Live Updates
Book launch on March 30: Advocating for Palestine in Canada
Book launch on March 30: Advocating for Palestine in Canada
Book launch on March 30: Advocating for Palestine in Canada
Join us on March 30 to learn how Canadian activists have been tackling one of the great assaults on truth and justice in the world today.
Related Keywords
New York ,
United States ,
Guelph ,
Ontario ,
Canada ,
Yaddo ,
United Kingdom ,
Israel ,
Vancouver ,
British Columbia ,
South Africa ,
Fernwood ,
Western Cape ,
Ottawa ,
Palestine ,
New Yorker ,
Canadians ,
Palestinian ,
Canadian ,
Michael Bueckert ,
Sheryl Nestel ,
Michael Keefer ,
Libby Davies ,
Nyla Matuk ,
Robert Massoud ,
Hassan Husseini ,
University Teachers Of English ,
Association Of Canadian ,
University Of Guelph ,
Ima Carleton University ,
Carleton University ,
Middle East ,
Fernwood Publishing ,
Independent Jewish Voices Canada ,
Political Economy ,
Singled Out ,
Vancouver East ,
Campus Palestine Activism ,
University Teachers ,
Knot Knowing ,
Indigenous Peoples ,
Sumptuary Laws ,
Poetry Review ,
Yaddo Fellowship ,
Mordecai Richler Writer ,
Anti Palestinian Racism ,