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Demand action against russia and made reports a taliban fighters to kill american soldiers it was it is the job and britains Prime Minister is set to lay out his plan to rescue the fragile economy we visit one town where high employment is high to hear what needs to be done. Face a development hong kongs for Democracy Movement feared the most chinas top legislative body has unanimously approved a National Security law to be imposed in the territory of secession subversion terrorism ok lucian with Foreign Forces could lead to a maximum sentence of life in jail critics say the law will be used to stamp out all forms of dissent protests against the new law has been held in the past few hours it follows months of under arrest driven by fear of chinas tightening grip on hong kong the territorys appeal as a major international. Financial center stems from its liberal values and independent course which are now widely perceived to be at risk lets speak to katrina you in beijing for us katrina this was a swift and secretive process where waiting to hear details about this law but what have we been able to learn so far thats right fully we know that just in the past hour the Hong Kong Liaison Office in beijing as well as Hong Kong Liaison Office in hong kong have been holding parallel closed door meetings officials have gone in those are still taking place we know that hong kong delegates are not to Chinas National Peoples Congress that is Chinas Parliament are in attendance in those meetings and we expect that they are currently being briefed on the details of this new National Security law we are yet to hear any announcement from chinas state media any confirmation of this but we do know that the legislative Affairs Commission of the n. P. C. As well as the Hong Kong Macao Affairs office will be holding a press Conference Wednesday to g. M. T. That is 10 am local time to announce the details of this National Security law to the public so we may have to wait until then to hear more about it certainly if we do that will be a very a symbolic for china as that is the anniversary of the handover of hong kong from britain back to the mainland 23 years ago the International Community katrina has been very critical of this and other new legislation in acted on hong kong and one assumes they wont be quiet about this security law or how is beijing going to deal with it thats what we have to hear details but many foreign states have already announced their condemnation of this expecting that this will crush hong kongs freedoms already weve heard criticism from taiwan from japan and from the u. S. Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson jolly jenna addressed the media just more minutes ago and had this to say on their condemnation. To china has already made clear its position on the japanese opinion regarding hong kong issues hong kongs affairs a chinese internal affairs that there is no place for foreign interference this improvement of the legal system and its enforcement mechanism for upholding National Security in hong kong is in accordance with the one country 2 systems rule. So delhi jan theyre really trying to convince the public that this new National Security law is a good thing for hong kong that will help to protect the stability and the security of the region Going Forward not having any of the International Criticism is asking other countries to stop meddling in chinas internal affairs we nor that the u. S. Has threatened to eliminate the special the special of conditions that it grants to hong kong to allow the city to function as a Financial Center china is furious about this it says it will retaliate although we dont know exactly what it will do all the china has already threatened just to cancel or deny visas to any u. S. Officials who they deem to be behaving badly on the issue of Hong Kong Katrina thank you for that katrina you live there in beijing and in the hours since the lawless bath at least one of hong kong sports imago secrets has disbanded and several leaders say theyre stepping away adrian brown has reaction from hong kong. In the past few hours joshua wong a well known prodemocracy advocate has announced that he is leaving resigning from the party that he helped to found another member of that party is also resigning now joshua wong believes that hes going to be a target of this new law and says it you know wants to continue his beliefs and practices in private another Political Party that advocates independence but hong kong has also announced its disbanding the former chief executive of hong kong c. Y. Long has announced in a facebook message that he will offer 130000. 00 u. S. Dollars to anybody who can provide it provide evidence of somebody breaking the new National Security law so that gives you a flavor of the mood here in hong kong at the moment and i have seen a few minor protests but i think a real test will come on july the 1st when symbolically there is a large mob has happened of course last july the Police Service denied one protest group an application to hold such an event but as i say well know on wednesday whether people are going to be prepared to test that new law because of course the police have said they will arrest anybody who defies that ban which also defies social distancing regulations the government has also announced this social distancing regulations here are going to be extended for a nother 2 weeks so that should ensure i think from the governments perspective the people will stay off the streets but maybe not. Tony chan is a legislator and convener of the prodemocracy camp in hong kong she believes the territories autonomy is under threat. By pozen this law i would say this is like. A test that the vacant of one country 2 systems. Back in the ninetys the Chinese Government had promised not only to how come people but to the world that hong kong were implement one country 2 systems that means we can kipped our own judiciary the legislature as well as the own administration but now you can see that by passing this law within like 40 days without any consultation in hong kong without disclosing the details of this legislation this definitely by parsing the administration as well as the legislature in hong kong you can see that not only the legislature and the administration is under pressure you can see also our Judicial Independence is all the also under a very great pressure in the sense that it may affect. The hong kong judiciary in the long run although some people said that this legislature would only as fact a small number of people but you can see that under the definition of a National Security in china it covers a very very wide range of espec for example light economies education as well as religion so i really dont go whats what will happen in even tomorrow so its very much depends on whether our administration will exercise selfrestraint the coronavirus is far from over fast the warning from the world half of an evasion agency says a pandemic isnt close to being under control as a number of cases continue to fetch globally that the us show is sending a team to china next week to investigate the origins of the disease. We all want this to be over we all want to get on with our lives but the hard reality is this is not even close to being over although many countries have made some progress globally its the pandemic is actually speeding up the increase in infections in the u. S. Is forcing at least a dozen states and cities to rethink their reopening strategies the countrys top expert on x. On Infectious Diseases plains people for ignoring Health Guidelines dr anthony found she has called it a recipe for disaster al jazeera is Christian Salome has more. With long lines for tests and new coronavirus cases surging texas and other u. S. States that were some of the quickest to reopen for business are now worried that their hospitals are approaching capacity and rethinking their strategy and floridas Broward County the famous Fort Lauderdale beach will be closed for independent state july 4th im hearing from our hospitals that there have been a large number of patient influx and if we dont control the spread we might have a situation where we have to ration health care for someone who is ill and that is definitely not a place that we want to be same for california beaches many people. Were not necessarily being as responsible as they otherwise as we would like them to be as a relates to practicing physical distance and social distancing people that werent wearing their face masks and in california and arizona as well as texas theyre closing bars and nightclubs after seeing infections rising people under 40 and masks will now be required in public and all of kansas and in Jacksonville Florida the city where the Republican Party plans to hold some of its National Convention new York Governor Andrew Cuomo blamed President Trump for pushing states to reopen too quickly and called on him to issue an executive order requiring maston public nationwide states that were recalcitrant governors who said we dont need to do this. Masks dont work or the political nonsense we heard now theyre doing a 180 and you have the same states now wearing masks. He unveiled a model to simulate the mountain of corona virus cases that new york has overcome with new infections and fatality rates now at their lowest levels since the start of the pandemic and continuing to trend downward one leading Global Health. The expert says the states must act quickly and aggressively if we think about the things that are really risky most of the states are open when their underlying level of cases was really so high they werent coming down so i could get in meet the white houses own guidelines experts say even with these new measures in place it may now take weeks to start to see infection rates in these areas decline cristen salumi aljazeera the white house says it will brief democratic politicians on reports that russia pay taliban fighters to target american troops in afghanistan democrats were left out of an intelligence briefing on monday the kremlin and the white house are denying the reports alan fisher has more. From the white house podium a denial the president was ever briefed on the socalled bowing to kills the now say this that the u. S. Receives thousands of reports a day on intelligence america subject to strict scrutiny while the white house does not routinely comment on alleged intelligence or internal deliberations the cia director n. S. A. National security adviser in the chief of staff can all confirm and either the president nor the Vice President were briefed on the alleged russian russian bounty intelligence. Afghanistan is americas longest war american troops have been there for 19 years and despite talks of a peace deal theres no indication to leave anytime soon america helped contribute weapons to push russia out of the country in the 1980 s. And killed russian mercenaries in syria 2 years ago now according to the New York Times its payback time newspaper says the russians offered cash for kills Coalition Soldiers and general american soldiers in particular but from the kremlin another denial. 1st of all those statements are laws secondly if in the United States special services are still answerable to the u. S. President then i suggest focusing on President Trump statement he really gave an appraisal of those reports he did in a tweet intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible and therefore did not report to me or v. P. Possibly another fabricated russia hoax that says the white house explains why there has been no response from the american side the story didnt stand up on capitol hill lawmakers have demanded an intelligence be focused on who knew what and when and if the president was in fact briefed intelligence sources tell Media Outlets not only is the information solid it was given to the highest level of the white house but theres still a lot of Unanswered Questions remain unanswered there lies potential risk to a president whos had a difficult relationship with russia from even before he took office alan fischer al jazeera. Still ahead on the program why the israeli Prime Ministers plans to occupy west bank may be on hold force to the actions of an armed group accused of rights abuses in mozambique leaves hundreds of thousands displaced. And sunny skies throughout much of Southern Europe is still a very mixed picture farther to the north particularly across much of the northwest and also scandinavia but as i say some nice sunshine across the mediterranean look at this into greece this is our main languorous on the aging case less of a sudden shyness of my speech is that of course rather lacking in people want to tell people theyre enjoying the sun skies here in northern essay and still the conditions on the. Very good across much of poland this of course is the capital of warsaw uneasy hey just how deep the water is now the next few days in warsaw is actually more Better Weather than there is rain and thunderstorms you can see over the next few days ago likely get on thursday and maybe as we reach the weekend at temperatures a not too bad as well so these higher temperatures will also help in some cases to get rid of that floodwater. Across much of europe is a fairly crowded picture i want to work in the east was but actually the bulk of the rain work its way through the baltics into scandinavia some very heavy downpours at times and im going to cross into northern france the low countries showers across the u. K. In fact by wednesday that rain becoming very heavy across much of northern france but in particular to the south in the southeast and again those showers continuing across into northern actually but the best weather is across the Southeast Missouri say still those nice sunny warm skies across the mad. Joining the Global Community because the crisis is just slapped isnt the place to last in upon. Human equals Global Health keeping you up to date or situation where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond the Health Crisis your questions. Just nothing we are now approaching a crossroads this is an opportunity that we must mark the stream on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera live from doha a recap of our top stories chinas top legislative body has unanimously approved a nationals. Cuti lawful it will make acts of dissent in legal with heavy penalties for those who break the law critics say this is beijings way of washing dissent. The World Health Organization is warning the coronavirus is far from being under control as cases continue to search globally theres been a recent spike in the u. S. And the countrys top expert on info on Infectious Diseases says thats because people are ignoring social distancing guidelines and the white house says democrats will be briefed on reports that russia taliban fighters to target american troops in afghanistan its been revealed senior officials knew about the allegations months ago but the president says he wasnt in for its. Now very force israels top leaders from minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Main Coalition partner benny gantz are odds about the countrys planned onyx ation of the occupied west bank thats now was set to move forward with a plan as early as this week but gantt says the priority should be on fighting coronavirus howry foster has more from jerusalem. Benny gantz isnt yet coming out with an absolutely firm declaration of his party and his own position on this but he has been in recent days been giving hints at least pretty broad ones that he wants to see at least a delay in any immediate moves on friday he released a statement talking about his parameters among which were ensuring that any palestinians who would be subject to annex a sion living in to be annexed lands would get equal rights saying that he would advance bilateral moves with palestinians if an exception were to proceed and then on monday in talks with senior u. S. Officials who are here ahead of this july the 1st state which is the 1st state from which netanyahu can move ahead with annexation plans he said in that he said to them at that date was not sacred and later in the day saying that everything that isnt to do with fighting the coronavirus can wait until after the coronavirus now netanyahu came back against that pretty sharply almost immediately saying that blue and white the party of dance was not really a major factor in annexation again in talks this morning Tuesday Morning with the u. S. Official brian hook the envoy on iran affairs at the meeting on iran during a brief statement ahead of that he said that there were some things that were important enough even to talk about and deal with during coronavirus making a pretty broad allusion there. Nearly a 1000 people have been killed and more than 200000 displaced by an armed group in. A province in northern mozambique the fighters say they are rejects the government and want to establish political Islam Malcolm webb has more. Beheadings kidnappings and torching of homes is what these people fled now they live in this camp in northern mozambique an armed group has been attacking villages in ca province for nearly 3. There boy you know but not only it was about 5 in the afternoon when the attackers came and started burning houses i ran with my wife and i shot her they killed her in front of me i managed to escape they came with guns and machetes and started burning houses. The army has been fighting back but information is scarce journalists and research is found in the conflict zone arrested. So social media videos like this one film by a soldier have all but can be seen from outside. And havent been going well for the army. This one posted by fighters from the armed group chose a military vehicle they captured. 2 years the group attacked only remote villages and said nothing. Then 3 months ago he started attacking and briefly occupying towns in this message a fight of rejects the government and calls people to fight on the run i still flag i still is claimed responsibility for some of the attacks its not clear if theres any real link between the groups but it is clear there are deep local grievances. Mozambiques growing oil and gas industry is part of it one of the Worlds Largest natural gas reserves has been found off the coast of copper delgado Oil Companies have moved in but people have remained poor was analysts say years of government neglect in the province have proved toxic it does tend. To state. That is being seen. With. All the international. Companies. And. Communities particularly in the us that. The armys response hasnt always held arms in both here the soldier filming it is others to set fire to an enemy camp. Soldiers have been accused of executing any man they suspect of collaborating with the group the army and the government didnt respond to our request for comment. As the violence escalates more people flee as little support in the camps and a shortage of food but it is not safe to go home. Aljazeera as a u. K. Prepares to live small coronavirus restrictions one city will remain under lockdown barely 2 weeks after it began reopening from is a Boris Johnson has ordered all schools and nonessential stores in leicester to shut after a recent spike in cases the new local measures will be reviewed in 2 weeks the city accounts for 10 percent of all countrywide infections with a high number of children affected and the british Prime Minister will outline how his government plans to restart the economy in a few hours if years unemployment could rise to levels not seen since the 1980 s. In the wake of coronavirus now and see reports on the of rhonda valley in south wales where they are now more than 60 people chasing every job every shuts of shop every collapsed business tells a story of last hope theres barely a soul around bullied hasnt had a single customer all day so hes closing early if you look at some other clues and on this show. All readers. But. These 34 months this is ok. If you know lose everything everybody lose their job. The valley used to be thriving the largest coal seam in britain led to the villages being built around the mines but its all been gone for 40 years and the communities are stranded there are now 63 people chasing every job here is the 2nd highest Unemployment Rate in the entire u. K. Boris johnsons government was elected on an express promise to what he called level up provide vast amounts of Financial Support to the left behind communities around the u. K. Like this and that was in december before the virus even came here all thats done is to massively amplify enormous problems that were already there. Many of these places dont even have a railway line connecting them to the big cities but even if thats what the government side deal of Infrastructure Spending looks like its directly at all with what the rhonda says it really needs which is a new sustainable local economy to replace the warm the disappeared weve suffered in the past where jobs have been created by Large Companies who come in and taken grants and exploited low wage labor and then up sticks and left as soon as the Economic Conditions change if we were able to invest in people owning their own businesses in the form of cooperatives people actually own in the means of production then theyre more likely to stay in these communities and i see no reason at all why government cant be investing in that way now and what will johnson do to immediately replace all those jobs lost in the 1st half of this year big infrastructure plans take years to get off the ground if you want economics to represent a kind of diverse decentralized inclusive britain then you have to think other than just spend money on projects its all about ensuring communities can be sustainable can thrive and people can find prosperity in a brief part of every kind of community in every city in every region of the u. K. Goes a long way beyond pouring concrete on the Economic Situation in places like this is so dire that arguably anything is better than nothing but if whats on offer is Something Like a new railway line to get people out it isnt the same as finding ways they can stay largely aljazeera in the role of early one of the biggest acts in the world is fighting for is survival just so les is set to 5 a bankruptcy protection at Quebec Superior Court in canada down to say its been forced to cancel all its shows around the world because of the pandemic and montreal based firm says it will cut 3500. 00 jobs 95 percent of its staff. India has bans nearly 60 chinese mobile phone applications citing National Security concerns popular apps like to talk we chat and share have been blocked the ban comes 2 weeks after at least 20 indian soldiers were killed along its disputed border with china its a 1st sign that india has moved to block so many foreign apps. The dutch government hopes to raise at least a 1000000000. 00 by auctioning off band with 45. 00 g. Networks the auction which began on monday comes after months of speculation and concerns about the safety of the network said lawson explains why rice school suppose some holes there are a familiar sight in modern day landscapes communication towers that should soon provide the dutch with internet speeds 100 times faster than current 4 g. Connections but i have also become a popular target for activists protesting against 5 g. Dozens have been satellite in the madelines in the past few months while protests and the covert 1000 pandemic have delayed the introduction of 5 g. In other European Countries the netherlands has given the green light if you as a country can support all grounds of a precocious with 5 then maybe your county is the 1st where all these applications are used maybe there are also developed in your country and that stimulates the economy of the applications the netherlands is keen to develop with 5 g. Ourselves driving cars robot arms in hospitals and feeding cattle with drones in agriculture while the fastest frequency of 3 and a half megahertz can only be auctioned off to 2021 providers hope that 900. 00 megahertz frequency thats currently being auctioned can lead to a huge change in these industries. Well parliament has asked for more research into the possible Health Effects of 5 g. The bidding process is now in full swing judges have ruled that if risk become apparent the implementation of 5 g. Should be reconsidered but with so much money and so many interests at stake some are wondering if this new technology could be stopped. After losing a court case against the government the group stopped 5 g. Has appealed against the verdict they say that the government should wait until the Health Report has been sent to parliament so its very remarkable that they dont break the outcome of the reports because we have to know about the safety all 5 and its weird like medicines medicines are not coming into the market before they are tested on safety and now its to ensure every shoot great the outcome from from this Health Council she says some International Research shows that radiation from 5 g. Could lead to cancer or d. N. A. Damage but other reports say theres no evidence for this the dutch Health Report is not expected until the end of next month by dent 5 g. Could already be up and running step bason aljazeera the hague. Where again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera chinas top legislative body has unanimously approved in National Security law for hong kong it will make acts of dissent illegal with heavy penalties for those who break the law beijing bypassed the territories legislative tame polls allow katrina you has more from chinas capital. We know that this law was extremely fast tracked here in beijing only 40 days since it was 1st announced during Chinas National Peoples Congress and thats incredibly quick when you consider more schools in china take years to pass so this really demonstrates beijings determination to stamp out these prodemocracy protests which many apple analysts say were simply too much of a threat to chinas power in Hong Kong China leaders on the other hand say that these protests were to disrupt of their too much of threat to the region stability to its prosperity that this law marks a fresh start. The w. H. O. Is warning coronavirus is far from being under control as cases continue to search globally theres been a recent spike in the u. S. And thats forcing at least a dozen states and cities to rethink their reopening strategies as a u. K. Prepares to leave small restrictions the city of leicester will remain under lockdown barely 2 weeks after it began reopening Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ordered a whole schools and nonessential source to shut after recent spike in cases a new local measures will be reviewed in 2 weeks the white house says democrats will be briefed on reports that russia paid taliban fighters to target american troops in afghanistan they were initially left out of briefing on monday its been rated deals that senior officials knew about the allegations months ago by present donald trump says he wasnt told. There are reports israels top leaders foreign minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Main Coalition partner benny gantz are odds about the countrys banned onyx ation of the occupied west bank and its now was said to move forward with a plan as early as this week but again says the priority right now should be fighting the coronavirus pandemic those are the headlines on aljazeera as always more news on our website aljazeera dot com coming up next its a stream disable this. On the deserted streets of borgata theyve become familiar figures couriers on bicycles delivering food or medicine to lock down colombians most of them here are venezuelan migrants my god this a mother of 4 says contagion is always on her mind none of them receive Health Insurance for their work and exposing themselves and very few seem to have it yet there may be a bright side people who look down on them as a skilled migrants now say theyre essential to control the virus i receive messages on the out saying that me under you knows i was a nurse back home what i am doing is not all that different from my passion helping others. Can you watching the strain today were going to be looking at corona virus and children a mother to see seems to impact children in a different life in the way that it impacts adults packing about 19 and kids early i spoke to tell me and today the almost 6 and 7 year old nephews in london are i asked them what was you like to ask our expert panel is a listen. Why dont we end with a play for our friends a game. They always do not get no one tonight thats a question that the kids who want to know like big dogs would want to know i want to know when i can play by friends again. You wont get anywhere near it well thank you jamie i am sure you have questions as well if youre watching on you jump into the chat and you can be part of todays conversation. I am going to say hello to the guest the guests will say hello to the he me it is great to have you back on the stream introduce yourselves to our international audience

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