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A Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg but now we have one of president trumps most intimate aides hope hicks whos tested positive after flying to a Campaign Rally with the trumps in minnesota one that many people have been worried about about kobe passing in these kinds of rallies so its an extraordinary moment and i think the one other thing we have to ask is if the president id states is tweeting that he is waiting for results it really shows if he is truly waiting for results it shows how bad the testing regime is in america. News of trump and the 1st lady going into quarantine comes as the u. S. House of representatives passed the democrats 2. 00 trillion 1. 19 relief bill and now moves to the u. S. Senate where its unlikely to pass as republicans oppose it politicians of degree disagreed for months over the size and scope of the relief package. Says it shut down for hostile drones that appeared in the capitol year of thats as its conflict with the disputed nagornokarabakh region continues for a 5th day as airy forces also claim to shut down. Protests have taken place across india over the gang rape and death of 2 women from the Marginalised Community Rights Groups say india is one of the worlds most dangerous places for women. Its been 2 years since saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered inside his countrys consulate in istanbul Rights Groups are urging mayors of major cities to boycott a summit being hosted by saudi arabia those are the headlines the news continues here on out there after the strike. We understand the different. Cultures across the center matter how you take a. Current affair. I have to. Take a look. This is the great if you n. P. N. Of a nascent stem its great because when it is finished it will be the largest Hydroelectric Project in africa but this billions of dollars project has sparked a bit to dispute between some of the Knowledge Base and countries in this episode of the strain we will look at what has been known as the geology the good will that means for People Living in the now basin and where the political ends in egypt ethiopia and sudan can come to an agreement. And i guess its really good to see i was a i think the guest cadets will introduce themselves to you but dont know it nice to have you on the string tell everybody who you are i thank you for having me i mean i suspect elaborate on what are signs of speech or based on that. Thanks for joining us i show what people need to know about you for the purposes of our conversation today thank you for having me in my numbers just ran a professor of peace and conflict research. You know squit chair on International Water corporation our troops allow us to do so we dont i have been working on my list for since mid ninetys its nice to have you had i timothy tell everybody who you are. The names of the kaldis im a fellow of the dr and super middle east policy i work on egypts Foreign Policy and political economy both of which are intertwined deeply with these questions around the garden. And i say the great if youre p. And renascence dam whats the 1st thing that comes to mind. Relations as the name and place it is really a project thats really close indeed to the hearts of people in ethiopia. Its actually the people saying were claiming our destiny again were saying to poverty were saying no to injustice were saying no to im dignified life and that everything flows from there sensibly people minding the project on their own billions of dollars i mean were not a rich country so its a lot that people are willing to fund this at this project on their own so essentially is there an essence of if you look at essential piece and you go to poverty no to a dignified life and saying yes to a better future. That is a wrong view from ethiopia timothy if he could tap into. Public view in in egypt how might that be different when they hear about the good when we talk about the great ethiopian renascence dam well its not perspective like from egypt theres a lot of worry theres a lot of worry about what the dam will do to the place of the nile which is the source of virtually all the water that is used in egypt its vital for agriculture of vital or people to go to drink and have access to the water its vital for the industry. It doesnt really have an alternative thats viable that could replace that so theres a lot of stress about theres a lot of concern about the inability bus far to achieve any sort of binding agreement on the conduct of how that how the dam will be used and how water will be regulated so you know its a lot of its a lot of concern let me just bring in the president of egypt and the Prime Minister in ethiopia to see how they all framing this hydroelectric which a project so listen. What im doing. We have spent the better part of a decade entire some negotiations with our brothers in the sudan and ethiopia through which our aim was to reach an agreement on the filling and operation of the dam. In the not in the indeed the nile river must not be monopolized by one state for egypt the nile water is an existential matter and. I want to make it abundantly clear that we have no intention to harm these countries rather we are essentially doing is to meet our electricity demands from one of the Community Service of energy we cannot afford to continue keeping more than 65000000 of our people in the dark. If you could prove down what the essential debate is here why would the president of if the president of egypt the Prime Minister of ethiopia be talking about a dam project in the way that they are. I think if this is not an ordinary day i think this is a massive. Development project enough because this will make. Lead to 10 minute. News niall the water this will be a long tradition of the domination of egypt on the nile nile has been beaten chad before between egypt and for the last time that will be a change but i think this is where the critical point lies that how it will be on the basis of cooperation and i think this is what is. On the way things are but for now egypt is particularly deep has a deal lies that the bam has come up so its just from all its going to want a negotiated settlement a need to appeal particularly spending 5000000000. 00 under this law to match the project which is much more important but its development it also wants to. Deal with. What i did to put it in mental we wanted to show really to focus on people to impact on people politicians are having a conversation as well to speak people i would need to be seen to some vizio peacekeeping looking only because ethiopia mason storm this is what they have to say about the project. Z. Z. Z. City so she stayed home and comment on the source we have to reason it would be and you can help you too lazy to. See it is not easy and sad to. See as it dont seem panties should complain on each because we have seasonality sources close to them thats been our country has a huge problem with electricity that. It will help us break free from the bondage of poverty and reach every household which i presume you see do you see how transformative silent treatment in ethiopia could be. But i have no doubt that the utopian people sincerely believe this is a vital project for them in their development its quite clear you know peons on social media have made that very clear to me in the past and i mean it makes sense to the majority of utopian been living without electricity. In 2020 thats unacceptable and and i totally understand why they would want to support a project that could change that there also as as was noted by our other guest personally invested in this literally many of the o. P. s have bought bonds and helped to finance the construction of this dam so they have a personal stake as well and it will not respect. Thats not my i mean for mike if you do thats not really whats in dispute but this is around the management but its about how will there be an agreement about ensuring that the flow of the water will not harm downstream countries or not significantly harm them and to ensure that in periods of drought that there isnt a significant reduction in the flow which could have adverse impacts on the agricultural and and fishing environment in both sudan and. But i was really surprised to see this i am interested in your take on this this is the ministry of tourism and antiquities sharing on social basically and mad saying this is the source of the nile we are really important the night is important for egypt and they are seriously appealing to the International Public to actually be on their side if there can be a sign when you talking about a dam what do you make of that. Im not surprised in a way theres this constant narrative of equating the 9 to the existential life of egypt and some of the also mentioned already very bad then the only least theres a egypt which is not actually its true there is a massive amount of Groundwater Resources in egypt under who found what not learned in a massive amount of gravity but thats my point now you know but nonetheless a massive amount of groundwater 55 trillion trillion cubic meters of water theres a decided nation but then just so lets not frame it as if it is the only lifeline of egypt it is indeed a major source of the riddle surface water of egypt and egypt has been developed based off of that this huge civilization well known rhodri now answer the legislation was based of that built on that so nobody denies the right of egypt to live in and the sense that its but by the added earlier yeah everybody has that has the right to life and right of life is tied to watch especially in a region like them out base in which crosses 11 countries but i agree with president sisi earlier that night should not be monopolized by any one country and history shows us that it has been monopolized by one country so the dam is not the problems here its the status quo in that region that im just status quo in that region thats the root of all the problems in the egypt so if we really want to move forward down is not what we have to talk about the demos are very minute issues compared to the grand scheme the grand issues that we have to talk about delonte really have to move forward to make their own youve got to go to meet Timothy Mcveigh is frowning timothy will be hung up on the head. I mean i but i totally acknowledge that egypts behavior with the respect to the nile waters historically has sought to monopolize control of it and i totally understand why now its a country subject but to suggest that these alternative sources of water could make up for cuts in flow d really really reflects on you because you understand as a water researcher that the rate of flow is not going to be supplemented by the sale and desalination nor outlined by and im going to im im stuck in the reflection of flow the reduction of flow affects fisheries affects our culture i think desertification and interest legitimate concerns im not saying that you dont get it doesnt they do but lets talk seriously about the fact that both of these countries have serious concerns as opposed to pretending like one does im not pretending im just ice is really a serious issue to me but if we if were talking seriously which is why i keep mentioning that issue is not the case what exactly are you talking about when you talk about duction in the fuel the fuel which egypt is used to the story of keep the 55500000000 cubic metres that you just got lucky that flips off in the mine to 59 agreement thats a nonstarter for if you look at it also looking at the peak area countries this is black ice age the data is not that the data is not the fundamental top and i have my study receive exact its a good idea that has been saying that the flow amount be affected which is objectively on trial this is how does this incident how toxic i appreciate it i dont know so you can just like wait she guess just just just take me as i might use it as you may have no i didnt get a nonstarter let me yes let me just take a pause women because remember yes. This conversation should start with the people and we acknowledge that the politicians are arguing about this percentage not percentage but lets start with the people because theyre the people who are actually going to be impacted let me bring in some egyptian farmers and make delate i really am interested in what you have to say to them so lets bring in those egyptian farmers and hear that perspective. From later changed their hair temperatures and normal drink and in winter it gets colder than before theres more change in the common before the temperature in out hair than ever and this affected our farming and. There is very little nile water in winter sometimes as a bit more but mainly because the land doesnt need a lot of water in the winter but in the summer we dont get anything out of. The dam is already started to fill as a dam fills there will be less water available for egyptian our pool and that means that people will have less water in an area that is historically desert what do you have to say to them if they lose their avalons they lose their livelihoods how do you was elf. First of all the gerd is a hydro power project which means its not consumptive its it was not consumptive lose the water but youre right in framing it that while the dad was filling up the water or despite the reduced. Disk the narrative that the farmers were giving now resembles more interest with Climate Change than the actual building of the dam because this year the amount of water that was held in the data support point might 1000000000 cubic meters that is just 10 percent of the ad when the united flow not even the night if not the blue knights so i think its quite the farmers me have that impression and i dont blame them at all but its disingenuous to link any kind of climate to core agriculture and they backed that egypt in farmers may be facing what they are good with that said however yes there are People Living on the ground in both sudan and egypt actually dependent on the water as there are people in ethiopia that is why the that is why cooperation is not is not an option and then that would be someplace safe but that but just because i mean life is life writes a life an egyptian farmer it is equally important as to a life of if youre going farmer so i only have love and empathy to everybody living along and that reason because i have personally seen how much people are dependent on this water personally that is why i advocate for an act of elim reason that we use Going Forward especially when you take Climate Change and sustainability issues into mind the watcher will not be enough for us if we keep at this narrow myopic way of utilizing international capitalizing on nationalistic nationalistic sentiments and National Interests cooperation is yes the way but we have to address the basic basic problem which is that of fear what are looking bad ways and and i knew my resumes exam which i want to sustain and. I i hear i also see asho wringing his hands is the phrase going back and forth between. If you can guess and also i guest here is a speaking about the perspective from egypt. What is going on e how do you get out of the situation. This i have been hearing part of the gates and i think this will continue to go on that he had better rooted and behind it theres a lack of trust and the lack of trust ive been because i think a lack of communication. It is a hydropower dam it is not going to take the water out of the system it will produce a huge amount of behavioral fault which will be beneficial to put a large number of utopia and also the network in country and it will have some kind of. Challenge for the you know while the killing the dam egypt but egypt also has been using the walk out part of the baby on sustainable manner put a cultural porpoises for a long period of time so i think about what does happen to each that ive got a possibility of i just think what that priority to finding a. Solution i mean in a way that looked and also they can all been rained out operate and i think thats where everybody in problem is the problem is the one in d. C. And only deciding a lot and this is because of the politicizing this what better waterfall what i noted this is what you would see how built up a situation of the kind of public. Perception about the dam you need to apply and the dam in egypt are very very different and i think its a very important part of politicians who would be sure to tell you what dont be politicized the what and talk about but want to talk about the glock and talk about the people that ive been getting into that are nasty down politics yeah i seem downright noting that timothy is not knowing let me just bring it up with saddam and he said well youre going to be listening and i just i disagree with some of the other points about 2 the limit of the m yeah i he let me just bring in this i mean something hes a horn of Africa Research fellow at Chatham House i met. After a decade of still reaching a successful deal between the 3 countries on the day as well as an outdated or to sharing agreements its going to be. A requires brave leadership right deescalation of nationalist rhetoric as well as a compromise by or sides to ensure that the gaps in the road. Theres diplomatic success is badly needed for both regional stability and progress to me he put down has already started to be feel it has egypt negotiate when the dam is being filled right now well its been enormous from 3 from the outset its that it has very little of any leverage over you know get directly which is why it is sought International Mediation for quite some time now because it realize this that it alone cant really pressure ethiopia ethiopia has more or less proceeded with talks but been imposing facts on the ground and sort of a fait accompli situation that he did hasnt been able to to move the needle on. And i think that they realize that which is why they appeal to the u. N. Security council to the United States the world bank to acknowledge other allies in the hope that they can find somebody else who perhaps has a little bit more leverage over ethiopia but you know its a theyre in a very difficult situation now that its you know i see i see nodding your head this is the headline that embassy rachet quite recently here might not tell us to spend 8 ethiopia of a blue now damn dispute it feels like youre being pressurized and how you. As ethiopians responding to that pressure. To say were being pressurized this one and your statement but lets be fair to the process its been close to 10 years and we have agreed on many many issues regarding the filling of the dam and 2015 we had the declaration of principles where these 3 countries agreed on basic principles of negotiations and sustainable use of the now what is which is a big step and that agreement we also agreed that the construction and negotiations are down will go in that so its not its actually disingenuous to say to make it look like if you like holding the new go whole thing the discussions while trying to put while i dont know some kind of start to starling or timothy put it to project thats not exactly true so there was that that significant progress and then we have also agreed on that say the feeling there might that greater feeling of the dancer we generally theres an agreement on how many years it should take to fill that gap so theres an agreement under 4 to 7 years theres an agreement on many many other technical issues there are just 3 Sticking Points and negotiations now so its actually i dont think its right to. To paint the negotiations as a complete failure we have come a long way not as fast as we should have the negotiations are a tiresome process and it shouldnt take the starting student not only to bring to end but they were very good and i really have come on you but im going. To let me let me bring you in here i want to share this with you before before you comment this is your hand is and he was talking to us on twitter beyond the polarized narratives egypt and ethiopia must keep negotiating in good faith followed by cooperation and applying International Water nor were we now ashour after a decade are we close. I think i think that its. Been locked down something that is a pure Sticking Point to each one of the measure one is that the that is the longer that ice is and how that will be you know put it down that time under so where does the. Agreement which would be fine or that he too will be a legally binding agreement or the 2 will have how weve got to do that i think they got but 2 major points which i concede and i think the thing is that everybody said that he didnt need it it did not extremely difficult points to believe that hes a political willingness to wait this on fortunately they need to. Somehow calm down and look at this and i think what thats property started in the sniper distracted last year of course this past year but it was it that was of no need to redirect the demand but that was a practice if you will be appealed it we dont that they meant what it does been and i think that is they still get 10 months of time they can negotiate they really dont have the possibility of negotiating for the long term basis they can possibly negotiate for a couple of a one year or 2 years i mean much faster but the i think the but one thing which i one percent the kind of things that i think the precon that you would be a. Possible fashion i think. You are thinking about is what i was thinking in is that about tulip listening to this i want to bring caleb being here kind of the twitter since the African Union is the only legitimate building with the credibility to manage guide and facilitate negotiation process after all is another place in is an african river basin azure. Yeah this is what i was trying to say because i think of all the fights time when what egypt brought about to bring United States to the negotiating really did it but the us of the front part of history didnt top the pissants didnt have the real in the house to really push this segment to go what are probably a good image problem negotiator can they want to force their government but to be a little probably like some calming or whatever but i think then you just went to the Security Council Security Council you must know that they dont really get into this kind of damage and i think that are all kinds of problems within Security Council to get into i think actually going to you when you and i do say i think what because why after we got that you know im not going to win and it is up to you no longer nations if you dont use words but i think what it believes that all these 3 member countries a member solve it so well be able to pull out possibly it will kind of box acceptability but also if i may that if i may just if not if im wrong because we keep moving to the but its a decades we could talk about its been alex the shell but i want to play you what he did say that slim who actually reminds us what the entire. Great relations standpoint was all about me and the only way for countries to secure their interests here is through cooperation that will allow sudan and egypt to ensure that ethiopia commits to allowing enough water downstream during feeling during times of drought and ultimately this will ensure that egypt and sudan get a minimum or to supplies and also that all countries are able to benefit from the rice on stem and his ambition and initially wants for it to be a regional project with advantages not just to ethiopia but other countries. No being in discussion debates for a decade we could put cant possibly address it all in 25 minutes but make del right and timothy and ashley did a fantastic job of boiling it down and really connecting it to the people of the now basin as well at the one thing that struck me when you were talking about the dam project is a double entendre that i wont go into deeper but thank you for your your perspective really appreciate or if he thinks im femi oke a signing off in the Television Studio thanks for watching. Frank assessments if American Public Opinion Pieces betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be the good causes if you believe that there corrosive to our democracy one obvious solution is to bring about informed opinion look at checkers dont go anywhere the protesters arent going anywhere either its ability of the revolution people to call indepth analysis of the days global headlines because it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. 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