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His supporters are continuing to protest outside Voting Centers but elsewhere celebrations of broken now in anticipation of final results. Joe biden is edging closer to that magic number of 270 Electoral College votes that will make him the next president of the United States in the past 12 hours the democratic candidate has overtaken donald trump in 2 key battleground states pennsylvania and georgia so this is where we stand at the moment there are just a few battleground states still being counted at this point biden is leading in all of them based on the count from the Associated Press he secured 264 Electoral College votes so far donald trump has 214 and needs both georgia and pennsylvania to reach 270 but bidens lead in these 2 states is growing as the mail in ballots continues to be counted in georgia is extremely close though most of those remaining votes are from the city of atlanta and its suburbs which tends to lean heavily democrat anyway thats helped joe biden get ahead but it still by a slim margin it might secure him though georgias coveted 16 electoral votes secretary of state has said there will be a recount because the margin in favor of job. Is so close well this time yesterday it was trump leading in georgia by almost 13000 votes but obviously thats changed and then 24 hours ago trump led pennsylvania by more than 100000 votes but again a similar story that biden has overtaken him in the past few hours that card counting mail in ballots also swaying heavily towards the democrats which could hand by in the states valuable 20 electoral votes and then in nevada joe bidens lead has slightly widen there the winner of this state will secure 6 electoral votes in 2016 lost this state by more than 2 percent and of course another key state role watching this hours. Thats where the counting is continuing as well joe biden has a substantial lead of press already calling this state for joe biden which took his Electoral College count to 264 on wednesday President Trump has been tweeting of course saying that same easily wins the presidency with the legal votes cast he says the observers were not allowed in any way shape or form to do that job and therefore votes accepted during this period must be determined to be illegal votes. Well we see that the no evidence to support those allegations well the Republican National Committee Chairwoman has also question the integrity of the election want to mcdaniel announced legal teams are on the ground in 4 states following several allegations of voting irregularities we have seen some discrepancies in michigan and some irregularities that deserve investigation democrats and the media spent 4 years and millions of taxpayer dollars talking about a russian hoax on the grounds of Election Integrity now with just over 48 hours after polls have closed in an actual election for president they want to ignore clear irregularities russia call states as one and the selection we will not stand for that every candidate in every office from president down to the local level has a legal right to challenge irregularities that occur in the process of canvassing ballots we intend to ensure that every lawful voter has their vote counted in accordance with the law that observers are granted the access they are do under state law and that any irregularities that have occurred whether by a malicious attack intent or incompetence are fully investigated to the fully fullest extent allowed under the law very different message as youd expect from House Speaker nancy pelosi whos openly indicated that democrats are expecting a joe Biden Victory this morning it is clear that the biden heris ticket will win the white house his election is historic propelled by the biggest moment ever in the history of our country 73800000 and counting americans the most both ever received by any president ial ticket and history. So in a moment well get the latest on those counts in pennsylvania and georgia from our correspondents in philadelphia and miami 1st so well start with alan fischer in washington and of course is a joe Biden Victory starts to look more certain based on the figures that are coming in were getting more noise from and allegations from president. What were hearing from the Republican Party from running mcdaniel no also from donald trump is that theyre digging in on this donald trump has in the last hour released a statement where he says he believes the American People the desire for transparency particularly when it comes to the integrity of the entire election process he said this isnt just about this election that all legal ballots must be counted illegal ones discarded still dont have a definition of what that actually means but he says that theyre meeting some resistance to that basic principle from democrats they will pursue every aspect through the courts and ends by saying they will never stop fighting for the American People youve got to boil down what the the the Trump Campaign and also the republicans are saying that there was widespread fraud here in some of the cases yet somehow that was restricted just to the president ial election itself they have gone to court on a number of issues weve received the ruling from one of those cases that was herod yesterday which was thrown out by the judge where the evidence that was presented was hear see of hear see so sensually someone hared what someone else had been told and the judge said that simply not admissible there has been nor concrete evidence presented by the republicans of any widespread fraud exactly one case in nevada where a woman claimed that hard ballots had been stolen that was investigated by the people at clark county around las vegas and more inshore in ballot form she acknowledged that that indeed was her signature so its really the pressure is now on the republicans and in particular on President Donald Trump to come up with some evidence that backs what he is saying with no win in the past when donald trump has made allegations his officials of then going off and try to find some supporting evidence that back up what hes seeing here is under the same pressure only this time the stakes are a lot higher hes obviously by. Hind in our zone or in nevada were also seeing this lead by joe biden in pennsylvania and georgia as you say the legal challenges on liking to make much progress im curious about how the republican policy is responding to all of this so they they divided on the challenges that were hearing from president. 5 there are some people who have criticized donald trump from what he said when he was at the white house late on thursday night there are others who insist that every illegal ballot should be counted just to be absolutely clear what we may be talking about here as i say theres been no clear definition is that people can vote on the day here in the United States november the 3rd the queued up polling places cast their vote there are others who applied for ballots then sent those meal in ballots and as long as low as mail in ballots were stamped with the november the 3rd by the post office they will be allowed to be counted they are not illegal ballots now in some states the timescale for counting those ballots is 2 or 3 days in other places its a week or more and those are legally cast ballots every right to be counted so the republicans have to come out and say exactly what they mean but as i said earlier donald trump is suggesting that there was wide scale fraud involving tens of thousands of votes and that it targeted the president ial election so ballots which have the name of the president ial candidate and dont ballot races youve heard that phrase many times over the last couple of weeks dont ballot races they were all there as well but donald trump is suggesting that somehow only the ones involving the president ial race in these key states what impacted it will be a difficult argument to take to the courts but he believes he can do it and of course as we had 4 weeks before the election he believed that if he didnt when then it was an indication that the election was being stolen from him and he would take it all the way to the Supreme Court which is why he was determined to have 9 justices on the Supreme Court with a 63 conservative majority which he got just more than a week ago or so this could drag on until the previous states meet to satisfy the election that could be the beginning of january and sort of the beginning. All of a december so there could be several more weeks of to ing and fro ing in the courts because its clear donald trump is not ready to make a concession speech donald trump is not ready to leave the building you see behind me. Thanks so much alan fischer. Well of course President Trump has alan was explaining that hes been very critical of the of whats been happening in pennsylvania and the mayor of philadelphia which is the states largest city jim kenney hes been hitting back at the attacks on his Election Integrity the votes will continue to be counted until every valid mail in ballot absentee ballot and provisional ballot is counted so while some including the president continue to spew baseless claims of fraud claims for which his team has not produced one iota of evidence what we have seen here in philadelphia is democracy pure and simple our Founding Fathers who could see the system just a 15 minute walk down the street i know would be proud you know i think what the president needs to do is frankly put his big boy pants on he needs to acknowledge the fact that he lost and he needs to congratulate the winner just as jimmy carter did just as george h. W. Bush did and frankly just as al gore did and stop this and let us move forward as a country. Kristen slim is covering events in pennsylvania joins us now from philadelphia and as youve been reporting joe biden has been expanding throughout the day particularly as votes are counted in heavily democratic philadelphia that krista now just update us on where where the lead stands right now. As joe biden does continue to pull ahead here but it is incredibly close he is ahead by about 13000. 00 votes at this time thats a 10th of a percent and theres still over 100000. 00 ballots to be counted we do know that and those ballots do leave heavily democratic are expected to lean heavily democratic since the majority of them are here in philadelphia or in pittsburgh the 2 largest cities in the state urban centers that both lean heavily democratic and that includes some 85000. 00 provisional ballots that will need to be verified by Election Officials before they are counted now provisional ballots refers to ballots cast in person after someone had already requested a mail in ballot so youll recall that prior to the election president was casting doubt on the libya of mail in ballots this prompted many people who had requested mail in ballots to change their mind and show up in person to vote they were given provisional ballots so theres a whole process of verifying them to make sure that people do not vote twice that has to be go through gone through in order to count those votes so that is why things at the end here are taking a bit longer these are some of the most contested ballots that are left now up until 5 pm local time here thats less than 3 hours away officials can also except ballots that they receive in the mail and count them as well as long as they were mailed postmarked by. Day itself that was november 3rd now that of course is something that president chavez has been very angry about hes been complaining about it on twitter he said that pennsylvania conducted itself in a horrible and lawless way in fact the state Supreme Court of pennsylvania validated that plan to count ballots that are received all the way up until 5 pm thats not unusual to count ballots after election day theyre sent on election day what is unusual here in pennsylvania is just the sheer volume of mail in ballots theyve got that is just unprecedented and hasnt happened before so the Election Commission is keeping those ballots separate because the president charms complaints he is hoping that the Supreme Court of the land of the nation will get involved in overturn that lower courts decision and rule those ballots out how many ballots would that be the secretary of state here has estimated that were talking just about 3000. 00 ballots but given that the race is so tight that if its less than i have a good percentage point difference between the candidates here that there could be there would be an automatic recount clearly the president is willing to fight for every ballot that he can thanks very much for the latest from philadelphia christensen i mean that of course the other key state weve been speaking about this hour is georgia kalika following the count there from neighboring florida so allegations of voting irregularities there in pennsylvania christine was talking about weve heard something similar in georgia we know that with 16 electoral votes at stake they are going for a recount because the difference between the 2 candidates is just its too tight. You know i mean the difference between biden and trump at the moment is around 1600. 00 votes in bidens favor is one lection official said about the population no less than the population of a Small High School so. This is an incredible situation when you think that georgia has been a republican state for decades now the last time a democratic president ial nominee one there was in 1992 and that was bill clinton but lets look back in time a little bit at the end of election day dont trumpet a lead of 370000 votes over his rival joe biden now as those mail in ballots have poured in from areas around savanna in atlanta that lead has just been eaten away eaten away eaten away and sold now joe biden is in front but its within north point 5 percent margin of error so the secretary of state for georgia is saying we are most likely almost definitely going to have a recount now that may not matter when you look at the larger scale in states like pennsylvania nevada and arizona but there are 16 Electoral College votes here at stake and there are a couple of senatorial races that are heading for runoffs as well and they have huge implications for the balance of power in the senate over the next 4 years so georgia a state thats been red for decades is playing it extremely outsized role in this president ial election and these votes are still being counted theres about 4000 between 4 and 5000 votes left to count the mail in ballots and about 9000 overseas an armed forces ballots that need to reach those polling offices by the end of business day on friday so it looks like a recount is likely in the state of georgia with 16 Electoral College votes at stake. Thanks very much and bring us all the latest on that developments there in the state of georgia is reporting to us from florida. All right well theres much more still ahead for you on the program and of course it isnt just the race for the white house were looking out looking at congress as well a number of republicans slam at President Trump accusing him of undermining the democratic process. Hello once again the bulk of europe is quite unsettled pressure is high thats not true for our beer is a circulation off the coast there and for both portugal and spain its going to be a wet weekend the rain actually cross the pyrenees and give something in the way of downpours to the cut does your for example but certainly france is looking west wet in the west everywhere else quiet start though cold and then low teens by day the exception again is going to be the bottom right hand corner of the jane and affecting not part of africa particularly libya where im sure a breeze and went weather and showers have not left portugal if they return during sunday lets go to the bottom right hand side then weve got the rest of saturday to see very windy weather blowing of the bosphorus down the gin affecting greece crete with showers building to pretty big ones on the storms for western side of egypt and a good part of libya east the gulf will sit 2 books forecast specifically this one here when we need for saturday and sunday and even monday start off that way for the south but still in north africa the showers are crept around the corner once again through liberia and beyond and thatll last i think all weekend. 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Can back watching aljazeera live from london our top story of course joe biden edging closer to that magic number of 270 electoral votes that will make him the next president of the United States is now overtaken donald trump in 2 key battleground states pennsylvania and georgia based on the Associated Press count biden has secured 264 Electoral College votes so far donald trump has just 214 and needs both georgia and pennsylvania to reach 270. 00 meanwhile crowds have been gathering in cities across the country as democrats celebrate what they anticipate to be a Biden Victory is supporters of held dance parties in the streets of philadelphia and washington meanwhile have also been counterprotests theyve been held in detroit where republican demonstrators are echoing Donald Trumps claims of Election Fraud and calling for vote counting to stop. Now the cheating theyre making ballots to fraud theyre clearly cheating the democrats of dead people voted for they do this every single turn this time were not putting up with what i want i want the boats to be counted that that got here 1 november 3rd and nothing further i dont want the ballots that came in november 4th i dont want the ballots that came on november 12th december 1st january 2390 days dont matter because if they matter they were a mere one time. Meanwhile joe biden supporters say they have faith in the u. S. Electoral system. I mean a blue wave the senate stephen good. And yeah im just really excited to see him next couple of days once hes out from tea balancer are all counted feeling good i thought it was going to be kind of the landslide but. It just makes us see how the world really is here in our country now our country is so scary that its so divided its important that every vote is counted every vote matters makes a difference every vote should be counted absolutely Jamal Michelle joins us live now from outside joe bidens head courses in his hometown of wilmington delaware and were expecting joe biden to make a speech a bit later on and also hear from his running mate sound as a comma harris. And did we do understand that he will address the nation most likely he will wait another couple of hours until the time zone in the west side of the country allows for people to finish their work and get back home he does want to ensure that he does speak to everybody that has been the message coming out from the campaign that he is not just somebody who will be talking to his supporters but across the whole nation whether he will finally come out and say that he considers himself the winner of this race were not quite sure yet but leading up and sold out. Were always earlier on in the show the speaker of the house nancy pelosi essentially quoting came very imminent president elect biden himself has said that he feels comfortable once the votes are counted he will be announced however hes told that very fine line without actually coming out and saying it primarily because it would make sense for him to tell donald trump to respect the process and that the democratic rights of the people need to be respected and all votes be counted and then him to come out prematurely even if the wind is firmly behind his tides and call himself the winner the challenges that hes going to face him an immediacy obviously is ensuring that he convinces those on the other side of the divide as we heard there some of those sound bites of the trump support says that this was a free and Fair Election because donald trump has tried as much as possible to cost the dow its over it thats but then there are other greater ones of course well be talking more indepth about them later once and if and when he has announced with regards to cope with and so forth over here might have to give you a bit of a an idea a little bit of a feel of its you know the thought of putting up these t. V. Im going to and so its. Kind of to give it a bit of a sense of rats are we out misfeature this stage that exists there in the background a huge big screen people are coming in with the children theres a you know people setting schwester isn t. Shirts and so forth its still not that festive kind of atmosphere that you would expect once the announcement is made but there is definitely a gradual build up of some sort of positive energy being kind of buzzing around here so were waiting to hear whats biden will say in that address very quickly there was a brief statement that came out from one of his spokespeople when i asked about you know whether they were concerned that the trump. Donald trump seems to being. Himself in the White House Well the trunk of the biden campaigns response was that they have full faith that the u. S. Government has what it takes what it takes to remove unwanted trespassers in the white house so theyre confident not only that there will be announced winners at the end of this but also confident that one way or the other donald trump wont be in the white house for much longer as weve heard in the remarks from joe biden in recent days really striking a very president ial tone but not at same time being quite careful with his wording saying that theyre on the path to victory but in contrast to president trying to be cautious faith in the political system speaking about the importance of people being able to to do their jobs and take out all of those ballots and votes before any definitive victory can be declared. And do that and i think you know although were here in a very calm cleese of the country but really it shouldnt be lost on people just how tense the situation is in other parts of the country there are people who firmly believe that this election was stolen from donald trump or is being rather stolen from donald trump and there are those who firmly believe that donald trump was an existential threat to the to the american democracy rights there are people on true sides of very real arguments including things that really do impact their lives be its cold with democrat system that exists in many parts and so forth and thats why from the by the camp at least theyre trying to come across with the message of calm to try and diffuse a very tense situation. All right thanks very much. Or President Trump has prematurely to. Victory multiple times since election day while also a same time alleging voter fraud is latest comments on thursday night have driven a number of republicans to distance themselves from their partys candidate jeff flake former republican senator arizona called on republicans to defend the us elections in the Democratic Institutions saying no republican should be ok with the president s statements just now marylands republican governor laurie hogan joined the condemnation of the president s comments tweeting that there is no defense for the president s comments tonight on the mining our democratic process america is counting the votes and we must respect the results as we always have before no election or person is more important than our democracy but Lindsey Graham a leading republican senator is standing by the president during an interview with fox news the senate has said i think everything should be on the table in the philadelphia elections he says are as crooked as a snake why are they shutting people out because they dont want people to see what theyre doing so is some of the remarks from Lindsey Graham theyre well known spatially is assistant professor in the department of Political Science at Shippensburg University in the United States joins us now via skype how would you describe then the reaction amongst the Republican Party to these unfounded unsubstantiated claims by President Trump. Yes i think what youre seeing is some what we would expect some normal divisions the vast majority of Republican Leadership across the country has criticized these unfounded comments by President Trump and then we see a handful relatively small handful of trump loyalists who see the situation differently but presently right they dont they seem to be referring to things that arent actually happening. And i think most people including republicans and democrats want to let the robust system we have for voting in vote counting courts and laws to play out but there arent any i mean there isnt any evidence thats been presented to support claims of irregularities over is a fraud and 8 its not care whether these legal challenges are likely to make any headway so what are the republicans waiting farming plant and what way yeah. Well thats thats correct i mean play out in terms of bringing things to the courts and and then allowing the court to hear the court is rejected every single piece thats come before it to be honest whether it was in nevada in philadelphia michigan wisconsin these things have been rejected by the lowest level courts and centrally dismissed because as you point out there are no facts to substantiate any of it and i think the vast majority of republicans in the voices ive heard would like these sort of frivolous suits at this point to be sort of just not stopped essentially to the counts done until there is some evidence if there is any evidence and theres unlikely to be a fraud the republicans must be consigner any some within the party must be concerned that this might not be so much about legitimate legal challenge that needs to make its way through the. Court process as it is about. Provoking supporters to come out into the streets and possibly undermining any kind of faithful confidence into a joe Biden Victory yeah theres no doubt about that the the president has been priming his most ardent supporters for months now that theres a reef roger elections when weve done a very significant amount of research i remember decades that systematic fraud doesnt exist in American Election systems and in fact theyre very robust and very good and so but hes been sort of prime his supporters for this exact moment and what were

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