Hot FM The Texarkana Arkansas Police Department and Wake Village Police are getting the word out early for the Drug Take-Back Program coming up on Saturday, April 24, 2021 DEA National Drug Take Back is coming up in two weeks. Police say nationwide 9.7 million people misused prescription pain relievers, and 5.9 million people misused prescription tranquilizers or sedatives in 2019. Wake Village Police Department is partnering with the DEA on National Takeback Weekend April 24th from 10am-2pm. The DEA will be at the Wake Village police parking lot so you can drive through and get rid of your old medicine. In Texarkana, officers will be present at Texarkana Emergency Center located at 4646 Cowhorn Creek Rd in Texarkana, Texas. The officers will begin receiving drop-offs at 8:00 am and end at 12:00 (Noon.) If this time frame does not work for some, the drug drop-off bins are always available at three locations in our area. Texarkana Emergency Center, Bi-State Center, and the Miller County Sheriff’s Office.