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100000 but some say the actual number could be much higher. And 2 dead and 25 missing after a storm hits france and italy sweeping away houses and roads. Thanks for joining us mixed messages over Donald Trumps Coronavirus Infection are causing confusion over the health of the worlds most powerful president so officials and doctors are presenting contradictory explanations of when the u. S. Leader was infected and how sick he actually may be trump himself has tweeted from hospital that hes feeling well he thanked medics at Walter Reed Medical Center thats where hes been since friday and the president s own doctor Sean Connelly also said that he was doing very well and had been fever free for 24 hours but minutes after that an official close to trump said some of his vital signs over the past 24 hours have been very concerning and the next 48 hours are critical well Senate Republicans have now canceled all legislative work until october the 19th as the virus sweeps through the partys ranks mike hanna begins our coverage from the walter reed. Medical center in bethesda. The entrance to the Walter Reed Medical Center is cordoned off with a small group of the president s supporters standing vigil outside in midmorning a full length of doctors and nurses appeared to give a briefing on the president s condition. The general prognosis was highly positive but a statement by the president s personal physician raises questions about the timeline of diagnosis just 72 hours into the diagnosis now the 1st week of code in a particular day some to 10 of the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness another of the consulting physician said the experimental antibody cocktail regeneration was administered 48 hours ago were working very closely with the company to monitor him the statements all to the timeline substantially placing initial diagnosis on wednesday and saying the dose suffer a general was administered 24 hours earlier than the white house said it was in response to calls for clarity the president s personal physician has issued a statement saying and i quote i incorrectly used the term 72 hours and stood off day 3 and 48 hours instead of day 2 with regards to his diagnosis and the administration of the policy clonal antibody therapy he continues the president was 1st diagnosed with coke at 19 on the evening of thursday october the 1st and had received regenerations antibody cocktail on friday october the 2nd. Another issue of contention concerns what appears to be a lack of transparency in the medical briefing for example we were not told what type of theater the president had how high did it go we were not told with any clearly whether or not he in fact was or was not the recipient of supplemental oxygen ha the doctors rosy prognosis was undercut by the president s chief of staff mark meadows told reporters trumps vital signs in the past 24 hours have been disturbing and the next 48 hours of treatment are critical there are questions too about. The testing protocols. A week ago this gathering took place in the rose garden to announce president trumps nomination for the vacant seat on the Supreme Court at least 8 people who attended have now returned positive tests for covert including 2 senators the white house protocol for such gatherings is to administer and teach and tests which return results in 15 minutes but which a number of studies indicate produce a false result in nearly 50 percent of cases theres going to have to be complete from top to bottom review of the measures that are going to need to be. Moving forward all these questions are being punted another tweet from the hospital ward d prays for the hospital staff or described as amazing the supporters at least apparently prepared to accept the president s words and the doctors diagnosis at face value mike hanna aljazeera but thats. And just a few moments ago donald trump tweeted this video from the Walter Reed Medical Center lets lets listen and this is america this is the United States this is the greatest country in the world this is the most powerful country in the world i cant be locked up your room upstairs and totally safe and just say hey whatever happens happens i cant do that we have to confront problems as a leader you have to confront problems is never been a great leader that would have done that so thats where it is im doing well i want to thank everybody our 1st lady is doing very well melania asked me to Say Something as to the respect that she has for our country the love that she has for our country and were both doing well of money is really handling it very nicely as youve probably read shes slightly younger than me just a little tiny bit and therefore just we know the disease we know the situation with age versus younger people and their money is handling it statistically like its supposed to be handled and that makes me very happy and it makes the country very happy but im also doing well and i think were going to have a very good result again over the next few days were going to probably know for sure so i just want to thank everybody out there everybody all over the world specifically the United States the poor and of love its been incredible i will never forget thank you very much i saw the president there saying that hes doing well the next few days will be the real test video just posted on twitter a few moments ago lets bring in alan fischer hes joining us from just outside the walter reed military Medical Center in bethesda maryland so as weve been saying alan its been a couple of hours of confusion over when the president was actually diagnosed and now hes just put out this video. What are we to make of it. While i know that the people of gathered here this has become almost like a mini rally theres going to 100 supporters here very few of them willing masks intently we know that the president has that video the 1st rule of Crisis Communications is one story one speaker thats clearly not happened with the white house what weve heard from them in the last few hours has been and complete it has been confused and certainly being contradictory as well on one hand with the doctor talking in what he should he says later talking in days and saying that the president is doing very well and then we have mark meadows whos the chief of staff saying that they were very concerned about the president in the last 24 hours and the next 48 hours will be critical certainly listening to that video and watching it on twitter just in the last 10 minutes has been released the president looks ok but thats easy to do but he sounds a bit course a bit rusty and certainly people were saying that the hide a few problems if you pull the breadcrumbs of the stories that have been leaking out from the white house with the last few hours there would certainly be a suggestion that the president really wasnt terribly well on friday that he needed this somewhat soon not confirmed by the white house what the doctor said is that they havent used oxygen susie arrived at the hospital so clearly there was the can sound and the president has also issued a statement through Rudy Giuliani is the lawyer who gave the statement to the New York Post the right leaning newspaper in new york to say that he felt very well felt he could walk the hospital and hold a rally but of course i see said in the video at the doctors notes the next few days is 5 days after diagnosis tends to be the Crucial Point for covert patients we saw that with the brazilian president and also with Boris Johnson in the united kingdom. That is when the virus tends to attack. And also the heart cells so that is why hes saying the next few days will be critical and its much as he would like to walk out of the hospital as a suspect was hospital patients. And thats not going to happen anytime soon and certainly thats one of the reasons why they moved him here because he can get much better care than he could in the white house and get that instantaneously but theres still a lot of Unanswered Questions when exactly did the president have his last negative test when exactly did he test positive was it the night as we were led to believe and missionary from the doctor statement or was it on thursday when the white house this statement that becomes important because its all about Contact Tracing because it was wednesday the president did 2 Fund Raising Events on wednesday and thursday and so that opens up all so many more questions but im sure the supporters that are here be very why the president has issued that statement on twitter ok allen well leave you there for now thank you very much for that update from just outside the Walter Reed Medical Center well it is a month until the u. S. Election day and Trumps Campaign as youve been hearing has been thrown into chaos by his diagnosis so his team have launched an operation to keep his highest profile supporters campaigning for him in the meantime but hes already struggling in the polls against joe biden the democratic nominee has a 3 point lead over the president in the most recent survey put out by i b d t i p p on friday and bidens lead shoots up to 7 points if we look at an average of the last 10 polls but winning the popular vote isnt enough as Hillary Clinton proved a candidate needs to win 270 votes in the Electoral College to become president and each u. S. State has allocated a Different Number of electors which makes some of them major battlegrounds polls suggest biden is certain to clinch 226 and trump just the 1. 25. 00 another 187. 00 are still up for grabs including florida texas and ohio lets bring in Matthew Mcconaughey hes a republican consultant and former Bush Administration aide hes also the founder and chairman of the Party Strategy group joining us from austin texas thanks very much for your time id like to talk about the issue of undecided voters in a moment but 1st let me ask you about whats going on with the president and the message thats coming out of the white house because really it sounds like there are mixed messages over Donald Trumps corona virus infection there really causing confusion because officials and doctors are presenting contradictory explanation so this all does not bode well for the president one month before the election. Yeah it would be best in a situation like this to let the medical personnel speak on the president s medical condition you know people who are out of that field are just not going to have the right language the right facts theyre going to perhaps inadvertently but perhaps even intentionally present information thats not correct and so this is why the doctors need to do that not even the doctor when i came out of the doctor came out today and presented information and then he backtracked on what he was saying yeah yeah i mean he basically said look 72 hours but he really meant the beginning of the 3rd day not the end of the 3rd day which of course raises questions about the timeline so look this is a chaotic period right now you know there is no there is no playbook for what you do when the president as states. Becomes positive of a virus that in the middle of a pandemic one month before a National Election so they are they are scurrying around theyre doing the best they can sometimes the political decision that may be a different one from the medical decision and what whats in the best interests so theyre trying to to work all of that out right now its a very very chaotic period of time well lets look at the political implications of all of this i mean the president is trailing behind biden not only in National Polls but also in key swing states so what are the implications of this and how is this likely to impact his position in the race. Yeah its a close race youve got 5 or 6 really key battleground states are going to side this thing the challenge for the trump team is that this virus now takes trump off the campaign trail for at least 10 days probably maybe 2 weeks and thats obviously very unfortunate given that voting is starting in a lot of states this may postpone or make the 2nd president ial debate virtual which is supposed to occur week after next and of course the president is not going to have a system to deliver a message even if you were traveling to rallies yukis not realty very much at the white house either at least in the next few days he may build of put a video up or tweet or Something Like that but hes not going to do official press conferences or events hes going to be sidelined for some time so the campaign has signaled theyre going to sense more surrogates out the Vice President is going to be more visible but i think theyre not even to do in person events to after the d Vice President ial debate next wednesday so its going to be quite a period for the next few days early the next week and thats obviously not where you want to be when youre behind and what about the undecided voters i mean what are the events of the pasta 24 to 48 hours due to those voters. Yes sure so im a little kind of puzzled as to how anyone can still be undecided the president has been so. Polarizing as president that most people have pretty strong opinions about him i saw a poll last week before the debate that showed 6 percent of people that were going to tune in the bay or on debate or undecided i think the number of undecided people are probably lower than that across the country so yeah its a i i had difficulty seeing why someone would be undecided and then vote against the president for testing positive for a for a virus now it does raise questions about how theyre handling it perhaps why he wasnt in a safer position all along whether the federal response to code it has been up to up to you know our standards those are all reasonable questions but i dont think its probably going to affect on the side of voters that much are will have to wait and see but we thank you very much for speaking to us from austin thank you its. Still ahead on aljazeera a step towards peace sudans government an armed group signed a deal but some shunned the agreement details coming up. All. However we have something of a cold blast across the Northern Plains of the u. S. A lot of cloud just diving out of central canada pushing down towards the midwest some wet weather i have its was the southeastern corner as well some potential for flooding into parts of florida these disabled not too bad for a time but we will see some showers heading up towards the callout as we go through saturday sunday on into monday some showers that just around the midwest and heading of its was the appalachians temperatures around 15 celsius in winnipeg around 12 degrees in minneapolis it will improve it will warm up as we go on into monday is the those temperatures quite nicely on the rise a few showers over towards the eastern seaboard still a few showers down towards the southeast in kota for much of central u. S. Pushing it was the west of course no help its always fossilized fog our concern north of the border we will see a few showers getting into were purchased colombia now from mexico it is generate dry away from the south southern parts will see some very heavy right and we have yes another Tropical Storm in the offing here gallerys making its way across the yucatan peninsula possibility of life threatening floods moving in across this part of mexico and it will gradually make its way into the by of campaign as we move into next week. But. Im Steve Clemons i have a question how these days its hard to filter out the newly sinky track of whats really important to eat the bottom line tackles the big issues this issue in the United States. Its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on aljazeera. Be the hero of world news. Washington. Well again the top stories on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump says the next few days will be the real test in the latest video update from him on twitter speaking from the Medical Center where hes being treated for coronavirus trump went on to say hes doing well and is confident off a good result some of trumps highest profile Staff Members will be campaigning on his behalf while his receiving medical treatment president s team has launched what it calls operation model where the Vice President family members will be appearing in key states. Meanwhile the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says all legislative activity will be rescheduled to later in the month but Committee Work like the confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court nominee barretts will continue. Indias surge in corona Virus Outbreak has now killed more than 100000 people thats nearly 10 percent of all covert 1000 related deaths in the world its the 3rd country to record that number after the United States and brazil india was hit harder than any other country in september causing the highest daily number of infections and fatalities in the world the Prime Minister Narendra Modis government has been criticized for its handling of the virus on the effects on the economy which has left millions jobless. The use of mosques and Hand Sanitizer has gone down drastically even messages on. Someone about the use of mosques sanitizer and social distancing people are listening to it i need to ignore it even in the hospitals people come here without mosques inside the hospital we remind them to use mosques but they take the mosques off again and again dr rhee john is a Public Health expert and consultant to the World Health Organization and he says that the death toll in india is likely underreported but despite the mortality rates is relatively low. It is quite clear that you know the kind of infection that is operating in india its not quite simply because of our Demographic Dividend we have a pretty large young population in the country so that the number of people who are infected quite severely its pretty limited unlike many other countries and that is also the one of the reasons why we need goal or what that it delayed in india compared to many others to leave it to the population with the low median age compared to many other countries. Is a clear reason why the number of itself is quite low compared to most other countries also one of the things that the government sort of them right from the beginning is to really wrap up the testing of all the people you know but the testing has been lagging quite a bit by from the beginning and i think its clear from many ways that the top and recently one of the surveys by the countrys top medical board i. C. M. Are that of a study across the country its just that. Number of cases 20 times higher than the number of which clearly mean there are a lot of cases of that with im the director and that both cases what clearly missed because of a lack of sufficient testing francisco with 19 has once again hit record levels with almost 17000. 00 new cases confirmed in the past 24 hours alone another 49. 00 people have died bringing frances total death toll to 32198 thats the highest in the world the government is expected to announce new measures to curb the outbreak. Madrid is back on their partial lockdown as the government struggles to stem rising cases in whats become europes biggest hotspot 4800000 people are now barred from leaving the spanish capital restaurants capacities have been halved police have set up barricades to stop cars on major roads leading in and out of out of the city madrid has had 770000 confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic meanwhile southern germany thousands of people there have been protesting against coronavirus restrictions demonstrators formed a human chain on the shores of Lake Constance which borders austria and switzerland as they try to connect demonstrators across the 3 countries coronavirus related deaths and infection rates in germany have been relatively low compared to other european countries. Armenia says its forces are facing a decisive moment and will use all necessary means to protect Ethnic Armenians from as are beige on this as the fighting has intensified in the disputed nagornokarabakh region which is officially part of azerbaijan but is ethnically armenian and has been controlled by Armenian Forces since 1904 military leaders in the enclave say another 51 of their soldiers have been killed the fighting broke out 7 days ago with both countries blaming each other for the Aggression International peace efforts have so far come to nothing Bernard Smith has the latest in the regions largest city of panic hurts. The military here says that now 198 soldiers have been killed since fighting started on sunday and 14 civilians now they wont give specific details on advances or losses on the military front they say for security reasons but the military says the fighting has been and remains very intense all the way along the line of contact that says some 182200 kilometers down the eastern side of nagornokarabakh and on the other side as a john here in step and the main city and go on a karabakh the mood has darkened considerably over the last 24 hours and that is because this city has been hit twice now with a series of attacks of large scale weaponry in 2 episodes and thats the 1st time that has happened here since the war ended in 1994 and weve seen more women and children trying to leave the town and more civilians sheltering in bunkers set of. As shes been meeting with those displaced by the fighting. Many of the People Living in the villages and the town center of terror attacks have moved to where we are im right now in the city center town central baghdad and just a few always the goal was to visit a school of public building where this place people were sleeping for the last couple days and they there are no places that they can stay thats why most of the public buildings are paid for the tone of this place 2345 families sharing one room to the old one floor sharing one bathroom and they are saying that they didnt have anything with them except for their close own and their sleepers are shoes and they are waiting to go back when the attacks finished but i have to say that people are very emotional here because they say theyre attacked in their own soil from their own soil and maybe they say they have no problem with the iranian people but of course it will be it will it will take some time to see how this conflict is going to shape up so it dawns Transitional Government has signed a peace deal with rebel groups at a ceremony in south sudans capital juba the deal was agreed in august and aims to end decades of fighting thats left millions displaced and hundreds of thousands of people however not all armed groups have signed up morgan has been watching developments from the sudanese capital hard to him. This signing ceremony today that is happening in the south sudanese capital juba includes various armed groups and the sudanese revolution Front Coalition there are 2 major groups that are not signatories to this deal we have the Sudan Liberation Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement led by abbott as these who have strongholds in the Southern States of South Kordofan and Blue Nile State now he has signed a declaration of principle with the Transitional Government last month this paves way for negotiations for the start of negotiations between the as he said hello and the Transitional Government but the dates for that are yet to be set now he has made many major demands that has already been and composed in that declination of principles one of them being separating states state affairs from religious affairs saying that the country should be secular and that they should have the right to selfdetermination or referendum if you like the other group is the sudans Liberation Movement led by abdullah had Mohammad Noor who is currently in france but has strongholds in the Central Darfur region now he has described the negotiations of this deal that is currently being signed and the process as similar to the previous process as civil and similar to previous deals that have been signed between the previous government that was overthrown in 2019 april 29th team and various other armed groups he says that this does not guarantee peace in sudan and that it does not address the root causes of conflict so in light of the absence of these 2 major groups it doesnt look like this peace deal is comprehensive but the sudanese Transitional Government and those who have signed it are celebrating it saying that it blames way for economic and political stability. Israeli protesters have defied coronavirus restrictions to rally against their Prime Minister for the 15th straight week on wednesday israel and outdoor gatherings of more than 20 people as part of renewed lockdown measures lets anyone whos government is under fire for its handling of the economy and the covert 1000. 00 crisis testers want him to step down while hes on trial for corruption on charges of bribery and fraud. Storms and floods in italy and france have swept away homes and theyve left others teetering on the edge of cliffs at least 2 people have died and more than 25 are missing after almost a years worth of rainfall and mountains around the city of jonah hill reports. Record rainfall in the mountainous region the joints france and italy has threatened homes and if the structure of. Storm alex as its known swept across southeastern france and into northern italy causing rivers to burst their banks and flooding on both sides of the border. This was rockville year on the outskirts of nice. Its said to be the worst flooding in the area in more than a century. Because they believe in the coming days and weeks there will be a massive mobilization in this Mountain Region which is just experienced devastation without compare and without precedent in the past 100 years. Roads and bridges were destroyed High Altitude communities isolated with rising numbers of missing and injured. All of alis collapse in one go so we dont have a boat left to take us back home. Its blocked on both sides of the road no electricity nothing further up there out of tap water there were many elderly people who needed help to be given shelter lives have been lost in italys alpine valdosta region a firefighter was killed during a rescue operation in virtually province another body was found. And the toll could well with the equivalent of 4 months of rain falling in just 24 hours jonah al jazeera. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump says the next few days will be the real test in the latest update from him on twitter speaking from the Medical Center where hes being treated for coronavirus trump went on to say hes doing well and is confident of a good result its all some of trumps highest profile Staff Members will be campaigning on his behalf while hes receiving medical treatment president s team has launched what it calls operation model where the Vice President and trying family members will appear

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