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Watching by. Traffic ministration official strait is blamed for. Every trace of the cycle. If. You believe it or believe the. Virus originated. Hello im richard just britain youre watching a special edition of the listening post coburg 90 as the worlds 2 most powerful countries the usa and china are staring each other down so far its been a war of words and sound bites a blame game over the origins of the pandemic and each sides response to it conducted mostly through the news. The chinese and American Media industries are ideological opposites one operates under the watch of communist party censors the other under a capitalist free market dominated by a handful of mega conglomerates but news outlets in both countries have found their own ways to bolster the talking points of their respective governments later in this program well hear from a chinese news anchor on the role of journalism in this soft power conflict but 1st the listening posts. On how the pandemic has been covered on each side of the sino American News to. A chinese doctor who had been scolded in his own country for sounding an Early Warning about corona virus has died. In the media ecosystems of the United States and china a ward of competing called 990 teams is undergoing stories of the pandemic have taken on radically different meanings few more so than the case of dr lehman young. Lets start with the facts on december 30th 2019 when young a doctor who hunts Central Hospital and a group of his colleagues on be checked the messaging app about an outbreak of this change in pneumonia like midas screenshots of these messages leaked out of the chat group onto the open internet and on january 3rd Nuclear Police called him in for questioning they got him to sign a confession admitting to making quote false comments. And when lee died one month from the v. T. Violence he had been warning of. Had a problem on its hands. Hours in the home throughout the period. And then. To live through that and see help people proscar is through the extraordinary it was tremendous eruption of emotion and feel and sympathy also in you display a chart of the attention domestic commercial us media. Day authorities there realized that not only the police made a huge mistake reprimanding harriman also there is the danger that he will be out with them become a martyr. Chinas state media did not shy away from the martyr label the needed their own shifting the narrative from criticism of beijing to unities for dr lee ambitious issue that clyde again hamon the trend out ship trade mostly to hear the u. S. Media tell it he was the heroic whistleblower who defied an authoritarian communist government and his story fit tightly into an emerging wider narrative of a chinese cover up that of action had been taken when he and others started shouting about war the barrier to be outbreak might have been understood sooner. Its a tempting theory the truth however is more complicated several days before you even had alerted his colleagues another woo 100 doctors junk and was sounding the alarm via official state approved channels. Who warnings went up the chain she was not reprimanded and on december 31st 4 days before dr g. Signed his confession china alerted the World Health Organization to a dangerous unknown vitus within 24 hours of that the United States government was also informed me to you argue that in reporting on chinas handling of the coronavirus us news outlets have taken a seat. Elective approach on which facts and which stories matter can you talk about that in the context of the cases of these 2 doctors. These 2 stories side by side story things happening. And whats stunning is the western media ignores. And the orchestra believes because its a reprimand and reprimand. The virus grow pandemic because chinese official silenced Health Authorities in that country who tried to warn the public about the reprimand of not elite on the 3rd of january the World Health Organization was in on the 31st of december 2000 name its a very curious pressure when somebody is reprimanded be awarded all the international body. Journalists do have good reason to be suspicious of the chinese authorities in 2003 china initially covered up the sars epidemic so there was a track record there uncovered 19 a number of american outlets have reported on feelings at Different Levels of the chinese bureaucracy. As the wider spread a consensus emerged voices from American News studios and opinion pages seen that the communist authoritarian system was in root cause of this pandemic. Could have put us closer to the story though there was more to it chris youve worked as a journalist in china for more than 2 decades you put in chinas covert 900 sponsors for the New York Times what do you make of this notion of a systematic cover up orchestrated by beijing. Well its one of those accusations of which you look at the evidence is actually much more complex process the way the evidence suggests. There were problems of communication within the Chinese Government and i think its probably true Health Officials in beijing were trying to figure out. Just. So no words i dont think from the very beginning the central leadership in voting follows what was happening. At all was of were going to have. More than that big the Chinese Government did panic when this unfamiliar virus was 1st discovered they didnt have a solid plan however they soon realized how dangerous it was and quickly change strategy sol just 20 days after decoding the virus the government decisively put upon a city with a population of more than 10000000 people under lockdown im not sure any western government could have acted with such resolute force of either being the woman your. Initial stages of the outbreak early january there was a brief burst of critical journalism in china but as beijing went into crisis mode that windows closed on february the 4th chinas Central Propaganda Department did something few governments could put off. Guard. This sent hundreds of reporters into han to cover the governments response chinese political system the media. Very much kind of mediating between the population and the government in the says that the media should be the mouthpiece of the government propagating policy to the public. Dont jump to. The assumption is that in a marxist leninist state the media should educate themselves constantly by going to the public to understand what are the issues of the common. Population so that the media can also reflect to those who are in power change the header and often dies which is other countries as he i am dangerous at night as well daryn as jane eyre someone huge. Chunk of. Change here especially focused on the us or at least senior government officials used having a cold war mentality and really believe that only. The deterioration in bilateral relations on the west side. Because we cant continue to allow china to raise our country and thats what theyre doing hostility towards china has been a running theme of Donald Trumps presidency and thats the widest began to rip through the United States trump went on the offensive with an incendiary allegation that called in 1900 originated in a border treaty in behind. You see anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that there will hand into the. Was the origin. Yes or. No evidence to support that claim which numerous experts have dismissed the audition however lies not with the president but with the press in lead genuity the Washington Times an ultra conservative fringe paper published this dubious article. The story was mostly ignored and 2 months later the times i did it editorial note saying that scientists saw no signs that the vitus had been manufactured in a lab and yet clear weeks after that the lab went mainstream in an opinion piece in the Washington Post on april 14th columnist joshua. Reported on a diplomatic cable in which american officials in beijing expressed concerns about safety at the lab a cd is shortage of appropriately trained technicians for example. Who concluded officials who talked up the leaked beauty and from there it spread but there is a growing belief that the covert 19 virus originated in the was on the last u. S. Intelligence officials tell c. N. N. They are investigating another possible source suggesting the virus possibly started in a war on black the article by joshua in the Washington Post was a pretty traditional leak. Verified authentic. Will initially visit. Resulted in security concerns that that always belong in the public space i think what were talking about is. Into which that article landed you gotta understand the u. S. Government has only just. U. S. Department under pressure or might be or is searching for a certain. John or when the respectable press starts through or a story thats actually a story reserved in the cultural mainstream then you have drowned. And others go out there are let me repeat the right. Number term has a history of infecting the world and they have a history of running substandard laboratories it isnt being. Going in general consensus. The absence of evidence on the ruhani lab leaked purity has led some u. S. News outlets to push back against it including the Washington Post itself but the notion seems to have taken root. According to a point conducted in me for the economist magazine 14. 9 percent of americans believe the virus probably or definitely originated in a chinese new border tree then there is the fallout of this beauty in china itself. Will be a 1000. 00 make one. In china people have heard these upsurge accusations from the us and we think it is simply their way of shifting the blame for their disastrous handling of the epidemic onto us from the start this is being a one sided arm justified verbal onslaught stop we should stop this meaningless war of words immediately and try to politicize the global fight against 19 this state of constantly accusing one another as yourself who are quite a few. Chinese media clearly didnt get that memo state news outlets have echoed government officials by insinuating that the virus originated not in china but in the United States they order it through to order. It involved what you should we dont want but actually. There seem to we are so an interesting change. In terms of carrier is a language used by the state media to want to hire we. Couldnt we be sure if you are some. Sure its all your. Boss should wish totally unsuitable. In a way this is reaching a new level in terms of the assertiveness. In the kind of language being used to. Get accusations from the u. S. Chinas rise economically technologically in the Asia Pacific Region and beyond has presented the United States with the potential rival on the world stage for the 1st time since the fall of the soviet union a growing information divide is just one sign of a new cold war. Unfolding journalists have been caught in the crossfire chinese out hits in the United States have been made to register as agents of the government while american deporter is in china have been expelled but perhaps most significant is the growing schism between ordinary chinese and americans. A survey taken in april found that 77 percent of americans blame china for the pandemic and more than half think beaching should be reparations as the headlines get more strident in the history of the media commentary more aggressive and as politicians on both sides see increasingly useful enemies in one another the risk of a confrontation between 2 nuclear heavyweights gross. Its extremely dangerous for 2 reasons one mr trump. Do of them have been ramping up their rhetoric and i think its very dangerous on the one side secondly the United States has brought in enormous amount of military hardware into the region eldest this hypersonic Cruise Missile which can strike anywhere in the planet in under an hour you know not somebody who says your own lives runaround. But United States rhetoric and the infrastructure war that its created could lead to a flashpoint that privilege here but i do think there is a risk that this period of intense emotional distrust between the 2 countries can crystallize into something more enduring. And thats something that both societies both countries both governments in a sense both immediately munni we will have to address. One big german wants to take its message to the world that has a state funded english Language Television news channel. Its disposal c g t N Broadcasting in more than 100. 00 countries reaching 13000000. 00 homes in the u. S. Alone c g t unstated aim is to bring the chinese perspective to global news but going global means that your journalism become subject to various local rules and regulations and dirty last year the American Government compelled c. G. T. N. To register as a Foreign Agent in the us were going to get the c. G. T. N. Side of the story now from so you way he anchors the networks flagship talk show dialogue 0 is based in beijing but he brings an interesting perspective to the coronavirus story he cut his teeth as a reporter working for will haunt t. V. In his current job hes been known to take the foreign media to task for their coverage of china. Sober up call that 19 respects no National Mourners no social mounds no political systems and no cultural values. Justice are extreme and aggressive these are the words used to describe chinas response. Now i have come to terms with the new norm. Desperate times. Measure. Desperate to. Politics. Now. Mr zorra we just watched the c g t n a video that you fronted in march on chinas response to cope with 19 in that video you said that we should not put politics ahead of Public Health what was your intention in producing that piece well the intention was as you said to portray chinas response to a covert 19 and i had an opinion that this issue has been too much politicized and the politicization of a health issue a Global Health issue was not helpful for all human beings thats why i want to explain what i think of chinas experience why did china did the way it did and maybe the rest of the world should listen to what china has been doing from the perspective of the chinese coming from want to see treaty and as a state funded news network not unlike voice of america or r t from russia or indeed our network aljazeera which is owned by the government of qatar but your Mission Statement which says explicitly that your aim is to bring a chinese perspective to global news at aljazeera were not out to bring a qatari perspective to global news so tell me what should viewers take from that description. I dont believe chinese perspective is among the electric thing of course every journalistic institutions as is own philosophy we are johnnies media of course many of our journalists are from china and they have their own. Philosophical historical cultural backgrounds thats thats unavoidable we still do journalism roughly the same to tell the truth to the world of course probably sometimes it doesnt sound and look exactly the same but in the core journalism practiced by chinese journalists or british or american or. Are basically the same because c. G. T. N. Is an International News Network Since your launch in 2016 youve been running into problems with certain overseas regulators britain for instance off call the media watchdog there has criticised c. G. Coverage of the protest movement in hong kong saying it broke its rules of an alley so what would you say to a regulator like about that decision. Well we have to brave the regulations and laws in Different Countries if you want to be an International Broadcaster thats the. Base baseline for every broadcaster a guess but i dont think of columns the solution is 100 percent fair and as a newcomer to the International Broadcasting business there is a learning curve obviously i think. Is their earning to operate their businesses in Different Countries and different legal environments c. T. M. Seems to be spending more time than ever these days countering western media narratives of human rights abuses in china for instance the mass incarceration of muslims in the province of singeing tell me specifically what was it about that reporting that you take issue. I cannot say. Western media in a broad stroke but some of them did portray the problem or the hong kong problem i think it had to biased or. Too narrow a lens they see everything in china happening. Through their lens of their judgement which is that. Story is an incarceration of muslims the people here in china see what is happening. As efforts to contain terrorism from happening and bring it cannot make stability and prosperity to the people yes freedom were restricted and they were sent to training schools. They were not incarcerated in the legal sense. And things have being blown out of proportion by some western media it is being skewered and distorted in a way that the chinese didnt think it is a fair treatment of the issue but how is it skewing the coverage when the evidence that those reporters used to him from official Chinese Government documents mr joe that speak of and im quoting now cleansing peoples brains of religious thoughts how do you do Something Like that. Thats why the problem is you think it is the cleansing of minds of millions of people where here we say it is basically education or messaging i think those muslims who are sent to the training schools are inclined. To be extreme and they need to listen to the other side of the argument and what is that is what is happening in those Training Centers of course you can have arguments over all those kind of issues what i really think it is not fair is that. Western media believe they are morally superior they are systematically better than the chinese version so. The chinese may be sometimes feel they are a lecturing on all the time which is shouldnt be the approach we offer communicating. You broke into this business in the mid 1990 s. Then went to c. G. T. N. In 2003 and as you well know that was a different time for chinese journalism the country was experimenting with a greater freedom of the press but those freedoms were then rolled back post 2008 after the beijing olympics were over and then presidency jinping made it official didnt he when he said the chinese journalists their job was to reflect the interests of the communist party so tell me is the journalism that youre currently practicing what you would hope to be doing when you entered this field in the mid ninetys and then went to see. First of all im a pragmatist im always trying to do the best in the context so. Any country or any culture it is evolving all the time i dont believe i should be judged mental on where we are but we should be adaptive and also learn to make the best out of the situation we are now in but i believe china like the rest of the world is moving ahead i will keep a close watch and do my best to tell the story as it is as i understand it 0 you way of c g t n thanks very much for speaking with us today thank you richard. This under cleared media war between china and the us is not really a fair fight because for every c. G. T. N. Theres a fox news a c. N. N. And m. S. N. B. C. For every chinese paper like the global times the us has a New York Times a Washington Post a wall street journal the other thing to consider is for all of the flaws in contemporary american journalism it does have a reputation for independent reporting the chinas censor journalists lack what the covert 19 story needs is more on the science less of the binary blame game on both sides because when Nuclear Powers are at odds there are implications for us all youve been watching a special edition of our program on the sino American News divide well see you next time here at the listening post. On. This is al jazeera im 13 obligato with a check on your world headlines its 25 years since the massacre would saw more than 8000 muslim men and boys murdered by bosnian serb troops in the town of srebrenica at a ceremony commemorating the killings some of the victims were finally laid to rest but the remains of more than a 1000 others are still missing sagna gago reports. They came to grief. But in a pandemic fuel were able to gather together but the dead

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