e. U. Negotiating teams a meeting with all sides saying theres still a lot of work to be done the last number of months difficult. So i think your eyes my teacher says a deal is possible and its possible this month may be possible this week but were not there yet. The queens speech included spending pledges on Health Care Education and security but with a minority government its unlikely many of the supposal will be passed by parliament instead many see it as a list of election promises an election that is looming ever closer Charlie Angela aljazeera london lets go live now to joanna hall who is at westminster for a sojourner did we learn anything new from the queens speech. In short no without any sort of a majority this government has very little chance of interacting any of those big pieces of legislation that it would like to ostensibly in the next session of parliament its going to have to hope that an election comes and an election comes soon and the one piece of legislation it will want to enact is breaks it and the big hope and all the efforts now are focused upon the idea of getting a deal getting a deal at the e. U. Summit later on this week building on those concessions made apparently by Boris Johnson to liver and go last week which spawned a flurry of optimism a weekend of negotiators working frantically away by monday i have to say the noise coming out of the e. U. Was not quite as optimistic apparently they seem to be unconvinced by the bones of this idea which involved Northern Ireland staying part in part out of the Customs Union negotiated were told will continue to work frantically right through wednesday night if necessary if thats what it takes to try and get something on the table in front of the leaders on thursday that they can try and agree on that because of course i mean there is that line and there is the october 31st deadline how do we expect the next week and a half or you know 2 weeks leading up to that the play out. Well the initial focus is on thursday Boris Johnson were told is having telephone calls with people like Angela Merkel the german chancellor emanuel mack on the french president key players that hes trying to win over the e. U. Summit will really be something of a moment of truth they will leave the invite him into the room the other 27 leaders and say look yes here we are we said we think that there is the makings here of a new deal at all they simply wont invite him into the room and instead they will be talking about what sort of extension they might be willing to grant the u. K. If as expected Boris Johnson asks for one as hes legally now bound to do the very next day of course m. P. s here on a saturday for the 1st time in 37 years will be gathered ready to vote on that deal if there is one or a substantial portion of them to force Boris Johnsons hand if he tries not to comply with that piece of backbench legislation requiring him to get an extension if he hasnt got a deal its entirely possible barbara that in the lead up to october the 31st the following week and indeed what happens on october the 31st that will be decided by the Supreme Court Interesting Times ahead with the latest now from westminster jenna thank you the former white house russia adviser fiona hill has been testifying behind closed doors in congress as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump she resigned days before the july phone conversation when trump asked the president of ukraine to investigate joe biden and his son shepard hanson has more now from washington d. C. Unlike before bastardy ukraines testimony on friday there was no Opening Statement for fear in the hills or nothing that could be leaked almost immediately to the press number less we have been receiving briefings from those around her about what she is saying and the key the key point is yes there was a shadow Foreign Policy operation underway at the at the control of Rudy Giuliani on behalf of donald trump but the next question is always right thats fine the president is allowed to conduct Foreign Policy in any way that he sees fit but was this on behalf of the United States National Interests or was it on behalf of Donald Trumps personal political interests and that the suggestions weve been getting is your spirit will say it was the latter this wasnt about u. S. National security this was about Donald Trumps personal position about may be key in the articles of Impeachment Police in hong kong say officers were targeted by a homemade explosive device during protests on sunday they say the device was hit in bushes and activated by a mobile phone as a Police Vehicle passed nearby no one was injured but its the 1st time that that kind of device has been used in months of protests over tested extradition bill that has since been shelved. A cleanup is underway in ecuador after the president struck a deal with indigenous groups to scrap an austerity package which caused more than a week of violent protests in the capital quito workers clean the streets of daybreak caused by the demonstrations which left at least 7 people dead many more i know has agreed to work on a new Economic Policy approved by the indigenous groups in exchange the protests have been called off. The main bodyguard for pope francis has resigned over the leaked names of vatican employees suspended as part of a financial investigation longtime vatican security chief the many call johnnie was a familiar sight at the popes side to during his many public appearances he said the document naming the 5 men vatican security 2 weeks ago it was later leaked but Officials Say he was not personally responsible. 3 economists based in the United States have won the nobel prize for economics for whats described as their experimental approach to alleviate global poverty indian born. And his french american wife esther do flow from the message you since institute of technology. Michael kramer is from Harvard University do flow is only the 2nd woman to win the economics prize their work is said to have helped millions of children around the world. More on the web site the address al jazeera dot com. And now a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera Syrian Government forces of moved into the strategic city of mondays as well as other towns in Northern Syria a day after being invited in by Kurdish Forces it sets up a potential clash with turkey whose president has indicated he will intensify his offensive against the kurds and hold has more now from the turkish Syrian Border. The situation on the ground is quite dangerous but what we understand is that contacts are taking place the Turkish Defense minister saying that he held a phone conversation with his russian counterpart because there is like you mentioned the potential of direct confrontation a new front in members that is a town in Northern Aleppo it is a crossroads at a major supply line so its strategic for all parties to want to capture at least 5 people have been killed in the latest antigovernment demonstrations in guinea one policeman and 4 protesters a heavy Police Presence limited the number of people on the streets but there were still many violent clashes in the capital and other major cities protesters are angry at a proposed change in the constitution that would allow the veteran president. To run for a 3rd term ive also seen protests in barcelona after Spain Supreme Court handed lengthy jail sentences to 9 catalan separatist leaders for their roles in the failed bid for independence 2 years ago theyve been found guilty of sedition and sentenced to between 9 and 13 years. Britains Prime Minister has laid out his governments agenda in the queens speech to parliament with leaving the European Union on october 31st a top priority is still to be finalized divorce agreement was one of the 26 new bills presented former white house russia advisor fiona hill has been testifying behind closed doors in congress as part of the impeachment inquiry into president she resigned just days before the july phone conversation when trump asked ukraines president to investigate joe biden those are the headlines stay with us coming up next its history thanks for watching. Tens of thousands of iraqis took to the streets this month to demand job spacex of the sales and an end to corruption Security Forces shelton killed at least 100. 00 of them i said ok im really good and youre in the stream join us with your thoughts on twitter or in our live you tube shop. Iraqis government has launched an investigation into why peaceful protests turned deadly the last week officials have also begun offering compensation to victims families some of them are refusing the money the streets are quiet for now but anger at the government continues to simmer. Aljazeera has been covering this story its with us from baghdad welcome him ron you have been in iraq for the duration of these deadly protests and now an investigation is being called for into the daffs i want to reference this article on al jazeera dot com iraqs of the orders in curry into protester death thats the Prime Minister online though people are still skeptical this is how those who says how do you create an Investigative Committee headed by a party who was the 1st accused in prosecution of the demonstrators and still monitoring their digital activity till this moment many activists outside provinces of demonstration are threatened with arrest and disappearance so in iran what do people believe will come of this investigation. Well theres not a huge amount of hope that the investigation will actually target any of the people responsible what were hearing is that the iraqi army was responsible for most of the life onto the crowds they were actually taken away from for example saw the city here in baghdad and replaced with federal Police Forces but charging the army is going to be very politically difficult for the Prime Minister. And so bringing these people to justice may well be a very difficult thing because under a new tremendous amount of pressure by this the most senior religious cleric a shia muslim religious cleric in the country grand ayatollah ali sistani actually gave him a 2 week deadline and said this investigation must take place within 2 weeks and so the protesters been speaking to say well thats a great deadline for us will give him the 2 weeks but if he doesnt come up with a credible investigation where the results are plain and clear for everybody to see will be back out in the streets again so theres a lot of pressure here and the government and its building very very slowly you know i need to we have the senior muslim cleric ayatollah ali sistani but we also have 3 Major Political blocs in iraq calling for new elections we have the speaker of the parliament. Also talking about elections but certainly putting pressure on the government before we start something that i want to check in with you about that as we have covered we have seen protests in iraq before what characterizes these latest. Well for the 1st time. Many of the journalists i speak to many of the political analysts of soon to say that these protests are different because they were leaderless they seemingly came out of nowhere and they were spontaneous reaction from a lot of young people people who dont remember Saddam Hussein dont remember who barely remember the invasion and occupation by the us of iraq who actually were and when you speak to the military bluntly what they do remember is you know government corruption not having any opportunities lack of Jobs Education i mean those people are lucky enough to go through and get their education they say well whats the point we have all these degrees but theres no jobs for us to get so this is a generation who is who are seeing iraq not develop since the u. S. Led invasion occupation now it is a very difficult toss to rebuild a country of the Something Like that happens to it but some 450000000000 dollars according to Transparency International has been stolen from the country and these young people are asking questions like well with that money gone and these are valid questions to ask i think you have young a young person on the show who we are asking exactly that question but for now iran col. Baghdad bureau we really appreciate you joining us now to discuss the protests we have here he is a journalist an analyst speaking to us from iraq we also have russia and i went to the protests she joins us from baghdad by phone russia has asked that we not disclose her last name out of concern for her safety and finally in the studio today we have kadima owie he is a political analyst and expert on iraqi politics and culture welcome it is good to have you here so this idea about the protests could have the. When you saw that happening this latest reporting on protests many many many times. Behind these protests is what well thanks for having me here. Its very unique this protest didnt this it doesnt have a leader when they went on the street to a week ago they won there with very simple demand for basic services for a job and some other issues but right now its escalated to to changing their governmental system and even the laws which covers the election laws and its getting bigger is getting really dangerous actually to to the Government Environment and baghdad right now i mean the all the heads of the state which is the 3 of them mr ill go see the speaker of the house and the Prime Minister mr the dr home side theyre sitting there and theyre just like redux i mean theyre all in their eyes when they see these people like what we do exactly want from me those kids i call them kids because theyre too young to you know god bless them theyre on the street they want to change everything right now this is not just about a job because we know the Iraqi Government cannot employ everyone on the street but the Iraqi Government can bring Big Companies for investment when you have a big company in iraq when you have a hotel or a huge company and you can bring these this young man or woman to a decent job you dont have to rely on the government a 100 percent for a job but there are many issues right now those those young man and woman on the street bringing to the government hey we dont want you there we dont want the system in general not not the you know the democratic system but were talking about you know election is a. If i if i just add one more to this i think being on the street and talking to the various protesters again i agree they are very young but i think the operative word here is Good Governance the people who were on the streets all the previous demands that they were having can all be summarized into words Good Governance the lack of Good Governance since 2000 is very is really what created this protest today the demands that weve been hearing they have the we have been hearing them since 2003. And they were in various stages of protest in iraq over the past 2 years over the past 16 years. They were sidelines they were dealt with with various political groups but at the same time they were they were really not met the various protests so that the demands of the various protest in the past so this time around i think it is its only demands exploded on one day october 1st this is this is a key thing unfortunate see what i see that the government is completely oblivious to this day all these events and there are signs to see from many of problems this is what. This is i think with will keep these protests going the various young. People who are on the streets seriously on the street who calls for the of for these. Serious changes to this to the political system but at the same time they were met with violence they were met with having these unless they were messed with care few and that contributed to increasing as fronting the protests at least all around the capital in the 1st couple of days and then a full for the rest of the country. You im glad you gave us that context because i want to bring up to each week that ill give to you russia on twitter says demonstrations are not new to iraqs streets nor politicians are new to publishing promises since 2011 where iraqs former Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki Promised Land and houses for summer iraqis and some monthly grants for Unemployed People iraq still lacks jobs houses and security but like you were saying but the people are demonstrating not just for money theyve had enough of corruption not only for having good electricity they want to see their homeland in a good state of development so. I know that you were out there on the streets it looks like we just lost a precious connection so ill give this back to you here because i know you were there on the 2nd day of the protests when live fire broke out tell us about that and did that surprise you. It was actually very surprising i was i went from there but i was in the area of baghdad to see the end of the protests because they were pushed back from Tahrir Square to to another area called the south that they are the parents where close to where the people the young guys were were hit with the with the loss of. Life around them and i started to ask him people in the middle of the interview. I posted that video on my Facebook Page and i think and him being in the middle of the interview already so the people who are standing there were not even shouting slogans or only thing they were getting ready actually to disperse and we so huge gas being thrown at us and then at the same time there were we saw live rounds coming from the from the forces and im not sure what its about its all right if i show some of it because a fight for you on facebook of the follies you on twitter and you have been documenting this and youve been documenting this for a reason so let me just show people what you this is all to help with a 6 and you can talk for what were actually seeing. This is. The this is exactly what we were just. To see theyre not there we got to think if you look at these videos you see. Them in this 2nd video on face on i was on my Facebook Page shall we. So let me just say that so youre saying that thats not really doing i think theyre just there in the street so let me go to this video which is so disturbing i am just going to show you here the separate justice video army shooting. Im just going to press play down hand then play it back up and youll see your here this lets pull the we are right up guys the this is. The shooting horizontal and you notice that the shots are for his own program not firing in this gun. This was really amazing we dont know why they were doing that with this and the reason you mention the reason you mention history to horizontal is because there were people who were industry yeah and there were suggestions and if the shooters were snipers which would be coming from higher up not from down on the streets there were there were 2 types of bullets i mean certainly from the result that i would to the hospitals and i met some of the. Some of the injured. Too they were they were injured from both sides the some of them were army and others were from the protesters some of the people who they are being accused. Some of the people in the army accused the riot police and they were this was really amazing the riot police are supposed to be the most patient the most the most cool headed but they were the most trigger happy and one of them said. I had to look published this with us because of the identity of the well if they want it they were going to put most of them at gun shots coming in from one side and coming out of the other side in a horizontal way in their body part in that in their body so it shows that it explains where the gun with the bullets of that military personnel that soldier ended up he was firing. In a horizontal i thank you thank you for that and im going to bring you back in the conversation i want to play video comment with our from a political activists in istanbul on this is aftermath and heres what he told a stream. Of consciousness most of the Political Leadership and that was an advantage for the protesters at this point im not sure that i think Government Administration can stop this because its created became in a living province to say out all for 18 total all the iraqi people are asking the International Community and every human isochron ization to condemn what are going on but bad because thats not what were willing to be and thats the future we ask them for tells me im not sure about the ability of the Iraqi Government to solve the problem and the. Better choice for the protesters rush i want to bring you back into the conversation that in this video comment says hes not sure of the governments ability to solve this problem you went to the protests as a witness you talk to protesters what were they telling you. Well theres a theres a number of things that have said theyre not exactly the same but the most common one was the fact that they believe the government should have seen these protests coming since they happen in 20072013201520162772 and now in 2019 they have not seen the phrase well sure that the government can do anything whatsoever and this can be seen from the fact that when the post was actually 1st began there was the monitoring the lack of corruption increased employment opportunities. Of prison on their lack of the basic services for once the i guess the hostility and live ammunition in the system i think began protests as most offensive on what was justice for those that have died had been wounded have been taken some people have no idea what is happening some of the friends or that family members and then in the end complete lack of faith in the government also of so i guess the demands of the protests the transition based on what the escalation of the between by both sides of the government schools are by persisters themselves for example. Purchases attacking fire trucks or ambulances because prior to then actually used against protesters the became a lack of faith between forces even among themselves because youre trying to get people dressed in civilian clothing when youre talking them and take them away so i guess one thought that also has just normal demonstrations for i guess what ive always been demonstrating for over the last few years transition to a complete lack of faith in the current Government Policies and also the system itself because i want to play you a sound bite from the spokesperson of grand ayatollah al sistani his reaction g. S. A very powerful cleric in iraq and lets listen to his reaction thank you when you come off the back of it go ahead ed. And not a compliment what i mean is that i had an amnesia that rock a government and its security authorities are fully responsible for the blood which has been shed and the demonstrations of the past few days the bloodshed was either from the innocent president s or from security elements which were entrusted with dealing with them. The government is no longer able to show you a way from bearing such a big responsibility to the one. Rick making at that question about the politics of whats going on in iraq quite how significant is that while the shiite clerics they always get involved into and into politics i mean some of them and in the parliament some of them actually theyre theyre active and the and the government so the mix between religion and politics these days it became fashion but its good that the marjayoun presented by a group that the loss is obvious is tunny and show you care. But i who was that led the friday sermon of karbala there they are condemning those attack against the civilians which is really good thats given legitimacy to the protest and to the protest but it was still hes really i am the problem we need the solution the solution comes from the government but not end Term Solutions not just throwing money not just apologizing or oh thing now you have to really have have a habit and major surgery to change iraq a political system and thats what this with with the protests to right now theyre looking for some good solution not just every time this is since 2011 says 2010 every time they have they have a protest and the Iraqi Government promised them to have a job for them but this time there is a chaos also what then have the iraqi Security Forces whose who is whos doing what whos shooting this innocent protest that is that the army is it the police as the militias is that p. M. S. So you know the key problem with this. Is that we have a very we government we have a political process a process that is led by that theres you on the one hand they are very much suspect that any wise in some of their intervention is the news of their own to make them for the government was very good but on the other hand the tickly nobodys. Seems to be in charge in iraq the most powerful man today there are christmas the custom still there many die r. C. T. That you read the n. R. C. If you come out there who comes through there are all those people around and it seems from what weve been hearing from government sources that the iranians have taken charge of the over the process of the process of crushing the approach that whats happening now. Same way as the green revolution in how and why they were around was there any other tactics being used today against the iraqi protests that you and i thank you and i we know Iraqi Government its a consensual government and the middle east when you have a consensual government that means its going to be weak which means going to be around you are going to be run by various Political Parties and hes the head of the state is not very rigid the head of the state the Prime Minister hes actually compromise from that hes not even hes not even elected this i mean dr mr. He was a compromise figure they picked some pick him up from what i think has and has got to take back you created the big power vacuum created the big political vacuum created this being crippled by iran and its agents consensual its a consensual government never worked and the middle east even and the muslim or arab world we have won enough and pakistan consensual government in iraq consensual Government Back in the days in yemen consensual government. Consensual government that is what i think i do not hear a rational rational trying to get an. You know i just want to say that 8 i do you agree with i think he was that iraq his view that the iranians are quick and complete control of the of the government actually when i was on the ground focus is actually complaining that they feel like American Intervention and the increase of the reigning intervention in the country was actually a big family purchases one of the fact that the young go no it doesnt match that action saying this on grounds they actually believe the rally are being mislead you. The rich we are seeing is a new iraq you really for the american anymore. They are hoping. Look so they were not really looking a lot of. People every single day even people who are not people for example who want to be in already saying where. All of the people of the speaker a lot of people who think they are people are being actually. American intervention. Exactly thats what im saying thats exactly reforms think america is whats being an officious bystander all of this happening as. If you dont if they interfere get death to america they not going to come to collect it so its them if you do them if you dont time thats the good thats america staying away from this is this chaotic issue thank you for that whole time from i just want to get back to the community 500. Pushing forward on what is going to happen next there is conjecture from fattest here on twitter he says were calling for the resignation of the government mr ive delivered the transfer to a caretaker government to change the electoral law in such a way in order to end the continuous domination of grand parties or the results. Calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister do you think that that is something thats bigger than just this one person here or and do you think its feasible its not feasible its a big thing i mean that ive done it is one person you get rid of him its a name and one person to get rid of him youve proven those grand parties islamic parties and theyll just as long as llamas and they go to bring their own a stooge again they will bring their own mini me so you have dr evil right they are watching the minute he was doing the dirty business and so its the resignation of the is not really the solution the solution its these Political Parties us who are the heads of the Political Parties who run iraq since 2003. Exactly this is why the those of us being for ready. Persecution the reform and theyre asking for or changing the formula is being repeated we have been trying to say things over and over again says to those are the 3 unexpecting are the result this is really not working let me just go back to russia russia im going to show on my computer some of the key reasons why people were out on the streets this last time in october so we have a population of 14000000 in iraq 60 percent to 20 percent unemployment and in the Transparency International league of corruption iraq comes in and what number 168 which is not a good showing if you could ask of course and you really tapped into what those protested wanted what would it be out of these most recent protests what would it be what would they want what would they settle for. What. We did weve just lost her which will set out to the point of very difficult to connect and he will arrive at the end of the show so i was just going to get a quick wrap up for that from russia russia so he that we lost. But its also very difficult connectivity in iraq right now because the protests and its spotty which is why we were having difficulty that weve russia and of course the government crackdown on the internet which is what we got a lot of tweets about but some people managed to tweet us so i want to end with this from most of us who says the protests that shook iraq are winding down but younger iraqis remain determined and the generation gap thats developing will have an impact for years to come thank you to a man he will russia get him for joining us on ash and today they can i was time online at a street thats what. The story of one of the most successful p. R. Campaigns the u. S. Study after study demonstrated that israeli perspective dominated American Media coverage that part of this can you get through your thick head as hamas a terrorist organization the only thing that youre going to say is what we want and if you dont say it were not going to speak it would be very hard for ordinary americans to know that theyre being deceived the occupation of the American Mind on aljazeera. Deal with poverty unless you deal with the gap you disagree i disagree with that it sounds like blaming the public the country for the seeming anybody these people well trained. Very version of teachers join me as i put the questions to my special guest and challenge them to some straight talking political debate. Aljazeera on the legacy of south africas a. N. C. Reporting on these what is the power how does all take us how a liability and how perceptions have changed of this former Liberation Movement turned government you think is appropriate for a man who went to prison for defrauding parliament for option to run your policies on corruption goes head to head with. A not exactly the we. Were. Going to get. Out. Hello im Barbara Starr in london these are the top stories on aljazeera Syrian Government forces have been quick to take advantage of the abrupt us from treats from syria theyve now moved into the strategic city of money as well as other towns in Northern Syria a day after being invited in by Kurdish Forces it sets up a potential clash with turkey as president has indicated he will intensify his offensive against the kurds agree ports nothing to turkey syria border. Smoke rises over the Northern Syrian town of russell i mean the Turkish Defense ministry declared victory over the kurdish s. D. F. Forces for a 2nd time here on monday kurdish fighters have put up fierce resistance and these are syrian soldiers in the town of a tunnel just a few kilometers away after a deal was made between the sdn from the Syrian Government state media said the army would confront turkish aggression the turkish president remain defiant and in movies bushels of the were not going to enter man beach the real owners of that area our big brothers and they are going to enter that area our approach to this is that they are going to enter there and we are going to make it secure for them the syrian kurds have made deals with damascus before especially in the battle against eisel with an s. The commander said they were faced with a difficult choice this time there is little trust between the 2 science but the s. D. F. Quickly suffered significant losses during battles with Turkish Forces and the syrian rebel allies its an important deal because the kurds and the other side regime in damascus both have the same enemies they have turkey as their enemy number one and the islamist rebel groups as their enemy number 2 this is a long standing. You know in a sense i would say partnership but as an army im easy partnership that theyve had damascus cannot rule northeast syria without the kurds. Turkey says this military campaign is targeting the s. T. s main Kurdish Fighting force which it says is aligned with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party or p k k which has been fighting the turkish government for decades. Turkey says it wants to set up a safe haven for refugees to return to Northern Syria but the u. N. Says around half a 1000000 people could be forced from their homes if the violence doesnt stop. U. S. Defense secretary marcus spur says a deal with the s. D. F. In damascus meant having u. S. Forces start between the syrian turkish armys was tenable the syrian army has moved north to potentially could front Turkish Forces at various points close to the border the s. D. F. Hope that by teaming up with the Syrian Military they can force Turkish Forces to retreat where this stage that seems highly unlikely despite the threat to potential sanctions from some European Countries and the u. S. President or the one says he has a plan for Northern Syria and no amount of threats are going to stop him from achieving his goal for aljazeera close to the turkish Syrian Border at least 5 people have been killed in the latest antigovernment demonstrations in guinea one policeman and 4 protesters a heavy Police Presence limited the number of people on the streets but there were still many violent clashes in the capital cannot create and other major cities protesters are angry at a proposed change in the constitution that would allow the veteran president alpha conde to run for a 3rd term there would be large demonstrations in barcelona after Spain Supreme Court handed lengthy jail sentences the 9 a catalan separatist leaders for their role in the 2017 failed bid for independence have been found guilty of sedition and sentenced to between 9 and 13 years. Britains Prime Minister has laid out his governments agenda in the queens speech to parliament with leaving the e. U. Over 31st top priority is still to be finalized with all agreement was one of the 26. 00 new bills presented but as far as johnson has no majority in Parliament Opposition parties have the space the speech as an election when a festival that said our trafficking is. Antiquities trafficking is one of the most profitable illegal trades in the world estimated to be worth several 1000000000. 00 a year it ranks after illegal arms and drugs precious objects plundered or discovered in clandestine excavations find their way onto the official market into museums and galleries. The main victims the pillage nations are now demanding the return of their stolen treasures for a long time these demands board ignored. Blood systematic ransacking of heritage sites meticulously staged by the Islamic State of iraq and the levant isis has caused a global outcry and has reopened the debate with changing Public Opinion efforts to halt the trafficking have gained a new urgency but are nations prepared to act from berlin to beijing from rome to the Syrian Border an investigation into trafficking thats at the heart of an economic cultural and diplomatic war. Paris february 2009 crowds flocked to the ground palace to admire the treasures contained in the private collection of eve son of home and pierre ballsy one of the most prestigious in the world a few days later these precious works were to be auctioned off by christies. Dozens of masterpieces will be changing hands including these 218th Century Bronze heads a rat and a rabbit which had once been housed in the imperial palace in beijing their sale sparked an uproar in china. To follow the law was let. Off it was. But the present owner doesnt agree to that issue as a q. B. And you probably did see if there is there. Own marshalls. Shake a fellow when one is of your own book would be tude cryptic on delhi it actually. Except that these heads were stolen back in the 19th century it was an 860 june the 2nd opium war when french and british troops plundered the forbidden city and ransacked the Summer Palace. Still today the destruction and fair ft are a deep scar for the chinese people. Beyond their aesthetic value the bronze heads are considered as priceless items of chinese heritage. Should p. R. Bags in their former return. To see our producer who know the cure is only paid you to do feel like i do it does she know our surveys it be it it every day is a deaker Current Issue you are so you guys are as big. As your are a 40 day if youre a fake which probably publicly thank rick on the issue. You couldnt do it as an asus last letter he had to go on the boulevard to d. C. It. Was you so its really only share isnt you do. You. Think you. Knew it was. That. The 2 heads finally went for a combined price of 28000000 euros the conclusive bids came from a chinese businessman who asked to remain anonymous but 5 days after the sale the mysterious bio revealed his identity at a press conference in beijing and his announcement was more than unexpected. Ways. Where is it in a city thats already been worked out in dallas to work on but it will hit to that idea. As the buyer refused to pay for the objects pillage from his country the big was cancelled and the 2 bronzes were returned to p. R. Back. In china people continued to demand the restitution a demand which took on political dimensions beijing viewed it as a way to exercise a National Humiliation but also to confirm its newfound International Clout the 2 bronzes in the sun the whole collection had become symbols of the plundering of their country by the west for christies it was old and to calm things down with the chinese in 2030 the owner of christies file swapping or himself sent emissaries to directly negotiate the purchase of the bronzes with. Was a good point we could see of near. New this it. There. She says is for barely shores. Officially francois have been no return the heads to beijing out of friendship for the people of china but that wasnt all a few weeks after the return of the bronzes in the presence of the french businessman the Chinese Government finally gave christies permission to operate in the country and exchange as described it. The much publicized case of the Summer Palace bronzes is far from unique more and more pillage countries are demanding the return of their Cultural Assets the trophies of the renowned museums of the western world. Pillaged countries have a legal tool to negotiate for the return of their stolen treasures the 970 Unesco Convention signed in june the era of de colonization imposes on all nations to return objects obtained illegally. In recent years the pressure on renowned museums has intensified. The Pergamon Museum the most visited in berlin is obliged to know the origins of its collections. You start to understand that what you have here is not just archaeological object but its part of the Cultural Heritage of the region or of these countries and at that point you realize youre

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