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I think is kind of that something that you just talked about about the the people there with disputed back into the family purse from the United States obviously a worry for mexico is going to be something that might be in their mind is going to be sort of not happening what the mother just 6 months and that was the flight deputies from the United States what tamala 75 percent of that flight tested positive for coronavirus thats what guatemalan authorities said so people being deported from the United States to these countries i think its being watched if they are coming back catch the with the coronavirus now thats on the border of the sleeve of the United States and mexico or the country in general at the moment the numbers seem to be staying low in comparison with as you mentioned brazil there which scott more than 40000. 00 cases theres about just a bit more than a 1000 cases here in mexico at the moment but there are signs that people might be react relaxing somewhat more people going out. On the streets this weekend according to mobile data and the peak hasnt happened here yet is still expected to be in may so i think the government trying to help people trying to get people to stay inside they have been enforcing that with police they have been advising people to stay at home before that peak is reached here in the country john can we talk a little bit more about brazil president both sonora says he wants social isolation policies to end this week despite as weve said brazil being the regions worst affected country hows that going though. I think it doesnt match the probably coming. Not that much of a surprise to brazilians that hes come out with that hes been fairly consistent throughout the start hes called it a little flu coronavirus and said that unless youre elderly or have Health Problems theres no reason few not be going to work he said 70 percent of us are going to get this so we just go to it sooner or later so weve basically just got to get on with it there was Something Else that happened that was quite controversial actually on sunday and that was when he met with supporters outside the armys headquarters in brasilia the capital of brazil and he then and some of them were holding up placards saying that they wanted military intervention basically to support him because as you said state governors in that country some of them are enforcing quarantine and he doesnt agree with everyone should be out now brazils a country less than 40 years ago it was still under military dictatorships so its incredibly sensitive for that sort of imaging to be having those rallies and those sorts of places did that back a little bit on monday saying that here was who believed in democracy in the country and the Democratic Institutions like the congress and like the Supremes Court but theres a situation there which does seem to be a country in crisis with coronavirus theres been images coming out of a hospital in the amazonian city of men out in which their police were lined up beside life patients in one of the hospitals there so its a country thats really suffering and theres a sense of the brazilian president trying not to be sort of at all its with the congress and with many of the governors in the country about how to tackle this problem thank you for that that is John Heilemann live in mexico. United nations World Travel Organization is warning of hard times ahead for the caribbean Tourism Industry they lead ins of people have already lost their jobs because of the pandemic the Tourism Industry makes up nearly a 3rd of the regions total economy. So come here on aljazeera students in iraq pitch in to help poor families struggling under lockdown. And a forced apology by Health Workers sparks outrage kurdistan. Have the latest though to have severe thunderstorms and tornadoes should be out of the way to this is them on their way back to the eastern seaboard the focus in toronto represents the next delta whether you are really want to be in its getting cold again code office and snow flurries or choose day and temperatures by night are subzero and it has been so warm recently but thats a cold area now in the u. S. And in canada it represents or shows itself as showers but not big ones running through the eastern side once again otherwise its quiet for the time being but next belt of thunderstorms developing in the texan panhandle as you feed in boise youre from the south again still cold sitting over the mountain states that could be developing system that runs through the Southern States and this time its less than a weeks time so you need to keep an eye on the time of the year after all now weve got big showers to come in the northern bahamas florida and cuba a result of that frontal system that was so active over the u. S. That also prompt showers in his banier otherwise its a fairly quiet picture in Central America further south the wettest weathers been recently in guyana and thats where the more or less stay temperatures in buenos aires are on the way darn. Medieval western society it was a Feudal Society detail because you keep going out of the mall and as soon as the pope ended his speech some people stood up and said god will see again and the entrance to the city was horrific they killed people in the streets in their houses and in. The crusades an arab perspective that this old one shot. On a jazeera. The a. Loser. He was the aljazeera reminder of our top stories and solve for the 1st time in history u. S. Oil prices have crashed below 0 dollars as produces a fast running out of space to store their oil lockdowns in response to the coronavirus pandemic have produced a massive slump and

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