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A hit squad to canada to kill him and donald trump signs an executive order banning americans from carrying out transactions with the chinese only its up to. You. Thank you very much for joining as the governing party of sri lankas president go to buy a rajapaksa has won a landslide victory in parliamentary elections and along with its allies it has security 2 thirds majority giving the president the power to enact sweeping changes to the constitution the sri lankans peoples front is led by rajapaksa brothers the rajapaksa grab brothers. Who Service President and Prime Minister respectively the results now look certain to strengthen their dynastic rule but its raising fears of weakening government institutions such as independent commissions for police and Public Services that speak to our correspondent in colombo me now fernandez me now so a super majority for the rajapaksa brothers how are they able to achieve this break down the numbers for us focused. Basically its a reflection of the sort of mindset of the show long can people i mean in the sort of immediate times what has been at the top of peoples minds obviously is the coronavirus pandemic and what they see as the very successful handling of that pandemic which has largely shielded sri lanka sort of limiting sri lankas coronavirus deaths to 11 limiting the spread so thats very much at the top of peoples minds and the we and the efficiency which the current government led by present gautami rajapaksa has managed things they contrast this fully a lot with the shambles we had just over a year ago when this country had one of the biggest bomb attacks in this country on Easter Sunday and there was a lot of uncertainty questions of National Security so the is a p. P. Government of the rajapakse is made strides in terms of proving and winning over the confidence of the public that they are doing is that they would be the best choice to sort of manage the lankan. Sort of issues at the moment which the face coupled with that is a dismal performance of the previous government set up as the Good Governance government 5 you will sort of recall that they were the government that displaced in the rajapaksa in 2015 sweeping the boards and bringing a shock sort of defeat to rajapaksa but just within one term they have absolutely squandered that good will people have lost confidence in them and that is what were seeing in terms of the shape of the vote saw 145. 00 seats in total with the numbers that they won the seats in parliament plus a certain allocation on a National List but they do have a number of allies that they can drop in to bring in the s. L. P. P. That magic 2 thirds majority number. Which gives them control in parliament to Carry Forward essential each changes that they had mapped out not just changes but even bringing in a new constitution which they asked for a mandate for so yeah what changes are we going to see now as a result of this victory. Fully well have to see the specifics but both 5 the president go tubby rajapaksa and his brother my in the rajapakse of the Prime Minister had gone to the people on the campaign trail saying give us the mandate give us the 2 thirds to change the constitution they have been critical of the constitution saying that it does not allow them to person to their vision obviously the constitution and lassitude changes by that previous government one of the few achievements they did make while in power was to strengthen essentially parliament to dilute slightly the powers of a very strong executive president in favor of parliament they set up independent institutions they did give a certain oversight in terms of to the Supreme Court over executive functions so there were certain gains that had been made but these gains are something that the a so b. P. Did talk about changing not the gains but overall constitutional changes now its a bit ironic because that last 19th amendment that brought all these positive changes was passed with an overwhelming majority of 215 out of the 225 members of parliament when it passed but then it started becoming really fide and this government and the rajapaksa have been talking about peeling back their constitution and bringing a new constitution which allows them to pursue with their vision for sri lanka thank you for that me now fernando is reporting there live from colombo. In other world news anger has boiled over on the streets of beirut as residents direct blame for tuesdays deadly port explosion at lebanons leaders protesters took to the streets chanting revolution and resign as french president Emmanuel Michel visited the capital and called for an International Investigation into the blast that killed 149 people 16 employees of beirut sports have been detained by protesters want a complete overhaul of lebanons political elite tensions had been running high before the disaster with political leaders accuse of corruption and mismanagement and the country pushed to the brink of economic collapse a french president toured neighborhoods devastated by the chemical explosion is backing calls for a new political order then a smith reports from beirut. On the streets of beirut on thursday frances president Emmanuel Mccomas essentially moped by people many of them calling her turn of the french mandate france was the clothing power here before independence and its because micro has essentially stepped into a void left by lebanons own political leaders not drawn has been able to offer practical support in the terms of the medical teams on Financial Assistance to beirut and hes offered a routine moral support as well but hasnt come from lebanons open little classes they havent been able to do that and theyve been conspicuous by their absence from the streets since the catastrophic explosion did not i know is that the people of lebanon have electricity shut down every day and its not working the provision of imports and exports has collapsed because of the Financial System and so there are outs as for the short term that we need as we know the answer is to fight corruption reform the energy and electricity systems the customs we need transparency for imports and exports we need reforms for all the sectors and insist on these changes quickly. Many beirut as most people. Ive been left to their own devices we spent the day Walking Around parts of beirut and we saw armies of young people with brushes and dustpans and pickups and shovels beginning to clean up we didnt see the military we didnt see the police and it was the french president who said he wants to see a new political order here in lebanon he wants to see a dramatic change in the way that this country is going i imagine c aid has started to arrive in lebanon with the european arab in Asian Countries sending Doctors Medical supplies field hospitals and rescue teams is in a harder has more on that search and rescue teams are still digging through the rubble at beirut port the site of massive explosions that damaged or destroyed much of the lebanese capital families are desperate for news about their loved ones dozens are missing there is pain and grief zainab fears she will never see her husband allie again. About a son is a still are still i dont know where he is i havent heard from him since 6 pm monday i want to know if hes alive or dead. Rescue experts from abroad have started to arrive to help a country that wasnt prepared to cope with a disaster like this all of us are. Helping get each other with the army to fund more corpses theres still a lot of destruction we need to move the stock to building to find there is some somebody else. The blasts were felt kilometers away killing dozens and wounding thousands buildings homes shops destroyed 300000. 00 people displaced billions of dollars in damage investigations are focusing on possible negligence in storing tons of highly explosive material at the port officials have promised assistance and compensation to those affected by the explosions but driving around the city the state is noticeably absent and destroyed neighborhoods like this one it is the people who are helping each other they are cleaning the streets clearing the debris and distributing food and water to those in need public anger against the Political Class many believe is responsible for lebanons near economic collapse is not new decades of corruption in the glare triggered an antiestablishment Movement Last october weve been fortunate going used to this day not being present for it since we dont have properly just city we dont have a proper garbage infrastructure we dont have proper water infrastructures and unfortunately the people have gotten used to it but its its its a time for change its weve been asking for change for quite some time and i think this last catastrophe is going to make change for the country much better the priority now is to help the victims many are still in hospital in Critical Condition calls for accountability and justice are growing louder for now people are focused to rely on themselves i need money to rule. Myself. Can i need everything. To be. So this is why im here i want to. Leave and. Some may call it resilience but for many this is about survival nearly half the population of 5000000 lebanese were below the poverty line before this disaster the situation has since got worse. Beirut. The Saudi Crown Prince is accused of sending a group of hit men to canada in a failed attempt to kill one of his former top intelligence officials the alleged jobbery has filed a lawsuit in the u. S. Media there reporting that interpol rejected a request from riyadh to extradite al jobbery in 2017 describing it as politically motivated mike hanna reports from washington. Crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon has been painted in the white house but now in papers before a washington d. C. Court hes alleged to have ordered death squads to torture and to system 8 opponents the case is being brought by a former saudi Intelligence Officer saad are japery who alleges the crown prince sent a team called the tigers squad to canada to kill him the Court Papers Say the men were denied entry by suspicious Canadian Border guards. This detailed flow chart submitted to the court identifies key members of the assassination squad and others involved including what are described as forensic technicians skilled in criminal evidence removal and their image of the hit squad that is believed to have murdered and dismembered journalist Jamal Khashoggi in istanbul in 2018 i know that there are women. All over the world in germany and france and canada. Run away from sort of area because there. Are questions from the government which is. One of them is omar up the legs he is also resident in canada mentioned in the court filing as another potential target of assassination and who posted this video in reaction to the news the case has been brought in terms of legislation that allows non us citizens to take action in federal courts against foreign individuals who have committed torture and or extra judicial killings in addition side algebra he argues that the hit squad assembled in the United States before attempting to enter canada saddle japanese children now aged 20 and 21 are being held at an undisclosed location in saudi arabia as what he describes as human bait to draw him out of hiding last month for senators sent a letter to President Trump saying the u. S. Had a moral obligation to press saudi authorities call their release the president in the past has made clear that regardless of the allegations of Human Rights Violations against the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman remains a valued ally and friend mike hanna aljazeera washington. I still ahead on aljazeera claims that government corruption has marred south africas Coronavirus Response leaving health care where it has lives at risk and new yorks attorney general goes to battle with the National Rifle association in a bid to dissolve the gun lobby. More some of storms across eastern parts of the u. S. At the moment lots of cloud still showing up here well wet weather coming in just around the carolinas easing up across virginia heading up towards new Jersey New York and into new england behind it and retry wanted to show us the scattered and well see similar wetter weather just spilling out of the canadian prairies down across the plains easing a little further east which is we go through sas a bit behind that hot and sunny more sentients lifting those temperatures around 44. 00 celsius there for phoenix and the state funded dry rotted out west coast of the u. S. Much of western kind of the also seeing a good deal of settled and sunny weather some settled in sunny whether its in the caribbean but so we got some lively showers once again just around the western side of the caribbean into Central America thats where the heaviest rain is going to be over the next couple days but we will still see some western weather just around the Eastern Island so i think the wettest weather is going to be across the way in woods as we go on through friday still quite a rush of showers here as we go into saturday but the league was also seeing some of that western weather at that stage a few showers coming in across hispaniola some wetter whether theyre actually pushing into jamaica well see a little bit of sherry right as northern parts of cuba have been over the top temperature 32. That. Was the weve been through a lot of the us are we but we cut the rest in 2017 people in power investigated why trinidad and tobago became a ripe recruiting grounds for isis. To fulfill or so this is known for almost 2020 we return to uncover the fate of those who left their homeland to join conflicts in iraq and syria or caribbean to caliph it on just you don. Youre watching aljazeera live from doha with me for the bad people a reminder of our top stories the rajapaksa brothers have won a landslide victory in sri lankas parliamentary elections along with their president go to by roger and his brother incumbent Prime Minister mahinda secured the 2 thirds bottom entry majority needed to carry out sweeping reforms 16 port officials have been detained as the investigation into lebanon steadily explosion continues the tests of been held in central beirut calling for a complete overhaul of the political elite a move by visiting french president emanuel michel. And saudi arabias crown prince whos accused of sending a group of hit men to canada in a failed attempt to kill one of his former top intelligence officials the alleged target saddam jobbery is filing a lawsuit in washington d. C. U. S. Present donald trump has issued an executive order banning business with the Parent Company of social media to talk the order brocks any transaction with a company by dance and the owner of the messaging we chat starting in 45 days says the chinese owned apps are being used for gathering uses data for this Information Campaign and that it poses a threat to u. S. National security jim anderson is a c. E. O. Of social flow a tech firm which helps Media Companies it says it was a lack of trust between the u. S. And china which led to trumps decision. Well i think the big concern has been the chinese ownership by dances of a Chinese Company and to talk has gone to Great Lengths to try to assure people that the Chinese Government has never requested dance provide or take tough provide information certainly not on u. S. Citizens i think the real concern though is the fact that they havent done that yet doesnt mean they wont do that in the future and if the company is owned by a Chinese Company theyre really not going to be able to its user requests like that from the Chinese Government so actually i think you combine that with the escalating tensions thats been going on on the trade front end of the fronts between the u. S. And china and that leaves us where we are right now but the big news of course is that microsoft has reached at least a tentative accord to acquire some of the assets of tick tock the u. S. Application canada australian u. K. I believe was the domain the Financial Times today just reported that theyre actually talking about buying me and i are take out with patient globally which in some ways would make a lot more sense microsoft is certainly a Big Enough Company to be able to fund that kind of acquisition and to support that kind of acquisition globally you know the question is whether right dance is going to want to displace off the u. S. And some other markets from the global you know application and that obviously presents tremendous technical challenges and theres no way that that could could happen in the next 40 days new York State Attorney general is suing the influential Gun Lobby Group the National Rifle association several executives are accused of siphoning off millions of dollars to fund lifestyles it any general says the organization should be dissolved altogether shabba tansey reports from neil. New yorks attorney general had promised to shine a light on the National Rifle association when she was elected after 18 months of investigation Leticia James know that just c. E. O. Wayne lapierre and 3 other former and current executives use the n. R. A. As their personal piggy banks specifically mr la pierre spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of the n. R. A. His charitable assets for personal private plane trips for himself and his stamp including extended family when he was not present it is it in the bahamas by private erics charter at least 8 times in approximate 3 year period with his family the suit claims that 64000000. 00 was siphoned off over 3 years money the attorney general once paid back in addition james says there is no alternative but to dissolve the n. R. A. As a Nonprofit Organization transit in new york the n. R. A. Was founded 148 years ago but only began lobbying as a Gun Rights Organization in the late seventys since then it successfully blocked gun control legislation however its power lies not so much in its financial clout but its ability to mobilize its supporters at elections to vote for candidates who reject gun control something reflected in its response to the challenges this was a baseless premeditated attack on our organization the n. R. A. Said you could have set your watch but the investigation is going to reach its crescendo as we move in to the 2020 alexion cycle. The filing of the lawsuit may have an impact the major donors to the n. R. A. We draw in the hours war and the n. R. A. Has been very active. Courting political candidates who would make something of a difference to various races the going on around hunch or even possibly. Even the president ial race whatever the implications for the n. R. A. Itself the Trump Campaign is hoping that this lawsuit will address the n. R. A. Has conservative base just as republicans have been worrying about turnout the president began campaigning on the attorney generals announcement soon after it was made just like the radical left new york is trying to destroy the n. R. A. He tweeted if biden becomes president your great 2nd amendment doesnt have a charmes your guns will be taken away immediately and without notice no police no guns and at the white house he suggested the organization should simply relocate i think the n. R. A. Should move to texas. And lead a very good uniform like the n. R. A. Has filed a counter suit against new york state which means this will be a very long drawn out process litigation that may take years even if the n. R. A. Loses donors or is dissolved as a nonprofit in new york as the president suggests that would be the end of the gun lobby in the United States she had the aljazeera new york. Democrats and republicans in the u. S. Have once again failed to come up with a deal over unemployment payments during the coronavirus pandemic House Speaker nancy pelosi says the 2 party just so very part far apart in negotiations millions of americans have been struggling since the side of the month when a 600. 00 unemployment payment and it when they said a skinny proposal was anorexic. And it was not to meet the needs of the American People what you know what what is a negotiation about its not about who gets more what in the halls of congress its about what a chance late into the lives of the American People and thats why i kept asking why why would you do this why wont you do this why wont you do this nonetheless weve had some further exchange of paper to be clarified to see if we can find some further a Common Ground but were very far apart as is most unfortunate and the leaders of 2 west african nations are expected to run for controversial 3rd terms in october in ivory coast president Alassane Ouattara formally accepted the ruling partys nomination unfair is they but his opponents say it violates the constitution attire has governed since 2011 and had said he would not run again but his preferred successor died in july meanwhile guineas governing body has asked president conde to seek a 3rd term in office at elections due this year spite months of protests against extending the 82 year olds time in office under guinea and not president s can only serve 2 terms but conde push or a new constitution earlier this year and that reset the term allowing him to run again for office a quasi o. C. Is a professor of history and Political Science at Delaware State University he says its clear what president gandhis motivation is in seeking a tad of ink is purely a question of power has been for quite a while since 2010 and so it believes that he wants to continue to enjoy the yes thats whats motivating the people who are going to let him know that theyre not happy that hes going against their wishes im hoping that the leadership on the west coast as they try to do in mali would also try to into being. To prevent any possibility of violence but theres no question the president on day insists on running he changed the constitution and clearly is going most of the partys invitation to iraq. The number of covert 1000 cases in africa has now passed a 1000000 as the World Health Organization warns that a surge in cases could overwhelm hospitals so far more than 21000 people have died from the virus across the continent south africa accounts for more than half of the cases it also has the 5th highest number of infections globally while critics say government corruption has modest south africas response family miller reports from johannesburg. South africas Public Health sick to has for years been overwhelmed and now with a Global Pandemic infecting more than 500000 people here Public Hospitals are under more pressure. More than 24000. 00 Health Workers have contracted kovac 1181. 00 have died since march unions and workers say corruption is contributing to push Service Delivery and is putting lives at risk while the governments given contracts to Service Providers for personal protective equipment or p. P. E the prices have been inflated in other instances people has not been delivered at all or contracts have been given to companies and people connected to the government and the Ruling African National congress party. President s a little more plus i know we can use that as promised to deal with the croft corruption during a National Disaster is a particularly heinous type of crime those found to have broken the law to enrich themselves through this crisis will not get to enjoy the spoils regardless of who they are with whom they may be connected but drum up was us chief spokeswoman is embroiled in a scandal involving her husband tendencies a way hes companies been accused of winning a 7000000. 00 contract to supply p. P. E. Through his political connections decodes taken special leave and she and her husband deny breaking any laws the province of halting stop Health Official bundler must to go and his wife to. Have been implicated when the 1st infections were recorded back in march the government declared a state of disaster which meant that the normal tender procedure for government contracts was abandoned within days of the announcement a number of questionable contracts were awarded now the finals minister tetum but when he says the process has to be more transparent a Government Agency the special Investigative Unit says 102. 00 Companies Know how to get a loan under investigation while in other provinces officials have been suspended and investigations have begun but no ones yet been charged prosecuted corruption during this Health Crisis is estimated to have cost the country more than 116000000. 00 at a time when south africa is dealing with the 5th worst outbreak of culvert 19 in the world for me to malaya aljazeera johannesburg a surgeon coronavirus cases in the philippines means it has become the country with the most infections in east asia this has prompted another lockdown and in iran that in and around the capital manila acting millions of people and threatening to overwhelm hospitals the philippines so has less than half the number of deaths in indonesia but that number is also expected to increase now in brazil more than 13 percent of people are now unemployed nearly 9000000 jobs were lost between april and june because of the pandemic at least 17000000 people are now looking for work in south americas biggest economy. Emergency workers have rescued 3 people trapped by flooding in eastern china a daring operation to pacing is age young province which has been facing to wrench a rain storm typhoon hug repeat after a trek through dangerous terrain the rescuers managed to reach a vehicle that was talk on a flooded road surrounded by cliffs all the passengers were poor to safety. So again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera the rajapaksa brothers have won a landslide victory in sri lanka spot a mentor elections along with their allies their party has secured the 2 thirds majority needed to carry out sweeping constitutional reforms we now fernandes has more from colombo its a reflection of the sort of mindset of the shillong can people i mean in the sort of immediate times what has been at the top of peoples minds obviously is the coronavirus pandemic and what they see as the very successful handling of that pandemic which has largely shielded sri lanka sort of limiting sri lankas coronavirus states to 11 limiting the spread so thats very much at the top of peoples minds and the way of the efficiency which the current government led by president gautami rajapaksa has managed things. 16 border officials have been detained as the investigation into lebanon steadily explosion continues protests have been held in central beirut calling for a complete overhaul of the political elite a move by french president emmanuel and i called the Saudi Crown Prince is accused of sending a group of hit men to canada in a failed attempt to kill one of his former top intelligence officials the alleged target saddam jobbery is filing a lawsuit in washington u. S. President donald trump has issued an executive order banning business with the Parent Company of social media to talk the order brocks any transaction with the company bite done saying the owner of the messenger we chat starting in 45 days says the chinese own dogs are being used for gathering uses data for beijing and new york states attorney general is suing the influential Gun Lobby Group the National Rifle association several executives are accused of siphoning off millions of dollars to fund luxury lifestyles it turning general says the organization should be dissolved altogether those are the headlines on aljazeera coming up next year people in power. As protests rage over Police Brutality and corona virus grips the nation campaigning on the election trail has been forced to take a back seat will the president ial candidates ever hit the road and sell their brand of politics to americans before the vote follow the u. S. Elections on a. Caribbean stated trying to hack into bank and president being famous for its spectacular conduct putting 2017 we reported on a more sinister reputation it was then developing as the nation with the highest group and right to ice in the western hemisphere so what happened to the young trinidadians who went to join Islamic State for this updated episode giuliana rufus has been finding out

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