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weekend. vice president harris is also marking today's anniversary. what can you tell us about what they are doing? >> reporter: well, the biden campaign is really trying to use this january 6th anniversary to lay out the stakes of the election, warning that american democracy is under threat and former president donald trump is the reason why. president biden really jump-started that yesterday with that fiery speech up in the battleground state of pennsylvania. the president really speaking in the most stark and blunt terms yet that he's used his entire campaign to try to pin the blame of january 6th on former president trump, and also warn that putting him back in office would further undermine american democracy. now, vice president kamala harris was down in south carolina today, a state that will be critical as it is the first democratic primary state with their event being held on february 3rd. it will also be a key test of their enthusiasm and support with black voters.

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Joe Biden , Reporter , Democracy , Vice President , Kamala Harris , Election , Anniversary , Threat , Campaign , Stakes , Weekend , January 6th , 6 , Donald Trump , Reason , Speech , Terms , Battleground State Of Pennsylvania , January 6th Insurrection , Office , Trump , Blame , South Carolina , State , Support , Voters , Event , Test , Enthusiasm , February 3rd , Democratic , 3 ,

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