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Class fears of a humanitarian disaster after a powerful Tropical Storm smashes into Central America. Well an undecided selection nation still on edge democratic challenger joe biden though is moving further ahead of President Donald Trump in the battleground States Joe Biden has spoken in an address to the nation saying that he is convinced he will win the race now hes ahead in pennsylvania nevada and in georgia so far by then is projected to have one around 264 Electoral College votes trump meanwhile has 214 magic number of course is 207 sable biden needs to win in only one of those yellow undecided states to get over the line and become president of the United States has this report now from los angeles. Joe biden took the stage looking weary but full of confidence we dont have a final declaration. Of victory yet but the numbers tell us its clear to us a clear and convincing story were going to win this race. By now leads donald trump in pennsylvania by a significant margin and a narrow one in georgia he also remains ahead in nevada and arizona as vote counting continues and whats becoming clear each hour is that Record Number of americans of all races faiths religions chose change over more of the same theyve given us a mandate for action on covert economy Climate Change systemic racism. Biden called for healing after a bitter and rancorous campaign lets put the anger the demonisation behind us its time for us to come together as a nation to heal its not going to be easy we have to try the Trump Campaign launched a barrage of lawsuit seeking to halt vote counting or to toss out mail and absentee ballots tabulated after election day but the president s lawyers provided little if any evidence of fraud no i think what the president needs to do is frankly put his big boy pants on he so acknowledge the fact that he lost and he needs to congratulate the winner just as jimmy carter did just as george h. W. Bush did and frankly just as al gore did and stop this and let us move forward as a country that as attorney general called the Trump Campaigns voting fraud complaint in his state garbage multiple studies over the years have concluded that vote fraud in the u. S. Is exteriorly rare in georgia bidens lead is so slim a recount is being planned as we are closing in on a final count we can begin to look toward our next steps with a margin that small there will be likely a recount in georgia pro trump demonstrators continued to protest around the country convinced that foul play was underway it raises the hair on the back of your neck where theyre trying to plan where theyre planning and. Theyre going to theyre going to steal this election. Meanwhile biden supporters celebrated in the streets of several cities after days of painfully slow vote counting most americans are eager for this election to finally be over but given trumps apparent determination not to concede defeat the legal battles could stretch on for weeks robert oulds al jazeera los angeles. Whats up here a Supreme Court justice has ordered sole mail in ballots arriving in pennsylvania after election day should be kept separate its what was already happening to those votes as they were being tallied republicans had asked Justice Samuel alito to keep them on kansas butts the justice ignored that request while all legal challenges were pending. Lets say get more now on the races stance from mike hanna he joins us now live from delaware which mike is of course where joe biden and his campaign are currently hold up now joe biden addressed the nation a few hours ago many could be forgiven for thinking that he be giving a victory speech of sorts given where the vote is going the still no winner though so what was the points of joe bidens speech. What we had been told early in the day that the speech would be banging that one stage we did expect that biden may well declare victory and at that stage is campaign may have been thinking that the results would have moved a little bit further faster than they did that being said by didnt since the polls as close to is made very clear that he is not going to declare victory prematurely and thats obviously given his campaign that instruction as well hes making very clear too that he wants all the votes to be counted and he wants absolute certainty the reason why he went ahead with this National Address tonight was one of reassurance certainly once again he called for calm he called for patients he insisted that this process must go through that every vote must be counted but at the same time he does not want to get ahead of himself very clearly if there is a major call a major projection before one of the states such as pennsylvania its very likely that you will then get a victory declaration from biden but until that stage with the situation as it is at the moment biden making very clear that he wants to be absolutely certain calling on his supporters to remain patient and to allow the poll counters to continue their work and the path to victory is looking much clearer for the harris bides in campaign what are their next stand. Well yes it is very much clearer for them obviously a projected win in pennsylvania will put them over the top that will mean that joe biden will be the next president. Of the ways there are the roads that biden can go to end up with victory in this campaign as well far more than that that had donald trump has but what joe biden says is going to happen is that he and his running mate Camila Harris are beginning to work already they are already sitting down meeting experts for example how to counter the pandemic hes making quite clear that they are starting work at this particular time and they want to move in hes confident that he will get a victory at the end of this process but they want to move in running and hes preparing for that now no doubt whatsoever that hes already setting up a Transition Team but here comes the problem its going to be a potentially bruising transition particularly given the stance of the trumpet ministration donald trump showing no signs that hes going to accept the result when it does come and certainly giving those signs of any offered cooperation during this transition period which would be a major issue for biden and for couple of harris as they attempt to forge a new administration and to transition into next year ok mike hanna there bring us up to date from wilmington delaware thank you very much. And Election Officials say theres yet to be any evidence voting irregularities that Donald Trumps Republican Party says legal teams have been sent to 4 states to investigate. We have seen some discrepancies in michigan and some irregularities that deserve investigation democrats and the media spent for years and millions of taxpayer dollars talking about a russian hoax on the grounds of Election Integrity now with just over 48 hours after polls have closed in an actual election for president they want to ignore clear irregularities russia call states as one and the selection we will not stand for that every candidate in every office from president down to the local level has a legal right to challenge irregularities that occur in the process of canvassing ballots we intend to ensure that every lawful voter has their vote counted in accordance with the law that observers are granted the access they are due under state law and that any irregularities that have occurred whether by a malicious attack intent or incompetence are fully investigated to the fully fullest extent allowed under the law lets get more now from rosslyn jordan who joins us now from washington d. C. But we havent heard from trying to wreck. No we have not heard from the president we did see him in the Briefing Room on thursday evening where he made those highly inaccurate and inflammatory comments about the safety and veracity of the u. S. Electoral process but he also should note that he likes to appear on twitter and hes made a number of statements which twitter moderators have deemed to be inaccurate or flat out lies and so they have basically cashiered those tweets and it may just be that he decided that he was getting tired of being moderated by the web site so youre right we have not seen much from the president what we have seen are his lawyers and his outside advisers talking about the need to continue to push for an end to ballot counting in those battleground states mainly because with every passing hour it seems that the president falls farther and farther behind joe biden his democratic rival. The president of course. The case against that hes willing to to litigate quite heavily. Campaign lawyers say several of these battleground states. But rosas the reply and then please if this list occasion fails. Well if there is a plan the white house or the Trump Campaign have not made those details plain what has been coming out in news reports overnight here on the east coast is that apparently theres a criticism of the president s son in law and Senior Adviser jared cushion or apparently cushion or pull together a legal team before the election in case of any problems with the ballot counting but there is already real concern that perhaps cushion or was not up to the job because most of the cases that have been brought in state courts or in low level federal courts have been dismissed because the judge has decided either the claims or the demands are specious or that there is a lack of evidence and basically theres no point in trying to proceed with the case because theres nothing there to actually prosecute so those rumors are already flying around it is worth noting that david bossie who is a well known conservative activist and lawyer here in washington has now been hired by the Trump Campaign but whether or not he can bring forward cases that judges are willing to entertain thats a whole separate other question ok roselyn joins in that bringing us the very latest from washington d. C. For i thank you. Still to come here on aljazeera and the escalation in ivory coast prosecutors and i see charges against opposition leaders to lection war by violence. In the 1st mosque in centuries opens in the greek capital offense well have the reaction of the Muslim Community there. Hello once again the bulk of europe is quite unsettled pressure is high thats not true for our beer is a circulation off the coast there and for both portugal and spain its going to be a wet weekend the rain actually cross the pyrenees and give something in the way of downpours to the cut does your for example but certainly france is looking west wet in the west everywhere else quiet start though cold and then low teens by day the exception again is going to be the bottom right hand corner of the jane and affecting not part of africa particularly libya with on shore breeze and wet weather and showers have not left portugal in fact they returned during sunday so lets go to the bottom right hand side then weve got the rest of saturday to see very windy weather blowing of the bosphorus down the gin affecting greece crete with showers building to pretty big ones on the storms for western side of egypt and a good part of libya east the gulf are set to books forecast specifically this one here when we need for saturday and sunday and even monday start off that way for the south but still in north africa the showers are crept around the corner once again through liberia and beyond and thatll last i think all weekend. As donald trump been good for America Everything is in disarray the media of course taken every bit of bait that they can to demolish the fact that america has been a force for good in the world. Half of the American People get inspiration from him and the other half cringe you weekly take on us tone it takes and society thats the bottom line whats most important to me is talking to people understanding what theyre going through here and i just we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. This is al jazeera by the off the top stories for you this hour democratic nominee joe biden has addressed the nation in his home state of delaware late on friday hes still not stick clearing victory but says he will eventually be victorious the race remains a 2 calls to call this hour but as donald trump trails behind he has value its the fights the results and in his hands in the key battleground states a pennsylvania georgia and nevada. Where the celebrations have been held by biden supporters across the country rallies also been held back as a dog from the supporters have been responding to the president s claims that democrats are trying to steal the white house. Well lets take a course a look at one of those key battleground states georgia where joe biden is currently got a narrow lead joshua metal is the associate professor of Political Science at Clayton State University and joins us now from our end georgia good to have you with us here on out to syria we tend to think of georgia as a deep red states the kind of state that republicans. Can rely on so why do you think the democrats are suddenly competitive there. Oh thank you for having me on georgia has been shifting for the last few years from about 2 dozen 14 to the current time the number one major reason here is the growth of atlanta being one of the Fastest Growing cities in the country and the move a high number of africanamericans to the atlanta area and the suburbs of atlanta ever really sort of shifting the demographics of the state and of the voting population what youre seeing here is it urban areas are but are blue and thats the population of the state is so lets make amends they are only absent to city i think that georgia is about to turn blue if this demographic shift continues to happen. Or is there more of an argument that this is really a bit of a reaction i want to offer reaction to donald trump. Well and Political Science really kind of sailing a lets split splits take this 10 time on Election Night times well use a little retrospect but because this has been going on for about 45 years now. I think theres going to be a bigger shift and its going to be in play that state in play more often than we expect but there are places and then southern georgia and the moral areas of that was Trump Country it is deep red so its going to take some time but as long as the population keeps growing in these urban areas they Atlanta Savannah along this youre going to start seeing the shift and its going to be very hard for those rural areas to make up for the big urban populations that are voting democratic and in the bigger cities and that its not just. Said that georgia was also in the focus a couple years ago when. The candidate for governor in 2018 Stacey Abrams really had quite an impact there how important civil do you think that race is has on the election as it stands. Its been hearing. That only a very good bit were you supposed. To come back close to your waning. The governors position really National Attention is all about what was happening here in georgia but there was the shift and it really brought a lot of energy for the democrats of the state to see that this is real this theres a potential here to shift and then with her shift in to get out the vote drives and they cant age to help disenfranchise voters and start suppression here in atlanta so this election youre seeing what happened it was huge it was a it was a game changer so no one can really undercut him out of iraq or in words and greatest abrams deserves for whats been going on a lot less. Ok joshuas im afraid were out of time but great to get your thoughts and your analysis on the state of georgia a crucial battleground state which could prove pivotal in the selection thank you. Thank you the president trumps chief of staff mark metals has tested positive for corona virus its unclear when the 61 year old contracted the virus a Trump Campaign aids has also been in fact states well this comes as the u. S. A seen another record jump in corona virus infections 120000 cases were announced on thursday. Another new record rise in infections has been recorded over in france for the 2nd straight day of almost 68500 you can advise case on friday and 828 deaths and 400 of those fatalities were in hospitals the rest were recorded in Retirement Homes over the past few days. Were through the National Lockdown has started in greece as authorities try to stop a rapid rise in corona virus infections had over the strict restrictions many people rushed to leave the city or see the stores set to calls kindergartens and primary schools will remain open but not secondary schools this is the countrys 2nd locks are in and the government says it has doubled the fine for violations priests and i was 2400 new coronavirus cases in 14 deaths on friday Turkeys Central Bank governor has been fired since. Held the position since july last year he was removed by a president ial decree after the turkish lira reached a record new law the position has now been reassigned to. The former finance minister at least 3 people have been killed in afghanistans capital in a bomb explosion among the casualties is. A former news presenter for told the news a surge in violence comes as government goes c. H. Is continue talks with the taliban here in doha. A group of europeans appliances criticized the Israeli Government on a visit see an occupied west bank village raised by the israeli army earlier this week Rights Groups say israeli troops with bulldozers demolish tents and other shelters housing around 74 people including 41 children israels army says the structures were built without permission representative say the action is a violation of international law. This is the reason why we express not only or for solidarity with the villagers and those living here but also express our deep concern that the continuing detrimental trade and of demolitions confiscations evictions and said love violence undermined deeply the prospect of the 2 state solution. Ivory coast prosecutors say theyre investigating 3 opposition leaders for insurrection murder and terrorism are accused of projects and president of the sun water is relaxation and planning to set up a rival government where the Constitutional Court has extended a deadline for objections to last weekends results president ouattara has been declared the winner but opposition parties say theyll set up a transitional government. With mourinho people are reacting to the political uncertainty. The streets of economic capital are much calmer than they used to be in the early days of the election now there is less security presence on the streets however there is significant presence of the Security Forces around the homes of opposition leaders in abidjan here and apart from that there is because of the calm situation you cannot make activities are picking up here is one of the markets in the city and here traders are opening their shops and ill go there are many traders and businessmen who are still skeptical of the situation they would prefer to wait until after the pronouncement of the Constitutional Court and see how things go from there apart from the economic sector the Education Sector is also being closely watched our schools are due to resume next monday and there are concerns from families and people in the capital here about whether or not to send their children back to school there are people with spoken to whove moved their families out of the country ahead of the election fearing that violence will break out what calling it was whether its safe to bring the children back to school now people are watching closely to see on monday whether these schools were open also schools will be hard to see how things go after the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court and see whether or not there will be reaction from opposition supporters. Around 100 people are missing and feared dead in guatemala Tropical Storm essentially could mudslides in a remote mountainous region dozens of people were killed across Central America made landfall on cheese day. Reports of. What a 1000000 troops rescued the survivors stranded on roofs some friday in a remote mountainous area of. Heavy rains from the remnants of hurricane heda its caused a massive mudslide say might have killed 100 people nor in a News Conference president. Said it will be days. For the true toll of the storm is known. This morning we had 4 dead but unfortunately that figure went up to 50 after mudslides took place and who are 10 ngo and San Cristobal were trying to reach those areas by foot because we cant get there any other way roads have been cut off. Its thought many of the dead were buried in their homes in the village of about 150 houses have been swallowed by mudslides there. In western high winds and heavy rain of also damaged thousands of homes killing dozens and fry the residents gather to retrieve their belongings from the degrees. But im in pain because of lost everything ive been struggling for years to have my house in the streets. Got us to give me something better. Rescue operations across much of Central America have been slowed by destroyed roads and bridges evacuation orders remain in place in parts of the flooding was still a possibility. We have been advising people that i hear on the edge of zone 5 that there is an alert that the river is rising more so that they dont risk their lives. In a Central America real forecasters say the storm is regaining strength as it heads toward cuba in florida over the weekend. Ill just. Muslims in greece of attended the 1st ever friday prayers in a newly opened mosque in athens is the 1st to be established in the greek capital since the 1900 centuries decision that was made in 2006 but it was delayed by legal challenges and protests John Psaropoulos reports from athens. The 1st friday prayers in the 1st official athens mosque only 13 people were allowed in because of coronavirus restrictions but it was still in the. Of massive significance is story cases that we started this campaign for a mosque in 2006 athens is the 1st European Capital to build a mosque public expanse greece has had a Muslim Population of 100000 for more than a century but they live in the north of the country athens has had very few muslims until 2 decades ago when they began to arrive as economic migrants and then numbers grew with the surge in refugees in the last 5 years the religious needs of this community have until now been met by about a 100 unofficial mosques usually in rented basements this mosque brings muslim worship above ground its an acknowledgement of demographic change and the need for equality its new in is a physicist of moroccan descent and his 1st message from the pulpit was one of unity respond theyre going to study under what we muslims are not bad people despite all the propaganda we love greece and we dont create problems for them my son is 19 and in university his best friend is a christian theres no animosity between them just love and friendship that has not been the message from greeces nearest muslim neighbor and traditional rival turkey the 2 countries have come close to war this year over maritime boundaries and drilling rights Christian Muslim relations are being tested with the recent conversion of the historic byzantine cathedral of the year sophia in a stumble into a mosque and the threatened closure of Islamic Centers in europe following terrorist attacks in this climate the opening of the athens mosque would appear to offer a much needed message of reconciliation the mosques opening also comes weeks after a greek court convicted the far right Golden Dawn Party of being a criminal organization among their many crimes with the murder and attempted murder of muslims Muslim Leaders here say that vigilance against sectarian violence goes both ways it was long. After this to be those who called for the closure of the unofficial mosques have they asked the police of that is advisable that muslims are worshipping in known locations under the eyes of the police the police check in spaces and we help them and if these closed there will be prison places one knows about for no Muslim Community leaders and the government are working hard on the message of peace John Psaropoulos aljazeera athens. This is al jazeera and these are the headlines democratic nominee joe biden has addressed the nation in this home state of delaware late on friday hes still not declaring victory in the u. S. President ial election but says he will eventually be victorious the race remains too close to call the star but as donald trump trails behind he has vines to fight the

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