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This is Al Jazeera America live from new york city. Im stephanie sy. Thousands of acres of bonedry lands are on fire today. Firefighters are working around the clock to contain a growing number of wildfires in the state. In just stays the fires have destroyed 100,000 acres more than 10,000 people have been forced to leave their homes. Good morning steph, fires are burning all along the west coast but the hardest hit is northern california, fires north of San Francisco where it has destroyed two dozen homes. Day and night firefighters are racing against the clock trying to contain wildfires blazing in california, washington and oregon. Doomsday is what it looks like. The winds are driving the fire through dry trees and timbers. The fire got pretty big. Firefighting planes are making the rounds including dc ten tankers releasing fire retardant. Evacuation orders effecting 12,000 people have been issued in communities north of francisco. One resident is temporarily camping in an rv with his pet. Well see when we can get back in there and give the okay. Crews are mourning the loss of their own. 38yearold david rue ll lost his life, and at least four horse have been injured. Governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency. That helps to have the National Guard to come in help them. Thank you. Chief of Public Information for the California Department of forestry and Fire Protection joining us on the phone this morning. Daniel, thank you for your time. I know it must an busy time for you. Last night you were battling 21 large wildfires just in california and three counties. Has that number or the scope of the fires changed at all overnight . Well, we have continued to see fire activity increase over the last several days, including last night. Several new fires did ignite, but weve been making Good Progress on several others. While this fire especially the one north of San Francisco the rocky fire continues to grow at an explosive rate, were making progress on several fronts. Over two dozen wildfires burning in california. At least things are moving in the right direction. How about weather conditions. We know how severe the drought is how about wind conditions and other climate concerns . Well, when many of these fires ignited we were seeing triple digit temperatures. Single different humidity and gusting winds. While the temperatures have come down somewhat from where they were these fires are large enough that theyre creating their own weather. Despite where the wind is blowing, these fires are burning actively based on the terrain and dry conditions. Because of the drought the brush and the trees are tinder dry, and theyre able to burn at an exclusive rate that we typically would not see this early in the year, and especially without wind factors like the santa ana winds. We know that david ruell died while fighting one of the fighters he had come from another state, south dakota. What other conditions are these firefighters facing . Over the weekend on the rocky fire 20,000 acres burned within a five hour period. Thats an unprecedented rate of speed for a fire to grow. Here in california because were four years of a drought the grass and brush are so dry that they burn so actively no different than a dry piece of wood in your fireplace. But this is what we train for. This is what we prepare for. We knew that the drought would have this basket on fire conditioning. So we have extra firefighters. We have extra resources because the drought. Plus as you mention we brought in the National Guard. That brought in more help to battle these fires. Daniel, thank you for your time. Secretary of state john kerry just finished meeting with arab foreign leaders in qatar with foreign ministers, in fact. The group discussed the conflict in iraq and yemen. Kerry is mainly there to ease fears over the iran nuclear deal. He promised further cooperation with sunni gulf leaders. No one should doubt for a moment that the you United States is only focused on the implementation of the nuclear agreement. I think that president obama made it very clear at the camp david summit where he discussed steps that the gcc and the United States would take together as we implement the vienna agreement. Today my counterparts and i have discussed the steps we will take and how we intend to build an Even Stronger for enduring and more strategic partnership. Kerry added the u. S. Will continue working with the gcc to fight isil, alqaeda, and deal with other regional threats. Selling Irans Nuclear deal to skeptical arab leaders wont be an he is task. U. S. Secretary of state john kerry is trying to convince gulf countries that the deal is going to provide peace and prosperity in the region. But the general sentiment here is that iran will use that deal to further expand in the region. Officials in saudi arabia, qatar qatar, kuwait and the uaeering said that iran is in involved in iran iraq and also syria and theyll further expend by shifting the Political Landscape in the region. This is why theyre telling the americans that unless we get strong guarantees that theyll play a significant role in the region to safeguard against any future iranian influence were not going to buy into this new deal. Hashem ahelbarra reporting from qatar. The u. S. Has announced that it will allow airstrikes, a new focus on helping to fight isil and alqaedaaffiliateed groups groups. The Obama Administration has been reluctant for years to get more involved in syrias war. Does this type of close air sport signal any change in policy . Does it signal more engagement . It signals more engagement, stephanie, in that the u. S. Is training vetted members of the Syrian Opposition and the incrediblous if the u. S. Were to train these fighters and then not give them the kind of support that they would need in order to go after isil fighters. That is the reason why the u. S. Is training these members ever the Syrian Opposition. However, it does raise some very deep concerns about whether the u. S. Is going to find itself inadvertently in a war against syria. Even though the u. S. And other Coalition Partners have been launching airstrikes against isil targets in the northern part of syria theyve been doing so knowing that the Syrian Military has not been getting involved. But when we have this added factor of the opposition now getting that same kind of support as they carry out their fighting it does increase the risk. So even though there is this possibility it does seem incredulous that the u. S. Would train these fighters, and then not give them all the support that they would need in order to go after isil. So its been reported, roz, that the u. S. Has trained 67 rebels. There is no way that the u. S. Thinks that they can beat isil with that. What is the president s thinking on this . Is it still a strategy of containment that were talking about . Well, right now the main policy is trying to make certain that the members of opposition who are trained are those who are not some how going to become turn coats to use the word, and then actually take up arms against the coalition. And so theyre being extremely careful in the background checks that theyre running on these fighters. Yes, its a far cry from the several thousand fighters that they hope to have trained by the end of this year, but this is an effort to try to take advantage of the situation where they think that perhaps Bashar Alassad is essentially feeding the control of some of the territory where the moderate opposition happens to be as they carry out their fight against isil. Such a complex situation on the ground in syria. Roz lind jordan for us in washington. Thank you. The senate is set to vote to end federal funding for planned parenthood but its not expected to pass. It has been defending itself against allegations that it has been selling fetal tissue to researchers. It insists that it has not broken any laws. Rand paul called for todays vote. A lot of people, a lot of prochoice people are upset by these videos. Turning the baby around to get to body parts and selling the liver and doctors say yes liver is popular right now for sale. I think most americans dont want their tax dollars going to this and i think what you find if you look at this we have 9,000 Community Health centers that do everything that planned parenthood does, but they dont get into abortion. So it would be much less emotional for everyone if we just funded Community Health centers. Planned parenthood said abortions can for only 3 of its annual activity. Later today the white house is set to release new strategies for combating global warming. It focuses on electricity production which accounts for 31 of those gasses. States get to decide how to meet the cuts. The plan face fierce opposition by republicans. Many states have threatened not to comply. Police in tennessee this morning are offering a 10,000 reward to find the man who killed a police officer. Shawn bolton was gunned down during a routine traffic stop on saturday. Richelle carey reports. A Memphis Police officer shot and killed late saturday after pulling a car over. Officer shawn bolton was a former marine who surfed in iraq. Police say he was shot multiple times on the street in the southeastern part of the city. The driver of the vehicle later turned himself in to police and has sense been released without charge. The passenger of the vehicle who was believed to be the shooter has been identified as 29yearold tremaine billburn. Hes still at large and a warrant for firstdegree in murder has been issued for his arrest. Boltons officer issued a statement calling the act senseless. My brothers life was just beginning only to end in tragedy. There is enough evil in this world, and he fought it to the very end of his life. The mayor of memphis asking for prayers saying bulletins death speaks volumes of the dangers of police work. This again evidences the fact that there are so many guns on our streets in the wrong hands and at any given minute in a 24 hour day theyre dealing with folks who have no rules of engagement. Shawn bolton is the third Memphis Police officer swilled in the line of duty in less than five years. He was just 33 years old. If. A new look at the efforts to fix the worlds problems. They may be working those efforts. But the issue of jobs and internet age and water security we have more next. Al jazeeras Investigative Unit has tonights exclusive report. Stories that have impact. That make a difference. That open your world. This. Is what we do. America tonight. Tuesday through friday 10 00 eastern. Only on Al Jazeera America. An outbreak has now killed four people. Theyve been testing water and ventilation systems. 70 people have been infected since the outbreak began last month. A piece of debris that washed ahis or her on reunion island is from a boeing 777. It is unclear if it came from flight mh 370. More potentially dangerous weather is forecast in the midwest. Storms took down a tent outside of chicago. One person was killed and 20 others injured. They sought refuge from the weather, but the tent flew up in the air and landed on the crowd below. If you havent noticed the world is changing in good ways and bad. The state of the future report is an update on the progress of the mill len numb Development Goals as laid out by the United Nations in 2000. The u. N. Said that by this year nations should have cut in half the number of people who go to bed hungry. It said that every nation on earth should provide universal primary education and stop the spread of hiv. Executive director of the mill len numb project, and the author of this state of the future report. He johns joins us this morning. Thank you for your time. Your group has the state of the future index and it shows an improvement over the last 2 years. Are your predictions that humanity will continue on this trend. Yes remember this is a composite index. There are many variables coming together. Some things are getting worse some things are getting better. In general its getting better. But since the 2008 financial crisis the future has been up and down. So weve made progress in the last five or so years. But its now picking up again. We can say that the over all situation in the world is improving in general. But where its not improve something quite serious. Lets talk about those areas of particular concern that the report brings up, and i did read the executive summary. One is the advancement of technology. And the worry that the advancement in technology could lead to what your report calls massive unemployment. Isnt technology supposed to make our lives better . Yes and it might very well, but if you take unemployment the way we have it today it means that youre not a value in society, youre out in the street or whatever, we may get to a point where Artificial Intelligence and all of these sorts of things, they slowly begin to improve, and then they have a take off. Its a little bit like the internet. The internet was around for a long time before it took off. When these things take off the robotics Artificial Intelligence, a lot of the work that we do today wont be there. Now, that can be negative in the sense that everybody is out in the street, or it can be positive in the sense that over the next 10, 15 years we can prepare ourselves to make a living. We can have a self actualizing economy. You start off in the morning whats going on. You have your avatar that checks out all the interesting things, and your whole day is created and you have some income. Freelancing and ad hockism and the the ondemand economy. Yes all of these things are growing. If this can grow nicely, and were teaching people how to find markets for themselves around the world rather than looking for a job that is not going to be there. If we get that projection this could be very good signs for future civilization or it could be a disaster if we dont prepare for it. You mention Something Else that the report brings up. Thats Artificial Intelligence, something that weve covered here on al jazeera. How does your report view humanity and the advent of a. I. . Its going to change the neur of work as a generalization. What can be automated will be automated. Anything that is duplicateable will be. If there are reasonable patterns that can be duplicated, so a lot of work can be obsolete soon. The conservative estimateif Political Economic systems dont change if we dont do a good jobassuming those things stay the seam the same, unemployment is more likely going to be 50 . We have time for this transition but artificial transition has the warning that youve seen about how it could leave humanity in the dust. If we can integrate and understand it and have the initial conditions of how it evolves then i think were okay. Thats why we write these books and why other people give these warnings. Who do you want us to be reading and having eyes on a report that tackles of very highlevel human issues. It basicallyyour commenting on the nature of humanity as it stands on issues that are far faster than we can talk about in three minutes. Who do you want to read this report . Who do you think will . Well, its a little bit like a mini encyclopedia. I would hope that journalists have it on their desk when theyre interviewing somebody on Artificial Intelligence or water energy. This is dense. And if youre doing a straight read through that would be difficult. But it could be a textbook for universities. It should be at the desk of policy advisers. I would like the president s office to have a copy in there. Secretary general made nice copies of this at the u. N. For people who are involved in making decisions to effect the world, they should have it. Those who are teaching the next generation about what it means to be a Global Citizen and whatwhat should you know about the world and possibilities of the future. Its education and decision makers, a combination. Executive director the millennium project. Thank you for your time this morning. A robot finds no love in the city of brotherly love. He reaches an unkindly end just days into its u. S. Tour. Ive been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close to the isil position who is in charge, and are they going to be held to accout . But know were following the Research Team into the fire theyre learning how to practice democracy. Just seen tear gas being thrown. Glad sombody care about us man. Several human workers were kidnapped. This is whats left of the hospital is a crime thats under reported. What do you think. Were making history right now. Al Jazeera America even before cuba restored diplomatic relations with the u. S. Last month economic reform was happening on the island. The government has been motivating farmers to grow more crops. That means taking a very capitalistic approach. Melissa chan saw for herself. Youre looking at the first and only wholesale market in cuba. Where farmers sell their goods on the open market, where birse hagglebuyers haggle over prices. You might call it capitalism with a cuban touch. They tell us about 900 farmers, groups of farmers and different organizations have registered to sell at this market here. When raul castro rolled out his reforms a few years ago he targeted agriculture as a top priority. In our full report we spent time with susan da cordero who worked as part of the countrys centrally planned economy. Farmers used to lose lots of money because we did not have a place to sell them. Analysts estimate that half a million farmers in human being now own or lease private land for personal profit, although cuba still imports 80 of its food. Which means that the country has a long way to go in its experiment before it will see better results. Al jazeera cuba. And you can see melissas full report at 9 00 eastern. The journey is over for now for a robot that was hitchhiking across the u. S. The team behind behind the hitch bot said that it was vandalized and abandoned over the weekend. It had traveled 300 miles in the u. S. Before it was destroyed. It was a social experiment to see if robots to trust human beings. Up to this point he had successfully relied on strangers that traversed 3600 miles in canada and europe. It went to a wedding checked out a game and went to the city hall before it was damaged. But its creators say that the experiment is not over. Underneath london is one of the most advanced rail line in the world. When it starts in 2018 it will cover 200 million passenger as year. We went down into the tunnel to have a look. Its taken 10,000 workers more than six years but now londons newest underground train tunnels are almost ready for their rails. Cut at a depth of 40 meters the rail tunnel wave their way beneath the heart of the city. The biggest challenge has been constructing this massive type of project in an area of london that has already dense infrastructure. The assignments had to be designed in terms of horizontal and investigator vertical ashrinement that avert any infrastructure. The tunnels were sealed using 200,000 concrete segments. At the same time the engineers have been working on an allnew Digital Communications network the first ever to control all aspects of a railway line. This Computer Networks needs to be able to handle the data of 250 passenger information displays and more than 600 in a television and 1600 High Definition cameras all simultaneously. It has been a lot quicker to fix problems, and safety aspects moving away from traditional cameras as you see provides more coverage for passenger safety, gives better images to the operators and provides realtime information. The operators make decisions quicker. The control network has also been isolated to help prevent it from being hacked. All systems are closed off. There are only a few operator terminals that have an ability to log on. Theyre all disabled so they have zero access to any of these areas. It will be another three years before the 23 billion line opens and there is still plenty to do to make it ready for an expected 200 million passengers a year. Al jazeera beneath central london. Another world record for american swimmer katiely decky. She was in the water in russia early today when she beat her own record. She swam it a half second faster than the world record she set last year. She could set another record tomorrow in the finals. Thanks for watching. Im stephanie sy in new york. The news continues live from doha. Welcome to the news hour. Im sammy in doha. The u. S. Secretary of state promises more weapons to gulf states as he tries to ease fears over the nuclear deal with iran. A bomb crashes on a busy market where 20 people are killed. Over 100 dead and tens of thousands affected by flooding in india vietnam and myanmar. And riding a different kind of wave. How

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