California Gov. Newsom gets Johnson & Johnson vaccine as eligibility expands Damian Dovarganes/AP Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary, California Health and Human Services, left, inoculates California Gov. Gavin Newsom, right, at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza in Los Angeles Thursday, April 1, 2021. Newsom was vaccinated with the new one-dose Janssen COVID-19 vaccine by Johnson & Johnson. By: Michael R. Blood and Janie Har, Associated Press Posted at 1:06 PM, Apr 01, 2021 and last updated 2021-04-01 16:06:49-04 LOS ANGELES (AP) -- California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday received his "one and done" shot of the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine. Newsom got his vaccination on Thursday, the same day people 50 and older became eligible for inoculations in the country's most populous state.