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Easing its locked on. And release after the riots prisoners in argentina are being let out as a coronavirus precaution. And installed the u. S. Womens soccer team has vowed to fight on in their battle for equal pay a judge has rejected the world cup winners claim that theyre being unfairly treated by their own federation. Welcome to the news of the malaysian government has detained more than 700. 00 migrants and refugees accusing them of illegally living in the country but comes at a sensitive time of growing public anger towards migrant foreigners who are accused of spreading the coronavirus Rights Groups have criticized the timing of the roundup at a time of movement and travel restrictions and saying detaining the workers together make them more vulnerable to catching the virus the government says its all part of a bigger effort to contain the corona virus florence li reports from kuala lumpur. Hundreds of migrants and refugees including children rounded up in a raid in kuala lumpur on friday theyre being held in detention facilities migrant rights group. Has criticised the rate of inhumane and counterproductive arguing it wont deter migrant and refugee communities from getting tested at a time when the world is still struggling to contain the pandemic. But the government is defending it as part of efforts to contain the coronavirus status there is still on documented migrants their status remains the same the laws of this country havent changed these people broke the law when they entered the country illegally. In recent weeks foreigners have been the target of hate speech with some malaysians blaming them for spreading the coronavirus hostility towards the rangar and undocumented migrants appear to have been set off by several events this suburb outside kuala lumpur home to a large population. Was placed under lockdown more than a week ago to curb transmission of cases there are social media posts telling the room theyre not wanted here there were at least 5 online petitions some of which have since been taken down urging the government to expel the refugees from malaysia malaysians have also directed their anger at the ethnic minority after Rights Groups criticised the government for turning away a boatload of refugees last month for north john been a month and her family these are worrying times they escaped from scituate state in myanmar in 2012 after into communal riots between buddhists and muslims killed 200 people and displaced more than 100000 others. Life here hasnt been easy malaysia does not formally recognize refugees they cant work legally or go to school she says shes heard rumors about the malaysian government wanting to send the right back religion out of it it made me think back to our journey here we were at sea then human traffickers picked us up and they kept my husband for months because we couldnt pay it was only after 8 months here when we were finally registered with the un as refugees that i felt safe what if we have to go through that again the coronavirus and malaysias curbstone movement has already put nor johns family in dire financial straits now the fear of being detained hangs over that florence li out 0 quality report. Indias hindu nationalist government is being accused of unfairly targeting minorities particularly muslims thats been leveled by the u. S. Commission on International Religious freedom so lets look at why another port criticized last years immigration act which offered citizenship to religious minorities from neighboring countries but specifically excluded muslims it led to months of protests the Commission Also highlighted a census in the state of a psalm which excluded nearly 2000000 people both muslim and hindu making them essentially stateless and in august the government revoked the autonomy of indian administered kashmir and imposed a curfew and restrictions and the commission is recommending targeted sanctions and travel bans for those down to be responsible for violating religious freedom dividend sorry is a senior journalist and political commentator joins me via skype from new delhi good to have you with us mr ansari on the program how much weight does this report have and what sort of influence will it have on the national government. Well i dont know if this report to a long will will have much of an influence but put together given the fact that there are now what he says emanating from protest emanating from within the country and and outside specially in the middle east. Has begun to take some kind of perfect we had the Prime Minister of india for the 1st time in the 6 years that hes been in power and the talk of. Him speak of reaching out to people and he said that doesnt discriminate based discriminate based on the basis of cost of religion do you have the head of the art assess saying dont target didnt die Community Just because of the 4 took you so it does appear to be having some effect this report do but in conjunction with the protests within the country as well to outside many of the details parts of the report feature obviously incidents that happened during the Modi Government from 2014 then the winning the election again in 2019 you know from the citizen amendment tacked cal slaughters and how that is protected to a certain extent through article 48 the anti conversion laws in certain parts of the countries where. Hindu rights are being protected so that christians and muslims dont convert hindus into their faith and of course the issue of kashmir last august the the tsunami basically has resonated globally so even if you take the United States out of the equation what effect have these incidents have had on communities such as for example the European Union or because they have a great interaction with india. But for now. The European Union have not said much except the fact that there was a. A section of the European Union has certainly spoken up but it is in indias interest to ensure that these things are put to rest the right over here because the only way this country can progress and some of the humongous challenges that come trying to do is by being united a united india at peace with itself will be in a much greater position to tackle these challenges specially the ones emanating your count of over it and the huge impact the huge battering the de Indian Economy has received we can all only handle this if we do or if the peace with ourselves not b. C. Busy putting out bushfires but rather than concentrating on the Larger National task at hand will you say earlier that you know it does resonate and of course the pushing back is something that the Indian Government has has done certainly on this report it doesnt like to be criticized at any level but the authors of the reporter at pains to stress that while you might see the overall status they put india in the same category as china and north korea and they dont quite see it that they dont want to put india in the same category but again they dont want to let india off the hawk and therefore one wonders how india will deal with parts of the American Government such as the state department and this particular part of government as well when it comes to criticism of the way that it deals with minority groups it cant ignore new delhi cannot ignore this report. Well absolutely a much as wed like to n. V. Have for the record try to get back to support the report we have tried to debunk it but the fact is that in the of internet internalised what to support has to say and new delhi can only disregard what to united says states says at some cost to itself this is certainly something that india doesnt want to do and we are seeing the 1st signs of india having or at least those who matter having taken cognizance of this report and similar weisss emanating from across the world indias Prime Minister has spoken out on not been Strong Enough dones but he has indeed spoken out for the 1st time in 6 years to achieve the head of the arctic says has spoken out to be gippi m. N. Is by cutting muslim rigidly sellers and the b j p president is now under accord having issued their National Cause notice so we do hope that in the days ahead these of these words will also translate into action and we will see that the temperature is lowered and thinks improve for the better if they dont the only people who will suffer is india and that is something we can least afford to specially at this given time and it didnt sorry in new delhi thanks for joining us our lodges there thank you. Well still more ahead here on the aljazeera news hour including iceland the attack in iraq 10 paramilitary fighters are killed in the most significant assault since the groups defeat and youll. Come. Back on duty in north korea so your t. V. Shows kim jong un after weeks of speculation about his health. And spain plans to launch a. Spain plans to launch a 17000000000. 00 reconstruction front to deal with the economic damage caused by the pandemic its one of the hardest hit countries in the world with the death toll last sunday 25000. 00 but the number of infections and deaths and now decreasing restrictions are slowly being eased in phases after 7 weeks of Strict Lockdown as alexia brown explains. Their 1st taste of freedom in 49. 00 days thats 1176 hours of lockdown spent mostly indoors. Runners cyclists rollerbladers taking to the footpaths across spain which for weeks had been off limits except for those out to buy food and medicine are they not going to i was rollerblading with open arms through the streets because they went to me cause there was a feeling of freedom. Going for a walk and playing sport have been bent to stop the corona virus spreading in spain which is one of the worst affected countries in europe theyve been more than 25000 deaths and 216000 cases but Authorities Say the outbreak here is finally past its peak that its very great to go out to run today and im thinking like me like you know if there again moment you know i get with everybody out like this im very happy about that and i think that people are quite respectful and. I think theyre very happy. Last weekend children under 14 were allowed out for an hour a day of supervised activity now adults and Senior Citizens can also go out and say protime in a bid to reduce overcrowding. Though it didnt work everywhere with thousands out along the house alone as prominent. As and i mean there for me personally its incredible that i can finally go out after so long it just seems a bit strange to me that there are these time ships because in the end there are so many people out at the same time in the same place beaches though remain closed and crowds exercised under the watchful eyes of police. Prime minister Pedro Sanchez tweeted that allowing outdoor exercise was a new step and measures to ease the confinement that called for people to be responsible because the virus is still here the World Health Organization says countries should lift their lock downs gradually and be ready to restore restrictions if infections rise there are tough days still ahead for spain the lock down has hammered its already faltering economy and unemployment is expected to soar. On this saturday though people enjoyed the Simple Pleasures of being outdoors on a sunny spring day. France extending its Health Emergency by 12 weeks until july the 24th it keeps in place quarantine measures for those arriving in the country but some long term measures will be easing just over a week including the reopening of primary schools francis recorded more than 24000 deaths but theres been another spike in new cases in russia 9600 have been reported in the past 24 hours thats the 4th record in as many days most of those new cases are in the capital moscow just over 1200 people have died since the outbreak began. And trials are to begin in the United Kingdom to see a blood plasma from recovered coronavirus patients can be used to treat others with covert 19 if parker has more from london. St Thomas Hospital behind me is playing a pivotal role in britains battle against corona virus is of course where Boris Johnson the Prime Minister was treated and now is one of several hospitals across the United Kingdom trialing whether or not the blood plasma of people who have had the corona virus recovered can be used to treat people with the virus the science is Pretty Simple if you have had the virus you develop immunity which means you build empty bodies those antibodies can be found in the liquid form of the blood the plasma which can then be injected into people with the virus to kick start their immune system thats theoretically or doctors are hoping to see very soon but it is to some extent slow progress clearly because they need to find people who have had the virus and of recovered and have built often are not antibodies for their plasma to be useful that period roughly takes around among say the doctors there are 1500. 00 hospitals in the United States that are carrying out similar trials and there are other similar schemes taking place in other parts of europe as well the hope here in the u. K. That by the end of may there will be able to have roughly around 10000 units of useful blood plasma a week ready to help cure those people who are suffering from the virus theyre hoping to see some positive results pretty soon an experimental antiviral drug has been approved for emergency use in treating coronavirus patients in the u. S. 1500000 vials of the drug severe will be distributed to hospitals from monday the regulator gave its approval after a government sponsored study showed the medication shortened patients Recovery Time by about 31 percent and slightly improved mortality rates chris smith is a consultant brawler just an editor of the naked scientists podcast he explains how the drug works. This is an antiviral drug it was developed during the a boehner period about 5 or 6 years ago and unfortunately for gilliatt who invented it it didnt work very well against a boa but what does look more promising is its action against this new coronavirus the way it works is that the drug molecule looks like one of the Building Blocks of the Genetic Information of the virus so when you take the drug it goes into the cells and gets activated in the cell and then when the virus is trying to grow in one of your cells it mistakes this drug molecule for one of the normal genetic letters that it would be inserting into its genome that its copying to make new baby viruses and when the drug molecule goes into the d. N. A. Or r. N. A. Of a growing virus it distorts it and disrupts it and stops it growing so as a result you end up with a virus with a broken genome and so its a bit like a computer with the operating system corrupted it wont boot up so the viruses you make are completely defunct and when given 2 cells in a dish which are infected with the virus it slows down the growth of the virus when given to patients with the virus it makes them recover a bit quicker and it also slightly improves the mortality rate when you give it to people who are severely unwell and by slightly i mean in people who were not given the drug the mortality rates about 11 percent and in people who werent given the drug it was about 8 percent north koreas leader kim jong un has made his 1st public appearance in nearly 3 weeks state Media Broadcast images which appear to show kim opening a Fertilizer Factory speculation had been rife about the Leaders Health and whereabouts as one bride reports now from seoul. Hes in good spirits and seemingly in good health after disappearing from public view for nearly 3 weeks north Korean Leader kim jong un reemerged in style to open a fertilizer plant. The pictures on state run television said to be from an event on friday seemed to be north koreas answer to world the growing speculation about kims health. Online news sites and some news organizations have been quoting sources that said kim was gravely ill even brain dead after a surgical procedure gone wrong. It had led to concerns about a possible power vacuum and instability in the Nuclear Armed state and focused attention on kim sister kim go joan who attended this event as a possible successor to him. She came to the worlds attention as the point person in north koreas Charm Offensive during the 2018 Winter Olympics in pyongyang she continued to feature prominently as the smiling facilitator in the subsequent into korean dialogue and in the historic summit meetings with the United States. One. And. The only. In south korea intelligence officials had urged caution about the Health Rumors saying they havent detected any unusual activity the pointed to a serious crisis south Koreas Unification Ministry has condemned what its called groundless content saying the speculation has caused unnecessary confusion and senior political figures here who dont even suggested that kim might have died off facing strong criticism. Opening this large fertilizer plant and not wearing a mask while being cheered by large crowds may also be part of north koreas wider message to the world that its feeding its people that it doesnt have any cases of the coronavirus and the kim was very much alive and in charge of the bride aljazeera so. For migrants who have left other african countries for libya life is already a struggle before the current virus pandemic throw in the added challenges of a country wracked by war and now the constraints of restrictions imposed to contain covert 19 its meant many migrants are without work becoming increasingly desperate as to what of the war had reports from the capital tripoli. Tired and frustrated these migrants can hardly afford to buy food they weighed by the roadside in the libyan capital for potential employers theyve come from other parts of africa to earn a living by doing a manual work but since the country began its lock down one measures to prevent covert 19 a month ago they say they have hardly earned it any money. That the travel restriction between cities is providing us we cannot find work not only tripoli but also in other libyan cities many of us no hope to travel back home to be reunited with our families nearly 1500 migrants and refugees are kept in Detention Centers in western libya some are living in dire conditions many of them were intercepted by the libyan coast guard while trying to cross the mediterranean to europe human rights organizations are warning that an hour break of the coronavirus among them could be catastrophic the International Organization for migration is conducting sanitation campaigns and hes calling on the authorities here to gradually release some of the most of well noble we have a voluntary return. From libya that assisted over 50000 people returned to their countries of origin. Its currently. Only partially operational in that were not able to fly out of. Libya but domestic that will get clearance to fly humanitarian flights out of libya to other countries of or. And soon thousands of refugees including the women and children escape instability and poverty elsewhere in the continent and i arrive here every year they make dangerous journeys from libya insurers towards europe to seek a better life but many of them die when their boats capsize the covert 19 lock might force some of these migrants to leave libya once again if that happens they could be except ploy by people smugglers and traffickers. But those who choose to stay remain hopeful for a change even though that might not come anytime soon. Mahmud up to a head. Tripoli and said to the americans now are prisoners argentina being released early of affairs a corona virus will spread through correctional facilities when they have been protesting against the move which is supposed to only release violent prisoners serving their sentences under house arrest well lets cross over to trees about whose life for a simple as a reason to reason i mean how much of a concern is there about this news of prisoner releases in the capital and sort of what safeguards are being put in place so these individuals dont commit crimes when theyre out. Well weve been hearing about protests here of people complaining people coming out on their vans balconies with some pans to protest this a measure thats being implemented by several judges unrest has been on the rise in several prisons in argentina last week we saw a prison riot here in the only prison in the city of when a site is when prisoners took to the rooftops they were demanding better sanitation among other things after it was revealed that one of the guards inside the prison tested positive since then a federal judge has asked that those involved in nonViolent Crimes should be allowed to serve their sentence under house arrest however this is not going well it has been revealed that several mostly men involved in murder kidnapping and rape have been sent home this has generated an outcry among the media but also among the population here in argentina members of the opposition but also members of the ruling party are saying that the judges involved in sending prisoners home should be investigated. I the sound of pots and pans against the release of prisoners in argentina. Has resonated in dozens of cities across the country. In the last weeks discontent in argentinas penitentiary system has been on the rice 1000 has prisoners on the alert demanding better prison conditions or house arrest. But victims of those under arrest are afraid of being victimized for a 2nd time if some prisoners are released. My sister was writes during a Birthday Party right next door he told her to remain quiet and hes given money then we received a phone call from the school because my sister was crying every day now he has been released. One got a lost 13 year old sister was raped by baby the 68 year old neighbor. Was released a week ago because hes considered to be at risk of call 1000 made it all the more family relive right here next door to the 13 Year Old Girl he raped last year and even though hes not serving his house arrest in this location neighbors say that hes able to move around freely and fear for their safety even though almost as in detention 20 blocks away a few days ago his family threatened one carlos and his family they were armed. We were talking to local media and his grandson came out with a weapon inside he was going to kill us my sister is afraid hell come back and write her id like to tell the judge that relates to what would he do if the same thing happened to him there are currently over 90000. 00 prisoners in argentina theyre requesting nonviolent inmates id risk should be put under house arrest going to are they waiting for blood to be spilled who are human beings isnt there a right to life. Local media reports over 2000 prisoners have been put under house arrest but argentina lacks the resources to control with angle money tours theyre staying home if that. I understand corona virus is affecting the world and we need to sit new conditions on how to treat prisoners there are parameters that cannot be violated we need to improve prisons and maybe release those whove been involved in Violent Crimes right now violent men are out thank you and thats why thousands of people protested with pots and pans a message to the judiciary so their safety wont be at risk. From staying in the region the trees of venezuela seems to be in the spotlight with the rising death toll at another prison right what seems to be going on the. Well most definitely the current pandemic of corona virus in the region is posing a mesh major challenge for pinning gentrys systems across the region and venezuela on friday a group of prisoners that try to escape one prison they try to bring down the prison fence there was a shootout and apparently theres over 40 people 40 mostly inmates that have been killed the warden the prison warden was stabbed at what were told is the amount of people injured of inmates injured completely collapsed the hospital this all happened in the city of one that is in the proper in the provinces for the with its about 450 kilometers away from the capital could act as a dire situation hospital there are running short of resources theres in many hospitals in venezuela theres no Running Water soap or medicines to treat those who have falling ill what we know is that venezuela has a long history of overcrowding of a lack of sanitation and very violent prisons there are completely overcrowded and since venezuela imposed a lockdown thats over one month ago visitation rights have been suspended and this has plays a crucial role in inmates life mostly because their relatives bring them food medicines among other things something that are very scary in the short of the prison where this happened was meant to host around 750 prisoners but were told that around 2500 of them were there and there was a another riot in that same state in last year where 29 prisoner lost their lives for the update to receive as our respective. Well still ahead here on the aljazeera news we meet some of the indonesian delivery drivers putting themselves at risk in the hope of a better future. And fighting for survival why the cost of crude a virus is leaving many zoos facing a bleak future. And in sports leagues top football clubs look to be on a collision course with their own government and well have the story in sports do stay with us. We still got a few showers in the forecast for the middle east villagers in the cloud in the rain thats been around the gulf recently that spilling through iran over towards afghanistan to administer and also seeing some showers and these will slide a little further eastward over the next day or so making way for the next crop of showers just pushing out of turkey northern parts of syria northern parts of iraq for the most part as you can see it does look essentially fine and dry as a chance of the odd shower just creeping over towards the eastern side of oman as we go on into monday and its western parts of yemen as well quite a brisk wind to watch out for cross northern parts of saudi arabia so lifted dust and sand certainly a possibility but showers continue across ethiopian highlands somalia saying more showers longer spells of frank quite a bit of wet weather there the same right as they are doing nicely across much of west africa nudging a little further north where its plenty of showers still where they named sue kenya more heavy downpours in northern parts of tanzania still seeing some very heavy showers showers there once again into the democratic republic of congo notice some wet weather just around the southern type for time and a slow little further east which as we go on through monday try brighter weather returning next week. But. My outer. Ramadan a time of spirituality reflection and gratitude raise the flags all the flags every color in our. Aljazeera world well how we are how we reveals the stories behind some of the arab world songs and chants for the holy month this song touched the hearts of all arabs for ramadan songs on aljazeera. In countries like mine people have been killed because we in the United States have privatized the ultimate Public Function was this was a deal with saudi arabia things were done differently saudis other arabs when they came to britain to be told to help the past bombs deals off you will rumsfeld this meeting saddam isnt that interesting. Shadow while on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera news hour which means the whole drama a reminder of our top news Stories Police in malaysia have detained more than 700. 00 refugees and Migrant Workers they live in areas where covert 900. 00 cases surge last month triggering accusations of foreigners spreading the virus also spains Prime Minister has announced a multibillion dollar Reconstruction Fund to help deal with economic fallout from the pandemic the government has begun a line people to exercise outside the 1st time in waves and in every experimental antiviral drug has been approved for emergency use in treating coronavirus patients in the u. S. 1500000 vials of the drug from the severe to be distributed to hospitals from monday. I saw fighters have killed at least 10 members of an Iraqi Parliament Paramilitary Group in separate attacks the northern town of mecca was targeted on friday night in the province of salahadin the other attack happened in the heart i saw fighters risen in april iraq deals with the worsening economic crisis and the impact of the coronavirus well this latest attack in iraq is the most significant in more than 2 years i saw going global prominence in early 2014 when it took control of the syrian city of america and named it as its capital a series of aggressive campaigns followed and by the end of 2014 the armed group had reached its peak controlling an area stretching from central syria the outskirts of iraqs capital baghdad. And years of fighting the rocky military announced in december 27000. 00 that it had fully liberated iraq for eisel and the group slowly lost its territory in syria by march of last year i sold final stronghold was captured. Option is the senior director of the counter extremism project thats an International Policy organization formed to calm but the growing threat of violent ideologies he joins me now via skype from berlin good to have you with us on the program sir how significant and how seriously should the iraqi authorities take this recent attack after they declared victory over i still in 2017 thank you for having me this is the latest episode obviously resurgent of i still in iraq which started fairly soon after final defeat the territorial control of eisel in 2019 its clear that i still had long prepared for the period after its military defeat with organizing i mean efficient bombs organizing cells that act independently now what weve seen in this attack is a very classic ice of a tactic that they used before they gained territory in 2014 to weaken the Security Forces and how tribes within their sunni area into following them so just to be clear from your opinion are these sleeper cells that you suggested or all the remnants or splinter groups from what was left of i saw in the region after 2017. Well its certainly a mixture of both certainly not every single ice and fighter operating in iraq was captured certainly a lot of the foreigners were captured because its hard for them to melt into the population but there are a lot of i still remember still within iraq they had been preparing for exactly this scenario where the territorial control is lost and the fight continues and theyve been doing this systematically since 2001000 fortunately in the last year we saw a very steady rise of successful islip tax all over iraq and of course those following the story of iraq where the government is in all of this they find themselves in a very precarious position unable to take control of an area as weve seen over the past few years but of course theyve had political infighting for trying to find a Prime Minister to take control of government and thats all it leaves that leaves an administrative vacuum and a vacuum that can be filled by groups like eisel unfortunately youre absolutely right we are pretty much again at a situation that we were once before in 2011 where International Forces also due to the current corona situation slowly withdrawing from the country internationalize and coalition numerous nations have already withdrawn their troops because of what we 19 more will follow. The same situation that the Central Government in iraq promised the sunni parts of its country a certain amount of autonomy including their own Security Forces promises that again it has not been fulfilled and all of this vacuum is already late by a rivalry between the United States and iran on iraqi territory so the country faces multiple internal challenges i sell it simply taking advantage of this current very very difficult situation indeed 10 thanks very much for your insights and for joining us from berlin thank you so much. Singapore will start easing restrictions from may the 12 being under a partial lockdown for 2 months selected businesses will start operating again and small groups of students will be allowed to return to school the Health Ministry says rules are being relaxed gradually to avoid a new rise in infections singapore has reported more than 17000 cases. India has made it mandatory for all public and private sector employees to use a government backed Coronavirus Tracking app its targeting at least 100000000 phones such moves by asian governments are raising concerns about privacy medical Authorities Say tracking software has helped slow transmission but what safeguards are there for these apps Going Forward sarah clarke reports now from hong kong when trisha cowen and her family returned to hong kong in april they were put in mandatory quarantine for 14 days they were also required to wear this electronic respond the loaded authorities if they breached a quarantine regulations and left their apartment its didnt i didnt think about it i just think that this had to be done i mean its paper made to be tracked and now one wants it spread further we all want to be over as quickly as possible so that that just involved may be a tracking Technology Developed in hong kong that uses a wife i network to detect if the user changes location but the company says the only data shared with the government is movement not personal Information Technology we have a lot of option like phased work in the. Speed condition theyre using this way that alone will be alerted when they use the net their home base here at the same time a poet had their whereabouts. Lapse and digital surveillance are being used by many governments in asia to track the spread of the corona virus china uses a color based q. R. Code to monitor peoples movements and health in south korea overseas travelers who dont download a Government App are refused entry i think is so is a key part in term Infection Control in asia especially using this technology to track down these people who are putting them into quarantine so it is probably one of the most and more the reasons why we are doing better. All the possible world but critics say some government mandated apps can also access a users personal data and be used as a surveillance tool its a real fear that this data will end up in the hands of governments some of the apps look for people to. Access your cell phone or call records even their contacts and in some cases they cannot and all the information together can you know very. Peoples lives 2 of the worlds biggest tech giants at google and apple plan to embed new features in their devices using context tracing technology but say the toll will be removed once the pandemic ends the critics say it could lead to ongoing some violence with governments using the data the other persons Technology May be playing a Critical Role in containing the pen demick but human Rights Groups warn it might also normalize surveillance in the future once this outbreak is under control. Sarah clarke aljazeera hong kong. Newcastle universities little edwards as a professor of law focusing on innovation and society she says new versions of the security concerns. There was kind of a 1st generation of rats which did camera in asia such as the china. Type traffic lights at the hong kong which were fairly grossly brucey invasive media perhaps justifiable within the culture at that time but were not really acceptable to here and to some Asian Countries one of the ways so this being the 2nd way the bluetooth wraps which really get me to tech press in a t. Rather than your geo location but within back were now having a very heated debate about centralized against the centralized apps basically you can people the data thats collected on the respective bones of the people involved and thats what the google apple a. P. I. This been thats the path to be rolled lance supports and that is very very brave this is a thing on the other hand a number of countries notably the u. K. Bronson astray. Chosen to go centralize model where the danger is back to central servers like the n. H. S. And that can be argued to be something they want because they want to collect more data and they want to be able to amend that they claim will quickly locus lycee but it is less reactive so this is where the debate is revolving around whats the best tradeoff and indeed doesnt need to be a tradeoff because some people in some of the consultant claim that you can get everything you want and still be maximally privacy supportive not the outbreak of covert 19 has false countries around the world to reassess what it means to be an essential worker drivers who are delivering food one group at higher risk and many in indonesia a fearful for their safety as just a washington reporter from jakarta. Before he starts work for enjoys his mornings with his sons these days the time is short lived. Its not long before he receives his 1st grocery order as more people stay at home to cover the spread of the virus Grocery Delivery Services option the message from doctors is to stay at home and avoid interacting with people but thats not possible for delivery riders like came to develop. Im more worried about the virus but what choice do i have i have to feed my family all i can do is hope i dont get infected hes one of the millions delivering all over indonesias capital despite having more orders since the outbreak escalated he has less income. So you know i need the money we know so that to take passengers anymore so i can only do grocery and food deliveries for food workers in indonesia and globally its a similar sentiment. It was im scared of the going to fight us of course but my income comes from sales so i have no other option. So i keep my distance from his customers and i clean my products but if i dont keep working how can i live. They regarded world wide as essential workers but on low paid and cant afford to stop working even if they wanted to. Physical distancing is only an option for those who can afford it and most in the period industry cannot this workforce is essential in all countries year round but now they are at the forefront of a Global Crisis and their work comes with increased risk. Simple tasks such as accepting change or restocking shelves are now an infection threat. My company has given us clear instructions we need to wash our hands and wear a mask or try to be fit and wash my hands and i stop going out i dont want to get infected workers like him do what they can to feel safe and around the world billions rely on them to get what they need jessica washington aljazeera jakarta while many businesses have had to shut down zoos and how to keep in place few staff to take care of the animals but as Charlie Rangel reports some say Government Support wont be enough to cover their losses mungo is the oldest resident of one of the u. K. Smallest zoos and territorial animal blissfully unaware of the fragility of his situation cedars Nature Center is home to 25. 00 different species built for the local community it is a labor of love but not being a charity its fallen through the cracks when it comes to Financial Aid from the government with new visitors income has disappeared but the cost of keeping the animals remains the same with no funds to fall back on they are relying on donations if they cant reopen by this summer the future is bleak weve only got a couple of species here which are the centers good ones but were in exactly the same boat as is plenty of other small species everyone would be in a position where theyre trying to offload their animals and find new homes for them apart from our armadillos and as a religious none of the big centers will want our animals and well have no other option that have to be euthanized. The more established in higher profile zoos have a stronger chance of staying afloat but the pressure is still immense there is like marla franticly fund raising securing bank loans and furloughing staff to try and see them through the crisis and while the governments support package is welcome is limited in scope. Negotiating on behalf of the sector is the british an Iris Association of zoos and aquariums when we can work in the government work scheme we dont think its going to be enough for all and especially for the long term and out we think it may be enough to just get past the crisis but as a sector are and will need long Term Investment there also 1000 this is around the world and the common law and a nations government help Uganda Wildlife Education center is home to 280 animals right now theres often elephants my biggest problem is loneliness it seems and maybe food when we can was the implication was that not going was coming him as we speak right now because money was coming in through get collections accommodation or restaurant specialized programs those are not happening anymore even if the lock down and soon tourism will take time to recover in the meantime the virtual tour is a springing up and online donation pages hoping to secure enough support until gates can reopen charlie and out of their homes. Well still ahead here on aljazeera the pandemic may have done to new Orleans Party spirit but we hear those keeping the citys soul alive and in sports some of the worlds best athletes are set to use their own goggles and a bit to bring back some live action to stay with us. When covert 19 1st struck china and began to spread the cost asia. Some in the west criticized countermeasures us to harsh or too weak. But have the different experiences before asian nations in fact not shown the world to root out of this group under. Coronavirus lessons from asia on a jersey of. Choices and sacrifices made in the name of mothers love to provide for her children a woman in thailand must deprive them of the love they crave and focus this compassion and kindness on how work with alzheimers patients from the west. Wireless with spammy travel halfway around the wild to leave their own mother in her care. Witness kissing mother goodbye on aljazeera. The all the the all. Of the back now in new orleans as being one of the holes faults of the crowd of virus pandemic in the United States but while Frontline Health workers are overwhelmed and business is a suffering the community has bonded together to keep the city spirits alone if i did castro has the story. New orleans is a city whose exuberance is difficult to contain. In late february as people rub shoulders in the annual mardi gras parades few were aware coded 19 was silently present and spreading. Now the streets are empty and the hospitals are filled but despite appearances the citys big easy spirit similar stronger. Than the one this community was thanks again there are no matter what the situation is tasty treat restaurant still serves a classic creole dishes despite the loss of its regular customers it has a new customer a charity called feed the front line which emerged from the epidemic the group collects online donations bice food from 40 local restaurants. And gifts the meals to taxed workers at 16 new orleans hospitals order but i gotta wait does it make us not not worry about where the next year is coming from the route this shocking the charity was founded by a Fraternal Group called the crew of red beans their goal to help new orleans get through code 19 just as it survived Hurricane Katrina 15 years ago being arnie have experienced catastrophic loss and rebuilding so i think it kind of gives an. Extra to the Community Spirit but its not just the restaurants and hospital workers who benefit. The charity pays out a work musicians to make the deliveries get steady income coming into my bank account and not only that more importantly its given me service work and its given me something to do with my dad its given me a purpose that a very hopeless time the effort has yielded more than 2000 meals a day delivered to the front lines what other way one wanted to be able to give a given out the most things that were known for which is the music and our food more signs of new orleanss resilience in the face of adversity how did you castro aljazeera for its time for sport and his undying thank you so much so will the u. S. Womens soccer team as violence a fight so on in the battle for equal pay on friday a judge rejected their claim that they were being unfairly treated the world champions assuming their own federation arguing the u. S. Mens team received better pay the judge disputed the evidence but has allowed and i like a shot of discriminatory working conditions to go to trial the plaza seating 66000000. 00 in damages that seems spokesperson has said we are shocked and disappointed with todays decision but we will not give up our hard work for equal pay we are confident in our case and steadfast in our commitments to ensuring that girls and women will not be valued as less just because of the gender well sports lyrics of your part believes this illegal fights is far from over. But they could also work in conditions that are going on to try and that would be the other work and he didnt want to try out ever to put actually raising the space where you have butter preparation to create some sort of a bit maybe the future for a little collectible you are going to remember all the police bear with us going to snap the back of the statistics bear ad even with certain laws or regulations we still have to have a conversation about unequal treatment of women in the workplace and these women are been really vocal about happening and theyre fighting for one bite of women across all industries its a nice talk lubs one talks with their governments is downstream i know sarah has returned that same sort of issued a joint statement saying that sargon is to complete the remaining fixtures that follow a comment upon its hind sports minister that he was unconvinced by the leagues health and safety plan the cops face losing hundreds of millions of dollars if the Citizens Council weve been talking to nichelle aspects e. A. Sports historian of the university of a long yeah i think we are in front of the classic tradeoff between economic interest from one side and has the interest from the are there with sporting interest in this moment that they are a little bit more in the background we are enough tasing which way the clubs big said yes lads who really want to do restart at the same times theyre try not to be. Responsible for any Health Issues the moment when food will stop. And theres food that this was something serious so reliably the moment that will restart the booklet for the population will be a sign of relief at the same time so there is the real question is is coronavirus b b 10 already still a dangerous. Well the german bund as leader has had a setback in its efforts to become the 1st major league here at cern 3 kilometer players have tested positive for corona virus or close or said the players affected will not go into a 14 day corn scene at home but that the rest of the squad is to carry on training the league is waiting to get the government all clear to resume matches behind closed doors in mid may for formula one is aiming to hold its 1st races of the 2020 season in austria in july the 1st of that sea rices is proposed to start the delayed season will be held at the red bull ring in spielberg no spectators will be allowed and theyll be minimal interaction within that saints at some stage when he goes into it world continues we cannot just waved around and im adamant about that it be that Everybody Needs to go back to work at some stage and we need to do it. Its just our safest possible. From out there i dont want to be quoted saying i dont care to be safe but. For a long time and longer we wait more that we get to be bigger and more the worlds top pole vaulters are getting ready to compete in what theyre calling the ultimate garden clash but were going to bring something new a competition to. Some kendricks monday defenses and run a level any are taking part in a live challenge theyll be straying from their respective homes on sunday well that is aiming to stage a behind closed doors exhibition events on a slightly larger scale in norway next month i think. All the more mundane challenges of bringing back live sport for an evident set of tennis events in germany rain managed to stop play despite it being an indoor torment a leaky roof forced a suspension of what is the 1st tennis events involving pro players since march and he plays with a base in germany are involved social distancing measures are in place with the action being streamed fire remotely operated cameras. Ok that is how your sports is looking fanatics are thanks very much andy and you have been watching the aljazeera news are about more news on the other side of the grave and all of them and to me on the news r. T. Thanks for your time and her completely. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such 2 moms as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against least amount we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and fire mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy. Mines where time to turn up the volume on the untold story smelled way you dont know 6 examine the u. S. And its role in the world were going to bomb the taliban in submission and bomb them to the peace table so were in gunfire coming from that direction were going to get i mean holding the powerful to account doing this room has cancer and knows of someone that lives here this has cancer. Fault lines coming soon on al jazeera. The stories of abuse in aged care homes in the west to show the world that theres no those who deserve one when he speaks those sending out only loved ones to thailand to live out their dogs on aljazeera. On counting the cost famines of biblical proportions the coronavirus is at the end of the Global Economy so what does that mean for Food Supplies plus grants or loans as italy and spain used to lockdowns can either upgrades its cards out of trillion cura rescue. Cutting the cost on aljazeera. Marched from their homes in malaysias capital a round up of hundreds of migrants amid fear of coronavirus. The rommany watching all just their own life by headquarters here in doha also coming up emerging to exercise spain takes another step towards easing its lockdown also. Back in public view after 3 weeks north koreas state

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