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The war. Measures no resources have been spared but because of this the economy has suffered heavy losses but in premier league the chinese words that was a price worth paying and because of this and because of the uncertainties due to the pandemic and trade no g. D. P. Target has been set in china for the 1st time since 1988 he went on then to elaborate on a few measures that will be implemented to bolster the slowing economy the 1st being to stabilize employment that is key and he repeated that throughout the speech 9000000. 00 urban jobs will be introduced and they will also invest in Group Projects in agricultural related jobs as well one 114000000000. 00 worth of government bonds will be issued to tackle card 19 and a Defense Budget was also raised 6. 6 percent it will be by 6. 6 percent this year thats actually the lowest growth. Right weve had in recent years and the most telling instruction of all all communist government officials levels of government here in china will be told to tighten their belts there was some good news the 2020 goal of eradicating extreme poverty will still stand and the government will continue to try to implement the phase one trade deal with washington but of course many economic difficulties and this is the setting a very different torrent a lot less flowery language a lot less triumphant language and it seems that. Here is really ushering in a new era of here in china. Prodemocracy activists in hong kong have condemned a new National Security legislation planned by beijing they say it marks the end of governance by one country 2 systems a small number of protesters have marched the Chinese Liaison Office in the territory under a police presence. Donald trump is pulling the u. S. Side of the open skies treaty it allows more than 30 countries to conduct surveillance flights over each others territory the president says russia has repeatedly violated the deal at least 96. 00 people have been killed by the most powerful side flown to hit eastern india and bangladesh in more than a decade 2nd on porn made landfall on wednesday booting thousands of trees and destroying power lines large areas have been left underwater Officials Say the full damage wont be known until communications are restored. More from dhaka. What we know so far whats coming information coming from the coastal belt is that relief operation and rescue operation have started you have to realize that a lot of lentulus firemen lives in remote coastal islands many of the fishermen actually never came back before the storm those people has to be accounted for hundreds and thousands of houses by damage damage in the coastal the major impact of the storm actually was be aired by the shoulder of mutton mangrove forests on the way it would be much more 10000000. 00 people do not have power 60 percent of the mobile towers were damaged in those areas the communication is disrupted dikes been washed away the son of a former saudi Intelligence Officer says his family is being targeted in a bid to force his father to return to the kingdom according to the New York Times but he has feared for his life since moving to canada in 2017 and somehow lead told a newspaper that his brother and sister and uncle havent been seen since they were arrested by Saudi Security forces in march libyas un recognized government seize control of all sabah a town in western libya forces allied to warlord honey for huffed are so rendered after 9 of their fighters were killed because of the headlines the news continues here on. Aljazeera world goodbye. Im supposed to be there who were last words of the let me know what i didnt even know what the palestinians out there was a mad house of chicken a house a bed was full how to get about any 7 of them on subs are at heart i mean obviously acknowledge and have the bombs that are being. Held in the summer and in the home what that bill called music theater i mean you ever thought of shows the 1st cd bad im going to be out of see ill you know with a 50 year. Old colognes i mean it did at the top he could lose this so who are visiting us me and any other person. But oh well not sure but this looks interesting and if you. Close some systems leaning on them to members of you know do the yes and look into the other modes with was a man on. Account. Of hardly a loss for any who with no dogs and how to hot a kid in the player to be a lot of the bit of a dog and how the sort of a put that in the you could not but there look what i did on this hoss in the mozzie in the middle 10100 on disability and about on subacute been home. Number. Of them out of the 1. 100 this moment isnt. Modeled canada has its fun though and so whats a lot of us that in iran are the how is that another story the elite cannot talk to listen to me it has just been for her to be you. But then caught up in the yaml issue to actor editor theon up in the art of. The sword alan has a slave have subhead in the 1st in a motion to. Be sure who are counting on the bear though it never saw the ark thought auburn held up a mop this will even have some killer be sure oh yeah. Sure how bad the sewer are said to be here in the. Autobahn and i can the i have a fear in the. Us it could know what they mean after been fern inertially homeless show for houses that were not out now but are now to me im in my mouth and thats and thats the mob job in the city comfy agenda diversity in the sun harvey for what they are who would never have been modeled home a lot of. People do a bit of fear often macare filmy shuffle mccarran the toughest silk about to shop a lot of them of the clerk was shot and killed on a massage. About a 1000000000 in Economic Policy and going to the. Dizzy and into double of it on all levels the minimum for me to my boss will work in making a few most a set a dirty a was fairly the center for me the most last bad for me whether she. Was semi soft you must assert william was. In the middle. In. The fall asleep yanni which would. Be in fairly good mode i was a little soft im to hamish to have thought that if he. Got to be. Chief there was a. Nor had as i was at suffolk. Is that the fia you fellas the need to call the shot or dont can you to. Be in the fall asleep the most. Which. Could be a woman holes. Bed buddy the lower body of the man i can show had me. Ilithyia the wooded area in the last. Little. Fellows to me at 30 feet up the bottom of the. Body. Bad i just want to be in a lets have message. Abolished a billet be a sort of a. Fee. Only. A minute and begin. I mean how will you all. Had all mores the. Pity of. It still. Does it. Cut them honestly. Believe me im. A little dim of it im a lot of been robbed by that amount of beer how will a new start i had almost. Always saw jimmy lee see. How d. C. Came all of the t. V. Movie from assured to home a small gift to sell a couple of comics for a stint and new. Health in the shops and we are not interested. So it can figure that isnt going to help a bit on the one thats been going to the gulf with a lot of leisure so either to care or cant who are. Young enough to know that the copy in the photos the need in any here are some thoughts on the man theyre. Me ill manage to shoot the whole out of the 1st thing the only then after this idea would be the know how that issue would lead to had they had that issue argument that shiria i will visit here why they only can and have the car. And we is there not only can i see horn cant get in or not be at the door of the lord and there isnt enough to him in that. Sort of a kid keep up a lot of national but estimate the sum used to be a bit less time and. Click they call certain back that ask for the ships or for us thingy but i was among. The can film a lot of beer. Or better not going to look the 2 in the brother of the we have a journey but. I hope you are my home and for never lost in the boma show tonight though on the other side trip to the bit of the in the persian cellphones did it all how. Can this early on the show. We had to have him hurt or a keep him hot or ok i will just resurface who is more of the him in africa or in the shuffle if you think about. The look was a woman walked out of in the last movie and look at him to hear this is a joy as i can certainly hear the risk. In the limited after i work with. Michael donovan there are those its so easy. For going to as an advocate about. The birds for the child in the car model come out when theyre given the choice of the side. I was born in new york and im a Jewish American star both from the side of being jewish and from the side of being american im connected to the situation and the conflict here. And so when i turned 20 i started to feel that i needed to go deeper into what was happening here and as much as i could read i wouldnt understand him till i was here my stuff when i came i discovered that it was a credibly different from what its meant to trade in the media and even what has been a change in many history books especially from the jewish side and the american side not approaching this and seeing this as a colonial situation. And so i started to learn more about colonialism in this context and to see the conflict as i saw it before. A situation of taking. And and expelling people and ethnic cleansing i switch i live in ramallah i moved into into i moved out of palestine and into the west bank part of palestine for 3 years. Partially in order to show that israeli public that a jewish woman with an israeli idea can live safely and happily in fact amongst palestinians and stew and this and this stigma and this thinking that i would be killed as people told me or that i would be kidnapped so i used my living and my working as a way to constantly be demonstrating against the israeli bureaucracy and occupation yeah well as soon as khaled invites me to start my passport i was very excited at the that time no american and no israeli had stamped their passport but the biggest problem that happened to me was when i was in the airport i was coming back from the United States and i wanted to enter at the israeli airport to palestine and. The manager came to me and he said what is this that youve put in your passports i said this is a stamp of palestine it is the palestinian visa and he said there is no such place as far as dying and i said what you didnt know palestine was a state before israel and at this moment he took me to their interrogation and i spent a number of hours there and in the end my passport words cant. Help. It. But some of them of the last can believe that the moment they hit him again to go you. Are to figure that he is. Done with the laws. Of the un dont act and no not all of them in the bill was. In that month already had lost me a bizarre like the ability to fancy families at the smi im just about the new year done not problem with them really the financier leisure and now the from odd that someone offered on the nominal for the home but the im in the little with the bad but it. Was fun seeing a little help on the aftermath by and going to the hall with a bell to knock love a kennel club out here it was me. But i dont see the 1st thing he had a shell of a. Village to call it that he never got a lot out of barnum account and the government has authority in your philanthropic because a lot of the know im an issue in the facade i dont see a mechanic and i can be hiking on the inside our bits mood my god im peculiar further got a lesson i learned she keep unaware of the it as im still my new kidney failure has a law firm about how to one of the disappeared in the fisa house and saturday and all of the year we had no more of it and see a bit more theory thought up and see a difference in the nec if it was a new car theyve been. In the new for us the new year when for and see you keep it a good home involved given the all in all do are told on how many who are sadly lacking passion a couple of the over here is mr blast doing the bullying in the hand i shall a bit less yes i had. A buddy up about the play our backyard. Before unseen probably shops in my heart or diet for so half a day no musical that other than a cat can feed from us to me in the fall and seeing all the half in some of the seizure look for is a canonical dharma thats in the med got a phone call the line call the as will in the most annoying when the nets nakoula walk off walk alone of the dark fabric and the ladder or by the ex shop and fall and see you as the coffee however tional thought yeah if only in the blood she didnt go in the aisle of it she should have thought at the club but last year when the mission to the kitchen where all. I dont see a lot of the kind we can though the newsroom would jump out of how are you how things should go sort of commodified once you walk with a massage and know you are. Not the mechanical clock out of it. Love with the. Muscles on the. One coming. Out that i meant that i. Could fuck a lot on a commodore all. If you didnt mean being happy for it was something my home. But the norm and the thief. Would come but the also my homey uncle got enormous the lot on us a lot older than mr lockhart who thought of them in the home and the room cut them of those that he did on among those who must do with. A long you trust me. I started my i could have a ration was collected in august was out of the 11 so im. Responsible for that to stick production and support the high lead and face a lot of thought how to make this top of the having a stand in the passport and to have been there how to connect the politics with a vicious project was reality so after research i found out that its possible to create your design your own stamp whats that means that people across the most can upload their own image and they can use it on postage stamps they can use for sending letters so its a real that its them but such a costs has a right to deny certain motives. So then your plight we tried to produce for the 1st time about 4000 stamps and we were waiting for like 2 or 3 days until we got confirmation that they were approved to fill because if right its a critical issue also was in the doj of course like to allow this to produce it so we started with a little small amount of. Also stems i thought for us i wasnt and i started to contact different initiatives such as the palestinian. Medical association or its been its an embassy. Activists job and activists like different groups for different fields. And. So it was like in. Going project then it just worked. How you say the stoning of effect there. And then we started to produce another 4000. 00 and another 4 cells and then you know already its 28 hours and almost. We usually just you know do need some kind of commission you know. You know some of these you. Know one of the people who flew probably some days like john king will give. Hoover to 2 security. Stand a few more. Years old if we. Dont have you know. Whos you know if you did if you. Could be visual if you could you know if you could just be pursued if you could tell you there is a need if you do. I leave aleph amy is it out there on the street or in is any police near the. First. C. B. D. Expedient you can whip up speed of the calm before the whole dont normally do as it be duly did ms new do defend it hour to shut it down he did it in it will do. It is of no or pleased at our future it is expedient to bottle manci. A little more pursuit terrible she g. s e d. D. For to. Jean jacques easing the foot to the the this really is ongoing. He did the diesel. So now the stone to help police union moving barghouti down we tell ye the exit there are g. Jesus our judges you see the. Descendant if you could see an exit out of it is it due to the sun. In. Good up here is it it our addict it is emotional out they have a good text but is still in it or. Lucius usually does it Deborah Anita but is dealing. We had no. We certainly busy and we wasnt going to have a place in the harbor will portray a good release for me because theres real concern only way the town will put. The word of our city. That is up to me who will happily. Buy. One of the cove. Vs one what i would have you do your county council the trooper you do you dont receive us is the too pushy look or. Other call it with us a purpose even. Move immediately to city pushy not sick people she will eat. More. Likely to. Messiness your. Own evolution if youre gonna go down to the situation where police did. Dolly you do see a mole because your mom got here most at the. Mall. She looked. High and says up. It dont close up. Just for live because it is a do as you stance here yes from mit down off it sit down next to do resistance at least incentive it could so dont mean it is the stick is supported adama says keep you good look at it no normal. Doctors refused to point you you were. At the hard to get but could have been eased in. I think all the more. The way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look and run urban planners reacted to that flu and other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after whats been learned from pandemics and their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt its easy to assume that cities are Fertile Ground for spreading viruses and diseases millions living working at commuting in such conditions where one expert says its about much more than just density its about how all this was put together and how its run. The promise of peace in the middle east not. In the. Uk but a new dilemma after the death of the man at the center of the palestinian struggle. Now more than 40 years after to stablish mint how far has the p. L. O. Come to achieving its hopes and dreams concluding the turbulent story of the struggle for palestinian homes p. L. O. History of a revolution on aljazeera. Refugees heading for a better life in australia in 2 seconds and sent to Remote Island indefinite detention in holistic conditions of conscience and i dont understand how you can do this to smuggled out for each and eyewitness accounts the main thing youre doing for pay for asking them not to harm themselves to kill them to witness a scene a sign and. On aljazeera. Rob matheson dog of the top stories on aljazeera chinas premier league has shown has been outlined in the countrys plans for the next year at the opening of the National Peoples congress he said beijing would not set a growth target for 2020 or will step up spending to strengthen an economy badly hit by the coronavirus and damage. Thank you that should tell me while recognizing our achievements we are also aware of the difficulties and problems we face the shock of the covert 1000 pandemic has sent a World Economy into severe recession disrupted industry and supply chains and caused a contraction in International Trade and investment and volatility in Commodity Markets fairly good chunk also said new laws will be introduced to ensure National Security in hong kong prodemocracy activists there have condemned the plans by beijing they say it marks the end of one country 2 systems governments a small number of protesters marched to the Chinese Liaison Office in the territory surrounded by Police Donald trump is pulling the u. S. Out of the open skies treaty it allows more than 30 countries to conduct surveillance flights over each others territory the president says russia has repeatedly violated the deal. Cleanup operations are underway in eastern india and bangladesh after one of the most powerful siphons to hit the bay of bengal in 20 years cycling on poland made landfall on wednesday routing fastens of trees and destroying power lines at least 96 people have been killed there are concerns coronavirus may spread in emergency shelters where millions of people have sought safety. The son of a former saudi Intelligence Officer says his family is being targeted in a bid to force his father to return to the kingdom according to the New York Times site of job he has feared for his life since moving to canada in 2017 is somehow lead to told a newspaper that his brother sister and uncle havent been seen since the bit arrested by Saudi Security forces in march. Libyas u. N. Recognize government has seized control of al sabah a town in western libya forces allied to wallowed honey for huffed are so rendered after 9 of their fighters were killed its being seen as a major blow for half the time those used to supply his troops and those are the headlines the news continues here on our does it up after our visit or world by. Throughout history humankind has come together in our darkest moments this is a moment to for pretty much the opposite where retreat from the world could actually save every generation has its moment this one is ours ringback. You get the stat you announced their existence look at the people. And its what thats whats. And is a lounge chair which it is not but its not explicitly here tonight i need something in your passport and its in it at the port and theyre marked on the past here see you paper of president ial policy that if youre not look through on it but its like you know its like here goes but its like yeah were not an ok place to make any money. And these are the process steps i designed for the project thats produced by that support so shes all for show started you know you can send letters and postcards and everybody can use them because this is a little when youre sending them what. Is the big guns in that you have trouble i dont. Know whats going to slam i dont know sort of funny. And i mean all the admissions for all panelists are thank you but i mean for the for the common person yes ok. Ok this is a month. Now. Just 28 sounds you know almost 29 talent and be shown. I think 2526000 until now he was so big hes hoping so oh yes he stands a chance only around 200. And they feel deceived one. Of postcards from the Jewish Museum but in germany you can post book tours of the. But there was one step one course which came back from israel to come forward right yet but theres good evidence of it and thats a very unclear though i would think for her because she said no but shes not sure of this survey because of the sound was something else. We. Pull off a couple of you know. The people. To vote down your copy please email them all a never knew you could. Only point out strong. On a. Town that is really. Almost the only down here we dont put in a d. I dont pull state of palestine. News it any other kind of. A push into town at all. Even the police p. P. C. Yes uncle is a good loopy portree dont seek. To do security off. The key date he did it. First aired on c. B. S. State of palestine sure let. Me turn nor yet of his helpless stop. She had what i go to time order more than i do so and he said hes an inlet that people of both he met on priest determined say he met. The senior sure. To speak for the all in one of. It is the extremists feeling the issue and let me all put trivia again morely clearly not. Sure. What you. And the. He actually gotten sample pretty. You know his past because. He already seen it but he. Will be there well. Not me i need. To look these up off the. Was. Over. You know how about all the lead it coming and i mean he did it to deal of what. I need to police you know. Howlett yes. John joy even though you know you yeah i come from france ok too good to meet you because i have seen your your and your work on the internets you know your. We stand passport ok on you idea about your stand. Down you know its time youre on you have a project. To see. Because they have to stand so you work you do stunts its. A work from. 5 years ago we begin just. After. The 1st father and palestine are but not the official about to ask him about are you going to buy yourself just. Use them or saw nixon of sense that no no no no no no those are the ideas to put to put them to produce terms a little off you should stand on another stump my son hunter you simply cannot tell you we. Global know i was here actually in the beginning with me and stuff i can fancy also like i ever get anywhere with here and we apply to the French Post Office to get. The stuff but there are a few sick of us in france and with the libyan. Official stance from the german post and their print 2429000 from these towns. And already they saw Something Like 26000 people this and that everywhere and now. Also have often stands in the middle of them and. This and i apply for other countries like i get also the. Canada and before 2 days i get i apply for the german so Something Like one week we will have some if we will get. I would like to go there. More about what theyre doing and to listen to your stand yes of course he has his years even though we can go on together probably actually going to get another 2 to speak. Actually because we couldnt yeah we see that i blog ok thank you must see thank you. Passports that. Lets strike out so i can be of ice on the platform but if we go by the side stuff and the few large i can send your passport yes of course were going to sell i give you my passport yes no. No no i want to. Hear the good stuff. Ok i can tell you a story good day but. Its no good gobos thought i should go out on the side of what i should i need to sort of i think youre going to go forth all thank you. And. Let me begin with i dont think youre. Going to get louder are not hungry you will have to build it like it should be so lets not get out lets get something. Out there that its. Just. That it looks like what goes into something i was like kills it thank you good luck for ya. Doesnt look. Good last night yes it looked like. Something letter by letter. Just so this was this page it looks more like. Its just something im going to start to some people think that this was. Such. A good job as i was one of those people you like this clear. Hello hello i like to go oh my gosh you want to sometimes post yes yes sure sure youre going there is only a wrist. Ok i have to check out your idea so my free whats your name there because youre here. Claudia schiffer 0. 000 with a mix of that is the only one a so yeah hes here next there is no ok. So here. Hes pulling. This lean her soviet union. So. I have wish sri is a better. Number make a for stance here. He would like to do this and do the state of palestine stuff everybody we make it together with stand your your stamp yet. You do want to listen you can you want to have an atom by. Atom in his. Name account number i can count on that i would know the so i did my own thought of going to join us to buy when there was a post in the one of them by the city and cannot be had of course come out another is a time jaws and the heart of. The sun in the family now insofar. As she i mean if i can knock them jaws havent been lost. In the house like people had me and nor the know and could not have done without and somehow today as i believe me not even going to know not how the. Thought can thats not how the clash on me. And then in time i doesnt it have to go to the needy and injured on the russian side if its been limited lot of hard but hes your manager got on the same line all. This in this Little County on the oxen with a walk off another country is what. I look for yeah were going to ruin here but im not have them to either sequentially the philippian and felix over yonder gnomes whose book or forbidden dog door they will then eventually give command that the fight is going on joy as opposed to me or the saw a norwegian didnt identify which i was shuffling at them. That there are so many of the 7 of them across the it that i thought much of their stuff and i started the jumped up on the c. F. A. This kid was just up the folly of doing nor less than that i know what they did a lot of the last fall of the market not for the. Thats not ideal neko said but a lot of the job over there he should say that he because he. Doesnt know that tension are slow to come to the hold the author into was 100 feet long on love with it also normal got the law. Its a cut off but then the in. Some in the thought of educate. The man or not the bottle for the thrill of it even for g. Q. Hometown as theyll call the us me i mean then me but he didnt but she keep it. Simple steamy or how suddenly out of. The top of the year that i mean its often a little bit of the last thing on monday the thought of. I pray that denoted a higher. Day to move to the time i would have done what is genuine concern only diabetes ginia. Mosher to continue i found it down to a difference martin i dont bother im a. Dime about one poorly coolies who is all throughout the book and piece of. The 2 the only morons who side of the. Do not have a good time but he senior key keep up on it most of. The School Boards are of it. To you dont you want to know your buddies injuries of it even your buddies dean i leave well i bet hes doing the needle continues on but hes doing even really most s. B. S. Is of the gamut of no real theyre not poor gal snipe at his genius but hes senior hes young pusing is eddie National Study how man are you notions of accompli how to job is to but hes junior. The never goodbye spoke his own to do evil cooper spur he dont put other covert the best book i did dump all state of my stuff. Chris you listed all dosser that there has to mammys all. Told in wa geneve you guys here blue additional duty of you be there be applauded asa solo or clay will get you this nice for me that door these not in it is it they would thought of what is showing off on of the gong peace or share of their room us to be separateness you may dont go to. See nice. Dont you keel it up at all you need. To be you dont go on be do it dont be bad and bad all these all you do it on be will you. Do mt rip up of riya that have an epistemic shitted again as i recall treves of a budget is that they can move it back wiki zhawar their hamada should i do west honest did you know it was sued on that key to come at a notice you leave for them all be illegal on their the body steen that we should be a good shows. That theres more because out on a motor city key but is still an org or senator b. Sit out a new view for sure they are sure they continue to if you zoom it will surely be near fair or soft they could have continued to set lead. So i headed to the met and all was older but among. In the golden age of cinema. One man provided the soundtrack for a nation out 0 well to me its the musical composer for over 350. 00 movies music for entertainment escapism and and conflict with a prolific composer who brought enjoyed to millions allie ismail egypts musical my story on aljazeera we know whats happening in our region we know what happened at the plate is that others cannot i was just i dont fear god by the party the only purpose i did in iraq our economy and its programming and go live on the amnesty to go live to work another boy that may not be mainstream but if i were still more normatively. The way that you kaldis story isnt what can make a difference. In quotes of very good description the moment through most of the Arabian Peninsula there is still cloud visible saying theyre all still showers around mostly over iran or whether pumped up over the high ground in the southwest Society Arabia or west in yemen is there an increase in the breeze coming in to the divan but still pretty warm here 33 for example in jerusalem and 40 or more from rocka down through iraq over half of the gulf states where the wind is so light the humidity is also a problem as talk is quite sticky right and nothings going to change the next 2 days to any substantial degree except maybe just east and turkey and rockets come down with the increase in the cloud an occasional showers. After tropical after weve seen the showers come and go weve got them still forming in uganda or d. R. Congo well less visible cloud on the coast of kenya or somalia but look at the way in this coming up now. And across the indian ocean the star of the southwest monsoon least the winds change and that carries on quite strongly across the coast of somalia bringing the occasional dropper right nothing much in one giorno says discussing the shells in the ethiopian highlands. Its a dry picture this time the air temp has dropped in Port Elizabeth there are a few showers mozambique. A story of blackmail. And. I have strangled. The story of carnage. The fear is real. Passion. And the very same just. d getting ready to fight back prodemocracy groups in hong kong react to a proposed new law that would give china control over security china outlines how its economy will make a comeback post coronavirus. Than this is al jazeera live from coming up the mammoth cleanup operation continues in bangladesh following the devastation of sidetone

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