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don't advocate gambling in any way shape or form. tim moffat is at the fun zone in central london. surprised, a bit disappointed, but coalfrom america along surprised, a bit disappointed, but coal from america along with lynette who is not from america, you're very happy, aren't you? i who is not from america, you're very happy. aren't you?— happy, aren't you? i would have liked it to _ happy, aren't you? i would have liked it to be — happy, aren't you? i would have liked it to be a _ happy, aren't you? i would have liked it to be a one _ happy, aren't you? i would have liked it to be a one - _ happy, aren't you? i would have liked it to be a one - one - happy, aren't you? i would have liked it to be a one - one draw. | happy, aren't you? i would have. liked it to be a one - one draw. a liked it to be a one — one draw. a draw— liked it to be a one — one draw. a draw and — liked it to be a one — one draw. a draw and very— liked it to be a one — one draw. a draw and very un—american but were happy— draw and very un—american but were happy with_ draw and very un—american but were happy with it. how big is this playing — happy with it. how big is this playing in america at the moment, do you think? _ playing in america at the moment, do you think? my friends have been iexiing _ you think? my friends have been texting me saying how they go. it's been _ texting me saying how they go. it's been all_ texting me saying how they go. it's been all right so far. pretty happy. not the _ been all right so far. pretty happy. not the result we hoped for, but an nil not the result we hoped for, but an nii nil— not the result we hoped for, but an nii nii draw— not the result we hoped for, but an nil nil draw means _ not the result we hoped for, but an nil nil draw means the _ not the result we hoped for, but an nil nil draw means the next - not the result we hoped for, but an nil nil draw means the next match i not the result we hoped for, but ani nil nil draw means the next match is all playfuh _ nil nil draw means the next match is all playful. come _ nil nil draw means the next match is all playful. come on— nil nil draw means the next match is all playful. come on england, - nil nil draw means the next match is all playful. come on england, we've| all playful. come on england, we've -ot all playful. come on england, we've got this _ all playful. come on england, we've not this. ~ . ., , ., got this. what about the first game a . ainst got this. what about the first game against iran. _ got this. what about the first game against iran, everyone _ got this. what about the first game against iran, everyone because - got this. what about the first game against iran, everyone because my| against iran, everyone because my expectations went up?— against iran, everyone because my expectations went up? there is a bit of that. ithink_

Related Keywords

Bit , Way , Central London , Lynette , Tim Moffat , Gambling , Fun Zone , United States , Shape , Coal , Coalfrom America , Form , Surprised , Don T Advocate , Draw , It , Aren T You , Playing In America , Happy , One , Result , Friends , Nil , Nii , Texting , Hal England , Game , Match , Iran , Everyone , Expectations , Come On , Playfuh , Gainst , Game A , Playful , Ithink ,

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