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Into a camp thousands of refugees are relocated on the greek island of less boss but there are new fears for their health and their safety. She was a pillar in the fight for womens rights and a liberal leader in the United States now the death of the long serving Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg is poised to trigger a significant political battle just weeks ahead of the u. S. President ial election even as the 87 year old was dying from pancreatic cancer she passed on a plea that there should be no rush to fill the vacancy in horses americas highest legal body alan fischer looks at her legacy. They started to gather on the steps of the Supreme Court in washington as news of Ruth Bader Ginsburgs death broke it brought flowers and candles the number swelled people marking a loss they felt personally. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was physically small but her presence loomed large on the court she was a blunt talking liberal who often challenge her conservative colleagues on the bench born to jewish immigrants in Brooklyn New York in 1033 ginsburg was a brilliant student she was one of only one woman to enroll in Harvard University law school in 1956 later transferring to Columbia University where she graduated at the top of her class the skins broke told one Television Interviewer no law firms wanted to hire a married mother i had 3 strikes against me when i was jewish. I was the mother of a 4 year old. But as the sixtys and seventys launched the Womens Movement ginsburg found a place in academia then as cofounder of a womens rights project for the American Civil Liberties union she wrote the 1st Supreme Court brief on gender discrimination after 12 years as an Appeals Court judge in washington d. C. President bill clinton appointed ginsburg to the u. S. Supreme court in 1993 ginsburg proved to be a consistent liberal voice on the increasingly conservative high court she supported abortion rights and gender equality she also advocated using International Laws to shape u. S. Laws there spoke in ginsburg for several battles with cancer her dying wish was the vacancy her passing creates will not be filled until after the election. Outside the court one trump supporter with a megaphone arge the president to move quickly he was joined by the chants of others. The president has already unveiled a list of people he wants to put on the court if he wins a 2nd term but leaving a rally he only praised justice ginsburg. Facing i mean what else can you say she was an amazing moment. In time she was an amazing woman. And in many ways you live. Near in there. And 2016 Justice Antonin Scalia a republican choice passed before the president ial election the senate refused to confirm a democrat successor named by president obama democratic candidate this time of joe biden says there must be no decision until the election has passed voters should pick the president and the president should pick the justice for the senate to consider this was the position of the Republican Senate took in 2060. Or almost 10 months to go before the election. Thats the position the state senate must take today the republican leader in the Senate Mitch Mcconnell says he will press ahead with nomination hearings if given a name by donald trump that is almost certainly going to happen now he might not be able to get confirmation hearings done by the election in november but could possibly push them through by the inauguration in january and if joe biden wins the election that could create a constitutional crisis here in the United States ginsburg strive to maintain strong liberal voices on the Supreme Court to balance the conservative ones that her own voice has been silenced that balance under threat alan fischer aljazeera outside the u. S. Supreme court. Well the make up of the Supreme Court could now take a sharp turn to the Political Rights thats because President Trump will likely try to put a conservative successor in place even if he doesnt win the elections early november now the court is made up of 9 members and up to now it has been split 5 to 4 in the conservatives favor chief Justice John Roberts was appointed by a republican president but recently acted as a swing vote this year that helped secure narrow victories for the liberals on issues such as immigration and the portion rights appointing another conservative would tip the balance further to the right ahead of the forthcoming cases on same sex adoption and health care 2 mr trump has already named around 40 candidates to fill a Supreme Court vacancy scott lucas is cofounder of america unfiltered thats a News Analysis website focusing on u. S. Politics and u. S. Foreign policy he says the Supreme Court could take a much different path if a conservative gets the job the question is what happens to the largest city in many ways we have seen this summer in the United States with interracial and marches those issues of rights and justice that shes highlighted but what well see in the next year with leaks is the attempt especially by the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. Hypocritically given that he stood 4 years ago for almost a year and blocked an appointment by barack obama to the court will say we want to rush this nomination through and we know that not that donald trump will try to go for someone 1st and foremost as he sees not only as a diehard conservative but someone that will defend him in the white house theres a couple of headline names there like senator ted cruz senator tom cotton i dont think thats what youre going to get youre going to get a judge from the lower ranks of the federal system and its not a guarantee its not a guarantee that a trump appointee will always be the conservative we see his 1st conservative middle course which vote with the moderates on certain issues but i think on this occasion donald trump will go for someone whos a real fire breather someone who will go in and try to shrug for example Health Care Rights there obamacare that will try to possibly shred economic rights environmental protections and possibly go for Supreme Court justice and this will be a big election issue who will try to help overturn roe versus wade which was the key decision almost 50 years ago that guaranteed abortion rights for women ok lets wrap up some of the top stories for you tens of thousands of people are rallying against the government in thailand in the capital bangkok hundreds forced their way on to a University Campus today they are the latest demonstrations in months of demands by the student that movement for new elections a written constitution and reforms to the monarchy when hey is there. Its very much a festive atmosphere at the moment this is the largest political gathering weve seen in thailand since a military coup in 2014 this movement was started by students and certainly they are still of the center of it but its gone way beyond just a student protest and certainly this crowd is the most diverse that we have seen in recent months there are reasons for that the demands that the students have been making for political change in thailand for political reforms are resonating in many different sectors of thai society and this is also the anniversary of the military coup in 2006 that saw the democratically elected government led by former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra removed from office and many supporters of him and his government have come out to join this protest that started it tom i thought university across the road even though the University Said that they couldnt gather there the gates are eventually opened and they were able to go into the University Grounds and now they have spread their protest across the road here to a park known as someone its a Historic Site used for many royal ceremonies over the centuries but in recent years its been off limits to the public its been fenced off the protest leaders say they want to take it back for the people and thats exactly what ive done. To peru where the president has survived an Impeachment Vote in Congress Martin the scada denied accusations of corruption and interfering with an investigation into government contracts awarded to a friend and i am a sanchez reports from lima. They voted against their own intentions one week after a majority of lawmakers decided to impeach president these got a for moral incapacity many voted against unseating him legislators said it was for the benefit of the country but due in the impeachment proceedings many had accused hes got over interfering in an investigation into a government contract awarded to a friend and the president denied any wrongdoing he said. Why are we here whats the basis that motivates this congress to impeach me which is the justified cause that until now cant be proven let me in government but many lawmakers who voted to impeach this gotta didnt give him the benefit of the doubt blank yet manage his idea all politicians must be ethical and we must demand Good Behavior thats why we must penalize the behaviors that go against the dignity appropriate for the most important job in the country. There were many different opinions throughout the proceedings some lawmakers condemned the president others said he was morally unfit to govern but the consensus was that he must be investigated but the law protects president s from prosecution until the end of their term making ashton. I will not accept the accusations against me they are biased i ask what is the crime im not saying things shouldnt be investigated on the contrary im the 1st to be interested that the truth is known. Since he took over the presidency met these cover confronted political enemies 7 cabinets ousted more than 60 ministers resigned he deserved to Congress Last year despite surviving the impeachment the 57 year old leader has only a few allies in the legislature with little support he must rely on Popular Support from peruvians and with 10 months to go until his term ends 79 percent said he should stay and yes im just im just. Still to come on this program for you calls for sudans government to do more to bring future disaster as a grapples with the worst flooding in a century plus. Im Charlie Rangel on the river in southwest england for an animal hunted to extinction 400 years ago is making a comeback attracting tourists helping to reduce flooding. Hello and welcome to look at the international forecast weve got cloud right making its way away from japan now but you can see a stationary weather front that stretches right back into that eastern side of china last going to produce more heavy downpours full of Central China as we go through the next couple days a little try there you notice in suture pan 23 celsius in tokyo so colder than it has been recently the wetter weather is in the process of pulling out into the open waters of the warm up a little as we go on into monday still some showers then to central posix pulse of maybe right making its way in by monday and quite humid sticky day there on monday down towards the south temperatures in hong kong at around 30 degrees celsius plenty of rain meanwhile up the western side of india the monsoon rain still doing quite nicely for some are looking at some very heavy rain up into the by a bingo myanmar will see possibilities some flooding here is that rain really sets in stretching into the far north east of India Bangladesh saying some very wet weather over the next day i would say when that will push its way a little further in life would be hot pushing up across parts of the eastern side of the country western pa straight the Western Ghats say more heavy showers all the way up into good droughts. This lamb so many now home to extraordinary town and move. To the cation hard work transformed child scavenging just south into professional economy now she has the strings technique i mean shes a very strong a mixed martial not high tech just want to please play from the streets to success in the ring so i could probably hear this is your. The fish. Does live on aljazeera. Order. You want to know just 0 my names peter told me these are your top stories the u. S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at the age of 87 she had pancreatic cancer tributes have been coming in from across the political divide and there is now a debate on when a vote should be held to decide on her successor. Tens of thousands of ties are rallying against the government in the capital city bangkok is the latest in months of demands by the student led movement for new elections a written constitution and reforms to the monarchy. There is president to survive an Impeachment Vote in Congress Martin the scar denies interfering with an investigation into government contracts awarded to a friend. A growing number of coronavirus cases among refugees on the greek island of blairs boss is causing concern at least 214 factions have now been confirmed thousands of refugees are being moved into a new camp after the previous camp europes biggest band 10 days ago live to staff who joins us from. How many people have managed to get into a safe Living Environment in this new camp. If i show numbers are around 9000 each hour thats just in the last couple of days. This behind us its very windy today and you can see just how close this account is to the elements which i think does raise concern does raise questions are moving forward to see a lot of heavy machinery still coming in and out there still continuing to expand it to build it so i think were going to have to wait and see how things settle over the next couple of days and weeks as to how this cap is going. Into the lot but 8000 people so many people reluctant to come here but this is the results of todays. The Police Operation people off the streets and this is how it went down. Its a crush of broken hopes this suffocating heat not making their wait any easier on the 2nd day of a greek Police Operation to move refugees into the new camp on the island of lesbos we saw them rounding up hundreds of people in various areas making them wait before joining the long queues and. The situation is bad were unfortunately affected by problems created by others for example the afghans they do awful things who were put in the same basket theres no justice now the police came to our tents and kick us out what can we do as the day went on this road once packed with refugees and migrants almost empty some try to argue but there is no point the last few finally making their way to the new camp they prefer to sleep on the streets rather than move into the new facility aid agencies are concerned it is problems with the conditions. Especially today where the camp is not ready for the people of the 10012002 be taken to it what is it for are we talking about 2nd morea with the people piling up the terrible conditions or talking about a reception camp for transit of the population on their way to other places but were extremely worried that in fact its just a containment policy thats going to be maintained that is just going to keep people there for months on that or even years and in conditions that going to be productive worsening more usually this would be an ideal location nestled on the shores of a greek island but these tents are a symbol of broken policies of delayed bureaucracy as well as broken spirits and lives on hold. Instead of how well prepare the company if really gets a grip. I think the jurys out on that one what theyre doing at the moment peter is doing rapid tests what does that mean well that around 300. 00 within an hour were told the results take 15 minutes but at the same time we were talking to Doctors Without Borders yesterday who said that usually those tests there is some discrepancy in terms of the reliability and you should be following that up with other p. C. R. Test and thats not being done at the moment so i think were going to have to wait and see how things evolve i mean this island already had quite a high number what it comes to greece itself and of course the refugees that would all started it was 35 people testing positive for the road to a car intended morry account and there was a lot of you know the the feeling is that that that caused the fire to break out people to put that fire in protest of being quarantined so you now have as you mentioned 214 people they are quarantined most of these races to magic peter and so i think were going to have to wait and see whether there is a bigger problem here that expected time will tell but certainly it will be an issue because of course its already difficult to deal with around 12000. 00 people who are in morea camps and again the jurys out as to how they need to widen the you know. As you can see like were in a Gale Force Wind and you know its very very difficult to get things done in those conditions so i think its early days its already really the 1st day that everyone is out so were going to have to wait and see really over the next days and weeks how its going to cope ok stuff for the time being thanks very much stuff doc reporter from les pauls. Turning our attention to sudan where the government is being urged to prevent more damage and loss of life because of flooding around 650000 people have been forced from their homes and more than 100 have died People Living close to the river nile city authorities must monitor river levels more closely and theyre calling on the government to address the poor planning of buildings and roads in flood prone areas ever morgan is following the story from hot tomb where the government is calling for help from the international community. This of course is the worst floods its been seen in more than a century and the water levels of the nile river is receding. And in the north and in the southern part of the country in the northern part of the country especially river now state however the story is still very much the same the state is still witnessing devastation from the floods the level is still very high and thats because there is another river that is contributing to the nile that also comes from the high lands thats the odd but a river and because of heavy rains on the high lands more water has been flowing down that river downstream to the nile so people there still remain displaced still suffering from the devastating effects of this never before never seen before floods the number of those whove been displaced has risen to 650000 over the past week and the government is warning that there will be more floods as more rains are expected on the high land so people are saying that theyre concerned because theyre already seeing rises in the number of of cases of water borne diseases they saying that theyre reporting whats very diarrhea theyre reporting but theyre worried about what would happen when the water goes down and the water inside the villages and towns remain stagnant thats when theyre going to see cases of malaria coming up and they say that they are already suffering from the losses of their homes of their properties in a country that is going through a very harsh economic crisis where the currency of the sudanese pound continues to devalue so theyre saying that even affording treatment if this crisis continues will be very hard for them so they are urging the government to respond to the russian Opposition Leader a legacy nobel nuisances recovery will be a long one after he was poisoned last month about only posted this picture on social media showing him walking down the stairs just 5 days after being taken off a ventilator he fell sick last month in russia he was airlifted to germany for treatment germany says he was poisoned with not we chalk so nerve agent russian officials deny being involved. Britains government is facing increasing condemnation for a lack of Testing Available for people with kuchma. Symptoms many say theyre being forced to wait for days because the system cannot cope with the demand with the 2nd wave of the virus being worried about the government is considering new restrictions. In russia new Coronavirus Infections have risen above 6000. 00 today for the 1st time in 2 months the russian government says boosting production of the sputnik 5 vaccine rushes reported more than 1000000. 00 infections in total the president of guatemala has now tested positive for covert 1964 year old. Is now urging his entire cabinet to get tested he is the 4th latin american leader to contract coronavirus. Indonesia is reporting a record daily increase in new virus cases more than 4000 new infections were recorded in the past 24 hours in d. C. Has the highest number of fatalities across east asia with 9 and a half 1000 for a 2nd day taiwans scramble jets in response to an approach made by chinese aircraft Taiwans Defense Ministry says the aircraft crossed the mid line of the Taiwan Strait an air Defense System was deployed the military tension coincides with a visit by a senior u. S. Official to taiwan. A u. N. Investigator on Human Rights Violations in belarus is warning of another quote iron curtain descending on europe and the u. N. Human Rights Council wants an independent investigation into allegations of torture and other abuses after last months disputed Election Results one of the many victims has been speaking to out of serious correspondent step in a conversation took place in the capital minsk. Praying to stop the violence in bella ruth said again 1000000 its felt firsthand what Government Forces are capable off the Baptists Community members as he was on his way to pray denied after last months president ial election when he was dragged out of his car by mass policeman and crammed into a detention truck police force him to crawl on top of other men and he sassed a torture began. I told them again and again i just came here to pray im religious person but every time i gave this answer they gave me an electric shock i only wore too short so it was very painful of the usage of my legs and on my arms but mainly on my back in the heart area the most scary moment was when i understood that i wasnt on without any laws this was a place with no rules except there of course they could do whatever they wanted. At the Police Station his condition deteriorated so much he says he felt like he was having a Heart Attack Police called an ambulance and hospital doctors stabilized his condition after president Alexander Lukashenko declared an 80 percent election when nearly 7000 people were detained and hundreds have testified that they were beaten and tortured many suffered brain injuries organ damage and fractures meeting in geneva the United Nations human Rights Council condemned the bellows government for the alleged abuses and sas its monitoring the situation closely. And it doesnt believe anything will change. This resolution does not have any influence on our former president because he is a sick person and he cannot clearly judge the situation here but i am happy to know that some countries talks to us not to recognize look at any longer and give opportunity to the Opposition Council an Opposition Leader to an oscar to represent our country before a human Rights Council convened in twit solent a Human Rights Defender who documented the abuses was detained her organisation now fears more arrests its very dry. Mattick and very hard for all people here but we will continue our activity in any way you know going. No no no we will be here and we will continue because we think we sure this is a legal activity where humor in the fenders and we walk for our side well International Pressure is increasing our look at shank us regime his Government Forces have stepped up repression many belorussians are fearing more arrests and prison sentences for those who have demanded justice by look at shadows increasingly isolated by other countries his troops have accelerated their campaign of fear and terror at home despite the violence sergey modiin its believed that the people of bella bruce will win even though he fears the road to victory will be a bitter and difficult one step fasten aljazeera. Police in romania have recovered rare books stolen in london 3 years ago they include 1st editions of works by isaac newton and galileo the rarity is worth more than 3000000. 00 were found buried under a house in the countryside of romania. An animal hunted to extinction in england 400 years ago is now making a comeback beavers are thriving in the county of devon as Charlie Angela discovered there attracting tourists as well as improving Water Quality and reducing the risk of flooding. A family of beavers frolicking from the river otter hunted to extinction in the 17th century for the fur meat eurasian beavers were discovered here 12 years ago no one knows where they came from the when the government threatened to remove them fearing they could carry disease there was local outcry the beavers were allowed to stay for 5 years as long as they were closely study Scientists Say the benefits they bring obvious theres a whole long list for many moms are flawed reductions were. Build dams they reduce flooding downstream Water Quality improvements those same dams capture pollutants receive Carbon Capture within the dams in the vegetation that grows in the sediments behind them and then we see an explosion in the wall of life so much more Wetland Wildlife moving in and after the beavers sort of for a columnist 15 families now live here and the government has sanctioned their reintroduction across the country its a groundbreaking decision returning a once extinct native species to england but not without problems beavers are brilliant architects cutting down trees to build dams which create deep pools of water to hide in and store their plant food you can see here 3 pools created its funny i believe a town is a Welcome Change for this land 1st some landowners a concern that some of the downs could flood their fields conservationists are urging the government to provide funds so that everyone can embrace the return. Flooding and managing it is already costing the u. K. 2800000000. 00 a year ecologist sikkim to point out that the work the beavers do has real value far outweighing the costs of mine the floods to farm and these beaver dams store water they can slow the flow of water through catchments which can alleviate flooding and create more for resilient landscapes the beavers slow water down as it moves through their territory and that has the the impact on sediment dropping out of the water and that can trap environmental pollution such as phosphate and nitrates so a release of species to reintroduce in england back on the rivers the numbers growth so his interest in them attracting tourists and boosting the local economy. This female has 4 spring will each go out to find their own with their lodges. Spreading the benefits across the country. Southwest england. Welcome if youre just joining us youre watching aljazeera my name is peter darby were live in doha are your top stories the u. S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at the age of 87 she was suffering from pancreatic cancer tributes have been coming in from across the political divide hundreds have gathered outside the Supreme Court building to honor her life and legacy there is now a debate as to when a vote should be held to decide her successor Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says a vote will soon be held on trumps pick to replace ginsburg but the democratic nominee joe biden is insisting the choice should be made after november as november the 3rd selection tens of thousands of times are rallying against the government in the capital bangkok is the latest in months of demands from the Student Movement for new elections a written constitution and reforms to the point i was there the protest has moved largely from thomas at university across the road to another significant venue which is a park across the road from the University Also across the road from the grand palace in recent years its been largely shut off to the public its been cordoned off but the protest leaders said they wanted to take that for the people and thats exactly what the done done and the police are saying that they have to vacate that area but again theres no sign theyre going to do that and no sign yet of any sort of crackdown from the security forces. Through as president survived an Impeachment Vote in Congress Martin discard denies interfering in an investigation into government contracts awarded to a friend. Sudans government is being is to prevent more damage and loss of life from flooding People Living close to the river nile soviet authorities must monitor river levels more closely russian Opposition Leader he says his recovery will be a long one after he was poisoned last month he fell ill last month in russia he was airlifted to berlin for treatment germany says he was poisoned with not shock russian officials deny that for a 2nd day taiwan says it scrambled jets in response to an approach made by chinese aircraft Taiwans Defense Ministry says the aircraft crossed the mid line of the Taiwan Straits the military tension coincides with a visit by a senior u. S. Official to taiwan those are your headlines the news continues here on al jazeera off the inside story 8000 other news for you from 13 i will see you very soon. Is india launching a crackdown of government critics prosecute opposition activists and muslims in connection with riots triggered by the controversial citizenship law well the detained received justice this is inside story. Welcome to the program. It was some of the worst violence for years in india riots in new delhi triggered by the newly introduced citizenship law in february killed at least 53 people the legislation fos trucks national

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