If the media cant be trusted to report the news then thats a dangerous place for america what you just did is inflammatory and the body in this room is only trying to do their job they are the same shape you just go skiing to. Your. Courage Young Children go to the illegal but they go through. So what do you base your legs on the much sit down sit down could you please say sir down you get what i want to show. You. This is the white house welcome to it this is where all of us 16 retches and all the Television People put the go the information that we provided the a look. I work for c. N. N. Its an analyst of playboy i write a column and i cast behind as you can see where everybody does their law. Ive shot all the major networks. That room used to be where we had briefings but we havent had a briefing in about 2 months so instead what happens is theres a podium a makeshift podium you see people bringing chairs out here we have 249 chairs and air conditioning 50 feet away. Now she is just joining us and sarah how do we sanders the press secretary is scheduled to come out here this morning the state run Television Fox and shell probably come over and visit with us and hopefully have a few words to say to us and well try to find out some information places that place just. In the morning where i live there are you do you think about this asking china if youre listening would you give trumps tax returns i think its hypocrisy at its best can you tell me the president this is replaced what used to be a Daily Press Briefing is now a short 5 to 10 minute gaggle in the driveway of the white house there already so they can control the press a little bit better keep the questions and the answers down there right now if you have sure one question to the distractors this administration has gotten a lot of heat and for its credibility to know what you guys and so i would argue about salary i doubt if i dont believe you are no longer im just asking the question arent about me so the question is for the sizable portion of the public believes that this administration has no credibility what is your response to that i think its real simple if we come out and do the very best job every single day the media is the one that has perpetuated the russia collusion hoax for the last 2 years and i think before you guys start looking here and asking questions about our credibility you should take a real hard look at your 00 credibility isnt questionable the answers as you see are not forthcoming thanks aaron thank you very much shit yeah todays press is under fire but you persevered you do your job you ask the questions thats what youre here to do every day. This is the Briefing Room where the Briefing Room is operating you get probably 10110 people packed in here i work down this way. So c. N. N. And fox are down here reporters covering the white house do not have contact with the administration and we have limited contact with the actual person that were covering the president he likes to say hes transparent but he shows up and take questions pretend he can hear some cut other people off tell people sit down shut up and off he goes. This is not how i usually count since historically very much off the rails i mean you get it right all the time he ever did and he had probably the best interactions so theres a a law that the army cant be used as a police force some its called the posse comitatus act as i went up and was asking folks in the pressure up they didnt really know what the law was and one of the press aides he started singing a song from the lion king you couldve walked up there under the past 3 or 4 president s and they you know with your time you would have made lease no more you were talking about and they wouldnt have called it the life and they wouldnt and they definitely would not have sang part of the song for the children up on something as serious as sending armed u. S. Military personnel to the border to perform a Police Action on the brain and robert muller. What a stupid question. What a stupid but i want you a lot of us got a lot of stupid right some think in very. Heels and hell start another fire over here to to move us off this fire i think it was monday or tuesday i listed 10 or 11 issues that we went through in the course of one day 11 of them would have been a huge story in the. Previous administration and some of them get lost because just you get rolled under i call it the chaos but yeah and im always shocked by the continued shock about donald trump this has been his entire adult life has been run this way and he has read his yeah. Will be out in the rose garden where the president is going to appear for the national day of prayer he may or may not take questions hes not going to take a question now but will show up because it might be our only chance to see the president today to get a question to ask. Ladies and gentlemen the president of the United States this is true. People are so proud to be using that beautiful word. And hide from me theyre not. Going to run for questions in this thread and its pretty cheaply done that way see the wall. She. Says she would is this white house in Historical Perspective on the white house is very different and its because the president is very different and i think we are in a very divisive time period and he got elected as a sharp partisan capture. It wasnt that he created it greta just think the president has not happened experience as a Government Official and so business experience and the level of information that you have to provide is a lot less than it is once you get into government asking the question if you want to push was a governor before he came here obama senator they learn that the press is his part. Governing and you may not like it but you have to learn to live with it this president doesnt seem to want to live with. It. And. Listen so this week following up on the motor stuff and if we send anything off to anyone else that thats the stuff that we should do because all that stuff that happened in the last 24 hours. And ive recently did feature going back to the border interviewing drug dealers and Illegal Immigrants so what im writing now is basically act 2 of the muller investigation. There are stories that i have covered that stick with me this is the Spot News Story we did about a shooting of a Police Officer in san antonio and its because of that story that i went to jail had a source and i kept that source confidential. A reporter really only has one thing your credibility. This is my 1st station id and i was covering the Reagan Administration business from the gulf war george bush the 96 Democratic NationalConvention ClintonObama Administration is not as candid it is they claim to be but ill be honest with you i dont like any of them. Its their job to put their best foot forward its my job to find out what theyre actually doing as president are you worried about indictments coming down in this event so its an adversarial relationship but it doesnt have to be personal i say or watch c. N. N. Should be ashamed of itself having you working for them you are a rude terrible person i always thought that all of them up until trump i could i could stomach and i i respected all of them and i dont necessarily respect from the fake news is creating violence ill tell you what if the media would write correctly and. Write accurately and write fairly youd have a lot less violence in the country you can call me the enemy of the people and call me fake news and have threats made against me and me respect what you do below the was people feel like its ok to threaten a reporter. Because the president has threatened reporters. I had my window of my car bashed ive had people call me and say im going to kill you. I had to call the police a few times because of threats i know other reporters that have bodyguards you dont get to threaten the crowds were not the enemy of the people we are the people i think its that constant barrage of fake news directed at this president if the media cant be trusted to report the news then thats a dangerous place for america in one of us if we dont get it right the audience has the opportunity to turn the channel or not reduce the 1st class i had was Sarah Sanders was about 6 months into this administration were i think as you just run your to provide the answers and what you just did is inflammatory to people all over the country who look and say see once again the president is right and everybody else out here is fake media and everybody in this room is only trying to do their job but i think if anything has been inflamed its the dishonesty that often takes place by the news media and then another 6 months went by and shes talking about how the administration is doing such humanitarian great things on the border when they were putting kids in cages now that one affected me personally because ive seen what happens to children on the border come on syria youre a parent dont you have any empathy for what these. People are going to say you have lets try again youve got to settle down his life sorry im trying to be serious but im not going to have you go out of furnishing really is it so low and see have these people have nothing they ran i know you have to get some more t. V. I mean thats how you serve us i want to read you know this request go ahead real honestly its going by how much it is a serious question these people have nothing they come to the border with nothing from children just pure. Pure down of Young Children in the end of the book they go through fertility that its ok for them to spend i do not expect you to lie to me all the time on everything that you say thank you mr president im asking you to clarify where you get your numbers because most of the d. N. A. Crimes reporting statistics that we seize show the drugs are coming across at the ports of entry that illegal immigration is down and the violence is down so what do you base your lack of them come on lets go so hes got the same facts ive got his government keeps the facts and none of the government facts showed and still dont show that theres a crisis on the border and secondly out of the what you go on you get one with a set youre such a great sit down sit down could you please answer down you get when i why should the press is not after donald trump. The press is after the facts so your own government stats are wrong or you say oh no i used many stats and then he said it was us let me tell you you have stats that are far worse than the ones that i use. My job is to press and ask questions and ultimately the president will say what he says and people can decide whether or not he speaks the truth. The president when you had the arms embargo on you were asking other nations our allies particularly to observe it publicly but at the same time i believe you concede you were authorizing breaking that embargo by the United States how can you justify this to the city. In front of this crowd my son and this is how. It is good to see. You doing fine fine what about this place i dont know about this place. I enjoyed my time in the white house as a reporter when you come back no i would never come back its a Young Persons game its for you its for people with a lot of energy i never had to contend with what you have to contend with today with this president and this press secretary in this administration ive dealt with people who they dodge they weave once in awhile they would tell untruths but not regularly not so that every day the fault. So could you take them or you could i do any better than you can no no not at all i think you and the others in the press room asking the right questions failing but not because youre not trying not because youre not thinking about what the American People want to know or should want to know about the their president or his administration i never had to worry about that people wanted to know and they wanted facts no one said they were alternative facts no one said its the press its. News. We make mistakes we try to correct but we always make mistakes are human right. Now day 85 i feel very. Close. To the sound bites and. They like it they. Like it. 3 to one so welcome back to just ask the question today it is a treat to have my mentor on this show Sam Donaldson who for years covered the white house for a. B. C. Whats wrong with the white house today going to take a turn down to trump is whats wrong with the white house i mean donald trump is basically ignorant about things other than his cunning ability as a con man right he started at the roy cohn cons philosophy clearly was we can win at any cost and never mind whether its legal or not never mind who you heard or not you weve. Got a truck has a doctor that philosophy hes think trump has your relatively harmed a the United States and b. Our profession i think he has harmed it greatly i do not believe its irrevocably harmed i think quoting lincoln in the good sense of the American People will ultimately prevail i think the majority of people in this country want the morays want the ethics wants the morality all of the standards that we all grew up with their parents their grandparents were a country built on standards yeah hes harmed them in every possible way but i dont think hes destroyed i will see in 2020 what about our profession. I think we were harmed in all of these multiple ways that people can get their news fox news very disturbing Murdoch Rupert murdoch has done great harm to this country as he had in roger ailes god rest his soul i want to address the idea that every time im told that hes the most transparent and assessable present. But you know he is anyone whos actually watched him listen to him or read his tweets either directly or in the news those yes anyone who has his or her eyes open has got him cold ill tell you sam in the white house today theres very little humor thats why how can there be its so grim and i dont remember it the same as when i 1st knew what theyre well i hope it gets out we can do this although you go to the name of the show is just ask the question will catch you next time. Today is the nerd prom as they call the White House Correspondents Association dinner right and i need to why i am the last 3 years President Trump hasnt shown up and this year hes banning any one of his staff from showing up as well. By the way and i hope that is before. When that thing went down with you and you came out only did. Not understand. What you did son you stood up and was man and i love you thank you but you later. I always gave in and i love it. I had a horrible relationship with think all of me but you know i gave him grief he took a lot and then left. But i thought in the end he him for he was a man of principle and. Appreciate that i dont think sean was ever a true believer in the trump agenda and i believe that sarah is and thats the difference between that and thats all the difference in the world. Celebrates the 1st not been 6 months since the mother. And the press this is something thats in. The city because. They brian i watched her get up i mean you talk about somebody thats a loser she doesnt know what the hell shes doing targets because you. Have to find out the facts as you know. Im not the enemy of any limits. Police say the shooting that left 5 people dead on thursday was a targeted attack on a local newspaper the Capital Gazette journalists caught in the violence described the scene as a war zone with one Crime Reporter tweeting theres nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while youre under your desk and then hear the gunman reload asked to comment on the journalist slayings President Donald Trump who earlier this month labeled the news media the countrys worst enemy he walked away but tweeted his condolences as a Precaution Police deployed to guard the entrances of the New York Times and other large u. S. Media organizations an ominous sight to mark uncertain times. Nearly a year ago friends and coworkers members of our professional family ripped from us in a day none of us should ever forget one of those people was my friend when he went to use. That incident also figured in the recent Reporters Without Borders assessment that now ranks the United States as only the 48th freest country for journalists and places us in the troubled democracy category you shouldnt have to worry about die off covering the news and less is ancillary to covering the news. The 4th this day has meaning and you breathe life into it every day as they did. I love every one of you a special love for the we have a capital because. When the enrol your old job they want to point out was right what was wrong and what we could do better so the members of my staff. Enjoy the credible about. To return to work if you want. Im proud. To work among these giants. So id like to thank you and i think to thank. You for the go through and. I think most folks. When it happened. Was just in shock the 1st thing i thought was i hope that it doesnt come out that the shooter had a vendetta against specifically did he survive i hope its just something random working decided to go into the 1st place. And it was specifically targeted and used. And that that was really really scared the hell out of. What happens if i write about somebody who really doesnt like claire ordered on now is the guy in jeopardy of getting shot. I dont think i was prepared for what weve actually seen i was going to start with a recap of the inauguration but i think weve covered that pretty well from the day one when they showed 2 pictures of 2 inaugurations and said listen trump had the largest inaugural numbers of anyone and you could see. By the picture that that wasnt true you knew where this administration was heading. Dont believe your eyes believe me any credible progressively worse with