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could save the life of someone else. so, perhaps they will also feel that out of this tragedy, some good can come. you do appear to have a view of what it means to be severely disabled and often, you focus on intellectual disablement, but sometimes on physical disablement, too. you have a view which seems to say that those human beings have less value and you say that when a new human is born, if they are born with conditions, for example, down�*s, spina bifida, haemophilia, then the parents of that newborn should have the right to end the child's life. many people — many people find that deeply disturbing. i agree, people do find it disturbing, but those same people would probably say that it is a woman's right to have prenatal diagnosis when she's pregnant and if she discovers that her child is going to have one of those conditions you mentioned, to terminate the pregnancy. i don't really see a big difference in terms of our

Related Keywords

Life , View , Good , Tragedy , Intellectual Disablement , Someone Else , Example , Human , Human Beings , Conditions , Disablement , Down S , Value , Parents , Haemophilia , Spina Bifida , People , Child , Newborn , One , Woman , Pregnancy , Terms , Difference , Diagnosis ,

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