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A recount. What the president needs to do is frankly put his big boy pants on in the show acknowledge the fact that he lost and he needs to congratulate the winner. 3 days after one of americas most divisive president ial votes the democratic challenger joe biden is edging further ahead of President Donald Trump in key battleground states which will do decide the outcome vine is leading in pennsylvania nevada and georgia he needs just one of them to get him of the lie trump needs all of them plus North Carolina to hit the 270 electoral seats required for victory go live to our correspondents shortly but 1st this report from rob reynolds. Joe biden now leads donald trump in pennsylvania and georgia he also remains head in nevada and arizona as vote counting continues but Democratic Leaders were already saying he has one president elect biden has a strong mandate to lead and it will have a strong Democratic House with him and Many Democrats in the senate this is not a life or death fight for the. Hate agon mafiosi as he says a fact can change the Trump Campaign launched a barrage of lawsuit seeking to halt vote counting or to toss out mail and absentee ballots tabulated after election day but the president s lawyers provided little if any evidence of fraud after false wood filled remarks at the white house thursday trump issued a slightly more tempered written statement on friday saying this is about the integrity of our entire election process we will pursue this process through every aspect of the law i will never give up fighting for you and our nation trump asked the Supreme Court to intervene in pennsylvania and the citys mayor responded no i think what the president needs to do is frankly put his big boy pants on he needs to acknowledge the fact that he lost and he needs to congratulate the winner just as jimmy carter did just as george h. W. Bush did and frankly just as al gore did and stop this and let us move forward as a country nevada as attorney general called the Trump Campaigns voting fraud complaint in his state garbage multiple studies over the years have concluded that vote fraud in the u. S. Is extraordinary rare in georgia bidens lead is so slim a recount is being planned as we are closing in on a final count we can begin to look toward our next steps with a margin that small there will be likely a recount in georgia pro trump demonstrators continued to protest around the country convinced that foul play was underway it raises the hair on the back of your neck where theyre trying to plan where theyre planning to go theyre going to theyre going to steal this election. Meanwhile biden supporters celebrated in the streets of several cities its unclear whether biden will claim. Victory in his speech scheduled for later friday but reportedly President Trump has refused to even consider drafting a concession speech thats a sign that the legal battles over this election may stretch on for weeks robert oulds al jazeera los angeles. Ok lets break it down is take a look at pennsylvania there biden is ahead of trump by there it is more than 27000 votes are remaining mail in ballots mostly from the democratic leaning cities of for the delsea and pittsburgh could be good news for him had it all and joins us live from philadelphia so if biden takes pennsylvania this is game over right hes well over the 270 threshold at what point will it be cold. Well you know this is an election like no other and we never really believe it makes sense the bush gore People Networks the Associated Press the newspapers so hesitant to call a state because there is so much on the line if your if joe biden wins pennsylvania he is likely headed to the white house now i know the president and his team like to say well wait for the legal challenges but lets keep in mind what his potential legal challenges are especially here in pennsylvania with you look if you look at the vote count right now and theres still tens of thousands of votes to come in but joe biden is steadily every time we see votes pretty much he is steadily increasing his lead right now its 27130 over u. S. President donald trump and hes getting consistently 70 to 80 percent of the votes that are coming in so lets just say theres another 100000. 00 votes to commit he can be expected to get 7280000 of those votes and its just statistics we normally organizations would look at that and say yeah this is a done deal theres no way that its not going to go that direction because we know whos coming in we know those votes we know how the polls have been looking for them theyre not doing that theyre. Time and i think the in many ways everybody in this state in the country and perhaps in the world expected that you would know the fate of pennsylvania by this point its 10 pm on friday and the secretary of state said youll know the results by friday were probably not going to know the results by friday but lets keep in mind again lets go back to the legal challenges why is this happening why are the votes changing so dramatically from donald trump joe biden it is simply because the Republican Controlled Legislature here in pennsylvania said to the people who run the elections you cant touch bell and ballots before the day of the election the states that could process that just open up the alpha lopes and unfold them they were able to tell us on Election Night fairly quickly the total vote this is for in vote it in person voting in mellon bodi we know democrats overwhelmingly did mail in vote so what is Legal Recourse be the president that is here in pennsylvania how could he get over. A presumed to be such a huge lead well realistically the only way you can do that is he somehow got the u. S. Supreme court to say the only ballots that can count are the ones that were held in person and thats not how elections are run in this country pretty hard to find that in the constitution so its clear that this is going to be long and drawn out and longer and more drawn out that anyone thought theyre still counting in the building behind me theyre tired were all tired but theyre especially tired theyve been sitting in theyre going ballot after ballot they know that theyre under a microscope so theyre taking their time being very careful about it and i do think youre seeing a lot of organization just being hesitant to call it because so much is on the line and theres been so many allegations that they Everyone Wants to make sure they get it right they dont want to give the president another excuse for to call us fake news or call the election fraud. Absurd they think that political hang live from philadelphia. We are waiting for joe biden to address the nation mike hanna is in his home state of delaware and joins us from wilmington mike so were expecting joe biden to speak he was saying were waiting for something to happen for someone to call it is joe biden likely to claim victory what is he likely to say. Well once again were still waiting for confirmation that he will be speaking we understand that this is not the situation he will be arriving here at what stage we are not quite clear but no direction as to what he will say should he hold that speech tonight at the stage and up until this point joe biden has been very careful not to predict a victory he says that he feels guilty feels confident that he will be victorious off to the vote is counted but he has been reluctant it seems as members of his campaign to declare a victory prematurely but this may change in the course of the next few hours well have to wait and see the fact that the the to and fro of whether or not hes going to be making a speech is in itself fairly indicative of how the results are going at this particular point it does appear that the Biden Campaign being very very cautious but looking at pennsylvania and seeing a lead now of some 30000. 00 there is a possibility that at some stage the trigger is going to be pulled and biden may well declare himself victorious in the selection but that is something that were going to see as i said throughout the since the polls closed biden and his campaign have been extremely cautious in terms of making any predictions there is that sense as i keep on saying of quiet confidence in the Campaign Headquarters behind me here but at the same time everybody is just holding making a Holding Pattern at this particular point incidentally a short while ago the delaware senator chris coons was in the Convention Center behind me there he actually told a group of reporters that the final pennsylvania result is not expected until tomorrow at least however it depends on what stage the camp at the Biden Campaign looking at these figures and looking at how that lead continues to grow and can. Sylvania at what stage they are going to say all right weve reached the point now of no return there is no way that trump can overcome the speed at once again to state the obvious winning pennsylvania puts all the other states in material winning pennsylvania means that president that Vice President biden will become the next president of the United States always he would base of breath thank you for that mike hanna live from wilmington. North carolina trump is in the 5760768 half 1000 votes thats all a surprise the state has voted republican in every election since 986 when barack obama won back in 2008 Election Officials say there is it to be any evidence of voting irregularities that Donald Trumps Republican Party says legal teams have been sent to 4 states to investigate we have seen some discrepancies in michigan and some irregularities that deserve investigation democrats and the media spent for years and millions of taxpayer dollars talking about a russian hoax on the grounds of Election Integrity now with just over 48 hours after polls have closed in an actual election for president they want to ignore clear irregularities russia call states as one and the selection we will not stand for that every candidate in every office from president down to the local level has a legal right to challenge irregularities that occur in the process of canvassing ballots we intend to ensure that every lawful voter has their vote counted in accordance with the law that observers are granted the access they are do under state law and that any irregularities that have occurred whether by a malicious attack intent or incompetence are fully investigated to the fully fullest extent allowed under the law. My White House Correspondent is well to go all of this action unfold from washington kimberly so team trump pushing ahead then with this again should break this down for us is this likely to change the game at all is he making any progress. Well he did have minor progress in pennsylvania with respect to a small amount of ballots that were received after tuesday 8 pm which is election day that just happened a couple of days ago now the argument being made by some legal analysts is this is not enough given believe that biden has in pennsylvania to affect the outcome but still the Trump Campaign believes with a series of incremental legal challenges that they could make a difference now the crux of the argument for the u. S. President about why he believes hes won this election has to do with the fact that weve had so many mail in ballots coming in after. November 3rd the election day now they have to be postmarked prior but the fact that theyre being received after is what is upsetting the u. S. President and thats why he is calling these illegal ballots because typically in the past these wouldnt have been allowed to be received after election day so in his mind hes won because he did have to leave come election day but since then weve watched this lead evaporate now donald trump has also been tweeting we havent seen him in front of the cameras today but what he has been saying in this series of tween says that he believes that in this falls 1st rival former Vice President joe biden to be claiming the presidency and to be clear he has not done that all you said is that he is optimistic that he will when all is said and done be the next president of course we are waiting to see until update that comment but donald trump taking issue with that even as he himself has been claiming victory as of early is election day so the Term Campaign is working hard there continues a large these legal fights theyre raising money theyre looking for about 60000000. 00 to find out all of this and they say theyre pressing ahead. Ok thanks for that thats our White House Correspondent kimberly. Joe biden is leading in georgia by here the numbers just 4000. 00 votes that is an unusually tight race but Officials Say they expect a recount as the margin of difference is within half a percentage point thats a good name is in Atlanta Georgia natasha so biden we know has has other options to reach to 70 but for trump georgia is very very important so tell us about this recount. Well this is a state that trump won by about 5 percent in 2016 georgia is also a state that hasnt given its 16 electoral 1 College Votes to a democratic president ial candidate since 1902 that was the year that bill clinton was elected president so the big question of course must be in the trunk campaign is what happened biden throughout the day has slowly incrementally. Increased his lead over trump so at one point it was more than 1500 votes separating them and now its about more than 4200 voice votes separating them most of the ballots have been counted early day of absentee what were waiting on right now are provisional ballots ballots from the military and overseas the georgia secretary of state says those should be completed tonight and the big story really is how did this happen how did democratic candidate do it as well as he did in the state of georgia and it looks like atlanta and the suburbs are really what gave biden or appears to be giving biden good a core of support he did make gains however in counties with a predominantly white population he maintained support among the black community in. Throughout the state actually but if you look at a map the farther you get outside of atlanta and the suburbs the greater the support for trump and you just take a look at some of the numbers and im sure these are things that the Republican Party is really taking a close look at when you look at absentee votes biden has had a slight edge over trump biden getting 52 percent of these votes trump when you look at exit polls 70. Percent of white voters back trump but 87 percent of georgia voters and who were black and 57 percent of latino and last 100. Voters in georgia backbite in age wise young voters mostly gave biden his biggest source of support among tromp voters 65 and older so again the big question is what happened and how and theres a lot of discussion in democratic circles today about what im going to call the stacy abrams effect who is she so she was considered a possible running mate for biden shes the 1st black woman to get the democratic nomination for governor in the state of georgia she ran in 2018 it was a very close race and afterward she cited what she said were instances of Voter Suppression but even before that its been almost a decade of abrams working to engage communities of color to get them to register to vote by one estimate i read that she and her 2 nonprofits were able to register 800000 new voters shes also put a spotlight on Voter Suppression and has been very aggressive inviting Voter Suppression in the state of georgia so that might give you a Bigger Picture about why biden is a contender in the state but right now the secretary of state has said that there will be a recount he said that even before of course the tally had been completed he said the implications are huge for the rest of the country its important to note that the secretary of state says there are no as far as they can see theres no proof of any widespread irregular voting irregularities that they have pledged to investigate any credible allegations of voter fraud so right now were waiting for those spinal pro. Vision all military and overseas ballots to be counted and ostensibly we should know next steps regarding a a recount in the state of georgia on saturday were expecting protesters count every vote protest in atlanta and its possible we might see Trump Supporters show up they have been given the email blast has gone out trying to engage Trump Supporters to go to capitals throughout the country and also protest i think that a task and a live from Atlanta Georgia. Have much more on the u. S. Elections later on aljazeera. We look at the legal battles and how it could all come down to the polls. Hello its cold wet and windy in florida the moment are now you wouldnt expect it would you but the real active weather in the big changes coming from the pacific that low the moment is giving rain on its way to answer oregon california but its got cold enough air tucked in to be a real change with snow falling always on the cascades on the rockies but increasingly probably by the end of the weekend through montana idaho wyoming its quite a big massive cold this is you can see the storm trying to form so blizzard is the word that comes to mind in maybe north dakota by the start of next week everywhere else is much nicer there are a few have to showers potentially louisiana and the texas coast of course ive mentioned florida now floridas weather may well be in half for whats happening here the remains of 8 or this circulation here could be a Tropical Storm by saturday as a Tropical Storm watch out for the Cayman Islands they will be soon i think the cuba because it could well fall into a proper circulation somewhere around cuba though this is by no means certain but will be enhancing the showers in both the bahamas and southern florida theres plenty of rain in south america but basically some rio up the coast and the northwest winds through brazil. But. You part true of especially best a geisha one o one east visits western australias only Youth Detention Center and travels to the remote outback towns with many of the inmates come from. On aljazeera. Aljazeera with everything. They want to aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour the race to the white house remains too close to call the of come out a few battleground states democratic candidate joe biden has taken the lead in pennsylvania georgia and nevada donald trump has made some gains in arizona but not. By the supporters of a celebration in philadelphia anticipating a victory when a state of pennsylvania with 20 electoral College Votes would push biden beyond the 270 required to take the white house. Trumps Campaign Team government a fire thats now trying to raise 16000000. 00 to fund no also challenging the results the president is making unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud casting dulls of the integrity of the election. Lets take a closer look now at trumps legal efforts his campaign has filed suits in georgia michigan pennsylvania and of August States where hes either lost or faces an extremely close race various suits in those states include allegations of late and invalid votes being tabulated and campaign observers being denied adequate access to the counting trumpets failed to score any significant legal victory so far 2 cases in michigan and georgia have been dismissed for a lack of evidence. Ok lets bring in Brian Darling who is a lawyer he served as Senior Communications director and staff Legal Counsel for republican senator rand paul he joins us from both the beth this is beth is maryland my apologies. Thanks for your time it doesnt seem like the push to listen kate for the president is working as you said cases in michigan and georgia are being dismissed for lack of evidence how do you see this playing out. Well its still very early in the process so were going to have to see how it plays out i mean the voting is still being counted right now so you have votes being counted in pennsylvania and that allegation in pennsylvania is 1st that the observers are not being allowed into some facilities but also when they are allowed in the not really being allowed to view the counting of the ballots so thats one aspect of it another one which is a significant one is the question of whether votes that come in after election day even though they were mailed before election day or dont have any evidence on the on the low whether they were mailed before or after whether they should be counted matt i assume that is going to be litigated and and the big question is do the federal courts get involved is it something thats an equal protection argument and you have to harken back to the bush versus gore controversy in 2000 where equal protection was used by the federal courts as a hook to go into florida and look at the different standards being used in different areas to count ballots and we may be looking at that again but this will be a moot point if the if the difference between the ballots is significant if trump loses by a very large margin then then these these litigated matters wont be that big of a deal but they will be a huge deal if these stay very close and if we end up in a situation where there are a number of ballots a large number of ballots that came in after election day in pennsylvania and some other states as i understand it the number of ballots arriving off to know them both that the ones youre talking about in pennsylvania was quite small i mean would that actually chains things as they stand right now. Well thats thats why the courts have said that there may be an opportunity to segregate out the ballots a came in after and if its a small enough amount of maybe something that the courts will look at and say its a moot point even if they were illegally cast and say they werent counted they wouldnt change the outcome but we dont know that yet ryssdal counting and we still havent finished counting were going to see recounts georges announce that theyre going to recount and some of the states are just so close right now that i presume well have other states announcing a recount so the counting process isnt even close to be done so the Trump Legal Team is still exploring their options looking for potential evidence of fraud and putting together the real law the lawsuits that will really matter which of the ones that will be litigated after all of after the states close down the voting counting and have specific numbers where the where all of a sudden the courts will have jurisdiction to look back in and see if that was a proper if the states follow their own laws and whether the protection clause of the constitution was violated. You may have had any they had the mayor of philadelphia calling on the president to put his big boy pants on as as he put it i mean that said im usually way of putting it but do you feel that the president is acting president cheney well i think he said some things that were incendiary but i dont think he should concede i think the president s perfectly within his rights just like al gore did back in 2000 al gore did not concede until after the litigation was all played out and i think thats what donald trump is likely to do hes going to let this play out hes obviously an individual is going to fight this really hard legally but after its over i think we all hope that if he does lose a seat after the courts take care of the situation. Ok brian thank you for that Brian Darling there is a lawyer who served as Senior Communications director and staff Legal Counsel for republican senator rand paul before we pivot away from the elections but now we want to take you live 7 to wilmington delaware this is the Convention Center where we are expecting joe biden and democratic president ial candidates to speak any time now well bring you that if and when it happens of course. The 2nd look now at the latest on the coronavirus pandemic the u. S. Has seen another record jump in infections 3 days after the president ial election more than 120000 cases were in el breaking a record set just the day before the country is also reported 1200 deaths links to the virus taking the overall death toll 2235000 the number of new daily cases in the u. S. Has risen by 50000 at less than a week theres been another new record rise in infections in france for the 2nd straight day almost 60500 new coronavirus cases on friday and 828 deaths nearly 400 of those fatalities were at hospitals the rest were recorded by Retirement Homes of the past few days. Theyve been arrests in london that a protest by people who oppose and you looked out across england the u. K. Recorded 23000 new cases on friday in denmark as culling millions of mink after a new strain of corona virus was discovered on hundreds of the countrys 1st farms the governments confirmed the mutated virus has infected more than 200 people barker reports. As europe scrambles to control it 19 warnings from denmark of a new strain of the virus. Supported by the military have begun culling the countrys entire population of up to 17000000 mink after a mutation of. The animals spread to humans. And. More than 200 people in denmark are now infected and the numbers are rising. To take extensive and comprehensive measures in the current situation. Off 17000000. Effectively shutting down the entire industry for now in denmark extensive local restrictions in the affected areas

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