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Of kashmir of its special status. As the us mourns those who died in two mass shootings. President trump condemns extremism but stops short of announcing tighter gun controls. Announcer live from our studios in singapore and london. This is bbc world news. Its newsday. Good morning. Its 7am in singapore, midnight in london and 7am in hong kong, where the residents are waking up after yet another day of widespread disruption. Police arrested 82 protestors as tens of thousands of people took to the streets in the territorys first general strike in more than 50 years. Protests spread right across the territory, with major roads blocked, public transport severely delayed and more than 200 flights cancelled. The normally buzzing city was brought to a standstill. Our correspondent nick beake has this report. Hong kongs deepening crisis is exposing a dangerous clash of cultures. Tonight, pro democracy activists, dressed in black, fought street battles with men loyal to the beijing backed government. Violence rained for a third day running and this, one of more than 1,000 rounds of tear gas at the police say they fired during this explosive summer of discontent. All this is happening outside the main government building, but its a similar picture in other parts of the city today, and thats because these demonstrators say theyll keep on coming out onto the street theyve been doing it for two months and the reason they keep on coming is that they say theyre getting nothing in the way of concessions from the government here. Some police backed down today, but not hong kongs government. Instead, it claimed it was fighting enemies who were using the now suspended extradition bill is a cover to bring down this part of china. Those ulterior motives are going to destroy hong kong. To risk one country, two systems. As another day of chaos was ending, beijing fired a warning at foreign powers to stop interfering in hong kongs affairs. It vowed no one should underestimate chinas resolve to restore stability to the territory. We may soon discover that the level of force it is prepared to use to achieve that. Nick beake, bbc news, hong kong. Lets bring you some breaking news now north korea has fired two unidentified projectiles, the fourth such weapons test in past two weeks. The latest launch was from South Hwanghae province, according to the south korean military. The projectiles landed in the sea. It comes as south korea and the us conductjoint military exercises, which north korea says violate the agreements they have reached with donald trump and seouls president moon. The bbcs laura bicker is in the south korean capital seoul and joins me now. Shes been keeping an on it on all of this. Laura, it feels a bit like deja vu. I was talking to you about a launch very similar to this last week. What is north korea trying to achieve . There are two main differences to the launch last week. First of all, this has come from north koreas west coast. So it appears these projectiles, there still analysing them, has flown right across the peninsular and landed in the sea. Secondly its been times to co ordinate with. Secondly its been times to coordinate with. Inaudible guess what pyongyang has been thinking, and timed to co ordinate with. They are still analysing this and its flown right across the peninsular and landing in the sea landed. When it comes to the joint us south korean exercises, which started yesterday, although they kept them low key, they see this as a provocation. Also north korea is warning it will take a new path, a new road, if these provocations dont end. This is a repeating of the warning we heard from kim jong un at new year, and the warnings weve heard from the Foreign Ministry in the past. North korea is saying they want an end to these joint military exercises. They see them as a violation of the agreements reached with donald trump and president moon in seoul, and these missiles may be continue to be fired until they get the attention. Two key questions to be asked, sharonjed, how long two key questions to be asked, sharon jed, how long will two key questions to be asked, sharonjed, how long will north korea keep this up and how far are they prepared to go . And secondly, when will the United States take note . Very key questions indeed. Laura bicker, keeping us updated on that situation from seoul. Lets take a look at some of the days other news. In the last hour, the mayor of el paso has said President Trump will visit the city on wednesday following the mass shooting there that killed 22 people. Speaking on television earlier, President Trump condemned White Supremacy and called for perpatrators of shootings to face the death penalty. The shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online, consumed by racist hate. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and White Supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in america. Hey trade war the mind, ravages the heart and devours the soul hatred warps. The bbcs gary 0donoghue is in el paso. I asked him how likely it was that the president would now support attempts by democrats in congress to pass tougher background checks on gun ownership. I think its unclear exactly how far hes prepared to press that with republicans in congress, or indeed how far they are prepared to with it in the senate. Bear in mind, the reason theyre not taking it up is because of pressure from people Like National rifle association. They wield a great deal of power over members of congress, notjust through their donations and all that, but through the way they talk about members of Congress Stop the they can make or break people in congress in many, many ways. That will be a factor as well. Also the president home self has talked about these background checks before. After the parkland shooting in florida, he talked warmly about the idea, liked the idea, but then he himself succumbed to the pressures of the nra that time. The other thing worth mentioning, ben, is its not clear if background checks would have made a difference in these two cases. We dont know enough about the detail and background of what happened here to know they would have made a difference in these cases. Do you get a sense there among the people in el paso that there is a real appetite and i hope that something will change, or more of a resignation the us has been here many times and nothing has changed . Well, i think if you can have hope and resignation at the same time youd get that. Americans, whenever they are asked, there is a solid majority for tighter gun controls, but theres also a realisation that the partisan split in washington is so the partisan split in washington is so deep and divided on this issue that its incredibly unlikely to happen. For 20 years, that its incredibly unlikely to happen. For20 years, eversince that its incredibly unlikely to happen. For 20 years, ever since the columbine shooting in 1999, through places like the sandy hook shooting in 2012, parkland of course, lots and lots of other places, theres been repeated calls for reforms and they have ended up nowhere. I think if you were a betting man you would be very, very cautious about assuming that this is going to be different this time. The bbcs gary 0donoghue there in el paso. Lets have look some other stories making headlines around the world. The egyptian president has descirbed an explosion in cairo that killed 20 people as an act of terrorism. The explosion outside of the National Cancer centre also injured a0 people. Authorities had originally said it been caused by a traffic accident. Police say they suspect a group linked to the outlawed muslim brotherhood. A strike at Londons Heathrow airport which should have started around now has been cancelled. More than 4,000 workers had planned to walk out, but it was suspended while staff vote on a pay offer. Strikes proposed for later this month will continue for now until the results of the ballot are known. Mcdonalds has revealed its new paper straws introduced last year in the uk to cut down on Plastic Waste cant be recycled. The fast food restraurant says at the moment the straws need to be put in general waste, but the company is working on a solution. Take a look at this footage. It was filmed near a military base in siberia after a fire broke out in its ammunition store, causing a series of huge explosions. Thousands of residents of nearby villages have been evacuated while soldiers at the base were forced to hide in bomb shelters. The depot stores thousands of artillery shells, and russian state media says fragments of exploding munitions have been found 15 kilometres away. Several people have been injured, including soldiers. Pakistan has condemned as illegal indias decision to abolish the special status for kashmir, adding that it would exercise all options to counter the move. Article 370 had, since partition of india, given a unique degree of autonomy to the muslim majority state of Jammu And Kashmir, a disputed mountainous region along the India Pakistan border. Among the scrapped provisions is one which prevented indians from other states settling in the region. From delhi, Yogita Limaye reports. An uneasy quiet in kashmir. Its people under lockdown. At its future was being decided hundreds of kilometres away. With one dramatic announcement in parliament, the Specialist Status kashmir had held for 70 years was revoked by a direct president ial order. This is a black monday, this is a dark day. There was an uproar among Opposition Mps who called the move unconstitutional. But among supporters of the decision, it was time to celebrate. One of the big election promises made by Prime Minister modi and his ruling bjp fulfilled. If i look at it from the peoples perspective, in terms of employment opportunities, in terms of economic opportunities, seeing that development reaches at the grassroots, Jammu And Kashmir deserves much better so this is about the people of Jammu And Kashmir. At the time of partition, kashmir was a princely state. It was given a choice to be a part of india or pakistan. It chose the former, on the condition that it could make its own rules and only permanent residents could acquire land in the region. All those privileges have been done away with now and some are angry about how it unfolded. But what has left many in the country in disbelief is the manner in which this was done. No elected representative from kashmir was consulted. Here in parliament, mps didnt vote on it. People here are questioning how this was allowed to happen in a democracy. To quell tensions in kashmir, tens of thousands of extra troops have been deployed. Top politicians have been placed under house arrest. From where she was being held, a former kashmir chief minister spoke to the bbc over the phone. Im really shocked because i feel this unilateral decision is going to have, you know, far reaching consequences for the whole subcontinent. It is going to be catastrophic. 0n the other side of the de facto border, pakistan protested too, saying it would explore all options to counter the move. This himalayan region that is disputed by both neighbours is at a turning point. Yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme why are so many corpses being hauled from this river in the philippines . We have a special investigation. The question was do we want to save our people and japanese as well and win the war, or whether we want to take a chance on being able to win the war by killing all our young men . The invasion began at two oclock this morning. Mr bush, like most other people, was clearly caught by surprise. We call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all iraqi forces. 100 years old and still full of vigour, vitality and enjoyment of life. No other king or queen in british history has lived so long, and the queen mother is said to be quietly very pleased indeed that she has achieved this landmark anniversary. This is a Pivotal Moment for the church as an international movement. This is a Pivotal Moment for the church as an international movement. The question now is whether the american vote will lead to a split in the anglican community. This is newsday on the bbc. Thank you for staying with us. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Good to see you. And im ben bland in london. Our top stories protests in hong kong have continued as its leader gives a warning that the principle of one country, two systems is under threat. North korea has fired and identified projectiles into the sea. Unidentified. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. We start with the south China Morning post, which is splashing on the latest escalation in hong kongs protests. As you can see here, men wielding bamboo sticks attacked Anti Government protestors. The paper also reports that protestors launched arson attacks on some police stations. China has reiterated its support for the citys leader carrie lam. The japan times is leading on a 7 month high for the yen against the dollar. The paper says its bad news for the japanese economy, and that its a consequence of the us china trade war. But it also quotes market analysts who say its too early to tell whether lasting damage has been caused. And finally, the Straits Times is reporting on new regulations for e scooters here in singapore. They will face mandatory safety requirements from july 1st next year and will also face inspections. 50 million is going to be spent widening footpaths to accommodate them. And that brings you up to date with some of the papers. Back to our top story now. Protesters and police have clashed once again in hong kong, as a mass strike brought the city to a standstill. Police arrested more than 80 people following a third consecutive day, and ninth consecutive week of pro democracy protests. Werejoined now live by the bbcs mariko 0i in hong kong. Mariko. Thank you, ben. As a new day starts, to be honest with you, ben, we dont know whether people will be returning to work or whether some of the protesters might go back to the streets after those defining glasses we saw in nicks report. The street is back to normal, and here, one of the seven venues for those rallies which were held yesterday afternoon, it was jampacked yesterday, but now all we can see is some graffiti and some of those yellow posters that they were holding which said against extradition bell. Well, lets bring in ourgas, extradition bell. Well, lets bring in our gas, victoria simbel, from the university of notre dame, she joins us from new york, but she is originally from here. Thank you for joining us today. So we were just speaking to the union which was behind the strike yesterday that said they think that 350,000 people it is debated in the strike yesterday. Participated, what was your reaction to what was taking place in your hometown . It is striking because hong kong people just wanted to make money and for many years whenever there was any strike by construction workers, that was seen as disruptive of hong kongs economy. This time many people in many professions, notjust construction workers, but entertainers, airline and airport workers, staff, architecture architects, accountants and Civil Servants were all trying to join. So this is really amazing and this number is supportive of that. Of course the hong kong government, we heard from carrie lam for the first time ina heard from carrie lam for the first time in a few weeks that yesterday, she isnt backing down. What is the protesters in game there, the five demands they are making, which include universal suffrage, one person, one vote, it is hard beijing giving them that. What is the next move . It looks like they will look for Police Officers and also gangsters to beat up the people, arrest them, lock them up and charge them for rioting. They may also get third party people to attack the protesters. But at the same time, their overarching strategy, i been seeing a lot of discussions online, you know, it is possible that people are branching off from the general strike yesterday. Lets actually organise against Police Brutality in order to sustain the movement. So this struggle is going to keep going on for quite some time. We are expecting to hear from the Chinese Government for the second time about these ongoing protest later this afternoon. A lot of speculation about what they might say. What are you expecting from them . M about what they might say. What are you expecting from them . It sounds like theyre going to issue another condemnation after last time, and that hong kong people are throwing away the National Flag and really hurting the one country, two systems model. They always say well, there is always an option. They have shown they are practising right control and streets of hong kong. But beijing, all of the business interests in hong kong really want to preserve that system. It is unlikely they are going to stand in the pla, but people heard they are ready, people dressed in yellow service or sometimes pretending to be the protesters, black, and also putting on press signs. But they speak mandarin. So that it is possible that they are already in hong kong from beijing. Victoria simbel, thank you so much for joining us in new york, and ben of course, we will monitor how things develop today. But one thing we noticed is the division in society, it is no longerjust about that controversial bill, the Division Within society appears to be deepening. Mariko 0i in hong kong, many thanks indeed. Manilas pasig river winds its way for 15 miles through the philippine capital and out to the sea via manila bay. Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte once claimed that he would fatten the fish in manila bay by dumping the bodies of drug dealers, killed as a result of his war on drugs. So far the police say at least 6,700 drug suspects have been killed since the president came to power. A warning this report, by our philippines correspondent Howard Johnson contains disturbing images. Dawn on manilas pasig river, a calm and peaceful start of the day. But thatis and peaceful start of the day. But that is all about to change. It is around 8 30am in the morning here. We have just been patrolling with the coastguard here along the pasig river and they found the body by the side here, they believe it is about two or three days old because it is rigid with rigor mortis. A forensics officer inspects the body. Its a man believed to be in his late 20s. There are no gunshot wounds. Suspected cause of death asphyxiation. To date, the body remains identified in our unidentified and unclaimed. It is the latest in a rising number of bodies found in the pasig river was up bodies found in the pasig river was up 2017 we have 97 floating cadavers. We have 2018, 36 total floating cadavers. The pasig river river runs through one of the most densely populated and poorest districts of miller. Historically, it has had a high crime rate, it recently became a major focus of anti legal drug operations by the Police Following the start of president dutertes bloody war on drugs injuly 2016. We visited the neighbourhood to speak to residents of the community who report regular sightings of bodies in the water. To protect our sources, we cannot identify who they are, or where they live. Speaking to five different people from one community, they all confirmed they had seen multiple bodies in the river. 0ne resident, who we will call regene discover note she heard something heavy hitting the water near her home. We thought it was garbage, then it floated. After four days we heard news that a body had been spotted. Then she made a startling allegation, that in one incident she had witnessed the Police Killing someone had witnessed the Police Killing someone and then dumping the body in the river. An allegation corroborated by her neighbours. She shot the person once they shot, they werent in civilian attire, they werent in civilian attire, they werent in civilian attire, they were wearing uniforms. There we re they were wearing uniforms. There were six policemen and a tricycle. We put these allegations to the police department, but they declined to comment. The Philippine Commission on human rights have called on the police to be more transparent with their reports. This is different from how we usually investigate killings in the past. There is a policy of little, if no cooperation at all when it comes to sharing documentation. United nations human rights commission, Michelle Basilio has now been tasked with assessing the human rights situation in the philippines. The government insists they havent committed any human rights abuses, but also say they dont want you and reporters coming to the country. Howard johnson, bbc news, manila un reporters. That is a disturbing story. That brings us to the end of newsday. And im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Im ben bland in london. Stay with us. Well have more soon. Hello. If you are in search of dry, settled, summer weather, im afraid you wont find it in this weather forecast. Certainly not while low pressure is in charge. And that is what you have in this beautiful swirl of cloud here on the satellite, well in the heart of that there is a centre of an area of low pressure, which is going to be drifting its way eastwards over the next couple of days and will provide some very heavy, thundery downpours, albeit with some spells of sunshine in between. So this is how we start off tomorrow morning. The eastern side of england, actually starting on a dry note but those showers already they will swing eastwards through the day. Quite hit and miss but some of the cells will be happy with some hail some thunder in for good measure. Down towards the south it will be quite breezy. The further north you are, the winds will be like, particularly across scotland. Showers that crop up could be slow moving. One or two places could get a range of values where those temperatures could be between 17 and 23 degrees. A pretty cool feeling day. In the early hours of wednesday, many showers will fade, but not all of them. Some will continue, there will be the odd flash of lightning and rumble of thunder. Maybe just a touch cooler for some spots in Northern England and scotland where the skies remain clear and the winds remain late. Going into wednesday and again, its spot the difference, really. Some sunshine, some showers, some places in the uk will have very heavy and thundery showers, but there will still be some spells of sunshine and those highs of 17 23. If you are looking for a dry day, thursday may fit the bill for some of us, at least. One or two for scotland and Northern England, otherwise its pretty much drier with light winds and sunshine it will feel just a little warmer. But behind me here, you might have spotted this. An area of wet weather. You will see the bands driving northwards across the isles. An unusually low area of the pressure, as we head to the weekend we will see some further showers or longer spells of rain and it is likely we will see some unusually strong winds for this type of year. So if you are making plans for the weekend, it is worth staying in touch with our forecast. Im ben bland with bbc news. Our top story protests have been continuing in hong kong after pro democracy campaigners called a general strike. Police used teargas to clear hundreds of people from a main road in the city. Hong kongs leader carrie lam has warned that the city is on the verge of a very dangerous situation and the principal of one country two systems is under threat. North korea has conducted its fourth weapons test in two weeks. Reports say its fired two unidentified projectiles into the sea. And this story is trending on bbc. Com a male prisoner in brazil was caught impersonating his teenage daughter in a bid to get out ofjail. His elaborate disguise involved a wig, a pink tee t shirt and a silicone mask, but the Authorities Say his nervousness gave him away. Thats all. Stay with bbc news. Now on bbc news, its hardtalk. Shaun ley interviews

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