MPP SYLVIA JONES FROM QUEENS PARK The month of February is Black History Month: an important opportunity to celebrate Black culture and mark the significant contributions made by Black Ontarians to the success of our province and our country. It also provides a time to shine a light on injustices in our past and present. Last year we welcomed a new community website: Dufferin County Canadian Black Association – – whose mission includes a platform to provide leadership for the continued development and enhancement of the Black community through civic engagement, education, programs and services and to advocate for equity and wellbeing for the Black community in Dufferin County. This is a valued resource for many individuals and families who are watching our communities grow. DCCBA has already hosted virtual events and has a number of events lined up that focusses on outreach, education and leadership. On February 20th, DCCBA is partnering with the Museum of Dufferin (MoD) to host an on-line panel that will discuss opportunities for our community to come together as a unified force, and what this means for our future. I look forward to join the panel for this discussion. Find out more information and get the link to the live stream at: