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Clearing old, dysfunctional cells in fat alleviates diabetes
Clearing old, dysfunctional cells in fat alleviates diabetes
Clearing old, dysfunctional cells in fat alleviates diabetes
Eliminating old, dysfunctional cells in human fat also alleviates signs of diabetes, researchers from UConn Health report. The discovery could lead to new treatments for Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
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United States ,
American ,
Binsheng Wang ,
Lichao Wang ,
Ming Xu ,
Emily Henderson ,
Centers For Disease ,
Uconn Health ,
American Federation For Aging Research ,
Regenerative Medicine Initiative For Diabetes ,
Uconn Health School Of Medicine Ming Xu ,
Genome Sciences ,
Career Development Award ,
National Institutes On ,
Uconn Center On ,
Disease Control ,
Health School ,
Mayo Clinic ,
National Institutes ,
Regenerative Medicine Initiative ,
Esperance Fellowship ,
Personalized Nutrition ,
American Federation ,
Diabetes ,
Aging ,
Fell ,
Cell Metabolism ,
Dasatinib ,
Drugs ,
Efficacy ,
Insulin ,
Insulin Resistance ,
Medicine ,
Metabolic Disease ,
Metabolism ,
Obesity ,
Quercetin ,
Research ,
Type 2 Diabetes ,