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Continue paying their workers they continue paying their workers as we want we want them to keep their workers and pay their workers this will help businesses keep workers in the payroll little our economy to quickly seller and as soon as we defeat the virus 300000000000. 00 in direct Cash Payments will be available for every american citizen earning less than 99000. 00 per year that would be 3400. 00 very quickly for the typical family of 4 nothing like thats ever been done in our country up to 250000000000. 00 in expanded Unemployment Benefits the average worker who has lost his or her job will receive 100 percent of this salary for up to 4 full months unlike normal Unemployment Benefits independent contractors and the selfemployed will be eligible so you have independent contractors. And self employed people will be eligible for this over 100000000000. 00 to support the heroic work of our doctors nurses and hospitals have been incredible 45000000000. 00 for Disaster Relief fund so we are setting up a fund to 45000000000. 00 for Disaster Relief thats more than doubling the amount available to support my National Emergency and disaster declarations its a doubling up 27000000000. 00 to build up the Strategic National stockpile with critical supplies including masks respirators pharmaceuticals and everything you can imagine because it was very depleted like our military was depleted now we have a brand new military Nevada Military like this we have. A clip indeed theyre coming or its already come for the most part its already come but we have a lot of things that will soon be coming planes missiles rockets lots of the things but the stockpile was very depleted like Everything Else this will also include significant funding for the development of vaccines on top of the 8000000000. 00 we approved several weeks ago over 500000000000. 00 in support for the hardest hit industries with a ban on corporate stock buybacks which is something i insisted on and frankly at a the republicans. Wanted that and the democrats one of that we want to use the money for the companies and the planes or whatever they may be helping to get over this rough patch and i dont think its going to end up being such a rough patch i think its going to when we open specially we can open the sooner the better its going to open up like a rocket ship i think its going to go very good or very quickly. And youre going to have some tough new limits on executive compensation once and they need the money. Theyre going to have to sort of just make things work because were interested in the workers the jobs and were just in the companies because thats really what what feels the workers in those great we also 16000000000 dollars in funding for the purchase of personal. Protective equipment you know about that such as masks and respirators through the Strategic National stockpile i encourage the house to pass this vital legislation and send the bill to my desk for signature without delay i will sign it immediately we will have a signing and it will be a great signing and a great day for the American Worker and for American Families and frankly for American Companies some of which were having the best years theyve ever had his last few years and then the little bit less than a month ago. They went into a position that they havent seen because of the hidden enemy the virus earlier today i spoke to the leaders of many of americas amazing nonprofit organizations i thank them for their unwavering and unwavering devotion to american. People American Families to our nation. And they have been fantastic theyve been collecting supplies distributing food supporting Health Care Workers caring for vulnerable workers and families i encourage them to continue to do it but i wanted the nonprofits have been fantastic they have been great theyre great people actually i know a lot of them finally i want to provide a brief update on the critical supplies through fema the federal government has delivered or is in the process of shipping 9400000 and 95 respirators think of that 9400000 to 20000000 surgical masks and we have others that we think are going to be delivered pretty quickly the whole world you know its not just us its not just the states the whole world is trying to get these things will come in competition with many many countries i believe today you broke 150 mark for the virus we have 150 countries over 150 countries where you have this virus and nobody would ever believe a thing like thats possible nobody could have ever seen Something Like this coming but now we know we know it can happen and happen again and if it does somebodys going to be very well prepared because of what weve learned and how weve done its been incredible weve remember this more tests than anybody by far. And. The news the reporters the media it was like to bring south korea they called me and they told me its amazing your testing procedures are amazing plus we have a test thats a very high level test and its a test thats very accurate 3100000 facials 2600000 surgical ganz 14600000 lives and almost 6000 ventilators which go to the areas of greatest needs we sent over the last day 4000 ventilators to new york. And i spoke with the governor about that he was happy i spoke with the mare also about that murder blasio whos very happy its hard not to be happy with the job were doing and i can tell you throughout this National Emergency everyday heroes continue to step forward and demonstrate the extraordinary character of our nation including the people behind me by the way. These people are amazing they are amazing people and they become i dont know maybe i should just think for myself but to me theyve become friends maybe theyre likely it may be that all maybe they do i dont know all i can tell you is if theyre talented people they work very hard in maryland a 7 year old boy used his own birthday money to buy meals for dozens of Senior Citizens in nevada a College Student recruited 90 of her friends to help deliver groceries and supplies to the most vulnerable this is happening all over the country thousands and thousands of instances i could stand up here all day and tell you about other things in minnesota hundreds of medical students have volunteered to provide child care for hospital workers helping to keep our doctors and nurses on the front lines fighting to save lives these inspiring americans remind us that we all have a role to play in winning the a scrape National Battle and its really a worldwide battle were dealing with other nations all the time the people here are i am a little bit they take calls from a lot of people theyre in trouble a lot of countries are in big trouble so now we will hear from our great secretary of the treasury hes been working rather hard i will tell you stephen its in his. Fantastic guy he loves our country and hes been dealing with both sides republican and democrats he sort of lived over in that beautiful building its a very beautiful building to me one of the most beautiful buildings actually in the world that hes got to know it steve very well so if we could have a little updates they would be from stickers to how were doing and what its looking like thank you. Thank you very much mr president youve been listening that president. Up to date for the coronavirus pandemic effort that is been going on the United States he said that the more aggressively we commit to social distancing the more lives we save the sooner people back to work school and back to all but he also talked about large sections of the country being able to get back to work sooner than others and is going to mike hanna whos in washington so this kind of a deal message here he did he distressed social distancing but hes still very keen on getting people back to work and this being over isnt me. Yes he is indeed making very clear there that he wants this all to be over soon as possible he wants to open up the country as soon as possible parts of the country perhaps the motivation for him is to stimulate the economy he believes at the moment that the cure cannot be worse than the result he sees through economic eyes perhaps that this is indeed the case of the country remains and the shut down in many parts this despite the advice of his medical advises weve made very clear that no timeline can be established at this particular point the key to establishing such a timeline is widespread testing testing in areas where the virus is not prevalent at this particular stage so all of these arguments going on and meanwhile another argument going on is one going on in the senate late last night it appears the white house and the senate come to a complete agreement on the stimulus package of 2 trillion dollars stimulus package but still its being held up in the course of the day a group of republicans arguing against the fact that the unemployment amounts provide small then possible employment would so the bull once again held up the President Trump the spent a large part of that News Conference extolling the virtues of this particular bill once again not mentioning that that was once again stalled within the senate he only made reference to the fact that it must be passed in the house well that only happens after it gets passed in the senate so here weve got a situation where 2 trillion dollars being held up over within argument within the senate the president extolling the virtues of this bill drawn up by his administration as he puts it but at the same stage no sign at this particular point of the bill making passage through the senate and mike a mention during the News Conference he said were now doing more testing than anyone its really good is that something that thats actually true because in the past the United States has been criticized for the for the lack of testing. Well very much so the rollout of testing was abysmal the slow fall behind most of the countries in the world and its only within the last 14 days perhaps that tests kids are going out there but theres still an immense shortage of test kits now the difficulty of seeing whether what President Trump is correct or not is that no direct testing figures are being provided the central the centers for Disease Control no longer publishing any record of how many tests are being done this is all now being done on a state level not a federal one it is not centralized in any form so the corelation of the amount of tests being done very difficult to know obviously in a country of more than 330000000 people once the testing protocols get underway then yes there will be more tests done because of the vast size of the population however there is no record to be able to fact checked what President Trump was saying there mike hanna thank you very much indeed we want you yorks governor says dealing with the pandemic as for an expensive and hes appealing for a bigger share of the proposed stimulus package response to this virus has probably already cost us 1000000000. 00 it will probably cost us several 1000000000. 00 when were done new york city only gets 1300000000. 00 from this package that is a drop in the bucket as to need i spoke to our house delegation congressional delegation this morning i said to them just doesnt do it. And speaking of arizona whos in new york. The President Trump said admitted that it was bad in new york but how bad is it really. Well new york has certainly become the epicenter but not only the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States not only the epicenter in the western hemisphere but now given some new numbers that are coming in you could say new york is one of the world epicenters of this numbers dont lie lets go see some of the numbers here in a 24 hour period the number of confirmed coronavirus cases is just in new york jumped by about 5000 people bringing the total just in new york to 30811 thats more than half of the total number in the United States that total number is just a little over 55000 now back here in new york the governor is saying theres a whole host of problems are trying to deal with but one is of the respirators ventilators that are needed for hospitals the governor says 30000 of these are needed urgently for people that are going to be coming into the hospital by the thousands that are going to be needing these devices to breathe to stay alive right now new york only has about 10000 ventilators about 40000 short the governor saying this is the most critical thing we are facing right now whole host of problems in new york just to give you an idea of how bad it is here. They need 140000 hospital beds they only have 50000 and these are all numbers here but these are real people that are going to be sick according to the trend lines and they are going to be coming into the hospital in huge numbers as they already are right now but even more so in the next 2 weeks according to the trend lines that are seen here so the governors talking about opening up. Hotels that are empty to be possible hospital beds also opening up College Dorm Rooms to be take over as hospital beds and even already opening this week or starting to open a Convention Center in new york to take in some of the people that are sick and going to be sick in the coming days and weeks here in new york gave his own death and you very much indeed. My. Doctors in spain say theyre struggling to cope with the rising number of Coronavirus Infections many are overworked and under protected with a country facing a severe shortage of medical supplies food friend reports now in a situation across europe. Its a very a chore hospital in madrid coronavirus patients now occupy almost every available space. There are beds for 80 patients at this unit as many as 280 people at a time of being treated here and that means chairs trolleys and even floors will have to do is putting unsustainable pressure on spains medical staff 14 percent of whom have themselves become infected. You are afraid for yourself and you are afraid of bringing the virus home because of your family to hear the most the most we are emotionally overwhelmed because we are spending more time at work and working doubly hard because the patients are scattered throughout the hospital. Spain has now joined its early and surpassing chinas death toll from corona virus and the upward curve of the infection shows no sign of slowing even low sensitivity toward the italian Prime Minister is hopeful that stringent restrictions are helping to flatten the upward trajectory of the death toll but in the face of stubborn pockets of noncompliance anyone called leaving their home without good reason now faces an increased financial penalty as much as 3200 dollars. Care homes for the elderly have become the latest battlefront in the war with the virus all of spains 5500 homes are in quarantine some residents are left to die in their own beds in france at a single care home near vote 21. 00 elderly residents became fatalities but he too would it be. Something people at 1st we thought it was just a simple flu in looked like everything with the thing before but after just 3 days of confinement we realized it wasnt at all the same as usual phina usually in 3 days we can fine and the number of cases decreases reputably that was not the case here it was the opposite after a week it was still rising. According to an internal e. U. Document seen by the reuters. News Agency Member states are struggling with limited stockpiles of medical and protective equipment and limited capacity to scale up or production the document warns the traditional supply chains can only provide 10 percent of whats needed the European Union leaders meet in a video summit on thursday to consider that issue and more than one proposal for a special e. U. Crisis center to be established paul brennan aljazeera the u. K. Is working to increase its capacity for corona virus patients ahead of the countrys expected peak in 2 to 3 weeks time we have mentors call for a quarter of a 1000000 volunteers to help the National Health service manage during the outbreak and a major Convention Center the capital has been transformed into a temporary hospital turner hole has more from central london. With enormous gaps having been identified in the ability of the National Health Service Across the United Kingdom to cope with a crisis on the scale after a decade of austerity there is under way now a massive effort to upscale capacity within the n. H. S. Part of it is happening over there the xcel london its a huge conference an event facility in which military planners and engineers a currently at work preparing an Emergency Hospital 500. 00 beds available next week scaling up to 4000 in the weeks ahead and there are plans for similar sites elsewhere in the country apart from that theres been a call out for 250000 volunteers to help behind the scenes of the n. H. S. Do its work we believe 170000 or more people have answered that call and thousands of retired n. H. S. Staff are being brought out of retirement reregistered and ready to go back to the front lines if required now in that context some very good news emerged out of a parliamentary hearing during the course of the day an eminent scientist an expert on coronavirus and Neil Ferguson told m. P. s that he believes that the combination of this upscaling effort and new rigid stay at home and social distancing rules that have been applied mean that the n. H. S. He believes will overall cope albeit with some areas of severe stress when the peak of this disease arrives in 2 to 3 weeks time and theres news of a brand new home testing kit for corona virus to be rolled out according to Public Health england as soon as next week in its millions of edible not just to n. H. S. Frontline staff who so badly need to know whether theyve been infected are infected or not but also to members of the public self isolating at home its a 15 minute test a little prick of the finger you find out whether youve got the corona virus and therefore whether youve got an extremely good chance of not getting it again absolutely essential in the fight against this disease and also in the eventual return of this society and others to normality. Irans government has banned a Domestic Travel and all gatherings in parks during the persian new year as it struggles to contain the corona virus the tougher restrictions were announced after another rise in infections 2000 more cases and 143 more deaths were confirmed on wednesday government Officials Say many are a new survey ignored advice to stay home during the new year period which began on friday they warned the country could now see a 2nd wave of cases. Malaysia has extended its knocked down by another 2 weeks due to a surge in infections 172 new cases have been recorded raising the total to more than 1700 of the highest in Southeast Asia 17 people have died from mr murray didnt seem says the shutdown will not last until april 14th. Erm 60000 Migrant Workers have left thailand after the introduction of strict virus containment measures the government has imposed a one month state of emergency closing businesses and forcing a mass exodus of workers who many from it may bring laursen in ma and cambodia all nonresident foreigners have been banned from entering thailand the country has 934 confirmed coronavirus cases. India is under the biggest knock down in history with all 1300000000 people ordered to stay home while most are observing the order when the shelters are filling up with people whove lost their livelihoods it isnt as per annum reports from new delhi. It was always going to be hard keeping indias population of 1300000000 in doors those who ventured out on the 1st day of the National Lockdown face the consequences. Of that but police in mumbai were seen conducting roadside checks as it appears those found flouting the rules faced instant justice with battens and punishing push ups Prime Minister Narendra Modi says india is at war. Today the war that the country has waged against coronavirus 2021 days it is going to go on. But 3 weeks is a long time for people like this young Migrant Worker stranded afraid and unable to leave delhi for his home state of bihar after the government cancelled all bus and train services. The police will beat me im afraid theyll beat me they arent even allowing us to sit anyway. Others decided to walk all migrant labor sunday started walking a 2 kilometers after his employer shut down operations and Company Accommodation in the state of the pradesh many that are now gone but they are not allowing us to stay very very told us to leave because the virus is a big threat. Migrant workers join the growing number of homeless and poor it is. Remember the caretaker of one center in new delhi told al jazeera their supplies will only last another 2 days. Because. People here have been snatching the plates from our homes there are so many people now that were finding it difficult to function and are running out of food and russians. For the millions of poor and daily wage earners in india the threat of hunger looms larger than that of the virus i am not saying that the lock down is a necessary im not a Public Health expert and if we are taught that this is necessary im willing to believe in balance on lead if it is accompanied by mass relief measures to help people through this time and its not just going to be 21 days for them its going to be a long time before they get their jobs back so far only state governments have announced financial that hinata terrine assistance for people affected indias finance minister says the Central Government is working on an economic plan promise to modi has again been on t. V. To stress the importance of social distancing but thats not the priority for millions of people who are now jobless and dont know where their next meal is coming from and theres a problem al jazeera. All know 1000000000 people are under government imposed restrictions on Movement Worldwide but the World Health Organization says thats not enough to stop transmission and urge countries to use the time wisely asking people to stay out home and shutting down book relation movement is buying time and reducing the pressure on whole systems but on their own these measures will not extinguish peter makes the point of this actions do you know the more depressed size and targeted measures that are needed to stop transmission and save lives United Nations is appealing for 2000000000. 00 to support humanitarian efforts worldwide to fight the coronavirus a pandemic in an exclusive interview with our diplomatic editor james bass section general antonio tara she says its in everyones interest to help the worlds poorest nations especially in areas of conflict. Well this is exactly an appeal for that it is a humanitarian appeal for those countries in conflict for those fragile states for refugee camps its always placement camps that have that emetic humanitarian needs that need to go on being met but on top of that the surete of coffee at 19 and you need to do everything to prevent the disease to come to those areas to the extent possible and at the same time in those areas you have people sometimes in slums of big cities or in camps in which its very difficult to have isolation there is no water in the households and sometimes no soap care facilities are extremely rugged mentary so we need to boost to the response capacity in those areas thats why we have asked and we mobilized all u. N. Agencies that have trust with president movement large number of n. G. O. S we mobilized all to Work Together and with those funds with those 2000000000. 00 to make sure that we are able to. Ever strong push for prevention in those vulnerable areas and at the same time to bring the equipment to that is required the ventilator staffs suits are for the the stuff to allow for contact with people packed it youve called for a global ceasefire are in conflict zones but let me give you a couple of examples in recent weeks things have been going in the opposite direction in some of those conflicts let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen well i am even if one of the most important movements in yemen has declared that they would accept this ceasefire or that the appeal of ceasefire and we have other arms movements in other parts of the world saying that they would be ready to abide by it all especially believes and invoice everyone in the world are pushing to make sure that these it believes that as lady in diplomat the action bringing together the parties to the conflict for the ceasefire to become a reality we have heavy should lives in syria and yeah man in libya in very in many other parts of the world and i hope that these appeal will be heard then that people will understand that there is only one was that is necessary today its a war against the vibes you mention libya that there was already supposed to be a humanitarian poors in libya but one side has not been respecting it general half the in recent weeks seems to have intensified his campaign whats your message to him its necessary to stop and i believe that in the last few days there was a clear the cookies and i was the early days even if even before yesterday there was a very meaningful attack but this is the moment to stop all military action this is the moment to concentrate on fighting cause 1000 were already seeing coded 1000 cases in garza you being there you know its one of the most crowded places on earth how were you supposed to self isolate if youre someone living in a place like gaza. Well it is extremely difficult but the same applies to the slums of big cities in different parts of the doping wolter refugee camps it is much more difficult and that is the reason why we massively need support for those areas and we massive need to increase the capacity to respond and they all services that are so weak in those areas need to be very quickly bills that. Could one of the top stories the u. S. Senate is expected to vote on a deal for a 2 trillion dollars package to help fight the coronavirus and the coming out us president all trump says its hard not to be happy with what he and his administration to doing to contain the pandemic and the deal will help reduce the economic fallout this is certainly in terms of dollars by far away the biggest ever ever and thats a tremendous thing because a lot of this money goes to jobs jobs jobs and families families families. The senate bill as you know includes 350000000000. 00 in Job Retention loans for Small Businesses with a loan forgiveness available for businesses that continue paying their workers they continue paying their workers as well we want we want them to keep their workers and pay their workers this will help businesses keep workers in the payroll little our economy to quickly excel or into soon as we defeat the virus. Despite the president s pledges there are growing concerns about the scale of the corona virus pandemic in the us after the governor of new york state said 5000 cases of been dying knows that alone in the past day andrew cuomo has appealed for a bigger share of the proposed stimulus package. Response to this virus has probably already cost us 1000000000. 00 it will probably cost us several 1000000000. 00 when were done new york city only gets 1300000000. 00 from this package that is a drop in the bucket as to need i spoke to our house delegation congressional delegation this morning i said to them just doesnt do spain is now overtaken china to recall the 2nd highest number of carette of virus deaths with 3 and a half 1000 victims still just half the number in italy where the death rate in the worst hit area appears to be slowing in china travel restrictions are beginning to be lifted in who bay province where the outbreak was 1st recorded people canal leave the area for the 1st time in 2 months if they can prove good health. Theyve got you can always catch up with our website any time to rest that is out of there dot com coming up next its people in power the cold war examining the gradual closure of germanys coal industry likes watching season. How much is the coronavirus on the stock market accounts affecting the rights to the white house we are joined by the son secure the democratic nomination i believe we can beat down trump follow the developments in the u. S. Election campaign on aljazeera. In response to Global Warming germany is in the process of closing down its coal industry for many years the countrys principal source of energy especially in the formerly communist east but the space all humans about the place about closure between those worried about the economic consequences and those who believe that immediate action necessary to combat Climate Change so who will win germanys cold war

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