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Health workers across india doctors say grieving relatives of patients targeting them. Islam on the brink of even more despair the coronavirus fears for a desperately poor part of argentinas capital. With your sport origin time strike and carlos tevez thats called a nice fellow footballers to open up their wallets and help during the current coronavirus crisis. So that the economic devastation caused by a corona virus is becoming clearer with the United States announcing a major rise in the Unemployment Rate a record 6600000. 00 americans applied for Unemployment Benefits thats 3000000. 00 more than last week it is a similar story in spain a lot down there cause more than 800000 redundant. These in march many of them Seasonal Workers such as in the Tourism Industry the 3 and a host of 1000000 spaniards do not have a job and the number of british people applying for government benefits is 10 times higher than normal almost a 1000000 britons claimed universal credit in the last 2 weeks that despite a stimulus package aimed at preventing layoffs lets speak to committee how could he joins us live now from washington d. C. And kimberly these u. S. Figures are absolutely staggering out there and just happened in a matter of weeks millions of jobs have vanished yeah and in fact the numbers could be even higher what were hearing and as were reporting is not only do we have these staggering numbers this week but add that to the 3300000 people who filed unemployment claims last week and were 2 also hearing that many people couldnt even get through on the phone lines or on the internet so the numbers are projected to be even higher and still climbing and you have to remember that were in the social distancing guidelines now for you know a period of at least a month or more so the concern is whether or not some of these jobs will even come back you have to remember this is hitting all sectors of society whether its hospitality whether its travel and the list of sort of areas of employment it seems that there is nowhere that hasnt been touched and this is why were already hearing that there is going to need to be some sort of recovery package by the u. S. Congress the u. S. President s reporting this saying in fact that they may need to put in place a rebuilding of americas infrastructure just to get these americans back to work given the fact that there has been such a Major Economic shift as a result of dealing with coronavirus here in the United States rides and other important Economic News coming in we have movement in the oil price this following conversation between the leadership in the u. S. And saudi. Yeah this is just breaking see are going to have to bear with me that im reading my notes as we go what were hearing is that the oil has has rocketed terms of the price over 30 percent after the u. S. President had said to seti arabia and russia to slash output what were were learning is that the u. S. President has been talking all along that he has been in touch with the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin solomon in the russian leader Vladimir Putin well apparently as a result of this phone call theyre discussing the Global Energy markets and what were hearing of course is that the trump says that oil output could be cut substantially more than 10000000 barrels u. S. President easy even tweeting just the last few minutes it could be as high as 15000000 barrels he says good great news for everyone so it seems that the u. S. President is using his leverage his relationship with the russian leader as well as the Saudi Crown Prince in order to impact the Oil Supply War that has been going on that has been adding to global instability in addition to the problems already being experienced around the world as a result of the coronavirus pandemic forgive me thanks very much indeed for votes well have more on the oil price and the economy shortly roseman jordan has been talking to some of the people whove lost their jobs in the fallout from the pandemic and she has this report. Allie nelson cared for her family with a good job as if its working as an optician and washington d. C. That is until her employer laid her off we stayed open zones and so you know it just got to be too much in our. 3 months and you know were going to have to shut down. And so further notice and so thats kind of where were at right now so not. Only its not company was so were not getting. Nelson as part of the nearly 3300000 americans who filed for unemployment claims in late march government economists think the covert 19 pandemic could put as many as a 3rd of americans out of work those most at risk the 67000000 who work in the Service Sector the socalled gig economy and the entertainment industry. All that analysis had been living the dream in los angeles voice over work dancing acting but with social distancing mel the norm its almost impossible for anson alice to teach or perform so its pretty scary. Somehow she which is odd. Depressing and. Scary. To depression scared of fright and shade are what im saying clean through and i can explain. Michael hicks of Ball State University in indiana says the pandemic will force some workers to find new careers so i think theres going to be a lot of reprogramming by individuals from those occupations that you are people that maybe are skill into or high skill medical or other fields reason changing careers for nelson whos already in Health Care May not happen but she says people have a new understanding of what it means to survive this is a proof that people are living paycheck to paycheck and now Something Like this happens and people are prepared for anything and. Hoping the crisis does lead to a more systemic economic change in society rosalyn short aljazeera washington or i lets get more on the oil prices now we can speak to economics editor abbott ali who joins us from london and i would give us more detail if you would. Of well make you know we have the extraordinary situation just last week where oil prices in some parts of the u. S. But at 7. 00 a barrel and in one instance there producers have to actually pay. The take away the oil so its got to the Crucial Point where production in the u. S. Would start to shut down and so this is so we saw President Trump he had to step. And you have to. Know now we realize that hes actually spoken so n. P. s itself as mama been somebody inside arabia but the talks had actually started some weeks ago on march 23rd when when the price you started to tumble and so now we see that its going to be similar to some meeting and it could be a production can that present trump a treaty that there could be up to 15000000. 00 barrels of oil which are cut that is really interesting because well the United States actually the jury in this Production Cut for it because it will require more than opec to actually bring this or to bring this problem or price back up to a higher level where everybody can make a comfortable living so this is a way to save a situation where weve got to see whether the United States or actually joy in the Production Cuts itself which will be a 1st and what is the thinking behind this what will be the impact of this well you know nick weve just been talking about those job numbers we saw those extrusion in numbers where we got 6000000 americans looking for work we got. A demand for demand just falling off a cliff weve got. You know airlines which at which up popped up their jets. And transportation which has just come to come to a complete stop imports exports have have chili which the ground to a halt as well and so. This something has to be done to get the economy going now in order in normal circumstances no where prices will be really appreciate safe but once you get a lot of prices which are which are tapered its your business is to actually pump oil and get the economy going then something that she needs to be it needs to be done and this because they would say you know they could be job losses of more than 25000000 all around the world so this is the reason why the u. S. President has started these negotiations with president putin and with m. P. s to safely take it with we can get to a point where they start to do some Production Cuts or i believe that for a moment thanks very much ahmed ali on the increase in oil prices. Well millions of people stand to lose their jobs as the pandemic hits economies worldwide factories and businesses have been forced to shut down with more than 2000000000 people in lockdown around the world the International Labor Organization Says at least 25000000 people could join unemployment queues globally the unions fear indias lockdown of 1300000000 people will cost tens of millions of jobs the Economic Policy institute says 40000000 people in the United States could become unemployed Goldman Sachs predicts the u. S. Economy will shrink by as much as 34 percent the tourism and travel industries have been hardest hit and British Airways is in talks to suspend 34000. 00 workers lets take this on we can speak about and refuse the c. E. O. Of harbor a Global Recruitment and candidate selection platform and joins us on skype from mr f. Welcome to the program 1st of all lets kick off with these oil price increases what do you make of whats happened. Yeah. I think in general its good news i think the will to facing the biggest devastating. Fire was almost in history and we cannot have. Problems as well that we could solve like or precious or anything we can do to stabilize the market would help definitely you just explain for us why it makes a difference why increasing the oil prices will help the situation. I think its about stubble is ation i think if you look at all prices recently its. Its gone up and down basically and i think if we have a table level now its more predictable and if the world becomes more predictable businesses can look at further and that will definitely help you know making plans to employ people again right because job losses around the globe the scale and speed in which theyve happened have absolutely no precedent in the economic shock particularly the United States they say it could rival the Great Depression what will that actually mean. Yeah i think it will we can say by no if you look at the numbers and also the predictions that you just mentioned of ilo 25000000 worldwide 14000000 in the us i mean where over 10 already sort of the 14 we will hit definitely and i think the biggest of course now we all focus in on the numbers and how fast they rise because thats been president and i think what we should look at is basically beyond the curve so we will spike at a certain level and i think the big question is what is the capability of the normal economy to absorb those people again because if you look at us now we have all the stimulus packages that will make sure that yet people get taken care off that cannot last forever and i think debts the biggest concern and in the future not the rise of the numbers right now but the decrease of the numbers awful after we hit the old time height that will have been for sure all right said no doubt the next few months are going to be very very difficult indeed what about getting back to where we were how long is it going to take yes our economy will restart again and the speed of least of this restart will depend on how long does it and it did this outbreak last basically and i 1st read it in Certain Industries it can take a long time im in close contact with some and printers in china and on how we open again but you see it at the levels of business after reopening are not even close to a half of what you know what it was the beginning of this year so i think it when you look at the hospital at the tourism the restart will be really slow but hopefully some of the other parts of the economy will pick up faster a great tell your perspective depreciate that suburban rough who is the c. E. O. Of hava thanks very much. To the United Kingdom which has reported a new record jump in its daily pandemic deaths 569. 00 people have died taking the total to nearly 3000. 00 more than 33000. 00 people are now infected that includes the Prime Minister promised johnson has been in isolation since friday he vows to massively increase testing as his administration comes under growing criticism for not doing enough were also massively increasing testing and i want to say a special word about testing because it is so important and as ive said for weeks and weeks this is the way through this is how we will unlock the coronavirus puzzle this is how we will defeat it in the end and our what we need to do is massively ramp up not just tests so that you can know whether youve had the disease in the past the socalled Antibody Test because that will enable you to go to work in the confidence that you cant be infected or infectious and thats a british Prime Minister but the promise for more testing is failed to come frontline medical workers across the United Kingdom more than 2000 of them are now infected. He did. So now we go look up. Im very sad. Very sad what could. You keep one boy want to tell you and say you know yes hes going to war and this is going to go on hes going to go look at germany. Please frustration is very apparent theres no lets go to jail and a holocaust. And that frustration journey comes from a harsh reality is the numbers that is driving up. Oh yes i think this frustration across the Health Service in the United Kingdom nic weve spoken to some of the front on Health Care Workers at this drug testing facility you again describe the shortages of person Protection Equipment they talk about their their colleagues going sick they talk about other colleagues who are simply having to isolate simply because theyve got symptoms but because they cant get tested to see whether theyve actually got the disease or not theyre taken out of service for a week to 2 weeks if they got a family home at a time when they are absolutely desperately needed its all part of the testing conundrum you heard Boris Johnson talking about is there britain way behind the curve of testing still they havent tested hardly tested any Health Care Workers at all the tests up to now have all been for people sick in hospital well thats theyre trying to redress that situation this is one of 5 Testing Centers drive through texas and theres not much going on here its a few days old this one in the carpark of an ikea in northwest london people come here if theyve received an email from Public Health england if they are Health Care Workers who as i say are isolated at home because of what symptoms they get is email they come here with email they show their id through the closed window of their car they go in they get tested weve seen quite a number of people but not nearly as many as theyre expected during the course of today only 200 or so feet through the capacity here is for a 1000 and they expect n. H. S. England and the government. But that thousands will contribute to the 1000 a day testing that is ongoing now that they will ramp up to 25000. 00 a day by the end of the month and then hundreds of thousands they say in the weeks to come lots of effort going on but the peak of the virus here in the u. K. Is thought to be less than 2 weeks away i think theres actually no way at least on current progress that the government will be up to the sort of numbers of testing required to deal with a virus when the peak of. Numbers the numbers of people nonfact at 33569 dead. A big jump that 569. 00 deaths a jump of 24 percent on the previous days figures weve seen about 3 days now with similar percentage jumps in the death toll and the worrying thing is you know they say now that the death toll is jumping the doubling every 3 days or so so the expectation is by the weekend you could see a 1000 people dying of 1000 in britain every single day and you know if you look at a grosse of the respective countries epidemics death tolls of particular you see that in italy and france at this point in their epidemic theyve begun to flatten the curve in spain as well to some degree here in britain and in the us the curve is still exponential and pretty vertical and that is worrying now weve had locked down for nearly 12 days here now theres a 2 to 3 week lag time if that curve isnt beginning to flatten i think within a week or by a week from now lets say i think that the real cools for a long hard journey thanks very much hall there in london. To spain now which is reporting a record increase in the number of daily deaths from corona virus world wide 950. 00 spaniards have died in the past 24 hours raising the total to more than 10000 another 8000. 00 are infected pushing the total of confirmed cases in spain above 110000. 00 thats similar to italy which is the worst hit country in europe lets speak now to dilbert e. O. Whos a nurse at hospital leopards in madrid and joins us now via skype girl and welcome to the program its good to see you here in these difficult times tell us 1st of all about your experience working in these unprecedented times how tough is it for Health Workers like you when it is being extended you know they need it we actually we havent seen before were putting our patients in there be a beautician and you need you know in while were waiting rooms which have been turned into another mean imagine she. Should be. So now our actual waiting room has been shipped out in atlanta in the am we not liking. It work you know it being enormous for the last few days you start to. Get better. At it where Emergency Rooms might be which is it worth region in the country. Were having less patients arriving and it really is we intensely you need we do not enough beds of that sort we do not have enough. Or experienced personnel make those serious shes probably right and i guess given that then tough decisions have to be made about who to treat yes. Its being really. Hard emotionally if you do it you know were living through patience wed be right out of it by groups will have been sent to intensive care because they need it i dont know maybe its not no longer possible to do something so elderly patients are not receiving these kind of care were getting them end up like here Martin Manley and even even though those measures have been taken a couple of nights ago actually i dont know whats getting mean direction here right that they have run out of beds in name intensive care units and he really didnt know what to do if i had the patient i right today or tomorrow we needed intensive care because even though that decisions have been taken we still do not have room we need we need to know its almost an impossible situation where this is an impossible situation is not extraordinary large numbers of Health Workers are getting infected and how hard is it working in the environment the important environment you are working in knowing that at any moment you could get infected. Well were not naturally senator its were on willing to work whatever it is as much as we see need it when when we have terrorist threats or perhaps everybody cause you know its been told to me and we are afraid to go nowhere so we are always willing to treat our patients in what were up. But. Departed and making these specially hard is that beast would have been how we need it. Into can be at heart actually teach today we have being suffering and thats and underfunding in public in our Public Health system in the region of my did specially but throughout the whole of the country and we had we had a meeting of those resources not all those low 30 per bit of those here are patients who are living in other countries now because they couldnt find a job here to date we need to hire as Many Health Care professionals i suppose you but by the end of it on their available we have nursing as students working week out in the night shift and also as you mentioned we have an extraordinarily high rate of workers of the workers falling you know because ambitious another paper of ours up our rulers begin and get it up with their men so our radius of 1000 percent over it it will tell in fact the agent working percent of those are ever going to workers in even tell me its an 8 percent chinese 4 percent so that is going to be unacceptable very bad east improvising we had trying to make regulators out of snarky remarks were making a protected gallons out of trucks backs we are reducing and facemasks or even a whole week at a time and those are the lucky people in hospitals because the net Nursing Homes but you know secondhand theyre actually not they do not have almost anything if and they receive one face mask if they get one and they have to use a shaky climax which are not what when we meeting here they dont get any kind of downs so if you change a nice tragic before because people have been avoided it shouldnt be but i think its being. Its a very troubling picture the 2 painter but we do appreciate you taking the time to tell us about the challenges that youll face in the vital whether you do quintile barrier thank you very much. Thank you we did. Health workers in india are demanding better Protection Health a rise in Violent Attacks during the not go. Into a city in my dear Pradesh States a group of around 100 people threw stones at doctors who were screaming patients for the virus to female medics were injured and had to be rescued by police. As Health Care Workers around the world put their lives on the line as weve just been hearing to save others in the fight against a pandemic many have died thousands have tested positive a global shortage of protective equipment has also added to the to the toll on their physical and mental well being so hard as this report coated nineteens Devastating Health systems worldwide hospitals are understaffed doctors and nurses overworked many without lifesaving protective equipment alaska some of them when we are completely overflowed Health Workers are exhausted physically and emotionally because this is awful for them this is an inferno. And off to a grueling shift it doesnt end there some isolating themselves from their families returning home from work to keep their distance from partners and children some compare its life and. We are so were trying to fight for everyone elses life but we are also fighting for our lives as well because we are also at the highest risk of the exposer is what is tough in many ships that are left from the finishing my ship upright i have headaches every day. Before going into night i was having like just eastons. Just pressure or just from lightning writing hero but what. Coming some doctors and nurses are being threatened with dismissal for speaking out against working conditions and the lack of protective equipment such as face mask improper gallons. After 17 years treating patients at a hospital in the u. S. State of washington a doctor says he was fired the publicly criticizing his workplace and the lack of Safety Measures for staff i do feel that theyre feeling the pressure from the press i do feel theyre feeling the pressure from social media and the community but i dont really feel that they fully comprehend are the potential damage to the Health Care Workers while his employer has denied his sacking the incident highlights similar cases as medical and emergency workers rushed to save lives many are updating their wills and Funeral Plans to. So. And just you. Know what she does are a reminder of our top stories this hour in saudi arabia is calling for an emergency meeting of opec anon and peco Oil Producers to stabilize the volatile oil market this comes as u. S. President donald trump says russia and saudi arabia will cut production to end an ongoing oil price war. Financial markets in the United States of open down off the new figures revealed the number of people seeking Unemployment Benefits the United States doubled in the past week a record 6600000 applied for assistance as emergency measures strangle the economy. The United Kingdom has reported a new record jump in its daily pandemic deaths 569. 00 people died in the past 24 hours taking the total to nearly 3000. 00 Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed to massively increase testing. At some other news now in venezuela its Opposition Leader is due to appear before state prosecutors to answer questions on whats described as an attempted coup want to quite a who was summoned following an investigation into the seizure of weapons in neighboring colombia its alleged ordered the weapons to be smuggled over the border and had a plan to assassinate the president Nicolas Maduro and i speak to a latin america at its embassy in yemen whos live for us from santiago in chile and lisa tell us more about whats happening. Heinecke well when the Opposition Leader says he will not appear today before the prosecutor general whom he does not recognize as a legitimate member of an institution because he had been appointed by the Constitutional Assembly he has according to the law he would have 3 opportunities to to show up and if not then the police could go and actually grab him in the meantime overnight 2 of his closest advisers people that are working with him were nabbed from their apartment taken out and they have effectively disappeared because the police has not recognized that they have been detained that brings to 4 the number of people that were very closely to why those who have been detained in this fashion the opposition calls it kidnapping in the last week alone that and 10 in the last year or so and the pressure is clearly increasing on opposition to the one waythe all from the on the government at the same time that the United States is increasing its pressure on the little government you may remember that less than a week ago the u. S. State department of Justice Department rather accused president model of being a narco terrorist along with most of his closest advisers and members of the of the army and then announced a transition plan which for changing the government within the next 6 months to one year the my little government is of course rejected that so this is kind of a tit for tat. Actions that are taking place now between the United States and the middle government and why the appears to be caught in the middle of course he denies of having had any involvement in a coup attempt but a lot of america at its embassy in human thanks very much for this about the situation in venezuela. In pakistan the prime suspect jailed for the kidnapping and murder of the journalist daniel pearl is set to be released cold overturn the murder conviction of british born Omar Saeed Sheikh but maintained hed helped with the kidnapping 3 other men have been acquitted will street journal reporter daniel pearl was killed in 2002 while investigating a pakistani rebel group. All right lets return to our extensive coronavirus coverage and officials in one of the poorest the most populous parts of argentinas capital bracing for a surge in cases one is there is home to 10000000 around 7 percent of them live in slums there are more than a 1000 reported cases in the country and local authorities are worried that the system will not cope if the virus spreads as it is expected to do lets make the turn as opposed lifers in one of theirs and the tour is it the expectation of the say is that things will get worse. Well most likely the the situation stands right now the government has imposed a man that we locked down in this country very early on the order its been already around 12 days of impulse lockdown in the Country Security forces are on the streets thousands of people have been detained asking people to stay in their homes not to come out people to water from homes because in order to prevent the spread of the virus when you come to places where i am right now this is a slum in what a fight is around 70000 people live in this area as you can see right behind me theres dozens of them that have come here this is a parish thats run by a priest thats very close to pope francis was also from argentina and all of this people are coming year to find a daily meal there also giving away some food among other things giving national i. D. s for example so people can go and get some extra cash back to the government is giving away as i said many of those that live in this places have lost their jobs they live on a day to day basis they cannot make a living in any way and this is what the government is saying and because of the amount of people that were seeing on the streets right now is that theyre rethinking their strategy this is a reality not only in argentina but in many other countries in latin america for many of the seat people is not an option because they wont provide their rethinking strategies on what to do in order to try to make people either stay at home or stay in their neighborhood and try to control the spread of the virus in terms of how ready is hospitals and Health Services should things borrowed in argentina. Well imposing a merry down in argentina is giving away the government lots of extra time mostly because they have time to prepare infections in argentina have been steady they have not increased sharply in the last week theres around a 1000 confirmed cases 96 fact that the situation could be much much worse for the government is trying to test over 30 people have lost their lives but it is contained this is what the government is saying and thats why they have extended this quarantine until mid april what theres not so fear about what will happen next what will happen if the virus spreads in areas like this one what will happen with argentinas hospitals we were reading some estimates that for example germany has around 25000 beds in intensive care you off intensive care units well in the province of one a site is where around 12000000 people live theres only 9 150. 00 and thats why the government is imposing measures right now they need to gain time they need to prevent the spread of the virus early on so that the Health Care System in this country that is a public one that is a very good one wont collapse. Thanks very much indeed for that update from borders or not to the choice but. To cruise ships carrying more than 2500. 00 people including to have tested positive for covert 19 stranded off the florida coast awaiting a deal to disembark for its government run the census has voiced concern about the ships docking and Fort Lauderdale he says the state cannot cope with handling what he calls contain just foreign nationals of the passengers 311. 00 are american citizens including 52. 00 florida residents florida has reported almost 6 and a whole 1000 covert 1000 cases and 85 deaths or passengers on board one of the ships have taken to social media saying theyre extremely worried about their well being. Captain came on friday morning to. Imagine the way. For. The motion of the deer that i saw on my wifes side in the morning. Really bothered you to make you feel like this is a very. Very serious situation with a lot of life. In miami i mean whats the latest with this. Well we are hearing not officially that the plan is now to let these 2 ships the zaandam and the rotterdam actually dock in the next 3 or 4 hours thats being widely reported it hasnt been officially confirmed yet but i know that the ships are about 5 kilometers off the coast and this is been a drama thats been unfolding since the beginning of march when the ship set off from one is are is in argentina we know that 4 people on board died at least 3 of them from the covert 19 virus we know that about 200. 00 are showing symptoms of influenza so the plan were hearing is that they will dock one other time firstly this is the ship the rotterdam which were told the healthier people are on board the foreign nationals will theyll be bussed to the airport get on board chartered flights and go back to their home countries then this 2nd ship will come on board and those people will be treated but this is been something of a difficult decision for the authorities here some of described this is a humanitarian crisis in which the state of florida has a judy to really help these people out because theyve been on sea for about 30 days but the governor of florida saying look were d already dealing with our own people they are our priority were not supposed to look after foreign nationals as he called them but it looks now like these 2 ships with about 2 and a half 1000 people on board will now dock in Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale in the next few hours at sea for 30 days are going to be making land fall into a very different country that they left on their whats the diff the general situation across florida right now. Well the governor of florida issued a state wide lockdown just in the last couple of days as he said the figures here are rising he said 80 something dead when i reported from this yesterday it was only 63 so you know things are changing rapidly particularly here in southeast florida where i am now the miami region is being hit pretty hard by the the virus and remember the state of florida has over a quarter of its population age 60 and over this is the retirement capital of the United States lots of care homes and facilities that are really in a dire situation at the moment were facing the same shortages as everybody else not talking about things peaking here in florida and to the least may and some of the officials saying that the hospitals may well be overwhelmed come the summertime so the situation here is is as dire as it is everywhere else but going back to the crew ships i think its important to note while these people may well be coming back to land in the next few hours there are currently 9000 people in cruise ships all over the world still facing the same situation with nowhere to go yet important point or it only leave it there for a moment thats a picture from miami and you go. Well the pun demick has forced the postponement of International Climate talks which were to be held in scotland in 7 months time government leaders were expected to follow up on last years partial agreement in madrid to attempt to set more ambitious targets on cutting Greenhouse Gas emissions and the venue for novembers cop 26 meeting in glasgow is now being turned into a temporary hospital the coronavirus patients as take this all they can speak to 90 rescues whos professor of the history of science and affiliated professor of Planetary Sciences that Harvard University joins us on skype from cambridge in massachusetts a professor welcome to the program this was a hugely important Climate Summit it still will be when it happens to try and keep the world from climate breakdown but displacement was ultimately i guess anything they could do do you see this is a significant step but well i dont really see it as a significant setback in the sense that as you said it really was the only thing that could be done going to wasnt and it wont change and obviously its not based on malice or im going to deal with a problem its based on being a mystic about the situation. In not out and if were lucky that realism could carry over to the climate negotiations because i think as many people have said this week over 19 is maybe a dress rehearsal for Climate Change a pandemic reminds us that this is a global world now that what happens in one country affects all countries and just as me you have failed to act well on me and damage in most countries its a reminder to us that we have choices that we can prepare or we can be in denial and so i guess im hoping that this is a wake up call for the World Community as to the severity of these issues and the need to work in a conscious and proactive manner and not wait until its too late as many have said if you think david 19 is bad you aint seen nothing yet the damage that will be done across the world from the Climate Crisis will be for us exactly. And so the other thing about this is all full as this pandemic is it has shown how quickly make can get back on an even keel if emissions of drop pollution levels have plummeted do you think that this will be the moment at which people actually take advantage of the momentum that this might have built environmentally and take things forward in the way that they should for Climate Change but i dont know if they will i think this week also has been a great exercise in the difference between wont and cant if you look at the comparative response of Different Countries around the world we see that it is possible to mobilize resources many people are willing to make personal sacrifices on behalf of the greatest and in fact most of us are willing to make those sacrifices weve seen Amazing Stories coming out of spain and italy and the United States and many other places where people have but they come 1st so it proves that we have the capacity to do this when we understand when we have affected your shift and when we listen to good scientific information so my hope is that that realize nation that in a way its a proof of concept it shows we cannot just think peoples lives to protect the environment but we also can do the wrong thing as weve seen here in the United States in the past. Right the thing is that against that there is this thing is that this pandemic has given impetus to those who like to forgo this problem to of cicada of this problem of Climate Change lobbyist taking advantage of this cave igniting crisis to advance their agenda the fossil fuel companies. Exactly and so of course that reminds us that we cant assume that everyone will simply wake up now and do the right thing weve seen some absolute rageous and egregious attempts on the fossil fuel industry to well back regulation even more than its already been rolling back to compete the old canards and i havent cant afford to fix the climate problem but there is an opportunity here the economy is in freefall back a bad thing many people are getting hurt but its also a reminder that were always making choices and as we meet bill but economies at that low we will have some very stark choices in front of us we can rebuild on a mean basis we can focus on. Prioritizing the rebuilding of sustainable economies focus on the opportunity to expand the Renewable Energy economy focus on the opportunity to be build in sustainability these opportunities are all here in front of us we know what we need to do the technologies to address the Climate Crisis largely exist there are some areas that need further work those are areas that should be a focus for research and development the blueprint the pathway to fixing this problem is clear just as the blueprint for a boy in pandemics was there as well so again it becomes a question of will political social and cultural well i mean just great to get your perspective on this we do appreciate it thanks very much indeed thanks very much its a pleasure to be you know good luck and stay safe thank you you too now agrees says sealed off a migrant camp there often self to 21 people tested positive for covert 90 thank you to mother who had recently given birth in hospital she was traced back to be on its own account prompting doctors to test other Asylum Seekers there. A russian president Vladimir Putin is announce extending the nonworking period until the end of this month to curb the spread of coronavirus russia reported more than 700. 00 u cases in the past 24 hours bringing its total to about 3500. If you. Want to stop the outbreak of the virus we have taken the decision to continue this period of the nonworking week until the end of the month and to support the Health Workers with their wages the situation is changing we have a Huge Population and the coronavirus has already become a serious threat lets hear now from lawrence lee who is in london explaining the significance of this latest decree theyre taking it very seriously now there have been some concern in certain about amir putins own health because he shook hands few days ago with the leader of russias main corona riveras fighting hospital and that man then tested positive and people wonder whether the pictures of himself from the handshake but he didnt seem. Even though hes often self isolation in his in his residence outside moscow didnt seem to be suffering any ill health he had already last week issued a decree forcing the vast majority of russias 140000000 people to stay at home people who were working were told not to work in the state was going to pay their salaries for the time being moscow has been shut down entirely and you heard him there in that speech now say that theyre going to extend that force nonwork for virtually all of russia until the end of april which is clearly you know of just just just under a month away and thats how they think theyre going to get over it we havent had that at least if you have set the figures at face value in russia not very many deaths putin has said that the lock down is working. But they did but clearly he is now taking it very seriously even if its going to cost the state a lot of money to pay people not to work. Rowsley that 600000 Chinese People have been looked down off the new infections were reported in the province where the outbreak began of course the discovery in a county and none provinces further raise fears of a 2nd wave of infections while in the philippines a president that has ordered soldiers and the police to shoot anybody who breaches looked on orders or as louis has this report have on it chinas government has ordered a lockdown on g. X. County in one on province it borders who break which was the epicenter of the corona Virus Outbreak in china 600000 people have been ordered not to leave their homes unless they have official commission the order came after and in fact none came into contact with 2 doctors who then tested positive the new lockdown has sparked fears of a 2nd wave of infection just as china is restarting the walls 2nd biggest economy after months of enforced quarantine Chinas Foreign Ministry says u. S. Officials are shameless for accusing beijing of covering up the true picture of the outbreak a Ministry Spokeswoman accused the americans of politicizing a health issue when the decision we have said multiple times that slanders smears and finger pointing cannot make up for the last time theyll only cause more lost time and lives if they continue to lie. Just like china did at the start of the epidemic many countries in the region have imposed tough restrictions on Movement Malaysia is reporting early signs of a slowdown in the infection rate but the government says strict control measures need to be adhered to the president of the philippines has ordered soldiers and police to shoot anyone who violates the mandatory month long knockdown rodrigo to ted tate issued the warning after protests by residents in a poor area of manila complaining about the lack of food and government aid. My orders are to the police and military also with the village officials if there are troubles or occasions where there is violence and your lives are in danger. Them dead Rights Groups have criticized his remarks with Amnesty International calling them heartless and unjustifiable joyously aljazeera. It will be one year on friday since hong kong tried to pass a controversial issue addition bill that many feared would compromise the citys independent rule of law the move triggered months of often violent antigovernment protests even after the bill was withdrawn the streets are quiet now but many believe the discontent remains to be compiled reports from hong kong. This became the new normal in hong kong in 2019 almost daily violence between mosque protesters and police. The spark that eventually set the street and emotions on fire with a decision to ignore the outcry of millions of people and push through a controversial extradition bill which would have allowed any suspect in the city to be tried in the court of mainland china. And the people just when lots of people thought if we dont fight now this is our last fight and if we dont fight now well have no chance and were fighting claudia moe was one of the legislators who marched with hundreds of thousands to protest against the bill. Hong kongs chief executive said the bill was needed to extradite a hong kong murder suspect from taiwan but people feared it not only put them at the mercy of Chinas Communist Party controlled legal system but would also allow beijing to seize anyone who set foot in the city. The unrest continued into july and then the protesters from race the stakes aljazeera was one of the 1st International Networks to broadcast mosques young people storming the Hong Kong Government headquarters in an attempt to disrupt any more meetings by the legislature the bill is that and finally 2 months later chief executive kerry conceded and withdrew the bill but the unrest continued as the move in one song the focus changed to Police Brutality and that kind of like making people think the whole course becoming more like an authoritarian regime and that brings war people out as a result. Kelvin lamb was voted into office in Historic District Council Elections in november nearly half of hong kong 7000000 people went to the polls giving the citys prodemocracy camp an opposition partys control of. The political body for the 1st time hong kong will not be the same again because the anger or the discontents of it or the size he will still be in peoples minds it has been mostly quiet since the start of the year there are still sporadic protests but instead of thousands on the streets its now hundreds or dozens and police are much quicker to use crowd control measures and make arrests but many fear this could just be the calm before the storm is so much hatred between the protesters and. The government again the protesters here say the government has made any attempt to address their concerns instead its taking a tougher stance against dissent making people fear that its just a matter of time before scenes like this. Once again take over the streets. If you go palin 0 hong kong all right lets move on to sport has pretty big thank you so much football clubs around the world feel the Financial Impact of coronavirus the former argentina struck a carlos tevez so called on his fellow professional players to make sacrifices now playing a pocket genius tevez says this virus is a disaster footballers can live without receiving a single paycheck for a few years but i feel sorry for the person who wakes up at 6 in the morning and comes back at 9 at night just to feed his family as footballers can make a difference. Some big clubs around the world have already cut player wages including you vinces who are foregoing more than 100000000. 00 and barcelona have taken a 70 percent reduction but nothing yet in Englands Premier League with several clubs have stood down nonplaying staff will continue to pay players in full one british politician described as a moral vacuum. One premier League Manager born thats eddie hell has taken a significant pay cuts along with some players obvious Coaching Staff but talks are ongoing with the Players Union a Sports Correspondent leeway in ngs has more well there is growing describe to our england. Highly toyota prius but that is not in a position to give up any of their wages which monitor to present anyway to during this crisis which has the Country Grown it script at the same time as company probably lately for them they mention there have been going to the government and saying are not buying stuff we want to follow that that is issues are there in addition to their wages when they get a descent that. We make that assumption really thought it would actually be quick to give up some of their wages but whats crucial here is they are professional Doctors Union that appear for ridge or the players 65000 you know around the welt. Pocket if you know this is the english Players Union sign just flat because we want consensus here we dont want one club doing this and one cutting up one player doing this is what we want to wait and see global while these talks continue and theres no decision having youll have julia knight the chair of the Digital Culture regents booker its making those comments not only does he say it sticks in the throat but he said that there is a mole vacuum here with english football and public theres often talked about the problems existed in we are now in a position crisis not just in the exact of the calendar in our season finishes players time. Giani in front of the head of footballs governing body fifo says the game will be changed forever by coronavirus he said the football that will come after the fires will be totally different more inclusive more social and more supportive connected to the individual countries and at the same time more global less arrogance and more welcoming me more club bruges have been declared champions in belgium after the countrys football season was cancelled when play was suspended bruges with 15 points ahead of the top with one round of matches left to play before the playoffs its not clear yet how other countries are planning to conclude they seasons 8 time wimbledon champion Roger Federer says hes devastated by the cancellation of this years tournament because of coronavirus its the 1st time the grass court slam has been scrapped since world war 29 time womens champion Martina Navratilova says that its a huge blow to the older players on to. You dont know where the finish line its you dont know when to start training for what again everybody is in the same boat but for some its more difficult than for others the youngsters are missing a chance to really improve and match up against the higher ranked players like a golf and british thats for you a big group that you know of the middle players you know are again kind of stuck and the older players like you Roger Federer quite certain evidence you know that time is not their friend i cant imagine if i was still playing and im in my thirtys that i want to play to go through this its like you know im such a goal oriented person and now you have no goal because there is no no you dont know whats going to happen you know the next tournament will be in september or next year or you know probably i mean the best Case Scenario is september at this point but the mens and womens too is a suspended until at least the middle of july which is hitting the lower ranked players and smaller events in particular. Grand slams have broad shoulders staging them in the coming years is not an issue but for the smaller tournaments not have english is addition is hugely problematic we have to show solidarity to these tournament and people in charge should gather around the table to find a solution no player is earning money from competitions and for many this is a very difficult situation its currently being discussed with the a. T. P. To find a way to compensate the players during this time the longer it lasts the harder it will be there are the players but there are also the players teams coaches trainers physios its a whole system which needs some a diety and Needs Resources allocated to help as many tennis people as possible. The England Rugby coach eddie jones has extended his contract until after the next world cup england would be sins of the trophy by south africa last year which was the 2nd time jones had lost the World Cup Final as a coach he says the project with england is not finished so he will try again in france in 2023. That is all the small thing is for now more coming up again a little bit later on nick page to look for the city and later thanks very much indeed but is it for this news hour but ill be back in a couple minutes with another for hall fire of news thats got a website is the address. Explaining chums policy towards africa its the Challenging Mission set to secretary of state mike pompei on a 5 day visit to the continent the visit comes after the white house announced a travel ban on 4 african nations and a withdrawal of troops from west africa. Thinking it just demonstrates the 5. Dollars a u. S. Administration. Despite trumps travel ban being extended at the end of february to take in the 4 african countries including the continents biggest economy. But the u. S. Is open for business. To his supporters hungarys Prime Minister is a guardian of europes borders manning the ramparts against migrant told. To others viktor orban is an authoritarian demagogue whose far right agenda poses a significant threat to Democratic Values people in power investigates the leader taking his country to extremes hungary europes bad boy on a 0. Context is the. Storytelling of the biggest issues but we have to do you should do what is. Told to aljazeera we ask what your thoughts were when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen to after the war saying youll youll be in to go build United States of you but we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the whole just 0. The Economic Impact of coronavirus by saudi arabia calls for an emergency meeting of Oil Producers as the u. S. President raises expectations of a big cut in production. This is a record 6600000 americans filed for Unemployment Benefits in just one week. And im a clock this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the u. K. Vows to ramp up testing amid another big rise in the number of fatalities Health Workers on the front line demand immediate action. A slum on the brink of even more despair the current

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