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Gunmen stormed Kabul University in an attack thats left at least 22. 00 de blas robots in auction well bring you more on the and demming whove gone on exhibition taking place in london. Thank you for joining us we begin with a developing story coming out of austria where at least one assailant is on the run following an attack in central vienna by several gunmen. Gunshots rang out in the austrian capital just after 8 pm local time on monday in what the interior minister has referred to as a terror attack 2 people have been killed and at least 15 injured including a Police Officer one of the suspects has also been killed police say they are 6 crime scenes some close to the end as main synagogue intervention we turn and our special forces managed to take out a heavily armed terrorist who was with an automatic Assault Rifle and according to our current knowledge there is at least one assailant still on the run thomas maier is the european editor of adair shanda newspaper he has more on the situation unfolding in vienna. Theres police everywhere the whole city center is now closed the problem is there are so many people outside who went into restaurants and bars to to have joy d in the last evening before the lockdown which was thought at midnight so that i want to say people cant go home because the streets are closed and as the speaker of the the minister of interior affairs has said before there were even 6 places not only in the center where there were shootings and incidents and police and special forces even the military has been called in the town and now at the moment the action is still going on they are hunting for the attack is one they have caught he was shot as they say. For sure several others who are still on the run the streets are empty now because police has asked people to stay in their homes or in the bars or restaurants where they were when the shooting started so its a very dangerous situation still there were several men who rented through the streets and shot on people as i said in 6 different places so we still do not know what is behind that attack what kind of group it is police is desperately hunting for them and i think then when they identify them will one of them perhaps or know more about the motivation behind it and ill just theres so many can is in berlin with more on how european leaders are reacting to what happened in austria. Austrian chancellor Sebastian Cortes has condemned what he calls a disgusting terrorist attack and has applauded the role of the police and other services in trying to bring this situation to an end as expressed his his sympathies to the victims of this incident and to their families and promised that in his words there will should be no place for terrorism in his words i should say in his country but hes not the only leader head of state head of government who has been talking about the incident we know that the french president emmanuel mccann has also referred to the scenes that he has seen in unfolding in vienna saying that he and the french share the shock and sorrow of the austrian people and he says perhaps in reference to other incidents that have taken place in his country and in recent days that after france its another friendly nation that has been attacked and weve also had a reaction from the leaders of the European Union both from a solar funder lion who is the president of the European Commission but also Sharon Michel president of the European Council both of them saying that they share their sympathies with the people of austria and indeed for the victims and their families also of course is that what is going on right now is taking place jurong this corona virus pandemic and so in vienna a lockdown has just begun a very Strict Lockdown which might hinder some of the efforts that people might be undertaking to try to bring this situation to a close. The race to the white house is entering its final strained with donald trump and joe biden making last appeals to voters in crucial battleground states is less than 8 hours to go until the 1st polling booths open on election day tuesday but already a wreckages 97000000 americans have catherine bond has more than 2 thirds of the total number who voted in 2016 so lets take a closer look at where theyve been campaigning the 2 candidates donald trump started his day in North Carolina before making his way up the eastern seaboard to pennsylvania is since headed to the great makes stopping 1st in michigan then wisconsin ways right now and finishing the state back in michigan joe bidens not traveling as far starting in ohio before focusing on pennsylvania hes doing 3 events in that state and oh well weve got heidi to castro standing by in Houston Texas for us we go to our White House Correspondent kimberly how it fits in washington d. C. Kimberly so its nearly there where hours away from the 1st polls opening whats been the strategy of the 2 campaigns in these last 2 few hours. Well as you mentioned they have been hitting those battleground states that signals a couple things number one that they see some potential vulnerabilities and so they watch the shore up support in the case of donald trump particularly as it makes his final stop in michigan maybe even a little superstition given the fact that he is going to have his final stop in the same places he did back in 2016 now the messages of the candidates havent changed much in the final week donald trump continues to paint an apocalyptic picture of america under Joe Biden Joe biden continuing to criticize donald trump of his handling of covert 19 and how that will affect americans moving forward particularly when it comes to health care and both. Candidates pointing the finger at one another also raising the possibility that there wont be a clear cut election result on tuesday in fact we know that each side is amassing a legal team in order to try and d potentially contest the results yeah and thats making a lot of people nervous company. Yeah absolutely in fact the lot of people are really nervous about a tweet the president sent out about an hour ago where he cast doubt on the results in the battleground state of pennsylvania suggesting that if there was a challenge even at the Supreme Court level or the fact that there has been a ruling already on the delayed counting that this could lead to violence and that brings us to the larger point of what weve been seeing not just in washington d. C. Where theyre arresting a fence around the white house but also in cities all across the United States were seeing buildings being boarded up people are even starting to hoard food and go shopping in anticipation of civil unrest in fact were seeing this from washington d. C. In new york all the way to los angeles and i can tell you once again these legal teams are preparing for a fight both sides saying that this may be an election that is so close to call there may be no clear winner on election Day Committee thank you joe biden holding his final Campaign Romney right now and its. Pennsylvania. Were going to listen to what are. Our front our health care workers. Arent this president s question their character their interpreter their competitor their fellow over. Its not discouraged. Last 30 drop one on to say he was going to fire doctors out well ive got a pretty large area i shant shop with higher. If youre. Up outs office right i surrender never said im a commander in chief and im going to fight this fight to be a break wave the words like a surrender ill Never Surrender were going to beat this farce were going to get control of the 1st the 1st step to be this virus is dede john out of order to teach our students pro American Values is the road to. The biden is bad to abolish the american oil and Natural Gas Industries and ban fracking now from your standpoint you dont like it because you dont want energy costs going up right thats what he did Bidens Energy ban will send every state into crushing poverty from wisconsin to michigan nevada pennsylvania as long as i am president will remain the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world and the and we will remain Energy Independent you know or Energy Independent we dont need foreign nations anymore but we have good relationships in the middle east you know where were doing peace in the middle east you believe it no blood in the say of peace in the middle of the. Joe biden is a global is to spend 47 years outsourcing your jobs opening your borders and sacrificing american blood and treasure on foreign wars you know they call them the endless foreign wars countries that many of you have never heard about what. Oh my. Donald trump making is last speech to voters in can osho wisconsin earlier we heard from joe biden at is final Campaign Rally of this 2020 race speaking in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania both candidates says you can see trying to woo those final voters election day in just a few hours 97000000 americans have already voted early thats not speak to heidi in Houston Texas. Houston texas the state of texas really important in this election and thats where a federal judge has just rejected an attempt by republicans to invalidate more than 100000 ballots. Thats right 127000 ballots cast in democratic reaming Harris County and the argument from republican activists who brought the suit was that because these ballots were cast from a car in a drive through polling location which of course was an accommodation for the pandemic the republican activists say that should be illegal a federal judge who was conservative threw out that argument today siding with democrats and those votes will stand that is particularly important this year because for the 1st time in more than 4 decades texas appears to be competitive this is a state that hasnt gone from a democrat or a democrat president ial candidate in 4646 years and so democrats are pointing to a surge in early voting turnout in texas with 9700000. 00 texans already casting a ballot thats already served past that total voter turnout of 2016 and much of the surge occurring in suburbs and cities where democrats are favored that leading to the argument that this year texas maybe for the 1st time in a long time a political battleground. In the end family may be the image of a newly emerging texas 16 year old gerardo is too young to vote but already campaigning for Democratic Candidates his parents who immigrated from mexico are new u. S. Citizens they voted for joe biden i feel like them being 1st time voters is superior in full and life changing to them because throughout the throughout the last 15 years weve just been watching the news and weve been unable to have a say in why we won in the United States. And now that they can vote they truly have a voice latinos make up 40 percent of the texas population but struggle with low voter turnout democrats say this year thats changing helping to fuel enthusiasm for biden and for congressional candidates seeking to flip republican districts i am 42 years old i have never seen this level of energy this level optimism here in texas because finally we are finally getting true participation from every community. All of us crosschecks is a fact not lost on biden in a state long considered hopeless for democrats young voters and immigrants have turned out in historic numbers to vote early in texas thats despite the pandemic and accusations of Voter Suppression Harris County which covers most of houston has 2400000 registered voters and just one location inside the arena behind me for anyone who wants to drop off their mail in ballots in person that is thanks to a controversial order by the states republican Governor Greg Abbott affirmed by the all republican texas Supreme Court some people would have to drive 40 miles or a further just to get to or drop off site and i think best designed to make it difficult to do church some voters outside. Texass citys support for trump in wider more rural areas remains unshakeable i look at the guy a man who is tough on friday the Biting Campaign cancelled a texas rally after Trump Supporters swarmed the campaign bus nearly forcing it off the highway and gerardo learns talking to Trump Supporters in this houston suburb is no easy task donald trump said that corona virus is a hoax i am a. Supporter all right i understand i fear like that but it is a pleasure to me that as its only true to good luck and thank you if there as well texas turning blue this election is still considered a long shot but experts say eventually it will and thats enough to keep democrats rallied castro aljazeera houston. And still ahead on the program the w. H. O. Warns of a critical moment as the coronavirus pandemic 2nd wave gathers space and tanzania opposition leaders face a renaissance a calling for protest against last weeks disputed election. Hello there well we are still looking at wet weather across parts of japan but the majority of it is in the process of moving out of the way its a clear skies gradually coming back in behind it on shore brace just feeding across the sea its brand will continue to feed some showers into that western side of honshu into clear weather crisp the weather coming back in behind as we go on into the middle part of the way that stays this law in a very wet weather you can follow all the way down towards this circulation here that is a developing typhoon this is sonnie and it will move very close to the north of the philippines as we go through the 2nd half of the weight yet more flooding to come across the philippines i fear will see that whats the weather making its way this we go through the next few days here is what was super typhoon gummi thats now moving out into the open waters at its peak winds in excess of 240 kilometers pariah now has been downgraded to weaken significantly winds of around 55 Kilometers Per Hour and i suspect will hang on to that kind of intensity as we make our way through the next couple of days it might just pep up a touch but not too much more eventually it will run towards central and southern parts of vietnam that means more flooding rain coming in here this week. But. Keeping law and order is a primary function of any state. In protecting the people became Police Brutality a domestic incident became a global locker. In a country torn apart by racial inequality. Can americans find a leader to unite to. Follow the key issues of the us elections. On aljazeera. To. To. To. The end. Of the back a recap of our top stories on aljazeera at least one attacker is on the run after several gunmen opened fire at cost central Vienna Austria the capital on monday evening 2. 00 civilians were killed and 15 others injured in what is being called a terrorist attack police say they shot dead one of the suspected gunman in the u. S. Donald trump and his rival joe biden are making their final pitches to voters on the last day of campaigning before the president ial election theyre focusing on states that could be crucial for their path to victory a record 9 d. 7000000 americans have already voted in advance or lets speak to michael bits are a bit serve out this history fessor of Political Science at the top a college joins us via skype from soles for a North Carolina thank you very much professor for being with us so the final campaigns today and all eyes on on the swing states theyre focusing on the swing states and thats where both trump and biden have been making their final pitches today is there one particular state that we should be looking at early on tomorrow evening to see how things are going. I think certainly a state like North Carolina where i am base is a good indicator of whether president tropp will be able to replicate like he states he needs to win re we to win reelection in 2020 but i think everybodys going to be focused on states like pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin and the issue with pennsylvania is we may not know the 1st several days how their votes are going because they are counting process is delayed over several days yeah indeed in that thats a real concern the poll take stream needs height in places like pennsylvania but then again professor we keep hearing about the 2016 polls and how they were wrong about Hillary Clintons victory she did win the popular vote of course even though she lost the Electoral College what were wrong about the polls in 2016 and do you think theyre in a better shape in 2020 of getting a closer estimate as to what we can expect. The National Polls and 26 team were actually fairly close within one point of predicting Hillary Clintons National Numbers but the National Numbers do not mean anything in the United States its all based on state level actions because of the Electoral College so certainly states like wisconsin michigan and pennsylvania did not have as robust of hole a done a 26 team as what we are seeing this year and so substantially we have better information from those critical states and as he said we may not know results so states like pennsylvania tomorrow evening and both candidates have been reminding voters that they may not be a clear winner on tuesday and President Trump i said he may not even accept the results off the 2021 action that he might declare victory and he do you think this is going to be fought in the courts in the end could this go all the way to the Supreme Court. I would not be surprised if it does certainly he has been laying the groundwork for challenging legally a lot of the issues in love in a variety of states certainly pennsylvania is going to be the key focus for both camps but i think you know no state ever has declared their Election Results of fishel there is always the process of canvassing and certifying the elections that typically happen at least 2 to maybe 3 weeks after the election so this is a normal process in the United States that the president is trying to declare are abnormal thank you very much professor for talking to us michael bitesize professor of Political Science at the top College Joining us there from North Carolina thank you for your time. In afghanistan at least 22. 00 people are dead and several others injured after gunmen stormed Kabul University sparking an hours long battle with the Security Forces students were shot in their classrooms as a and as they tried to flee the scene i saw says it was behind the attack which comes as the taliban and the Afghan Government hold peace talks in qatar perus president to ses in his 2nd impeachment trial in less than 2 months martin this car has been accused of accepting bribes worth more than 600000. 00 from 2 companies at one public worth 10 days he denies the allegations but a majority of politicians in congress say theyre serious enough to warrant a trial the Coronavirus Fund demick 9 the World Health Organization head says Global Leaders are facing a critical moment when the 2nd wave of infections dr ted. Cruz says its time to step up against a pandemic that has been placed under quarantine himself after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for profit 19 of the Organization Says he wont be tested for the virus unless he develops symptoms all of them. We saw that while many countries abroad of the moment you know undergone grow. Countries in europe and north america continue to survive this is another critical moment for a. Critical moment for leaders to step. Mom and for people to come together for a. Good unity its not truly. Several countries across europe are imposing tougher restrictions as infections continue to rise finds reporters another record jump been over 1000 cases on monday with more than 52000 confirmed cases hospital admissions i will also hit a 4 month high with just over 25000 patients sunscreen pose a nationwide lockdown on fighting to stop the virus from spreading meanwhile in the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson has defended his decision to impose International Law down in england didnt draw the pandemic critics say has been too slow to act but johnson insists he wasnt slower than other e. U. Countries starting on thursday old nonessential businesses will close and everyone must remain home and new coronavirus restrictions have also come into effect across germany the socalled wave break a lock down is not as restrictive as the one imposed in spring schools will remain open and public protests will be allowed but restaurants bars and recreational facilities will stay shut until the end of the month its really is also looking to impose more restrictions early 100. 00 hospitality workers stager protests in the capital rome against an existing Government Order to buy 4 bars and restaurants to shut by 6 p. M. Back to tanzania where Police Briefly detained opposition president ial candidates to a new lease on monday over a cough or protests disputing last weeks elections is arrest came hours after the chair of his party and other officials were detained on terrorism charges and they say they were prodding to blow up while stations embarrass alam president john mica fully secure a 2nd term in the vote but the opposition alleges widespread voter fraud and tanzania semiautonomous region of zanzibar has sworn in its new president will saying when he was elected to govern the island sandbars opposition has rejected the outcome calling for mass protests David Mccullough is an observer from tanzania elections washee explains the oppositions position well the opposition obviously because of this result for what theyve been trying to reach out to government or for the worst for fresh elections which of course the government will not take and so being in the condition in the state in which they are i mean they have very few options one of the terms on an constitution. Does not allow for you to show review or Election Results of the club or the national a trickle mission and therefore the salute speak in a corner i mean the only way we can pursue that justice is calling for public demonstration of the Peaceful Demonstrations of course Peaceful Demonstrations oftentimes well and if the police try to suppress them by force so we hope that i mean this will not be true to the war and that the government is willing to sit across the table and listen to their grievances or their position now a pop Art Exhibition has opened in Central London and attendees dont have to be in the city to see it the usa using robots to guide them around the show from the comfort of their own home Jessica Baldwin went to see the rubble at whats in action. Follow the lobster there is bound to be modern art zany works by philip cole theyre a natural progression from andy warhol and pop art but its not just the art thats interesting these robots are awaiting instructions from viewers at home the machines will follow the commands of virtual visitors zipping the one work or lingering on another thats incredible its a pandemic proof show. Visitors can stay safe while going to a museum i really miss being able to see art so i think the road out of option is is appealing. Certainly if theres nothing else available its its creative its interesting and it gives you a chance to feel like youre in the museum to kind of simulate that experience there are strict rules for the robots they have to keep their speed down theyre not allowed to run into other robots or real visitors if they do a plug is called and theyre logged off. Call there came up with the idea during lockdown to ensure his show was seen i thought well i have to try and use the situation to some interesting and then i was it was actually with technology to be released into almost creating exhibition which is almost like a fantasy shipwreck under the sea where you have to send like diving cameras into it and i thought was something quite poetic about this idea of basically making art something new and crying to create like a new dimension to experience an exhibition who knows contemporary art is always a step ahead and the future could see the robot put to use for countless tasks bringing the outside home if lockdowns continue and people feel the pinch of code restrictions Jessica Baldwin aljazeera london. So again im fully back people with the headlines on aljazeera at least one attacker is on the run after several gunmen opened fire across central vienna the capital of austria on monday evening 2 civilians were killed and 50 not as injured in whats being called a terrorist attack and they say they shot dead one of the suspected gunman. And eventually our special forces managed to take out a heavily armed terrorist who was armed with an automatic Assault Rifle and according to our current knowledge theres at least one assailant still on the run Michael Banville is a journalist who was in vienna and describes what the scene is like the city center of vienna is currently. Full with police the situation is still pretty unclear here so. Prominently there are. Heavy armed policeman driving through the city the centaur is closed down there is no public transport right now in the city center of the end and its also possible to enter the city center the place of the original attack there is. Will lots of ambulances flying nialls a fire fire her. In the u. S. President donald trump and his wife will joe biden are making their final pitches to voters on the last day of campaigning and recognize the 7000000 americans have already cast their ballots more than 2 thirds of the total number of voters in 2016 donald trump and joe biden is still however busy making a last minute push in states that could be crucial for their path to victory in afghanistan at least 22 people are dead and dozens of others injured after gunmen stormed Kabul University socking an hours long battle with the Security Forces students were shot in their classrooms and as a child to flee the scene i saw says it was behind the attack in Tanzania Police briefly detained opposition president ial candidate to do lisa over a call for protests disputing last weeks elections his arrest came hours after several opposition parties officially officials were detained on terrorism charges those are the headlines on aljazeera coming up next here one o one east. Night in america is a region of the wonder joy of tragedy and violence but it doesnt matter where you are you have to be able to relate to the human condition. Ive been covering all of latin america for most of my career but i think its a light and its my job headlight on how and why. Its. Across aboriginal australia the black lives matter move on the streets of america resonates deeply. Indigenous leaders are using the groundswell of anger by the racially just to protest the high number of their own lives and gone to spread. Aboriginal people a disproportionately arrested and locked up in a strata some as young as 10 years old. Playing escorted from the courthouse back there when its just all metal around you you just feel like a caged animal just things on that night charging of a guy 3 locking up 10 year olds 12 year olds whos not being. Released going to take things back. In a special 2 pot investigation one o one ace mates in markets and those on the front lines of the criminal Justice System in Western Australia the state with the countrys highest price of aboriginal incarceration. Moved. In the town of framing a 19 year old makes his bond journey to the local cemetery. Hes one of 4 indigenous prisoners to die inside a Western Australian child in 2020. Stanley suspected suicide is a death in custody a term used to describe any fatality involving the off hours. The system fire the system failed seem he was still a young young boy. Should not have been in that prison should have been the idea when the family couldnt love him and this couldnt happen wouldnt happen. Prisoners on day release have come to pay their last respects. Outpouring of sorrow is all too common for many indigenous back. Era of mass cost. In the early ninetys they have been more than 440 indigenous deaths in custody the majority in Western Australia. One is going to stop loss loss most of last year. When they are stuck killing actually eat. We were in the. Stanley was serving a 2 year sentence at a medium security jail for a string of burglary related offenses with parole the young inmate could have been released in 6 months he also spent time in youth detention learnt to paint. That helped him deal with things archie and depression. Stanley sisters tiana and just seem to remember him as a shy but loving member of the family. Is a photograph. X. 10 just unruh. It was one of those shadowy i wanted him to carry out with me. But to be for every young. He was sorry loving to my kids like. Sent my family but only 30. 1000 i. Did a painting of his hand to my daughter. Said to her for her birthday number there wasnt no big bad prisoner. You know i. Wasnt a bad person. I didnt deserve. To be neglected. It in deserve that. Just seem to say she warned prison officers that her brother was struggling in child but request to move him to another section where he had older family members were refused. Instead stanley was temporarily placed in a crisis care unit at risk in. My brother shari physical warning signs. He had cuts on his arms he had cuts on his chest he wasnt hyping he wasnt mentally coping so him being in a state where he wasnt coping and he wasnt feeling loved just constantly plays in my mind just constantly my brothers mental state. Within 72 hours of returning to the general jail population stanley was found unconscious in a story that were notified that he was suicidal but he wasnt accounted for 42 hours i did muster. You know and even then it wasnt even screws that found him it was his fellow inmates it was his friends it was his brothers they neglected him they had a duty of care he died 2 days later in hospital now we have to suffer his family is suffering let her get so angry really really angry because he felt so alone in noise in those moments and we always and always said to him worry when you cant when youre feeling stressed and when you feeling like you cant quite go and pint so when i when i when we had our hold his hand in hospital he had a pint under is miles so he tried to carp but he was not supported in the environment that he was in the alleged neglect torments his mother connie he was in a unit for prisoners who were 18 years old up to 25 years old. This Camera Security or around her was he my my baby found in a store and thats where it happened. How did you get access to a story im have can anyone get access a priest not angel get access to my store room. The state coroner will investigate stanleys death what answers are you going searching for the jury so. We want the church. Anyone thats left lost a loved one in a in any prison system has a lot of questions and they want to understand how that system works im nothing else in those questions legitimate corrective Services Commissioner tony hassel manages Western Australias 17 prisons and Youth Detention Center every day in any prison is if you know if i live in a sense because we have to look after people and we make the system a cipher as we possibly can but sometimes you know if some of these and very very determined they will actually type their own life. And thats incredibly side you know and everybody wants to understand why the happens. In response to the deaths he now leads a task force that im still prevent suicide in giles i want the task force to my classes to my site and humane as possible and to look at those things that we can do to ensure that we have the rules and procedures just one compartment taken away and points where people my hunger and selves is another. Thing that will absolutely look out ill be locking up people who actually need better social support not being blocked or white long periods of time but i think thats a really good question this is probably about 800 prisoners in the state system at the moment with the dog has Mental Health problems. Some of the prisoners should be enough and have a Mental Health facility you know that shouldnt shy wife the fact that we havent got the option of them on the. Policy changes the point bring stanley back his mother wants better medical treatment and Mental Health support in giles. Im just worried about those young boys you know. I really worry for their mental state. I mean what what what are they seeking what their future. Good night. In a final message to the prisons both those at the funeral and those watching by video link from inside child the past koni sphere. I want to tell you one thing to go a long long way with. Your law of the day most all of. Your life me for thank you ricky tyson. Who was very. Very very very very. Helpful best lawyer did actually go brother. And dont quite. Let me get one bell at least. It was a preventable deaths we will put on the sos to bury our children but we too often do Jerry Georgiades has been a friend of the family since dan lee was a child. And megan cracow provide support to weston this trial humans affected by deaths in custody. This is becoming to no moss rock community. Should never be normal last. The ripple effects is one of hits one of my one of suffering and particularly when there has been a death and theres no i know ensigns says to what happened. That creates lot of monetarist former now community. Its something they see every day in they work with the National Suicide prevention and Trauma Recovery project they said that he had suicided like hung himself and i couldnt believe that because he even get not intrude on his own young brain and was only going to restrain him what. Megan says corona investigations into a death in custody can be a long arduous journey offering legal resolution or surely. No prison down a Police Officer has ever been convicted over an indigenous death in custody in a struggle c. That is not right that is not fair that is not justice you need to know whats going on with your loved one what worries last lies like always last moments like was there some other acts of another course of their loved ones. Every week megan and gerry give Psychosocial Support to families caught up in the states criminal Justice System. They say its a form of the systems missing in Western Australia is giles. Saying we need to get this type of meeting in neutral. And chris. Has kids with their. They have that i 3 out of 4 People Living below the poverty line since the 1st peoples have been to child have been to jail and likely to go again. Unless we actually support them in the ways that we have to. The reality is that their issues are so deep their issues are so damaging so hurtful so talk sic so alon that they need support they need to be validated and unless we go to them and this we work with them theyve got next a little. Across town want to know kelly a grandmother who was struggled with homelessness for years just wants a shoulder to cry on. Her son charlie committed suicide and the other 2 sons are in giles. Witnessing which he is today. People and if you have to presume. Say the city for an hour. And think i. Cant. Say how. Smart to leave my world the time. I could have my son. You say said my son just say stay. And use gave not get it. Response is so much. In hell both little man. Is turned 1818 he died in july 2. Charlie was living on the streets and took his own lot after his lawyer told him he was likely to go to jail for 4 years the commission saw. Within 10 minutes 10 or 15 minutes for a dollar it came in a rental excuse me said my mother he. Didnt think nothing. As hard as a mother to see him must turn. Out this green turn please open your. His. Heart. Thats where i think we went through. You know moving my. Grandmother. Its incredibly difficult i mean its very emotional but one thing is that you need to have a heart you need to have compassion you need to show your pathy you need to turn up you need to be there for the families. If you dont truly understand and appreciate respect the struggles of our paper all the plots about. How can you put in place workable strategies of course is saying of course a for this is because we have since color laws and laws going to 2022 i. Were still being left behind. The aboriginal criminal Justice Research anima glenn says the pathway from poverty to prison the good from indigenous australia dates back to the 100. The aboriginal paperwork from the point of contact with a calmness was subjected to bankroll incarceration. Men from all around the state well rounded out whenever they resisted side laws around. All slavery. Today indigenous and conservation rights continue to increase between 2004 and 24 tane the number of aboriginal prisoners nationally rose by percent i accept that there are too many Aboriginal People in prison i think we have to either not its an incredibly complex problem to resolve is the system prices are i dont think so then what were dealing with is as ive said a group of people emerging from coal mines action and we have to be honest about except. Aboriginal people make up just 4 percent of west in the strategies population but account the 39 percent of adult prisons. Experts blame the states mandatory sentencing laws which impose minimum prison terms and dont allow judges discretion to look at offenders circumstances. Listen this trial is the mother of all trials i see people going into prisons people coming out the side people going in and out in and out when the stock was stopped. For decades a Digital Strategy and have taken to the straits protesting discrimination in the criminal Justice System with little success. But in 2020 when Police Brutality and black lives matter rallies a rap today in the u. S. It really ignited protests across a struggling. People there really are very angry that i wish i had lost still dying in custody and that rice is a man rice is following this is still a big issue here that people are losing their lives i think black lives matter has been coal to the west and a wide in situations to cya were taking this very seriously and you need to turn. Raising the age of criminal responsibility has also emerged as one of the lot broader issues of this trial is protest movement. Aberrational children as young as 10 years old can be to time and. This is one of the last ice age is of criminal responsibility in the world and a number of un bodies have come down very hard on this trial and told them that 4 tane is the minimum age of communal responsibility they simply not listening. This 13 year old boy who well call adam has already been to Western Australias only use prison banks here heal the tensions and when i 1st went to try to act off. To the awful luck. He was 1st in casa righted last year and has already served 12 short sentences the patriot fans yankees or a tom boy in this case and also in those shot so he can walk by the lot and ridged de. Sac keys keys in case to shank in a shank and. He said some of the kids will like 10 and 11 and you were 12. Were old the kids. Treated fairly and then. You know ernie. What things did you say that you think a kid should be subjected to. A lot of 10 year olds going bashfulness 16 year olds. I saw when. You saw that happen yeah if you act black. You have china feeling rough person and you feel you can stand i have everyone youre going to get bashed on mobeen there but if you act like just a quiet person you dont turn off and. Theyre just you want to get picked on us and our slayer line. Adam grew up in a country town in the caribbean grandmother his parents were heavy drug use both killed themselves by the time he was 10. Soon after adam began smoking marijuana and sniffing petrol while he type drugs from such a young age or 9 oclock and almost same among die for taking jocks so i guess for what i had gotten taken drugs and im never going to see him again so i dont know i just like you know. Take johns safe algar. This plane led him to spiral out of control down a path of homelessness and petty. 1 may just may its no thing just me i was hungry. One and she didnt take me back to ass to tell me the sky. So yeah i just do what were made to dont get paid here started stealing since being released from youth detention adam has returned to school and oath or hes placed him in the custody of hes 18 year old brother who will call marco a strange for much of their childhoods both boys have spent most of their lives in banksy heel or on the streets and lost and down to the point where i had to lock still often homeless person myself i was harmless i was still of other. Just forelock whatever was in the bag. I got myself locked up i just went in lock smashed the window and said myra for a place to come i got locked up so i could have better fade because it was pretty caught up in the city so we you know we had why banks here with a price in some ways of safety because you had some farm so when theres nothing and you got an author who was a courier for fate to literally get most of her arrested ceasar. And i was shy or get proper socks come off it was a in the Science Oxford or wow mark who was 14 when he 1st entered banksy hill Detention Center doesnt teach anyone a lesson doesnt really help it just puts you on and then theres expect you to see that the times up and then you come out and youre supposed to be a better person. Yeah its bad. Theyve got to know with people coming from what i do for that i dont do that i just see that you down wrong as chalk you can bang. You master you go. If youre very go whole boxes of gerry and megan are trying to help the boys find their face providing them with food and housing they say this story shows how the system is piling young indigenous inmates what have been the crimes homelessness theyve lost their parents theyre all things so now we jailing children who often who are homeless and who are stealing to survive you know where they go where is Child Protection for them where is the system there for them where is your government say for them what court could think in its right mind that it should be jailing 121314 year olds what were their crimes for now the hope is that the boys a getting their lives back on track marco dreams of one day becoming a mechanic but right now hes had the full just looking after adam also trying to figure out look after myself probably unlock a Mental Health and im going to try to do that with my little brother as well and. I want to try to get myself in the stuff and do stuff good with loss of life as well as do it with him. What do you think of this if last. I. Had it. Back just. Around that age i just starting can go from there but its long. So good luck to live. Next week. We gain bret access to the Youth Detention Center. And michael ended up. And we travel to the remote completely to make those on the front lot of western ascribed to this good last process. Rewind returns with updates on the best of aljazeera is documentaries. The moving story of 2 young tuckman girls in afghanistan. At last able to get an education after is a progressive taliban occupation. But what has become of their treats. Rewind pencils and bullets. On aljazeera. Has donald trump been good for America Everything is in disarray the media of course taken every bit of bait that they can do to mark the fact that america has been a force for good in the world. From the American People get inspiration from him and the other half cringe your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society at the bottom of. The last chance to make their mark campaigning in the u. S. Election is coming to an end after a final blitz of battleground states. Hello homes the rommany watching officer allies my headquarters here in the halls are coming up a manhunt is underway in vienna after a shooting spree left at least 2 people dead interior ministry is calling it a terror attack. At least 20 dead and tens of thousands of homes destroyed as the philippines is hit by its

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