Calgary Catholic Immigration Society connects former refugees with COVID-19 vaccines Bookmark Please log in to listen to this story. Also available in French and Mandarin. Log In Create Free Account Getting audio file ... This translation has been automatically generated and has not been verified for accuracy. Full Disclaimer JASON FRANSON/The Canadian Press The Calgary Catholic Immigration Society, which helps settle refugees in and around the city, has amassed a database of 6,000 people it has assisted over the years. Now, CCIS and its allies are going through the list, making calls to talk about COVID-19 vaccines. CCIS, for example, identified 136 former refugees in Calgary who are 65 or older and therefore now qualify to receive a shot, according to Fariborz Birjandian, the organizations’ chief executive. Team members reached out to these individuals to make sure they knew they could get the needle, address questions and, if necessary, arrange appointments and transportation. CCIS and its partners plan to call everyone in the database as they become eligible for vaccination.