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Welcome to the program its 2300. 00 g. M. T. And a ceasefire brokered by russia and turkey and syria is no them in the province seems to be holding for now at least the breakthrough was reached after 6 hours of talks between russias president Vladimir Putin and his turkish counterpart reza typer the one in moscow the 2 back opposing sides of the syrian conflict well theyve agreed to establish a 12 kilometer wide Security Code all along it lives and for highway which connects the government stronghold of the takia with syrias largest city aleppo have also agreed in a joint patrol along that motorway later this month when a Syrian Government offensive in libyas pushed nearly a 1000000 civilians towards turkeys border and its not clear how and when theyll be able to return to their homes. Steps and begins our coverage now from moscow it was clear from the start that this was going to be a tough meeting the partnership between put an end to one which was carefully nurtured in the past appear tense now with the turkish and Russian Military facing each other in italy and turkish and Syrian Forces taking a high number of casualties but a direct confrontation has been averted for now but a cease fire clear if. We dont always agree with our turkish partners on what happens in syria but every time including moments we manage to find Common Ground on controversial issues and find an acceptable solution based on the high level of our bilateral relations thats whats happened this time. Well negotiations in moscow were underway fighting and it continued an airstrike claimed by opposition activists on russian warplanes killed 15 civilians including women and children a few hours before the landmark meeting took place. Undoubtedly a meeting on it live is of great importance in fact the situation in the region is very tense i know that the worlds eyes are on us. Early a ceasefire as brokered by russia and turkey havent held for long he has blamed Syrian Government forces backed by russia for a start of hostilities several times before but some analysts believe that put in might be less willing to back assad as strongly as he has done so far. But russia helped to solve it lives problem as long as it didnt lead to a direct confrontation between russia and Turkey Russia to a large extent has fulfilled its obligations towards assads regime so after that russia will likely try to make steps towards ankara. The test will come on march 15th when joint patrols of russian and turkish troops are planned around the am for highway and the buffer zone they announced in the meeting on thursday will have to materialize tense but constructive thats how president putin has described the 6 hour talks with his turkish counterpart the complex relationship between the 2 leaders is seriously being tested. And although tangents have been reduced today nobody can predict how this dangerous diplomatic game will and step last in aljazeera moscow. Where the ceasefire deal is being seen as a major diplomatic victory for the turkish president and offer some hope for the internally displaced families as bar reports now from hatay in the turkey syria border until a few days ago there were huge concerns that turkey may not be able this time to get what he wants from the russians particularly about about it live so the gov the ceasefire to be implemented plus the safe corey doors and also resettlement of the civilians back into their areas and i think this is going to be widely seen as a major diplomatic victory for president as a deal and at least for the time being because of one hand it will it means that he will have to be concerned about his soldiers deployed in the north west some province of it live because with the ceasefire with the buffer zone with the Demilitarized Zone there will be no risk whatsoever for any attack targeting those positions but i think also turkey has been very concerned about the potential for a protracted conflict in it live that would pave the way for 4000000 civilians those who were displaced to cross into turkey i think now with this agreement they will be able to go back to some of the villages. Well even though russia and turkey backed different sides of the syrian conflict they have many common interests and shared goals the ties between the 2 were 1st tested the turkey down to a russian warplane in 2015 moscow retaliated with economic sanctions and export bans but since then the relations between the 2 have improved turkeys bought russian s. 400 air Defense Missile system defying the u. S. And other nato allies russias use its jets and bombs to routinely back Syrian Military offensive while turkey has been backing the rebel fighters but so far moscow and ankara have avoided direct military confrontation while Joshua Landis is director of the center for middle east studies at the university of oklahoma who joins us via skype from the city of norman in oklahoma joshua good to have you back on the program i mean weve seen ceasefires come and go in it live the question is of course is this latest one likely to hold do you think. No its not likely to hold the russians got a quite a good deal here i think that the syrian syrian circles seem to think that its a victory for them just as the turks are claiming that a civic duty for turkey because the m 4 highway goes right through the middle of the elite province and through the middle of the very strategic city of just im sure who it which is held by rebels and that highway is supposed to be policed now by russian soldiers as well as turkish soldiers and the rebels are supposed to move all forces are supposed to move 6 kilometers away from the highway to the north and to the south this would mean that russia gets to police this area and rebels have to move out and its a rebel controlled area right now so in some ways this is an advance for russia and its its unlikely that its going to be observed for very long and seems to me i mean lets remind our viewers that this dean is extremely fragile isnt it because of the very nature of this tense relationship between turkey and russia and given a back opposing sides in the war anyway. And turkey doesnt control the rebels we have to remember that the rebels there in the 1st agreement other such accords the rebels were supposed to withdraw from a big hunk of the southern part of it the process they never did that and they didnt do it because turkey doesnt control them and and so its easy for turkey and russia to make an agreement about what where the rebels are going to be be positioned but ultimately turkey doesnt really have control over them so its it will see what happens between negotiations between turkey and the rebels in the coming days how much is this being seen then as a big diplomatic victory numbing hes on the growing pressure at home over the number of tattoo sold as an adlib but at least hes come away with some kind of deal with the russians. He has he has done that and you know many of the many of the analysts have big you have begun to say that you know turkeys in a very shaky position in its living its it cant really defend its troops well there in these outposts the middle of the province and russian planes have been bombing them so turkey cannot defend against this its not going to go to war against russia so its in a very very weak position and and nato and the United States are not willing to back turkey up so long as turkey had tell us 480 aircraft missiles so turkey is very isolated and to have this stop is good for air to want as you say because it will at least just want to jump in there with a final question because running out of time so what does all of this then lead the civilians who are caught up in the fighting i mean the u. N. Says more than a 1000000 people have been displaced by the conflict since december youre right and you know i suppose it is a temporary a temporary boon for the civilians who are in a terrible situation but ultimately the more this syria has turned into a great power conflict with proxies and so forth the longer this war drags out and the more the civilians are abused and and were seeing that and it lives as well where the more firepower there is and the more russians and turkish armament goes in there the more killing there is going to be and the people on the ground are getting crushed underneath this so so its not a its not its not good news ultimately for the people on the ground all right to just a land is as of a good to get your thoughts thank you very much indeed but your. And turkey has deployed a 1000 Police Officers to its border with greece to try and hold the pushback of refugees and migrants from their tens of thousands of people have been trying to cross into europe since ankara opened its borders last week but greece doesnt want them the red cross says the migrants are not being used as political pawns going to report some on the Turkey Greece border. The wind sliced through copes the cold left fingers numb it the Syrian Refugees from it live along with other migrants have been camped out on this riverbank in a dern a turkey for days theyre stuck here trying to figure out how best to cross into greece and continue on to western europe to find the good life im still young but i have to of course im not left all my life here or a city of course and the situation there is no i dont see it i sort of love i mean i think to welcome city because it was pretty good country before late in the day as the wind picked up Police Officers walked through the tents and clusters of people telling them they could take buses to a warm place suspicion spread as fast as the wind gusts only them just think it was not we wont be taking buses because they take us to the revenue they will give us to the creeks they take all our belongings and money and bank tests and they will send us back we human beings not animals the turkish minister of interior has announced 1000 members of Turkey Special Police Forces are deploying to the merge river border with greece this is an effort to prevent greek troops from pushing back migrants who reached the country by boat the interior minister says greece tried to send 4900 people back to turkey and injured 164 get it military anger limit we will not provide an opportunity for the maltreatment of the people there i would like to express that weve taken the necessary measures to protect our borders from a push back and to prevent several attempts by greece which were in violation of the international. The greek government has not responded to the accusations but its deployed additional troops along its side of the border refugees say greece is just a transit point for them many like ibrahim. Have crossed into the country and been deported back to turkey with awful memories ibrahim says a few days ago greek police shot him in the neat with a rubber bullet and beat him. Women attire it meant a target were all tired of the please open the gate as miserable as these refugees are theyre more anguished about their loved ones back to live at least in turkey they have found a refuge from the 9 year war in syria the talks are getting old jazeera and dirname turkey. Well i just spoken to the president of the International Federation of red cross and red crescent societies hes been visiting the border between greece and turkey and hes condemned all sides for using refugees as political weapons i had the opportunity to warm to go. To sea to see it way should not just here on the border and that you talk with some of damage for of course you mean its just. About that desperate stories in this very moment according to the new iraq struck in the media a lot we know up on it we saw a solution that. Is something that shouldnt top in now and i would like to add these 2 that we dont tend to in politics but when politics threats the dignity of the human beings what u. G. Also to remind to get on so that we shared one humanity and when i listen to that today head of you will be on commission talking about the shield meaning that on the other side that i went on so this is. Something that there is. On the city could be avoided because yeah human beings ive seen children ive seen women not and theyre not theyre not whip on so. Lots also to come on the news hour including. It was very hard when i 1st entered after the demolished because i can hear voices in the can in the walls calling for me from the father from the sister. The forces demolish the homes of 2 palestinians they accuse of attacking an israeli settlement. The International Criminal court makes a big decision about alleged war crimes committed during the war in afghanistan. And in support a lucky escape from serious injuries despite this collision in north america. New cases of the coronavirus have risen significantly in parts of europe more deaths were reported in italy the netherlands france and the u. K. On thursday several Public Events have been cancelled and all schools in italy a closed for at least 10 days the Economic Impact continues to worsen with the airline and Tourism Industry bearing the brunt is going to help. The economic costs of coronavirus are mounting everywhere with the squeeze on International Travel affecting airlines in particular the german carrier has grounded hundreds of planes and for u. K. Regional carrier fly b. It was all too much the already struggling airline succumbed to bankruptcy and it may not be the last cruise operators would also be suffering thousands of passengers are stranded aboard the grand princess off the coast of california as tests are carried out on board the vessel belongs to the same company that owned the virus stricken diamond princess held off the japanese coast last month with 700. 00 cases on board and 6 death as coronavirus increases its reach with south africa registering its 1st case and the u. K. And switzerland their 1st fatalities each day brings heightened levels of response but the World Health Organization says its concerned some countries arent taking the threat seriously enough this is not. Excuses this is a time for pulling out all the stops countries have been planning. This for decades now is that time to act on those plans the presence of Community Transmission means efforts to contain the disease are failing this is a man a vote money is being thrown at the problem in the United States with congress approving an 8000000000. 00 war chest the International Monetary fund says its making 50000000000. 00 available in aid to low income and emerging Market Countries to fight the epidemic. But economic gloom with the rising threat of recession has brought some glimmers of opportunity. One Ecommerce Firm in south korea said it was struggling to keep pace with demand as shoppers desert the street and move on line. In the past we used to go out with a truck half full but these days this so much to deliver there are packages left over after filling the truck completely elsewhere the retreat of whole communities into isolation continues in bethlehem palestinian officials have closed the church of the nativity weeks before the easter season that draws tens of thousands of visitors and worshippers to the traditional birthplace of christ italian schools didnt open on thursday and wont for some time to come similar scenes in india iran france and japan in all around 300000000 students in more than 20 countries face weeks of disruption Desperate Measures in what feel to many like desperate times. When this emergency is over we will look back and i am convinced that we will be proud of how an entire country has faced this with courage and determination for now though this emergency is just Getting Started jonah al jazeera well as i was saying there the u. S. Senate has approved 8300000000 dollars worth of funding to combat the spread of coronavirus 12 people have now died across the country a state of emergency is in place in california and washington where those deaths have occurred 3 and a half 1000 people are stranded on board a cruise ship off San Francisco after passengers have been onboard died from the virus thats going to have a chance he joins us live again from washington d. C. Congress now approving this 8000000000 dollar war chest talk us through how this will help alleviate the shortage of testing kits and medical resources in the u. S. To help fight the outbreak. Well its not entirely clear this is the same bill that passed through the house this time yesterday that we were discussing yesterday say 3000000000. 00 into research and development of vaccines and gnostics at 2200000000 and a slightly more than that for the various in the federal state local agencies dealing with the virus 1300000000. 00 in foreign aid to help fight the virus 2000000. 00 of the 20000000 dollars for Small Business loans and then this very interesting very interesting particularly american item here 300000000. 00 to make sure that if a vaccine is found that it will be affordable to americans and this is the interesting point and is is is is receiving quite a bit of attention i think in part because of the debate right now in the Democratic Party between a candidate who says health care is a is a human right and health an accountant who says no its its important but its just like any other business 3 trillion dollars in making sure that a vaccine is affordable is a very kind of republican and democrat compromise because its not really clear what that means i mean people might still have to pay for it it doesnt its not quite clear what whether that means what happens to the 30000000 people who are uninsured in this country whether theyll be able to get the vaccine and of course it also means that pharmaceutical companies you pay have to be to the republicans and democrats not only will get all these millions of dollars of subsidies to help research and development and a state funded research and so on but when a vaccine is found theyll be able to paint it charge whatever they want for it and taxpayers will help pay to purchase that vaccine so this is getting quite a bit of attention and to your point as to how will this not help stop the spread of coronavirus it is about this issue of what the Health Care System that we have in the u. S. How can people if people afford vaccines how can people even afford to get tested this time yesterday saying mike pence the Vice President had just made an announcement that this will be covered under their insurance plans people are looking at this now and saying wait a 2nd what is he talking about we dont even understand what you know what mechanism hes actually talking about to suggest that they will be covered what happens to when we were. I have lots of people who are able to get hold of tests getting thousands of dollar bills in order to pay for it and what happens to people just to take the basic advice stay at home if youre ill what are they going to about lost wages child care the potential lost jobs none of this is addressed in this congressional bill but it is getting attention because of the other debates going on in the u. S. Just a final thought from you quickly whats the latest youre hearing there about the cruise ship which is being held off the coast of california one of testing kits have now arrived there were airlifted in again we have more questions than answers on this one to the 3500 people on board but were being told that only about 100 people have been identified as needing tests so theyre not all going to be tested so thats thats one issue we expect the results at some point perhaps in the next 24 hours but we have questions and answers actually as to exactly whats going on there but as you said yeah this is because one person who had been on that ship for a cruise died in washington another person from a previous cruise was found to have the virus but then many of the people who had been you know have been hanging around with these people still on board that ship for a subsequent cruise and thats why theyre all being tested now being quarantined off the coast of karachi have a town see there in washington d. C. Should have thank you in iran meanwhile schools and universities will remain closed for the rest of this month checkpoints are being set up to limit travel between cities iran now has more than 3500. 00 cases where the needs to 107 people dead zain was robbie has more now from the capital tehran. The Health Ministry released america on twitter the spokesman released a map that showed how the virus emanated from a comb sort of in the center of the country out to the rest of the nation and it really looks like the tentacles of an octopus sort of engulfing the country and thats really what were seeing in iran experiencing the death toll is at 107. 00 the total number of cases more than 3550 new deaths since yesterday 500 new cases confirmed since yesterday and the Health Ministry has taken a number of steps one of the things theyve suggested to people today is to stop using cash now to raise to be seen or it really isnt clear how much of a vector cash is but certainly it changes hands so with germs that would be on hard currency but iran is already a country that is very tilted towards the use of cards and Digital Transactions to create conduct any sort of financial business having said that banks are raising the ceiling and the sort of Digital Transaction or a. T. M. Withdrawals that customers can make theyre also sending messages to customers to offer them rewards points and other reward systems to try to encourage them to use Digital Transactions instead of heart hash schools and Public Events various public venues universities cinemas theaters that were shut 2 weeks ago those closures by Government Order yet again it been extended another 2 weeks taking us into the persian new year taking us well into april after the holidays and they are likely to continue to be remain closed thats what many people are expecting here. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has declared a state of emergency off the 7 cases of the virus were confirmed in bethlehem in the occupied west bank and when the military has sealed off the city not allowing movement in or out tourists and programs were banned from the area for the next 2 weeks. Elizabeth warren has ended a 2020 bid for the white house the massachusetts senator was considered a front runner for the democratic nomination but failed to win a single state during the primaries she hadnt lost a home state to rival joe biden was drawn leaves 3 candidates in the race biden and Bernie Sanders are considered the front runners. I will not be running for president in 2020 but i guarantee you i will stay in the fight for hard working folks across this country have gotten short end of the stick over a number thats been the fight of my life and it will continue to be so. But to go again has more now on warrens an announcement. When she didnt win any of the early contests there was no longer a viable path for her to get the domination so she came out and spoke to reporters in what seemed to be the alley behind her house with her husband her dog and she said at the beginning of this whole race that she was told that there were just 2 lanes one for progressives that Bernie Sanders had and one for moderates which joe biden was leading and she said i didnt believe that but i guess it was wrong because thats where the race is now she was very elegant as she spoke to reporters about the disappointment of trying to run this race she was asked about sexism if it played a part she said thats a trap question if i say yes im whining if i say no then of all the women in the world say what are you talking about and that was the part that she really seemed to get choked up about is when she talked about these things that she would do with little girls at her rallies because she could be famous for herself the lines she wouldnt leave until everyone who got a selfie with her wanted to everyone wanted to selfie got one and with that little girl she would kneeled down and she would give a Pinky Promise and say im running for president because thats what girls do and then she said she did the Pinky Promise of that they would always remember it and that seemed to be a really hard thing for her to do admit she was walking away from well joining me now is laura brown shes director of the graduate school of political management at George Washington University Elizabeth warren had a disastrous super tuesday didnt she so where did it all wrong for given that at one stage she was the front runner in the race and the dolling of the liberal left. Well i think it went wrong for her quite some time ago things started to be questioned with regard to her campaign when she released her medicare for all plan and when she started kind of taking on those questions that came surrounding the entire cost of the plan she didnt have very good answers and there started to be some backtracking from her about her plan itself there were discussions about a phase in of this proposal then she also really stepped back again in not taking on senator Bernie Sanders so when we look at how her kind of canada c came unglued it was a series of small cuts some of which were very much selfinflicted and others i do think that sexism played a role ok laura it is ironic that a democratic race that began with a Record Number of c. Male or minority candidates is now said to be left to 2 male front run as a both whites and of considerable age. Sure but i think what we have to understand is that thousands of Democratic Party activists took a look at 2016 and this is where the sexism comes in they looked at 2016 and said we nominated a woman and that woman lost therefore it doesnt appear possible that a woman could beat trump it is also the case that when Democratic Political activists look back on 2016 they said our problem was really in michigan wisconsin and pennsylvania they didnt say to themselves the problem was in North Carolina or florida which were swing states in other elections and were potential pathways to ok true this time around so in a desire let me just say this to relive a gay 2016 there was a desire to put forward a 70 year old plus white male just just a final thought from you laura before you go what does this all mean then for the democratic race Going Forward because in terms of ideology its basically the moderates versus the progressives now isnt it. Yes it is but i think its very clear that the moderates will win sort of this debate with Vice President joe biden and senator Bernie Sanders it is very clear that democrats do not want to keep fighting amongst themselves they want to unify and get to the fight with President Trump and that is part of the reason why Vice President bidens canada c appears so strong in such a short order and it was really because he did win in South Carolina with the votes of africanamericans and the indorsement of representative James Clyburn and that brought a signal to many moderates who were standing on the sidelines wanting to make a determination about who was the most electable lower but we have to leave it there thank you very much indeed for your thoughts thank you certainly thank you tom for a short break here aljazeera when we come back into a conflict we look at how fighting in libya is putting a strain on some travelers but almost all investigations on the way out of this are going to take in the style of more of that state. I. Hello and welcome to look at weather conditions across the americas the situation in north america is improved this frontal system is moving away clear the eastern seaboard so the storms across the south clearing the way and generally improves weather situation still some rain close to the eastern seaboard the little bit of snow further towards the north but otherwise not looking too bad across Western Areas weve got some snow across the rockies extending across into parts of account of the sending further towards the east county looking at some of the minus 6 and snow flurries during the day but certainly for the eastern seaboard but tommy at 3 to soften it should be looking draw on fine heading down into central parts of america weve got some showers developing towards billies and then towards honduras meanwhile for many of the arlens just a scattering of showers expected nothing particularly heavy and the same goes if you had on through into softly but on that stage you can see across southern parts of police into honduras well you see some pretty heavy persistent rain at times now so just discussion of showers sunshine and 33 degrees in panama city into south america the heavy rain which has been affecting southeast now as jenny move a little bit further towards the north not as heavy as it has been further says looking largely drawn fine fine day in santiago in chile plenty sunshine in buenos aires high sierra expected to reach 31. When i entered the beautiful modified current 601st power i feel the happiest. Women tearing up the track in the west bank. Challenge stereotypes. Living life in the like. Systems im busy. She was black gay im from rio de janeiros havanas. She was also an elected outspoken councilwoman. Until she was assassinated. People in power investigates the killing of a vocal critic of brazil Security Forces and the legacy of empowerment she left behind the narrative mario franco on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick reminder the top stories here this hour a cease fire brokered by russia turkey and syria is in the provinces come into effect the deal came up the negotiations between russian president Vladimir Putin and turkeys need a little typo to one both governments and backing opposing sides in serious conflict. New cases of coronavirus have risen significantly in parts of europe more deaths reported in italy the netherlands from sun the u. K. On thursday several Public Events have been cancelled schools in italy are closed for at least 10 there. In the u. S. Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren has ended in a bid for the white house she was at one point considered a front runner for the democratic nomination but failed to win a single state during the primaries. Israels military has demolished 2 palestinian homes in the occupied west bank they are the residents who were targeted played a role in a bomb attack that killed an israeli teenager last august human Rights Groups along criticized israels practice of destroying homes saying its collective punishment and illegal under International Law neighbor him. This is what is left of the family house yet the myth he. The 25 year old palestinian who has been arrested by the israeli army the army says he has been involved in an attack that killed an israeli woman near the illegal settlement of the whole of last augusts years and house was one of 2 houses demolished early on thursday another Palestinian Walid had actually is also accused of taking part in the same attack the walls of his apartment were knocked down it was very hard when i 1st entered after the demolished because i can hear voices in the walls calling for me from my father from my sister and so it was very heart every single corner in this house every single block every single. Wall has a story has a memory the Israeli Forces have demolished 14 houses in 2019 they say its a form of the terence many of the cases the person who was accused of committing crimes against the israelis is dead in most of the locations he is arrested in many of the occasions he is not even convicted could there who are the families this is not the appearance this is collective punishment this is a crowd some people came here to show support there seems to be a sense of defiance here although families know theyre not allowed to rebuild their houses. Gazas Health Ministry says at least 10 people including 6 children have died after an explosion at a bakery. Fire swept through nearby shops and homes in the midst of that refugee camp at least 60 people injured 14 critically a gas leak at the bakery has been blamed. The International Criminal court has authorized an investigation into possible war crimes committed in afghanistan these include claims of atrocities by u. S. Troops the taliban and Afghan Forces prisoner torture the mass killing of civilians among crimes the court believes should be investigated the u. S. Does not recognize the i. C. C. Is a 30 year sector state might compare how strongly condemned the decision by the i. C. C. This is a truly breathtaking action by an unaccountable Political Institution masquerading as a legal body. All the more reckless for this ruling to come just days after you know its a side story peace deal on afghanistan which is the best chance for peace in a generation the United States is not a party to the i. C. C. We will take all necessary measures to protect our citizens from this really great unlawful so called court for the conflict in afghanistan began with the u. S. Led invasion in 2001 making it americas longest running conflict i. C. C. Chief prosecutor bensouda says there is evidence of torture rape and Sexual Violence against prisoners by u. S. Troops and intelligence agencies mainly between 20032004 afghan Security Forces are also suspected of torturing prisoners at government tensions and as she says the taliban and other groups have killed more than 17000. 00 civilians since 2009 but toby cadman is an International Human rights lawyer he says those being accused with impunity. You have from from the u. S. Side a blanket refusal to cooperate and weve already seen President Trumps position that hes taken with those that have already been convicted. In military theyre being convicted of war crimes way he has shown that hes willing to overturn those convictions and protect the military regardless of what theyve been charged with you have the afghanistan position that they say that they are are ready and willing to to prosecute these cases in the National Courts which is. I have to say regrettably an unrealistic. Statement to make because they are not prepared you also have the the the recent peace talks that the us a very good with the taliban and so the argument will always be made that this will interfere with the Peace Process well i think as any reasonable person would say justice has to play. An important if not in total part of the Peace Process so so theres not going to be a huge amount of cooperation from the u. S. All from afghanistan but that in itself is not justification for allowing impunity to prevail the International Criminal court was set up precisely to do with this type of situation. Forces loyal to libyan warlord and ether have to once again tack the capitals only civilian airport 4 missiles hit the Mitiga International airport in tripoli on wednesday nearly 300 people have been killed since halftime began his campaign to seize the city last year when several flights have been diverted to misrata as al jazeera is childs traffic reports. With forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar targeting with seagate airport in tripoli virtually every day all flights to and from western libya are now being conducted from here misrata airport which is around us 3 hour drive from the capital now all Foreign Airlines stopped operating all flying to and from libya around 5 years ago i spoke to a pilot with a Libyan Airline last night who refused to go on camera but he described the experience of flying into tripoli in recent months as having been terrifying and thats despite increased communication with Government Forces trying to protect the airport on the ground. This is a recent rocket attack on tripoli by helped us forces a number of civilians were injured when some of the rockets landed in the neighborhood an aircraft belonging to the Libyan Airline el afriqiyah which was parked near the runway at maty airport was hit by shrapnel from exploding rockets on monday no one was injured misrata airport is now having to serve up to 5000 passengers a day 10 fold increase since mitzi gameport was closed. Of course misrata airport is not capable of handling this amount of flights but were doing everything we can to make things run smooth as possible. Most of these passengers would use of fly from which. Before it was shot and yes because i have friends who were in matija airport when rockets hit they describe absolute chaos and fear just imagine a place like this and bombs start falling around you you probably never want to travel again the interior minister for the un Bank Government 40 bashar said that the International Community is not doing enough to punish after fatah getting civilian areas in tripoli including with c. The airport bashar has warned that the un backed government may soon have little choice but to change its military strategy from a defensive one into an offensive one in order to push off this forces back but ill just era misrata of course in indias capital new delhi has ordered 4 men convicted of the 2012 gang rape and murder of a woman to be executed later this month the men had filed several appeals since their conviction then mostly please rejected by the president a crime involving a 23 year old physiotherapy student on a bus in new delhi triggered mass protests led to toughen laws against Sexual Violence including the Death Penalty and these 11 people have died out a 5 story residential building collapsed in pakistans largest city kharaj more than 2 dozen others were injured Authorities Say theyre worried surrounding buildings may fall to an inquiry has not been ordered. The Philippine Senate is investigating a surging Crimes Involving chinese nationals working in the gaming industry government Officials Say they fear the philippines is at risk of becoming a haven for criminal syndicates from china duggan reports now from manila. Philippines senator Richard Gordon says crimes are being committed in the philippines by chinese mainland nationals and here he is presenting what he says is evidence of how Residential Homes in manila are being used for illegal Online Gambling operations this video shows at least 50 chinese nationals are arriving at one house late at night the Philippine Government allows Online Gambling companies to operate under special licenses calling them philippine offshore gaming operators pogos but less than half of them do not pay the required Franchise Tax to the government and hundreds work like this in secret which law enforcers here admit is difficult to monitor other senators are also linking offshore Gaming Operations to a growing number of crimes they say billions of dollars in cash is flowing into the country through Money Laundering activities customs agents say more than 200000000. 00 have been brought in over the last 5 months more than half by chinese nationals Human Trafficking and prostitution are also on the rise police say almost 200 women have been rescued from prostitution more than 170 of them are chinese nationals who were trafficked into the country theres also been a sharp rise in what they describe as casino related kidnappings in more theres more than 90 percent of those involved also came from china we want. We want we. Want. To. Police reject those allegations and cases that are reported to us. Are probably the patients were conducted suspects were arrested. All of the victims are chinese nationals senator say thousands of people are now staying in the country undetected and without proper working permits but president through the good the 3rd his administration has defended the proliferation of chinese Online Gambling operations he says the country is benefiting through an increase in jobs and higher real estate values but many disagree. Senators are asking the deterrent to administration to close all chinese Online Gambling operations they say over 100. 00 are without permits a deeply disturbing trend they say with the risks clearly outweighing the claimed economic benefits dogon aljazeera manila. Pensioners in the republic of congo said the government is unable to pay them their dues the country has nearly gone bankrupt 3. 00 times in the last 2 decades has been repeatedly bailed out by the International Monetary fund in spite of being Africas Largest Oil Producer reports now. These people say theyve been cheated by their government they work for the telecoms and Postal Service for decades here in the republic of congo now theyre retired they havent been paid their pensions levon yeah. This is their protest held every day outside the Central Post Office they call it a concert you think its really difficult were living in misery were suffering since we began the protests about 450 of our members have died because they were able to pay for the health care they need. More than a 1000 people contributed money every month to a pension fund but the money disappeared. And so they keep playing its happening even down to here across the street like im clearly here myself but thanks a. Deal isnt being. Paid their friendship. With every. Oil that. The country produces more than 300000 barrels of crude oil a day but that hasnt stopped it from nearly going bankrupt 3 times in the last 2 decades. And it hasnt helped many congolese. Half live in poverty many people in the capital brazzaville live in slums but there has been money for grander projects like this 100000000 dollar bridge built before the last election 2 months ago the road leading to a collapse each time thats nearly happened to congos economy International Monetary fund has stepped in with multimillion dollar bailout the opposition says the government against his oil reserves but then doesnt repay its debts when they are probably in the us we are constantly in financial depth because we have a problem with the leadership parliament does not prosecute people who are corrupt we dont hold people in government to account for stealing money investing in personal property thats why this keeps happening. The National Oil Company didnt respond to our request for an interview neither did the minister of hydrocarbons to Oil Companies announce a major new discoveries last year. Will enable. Hasnt helped the pensioners before they wonder if theyll ever be paid for their daily concert goes on. Aljazeera brazzaville republic of congo. A British Court has found that dubai is ruler ordered the abduction of 2 of his own children and orchestrated a campaign of intimidation against his estranged wife the judge ruled that mohammed bin al Rashid Al Maktoum and his 2 daughters kidnapped and returned to the by where they are still being held captive allegations of torture also surfaced during the case as part of a custody battle between the. The e. U. Is warning of grave differences with the u. K. At the talks over the postgrads of relationship meetings in brussels with the 1st u. K. Former left the bloc in january britain wants a deal outlining its future relationship with europe signed before the end of the year thats when the ongoing transition period will expire but the e. U. Chief negotiator Michele Bachmann says friction remains of the rules of fisheries and provisions for fed competition. As part of International Womens day a u. K. Opposition m. P. Has read out the names of women murdered by men over the past year or so. Judy webb tracing the libby score. It took just a little more than 4 minutes to Tell Parliament the names of more than a 100 women figure she pointed out rises every year and it was calling from the government a crime she says is overlooked. Climate out of its gratitude has accused the European Union governments of not being ambitious enough with their climate goals timberg joined a protest outside New Buildings in brussels on thursday a day earlier should criticize the blocks green growth floor saying it didnt go far enough teenage activist also met the croatian environment minister before addressing the european council. We cannot just have goals for 20 so to 2050 we also need them above all needs and put 2020 because right now if high emissions continue like todays business as usual then that remaining budget will will be gone i mean before we will even have the chance to deliver on those targets. Germanys interior minister is warning the threat of right wing extremism is not being taken seriously horsey hoffa says he wants firearms license holders to undergo psychological testing germany recently had its 3rd deadly far right attack in a matter of months when a gunman killed 9 people in the town of one or near frankfurt. Time for another short break here on aljazeera when we come back well have all the sports i was just trying to move the insides of a 1320 world cup title on students. Or. Welcome back time for the sport because. Thank you very much india have reached the final of the womens t 20 world cup for the 1st time ever they reached sundays title decider against australia though in somewhat bizarre circumstances. Families were able to celebrate without a single ball being bowled in the semifinal against england heavy rain washed out the match in sydney and there was no reserve date needed in the schedule india progressed by virtue of having a better record in the group stages. According to the aloof new we wont get married because of any any condition then who are these that go up in the league their day was going to be their final and their top least i did it was very unfortunate that we didnt get game delivered door. These are little we can hope it is not that we can. Last our 1st game against south africa which would make cost us but. To make the semifinals and then hopefully play a better cricket was an off the we would have had that chance taken away from us late in the day the rain relented allowing australia and south africa to get on the field at the Sydney Cricket Ground maggot lanning hit 49 as the home team scored 134 for 5 in their 20 overs. More rain then followed in south africa were left chasing a revised saga of 98 from 13 overs despite some big just shorts losing out by 5 runs australia have played in every t 20 world cup hanun now since 20. 1 for us. We never came into this world cup this thinking is going to happen and its going to be we knew were going to be in for a fight and thats exactly whats happened so yeah we knew we had. You know we went out anything we had to go in this world cup were not going to defending it were ready to win it you know the team is quite distraught at the moment its its now the 2nd time that we come really close and semifinal insists he said i dont get it itll say everybody sitting in that its me when rooney has been back playing against Manchester United uniteds record goalscorer now a player coach at seconds here theyll be counting that so it seems metz in the 5th round of the f. A. Cup rooneys team did have home advantage but couldnt pull off a shock result losing 3 united will play norwich in the quarter finals. Well the English Football Association is investigating an incident involving tottenhams eric dyer di went into the stands to confront a fan of the his teams cup defeat against norwich on wednesday spurs manager gerry say marina said the spectator was insulting the England International within earshot of dyess family rival managers and players have since come out in support of dire. What level of abuse is allowed if you know what to provide in there was i dont know the ins and outs of your side but generally speaking what level is at what level is kind of acceptable your paycheck it we all know that you can have you say we all know that and thats been around forever what what level is enough you know where you go not just too much i presume in football legend ronald sr has been accused of using a Fake Passports once apparent why the 39 year old is under investigation and has been banned from leaving his hard sell police have also confiscated what they believed to be a forced paraguayan i. D. Card upcoming asian World Cup Qualifiers looks set to be postponed due to coronavirus in a statement footballs governing body faith has said the wellbeing and health of all individuals involved remains its highest priority the next tranche of games on the road to cats are 2022 was set to be played on march the 26th englands 6 nations rugby match against italy on march the 14th has been postponed due to coronavirus organizers were facing an option supply the run game behind closed doors or delay its in so later on this year englands home game against wales on saturday is on you know thats something that we cant control is its an unfortunate situation but you know i presume the Health Experts are doing exactly whats required him. So theres not a lot we can do about it in terms of it being a distraction a definite hasnt been because. Like i said its always always been a reinforcement that we need to make sure that we prepare for this week probably. Not a great day for a former champion any pepperell of the cats are masters the englishman hits a level par 71 in his 1st round but was then disqualified for making a mistake filling out a scorecard then marks god is leading the way on 7 under the 18 year olds identical twin also playing in this tournament and a hockey player required 90 stitches to a facial injury after an accidental collision new York Islanders defenseman Johnny Boychuk rushed off the ice after the blade of an opponents skates when since his face and hes managed to maintain a sense of humor late its one thing luckily for me the skates only cut my eyelid sorry for the late response everyone facial recognition wasnt working on my 5 are looking for more lights all right andy thank you very much for that all the news of course on our website theres the address on thats right on the screen aljazeera called thats it for the lowdown job of the news hour dont go away all of morning as i expect. When the news breaks your work for was part of the aims of getting wobbly is going to presentation and Economic Development when people need to be home to the top leadership world where the potential for parity of the bar of weeks before the public with total strangers aljazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and to use advanced words this is a good day to bring you the Award Winning documentaries and light news. Aljazeera who is beneath the waves with a team of women determined to save the dolphins we all share the same responsibility we need to do something today but next time a using a variety of scientific techniques to study their behavior we can monitor them for their vocal photos and behavior were able to how theyre adapting to their new environment women make science dolphin sanctuary on aljazeera. Aljazeera well its remarkable refugee journeys from the treacherous path of sudanese singer Emmanuel Jong who played in the scheme to snoop child soldiers among the 16 people that music is the place where they come like try to sway i can get to the london design now from sierra leone creating play this is the one thing that i know that god has gifted deal with a hard drive from music and fashion on aljazeera the u. S. Is always of interest the people the world people Pay Attention to will you and you know does it is very good to bring the news to the world from here. So far its Holding Russia and turkey begin another ceasefire in service of the problems. Hello im daryn jordan this is observer lawyer from doha also coming up. I will not be running for president in 2020 but i guarantee you i will sting. U. S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and her president ial campaign leaving Bernie Sanders and joe biden as the only 2 major democratic hopefuls

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