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A deal with egypt sudan within weeks. And then to a political deadlock theres a new Prime Minister paul martin will lead an Unlikely Coalition government. Facebook announces aborning tags for some content is more Big Companies pull advertising because of the speech can. Go with the sports and warning that the n. B. A. Maybe halted if there is significant spread of coronavirus after 16 players test positive. So the enormity of the Coronavirus Crisis is triggering fears about the ability to treat patients in some parts of the world india now has more than half a 1000000 infections driven by another record daily increase announced a few hours ago the Capital Region of new delhi alone it expects 500000 cases by the end of july and thats led to worries about a shortage of medical equipment and a scramble to build temporary facilities on friday the United States reported it is increasing cases since a pandemic began florida and texas among the states delaying efforts to reopen and increasing restrictions and europe is forging ahead with reopening but it struggling to reach a consensus on how to do it you leaders have not yet agreed on which countries will be allowed quarantine free access from wednesday well saying botty is a doctor working on covert 1000 cases and president of the progressive medicos and scientists for india and he says the easing of restrictions need to be managed more carefully. I think personally as a physician i dont see any at you as a law because the guard says no one did to you anything be the have rules and there. Are a number of things as well the best and the as it was one of the just and thats not the be out there that i was expecting for the one who are students they isolated more bisham small donors betrayed that you know after us mission but doing that bit of. Your thoughts would be to the tune of transmission and or need that part of their way to just say one thing and are not going to be already very sure is the way this is where it doesnt happen and that is also exposed the great situation of india lake. Lake we have seen the make it into places many millions of migrants well on who was beheaded also seen the who or what are people who and get there to be. Just because of it is the work of the student themselves full there is that there are deaths because of their awful and because of stupid on a minute not management of the mongol bishops we have seen deaths of other than on the disease at the innocent deaths of their fish fossil. Well the top Infectious Diseases experts in the United States is one of a serious problem as covered 1000. 00 cases increase its also a concern that young people are getting infected at an alarming rate helen fisher reports now from washington d. C. As in cases after almost 2 months away its back this moment in the coronavirus pandemic is different and faced with a surge in cases across the country the White House Coronavirus task force faces a renewed threat were in a much stronger players the truth is we did slow the spread we flatten the curve recent days have brought a Record Number of infections 16 states are seeing a rising number of cases and infection rates states like texas which had started to reopen no bringing back called restrictions after a 145 percent rise in cases in just 14 days bars closed restaurants cutting capacity Public Gatherings Limited houstons mayor calls it a crisis the numbers are jumping exponentially and rising fast and we are quickly moving in the wrong direction arizona has no more cases per head of population than brazil 88 percent of the states intensive care beds are full doctors see a Health System on the edge and as has been experienced in trying to make for each other at some point theres a Tipping Point and were hoping we dont already actually say this is tender waiting to explode but ive thinking that some of that has already been let and that is concerning the man who has played a major role in the white house response had this warning to young people the thing that you really need to realize that when you do that you are part of a process so if you get infected you will infect someone else who clearly will infect someone else we know that happens because the reproduction element of the virus is not less than one so people are infecting other people and then ultimately you will infect someone who is vulnerable the task force met at the department of health not here at the white house opponent says. That shows the president s level of engagement with the crisis no the president also said the virus would start to go away in the warmer weather it hasnt one expert saying this isnt the 2nd wave its still the 1st alan fischer aljazeera at the white house. To the United Kingdom which is set to cancel the 14 day quarantine for people arriving from countries it considers to be low risk for covert 19 it will divide nations into green and red categories and those from the 1st 2 groups will no longer have to go into isolation now these rule changes are due to be announced next week the u. K. Is also expected to established socalled bridges with france with italy spain germany and also with greece and that would mean korean teen free holidays for travelers to and from those countries but the United States and south america are expected to be among those in the red u. K. Self isolation policy came into effect on june the 8th its been criticized by Airlines Airports and the hospitality sector and lets join a paul brennan whos joining us from kingston in sorry paul so these restrictions being eased and peoples thoughts turn to the possibility of overseas travel so where are we with. Well were at the stage where the restrictions which are imposed just 3 weeks ago and were criticized roundly at the time for being both too late and too blunt are now being nuanced and refined somewhat the number of countries it will apply to the lifting of this quarantine requirement is relatively small the exact countries that it will apply is not yet been defined that will be refined on monday tuesday or wednesday that said the relief thats being felt by the travel industry and ive spoken lunchtime today with the association of British Travel agencies is palpable and what were seeing is evidence of a mad rush of online bookings just this morning the travel agencies that have physical properties here in Kingston Upon Thames town center still closed but online were seeing a big rush they say that said there is. Tensions about which countries are going to be clarify classed as safe to travel and as you mentioned the United States is certainly not one of those who sort of spike yesterday in the number of coronavirus cases in the u. S. Weve got European Union envoys who are meeting to look at their travel restrictions in relation to International Travelers coming to the European Union the United States is unlikely to make it into a safe list being brought in compiled by them and its unlikely to make it into any list thats been brought put forward by by the u. K. Either so yes theres a long way to go before the Airline Industry and the travel industry can breathe a sigh of relief and hope to get back to normal because i let me just finish that the number of people we spoke spoken to here in the center theyre saying this year its a write off for the holidays theyre staying at home right now and for those who have been staying at home on the ground in restrictions now be eased theyve been allowed out to a certain degree and its caused some problems for the police. The police are under intense pressure and theres a combination of factors at work here 1st of all there is that contradiction if you like between what is the law what the government is set down in the law as to what the restrictions are and then theres also guidelines which the government has issued in the police a kind of sometimes court in between having to try to force law but being unable to enforce just guidelines the of a fact is that our play here is that weve had a bit of a heat wave in the last 7 days here in the u. K. And that has sort of encouraged people to get out and about theres also the sense of relief that as we emerge from lockdown hit here in the u. K. At least people are enjoying and making the most of this newfound sense of freedom even though there is the possibility that restrictions may be reimposed so youve had unrest when police have gone in to try to break up block parties street parties that have that have crept up in and pumped from 2 way the police have found themselves under a a hail of bottles and sticks and and rocks and its been very unsavory scenes 3 incidents just here in london in liverpool where the Football Club just won the premier league title its been 2 consecutive nights of a big celebrations that the police are very concerned about against all of this the backdrop of these big gatherings present the possibility for a new spike in corona virus infections or paul thanks very much reporting there from. Now if your Prime Minister says an agreement over its mega dam project should be finalized in 2 to 3 weeks its grown renascence dam has been the source of an increasingly bitter dispute with egypts and sudan talks had stalled over the speed at which ethiopia should fill the reservoir sudan and egypts have both raised the issue with the Un Security Council while ethiopia built the grand renascence dam on the blue nile which is the source of most of the gnarls waters egypt in sudan downstream they depend heavily on it in fear that their water supply is could be put at risk if you have here says the hydro power the dam will produce is essential for its economic growth. From have a morgan who has more from sudans capital of khartoum it took a meeting between the Prime Ministers of sudan egypt as well as other members of the African Union including you correct chair of the African Union south african president as the environment for starts to try to bring that recites together after several rounds of talks through now what is what the statement that was released by the Prime Minister of the office of the Prime Minister of the im told is that other things besides how to read that they will resume talks immediately on a technical level i was repeatedly heard statements from the site saying that 95 percent of the issues have been resolved and that theres only remaining 5 percent as well as the legal aspects. But more ahead on the news hour including they say their imprisonment at sea we look at the difficulties facing workers left stranded for months because of a global pandemic. Plus the gulf thats really leading the way at the latest p. G. A. Tour events still have that support. And has a new Prime Minister and government ending months of political stalemate the parliament picked me martin for the job is for oil party has formed a Coalition Government with rivals feet again the greens are also part of the new government outgoing Prime Minister live right is expected to take over the role halfway through the governments 5 year term lets big now to denote a back corner whos director of research at the school of law and government to Dublin City University joins us now from dublin via skype so 1st up to 140. 00 days after the poll we finally have this coalition is it a coalition that can work. Well i think it is a coalition that can work i mean ireland for many years was an outlier in europe because the 2 major parties were center right we didnt have this normal center right center left by it that most countries have and the reason for that is that the partys origins lie in the civil war and arent a 100 years ago and thats really the the identity that both parties have so why have they changed this simply because their support base has got smaller and smaller over the years and in the last election they both lost fold so in many ways they lost the election in february but they have gained power now by an Unprecedented Alliance which is largely the chin Fane Shin Fein got the largest vote in the election in february but both parties were united in the view that the center left party should not be in government so it was a will to power by these 2 you might say losing parties in the election that have brought about this very historic an Unprecedented Alliance and as you say the green party are in the mix as well because they simply needed the numbers even phina fall in phoenix combined didnt have a majority but with the greens they do how much the supporters have been among the voters the hardcore voters the respective supporters of each individual polity given this historic reconciliation of this political few between fianna fail and if you go. Surprisingly perhaps considering the history all 3 parties overwhelmingly endorsed the programme for government and again i think its because there were advantages for all 3 parties being a fall house and being in power for 9 years in a gale came 3rd in the selection and thought they were going into opposition and the green party saw it as an unprecedented opportunity to exert great leverage for what is a relatively small party with only 12 seats so they all had a reason to support this so i think it does have the ability to be sure of both but if i can account under state how historic it is it would be like if the the British Labor party and the conservative party unite us against a 3rd party or the republicans in america and the democrats united against a 3rd party thats the level of change were talking about here but there will be many people who will be on happy an ardent of course because you know the electorate voted in unprecedented numbers for shin fein in february and thats not reflected of course in the composition of this government so i think in the longer term this will be a beneficial outcome for shin fame because now they are the leaders of the opposition and and they will be organizing in that capacity over the next 5 years yes i know you mention the greens in the 2 larger policies needed the support of the green so what will the green party get out of this deal with the green gets quite a lot of course that was a subject of great debate within the green party they had their vote yesterday 76 percent of the Green Party Membership approved of what they get is they get a commitment to reduce Carbon Emissions irish Carbon Emissions by 7 percent every year for it for the next several years some might argue that this is what weve already committed to doing internationally but thats seen as a big win we have increased spending on you know bicycle lanes on the destroying routes as opposed to spending on roads but it was a very divisive debate within the green party and indeed amun ra in the lead of the green party is facing a leadership challenge in a few months time. There are plenty of potentially divisive issues ahead and they will need to take a unified approach not least of dealing with the countrys one of the countrys worst ever recessions because the current of earth well thats true and in fact it was very symbolic today that the meeting of the parliament took place in dozens Convention Center which is an 8000 seater center and that was to allow the 160 member of parliament to be socially distance to be 2 metres apart from each other so we have spent billions in the last few months in maintaining a relative rule and relative normality despite the virus but the government is really committed itself to spending its way out of this recession and theres a lot of people who wonder whether the sums will add up whether we can deliver on all the things that are committed in this program for government while being in an unprecedented recession as a result of this virus and thats something that time will tell and whether theres enough trust of course between the street parties to see it through because there will be adversity they will get a very short honeymoon and i think that therefore were in for a very interesting time and as i said we have nothing in terms of historical precedent to go on this is completely on chartered waters right be very interesting to see how it all pans out to dinner by cohen we appreciate your expertise in the science very much youre welcome. Now Facebook Says it will start flooding up more posts that break its rules the head of the u. S. Election in november critics have accused of failing to act on hate speech prompting a boycott by some of the worlds biggest advertisers so lets hear brian has this report. When the us president suggested protesters against racism and Police Brutality without and said that when the losing stops the shooting starts to as a put a warning on it saying it glorifies violence facebook did nothing its c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg has often argued that the platform should take a hands off approach but now thats changing and it will tag posts that break its rules if we determine the content maybe we need to violence or deprive people of their right to vote to take their content out no matter who says. Social media platforms have been under the spotlight as global outrage grows against racism and discrimination sparked by the Police Killing of george floyd and may but theyre not focusing on the importance of true evidence verifiability the sort of contributing to a whole lot of these sorts of very handed a very dangerous information. On friday 2 of the worlds biggest advertisers cocacola and uni lever pulled their advertising from the platform uni levers also removing content from twitter and instagram until the end of the year more than 100. 00 companies have joined a campaign called stop hate for profit which accuses facebook of not doing enough to combat hate speech the Campaign Said in a statement faced with this tidal wave Mark Zuckerberg responded today with a small number of small changes weve been down this road before theyve made apologies in the past one of those apologies wasnt 2018 was called to testify in congress over his companys handling of use a doctor and how it was exploited to meddle in the 2016 u. S. Election we didnt take a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake while facebook shares dropped 8 percent on friday analysts believe this controversy wont hurt the social media giant in the long run they are it told our. In the media field last year even amid the criticism which is very similar to what youre saying the split their advertising revenues last year 2101 up Something Like 27 percent and nearly 70000000000 u. S. Dollars so soccer knows that hes the king of the hill he is the gatekeeper with the november president ial vote just 4 months away facebook has already taken down a video posted by Donald Trumps Reelection Campaign and the president s lashed out at social media platforms if its accusing them of st cyr and conservative views elixir brian al jazeera. Zimbabwes government has ordered the suspension of all mobile banking saying its undermining the economy millions of people use mobile payments which is the most common way to receive money to shop and bills this is them has proved valuable for those who dont have access to formal Financial Systems or the country is critically short of cash and many people do not have any bank notes so this announcement coincides with the end of the month when most people get paid and the president. Promised to revive the economy when he came to power in 2017 he is now blaming unnamed political detractors for the economic woes so lets explore this bit more we go across one study by there in harare and whats been the reaction from the public about. Many shop and. The country with serious cash actual cash it. Is hard to find the demand on the street is hard to hide. So they now asking why they got paid for their transaction. The reason why they did. This particular. And business is it. Being the. Final. Value. Of the Biggest Company here in. The statement to describe it. Yeah we had a bit of problem with the sound there with trying to back off the new progressive. Evacuations in rescues are underway in Southern China following heavy rain and flooding more than 40000 people have been forced out of the province alone since tuesday a rescue is used the road to bring 6 people to safety after they were stranded in the flooded river and theres heavy rain its expected to continue until choose the. Top of the weather and that is a problem not isolated to chill in a very heavy rains that overtly net but yes europe has seen some very heavy rains for the last few weeks as well say because of course it hasnt come to an end just yet in fact things are changing across the west as well but lets start with the central in that particular it has been poland again and ukraine actually seen a very heavy amounts of rain you can see just how widespread it is this picture taken from a drone but then look closer to the ground and you can see just how much floodwater is around and cools also still how powerful it is and once it clears the way you greeted with scenes like this so there really is going to be a huge amount of carob to do once these floodwaters have actually receded now unfortunate there is more rain in the 4 concert areas of poland as we continue through saturday but youll also notice out across the northwest it is really quite a change you have an air of their precious some pretty strong winds and it is a very unsettled picture in fact plenty of rain working its way through the low countries and on towards germany saying down into southern areas of france as well now you can see as we go through sunday more rain can be very widespread that system of air pressure across the northwest of the u. K. Not moving very far in fact that all warnings in place from the u. K. Met office because the rain is going to be very heavy in fact the next 48 hours areas in the northwest of the u. K. Could pick up over 100. 00 millimeters of rain that is we had 3 monday is actually a slightly improving picture across the northwest but youll see here weve got some very heavy rain again on its way across towards areas of poland as the temperatures down to the average for london the role that unsettled you can see im berlin and weve got thunderstorms again keeping those temperatures low and actual fact the southeast of europe it is very warm and temperatures in book arrest make about 7 degrees above average so lots of rain but not everywhere or very thanks very much thank you. Thirtys in mexico city say theyve arrested 12 suspects almost or attempt to assassinate the police chief gunman believed to be connected to a drug cartel stormed in upscale neighborhood and opened fire with sniper rifles and grenades the police chief survived but 2 of his bodyguards and a woman driving by they were killed the assassination attempts in the wealthy neighborhood is has shocked many in a country already played by violence when republican reports now from mexico city. This sound of gunfire and explosions rocked the mexican capital in the early hours of friday morning when gunmen wielding high caliber weapons attacked mexico citys police chief. Stuff the head of Public Security in mexico city was wounded and there are other deaths in this attack all of this has to do without a doubt with the war being carried out to guarantee peace and security. Authorities have confirmed that at least 2 Police Officers were killed in the shootout as well as one bystander as and as such a thing that i knew and that makes it is Justice Department has confirmed 12 arrests i feel confident the investigation will yield results to find those responsible for ordering this act of aggression and. At least 6 criminal groups are known to operate within mexico city in a tweet following the attack the citys police chief placed the blame on the new Generation Cartel the hollies going new Generation Cartel is one of the most powerful drug cartels in the region and was only recently identified as having a presence within the limits of mexico city. The shootout in the mexican capital is only the latest incident of Mass Violence in the country. On wednesday 16 people were killed in a gunfight between rival drug gangs in the mexican state of sinaloa on monday 15 were killed following an attack on an indigenous village in the state of laca. Despite the ongoing corona Virus Outbreak battles over control of drug territory have not lessened and. Mexico city. So ahead here on aljazeera business is in argentina as capital are bracing for more hardship behalf to the governments extended lockdown missions. Jim is it is up for tourists but theres concern about how quickly they actually will return. Kris jenner and all those on the school sheets in a big event as when jay will have all the details in school. John the president s son Donald Trump Jr was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton allegation like to see an investigation seductress did the Trump Campaign colluding with russia did you at any time birch the former f. B. I. Director james comey in any way shape or form the closer to back down the investigation into Michael Flynn and also as you will know next question bottle field washington on aljazeera. His countrys begin easy coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infections in the last few days. In front of the neighborhood and many feel the economy is be prioritised about for human life until fall of people getting the focus on the outfield because i can put 1000 faces we bring you the latest developments from across the globe coronavirus fundament special coverage on a. What is your mind about top stories the. Creative arts infections in indias biggest cities pushing the total number of cases to more than half a 1000000 hospitals are under pressure in some cities like new delhi theyre scrambling to build temporary facilities. And has a new Prime Minister in Government Spending months of political stalemate the parliament picked to be hailed mountain for the job as fianna foil party has formed a Coalition Government with the rivals. Ethiopias a Prime Minister says an agreement to sudan and egypt over its make a dam project should be finalized in 2. 00 to 3. 00 weeks talks stalled over the speed at which ethiopia should fill the granary nations dams reservoir. Well for more on this lets speak now and to make delaware to miss a whos an independent Water Sciences research joins us on skype from. Welcome to the program if you want to minister says that consensus has been reached to finalize a deal within 2 to 3 weeks but one wonders what form this compromise this consensus will take. To make going to it is nick clark here in doha im happy you can hear me. Ok good lets try again just saying that the ethiopians water minister has said that a consensus has now been reached but one wonders what form this consensus will take what do you reckon. Well thats it for thankless questions that have been going on in the past few days has resulted in the because its easier to sell the technical technical difficulties for the texans understand to just one more thing next and this is much to this week. And they will be able to flesh out the rest of whats left about the technical discussions and also that legal matters is that we get matters for work where we do not that is what were holding up and were chiefs so i think were going to t. V. Vellum in some time so that you know the last of the check the math things that we can. Get in that nation stand. To get back to the negotiations to write this from this compromise coming mom how much confidence is that the compromise will enable them to start filling in july. Well. Thats them can they get back side of the government business that every wednesday once just at the beginning of july and i think its and its in the interest of all these 3 countries to to come to an it be even before i that i am so i am pretty confident that they can come to an agreement in 2 or 3 weeks time and the fact that i think it was finally. This process and the issue of that very has come back to africa gives me a lot. Especially the fact that a meeting happened or i think its going to come to my day actually gives me a lot the hope the terms. And then so that vision that this will be speak up to actually want to finish just. Want to continue even in this. Expected period of time in the beginning to be exposed as far as i know the feeling was still continuing to lie so there is even more stress on them or. More getting demands on the side of the speaker just to. Fine then let me just ask you what is it that ethiopia has brought to the table to enable this consensus to be reached because there was a lot of division and you just mentioned the Security Council the Un Security Council have been appealed to to try and sort this out so how is it now that theyve actually managed to reach this consensus what what has ethiopia compromised on. Thanks not to have to look at company my son but i do see country stuff coming to terms of their feeling of arrangements so the original plan from take you inside was to get it in 3 years and that from the egyptian side was to put it in 12 to 7 years it seems to have been leaking to the devil or to 70 percent then the details of the filling in time so what happens during just times what happens during dry curates and extended dry periods this way thats taking what i say so the number that this question should not be cured in time so what has it youre given and what has egypt given that how it is to be but yourself on terms of the negotiation because its not just one cheek conceding to the other but its a joint session between these 2 countries that going for joint agreement on giving and i think in time so much technical detail so filling up the back there happened significant strides concessions and. Compromises from both of these countries so in terms of weve agreed to sit down in 4 to 7 years is already a big concession because curiously speaking if youre going to get the down in 3 years theres also a big consensus on what to do during that period so and doing i dont doubt they have an hour on what they wanted to shrink east depending on the story if anything on how much what theyre stored in the side of the sticking points and what to do during extended i mean its an extended job of yours so it will still be discussing i hope so that the discussion should i think youre get them to what has been given what has occurred since you did or given ok this issue is that it should be sent off the last time as we described in the time we do appreciate your perspective on this thank you very much and if thats meant then im at my side and it would a Science Research not buckstone has announced a record increase in fuel prices i need days before the end of the Financial Year growth of ours has done to the economy which is strong for the 1st time in 7 decades most drivers will now have to pay around this. More to follow there is depending on the type of fuel. To the wave of outrage on social media lets go live now to Camilla Hyder who joins us from islamabad and to give us a flavor of the reaction. Well the reaction all very. Strong where they have a right where did it. All where did it say about discomfort at a time when the government had. A considerable reduction in the oil price of a crash avoidance price to go to the International Market now we are told that because they have hiked up they want to populate and also the fact that they say that data in issue that supply chain now because. There were reports of hoarding an extensive export of on it found. That of god had led to a crisis situation. Station. Coming at that time when the government. Because of the hard Economic Times and the opposition of. Munitions did have a knock on effect across the economy because everything is dependent on the price of fuel and budgets on it a major import and these holiday Economic Times just just how difficult things. I didnt hear you clearly could you come again these it just briefly come out of the woods just how difficult all things i can only play in pakistan. Economic situation is very bad unemployment is rising because of the long down that good or not why did it make the industry the next state over long down and the economy is reeling under pressure to go of course it is going to add to the problem because. Im not going to pay more for transportation and i mention the oil price should really have a knock on effect on almost every aspect of the Economic Activity so indeed have a difficult time football gets done because of the pandemic and the fact that the countrys economy literally. Thanks very much indeed him hiding there in islamabad. Argentina has extended its credit r. S. Restrictions for one is aronsen surrounding regions rules that would do to end on sunday will now stay in place until at least july 17th and thats putting more pressure or businesses that are barely scraping by throws it has more from one as there is no. These are not easy times for. Us and her husband. They own the sun they beat their restaurant in one of scientists but i meet the covert 1000 prices marian the says theres just not enough business and the restaurants may have to close for good i mean was that we think we come from one crisis after another and were tired him or feeling it a lot we dont know whats going to happen so were trying to go day by day trying to keep things going by selling takeaway as argentines were used to be adopting but its not easy but this when they read that is not the only restaurant trying to survive there are over 100000 businesses in argentina theyre on the verge of collapse argentina was already struggling with inflation and recession prior to the pandemic and thats one of the reasons why many Small Businesses are finding it difficult to remain open this restaurant for example is shutting down the onerous road here that theyre closing their business because of acquiring team. Argentina was one of the 1st countries in the region to impose a Strict Lockdown to prevent the spread of disease its been over 3 months but a recent spike in cases in hard hit areas that include one aside is has convinced the government to extend it even further but imo i know not everyone agrees with what were doing but we need to do something to stop the amount of contagions money to make sure there are enough beds and guarantee that all arjun tines get the attention they deserve for many this is a mistake to extend something that has a konami consequences but the World Bank Says not Alberto Fernandez that its the most severe economic crisis since the 1970 s. Its. Not only argentina but the whole world that is deteriorating because of the pandemic even though some businesses in the city were allowed to reopen in recent weeks they will now have to close their doors again meanwhile authorities are fighting against lockdown fatigue and Enormous Economic difficulties that have many argentines on the edge so. If the government like in other countries covered part of the economic earnings of retailers like myself we would be at home without the concerns that you have with mounting bills and debt that makes you frustrated and on top of that you have to feed your family. The government is giving away cash handouts to help those in need and this assisting businesses but its not reaching everyone a major problem in a crisis that has no end in sight they. Want to fight us. To peru now which is launched a nationwide Vaccination Program to ward off a surge in preventable diseases as it deals with the pandemic hundreds have been queuing in the Capital Limited to be immunized against measles and other illnesses months of lockdown have prevented many children and elderly people from getting routine vaccinations while the pandemic has been making it difficult for crews on merchant ships to return home as some have been at sea for more than 6 months at the same time crew hoping to resume work have been struggling to get on to their ships jones reports reports from the greek port a press. Merchant seaman your hasnt worked in 7 months going to him has prevented his ship from sailing he still has a mortgage to pay and 3. 00 daughters to support and the latest blow he says comes on top of years of austerity following the 2008 Global Financial crisis or. When i 1st chose this law if things were good we had a family we had dream as i did in the past 11 years as salaries of fall and by more than a half and tax have gone up. Other seafarers are having the opposite problem theyre only able to get home after many months at sea because of travel restrictions due to covert 19 speedily not a vocalist has been on a very large crude carrier for 7 months he spoke to us by Satellite Phone from the philippines. The fatigue is psychological we tell it even 6 months is a long time and we havent stepped on a shelf for 7 months we havent seen a single new person its a kind of imprisonment about 400000 merchant seamen thought to be stranded at home or at sea due to coronavirus related travel restrictions and that could eventually have an impact on global trade 80 percent of which is carried by ship the supply of goods across the world is what keeps factories working shop shelves stocked and even fuel pumps full shipowner your article is good for me curly says whereas things are slowly starting to loosen up its still difficult and expensive to rotate crews out of port where there was a device that they have started to allow crew rotation we inquired as to how this can be done and the list of requirements was such that it made it impossible. So the vessel had to be there 2 days before the office had to go on board and the job and cost cuts had to be done and the vessel had to wait and then the cash would come back and the crew would go would get off and the 2 would be quarantined then the group that would come in would be part of the men the vessel that the wait for that would it was quite easy and it goes on and on fatigue and Poor Mental Health are dangerous at sea they create conditions in which accidents can happen and lives are lost the crews stranded around the world of finding it difficult to understand why theyre considered potential sources of infection they spend weeks between ports and theyre among the most isolated people in the world jumpstart openness aljazeera. Thats an hour from guy whos a senior economist at Capital Economics and he says governments need to enact exemptions for shipping crude in important. Its more a kind of humanitarian problem for the seamen theyre involved rather than a macroeconomic problem that because of the big global downturn is now underway its been a sharp fall d in global trade which isnt there hasnt been as much demand as you might have otherwise out for their Services Also the fact is that they can actually stay on the ship so you continue to work i think problems will actually arise if they refused to the ships wouldnt get insurance and then they wouldnt be able to sell off so at the moment its not a Macro Economic crisis its more of a humanitarian its really up to governments in authority is around the world to him to get a grasp of this problem and i think one way that you could do is is to designate ship work as is is essential work is the same way that lorry drivers have which would allow them to switch between ports and travel more easily that is one thing that could be done quite easily. After more than 3 months of restrictions john is there is reopening those borders ones to revive it struggling Tourism Industry which had been hit by setbacks even before the pandemic. Report says its been a long road to recovery. In the historic heart of tunisias capital coppersmith mohammed shall she is putting his skills to work hammering away at plates he plans to sell hoping the worst of the pandemic is over. Put on a quick coronaVirus Outbreak was a very very tough period even after we reopened it still being very difficult on artisanal activities because we were working for tourists who still cant come here i met shoppers in the old medina of tunis a unesco World Heritage site to treats visitors to a rich sampling of local crafts and cuisine an area thats usually overflowing with people for tunisias economy tourism is crucial. 5 years ago gunman killed 38 european tourists during an attack at a beach resort near the city of seuss which significantly affected the Tourism Sector now as the number of confirmed coated 1000 cases declines government officials have said june 27th as the date for reopening their air land and sea borders. Travel agency owner of the humvee is happy with the decision but says tunisia will face a harder time recovering from cope with 19 than it did from the aftermath of violence. Terrorism had almost everywhere in the world and we survived we knew how to overcome it but for coronavirus it is affecting the whole world and so far we dont know yet how to deal with it i think with. Tunisias hospitality sector is trying its best at this restaurant in tunis that means new hygiene and social distancing measures like the Hand Sanitizer being offered at the entrance and the masks that are mandatory for staff in the town of cd was harried about 20 kilometers away from tunis tells like the villa blue have been preparing for a while now we dealt with the professional cleaners to clean all the furniture all the curtains all all the beddings all of the flooring so everything has been. Professionally done and. And we abide by the rules that were set by by the government with the rooms ready all thats left now is for the guests to arrive mama june al jazeera. A federal judge has ruled the u. S. Government must release children held in 3 Immigration Detention Centers on the coronavirus fias daughter applies to those who have been held for more than 20 days at centers in texas and in pennsylvania where there have been some cases children have to be let out by july 17th if they cant be released with their parents they will be sent to family sponsors. The u. S. House of representatives has approved a bill to make the capitol washington d. C. The nations 51st state if it passes in the Republican Controlled Senate more than 700000 people in the district will finally get the representation other states already have but as my kind of reports the bill faces stiff opposition. The last votes on statehood were more than 6 decades ago when alaska and hawaii became the 49 states fridays historic decision was taken on party lines. There being 232. 00 votes in the affirmative 180. 00 votes in the negative the district of columbia state heard bill h r 51. 00 is classed without objection motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. So its a founding of the Nations Capital over 2 centuries ago it has been a district and not part of a state it has no governor no senator and its aleck to representative has no boat in the house we stand out as the only democracy which to the highest democracy to the residents of its own capital leadership own capital city in a city where nearly half of the population is African American statehood is a civil rights issue in all some 700000 residents who pay federal taxes but are effectively disenfranchised Eleanor Holmes norton has represented d. C. For nearly 3 decades hes the great granddaughter of a slave who found freedom in the district but not representation i feel their past as the member who represents my city and of course i feel in my own lineage as a 3rd generation washingtonian has never experienced it within their own country so for me this is the i again its. President trump has made clear his fear that the district would vote democrats into the house and senate and opposes statehood as did the majority of his fellow republicans like the representative for alabama which is 2 senators and 7 members in the house i will never vote to give washington d. C. Separate statehood status washington d. C. Is a city not a state its population is roughly one 7th that of alabama but those advocating statehood are taking a long term view pointing to polls indicating a new occupant in the white house after a number of them the election and. A strong likelihood that my party the Democratic Party in the United States will take control of the senate as my party the democrats hand taking control of the house. The district mayor celebrates a historic moment but it will take major democratic wins in the election before her dream up but one stars on the u. S. Flag becomes a reality my kind of aljazeera washington. President trump and signed an executive order to protect u. S. Monuments thats after protesters in recent weeks targeted statues of confederate leaders who fought to preserve slavery during the civil war many had been removed in recent weeks by protesters city and state officials of the order calls for anyone who vandalized this or destroy statues or monuments to be prosecuted. Israels alternative Prime Minister benny gantz has weighed in on a controversial plan to annex parts of the occupied west bank in a Facebook Post on friday he suggested that any palestinians in future annex there is maybe granted equal rights israel is set to start rolling out his plans on july the fast. Tonight in support jay will have the best their actions from the latest p. G. A. Tour events where the strife just kept going. And gary. Thank you going back of it week but still its going to get. Less popular indonesian you times and ages lodges remaining rainforests but local tribes accuse Big Companies of land grabs florida and human rights abuses one o one east investigates on aljazeera. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is just state. Nude is a popular filming location in france when it comes to stories about trucks crime and radicalization tired of negative stereotypes you think its many t. V. Its reclaiming its image by putting its younger incidents behind the camera. This truth be dont often hear told by the people who they found. In movies were it this is your own analogy if you have. Moved through youre. Right its going to support history nick thank you the n. B. A. Season could again be put on hold if theres a significant spread of current virus among its players thats according to the leagues commissioner adam silver so his comments came as the n. B. A. Report of the 16 out of 302 players tested positive none of the players have been named by the league but 2 Sacramento Kings and an Indiana Pacers play confirm that diagnoses teams a jew to start arriving for Training Camps in florida on july the 7th before the league is set to resume in a quarantine bubble at disney world in orlando so were also said the number of cases in florida has raised his level of concern meanwhile the league has set the schedule for its return with the new Orleans Pelicans facing utah jazz in the opening game on july the 30th. Gopher jason day has requested a current virus test before round 3 of the travelers championship and even if its negative he will play on his own as a precaution it comes off to Denny Mccarthy became the 3rd player in the p. G. A. Tool to contract the virus he withdrew from the travelers and so did his playing partner who tested negative brooks kept calm and Graeme Mcdowell also pulled out after their categories tested positive but the action continues out on the course and its veteran of the game who leads at the halfway stage with this to perve shots Phil Mickelson who recently turned 50 shot a 7 under par round of 63. 00 to set a stroke clear at the top of the leaderboard while number one rory mcilroy is just 4 shots back in a tie for 4th place. About this for a drive price and a shambo thought hed lost his ball into the trees on the right hand side of the 10th hole parts he got lucky and hit the path and just kept on rolling and rolling and rolling when it finally stopped hed driven the ball 428 yards admittedly with a little help and nearly made the green despite all that he still ended up dropping a shocked. Kenyas Half Marathon world record holder jeffrey can war or has suffered a broken leg after being hit by a motorbike the runner who won the new york marathon last year out on a training run name his home when the accident happened the doctor who treated him says hes doing well after surgery. A time defending champions event as have opened up a 7 point lead at the top of the setia standings in italy on friday they have a 10 man lecture by 4 goals to nil before the red card it was goalless but then paolo di bala take advantage of some pour defending to open the scoring in the 2nd half. Christian or an elder netted his 2nd penalty in as many matches to double that score. Is clearly found a scoring boots again following some in different form off to coming back from a 3 month current of fire suspension Gonzalo Higuain and mattis to licht also found the net do you think. Thats going to continue as i join my team kept on playing with believe even when the result was already assured and this really makes me happy because it is the attitude that i would like to see all the time from my teams working with him midfielder up toward could soon be on his way to eventis in a swap deal according to reports for now though bosses attention is on securing a 3rd Straight League a title they are neck and neck with face rivals real madrid in the standings well only lead to because they have a better head to head record against their old photos barcelona travels to celta vigo on saturday but their coach says he doesnt think its a must win fixture. Of course i am convinced that with 7 matches still to be played it is going to be very difficult for real madrid for us to go on and win all the remaining matches we already drew one game something that did not happen to them yet but football is full of surprises it is true that they are in a very good run but so are we anything is possible i really hope at some point they are going to make a mistake. Well there will be looking to strengthen their title credentials athletic im afraid will try to tighten their grip on a Champions League place they are currently 31. 00 points ahead of severe who play on sunday also on sunday joint League Leaders real madrid will face espanol after a 3 month current of our suspension the english f. A. Cup returns to action on saturday with Manchester United away at norwich city united have won footballs Oldest National competition 12 times and the heavily favored to overcome the rich and off to arch rivals liverpool were crowned premier League Champions are going to so so would love to make the f. A. Cup his 1st trophy as man united boss 1st of all f. A. Cup is a fantastic tournament and its a fantastic final to be play a part in its a fantastic trophy to lift and for our team now its a new team and to get our hands on the 1st trophy winner 1st title would be fantastic and hopefully a catalyst to more things to come i also like you have tried to create in america in the very good its not realistic. To win this competition but its still possible for me with my everything in order to humans. Now before fans are being urged to celebrate their clubs premier league title at home after a 2nd day of passing in the city streets fans gathered in the city center again on friday despite place and politicians warning that the current virus still poses a major risk if will catch the title on thursday for the 1st time in 30 years all right that is all useful for now half will feel like sorry thank. You thank you very much the police are fronts of arrested 6 people over the theft or not by the street artist banksy commemorating victims of the paris attacks in 2015 it was stolen last year from the capitals but a clan theater where 90 people were killed in the largest of several coordinated attacks in the mirror which shows a mournful female figure was recovered from a farmhouse in central italy earlier this month. All right were done with a new sound of a half hour news a couple minutes to the. July on aljazeera in a controversial move israel is expected to annex several settlements in the occupied west bank how will the world react in a not so sweet a story chocolate time to darkness expose the continued use of child labor on cocoa plantations president putin will try to stay in power beyond his final term with an attempt at changing russias constitution maybe half sample has to special series of interviews with tackling the big issues about time marking the 25th anniversary of the biggest war crime on european soil since world war 2 we will witness a ceremony paying respect to the victims of the sword and genocide. July on aljazeera. From young like english. To revolutionary thing. From political activism to incarceration. In part one of the 2 part documentary series just explores the single minded. Its the 1st leader of an independent thats a governor. As a backup. From prisoner to president on jesse. Never sleeps like a group of young male wrap things of the day. When an elite White Fraternity build a house next Door Community spirit is tested to its limits. We were exactly welcomed with open arms into the neighborhood its hard to just bury that history. Paint old south a witness documentary on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Every. 10 years increase the anxiety of a coronavirus it now has more than half a 1000000 infections and its capital expects hundreds of thousands more in the coming weeks. They say they are in prison to say we look at the difficulties facing workers neff stranded for months because of the pandemic. I dont make this is al jazeera live from our World Headquarters in doha will succumb

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