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Killed two, enjoyed a third in a rifle attack. That was during a euro 2024 qualifying matches taking place which is important because it means a lot of swedish people were brussels for the match was the police say the gunmen is believed to be of tunisian origin but was in belgium illegally after having his Asylum Application rejected. A few lines we are having sent to us. This is from the swedish Prime Minister, some pretty strong statements from him saying sweden has never been under as big a threat as now. He says sweden and the eu need better border control. He says this is a time for more security, we must not be naive. And as said, the suspected gunman was in brussels illegally but we also know he had been to sweden but was not known to police. The swedish Prime Minister of course recognising the concern many around the world have right now saying i understand many swedes are afraid and angry, particularly at the suspect not being known by Swedish Police and he says, and this could be some of the far reaching consequences of what is going on right now, we must counter threat with more security. So there is the latest lines coming from sweden puzzling Prime Minister recognising the concern that many have given the attack. But also as we heard here, the swedish Prime Minister warning that now is the time for further security, saying we must not be naive. This coming as brussels raises its alert level to the highest ever level. So that is the latest from the swedish Prime Minister and we will take you back there for any further developments. Turning to another major story we are following today. Indias Supreme Court has ruled against petitions seeking to legalise Same Sex Marriage. The government led by The Hindu Nationalist bjp and religious leaders have been strongly opposed to same sex unions, saying they are against indian culture. A five judge bench of the Supreme Court headed by the chiefjustice of india heard arguments in the case back in april. Earlier i spoke to our south asia correspondent, samira hussain. It was a really nuanced decision in which the Supreme Courtjustices were unanimous in saying they believe that Same Sex Marriage should be allowed but it was not within the scope of what the Supreme Court could do that legalising Same Sex Marriage was something that had to be done by parliament. What did say is that, look, marriage not protected under the concert that my constitution under the constitution but being free from any sort of Discover Nation Including Sexual Discrimination is something thatis sexual discrimination is something that is protected in the constitution and because married couples are able to get a whole bunch of benefits like tax breaks and pension benefits, and making medical decisions for their partners, that is something that same sex couples are not able to avail themselves of and so what the Supreme Court has said is that you need to create a Parliamentary Committee and regulate and sort of find ways to make sure youre not in violation of their rights do not be disconnected against. That violation of their rights do not be disconnected against. Violation of their rights do not be disconnected against. That was the view very much disconnected against. That was the view very much from disconnected against. That was the view very much from your disconnected against. That was the i view very much from your legislators and lawmakers but there is a rare show of unity by indias main religious groups who are also arguing against same sex unions. Yes, indeed. Forthem it was, look, a marriage is very much between a man and a woman and it needs to be heterosexual. It is really rare to see unity among the main religious groups here in india but there it was. Remember part of the governments argument was that this goes against indian values, Same Sex Marriage, and in fact this is really more of an urban elitist western idea. That is something the Supreme Court countered saying there is a very long history of same sex couples and unions in this country. Just a line of Breaking News coming to us from the Reuters News Agency which quotes the Turkish Foreign minister saying egypt will host a summit of leaders on the conflict between israel and the palestinians on saturday so as weve spoken about quite a lot over the last hour or so, lots of diplomatic efforts behind the scenes to try to prevent this crisis is collating and dragging in more regional powers into this conflict so turkey they are telling us that egypt will host are telling us that egypt will host a summit of leaders with a few details at this stage back with a few details at this stage about who the illegals will be what it says on the illegals will be what it says on the Israeli Palestinian conflict on saturday. If we get more from our correspondence in the region we will bring that to you here on bbc news and at this point it is worth just recapping some of the main developments of the past 24 hours in this war between israel and how mass. This war between israel and hamas. Lets start with more details on President Joe Biden� s visit to israel. Top us diplomat, Antony Blinken said President Biden will focus on securing the release of hostages taken by hamas. But he will also underscore the need to minimise civilian casualities as israel conducts its operations in gaza. 0ur correspondent david willis gave us this update the us Secretary Of State Antony Blinken says President Biden will visit israel on wednesday to show his support for the israeli people. Secretary blinken also said the us and israel have agreed on a plan to allow humanitarian aid into gaza in a way that doesnt benefit hamas militants. And the Un Security Council has rejected a russian draft resolution calling for a huminitarian ceasefire. The Us Ambassador said the draft� s failure to condemn hamas was outrageous, hypocritical, and indefensible. Lets start with more details on President Joe Biden� s visit to israel. Top us diplomat, Antony Blinken said President Biden will focus on securing the release of hostages taken by hamas. But he will also underscore the need to minimise civilian casualities as israel conducts its operations in gaza. 0ur correspondent david willis gave us this update President Biden as part of this visit will be receiving whats called a classified and comprehensive brief on israels war aims and strategy. Now, of course, a key element of that strategy is thought to be some sort of ground invasion. And its become clear that given the full throated support for israels right to defend itself earlier on, the United States has grown increasingly concerned about the possibility of some sort of humanitarian crisis, given the fact that water and Food Supplies are already said to be running low in parts of the enclave and so on. So part of this meeting today with Benjamin Netanyahu on the part of the us Secretary Of State, Antony Blinken was its thought to ring some sort of humanitarian reassurances on behalf of the United States and some of its arab allies regarding the possible terms of that ground invasion, if you like, the creation of safe areas for Palestinian Civilians who obviously do not want to get involved in whats going to be happening there, and also some sort of means of getting humanitarian foreign aid into those who are not involved with hamas. Speaking of that humanitarian aid. The United Nations says israels total Siege Of Gaza cutting off fuel, food and electricity supplies is deepening the humanitarian crisis. Its warning more help is needed to support the hundreds of thousands of palestinians whove moved from the north of the territory, to the south. But there are those who are refusing to leave their homes, saying theres little support and aid for them if they do move. 0ur former gaza correspondent, jon donnison has more. Much of the north of gaza looks unlivable. This is jabalia, once one of the worlds most densely populated neighborhoods and where those whove survived are clinging on. Not far away, abu jaleel is one of them, trying to squeeze the last drops out of gaza citys water system, cut off for days. We will not leave, he says. We cant. Even if they destroy our homes, where will we go with a family of five or six . Multiple families are now packed into apartments after their homes were destroyed, but they say its not safe to move south. The bombing is happening without warning, says while el ashi. And if i leave with 50 members of my family, where are we going to get food and water . And this is where people are being told to go. Amid the destruction in southern gaza, the homeless and the hungry who fled the north in their hundreds of thousands are trying to survive. We have nothing that we need to live, says this man who fled south. Were living in a dump, and if we move, well die. Amid the detritus and with too few toilets, many are fearful about the spread of disease. Theres food, but not enough. All this will feed less than 2000 people, says amir. Just a fraction of those in need. There are long queues to get bread but its being rationed. Weve been waiting here since six in the morning, he tells us. Just to get food, to feed the kids. We will run out of flour, the baker says. In two days, maximum. Clean water is also in short supply. And all the while, the hospitals in the south, like in the rest of gaza, are overwhelmed with patients. From the old to the very young. Seven days. Ten days. Four days. Born amid the chaos less than a week ago. What kind of life lies ahead of her . John donnison, bbc news. A british teenager, who, along with her sister, had been missing since the hamas attacks, has been murdered. Family members told bbc news that 13 year old yahel is now confirmed as having been killed in the attack. Her mum lianne was also murdered. Her british sister noiya, i6, and her dad, eli, are still missing. Lets hearfrom our special correspondent, lucy manning. We reported last night that yahel, just 13, and her sister noiya, 16, were missing after the hamas attack. And we were told by Family Members this morning that it has been confirmed that yahel has now been murdered. Her sister noiya is still missing. Her mum, lianne they are all british her mum, lianne, was confirmed murdered as well. This is one family in israel. Their dad, eli, is missing. Elis brother and another relative have been taken hostage. I spoke last night to relatives of the family in israel and they described 13 year old yahel. You might be able to see the photos with her smiling in family celebrations. They said she was always funny, that she loved to sing and to dance and to perform. And the family understandably, are devastated by this news, and they are still waiting for news on the whereabouts of noiya. The family were from kibbutz beeri. Thats one of the kibbutzim near the gaza border where the hamas gunmen just slaughtered families in their homes and took others away. And here we have a british family, two teenage sisters, their mum. And we now know that the mum and the 13 year old have been murdered and the family await news on their other daughter and the dad. In a statement yesterday about lianne, the mum, she had moved from england to work and live on the kibbutz in her late teens and then had decided to make a life out there. They described her as a beloved mum and aunt and friend and said she had really enriched peoples lives. But a sad start to the morning with this news from israel that the british Teenager Yahel has been murdered. Yeah, lucy, a desperately sad story. And of course, now a long wait to discover the whereabouts of those other Family Members. And just remind us, we heard from the Prime Minister yesterday telling parliament that another ten people are still missing and the government does fear that some of those could also be dead. Well, i think the official government figures are six british. Six british citizens have been murdered and ten are missing. Its not known whether those have been kidnapped or whether those have been murdered as well. We spoke to another family yesterday, a british family there. I spoke to eliot young. His Brother Nathanel had been killed. He was from london. He was serving in the israeli army. And there are others. Bernard cowan from scotland. Danny darlington, a british photographer. So we are starting to hear more british names. But i think unfortunately, because there are ten missing, we are going to start to hear more of these stories affecting british citizens. But this has affected citizens from throughout the world, notjust israelis, but citizens, people from other countries as well. 1400 People Killed in that hamas attack. This family, just one family that has been destroyed. Well, in the past hour archbishop justin welby addressed the ongoing conflict in gaza alongside leaders from the muslim and jewish faiths. Heres a little of what they said. All of us are profoundly concerned by what is happening in israel and gaza. And here at lambeth palace, we are praying constantly for all those who are caught up in this war that has already brought so much suffering to so many people. But today we have come together out of shared concern for our communities and neighbourhoods here in the uk, and to stand together against any form of hatred or violence againstjewish people or any other community. It is deplorable and wrong that Ourjewish Community here has been the target of hate crimes. It is unacceptable that synagogues and jewish centres have been targeted. There has been a 500 rise in Anti Semitism. I condemn these attacks and call on all fellow citizens to stand up and speak out against all and every form of hate. Your solidarity in standing up and speaking out clearly against all forms of Anti Semitism and anti semitic intimidation at this most deeply painful time means a great deal. I the jewish community, led by the board of deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council and the Community Security trust, has long condemned and continues to condemn all racism directed against muslims from whatever source. The archbishop of canterbury there. 0ur faith and ethics reporter, harry farley, was at lambeth palace, for the meeting. He gave us an update on the significance of that statement. And we heard just a few moments ago from justin welby, the archbishop of canterbury. Sheikh ibrahim mogra, whos an imam from leicester. And rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, whos a senior rabbi in masorti judaism, uk. They spoke of their shared concern for the situation in israel and in gaza, and they spoke also for their communities here. And they said they stand together against any form of hatred or violence againstjewish people or any other community here. Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg and Sheikh Ibrahim mogra spoke of their personal friendship and spoke of their many connections between the muslim and thejewish communities here in the uk. They did acknowledge that they sometimes stand on opposite sides and they sometimes disagree with each other. But they called for an end to any kind of hatred or violence against their communities here in the uk. The context, of course, of all this, ben, and the reason these Faith Leaders felt they needed to come out and make this statement is there has been a significant rise, in anti semitic incidents in particular, since those attacks by hamas the weekend before last. The metropolitan Police Telling us that in the week since those attacks, they were 105 anti semitic incidents and 75 offences in london alone. And to put that in context, the same week last year, there were 14 anti semitic incidents and i2 offences. And the metropolitan police also said there had also been a rise in islamophobic incidents, although not as such a significant rise. So thats the context. Thats why these Faith Leaders felt they needed to come out and make the statement, as you say, and appealfor an end to any kind of discrimination against any of their communities. Yes. And harry is interesting, wasnt it . It was two real aims of those speeches werent they, as you touched on, theyre about promoting peace and harmony in the uk among those different faith groups, but also very much focused on the humanitarian situation on the ground in gaza. Im just looking at some of that statement. The archbishop saying i plead that the sins of hamas are not borne by the citizens of gaza. Civilians cannot bear the costs of terrorists, he says. I pray that israel does everything it can to limit the harm to innocent civilians, and it really does underline how this has been played out in so many places around the world. Both those attacks along religious grounds, particularly in the uk, weve also seen them in the United States. But then to that situation on the ground in gaza. Yes, thats right. And the archbishop of canterbury said in that statement, he referred to an anglican hospital in gaza that had been bombed and he appealed for a humanitarian corridor to allow supplies in. And as you say, but all of these communities that we heard from today, the anglican, the muslim and thejewish community, all have deep ties across the region, particularly injerusalem, where those three faith communities meet. They feel a deep personal connection, all three of them to the area and their call for peace in the region, but also peace between communities here in the uk as well. The russian president Vladimir Putin is in beijing for talks with his chinese counterpart and to take part in xi jinpings pet project the belt and road forum. With the kremlin ever more isolated on the world stage, the Chinese Government has offered it significant moral backing, but refused to criticise its invasion of ukraine and said it will Boost Trade Relations with russia. But has trade between the countries really increased that much . 0ur china correspondent Stephen Mcdonell travelled to the border region in Northeastern China to gauge the health of this relationship on the ground. Beijing and moscow say trade between their countries is growing, along with a closer political alliance. The port, where russian goods cross the river and to the chinese border city of georgia, seems to have a lot of activity. So im carrying soybeans, wheat and barley, all from russia, the port, where russian goods cross the river and to the chinese border city of heihe, seems to have a lot of activity. So im carrying soybeans, wheat and barley, all from russia, and its busier than before. The Truck Drivers tell us theyre getting plenty of work. Im transporting sand and coalfrom russia. Others are moving containers with food. Chinese tourists come here for a peek into a neighbouring location, where russian coastguard officers exercise in the autumn sun. You can see how close we are to russia here. You could swim across that river to the blocks of flats where russian people live. And so you would think this would be the obvious place to Build Trade Relations between the two countries. And yet, when you speak to Business People on this side of the border, many are saying that actually it hasnt been that great. Shopping centres here have either closed or never opened because of a lack of customers. Former stallholders, now operating out of their cars, say trade has been flat for years and even worse recently. After covid, the borders havent been open for long. There arent enough russians coming across. They are poor and they are at war. A woman shows us her hats, which once sold very well. The fur is from russia, but theyre made in china. She says she used to have many chinese and russian customers. Just take a look at the streets. Empty. In the past, they were filled with potential buyers. You cannot compare now to the past. Elsewhere. The Provincial Capital was a century ago dominated by russian residents and russian culture. And local tourists visiting here seem well disposed to the man in charge at the kremlin these days. Putin has iron fists, hes tough. Do you know why hes at war with ukraine . I ask. 0rdinary people dont comment on such things. Back near the border as part of its so called no limits partnership. Beijing is helping out an isolated moscow by piping in more russian natural gas. The economic links still have a Long Way To Go for chinas trade with russia to match what it has with many other countries. We know a lot of work is going on behind the scenes to prevent an escalation in this crisis, is what was said. We just had escalation in this crisis, is what was said. Wejust had an escalation in this crisis, is what was said. We just had an update from president macron, who said that everyone is now vulnerable to a return of islamist terror. That echoing the comments of the swedish Prime Minister who said this is a time for more security, we cannot be naive, is his comment, hes been speaking of course after the death of two swedish nationals in brussels on monday. I will have the very latest for you at the top of the hour with the latest headlines but lets check in on what the weather looks like now. Hello again. It was a cold and frosty start to the day across Northern Areas this morning, but it will turn milder in the next few days. Today essentially we are looking at hazy sunshine and a mainly dry day but as storm babet show its hand across our shores from tomorrow its going to turn windier, there will be heavy rain and it will turn milder as well. So whats happening tuesday into wednesday, this is storm babet coming up from the bay of biscay, moving across our shores. You can see from the Weather Fronts and isobars it is bringing wet and windy conditions with it. This is the rainfall accumulation chart, it runs wednesday to saturday. There is going to be a lot of rain. The keys here, widely were looking at 30 50 millimetres. But where we see whites across angus and the south east grampians, the met office has a yellow Weather Warning out at the moment for as much as 200 millimetres of rainfall on Higher Ground that could lead to some disruption. Today, though, a lot of dry weather, a lot of sunshine, albeit hazy. Showers moving from South West England into south west wales, and temperatures, ii i7 north to south. Up a touch on yesterday. Through this evening and overnight the rain continues to advance through north wales, clipping north west england, moving through Northern Ireland and getting into scotland. There will be some further heavy showers coming in across Southern England and it will be a blustery night but it wont be a cold night. As we go through tomorrow, storm babet moves across our shores, look at the isobars, the winds picking up and rain particularly in the west and south will be heavy, but we have Rain Moving Northwards across scotland which will clear and then some heavy downpours, some of which will be thundery, but still a lot of dry weather. The wind picking up, widely we are looking at gusts of between the low 30s and mid 405. Temperature wise, up a touch again, looking at ten in the north to 19 in the south. As we move into thursday, some Heavy Rain Coming in across North East Scotland in particular, some heavy rain across northern england. Heavy downpours for the rest of england, wales and Northern Ireland, and its also going to be windy. Gales, even severe gales, across the far north of scotland. Windy in areas adjacent to the north sea. Even on friday, its going to be wet and windy. The Northern Isles and the east coast seeing gales or severe gales, and also large waves, and then it turns cooler. Live from london, tis is bbc news. The un warns that israels continuing siege and air strikes. Are leaving gazas Health System on the verge of collapse. The us president Will Visit Tel Aviv on wednesday, reaffirming support for israel as it prepares a Ground Offensive into gaza. At a gathering of Faith Leaders in london, a 13 year old british girl missing since the hamas attacks is confirmed dead. Her mother was also killed. Police in belgium shoot dead a man suspected of killing two swedish Football Fans in brussels. And indias Supreme Court rules against legalising Same Sex Marriage. Hello, this is bbc news. The us President Joe Biden will visit israel on wednesday in a show of support. Hamas killed more than 1400 people on the seventh of october. Mr biden will be briefed on israels aims and strategies. The announcement about mr biden� s visit was made by the us Secretary Of State Antony Blinken after late night talks in tel aviv. Mr blinken also said the us and israel had agreed on a plan to allow humanitarian aid into gaza

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