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A message of fall towards riyadh after the hoof is announced their biggest operation yet against the kingdom plus. National hibernation is beginning to come to an end u. K. Prime minister barak is johnson for the eases englands lockdown bringing cheers from business but warnings from doctors. The top u. S. Infectious disease experts has warned the next few weeks will be critical in controlling a disturbing surge in Coronavirus Infections Dr Anthony Fauci also testified in congress that he and others have not been told to slow down testing despite claims to the contrary by President Donald Trump jordan reports. Saturday night in tulsa no masks required donald trump used his 1st Campaign Rally since the start of the kobe 1000 pandemic to talk about a spike in cases in the south and the west when you do testing to the extent you can to find more people you go to find more cases so i said to my people slow the testing down. And even though several Trump Campaign workers and 2 secret Service Agents tested positive for covert 19 the president stuck to his call while heading to his next Campaign Rally on tuesday that every hour we. Get. I dont get let me tell you let me make it clear we have got the greatest Testing Program anywhere in the world we have better than anybody in the world our best the best in the world and we have the most of them by having more that we find more safe. Less than an hour later on capitol hill a hearing about the white house response members of Trumps Coronavirus Task force said there could be a viable back scene by the end of this year but they disagree with the president s view on testing knowledge i know for sure but so my knowledge none of us have ever been told to slow down on testing that just is a fact in fact we will be doing more testing dr anthony and his colleagues testified the pandemic is not over after 3 months of stay at home policies and now ongoing anti racism protests urged people to stay vigilant and as you wear a mask and youre in a situation where youre getting animated in a demonstration or in a rally or wherever you are a void as best as possible the urge to pull your mask down and shout more than 3 months into the Public Health crisis and theres still a confusing message coming from the highest levels of the u. S. Government rosalynn shorten aljazeera washington. Well donald trump is visiting one of the states thats emerging as a covert 1900 spots. Inspected newly built sections of the wall along the Mexican Border right now hes holding a rally with students supporters in phoenix arizona amounts to 3 and a half 1000 new coronavirus cases on tuesday thats a daily record and its seen unprecedented numbers of hospital admissions where rob reynolds is covering the story for us from los angeles lets start with the rally the rally in tulsa didnt go very well for a president whats been happening at this one. Well this is a much smaller affair and it was much less widely hyped than the tulsa rally this is an audience of about 3000. 00 Young People Organization called students for trump and turning point america meeting in a mega church and trump is giving a basically a Campaign Speech he actually started out by boasting about the ratings that he got for his tulsa rally which was widely seen as kind of a fiasco and then he repeated some false claims about how illegal voting happens by people who are not citizens of the United States and then he launched into a really long period of talking about radical left mobs who seek to crush dissent people who try to desecrate American History by tearing down statues of slave owners and confederate generals and things like that. And it was very well received by this crowd of conservative young people. The the president is in arizona this is the 3rd trip in the last few months and one of the reasons hes spending a lot of time there and paying a lot of attention arizona is because he is seen as polls show him running slightly behind former vice pres. Joe biden the democratic presumptive nominee for president despite the fact that arizona is usually a reliably republican state so this state is in play now trump is paying attention to it and hes giving what seems to be a fairly standard teleprompter speech with not as many. Ad libs as he did a few days ago and that also speech rob lets talk about this earlier visit to this section of the one of the border wall that the border with mexico that we mentioned earlier would happen there. Not much the president and some. Local elected officials and politicians stood out in the hot sun in a flat stretch of desert they posed for photographs there was one gentleman there with a hard hat on. A worker who was involved in the construction but nobody more of the masks so they grouped together grouped together for photographs and then the president got a sharpie from one of his aides and he signed what looks like a metal plaque that is attached to the border wall quick background on the border wall 200 miles of it has been completed thats about 320 kilometers the president is is. Celebrating that fact however its worth noting that almost all of the new wall construction is being built in areas where there had previously been existing wall so its more of a replacement mall wall rather than brand new wall of course. The wall was the theme and President Trumps unexpected victory in 2016 and it looks like its you know one of those fried into things that he likes to root return to again and not mentioning the fact that of course mexico did not wind up paying for any of it as rob reynolds bring us up to date from Los Angeles Rob thanks very much indeed. North koreas leader kim jong un has suspended plans of military action against south korea state media say kemah made the decision joining a meeting of the ruling Partys Central Military Commission tensions rose after activists in the south propaganda leaflets across the border north korea says their actions violate an agreement aimed at preventing military confrontation. Abu dhabi is providing support to Syrian Intelligence and helping president Bashar Al Assad rebuild infrastructure thats according to the french magazine our own 21. 00 its quoted a report by a nongovernmental Organization Called justice and liberty for all this says the u. A. E. Has financed the construction of buildings and found all power stations in damascus while providing training to senior military officials you easy relationship with damascus has warmed since they are minorities reopened the embassy in 2018 last week the u. S. Warned abu dhabi about this approach mall after the caesar act came into effect this u. S. Law threatening sanctions against anyone caught doing business with is associates and the government joel rubin is a former u. S. Deputy assistant secretary of state and president of the Washington Strategy group hes joining us on skype from chevy chase in the state of maryland good to have you on the program so thanks very much indeed for joining us let me ask you 1st tell us more about this season right 1st of all. So the cesar act an act that now is the law and both chambers of congress supported it overwhelmingly both Political Parties to essentially target sanctions against those individuals and entities that are supporting the is regime and this is a Long Time Coming its brooded in the whistleblowing essentially of. The assad regime human rights atrocities by a former assad insider about 5 or 6 years ago of photos having been smuggled out to show what was taking place now that theres a law on the books United States can engage in extra territorial sanctions that are targeted against those who enable assad to stay in power the way he has we mentioned has had an embassy there in. Damascus if since 2018 is any sort of surprise that he would be giving the military support and Technical Support as well as Infrastructure Construction to the assad regime as well and why is it taken so long for this action to be taken. Yeah you know theres no surprise in the United States has been very concerned about this the Trump Administration which has a very close relationship with the u. A. E. As well has come under criticism for not being tougher with us on this now that the cesar act is in force it looks like the internal struggle within the Trump Administration and certainly on capitol hill is closed that now that the line is been drawn into the u. A. E. A warning shot was essentially given by ambassador james James Jeffrey whos our ambassador towards the syrian conflict where he said that the u. A. E. Could be targeted next so they havent been named yet in terms of sanctions Bashar Assads wife has been identified as someone to be sanctioned but the u. A. E. Was told in no Uncertain Terms publicly that it needs to change its approach to supporting assad or else a sanctions will come. Of course the u. A. E. Has been and named as being supporting the forces of khalifa in libya and weve seen that there is this connection in syria as well what do you reckon is a. Its a game if you like and this region. Well you know the u. A. E. Right now is really on a fine line with washington in large part because of its adventurism in the region and with the war in yemen which is deeply unpopular here in washington amongst democrats and republicans and President Trump had to veto a bill that tried to stop american funding. And saudi military actions in yemen said the u. A. E. Has really burned a lot of bridges certainly with the Democratic Party and now clearly with its gamesmanship with syria and hop star its turning a lot of heads so its built a lot of public support here in washington but it is stage it seems like its squandered it is well in the u. A. E. Does need to be concerned about whats coming next not only from a Trump Administration but even from a potential Biden Administration when it comes to its engagement in the region certainly on syria as a cornerstone issue a political process which has eluded d the United States in the International Community is whats needed to end it and you know he is not part of that then theyll be on the outside as it looks like theyre being lined up for being in the near term its always good to get your analysis on this joel rubin thank you very much indeed thanks rob nice to syrian soldiers have been killed and 4 others wounded in israeli airstrikes the missiles had a military outpost in the city of in the south i mean positions in other regions were also talking to. And in the news ahead the coronavirus outbreak that forced germany to reimpose a locked on. A wall of grief an online memorial for some of the 51000. 00 brazilians whove died of cover 19. Hello you may not know it is a little tropical depression just circulating here in the west in atlantic maybe but its a consequence of the rather active weather weve seen bringing flooding to the carolinas and more recently maryland thats on its way out there just about still grazing the coast and the place to watch for next the next big showers are the Southern States to be honest most of the plains are quite quiet and still significant rain from the last rather warm sticky weather the still evident just about enough to work 24 degrees having come down from thirtys or Eastern Canada still warm sticky and wet the california coast is windy and cold inland the Central Valley out in arizona tempers are still quite high phoenixs up to 44 where shes you know top end of where it should be really this is where the big shots are forming that just crossing the border really from texas into mexico but the most significant event in the gulf of mexico soon and the caribbean now you can really see from this satellite picture what you can see is a lack of cloud because there arent that many showers the whole areas covered by paul sounds come across and so hard quite high up in the atmosphere it makes the skies brown you may see some pictures on social web however the rain is further west in costa rica. But. If youre in beijing looking out the Pacific Ocean youd see american were. Ships. Was that somehow time is aiming to replace america and around the world all the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our 1st president George Washington if you want peace prepare for the coming war on china talked one on a jersey. You want to know it is either a reminder of our top stories this hour a top u. S. Infectious disease expert has warned the next few weeks will be critical in controlling a disturbing surge in Coronavirus Infections or to anthony foxx he also testified in congress that he and others have not been told to slow down testing despite claims to the contrary the President Donald Trump. Meanwhile trump is holding a rally with students supporters in arizona which is emerging as one of the covert 1000. 00 hotspots earlier he inspected newly built sections of the wall along the Mexican Border. North koreas state media and says its leader kim jong un has suspended plans of military action against south Korea Tensions rose after activists in the south through propaganda leaflets across the border. Voters in 6 u. S. States have been choosing the candidates they want to run for seats in congress and some local contests to one of the states is kentucky where some have not been able to cast a ballot officials closed fathers inza voting stations because of the pandemic fewer than 200. 00 out of vailable there is specially spots in areas where black voters live prompting accusations of voter. Suppressant john hendren is in louisville in kentucky john lets just talk about the 1st of all have people actually been turning up to vote. They have indeed been and the clerk here says that in Jefferson County which is where louisville is one of the big cities in own behalf of the africanamerican population of all of kentucky they say they expect record turnout in part because more than 200000 of the 600000 voters in this area asked for a mail in ballot and then they had early voting where at least 100000 people voted just a day ago thats half the registered voters of this county right there so as the in person voting happened today we saw a stream of people come in here this is the only voting place usually in Jefferson County there are 200000 but this time theres just between one and everybody had to file through here yet they never quite reached capacity but at the very end there was a bit of a kerfuffle and that is nobody was waiting outside of the door when those doors closed at 6 but if you can just look around here you can see what a sprawling complex this is this is that the construct kentucky state fairgrounds and exposition theres a roller coaster in the distance there are multiple parking lots and multiple entrances and a traffic jam to get in here so what happened was there were a number of people who were caught in that traffic jam still trying to drive in and while they werent waiting in line when the doors closed at 6 oclock local time they were trying to make their way here so about 2 to 300 of them by some estimates were lined up at the door afterwards they were eventually allowed to vote everyone was allowed in and out but because of that was going on one of the candidates Charles Booker has asked a judge to extend voting until 9 oclock but if you look around you can see nobody is waiting here to do that right now everybody. New the voting was from 6 am to 6 pm and we are expecting that very high numbers of people who voted today but inside this arena there did not seem to be a problem with capacity despite the fact that they went from 200 polling places to just the one what might have happened it was a number of people might simply not have come at all because there werent polling places in their neighborhoods. So this election was delayed because of the coronavirus did we see any change in the number of people using mail in votes for example and has it also made a difference to the way that the candidates are running. Yes indeed so i got this from the Clerks Office and it shows all of the mail in ballots in previous years and the requests for mail in ballots in the last president ial election is 2016 was 138000 today there were 218000 at this same place largely due to the coronavirus and relaxed rules used to have to give a specific reason why you wanted to do a mail in ballot and you couldnt just do it because you wanted to and didnt want to come in this time they did early voting they allowed people to do mail and voting in people seemed to have by and large taken advantage of that and that seems to have contributed to the lack of an absolute crunch in here despite the little problem at the end people seemed to have been able to get in and out what we dont know is how many people were deterred from voting because of all of the talk that there would simply be long lines and because there werent precincts in their neighborhoods i did hear a few people here complain about that so how many people would have voted had they done it in a normal way that well never know as john 100 live for us from louisville kentucky john thanks very much indeed. The Saudi Led Coalition fighting in yemen says it intercepted a Ballistic Missile heading towards riyadh aids drones and 3 Ballistic Missiles have been fired towards the kingdom since monday and who the rebels say they plan to launch even more a spokesman for the rebels claim they attacked the Saudi Defense Ministry Building and a military base in riyadh among other targets was. In response to the continued and just blockade and brutal aggression on the great people of yemen and our great country the Yemeni Armed Forces launched the biggest attack on the capital of our saudi enemy. Using drones and a massive number of Ballistic Missiles we stress once more that more fierce attacks and military operations on the enemy will be launched so the blockade is lifted and till our freedom and independence are gained mohamed a lot todd is in yemens capital sanaa he says the who things want to send a clear message to saudi arabia. This kind of build up of collation for by both sides has started with the latest oppression that we that the hope is described as the 4th deterrence operation that was launched monday night on saudi arabia the health is claimed that they have launched 3 ballistic inside saudi arabia claimed that it has intercepted one of these 3 missiles so far also they have launched 38. 00 drones operations on Different Military positions in jayson and iran they claim and they believe that they have targeted the Saudi Defense ministry their Intelligence Center and also the. Air base so far they have the whole thing according to the tweet that has been circulated by the whole of these head of the diplomatic or political negotiating team he said that the hope he hopes that the saudi arabia would react positively to their masses even though this is havent had their targets libyas internationally recognized government is rejecting arab league calls for peace talks egypts president wants the government of National Accord to stop its offensive against well ill tell you for hafter east of the capital tripoli is even morning of a military intervention the warlords forces have been retreating since the g. N. A. T. Launched a turkish back to offensive in may. An earthquake in southern mexico has left at least 5 people dead in the magnitude 7. 4 quake struck the Southern Region there were more than 140 aftershocks it struck along the southern Pacific Coast at a depth of 26 kilometers. A brazilian judges ordered president jet about us an hour or 2 at a mosque in public or face penalties the president s been accused of downplaying the threat of the outbreak despite the number of known infections surpassing a 1000000 and there are fears that number could be much higher due to a lack of testing gupta reports. Scindia digit value is mourning her fathers death from a distance like so many families around the world the coronavirus pandemic has taken away the traditions of burial im doing with men from this family in rio de janeiro. Hes one of more than 51000 present millions has died after contracting the virus. Actually the disease causes in a moment when we were completely unprepared and brazil is still unprepared to deal with a pandemic with a disease like this one and people are joking theyre not respecting it but as you can see its a fact its true my father died from us after months of lockdown brazil is reopening its economy. Sunbathers are out shoppers are flocking to markets. Demonstrations for and against brazils pressed enjoyable tomorrow have been continuing every week. Social distancing its difficult to enforce and the number of cases have soared even in small towns we did you order started something interior of the state of south paulo supports the capitals our policy in the number of new cases right now there are 600 minutes of parities in the state of south paolo with confirmed cases of corona virus and adjust according to say there was fears are coming true we have patients waiting for spaces in the i. C. U. We didnt want to reach this point but we have reached this point from here on out things are going to get to a point where we wont be able to control them anymore so people have to cooperate even with more than a 1000000 infections the World Health Organization says brazil is not testing enough and the number of cases is likely to be much higher brazil is still without a Public Health minister since one was fired and another resigned in the past 2 months Preston Jabal scenario has repeatedly played down the track of the virus calling it a lid. And through a judge has not ordered the president to wear a mask in public or face find this long seemingly endless list are victims of the virus be remembered in an online memorial the message at the end of this collective wall of crieff 2 simple lines in portuguese nobody likes to be a number we deserve to exist in prose. On syria chiles president has been accused of violating his governments rules when he went to a funeral on sunday its alleged Sebastian Pinera was among 30 people who attended the ceremony for his 104 year old uncle official guidelines state no more than 5 people can attend funerals the president s uncle was diagnosed with covered 19 before he died south africas jobless rate has hit what statisticians say is the highest level on record and unemployment rose to just over 30 percent 7100000 people are now out of work and president settled on the force a has warned of worse to come south africa was already in recession before the pandemic hit. At least 44 people in one building complex in germanys capital berlin have tested positive for covert 19 this follows the reimposition of restrictions in another region 2 districts in the Western State of north of running versus fallujah went into lockdown after 1500 workers at a Meat Processing plant tested positive. 3 months of lockdown in england are coming much closer to ending next week the 2 metre distancing rule is being haft families will be able to see more of each other and bars and restaurants will reopen businesses starved of cash are delighted but doctors warn its happening too soon john hall reports from london. We will also. Risk rules and perhaps. Relief for Pubs Restaurants Hotels campsites museums and cinemas much of the hospitality sector allowed to emerge from lockdown and the news many have been waiting for the easing of the 2 meter social distancing rule while the experts cannot give a precise assessment of how much the risk is reduced they judge these mitigations would make one meter plus broadly equivalent to the risk to that is if those litigations are fully implemented so this is good news for your business for us this is great news for us was a lifeline in terms of the source of the thing which is looming thought we can. Climb how we react to our thinking and this is really a place for people to kind of enjoy ferocious barrage runs a london street food market it ching to reopen in a sector that just weeks ago warned the Prime Minister that millions of jobs were at risk because a lot of these businesses a small artisanal on as they were all their money and this savings into this for shock and this is where they make their bread you work you mean market so when they make money we make money if they dont make money we dont make money with one of those vendors is fresh pasta maker Leonardo Massey now well. And more cost america and to the macarthur and for by us there because they have a defense especially and that is really important because you possible sit down in 11 easy and moderate confidential interim if there is a knock off. Is really at per specs screens carefully distance seating youll be ordering your drinks and food using App Technology rather than going to the bar its not there so. Pub and restaurant scene of old but to many people and indeed to the businesses involved its vastly better than nothing there are some concerns that its all happening too fast but the message in these new measures is that lockdown is over even though the virus hasnt gone away but the government has been quite open about it this is a political decision weighing the interests of the economy against the risk to Public Health joe to how london. This is all it is here are these are the top stories the top u. S. Infectious disease expert has warned the next few weeks will be critical in controlling a disturbing surge in Coronavirus Infections Dr Anthony Fauci also testified in congress that he and others had not been told to slow down testing despite claims to the contrary by President Donald Trump to my knowledge none of us ever been told to slow down on testing that just is a fact in fact we will be doing more testing as youve heard from admiral gerar not only testing specifically identify people in the identify isolating contect trace but also much more surveillance if you want to get your arms around and understand exactly whats going on in communities spread so its the opposite were going to be doing more testing not less. Meanwhile trump is holding a rally with students supporters in arizona which is emerging as one of the covert 1000 hotspots earlier here inspected newly built sections of the wall along the Mexican Border. Voters in 6 u. S. States have been choosing the candidates they want to run for seats in congress and some local contests to one of the states is kentucky where some of not been able to cast a ballot officials close thousands of voting stations because of the pandemic fewer than 200 are available but especially sparse in areas where black voters live prompting accusations of Voter Suppression north koreas state media says the leader came leader kim jong un has suspended plans of military action against south Korea Tensions rose after activists in the south flew propaganda leaflets across the border at least 2 syrian soldiers have been killed and 4 others wounded in israeli airstrikes the missiles hit a military outpost in the city of swayed in this. Society Led Coalition fighting in yemen says it intercepted a Ballistic Missile heading towards riyadh 8 to drones and 3 Ballistic Missiles have been fired towards the kingdom since monday who 3 rebels say they plan to launch even more a spokesman for the rebels claimed they attacked the Saudi Defense ministry. And those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera in about half an hour after one a one east good buy. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Record breaking amounts of methamphetamines are being see across asia. Massive halls of pills and crystal meth are flooding the region. Some of it reaching as far north as japan and as far south as a stray away in new zealand. Where does it all come from. The biggest meth producer in the world. The little. Old world has lost before it can struggle. One on one east travels to the border friends of comedian mark to investigate whats driving asian meth through and why authorities are powerless to stop it

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