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His tweet is flagged as misinformation if you dunt tcount the illeg votes, the ones that came in late, they are trying to steal the election jay powell says the current economic downturn is the most severe of our lifetimes. Sure, i think that there are plenty of people on capitol hill who on both sides of the aisle who see a need for further fiscal action and understand perfectly why that might be the case and the wall street rally continues. The swiss luxury giant says online sales are recovering after 82 drop in net profit well, the u. S. Election is inching toward a final result as votes continue to be counted in several crucial battleground states across the country. At this moment, democratic candidate joe biden is ahead of President Trump in the key Electoral College tally, 253 to 214, that is according to nbc news projections 270 votes are needed to win. The tightest race is in georgia where President Trump holds array czar thin lead of under 700 votes. A win in georgia for biden would bring him just a single point away from victory. And meanwhile in pennsylvania, it also is too close to call by deb h biden has erased nearly all of President Trumps early gains thanks to the city of philadelphia and President Trump continued to question the integrity of the election process tweeting that some votes were cast illegally twitter labeled it as misleading this comes after he accused his opponents of rigging the vote. It is not a question of who wins, republican, democrat, joe, myself we cant let that happen to our country. We cant be disgraced by having Something Like this happen so it will be hopefully cleared up, maybe soon, i hope soon. But it will probably go through a process, a Legal Process and as you know, ive claimed certain states and he is claiming states. So we can both claim the states, but ultimately i have a feeling judges will have to rule but there have been a lot of shenanigans and we cant stand for that in our country. Elsewhere biden urged his patien patie voters to become patient it is the will of the voters that chooses the president of the United States. So each ballot must be counted and that is what were going to see going through now. And that is how it should be democracy is sometimes messy it sometimes requires a little patience as well but that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years in the system of governor you nance that has been the envy of the world so the key takeaway this morning, the race remains streechlgly tight. And hinges on just a few states. Were very closely watching georgia and pennsylvania where momentum has been building in favor of joe biden, very, very closely watch offing georgia in this moment. Yesterday we heard from both biden and President Trump, President Trump offering some baseless claims and interestingly members of the Republican Party not siding with him. So one of the key questions for me, how does the Republican Party react if we do see donald trump moving ahead with challenging the outcome. And it is remarkable how razor thin some of these races are. It puts it in recount territory. And that is there right. So we could be in for a couple weeks of recounts taking place what is interesting, as well, in the context of all of this is how resilient markets have been. And what we saw yesterday in u. S. Markets, the biggest jump for the u. S. Since april if you take it back to 2000 gasoline when we had a contested election result gorebush, it took about three weeks for it to be escalate the up to the Supreme Court to get a resolution and we saw you u. S. Equities drop 10 . Fast forward to today, were also seeing somewhat of a contested election result and equities are completely brushing it off when you think about what is different between 2000 and now, one of the major differences is the Federal Reserve. We had them come through yesterday with their policy decision and like Central Banks around the world, pledging that they will do whatever is needed to support the economy, support the recovery so certainly based on the reaction were seeing in markets, we cant discount the impact of the Federal Reserve and the support that Central Banks have provided to markets on that note, lets me detail for you what we heard from the Federal Reserve. They kept rates at record lows and warned the economy is still que well break the pandemic level and they are considering whether emergency measures need to be extended past the end of December Powell was asked if he felt that he was being heard asking for physical call stimulus our main job is doing our job. Call stimulus. Our main job is doing our job. Using the tools congress has given us and i think that is the thing that we think about night and day. I just know from the experience of the last cycle, it helps to have the whole government working on these things. And this one is particularly that way and you know, i dont want to say whether i feel like im being heard or not, but sure, i think there are plenty of people on capitol hill on both sides of the aisle who see a need for further fiscal action and understand why that might be the case lets take a look at where markets stand on the week. As you can see here, major gains across all three major indices the dow and s p 500 up about 7 a piece. The tack heavy nasdaq up nearly 9 so resumption of that trade that we saw before the election, the tech stocks benefiting very strongly here. Coming into the election, investors were considering a reflation trade which might favor the more value oriented parts of the market. What were seeing instead is that were seeing an out sized bid for the tech names and to put it into done text, were on pace for the best Weekly Performance in u. S. Markets since april. Lets look at where we stand today. Were in for a little bit of a pullback, red on the board to all lee majo all three major indices. Nowhere near the gains that we saw. So a little bit of caution coming into u. S. Markets after the strong rally yesterday alone the dow gaining more than 500 points the pace of jobs growth is forecast to have slowed in october with 600,000 jobs set to have been added to the economy that is down from the september figure of 661,000. As covid19 cases continue to rise across america. Reuters forecasts indicate that the Unemployment Rate will fall to 7. 7 . Chris tinker is joining us great to have you with us on what has been a pretty extraordinary week for markets with all three u. S. Indices up more than 7, nasdaq up more than 9 , and the election has not unfolded the way pollsters had predicted. What do you pin the strong Market Performance down to . It continues to b e an extraordinary week markets look at elections as flag posts along the road. And if you think about two or three weeks, the market was relatively unfazed going into the elections with probably lower volumes than you would have thought but what were seeing now i think is less about people having the ability to make clearer long term changes of view, more of a realization that the status quo or uncertainty of the next few weeks and maybe months is going to see policy making particularly you referenced the comments from the fed, you will see policy making essentially maintaining the trend that we were seeing in the late summer coming into labor day and that is really the sense that i think people are now getting back on board with less of a reflation trade, more of recognition that we are in an expanding monetary board where the entire world now is operating effectively, more fixed capital flows into the markets. And so the assets are starting to go up again and yet when we spoke to Market Participants a couple weeks ago, they said the biggest risk would be a contested result and were in exactly that situation today. It might take weeks for some of the legal cases to be resolved, and yet markets are completely brushing off that possibility and the possibility that the incumbent president is not going to go down without a fight what do you make that implied vol as completely plummeted despite the uncertainty from the political standpoint it is important to understand that what the vix represents is really the outlook for short term implied poll volatility and we look long term and that expandeded dramatically back in the swing with the movements in the markets in february march. And so the market level, that roughly doubled. So what we call our margin safety went to up over 40 and some sectors did see an expansion, but other sectors have actually really maintained their longer term volatility in a relatively stable form so i suspect what is happening, although short term volatility expand, i think more are focusing on the longer term measures and i think that we will see that people realize that their risk reward tradeoff for investing in the market and investing in things or ideas is more captured now by those underlying longer term trends. Much as the noise of the election is taking place and uncertainty is out there, the macro outlook wont be spinning on a dimg. We wont see major policy shifts or changes so people are recognizing that where value is starting to be an offer, people have got back into those trades and trends, and those investment themes and most market sectors have rapidly recovered back to their underlying value trends as we see them and are continuing to follow them over the next three to six months. Can we focus in on the Health Care Sector . Tuesday the european Health Care Sector strongly xwrouts performed the market, it seemed to be the trade of choice when it looked increasingly likely that we would see a democrat in the white house and a is that t the senate controlled by the republicans. And so now there are long term views. Iss should be looking at absolutely. Everybody is looking for the slam dunk wonder Drug Associated with covid, but there are also particular trial expectations and recovery that see individual stocks potentially moving quite dramatically at any point during the cycle. But the Bigger Picture story about drug pricing and the pharmaceutical sector, there is no doubt that the big longer term trend that everybody will be focusing on over the next three to five years will be health care related. Whether it is about vaccines, reevaluating the availability of therapeutics and ongoing expansion of expenditure that governments are making, yes, there will be a focus on headline margins, but i think the sector as whole will be seeing a huge amount of investor focus, a huge amount of government focus and i think that the visibility that well be getting in the Health Care Sector about those purchasing directives will allow us to have much better certainty about yououtcomes sector than at of the other industrial or demand sectors in the period of investment returns so absolutely. Not particularly cheap at the moment, it has retraced back to its value line in other words, but it certainly has a positive outlook. The trend has been comfortably double digit growth and i think that that will probably continue nothing from the political side will see margins slammed aggressively down here so i think that it will be probably an easy sector foin investor flows, particularly when fixed income flows are returning basically zero or negative yields, these kind of defensive stocks are still going to be a very major source of focused rushes for investors do you think investors will start distinguishing between short term versus long term . And it has become apparent that there will be a runoff for the Georgia Senate in the beginning of january if that goes toward the democrats, you could be in a situation where senate also leans through as well, in which case we will end up with a blue wave scenario. So how does that play into how investors should be positioning their portfolios in short term versus january onwards well, of course if the Senate Runoff goes blue and biden takes the presidency, then you will have a majority in the house with the president for policy making however as weve seen in many cases in the past, the narrowness of a majority in the senate doesnt guarantee fully partisan alignment, but more likely than not in that scenario you outlined i suspect it is one of those flags that will create uncertainty, but in a very tight senate race as we currently are seeing it, i dont think investors will jump to any clear conclusion about longer term positioning. I think that there will be noise that no doubt anything that if i look at the sectors Like Pharmaceuticals in the u. S. Right now, what we have has been a very strong rally in a declining environment and it will only take a further announcement that suggests that maybe the Legal Process will be delayed to see anything that will spike recently in that regard trade back down again and so we aare trading noise. You can trade day to day, week to week. But i think the short term volatility story is one where if you have a big structural issue that might affect a stock or a sector, to trade on the basis of news that can change hourly, you know, that is going to keep you awake at night over and before Everything Else that is keeping us awake at night. So i dont suspect that there will be any strong volume flows associated with double guessing a january Senate Runoff. I specific more likely to be the case that people will really want to make sure that particularly as they come into the end of november and a lot of funds still do look effectively to a november thanksgiving year end for decision making, you have to be looking as a fund to make sure youve locked in what gains were made available to you in q2, youve managed into q3 and past the election era with possible excess returns for your investors. So i dont think that maybe wil be making any hail mary passes around the election unless they have to. And if you are in that position, well, good luck. Makes a lot of sense and i think all of us could do with a good nights sleep chris, thank you very much no joining us stay with us because coming up, well be talking about italy, which has imposed fresh losk lockdown measures. When you switch to xfinity mobile, youre choosing to get connected to the most Reliable Network nationwide, now with 5g included. Discover how to save up to 400 a year with shared data starting at 15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. Come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. You can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Visit your local xfinity store today to ask, shop, discover the latest on xfinity mobile. Lets take a look at european markets. We have taken a turn for the worse this morning, a bit of a pullback, but lets put it into context. Coming in to today, the stoxx 600 up about 7 . So a strong week, but we are seeing a bit of caution now and this is along side a pullback in u. S. Futures as well so a weaker start in the u. S. And also a blit it of a weak stt here in europe dax down about 1 , but yesterday it was the key outperformer gaining about 2 while the stoxx 600 gained just about one. Lets take a look at one stock in particular that is in focus this morning and that is richemont. Net profit for the First Six Months was still down 80 . Revenues fell to 5. 5 billion francs they said Online Retail sales and strong rebound this china have helped it weather the crisis and very strong reaction, shares up 8. 8 . Allianz posted a 6 point rise in Third Quarter, but held off issuing full year guidance it warns that business rupgss a interruptions and canceled events may trigger expensive claims cfo told cnbc that the group is performing strongly despite the pandemic we are not surprised. I would say that as you see that there was more stability in the Capital Markets in the Third Quarter and as you see the covid impact has been lower than clearly going back to the normalized level more or less performance that you might expect from allianz. So the results are totally logical because our underlying performance is very strong when you look at combine the ra ratio, 94. 5 and that is what we expect and this is also putting allianz on track to get to 93 next year. Switching to the coronavirus situation, new u. S. Daily virus cases have topped 120,000 just 24 hours after passing the 100,000 mark for the first tichlg t midwest and southwest has seen the brunt of the cases with hospitalizations rising across the country. The u. S. Has recorded over 230,000 deaths to date according can to Johns Hopkins university. And Boris Johnson south oig to reassure the country that the current lockdown this began thirst will end as planned on the 2nd of december. This is not a repeat of the spring schools, universities, nurseries are all staying open and these measures, though they are tough, are time limited the advice ive received suggests that four weeks is enough for these measures to make a real impact so these rules will expire on the 2nd of november and we plan to move back to a tiered approach there is light at the end of the tunnel and fresh lockdown restrictions have come into effect in italy a day after the country reported its highest daily death toll since april 23. Claudia, give us a sense for how stringent the lockdown restrictions will be and how they compare to what we saw back in the spring. Of course they were the first to introduce lockdown measures. They are actually quite stringent in four particular regions. Really it looks a lot like what things were looking like in the spring so if you leave the house, you have to have a form that you fill out explaining why you are out, you can only be out for health reasons, for work but at the same time, the government is trying to still allow the economy to go forward. It is a really difficult balance that they are trying to find so they reduced occupancy on all of public transport in all of italy, they closed all secondary schools which is unusual because the rest of europe has not done that all facilities such as gyms and museums, swimming pools, movie theaters have been closed all over italy but in these red zones, you have seen a closure of any store and to be outside just for a walk, you can be theyre your home the there is a curfew between 10 00 p. M. And 5 00. So it is complicated. They really want production to continue to go forward it is vital for italy for this to go forward. Italians of course are very sensitive because this was the hardest hit country, the first to be hit. It registered many deaths. And so italians want to cooperate, but at the same time, they are tired they are not on their balancicos the way they were in the spring. Many are complaining about needing more aid, a new package has been put out of 5 billion euros to those sectors that had been the most hit, which of course all those services. Remember also that tourism is very important for italy and 13 of gdp in italy comes from tourism and so italy is suffering maybe more than even other countries on that front. So it is difficult to make everyone happy, but there is definitely fatigue going on here people are tired of having to once again, you know, lock things up and it has just been a very long time to be in these sort of uncertain situations so the government has put these measures into place until the third of december. But the concern in the red zone is that it is hard to come out of these more stringent measures once you have put them into place. So fingers crossed that these numbers do come down lastly just to give you an idea, 34,000 new cases yesterday, 444 deaths back to you. Claudia, thank you. Coming up on the show, the u. S. Election result is getting closer as votes continue to be counted in key battleground states more analysis in a few moments welcome to street signs, these are your headlines joe biden remains ahead in the u. S. Elections, but the outcome remains on a knife edge in key battleground states as georgia is a virtual tie and pennsylvania is too close to call we have no doubt that when the count is finished, senator harris and i will be declared the winners. So i ask all people to stay calm the process is working donald Trump Doubles down on his claims of illegal votes and observer obstruction in a tweet flagged by twitter as misinformation after the president claims he will easily win. If you count the legal votes, i easily win if you dont the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us if you count the votes that came in late, were looking at them very strongly. And Jerome Powell calls for political con sensus on a fiscal stimulus plan. Sure, there are plenty of people on sclcapitol hill who se need for further fiscal action and european equities trade lower as the wall street rally continues. We have a bit of a break with what we had on yesterdays session. A lot of red on the board. All the european methods are trading south. Ftse 100 in the uk, bank of england introduced a new packet of quantitative easing and hasnt boosted sentiment today the cac also trading more softly just shy of the 5,000 mark and in germany, were position trading in negative tear toerks down abo territory, down about 1 and the last couple sessions, earnings a mixed bag there and that is weighing on some of the key sectors today. And for whatever reason in europe, the tech sector is coming under pressure. But this is the picture if europe you can see the italian Index Trading on the new lockdown restrictions and switching to foreign exchange, this is the picture were seeing in currencies right now. The picture for the pound, actually we did climb a little bit in yesterdays session, it is on dollar weakness as they replace in the poenltsd possibia biden presidency and that weighed on the u. S. Dollar and versus the yen as well and euro, some weakness expressed there. 1. 18 perhaps the ecb are watching that quite closely as we get to that december meeting. Lets turn toist future u. S. Fu. Weve had a very strong week so far, but today the picture is a little gloomier. We have dow and nasdaq both seen opening up in red territory, this despite this being the strongest week since april for the three indices. But the picture is somewhat more muted this morning and tech stocks clearly back in focus again. The u. S. Election is inching towards a final result as votes continue to be counted at this moment, joe biden is ahead of President Trump in the key Electoral College tally, 253 to 214 and according to nbc news projections. 270 on votes are needed to win this georgia, president holds a lead of just under 500 votes a win for biden would bring him just a single point away from victory. And meanwhile pennsylvania also remains too close to call. Biden has krerased nearly all of trumps lead thanks to the democratic leaning city of philadelphia lets get out to George Washington university before laura, tensions are very high. It has been a very protracted couple of days as far as the counting is concerned. My question to you is, there is a war of words going on both sides. And the trump team is going out with a Disinformation Campaign alleging voter fraud if the presidency does go towards biden and searches it leaning in that direction, is there any way the country as a whole can move on from this in a peaceful manner. I think you are seeing an incredibly unfortunate situation where we have an incouplicumbe president in the white house who does not want to face reeldity that he does appear to be losing his reelection bid and that in this country a peaceful transfer of power is what is required of our Office Holders so it is disturbing and disheartening to watch this president talk about allegations of voter fraud which have zero evidence or basis in fact. And i think that we will see that it will take republican Office Holders bringing him to the point of realizing what has happened for this country to be able to move past this i guess on that point, laura, what is at stake here for the Republican Party weve seen some members of the party come out in the last 48 hours or so not siding with President Trump, raising some concerns around the way that he has handled the situation. I mean, how do you see them reacting, how much appetite is there within the Republican Party to stand with President Trump if he pursues challenges to an xwrout come that favors joe biden . Well, i think what you are going to see is a further schism within the Republican Party. This certainly will not help them kind of come together and find out their next extra strategic path toward winning. Which is usually what happens to our parties in the wake of losses in our system this will create further infighting because there will be republicans who believe they should return to a sense of responsible governing and there will be republicans who are interested in continued disruption and unrest. And i dont imagine that that, you know, chasm that will erupt between them will mend anytime soon in terms of the chasm that exists among the american pin coming into the election, 70 pr of americans said there would be permanent damage done to the United States if the wrong candidate took office. So suggesting that both sides see the opposing sides as the enemy here and that is coming to fruition as we look at these results unfold is there anything that gives you a sense of optimism that were at an Inflection Point in terms of division in the country there is no doubt that partisan antipathy has grown over the years to really extraordinary lengths and that number of 70 is unbelievably high but it is also in the midst of an election and that number, those kinds of understandings of ones opponent usually do increase during the election but in the aftermath, when the parties essentially cede to the results and acknowledge what has been the voice of the people, and in this case what we see is that the majority of americans are siding right now with Vice President joe biden. I imagine when all of the votes are counted, we are going to see him reaching 52 perhaps 53 of the vote and it will become clear in the Electoral College and there will be a mandate to move forward and if Mitch Mcconnell is willing to engage in sort of bipartisan governance, then i do think that you will see the american Political Class move forward and bring the country together since you are talking about the popular vote there, i just want to go back and talk about the turnout, there has been a massive turnout on both sides. And yes you mentioned that joe biden is inching towards the 52 , but if you look at it from a absolute number perspective, President Trump has also garnered possibly 7 million more votes this time around than he got in 2016. Not quite the repudiation that the democrats had been hoping for. What do you point that down to that is true, but it is also true in the United States that we are a growing country and when you try to compare absolute numbers, the absolute numbers almost always go up from election to election that just is a function of more eligible voters each electoral cycle. So some of President Trumps expansion is just a normal increase in the available voters in our population. That being said, there is no doubt this is a phenomenal turnout and what we see is that both sides were incredibly enthusiast enthusiastic and i wont take that from President Trump. He did turn out his base but that is also the only people that he has been really courting since he has been in the white house. Laura, thank you so much for joining us this morning. Laura brown, George Washington university and tracie potts is joining us live from wilmington, delaware where joe biden and his team have been watching the results trick willile in. Georgia firmly in focus for the world. How are the democrats feeling about georgia at this stage . Reporter they have said all along, democrats and specifically the biden campaign, that they feel confident even though this is a historically red republican state but the numbers as they continue to count these masses of mail ballots and election day ballots have been screwikewing in favorf joe biden. And as the counties report, now the state at least for the moment has flipped in favor of joe biden. This would be historic, a democrat has not won the state of georgia since bill clinton. So this is something that were watching very closely. We are also watching the vote count in pennsylvania where at last report they still had hundreds of thousands of votes to count, but the president s lead has been quickly dwindling. At one point it was 700,000 votes, at last report, it was less than 20,000 votes with more and more of those votes again being counted skewing in favor of joe biden the opposite is happening on the west coast we still have a very close race in nevada and in arizona with biden holding slim leads in some cases barely holding on to those leads. And both of those states, officials tell us that they may not be done with their vote counting until the weekend joe biden urging patience, we heard from the president saying he thinks this election is being stolen from him without evidence and wejust getting confirmao that joe biden now has flipped georgia. The updated totals point to a lead of 917. So he has now overtaken President Trump in the allimportant state of georgia your reaction to this, please. Reporter well, as i said, that would be historic because a democrat has not won that state since bill clinton which of course takes us back to 28 years. And worth mentioning that it is 20 Electoral College votes potentially up for grabs there if the lead remains, 917, that is the margin by which joe biden leads President Trump in georgia according to nbc news. We are of course waiting for the count to close but that is a Significant Development here according to nbc news numbers, that puts joe biden with 269 should he take georgia and just to clarify, actually georgia is 16 electoral and pennsylvania is 20 just for the sake of people watching. But clearly very significant cant and one of the major battleground states weve been watching certainly is. And now in terms of the latest from joe biden, he has becomed the legitimacy of the election adding that he was confident he would eventually win the vote. We continue to feel very good about where things stand we have no doubt that when the count is finished, senator harris and i will be declared the winners. So i ask everyone to stay calm all the people to stay calm. The process is working the count is being completed and well know very soon well take a break. Coming up, the race narrows in key battleground states as the election remains too close to call well give you the latest tally after the break. Welcome back fresh developments in the last minutes around georgia nbc news now puts joe biden in the lead versus President Trump by 917 votes so a major turnaround for georgia. And that state is worth 16 Electoral College votes. According to nbc news totals, joe biden stood with 253 votes so adding this would bring him to 269 and remember 270 is the magic number so Major Development here for joe biden. And with that, lets get out to our next guest. Amy tarkanin, a republican strategist with the latest news coming out of georgia, all signs are pointing to a very well, potentially we could see a decisive result in the next couple of hours pointing in joe bidens favor. Do you think the Republican Party are bracing themselves for defeat at this point well, sure, i think those who are being realistic of course. I mean, but from what i understand in georgia, i think there is roughly still 4,000 outstanding military ballots to count. So georgia will be razor thin just like nevada halves es endet be razor thin. Here in the state nevada, biden is up 11,000 today well have another batch of votes around 9 00 pacific time and we have statewide 190,000 that are outstanding but 93 of those are going to come from clark county which is the Las Vegas Area which is our heavily most heavily populated area in our state. And that tends to lean democrat. So nevada also is trending biden. Amy, if we do see President Trump push ahead with some of the legal challenges, recount calls that he has been pushing for over the last 48 hours or so, how much appetite is there within the Republican Party to back President Trump oh, there is a ferocious appetite there has been numerous rallies being being across the country there is one in las vegas. Peaceful protests, but they are calling for all of the legal votes to be counted. They do not want any votes to be illegally counted, of course they want to make sure that the signatures are being compared properly, that the lawsuits that are going to be pending. The one that happened today in our state actually is alleging that there is voter fraud with 3062 individuals who cast their ballots and broke the residential requirement law. So those are people who had moved while they had cast their ballot so the doj now has to find out did these people do it intentionally or was it unintentionally and they didnt know about this law. Many of those legal cases have already been thrown out though in the last couple of days as you mentioned, more and more of them are popping up but what does it mean for the overall electorate base . Clearly there is an excitable trump base out there what is the potential for people actually taking to the streets and us seeing civil strife in the case of a trump defeat there is no word of any of that on the republican side, thats for sure. Once again, this evening i know that there were a number of gatherings, but it was people that were praying, people that were singing, people waving flags, people that were just joining together because this is a big event. And i think when you have high emotions running, you want to be amongst like minded people just be a support to one another. And that is what were seeing on the republican side. On the democrat side, that is another story. There has been unrest in a number of our major citiesh antifa and that is on their side though, not on ours. Amy, thank you for your time this morning republican strategist and former nevada state gop chairwoman. At this moment joe biden is ahead of President Trump in the Electoral College votes. The crucial swing state of arizona is still too close to call after trump cut into biden hes lead in the state following a 2450u batch of returns from mayor copy pa coun hair company maricopa county. And biden could secure victory in the election if he wins both arizona and nevada and North Carolina also too close to call with trump currently edging out biden over a percentage point and the news in the last 20 minutes or so, and that is with georgia with nbc news calling biden ahead by a total of 917 votes. So he has gone ahead of President Trump. And to remind you, georgia accounts for 16 Electoral College votes which adding to the total that nbc news currently has would bring joe biden to 269 of course the allimportant 270, the number to watch. Take a look at u. S. Futures for the opening of the wall street session, as you can see, red on the board. The dowd set to open more than 260 points lower the s p 500 and nasdaq also poised for a weaker start. But this of course follows a very strong run on the week. Worth mentioning that the s p also down about 1 in the futures and that accelerated selling came in when the georgia news came out. So worth keeping an eye on that as the events continue to unfold today. But that is it for our show. Quake b squawk box is coming up next good morning no declared winner, the president ial contest too close to call with tight races in multiple states. Votes still being counted. Well bring you the latest and wall street is watching, futures slipping a bit down over 270 points given the week we had, a little bit of a pullback at this point. Stocks looking to finish this has been their best week since april. And yes, this still happens. It is jobs friday. Doesnt seem quite as important, but it is because it tells us th

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