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In the balance now hes asking the Supreme Court to intervene in unfounded claims of voter fraud. And nationwide Trump Supporters clash with pro biden groups. Its 800. 00 g. M. T. Thats 1 pm in the eastern United States and 3 days since election day but we still cant say who is going to be the next president things are heating up every hour joe biden whitens his lead over donald trump in several states that sum up this vapidly changing scenario heres what you need to know that are just a few battleground states still being counted joe biden is now ahead in georgia nevada and in pennsylvania biden is projected to have won 264. To Royal College votes donald trump has 214 the number to hit is 270 any single women for biden could effectively end the race but officials in georgia say they expect a recount there is also know that a new batch of ballots in a state weve already projected arizona they increase bidens margin but this is one of the states the trunk campaign is trying to contest with a legal challenge and in pennsylvania electoral officials have just briefed media saying they believe 40000 ballots remain most of them provisional and military ballots which may take longer to count ok lets take a close look at the projections from arizona and where each of the candidates stands in terms of vote differences as you can see donald trump is currently on 49 percent thats about 1. 5 just over 1500000 votes there joe biden on 50 percent just a fraction over he has 1561000 votes there are 11 electoral votes. In that now biden is leading in georgia just by a fraction of so about 1564. 00 votes now as per the law of the state a candidate can request a recount if the margin of difference is within 0. 5 Percentage Points now in pennsylvania biden is ahead of trump by a little over 12497. 00 votes to be exact decision there could come in the next few hours the remaining mail in ballots are mostly from the democratic leaning cities of philadelphia and pittsburgh now in North Carolina trump is in the lead 576700 and one votes now thats not a surprise the state has voted republican in every election since 1980 thats except for 2008 when barack obama won. And the state of nevada could well be the last show done it has the highest percentage left to count but those 6 delegates could make or break either candidate right no they belong to joe biden though in the last hour trump has trimmed bidens margin by several 1000 votes now the Republican National Committee Chairwoman has questioned the Election Integrity of the democrats one of the dunya will announce legal teams are already on the ground in 4 states following numerous incidences of alleged voting irregularities we have seen some discrepancies in michigan and some irregularities that deserve investigation democrats and the media spent for years and millions of taxpayer dollars talking about a russian hoax on the grounds of Election Integrity now with just over 48 hours after polls have closed in an actual election for president they want to ignore clear irregularities russia call states as one and this election we will not stand for that every candidate in every office from president down to the local level has a legal right to challenge irregularities that occur in the process of canvassing ballots we intend to ensure that every lawful voter has their vote counted in accordance with the law that observers are granted the access they are due under state law and that any irregularities that have occurred whether by a malicious attack intent or incompetence are fully investigated to the fully the fullest extent allowed under the law House Speaker nancy pelosi held a press conference in washington d. C. Earlier mind is already calling joe biden the president elect while lashing out at trump. Pretty soon the hyphen will be gone from Vice President to president elect joe biden a happy day for our country because joe biden is a unifier because he is determined to bring people together because he respects all points of view and as he has said i ran as a democrat i would govern as president for all of the people whether they voted for me or not sadly instead of crushing the virus it appears that the trump administered action will use its final moments in office and the desperate last step to destroy every possible protection for American Health and well being so many people have said to me a private some of you along the way what damage do you think that trump will do between losing the election and the swearing in the inauguration of joe biden maybe you didnt phrase it quite that way but thats how i heard it and we knew that he would be up to mischief separate and apart from that trying to destroy the credibility of our elections which we criticize other nations for doing and now weighs all enemies foreign and domestic make an assault on our elections well we have one domestic. Well we have correspondents following developments across the United States our team this hour is in wilmington in bidens home state of delaware kristen salumi is in the city of philadelphia with the latest on that vote count favoring joe biden and gallup is in miami with an update on the vote count in georgia 1st lets go to alan fischer whos covering developments from the capital washington d. C. Allan i want to ask you about this same one weve had from roanoke daniel the Republican National Committee Chairwoman questioning the Election Integrity of the democrats just put that into some context for us. Well it certainly shows the tone that the republicans are going to take over at least the next 24. 00 possibly 48 hours they want to investigate every allegation of an irregularity the problem theyve got at the moment is they have yet to produce evidence theyve talked to anecdotally theyve said theyve had reports of but they havent produced any Firm Evidence that the party highs in the last few hours opened up a website and a whole line where people can report anything that the saw in the or poorly placed particularly when it comes to counting votes donald trump himself highs in the last hour just tweeted out asking what happened to all the military ballots in georgia well they are being counted according to the officials in georgia and the problem that the republicans seem to have particular the president is hes talking about illegal ballots no ones entirely sure what he means by that just to be clear of the system here in the United States if you can vote on the day if you apply for an absentee ballot in many states as long as its on the day of the election this time of ember the 3rd that can arrive at some point afterwards most states have got being deadlines from just one or 2 days to more than a week and so some of those will still have to be counted but also nor how many votes are there so say for example donald trump has a lead of 20000. 00 votes but they nor there. Something like 10000 mail in ballots the you know what ever happens with those 1000000 ballots Donald Trumps lead in that state cannot be overhauled therefore they would be in a position to call that state we know from the campaign that they put out a statement a few hours ago they said this far as theyre concerned this election is not over and they say that the projections of joe biden winning based on the results of 4 states where there has been nor clear winner yet and they have given as an insight into the legal challenges they will make in georgia in arizona in nevada and also in pennsylvania just for example in nevada they believe that a number of people asked for mail in ballots and then cast their votes but they were not entitled to do is mail in ballots the campaign also seeing that they are in a position where they can when others do not even though a number of media organizations have called that state for joe biden they say they are still convinced they can win there and as you were reporting rob just in the last couple of hours the gap between the 2 candidates has come down from a 47000 vote lead for joe biden to somewhere in the region of course 23743900 but they need to lose a lot more votes they need to get a lot more votes joe biden to lose his advantage by a lot more than that put out or soon to become more competitive as for calling for a recount more expected to see one in georgia certainly the officials there are bracing themselves for that just to remind you in georgia it is up to one of the parties to call for a recount and given that its so tight in georgia that is almost likely to happen because as we had from one of mcdaniel they want to challenge everywhere they possibly can number of republicans have been criticizing what donald trump said in the white house late on thursday night when he said there were a number of irregularities and again didnt give any evidence of that but there are thought. Republicans who are firmly behind the president we are told that he is speaking to our allies he is watching results and he has no plans at this stage to make a concession speech which would hand the presidency to joe biden come january the 20th 2021 alan thanks very much indeed thats out and talking to us from washington d. C. Philadelphia is married jim kenny has criticized president following his attacks on the citys Election Integrity the votes will continue to be counted until every valid mail in ballot absentee ballot and provisional ballot is counted so while some including the president continue to spew baseless claims of fraud claims for which his team has not produced one iota of evidence what we have seen here in philadelphia is democracy pure and simple our Founding Fathers who could see this system just a 15 minute walk down the street i know would be proud. Ok lets speak to christensen and we whos in philadelphia for us theres a strong words from the mayor there on hows the count progress and 1st of all. Yes we just got that update from the mare and Election Officials here in philadelphia behind me the vote continues in the Convention Center and the mares words god Even Stronger at one point saying that president needs to put his big boy pants on and acknowledge that hes lost of course officially the vote does continue and here in philadelphia alone theres about 40000. 00 more ballots to be counted in with 98 percent of the vote in statewide President Trump is now trailing joe biden by more than 5000. 00 votes and the counting will continue and mail in ballots will continue to be accepted and counted right up until 5 pm today 3 days after the election this is in line with a Court Decision saying that this could be done that these ballots could be counted up to 5 pm and sweep that was ordered of post Office Facilities Mail Processing centers by a judge has turned up some 7800 ballots that had yet to be received by pennsylvania locations most of them here in philadelphia also some in pittsburgh and other areas he ordered that those ballots be delivered on time to be counted all of this has been the focus of president chops and i are especially philadelphia this heavily democratic city where joe biden has been winning 87 percent of the votes president has been attempting to discredit the county here he had. Earlier that pennsylvania conducted itself in a horrible and lawless way again nothing lawless about accepting these ballots up until 5 pm that was verified by the state Supreme Court validated by the street Supreme Court but he is hoping that the Supreme Court of the nation will take up that case and perhaps turn it over at the end of the day those ballots are being kept segregated here in case there is a Court Challenge how many they are is relatively small were talking in the thousands here would that be enough to make a difference for President Trump well it is awfully close right now so its possible but it is a relatively small percentage but pennsylvania and somehow regaining a lead here which seems highly unlikely this time would be the only way for president to salvage when kristen thank you very much indeed those kristen suddenly talking to us from philadelphia and pennsylvania. For more on that race in georgia where joe biden is now ahead lets speak to Andy Gallacher whos joining us live from miami where hes covering the Georgia Election just bring us up to date on the with whats going on there. Well it looks like there will be a recount in the state of georgia according to the secretary of state there are public and because the lead between the 2 candidates is about 1500. 00 votes as one state election official said less than the population of a small childrens high school so there are about 4000. 00 votes left to be counted about 9000. 00 military. Overseas ballots left to be counted they have to make it before a deadline this evening but this is a situation i dont think anyone thought they were going to be and remember georgia has been a solidly red state for decades that last democratic president ial nominee to win that was bill clinton back in 1992 so its a reflection i think of changing demographics of peoples attitudes towards the president but this is even a fact that there are 16 electoral College Votes at stake but perhaps more importantly in this point there are a couple of senatorial races that may decide the balance of power in the senate Going Forward both those candidates have managed to reap the breach the 50 percent plus one threshold so they may also go into a runoff on january in the beginning of january so this is a state thats really playing an outsized role in this president ial election its been solidly red for years now just 1500 votes between the candidates with joe biden with a slight edge and the counting is still going on and we were hearing from earlier on from the man who was in charge of the election process in georgia and he was outlining in a press briefing just how difficult and complex the whole thing is and he was saying that this process taking into consideration. Duration all the outstanding votes may sort of struggle until about november the 20th although they were hoping to bring it forward it really is a tremendous amount of pressure on those counting the votes right now isnt. It is i mean you know weve been talking about this for what 34 days i kind of lost track of time at this point but these Election Officials these poll workers have been working through the night often times theyve got someone looking over their shoulder to make sure everythings going well they know the eyes of the nation are all watching them but theyre doing a tremendous job i mean this is a difficult complex process in the middle of a pandemic theyre dealing with more mail in ballots than they ever have before but any reports of irregularities have been pretty slim but which you think about where we were on Election Night donald trump had 8370000 vote lead over joe biden but as those mail in ballots slowly came in over the past few days that laid was eaten away until that state is now potentially to blue with a one 1500. 00 vote lead for joe biden so it is incredible along with a lot of these other states these Election Officials are sticking to the law they know everyone is watching them and theyre doing exactly what they can to the letter of the law and he thanks very much and sAndy Gallacher talking to us from miami monitoring the situation in georgia for us lets bring in. Hes in wilmington delaware of course as weve been saying that joe bidens home state just bring us up to date with whats happening from the Biden Campaign. Its all anticipation here or not necessarily because theyre wondering whats what happened more like theyre wondering when its will happen we understand that joe biden will be making an address at some point on friday were told it will be us primetime and thats anytime between 7. 00 to 11 pm eastern time. More likely later in the day because you would want to address the entire nation as the u. S. Is such a huge country. Sure theres more than one time zone right so hes going to need to ensure that its not a time that the people on the west coast are out of work as well so that he can address them all so thats what people are waiting for in that time there is a you know trickling in of his supporters coming through this area just outside the trade center here in wilmington where the headquarters of the biden team has been set up now for a few days theres a stage there ready all kitted out with the bulletproof glass screens that come accustomed to and so forth. Thats been taking place there has been a statements made by or not necessarily a statement it was a response by one of the spokespeople in the Biden Campaign short question about well whats bidens Campaign Going to do if trump refuses to admit that he lost to which the Spokes Person said that they have full confidence in the u. S. Governments ability to remove trespassers on want to trust from the white house so theyre very much comfortable where they are very confident that at some point by then will be announced security has been stepped up around by then by the u. S. Secret service and it seems like its only a matter of time before the former Vice President announces himself as the president elect of the United States of america. Jamal thanks very much indeed. Talking to us from wilmington in delaware. Ok i have a slight update for you know from nevada they have 63000 ballots left to count in clark county they expect to be done by sunday there was a press Briefing Held by one of the officials just a few moments ago which was recorded by some of the agencies so just to say as i say there but 63000 ballots still to be counted in clark county ok were going to dive deep into the president ial election with several guests over the next few minutes several topics are going to be examined for you we want to discuss the racial divide within america and lets bring in the director of the center for the study of race and ethnicity in America Brown university tricia rose shes joining us by skype from providence in rhode island we appreciate having you on aljazeera thank you very much indeed what has the Division Within the voting structure in this election told you about race in america. Well its a staggering division in so far as its not just a division between sort of republicans and democrats but that youre looking at very few numbers d of people of african descent africanamericans and african immigrants voting for republicans and voting d for trump at all very small numbers so its very lopsided but its also pretty remarkable that the racial divide is is being revealed d not only by say white voting so significantly for trump but that even his pretty consistent use of traditional white supremacist framing and refusal to to challenge or criticize any white supremacist organizations or groups or actions is still acceptable d for in large numbers millions and millions of white americans to vote for he also ran on a fear based campaign challenging and claiming that cities where these decrepit you know racially terrifying places very old tropes that still play very well so what it told me was that this is still a very acceptable heart. Of many whites ways of understanding and that we have a lot of work to do that trump has stoked but has not created himself thats really an interesting point isnt it because as you say the was a lot of speculation on perhaps hope that if donald trump had left the white house that everything would return to the era of bought a car bomb and everything would seem ok that is clearly not the case i mean if if nothing else the Trump Administration has served to throw it to highlight the divisions within the United States how do you try to heal a country which to those of us on the other side seems terribly broken. Well listen if i had the best answer for that i wouldnt be sitting here in Providence Rhode island but so that but i will give you some speculations i mean number one we have to do very indepth analysis and have indepth conversations about what people see themselves voting for when theyre voting for a trial and i dont think thats one thing i dont think its all about a deep reinvestment in racism explicitly but i think its about imagining that the privileges of a of a white world that had greater advantages than they may feel they have now is what they want to restore and so asking lots of new last questions getting lots of information more in the form of ethnography and interviews in long form dialogues d not surveys per se i think is going to be one of the critical ways we can have a more nuanced understanding and that really speaks to a broader problem that we dont really study whiteness we study race as if its a person of color issue but we dont adequately focus i mean some scholars do but there isnt as much National Conversation about well what is whiteness mean what is it what is it what are the contours of it how does it work what are the distinctions between different groups of white people like we dont we dont study it adequately and i think this is a great opportunity to do so and to really start to unpack it and we might find that that there are ways to produce unity that dont involve giving up a position about racial do justice in the in a multiracial democracy i get what youre saying about obviously reaching out to to the groups to try to undo create that understanding we are talking about elements of the demographic in the United States which follow a very particular pot on. In terms of supporting trump wants men usually on undereducated or on educated with a very fixed view of their position in the world and how much it is threatened how do you reach people like that in order to be able to get the understanding that youre talking about. Well before i answer that i wanted to just say that you know 40 percent according to some of the things ive searched on line 40 percent of trumps base and voters are College Educated now whether they finish college or not i dont know but the implication is that theres a broader class diversity to his supporters than i think we assume in every day reflection. That said he does have a stronghold in a kind of rural oregon class of rust belt communities around the country and particularly among men but again women are almost half of the voters so mean theyre representing their their numbers pretty well. So i think part of it is you know trying to figure out how to pierce the assumption that their world is coming to an end and that somehow brown and black and immigrants new immigrants and africanamericans and others are responsible for that and i think that has got to be part of it but but ill i also think that you know we might want to start with those working class white men who voted for obama d the 1st time because they obviously thought he could do something that he perhaps was either unwilling or unable to do but they were able to vote for a black man to do it so the question is why you know i think its a more complicated dynamic than we like to think that said there is a kneejerk resistance to black social protest to an effort to really make significant changes in ending the kind of violence that black people face of the hands of police and other aspects of society and i think really illuminating systemic racism and making it visible will be another piece of the puzzle that will be helpful we really appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise tricia rose thank you so much. Its my pleasure thank you for having me ok to discuss the rapidly changing elections scenario and what happens next lets get a perspective from both sides of the political divide weve got teradata l. Shes a Democratic Political and Marketing Consultant and were also joined by janelle king a republican strategist its good to have you on the program we held earlier on the House Speaker nancy pelosi holding a press conference in washington d. C. Talking about coronavirus the impact that the corona virus has had on the jobs the the perception that the Top Administration is going to. Create problems between now and the point when there is an inauguration is this an effort do you think by the democrats to seize the narrative. I think this is an effort by the democrats to push back against a deluge of misinformation that has been flowing forth from donald trump himself and from many in the Republican Party the fact of the matter is that the corona virus the Novel Coronavirus a pandemic that 19 has ravaged the unit in the United States and is ravaging the United States weve had record amount of people die relative to other countries even though we know there are spikes across europe is there nothing like the spikes that are occurring here and especially when you compare whats happening in places like new zealand in the United States we have more people in the white house with 19 than the entire country of new zealand and in taiwan people are going to the movies to get and so so we know that there is a way forward and but it requires discipline it requires a plan and it requires commitment and with donald trump seems to be morkel side of this point time is lashing out about the election and he hasnt shown any kind of real interest in helping to contain and constrain this virus let me bring in john king should know there is no question that clearly coronavirus is an issue in the United States as it is in many other parts of the world and it has to be dealt with. Is there a way do you think that the republicans would be prepared to work alongside a Biden Administration to find a solution to that problem 1st because it does seem as though. That the corrode of of the presence of coronavirus is having an enormous impact on the life and the economy of the United States. Well 1st of all the trouble ministration as down as the ocean and what were doing here is talking about pirates that was sprung on america without any warning the democrats love to present the notion that somehow in 1000 what perked up in the backyard of our president in that he had all the answers when it landed here in america but he did not and so he did everything he possibly could when he created the very he set the travel ban in place because of the when he moved forward with having Daily Press Conferences they rather talk with the media but asking questions that have absolutely nothing to do with the virus so it seems as though they didnt really care that much then either so as we move forward the president has done a number of thing i hear democrats say all the time that you know we dont trust the president but we trust science but yet we dont know about the back scene thats been created i find it so the whole talking out both sides of their mouth is coming from the democratic side and that is been a talking point for them in order to try to win this election because they knew they had nothing else the prior to 1000 you had record numbers being set as a release and low unemployment we had the 1st step happening in the minority but it was so interesting that you know democrats make it seem like it the country is so divided but we have a president got 18 percent of the black male vote during this election still counting he double his support for black women in this election and still counting so i venture to say meth after get 36 percent of the vote from the Tina Community so i think that there is a notion of a narrative thats trying to be created or trying to be cooked up rather dim in order to prepare for that im not considering working alongside with the biden or harris ministration until we find out who actually wind and so right now we are still all waiting in the balance and which is what happens there is no question that donald trump has increased the amount of votes that he had in overproof. Selections there is clearly a great deal of support in america for President Trumps views and the refuse of the views of republicans as well is there any way that democrats in the event that President Trump does retain the presidency the democrats would be prepared to work alongside President Trump and try to bring together what appears to be a very fractured country. Well certainly democrats have always tried to work alongside of republicans some democrats will argue that democrats try too hard to work alongside of republicans when when trump took over and became president 2016 president obama left for him book a book that was designed to help him to deal with with this very issue with a pandemic. There was a Pandemic Office that was a stablished by the white house that trump has dismantled there were people on the ground in china that were there to keep an eye on things and see what was progressing because that we know information that comes out to china has a fairly accurate though there were people on the ground and that was a part of the strategy there had been warnings about pandemic actually trump own Health Secretary talked about how pandemics were something that were with a big concern for them and that and so that what we saw was that trump has rejected a lot of the help thats been offered but we had a bipartisan agreement with the 1st annulus package that came about nancy pelosi worked with Mitch Mcconnell to have make that happen nancy pelosi had been working with secretary menuhin whos trump treasury secretary for a 2nd package which Mitch Mcconnell the senate the Senate Majority leader did not move all with and said he was going to move forward with and that trust rejected as well so the democrats would do as much as they can to Work Together as they always had but you know we have to have a willing party but at the end of the day whats going to matter is that there is a plan that the democrats have around the Novel Coronavirus around hope that nancy my husband is a doctor and i can tell you that as someone who had to sit home at night and have him come in and worry about whether or not he was going to make it that thousands of Health Care Workers in this country sacrificed their lives as the last people to this virus and i can tell you. They didnt have the trunk administration wasnt doing what they were supposed to do especially in our poorest hospitals and so what democrats will do is that they will change that and make sure that Health Care Community is protected that the people on the front lines are protected and that schools that all of the Small Businesses like myself as a Small Business owner that we have the resources that we need so that we can try to maintain our businesses and grow our businesses in the midst of the economic and Health Fallout thats affecting so many of you obviously disagree with this im going to give you a chance to come back on this one syria action to this i dont want to make this all about coronavirus but i would like to get your response. Well the thing about it is you know i know she mentioned the book and i mean its i think its a little naive to think that the president that president obama left a book that outlined how to handle virus and know when that was and then the president put together a coronavirus has course thats what i was referring to with the meeting daily so ok you dismantle what was previously put in place that had nothing to do with the coronavirus because we dont know anything about the product virus to replace it with a tat or that was designed for the coronavirus weve all been impacted by this might have been i or Business Owners and we are grateful for the p. P. P. P. P. P. That came through in order to assist more business but we cannot pretend like this is something that the president didnt take seriously or that he took it for granted that is not the case heres the thing when it when it is our lane and the democrats were too busy in their lives they speak about trying to Work Together when they were too busy trying to impeach the president of a russian host instead of actually dealing with this brought about or is that the president was making statements about the virus and did december in january ok gentlemen i have all of the thank you for that i want to interrupt because i want to go i want to take it on a little bit if you dont mind because we need to i want to look at the aftermath of the election whatever happens and whoever gets into the white house seems to be no question that both sides democrats and republicans have to some degree suffered some sort of damage or if nothing else some sort of messaging issue messaging problems over the last few months jenna let me ask you 1st do you feel that the Republican Party the g. O. P. Needs to look within itself again and start redefining what it stands for and to try to avoid a schism if you like between republicans and trump as a. Now still as i stated before we got bit by percent of the white male vote 80 percent of black male vote 8 percent which is from 2016 of the black female vote early thinkers in the latino vote we ate healthy and we maintain the senate i think we have a good grasp on what the messaging is when it comes to the republic and i think the problem that were dealing with right now if you treat all the hate for the president for whatever reason then maybe its because of the you know the allow the Democratic Party to have control d without transparency but either way i think thats where the problem is the Republican Party we have a great braswell that i think the biggest thing we need to focus on at this point is making sure that we push forward in change maintain believe that we have in the Republican Foundation the principles that we are initiating tara let me ask you the same question the democrats there is a risk that they are going to be split into the democrats who feel that they have achieved something very significant by raising the number of votes that. Joe biden has got and there are going to be those who feel that will likely president trum did get a tremendous amount of support we didnt eat into that nearly as much as we should. Well joe biden won the popular vote and he won the popular vote by a significant margin particularly in the modern american political context and you know 18 percent of the black male vote means that 82 percent of black men did not vote for or donald trump 8 percent of the black female vote a black woman vote means that 92 percent did not vote for donald trump in terms of all you have to do is look at the demographics the party 83 percent of young Asian Americans voted for democrats 88 percent of young black americans voted for democrats or added 10 actually joe biden increased his share relative to other democrats of the white vote the Democratic Party is the party that is reflective of america it is reflective of the overwhelming majority of all of the communities of color voted for for biden and harris along with white americans and so i think that yes im like my colleague here i will say we will do in such introspection as the Democratic Party we should do introspection we should always be looking at how we can ensure that the policies that we offer are that were properly messaging them and that we are reaching and helping people who need to be helped the most Vulnerable People in this country so i always think as a party you should be looking about how you can be better do better and have more of an impact on peoples lives and so the Democratic Party will never step away from that kind of evaluation and do we have issues sometimes we have issues sometimes and its about recognizing what those issues are and resolving those issues and acknowledging the shortcomings and any gaps that exist and so im proud to be able to say that yes we will acknowledge any mistakes that we make and yes as a party will fight to change change that i do think though at the end of the day we do have a history in this country. This civil war we have a lingering history of racism meant to to pretend that behavior jerry chris youre saying that black people have to want to be successful and make announcements like that is not if its helpful it is extremely unhelpful mexicans a rate thats all of these comments and its rhetoric is that by suppressing rhetoric that weve heard from this president to pretend that none of donna let me get were just running out of time but let me just a large announcer come back in on this. Yes thats completely wrong that is not what he said and thats the democrats do they were they make the narrative that they want to share what is what your question i said was that president chavez that a lot in a lot of opportunities d as it relates to the black community but he cant want to or you you have to want it for yourself as well that is what he said in president from never been actually terrible. How do i care about what. You have to want for yourself and why everybody i dont why dont you work at fort lee hamilton im going to have to leave it on my plate i realize youre a star and what is time is against us and im sorry im going to have to interrupt you weve got i mean youre on the front lines in this country its nice to know and donna thank you very much indeed for joining us on aljazeera i do apologize and we have run out of time this is obviously a discussion that could go on for so much longer but tom odell thank you very much indeed as analogy king we appreciate your time thank you very much indeed. Now President Trump has promised a quote tremendous amount of litigation contesting the vote counting process in several states lets take a look at those legal efforts his campaign has filed suits in georgia michigan pennsylvania and states where hes either lost or faces an extremely close race various suits in those states include allegations of late and invalid votes being tabulated and campaign observers being denied adequate access to the counting trump has failed to score any significant legal victories so far 2 cases in michigan and georgia have been dismissed for lack of evidence none of the complaints provide examples of trumps massive voter fraud claims but he has promised to take his case all the way to the Supreme Court so lets bring in attorney move ala and westover vermont he served as a director of administration for Vice President joe biden and as a Senior Advisor for latino adviser for Vice President al gore we appreciate you joining us and aljazeera sir thank you very much indeed before we get to the legal elements of this i want to ask you about your experience with Vice President al gore when he was in the electoral contests with george bush and subsequently conceded to george bush can you draw similarities or power levels between what happened then and what were seeing. Actually the 1st of all thanks for having me on rob no but you know this is a very different situation than in 2000 and by the way thanks for bringing back a horrible memory rob. But ill tell you from a Political Science and political analysis perspective theyre very different elections that dynamics are completely different youve got to remember that in 2000 it came down to less than a 1000 or 2000 votes in one state in florida as you will recall and there was an issue about whether you could recount and when you if you were going to recount which one ballots could you recount and which ones were to be thrown away hanging chads thats not whats going on here what youre seeing here is 1st of all its not involving just one state hes throwing spaghetti against the wall i as you mentioned im an attorney and ill tell you what we call these we call these nuisance lawsuits this is when you are desperate and youre flailing and youre just going to throw every lawsuit you possibly can to see if anything sticks because right now weve not seen any evidence of anything that donald trump is claiming so no it is not like 2008 all this is a very different situation and frankly the world and all of america would be a lot of better off if donald trump would just lose gracefully when that be nice let me ask you about this this determination that donald trump appears to have that he is going to take this all the way to the Supreme Court for those of us who dont really know much about the workings of the Supreme Court my my understanding is that the court is entitled to select its own cases and john roberts is in charge of the court seems very intent on retaining the integrity of the chords how likely is it do you think to any of these cases are going to go as far as the Supreme Court. Well 1st of all what use of unless there is some why spread pattern of corruption or fraud were talking about some conspiratorial effort done by in some organized manner i dont even see what ends up in the Supreme Court these are mostly all going to be filed in the state Court Systems of the states where he is claiming there have been irregularities unethical behavior fraud or whatever now lets be clear just like in your country or any country around the world the United States we have 320000000 or so people that live in the United States and on an election with that many people theres going to be a machine that broke down somewhere or somebody watered up their ballots by accident in their purse or somebody signed in the wrong place this is very normal that happens in every election around the world and especially in democracies so thats if thats what hes talking about hes not even to get past where one but we dont know of any incidents as a fraud at this point this is all right now fabrication and fantasy of his again lets not get lost in the noise there i dont think youre ever going to hear from the Supreme Court here because this is not like florida where there was a there was an actual decision where the state Supreme Court of florida ruled on a rule of law and then it was appealed to the Supreme Court were not even thats that would be weeks away from now and i dont see what could even go to that i dont see how anything could even get to that point and let me ask you as i say the confidence that the u. S. People and the people in the u. S. Are going to have in their Voting System as a result of all the allegations that are being made particularly by the the tump and ministration how much of a dummy. How much damage do you think this is doing to the confidence that people have in america in that system. Well i think its 1st of all its disgraceful its despicable and its disgusting. And it is doing a tremendous amount of damage not necessarily to the confidence or and of the of of the integrity of our electoral system but its more of anything its just its just despicable in the sense that its its absolutely an attack on our fundamental democracy and that is just horrific its wrong its dangerous his words are in society and all kinds of response from his followers and its just horrible weve never had this happen but we are i mean i suppose or what i meant the im going to have to stop you there more im so sorry but move a lot of the served as director of administration for Vice President joe biden and a Senior Advisor for latino adviser to Vice President al gore we appreciate your being an aljazeera so thank you very much indeed thank you for having you here we spoke to lawyer amy pope in london she served in the u. S. Department of justice as deputy Homeland Security adviser to president obama she explains why dont know trans legal complaints are not likely to reach the Supreme Court take it to the Supreme Court there have to be some material cases issues of law or a fact and were really not seeing either its not against the law to vote against donald trump despite what he might allege and so thats why were seeing so many of these cases being thrown out as quickly as they are. Hes filing them both in federal courts as well as in state courts it looks that some of them are not actually being filed always in the right place there have been some cases where the judges actually questioned why its being heard for example in federal court when there was a state court issue that was disputed but that just demonstrates that these are not carefully crafted legally an evidentiary based lawsuits theyre really nuisance lawsuits that are meant more it appears to gin up Public Opinion we do know that the chief Justice John Roberts takes very seriously the independence of the judge to sherry hes made comments to that effect in the past hes made clear that he does not see the Supreme Court as an arm of the president the other issue thats at play here is how much difference does it make even if the trumpet ministration were accurate in its claims so when were talking about a handful of votes in a state where the president has lost by tens of thousands of votes then it makes no material difference and the consequences of that lawsuit really dont matter that much which is a reminder now why pennsylvania is critical for donald trump to stay in the race his all diseases number cruncher come all santa maria and what makes the state so important. Pennsylvania is famously joe bidens native state you probably heard him mention scranton pennsylvania more than a few times but it is important for anyone who wants to win the white house pennsylvania has 20 electoral College Votes on offer and the pollsters believe the keystone state could in fact hold the key in deciding who wins this time around but if history for you here we go back 299246 straight president ial elections it has backed the democrats bill clinton and barack obama who won twice john kerry and al gore who didnt but pennsylvania still became part of the socalled democratic blue wall but like so many things all of that changed in 2016 pennsylvania flipped red only just when donald trump beat Hillary Clinton by less than one percent now were going to bring up the 26. 00 electoral map to see who did well where and youve got the democrats down in the southeast they did well the other cities in the suburbs the republicans who won in mostly rural areas did pick up some urban centers and then the 3 counties which weve colored in orange who switched from barack obama in 2 elections to donald trump in 2016 a quick look at some demographics for you and more than 80 percent of pennsylvanias voting population is white blue collar voters who have long been the democrats base nonCollege Educated voters who favor donald trump also 10 percent of eligible voters are black and hispanics a little over 5 percent so it will probably come down to do is urban voters in pennsylvania and whether biden can hold on to them and then woo some back from donald trump to decide who gets 20 vital electoral College Votes and that is why pennsylvania matters. Still ahead on all of us here on this board boss alone as manager heads back a criticism of Claude Compton little messy son is here with that story. Org. Its time for sports santa thank you very much rob well barcelona manager has leapt to the defense of club captain in all messy messy has faced criticism for his apparent lack of effort during Wednesdays Champions League match against. Well does secure victory in that fixture but theyll be looking to end the run of 4 Spanish League games without a win against real betis on saturday messi is yet to score from open play this season at your keyboard for any player can be called walking in a few pictures i didnt see it and im not interested i have my thoughts regarding his attitude as they are positive if you need to create a controversy thats up to you but i disagree i think messi still has so much quality and hes showing it hes still a key player. All the goodness also is heading into it could be a pivotal game in his career as Manchester United manager saltus team are down in 15th place in the premier league a lost in the Champions League in midweek united are away at everton on saturday i dont. Look at one of 2 resorts and it. And 4 like a house of cards we are the best and the biggest club in the world. You dont expect. Anything book criticism now its just how you deal with it how you deal with that part. Well 2 games are taking place today no goals so far in the match between a bright a number and well saw phantom play new corsa later on on sunday League Leaders and title holders liverpool take on Manchester City beach us have to make sure that we get through very intense periods. Light up the fittest players and play the best football we can and in this case it is against man city which is obviously one of the most difficult games to play in the world well huge game coming up in germany where the top 2 teams meet in the bundesliga just so goal difference separates by munich and boost your daughter than last season blind one a domestic double both trophies as well as the european Champions League thought men have only won it to of the pos 10 League Meetings against by and i hope we havent hit the pinnacle yet i think the mentality of us players of myself and im sure i can speak about the team now is to aim for another trip of course who i know is going to be hard but we know we have a lot of quality and the motivation sometimes going to be difficult but for one of us picks the other one up im sure we can achieve a lot more than just having one season thats been great. Tennis now rough on the dies on court right now aiming for a place in the last 4 of the paris moss but he is one set down in his quarter final against public. Says he Daniele Medvedev has already made sure of his spot in the semis the russian dominated his match against succeed Diego Schwartzman he beat his argentinian pony in straight sets 6361 strives to call home play just missed out on a semifinal place he last saw in the 3rd set tiebreaker to miss ronit the canadian i had to save 2 match points on his way to victory runner to play medvedev in the last 4. Players association has agreed to start the new season on december the 22nd it means basketballs top stars will be back in action just 7 weeks after the end of the previous season that was disrupted by coronavirus. And its been a day to remember for french a goal for a starter he hit a hole in one at this European Tour event in cyprus it was an important shot for the 28 year old as he stayed in contention to make the halfway cut salt will still has still has to finish his 2nd round off on saturday morning after a long reign delay on friday. Thats it for me although some of thank you very much indeed madam the most is going to be here the couple of minutes with more on all these stories about us and thanks very much for being with us good bye. In an election thats seen as a test of its frustum a crutch if you like to the government will vote for a new parliament faced with International Pressure over a military crackdown of revenge in the slim. Shes National League for democracy hold on to its majority. On aljazeera. Do you feel validated in south way is a type of performative activism. Lets go back to specifically you calling a white supremacist the lights are on the theres nowhere to hide join me Richelle Carey is up at the front questions to my special guests and challenge them to some Straight Talk and political debate. From britain on aljazeera. The story of love family and fredo go into my living years old you were at school you heard the sounds of large explosions. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me i mean that night they told me to leave my son i said how can i raise him i saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. Pricing. On aljazeera. For we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter. Which is iraq bringing the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Joe biden inches closer to the white house expanding his narrow lead over President Trump in georgia and pennsylvania. That georgia is set for a recount because the gap between the 2 candidates is so small. Hello i Maryam Namazie and london youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program President Trump and his campaign thats still to find insisting the election is not over they are continuing to allege irregularities

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