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Deforestation is surging. China has approved tests on humans for 2 experimental coronavirus vaccines as it fights to prevent a 2nd wave of infections state media announced one vaccine is being developed by a biotech firm the other by the China National pharmaceutical Group Countries trying to contain imported cases especially from neighboring russia sarah clarke joins us now live from hong kong so what do we know sara about these vaccine trials. Well certainly this announcement been made by the sheen how our news agency this is a government controlled media operation based in china and as you mentioned they were proved to experimental coronavirus vaccines to enter Clinical Trials and the vaccine we developed in partnership with number one a beijing a based Biotech Group and the other would be a will hand based pharmaceutical group and it was as i mentioned announced by the media in china but china has already given approval for another Clinical Trial and that was actually approval given the green light back in march and its already started its 2nd phase of Clinical Trials 500 volunteers have also signed up the 1st phase of that particular Clinical Trial it was focusing on safety the 2nd is focusing or 2nd part of this particular trial is looking at the efficacy thats already introduced a placebo control group and now obviously every single country is trying to develop their own vaccine or an effective vaccine to deal with a crowd of virus but china certainly has an advantage on the ground it was the 1st nation to actually a map the genome of the Novel Coronavirus and so a lot of concern has been raised lately about a possible 2nd wave or the numbers of new cases today tell us about how about shaping up. Well sam its looking more and more like russia being chinas largest source of imported cases as of late 409. 00 infections of the recent numbers have come from russia and the key area is the north east of china this is a province known as heilongjiang and this particular province it borders russia and cheese they had 79 cases of the new they create a virus infection and a large bulk of these were chinese nationals coming from russia a back into china so as a result theyre put in place very strict measures on those border checkpoints the city actually on the border its already in a Strict Lockdown the Health Checks have been put in place and got metric coronavirus testing for every Single Person coming from russia into china weve also got public gatherings but have been banned across that particular province in various cities and 28 day quarantine rules have been put in place theyve also introduced a hotline so people can actually dobbin any illegal arrivals coming into china from russia and theyre also also offering a fine to try and incentivize those people to dob those arrivals in china is already deployed a number of its medical teams from the south as well as its resources to that particular area theyve also built a makeshift hospital with seen some images of this hospital and its going up very quickly and that this region has clearly become the new battleground for the 2nd wave of infections but its a very difficult area to patrol and monitor weve got about 4300 kilometers along that particular border between china and russia so its certainly going to test the capacity of chinas if its just a stand or curb the increasing number of infections which are coming from that region right sarah clarke there from hong kong india has extended its lockdown for another 2 and a half weeks until may the furred however Prime Minister Narendra Modi says restrictions could be partially eased in areas with no infections india has recalled of more than 10000. 00 confirmed cases more than 350 deaths your. When there are hard core those who will not let their areas become a hotspot will have a low possibility of turning them into a hotspot these places will be allowed to carry out important activities from april 20th a detail god line will be released by the government tomorrow on this friends from april the 20th the provision of this limited relief in specific sectors has been made in keeping in mind with the livelihood of our poor brothers and sisters lets go now to Elizabeth Farrar them in new delhi she is live for us from there so extending the lockdown as with means extending economic woes how much concern is there over that. So i mean there is a lot of concern over that and the Prime Minister tried to address some of the main issues around those concerns most people in india do agree that the lock down is necessary as he himself said there were 550 cases when india imposed a lockdown 3 weeks ago there are 10000 cases now and 350 deaths of the lockdown must continue but how do you mitigate the hardships for so many in a country where so many are already poor and hundreds of millions are daily wage earners while the Prime Minister said that he acknowledges the difficulties that they have gone through disproportionately that the daily wage earners are his top priority but he didnt expand about how hes going to get the help that both central and state governments have promised them but aid still isnt reaching so many people and were seeing that the Unemployment Rate has gone up from 6 to least 23 percent he also spoke sammie about the agricultural situation in the country Something Like a heart of indias workforce actually books and farming and fathers havent been able to want to have a car there. How the struggle they went to crops they also havent been able to plant their summer crops because of a lack of labor because of the disruption to the supply chain and india is facing a possible agricultural and food crisis he said the government is working to minimize that and the last issue that he really touched on was he asked people to respect frontline workers they have been attacks on Health Care Workers police a Police Officer had his hand off while trying to enforce the lockdown and the state of punjab over the weekend so the promise to address and all of these and issues including the very key one of employment of the economy but saying you know saying the lockdown was the right thing to do even though it had terrible impact on both of those things but that saving lives is more important. Again while people agree that the lock down the extension is necessary were waiting to hear how what the government is going to do to make sure that help reaches everyone that it isnt and how its going to avoid a food crisis in the country the Prime Minister said that there will be more guidelines and more information on these issues that theyre the nouns tomorrow on wednesday and thats a less of a promise bringing us the latest from india. U. S. President don trump has used his latest virus briefing to play a Campaign Style Video Montage you declare the he alone has the total of 42. 00 decide when the economy reopens the u. S. Death toll is approaching 24000 and is the worlds highest trump says hes encouraged by signs the numbers are flattening out john hunter reports. President donald trump is determined to open American Homes and businesses even over the objections of some states when somebody is the president of the United States the authority is total and thats so its got to be hold your 36. 00 total its the states close the governors of new york and illinois dispute that saying they want to end shelter at home orders based on science and they say the science isnt clear on that yet we want to get things back to more normal as soon as we can but one thing that we have to Pay Attention to is what direction are these curves going and what are the what is the advice that were getting from again the scientists and the doctors who know more about immunology and about you know all the issues of covert 19 then you know than a an elected official is not a doctor in a fiery 2 and a half hour News Conference President Trump excoriated journalists you know youre a fake so whatever theyre doing it turns smirked as he showed a montage of news reports that he said underplayed the threat of the virus and denied he had any problem with his point man on the pandemic even after retreating a twitter post saying fire found not everybodys happy with anthony not everybodys happy with everybody it happened one day after the man at the center of the controversy anthony said fewer people would have died if the u. S. Administration had acted sooner it was found she said that was it but for choice of words that i did on earlier you know im doing. Everything i do is voluntarily please dont even imply that. The president was especially irate over a New York Times report saying he ignored warnings of the pandemic in bungled the early response for 80000000 americans there was good news in the White House Briefing with more of them out of work than in any time since the Great Depression treasury secretary Steve Menuhin said they could expect long awaited stimulus checks of up to 1200. 00 apiece direct deposited in their Bank Accounts on wednesday. The spectacle eclipse the results of the wisconsin election announced one week after the state forced voters to gather at polling places despite the pandemic. The man the president assailed throughout his News Conference his chief rival joe biden won handily john hendren l. G. 0 chicago while the worlds attention has been absorbed by the coronavirus pandemic data from brazils National Institute shows deforestation in the amazon is increased by hoth compared to last year this is not only a threat to the environment but also to indigenous communities there are fears illegal loggers could spread the current virus to them tell us about reports. Members of brazils Environmental Agency even heading to the rain forest to fight deforestation. Its been on the rise in the past year they have come to the land in the state of to protect Indigenous Territory from illegal gold miners anothers says give us so. We are trying to prevent the land takeover that is happening in this Indigenous Territory and the neighboring ones is being promoted by invaders and illegal miners that are trying to take away their land theres coronavirus and these people become more fragile and vulnerable. Theres been deforestation alerts from the Space Research institute in almost 800 square kilometers of brazils rain forest its a 50 percent increase if compared to the same period last year since taking Office President jalal tornado has been calling to open up the amazon for development and those involved in illegal activities here have taken his words seriously. Daniel represents that road i mindedness community and says shes afraid illegal gold miners will spread kovi 1000. But only if the virus enters our land were worried we want to have enough to tend in the company all our members we have more than 50000 indigenous communities in this country and were very worried about that we dont have enough doctors for what could happen here last week a 15 year old boy died of covert 19 he belonged to the gentleman mean the community theres around 20000 illegal gold miners in general mommy territory which stretches at the border between brazil and venezuela in the 1960 s. And eightys illegal miners introduced deceases such as missiles among the gentle mommy Indigenous Community here it killed around 50 percent of the population many here fear the same thing could happen again and thats why members of the Indigenous Community have blocked the access routes to their land nationalist group. We are worried about the coronavirus in our community that is why from now on our security people will be here to inspect the entrance of our Community People from outside were not be allowed to enter we also ask for the residents to not leave the Community President has minimize the impact over 1000 could have in his country even though infections are starting to spread to brazils most remote areas indigenous communities there are asking the government to help them in a fight they cannot win alone because i will. In the news ahead here its back to work for some italy and spain beginning using a few restrictions. On how greeces dependency on tourism is proving a weakness during the pandemic. There are still some fine weather to be found across central and eastern areas of europe because the change is already taking place you can see a lot of had been steamy and of all see as and raining comes in quite a bit of the central areas but as i say its not all bad and this was certainly a good day german isnt she in berlin this of course was on sunday and this is also on the coast of germany so a bit of a change there because a lot of the sun you can see probably being blown in the very strong winds coming down to the north coast of manoel so through till 8 countries but really sick i see cheese day its about the can continue to push across these areas being so much colder on the line of rain which is working quite swiftly over towards the east now some very heavy amounts of rain again across into the balkans maybe even some snow says high elevations and a very messy taken on cheese across much of spain and portugal not see found really across the west and in fact the temperatures will begin to pick up no say everywhere but sunny across the far west we got more rain with strong winds this coastal areas of norway and you know sometimes in 08 because my goodness this is so below the average and look at these numbers that are nothing if not constant over the next few days minus 2 by day saying about the same in the overnight hours and thats compared to an average of 13 celsius. Rewind returns with a new series i can bring your people back to life im sorry im brian you updates on the best of aljazeera stock in. Trees they has been a number of reforms put in place since the program was filmed rewind begins with mohammed at the time when i was in the liberal i was the top of the class and no. Like any other student i was very fortunate to be awarded another scholarship rewind on aljazeera. To news. Back youre watching aljazeera time to update our headlines china has approved 2 new experimental coronavirus vaccines to be tested on humans as it fights to prevent a 2nd wave of infections india has extended its 3 week lock down to may the 3rd Prime Minister Narendra Modi added it could be eased in areas without infections u. S. President donald trump and americas top disease experts say the rate of new infections is starting to slow more than 23000 americans have died more than half a 1000000 are infected. Now turkey is releasing tens of thousands of prisoners as part of measures to stop the virus spreading parliament approved a law earlier on tuesday Rights Groups of criticize the move though saying the trainees chance down the controversial antiterrorism laws arent included so in course all is live for us in the stumbles so who exactly is being released. Well sami actually the release is about 45000. 00 inmates which. Means and everything that can reach up to at least 90000 inmates in turkey which means one 3rd of turkeys prison population basically is a list low actually excludes the terrorism charges home aside murder drug dealers these cool makes are excluded from this bill as upon the request of president as he stated before but one thing is very sensitive especially for the nationalist party which has been the ally for the ruling party for the last couple of years because both parties build up the majority in the parliament the nationalist party has been very sensitive about terrorism charges especially. Even though they dont pronounce the south for the for the kurdish Political Party members who have been in prison this this bill actually is welcomed by many in the churches so scythe however it is perceived that the governments may use its arbitrary arbitrary to terrorism low against its words its political distance by using this law thats why they say journalists political crime members or those politicians should also be in the bill that should be released at least on parole or in sin and cos all of that. In europe spain is allowing hundreds of thousands of nonessential employees to return to work italy is also easing some restrictions from tuesday but as dominic came reports its a different story in france where the lockdown is being extended. For many thousands of people across europe this is the reality of the coronavirus for many millions more it means locked down and the loss of their freedom of movement and for many weeks thats been the case in france now its a president says it must stay that way a lot longer dont look on this good morning to force hospitals are saturated everywhere in france and the French Overseas territories the system is under strain there and the epidemic is not yet under control so we must continue our efforts and continue to respect the rules the more they are respected the more lives will be saved that is why the strictest lockdown must continue until monday may the 11th. But elsewhere monday meant a return to work after weeks in lockdown as here in madrid because in this and a few other sectors of the economy the toughest restrictions have been lifted some spanish politicians say now is not the time to relax the vigilance even to this small extent and in most other regards the existing lockdown will remain in place for much of the next 2 weeks in italy a small number of stationery shops book shops and Childrens Clothing stores can reopen from choose day because here the number of new infections remains considerably lower than joining the worst days last month but as in spain the mortality rate remains high a point pope francis referred to in his Easter Monday address at the vatican or g. Recorder that a convoy during this easter week i would like to remember with closeness and affection all the countries strongly affected by the corona virus some with large numbers of infected and dead in a special way italy United States pain france the list is long. And many other countries are worried to the latest figures from russia show the infection and mortality rates are on a steep upward curve maybe those who are listed. As we can see the situation is changing almost every day unfortunately its not changing for the better the number of infected people increases and there are more ther via cases as well the upcoming weeks would largely be decisive that means that all our actions including prevention measures should be optimized here in germany the abundance of intensive care and wide scale testing have helped to keep the mortality rate much lower than in much of the rest of europe which explains why some politicians now want to relax the restrictions shear so as to reduce the economic damage as much as possible because some projections suggest that in this quarter alone the economy may shrink while most 10 percent if the lock downs are to we should get the 1st news of it on wednesday my angle america will discuss the problem with the Prime Ministers of the 16 german States Dominic kane aljazeera berlin. Now lets look at some other news from around the world forces loyal to libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar have fired rockets at residential areas in the capital tripoli a day earlier the internationally recognized government recaptured 3 towns from half those forces are no doubt their one hope reports from tripoli. Residential areas in the libyan capital targeted by indiscriminate shelling the u. N. Backed government says forces loyal to the warlord 34. 00 have that are attacking the city in reaction to their defeat in the west of the country. People in the coastal city of sobriety cheering the liberation of the city by the Government Forces. Other nearby cities including sort of mine and have been also recaptured by the Government Forces. Have to the supporters of all controlled those cities for the past 3 years will drive in hours in 24 hours after heavy fighting. This with take over of those cities sees Government Forces changing their strategy from defensive to a fine sieve mood the balance has shifted tradition and turkish aerial support and turkish training has helped the g. S. A. And now theyve reached parity or maybe even supremacy in the air and they are undercutting the. Line on all directions. About 80 kilometers west of tripoli is a key city whoever controls it can move on many other cities in the west it also makes again in control of the International Coastal highway easier a key link between tripoli and the tunisian border Government Forces say other anti have to forces can now link up with them the United Nations has been calling on the warring sides to stop fighting and focus on the responding. 2 izing number of covert 19 infections 2 we are concerned about all of the continued fighting. From whichever side including of course the latest shelling but we as you know have been asking for the parties to cease fighting its very clear that right now there are the 1st signs of groping 1000 and factions in libya and we need to make sure that they can set aside their all military offense and and Work Together in terms of being able to allow for us to deal with with the pandemic where that comes out of control and so that is where our prayer priority lies karuna virus is opening up a new front in libya and the fall of these cities do they you end up back to government is another setback to her after after he lost the strategic city of the last june by eliminating the threat to tripoli from the western direction the Government Forces say they can now focus on repealing hafter us forces attacks in southern tripoli but with continuing the shelling of residential areas it seems that all calls for the escalation have gone unheard mahmud up to. Tripoli north korea has fired what are believed to be several cruise missiles off its eastern coast thats according to south korea for projectiles of thought to be short range and were launched from one province into the sea the weapons test is the latest in a series by north korea in recent weeks u. S. Senator Bernie Sanders has indorsed former rival joe biden for president in the joint lifestream the backing comes less than a week after sanders dropped out of the race he hopes the move will unite the Democratic Party ahead of the president ial election. Asking all americans im asking every Democrat American every independent im asking a lot of republicans to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy of course to make certain that we defeat somebody who i believe and im speaking just for myself now is the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country a large forest fire in northern new crane has reached within 2 kilometers of the ruined Chernobyl Nuclear plant an emergency official says the situation is under control and there is no risk to the reactor or Storage Facilities the fire has been burning for 10 days now this time of year greece is building towards its pink tourist season but with a pandemic keeping everyone at home all of the biggest attractions are deserted. Reports its dashed hopes that years of recession were finally ending. In front of parliament is the beating heart of athens now a picture of emptiness even more extreme than that scene when the nazis rolled into town 8 decades ago the one operating hotel on the square is the plaza and even it doesnt look very open. We are operating at 16 to 18 percent occupancy most of it international at crucial cargo flights and some people have chosen to leave in the hotel permanently. At the Airport International passenger traffic has stopped only a handful of domestic flights still take off and land and that has cut off the lifeblood of the economy greece had 34000000. 00 visitors last year 3 times its population they generated an estimated income of over 50000000000. 00 thats more than a quarter of the economy and gave jobs to almost a 1000000 people this industry is greeces powerhouse and was key to its recovery from a decade long recession the country was set for a repeat performance this year. By the end of february we had already booked half our capacity for the year now march and april the last and everything for the summer has been cancelled we dont even know if the airlines will operate. The industry hopes to salvage something of the season and is asking the government to lower sales tax from 24 percent its the highest in the mediterranean a remnant of greeces decade of austerity and it wants europe to allow vouchers valid for 18 months rather than cash refunds for cancelled holidays but demand remains a problem coronavirus is still ripping through greeces main markets. Markets. Germany. And the United States so we know that there is a huge problem from the International Markets and. See. Its there its us says greece will focus on attracting visitors from the middle east and the balkans where governments have so far successfully quelled to the spread of the virus the government is spending more than 5000000000 dollars subsidizing businesses and employees so they can get back to work again when the situation improves its a gamble the to return to normality will be a matter of weeks not months jumpshot all close aljazeera athens. And lets take you through some of the stories were following here now dizzier now china has approved 2 new experimental coronavirus vaccines for testing on humans as it fights to prevent a 2nd wave of infections india has extended its 3 week lock down to may the 3rd Prime Minister Narendra Modi added it could be eased in areas without infections. Are hard for those who will not let their areas become a hotspot will have a low possibility of turning them into a hotspot these places will be allowed to carry out important activities from april the 20th a detail guideline will be released by the government tomorrow on this friends from april the 20th the provision of this limited relief in specific sectors has been made in keeping in mind with the livelihood of our poor brothers and sisters. U. S. President guard trump and americas top disease experts say the rate of new infections is starting to slow corona virus has killed more than 23000. 00 americans and infected over half a 1000000. Americas continued to make critical progress at our war against the virus over the weekend the number of daily new infections remained flat nationwide flat hospitalizations are slowing in hot spots like new York New Jersey michigan and louisiana this is clear evidence that our aggressive strategy to combat the virus is working and that americans are following the guidelines its been incredible what theyve done turkey is releasing tens of thousands of prisoners the stop the virus spreading but Rights Groups of criticize the move saying detainees charged on the antiterrorism laws arent included in all the news north korea has fired would have believed to be several cruise missiles off its eastern coast projectiles of thought to be short range and were launched from one province into the sea of japan the news continues here on inside story so stay with us. Join me Steve Clemons on the bottom line for your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society im changing but the institutions frequently dont the system itself is set up to benefit those who understand people who actually believe things that are not true that is a crisis for democracy is a crisis of concentration the bottom on. China stands accused of and humane treatment of africans during the corona Virus Outbreak that includes forceful testing quarantine and addiction so is this just another form of racism or is beijing just trying to curb the pandemic this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im Richelle Carey they are chinas key trading partners but some African Leaders have been angered over beijings reporters from a nation against their citizens and demanded

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