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Who burst into a rabbis home over the weekend and stabbed guests enjoying a hanukkah celebration. A total of five people were injured, two of whom have been reloosed from the hospital. The suspect who was taken into custody in harlem about 20 miles from the attack site could appear in court today. They found handwritten journals in his home that appear to express antisemitic sentiments. I was sitting in the rabbis dining room when the rabbi finished the candlelighting ceremony. The attacker came in, and stood in the entry room, and started hitting people right and left. Thats when i started to run out the side. All the people in the dining room. I came back, in grabbed the coffee table that was on the floor, hit him in his face, and thats when he came back outside after me. He told me, hey, you, ill get you. Brynn gingras is on the scene in muncie, new york. What can you tell us about the suspects notebooks . Thats all the detailed in a criminal complaint that was filed a little bit earlier today by the Southern District of new york. A special agent with the fbi gave a lot of detail about the evidence they have covered with this suspect. Including evidence found inside his home and evidence they say also found in his car. Like you said when he was pulled over in harlem. At the home, Authorities Say that they found journals with antisemitic writings in them. Also, some searches. On line searches with antisemitic undertones. One of the searches they detailed was a search for German Jewish temples near me or why did hitler hate jews. It doesnt give a clear picture just yet by investigators, what they havent said about the motive. It has these writings of antisemitism, however, its unclear why this particular home was targeted. Again, as you said, the suspect, he lived 30 minutes from here. Thats where investigators were searching this home without evidence. His family held a news conference. And theyve been saying this all isnt about antisemitism or hate for that religion. Its more about Mental Illness thats what they say is the motive behind all of this. Thats all being determined in this investigation, ryan. Live in muncie new york with the latest on that story. A Community Just outside of ft. Worth is reeling after a gunman opened fire during sunday church services, killing two people in the process. Six seconds later. Par identificationeners returned fire killing the shooter. A live stream video from inside the church. Law enforcement along with the churchs pastor praising the swift action from those security guards. The citizens who were inside that church undoubtedly saved 242 other parishioners. We lost two men today it could have been worse. Lucy, what are we learning about the gunmen . More details about the gunmen, the fbi described him as a transient individual who has had several arrests in different municipalities. We also heard a few moments ago from the Texas Attorney general who had more details about the gunman. Take a listen. He had been here, i think several times. And they always are theyre open to people that are transient, need help. I think they welcomed those people into their church and this guy into their church. My understanding is more of a loner and probably going to be difficult to determine what his motivations were other than Mental Illness. He also said in a case like this, when the gunman is dead, its difficult to determine motive without any writings. And sao far nothing has been uncovered. We are getting much more information about the man whos heroic actions may have saved so many more lives. According to folks here, he had trained several of the members of this community to shoot, to be able to defend themselves, it was his quick actions that saved possibly more lives. We discharged two rounds and possibly a third round as he was going down. The one round went toward the front of the sanctuary. He went toward the front. And i fired one round. Reporter this church and the way theyve trained members of the community to defend themselves should be a model here. Theres new legislation that allows owners to bring weapons into houses of worship. Thats why this community was prepared in this specific attack. Lucy carve an auf, live for us in texas. The shooting comes a few months after texas updated its gun laws, allowing licensed handgun owners to legally carry their weapons. In texas, the attorney general in texas says the church put those new laws into practice. The current Security Team decided they needed to train people in the congregation. Thats what they did. Not only did they have professionals ready, but they also had members of the congregation. I think you can see from the video that guy was surrounded more quickly than a few people. I want to bring in now, isabel. She and her family are long time members of the church of christ, they were in attendance at Sundays Service when the shooting began. Isabel, i cant imagine what you and your family are going through right now. Describe for me what happened. You say that west freeway is note that big of a one thats always full on sundays. One of the communion. Tell me what happened. We were ready to start communion. This gentleman sat the row behind us. And it steamed weird. He got up one time, said something to tony, as he was passing the first tray of communion. Whispered something in his ear and sat back down. Thats when he pulled out his shotgun and all i heard was one shot go off, and i hit the floor and i then heard another shot from the same gentleman shooting. All i could do was just try to cover my child, my husband. We were just in a panic. We didnt know what was going n on. Once i saw the man fall to the ground, i kind of looked around to see who all was i took my child and i ran. Were so happy that youre safe. And you talk about those fellow members of your church, who rushed toward the gunman as opposed to running away. How thankful are you for the effort they made to protect your family. I feel like if they werent ready, on alert, it could have been worse than what it was. Unfortunately, we lost two members yeah. And i just thank them. If you can, isabel, and i know how difficult this is. You know, you had a daughter that was in the middle of all this, and you your first instinct was to protect her. How is she handling the aftermath of this. Shes doing good. Every now and then i see her playing with her toys and shes just talking about what happened. And i worry about her. I know you mentioned the victims, this is obviously so emotional for you, you had a relationship with one of the victims, your husband worked with one of them. What can you tell us about him. My husband and him worked together. He was a nice man. Always would say hi to always sat two benches ahead of us, always had his grandkids, his daughters would come. He was just a really nice man. Always very welcoming. They worked together. He was a nurse. Pablo worked in a different department. Every time he would see pablo at work, he was say hi. And always greet them. When they would be at church. They would talk about work any changes that were going on at work. They would talk about it. I have to imagine church on sunned is the last place you would expect to find yourself in a situation like this. Obvious your your Church Leadership was prepared for a moment like this. They have security guards there that were trained for a situation like this. Did they have in your mind that this was the type of situation you have to endure. No, you never think about that. You hear about it happening, but you never think its going to happen in our church. Yeah, we had Security Team im thankful they put that in place, because we were they were ready to step in finally. We understand tonight our church is going to hold a meeting to continue the service that was interrupted by the shooting. Are you ready to go back and do you have any concerns about entering the building again . I dont have any concerns. I think my daughter, shes might have a little bit of trouble. We went back in yesterday, when all this had happened. She was asking why why do we have to go back . I dont know how shes going to respond. I dont know if shell be ready. I think me and my husband we will be ready to come back. Well have to take it a day at a time. No doubt, isabel. Your perspective on this was so valuable. We appreciate you sharing your story. We will continue to keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers as you recover from this tragic incident. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Elsewhere, we are following breaking news involving Bernie Sanders. New medical records just released by his campaign. How the democratic president ial candidate is doing after having a heart attack in october. Plus, a stern warning from iran after american air strikes in iraq and syria is the conflict reaching a boiling point. Tom my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. She was a school teacher. My dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. Their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. Im tom steyer, and i approve this message. Because, right now, America Needs more than words. We need action. Can you tell me the story again . Every family has their own unique story. Give your family the chance to discover theirs this holiday season, with ancestry. Breaking news this hour. The campaign of Bernie Sanders has just released a summary of the senators medical condition. The new information sheds light on the heart attack he suffered in october and a prognosis for his health goingforward. Among them, the attending physician at the u. S. Capitol and two different doctors from the university of vermont. All three physicians agree that sanders has recovered well since the set back in october. In terms of his overall health, sanders weighing in at 174 pounds. His pulse is 62 beats per minute, cholesterol level was within a normal range. And a recent elect electrocardiogram demonstrated a normal sign us rhythm. According to doctor monahan, sanders performed well, saying he performed above average for a man his age. Joining me now, to talk more about this, a cardiologist at Vanderbilt University medical center. I know just like you just like us, youre getting your first look at this information. But obviously there was a lot of concern for sanders suffering this heart attack back in october. What is your overall impression from what youve read from these three doctors. Looking at the investigation i think the overall message is despite the experience back in the ginger of october. Sanders received what sounds like excellent standard of care for a heart of attack, and as a result of his receipt of that care, and the appropriate use of medications and preventative strategies thereafter, he has made what appears to be an excellent recovery from his event with a stress test and an exercise test that indicates he is able to pursue and engage in a vigorous amount of activity for his age. I think all in all, the message that emen ats from these letters in terms of his ability to pursue a vigorous schedule goingforward. I was in vermont shortly after senator sanders suffered that heart attack. I remember him coming out and telling us that he planned to scale back the nature of his campaign, not do as many as three or four events a day. That was quickly scrapped. It seems as though his campaign is just as busy, maybe even more busy than it was before the heart attack. Is there any reason from what youve been able to read in these letters that you warned him against such a robust schedule . Should he be cautious because of his age and because he suffered this heart attack . Thats a great question. In general following a heart attack, everybody should be cautious about how they recover, the nature of their recovery and making sure theyre plugged into good medical care. That said, one of the key medical lessons that weve learned over the last few decades is that resuming activities, particularly heart healthy physical activities can be beneficial and provide protection against future events. In some ways, so long as the immediate recovery is completed. Sitting or being sedentary can be the enemy. So if youre getting back to a schedule in a responsible way, something we encourage many of our patients to do. One of the other things that struck me in reading this is that the doctor at the capitol said there was no evidence in a he had suffered any type of congestive Heart Failure. How important is that diagnosis for you. Does that indicate the ability for him to bounce back from this . In a positive way . The short answer is yes. Being free from any signs of Heart Failure is important in terms of his favorable long term prognosis. It also helps him maintain a vigorous schedule without experiencing any limiting symptoms. The absence of congest is Heart Failure reinforces the fact that senator sanders did the right thing by not ignoring the symptoms, getting timely care, and getting timely treatment, because we know that when it comes to the treatment of heart attacks, the sooner we appropriately treat them, the better, in order to limit any down stream damage or consequences. So not having congestive Heart Failure is a very positive indication of timely receipt of treatment but in terms of his prognosis. Dr. David munoz, thank you for giving us this earn sight quickly. Bernie Sanders Health update. The Trump Administration halts aid to ukraine. The pleas made in the oval office, and how it could impact the president s impeachment trial. The critical piece of evidence that could help police solve the murder of a Barnard College student, tessa majors. The president right now on holiday break, but no break in impeachment drama. A report in the New York Times shedding new light on the chaos that took place inside the west wing during those 84 days that the critical aid was withheld from the ukraine. According to the times, three senior advisers including mike pompeo met with President Trump inside the oval office to try to convince him to change his mind and release the aid. Pompeo set to travel to ukraine this friday, just days before Congress Reconvenes ahead of a pending impeachment trial. Kristen holmes with me now from west palm beach, in the area where the president is on vacation. The timing of pompeos trip is curious to say the least, what are officials saying . Curious is one word for it. Pompeo will be the highest ranking official to visit kiev. Obviously raising a couple of antennas here given the fact that he will be sitting down with president zelensky. And one thing to note is that the administration is brushing this off. Its a routine trip being done for the u. S. To show support to u krafrn. Raising some red flags given the timing here. The report out this morning what are the big takeaways here. There are two big takeaways. One of them surrounding the chief of staff mick mulvaney. Its done through this description by the New York Times of emails between mulvaney and one of his top aids. Sent a week after President Trump first requested to freeze that aid. Where are we . Is this even possible. The staffer writes back, cen willy, if we decide to do this, expect congress to be unhinged, thats a direct quote. Thats not what happened. It was an understatement there. One big takeaway is bleeg how high the division went. We knew that there were a lot of people who were concerned about this, who raised red flags. First time we heard of this, this is his first top official, john bolton, mike pompeo, mark esper. Sitting down with him and telling him not to do this, not convincing him, and you really have to take note here. These are his top officials and hes still defying them after the meeting. Does a report like this compel some of these senators in the middle of the road to think, maybe we do need to hear from some of these folks during the Senate Impeachment trial . That remains to be seen. Kristen holmes live traveling with the president in south florida, we appreciate it. Lets talk more now with josh rogan. Lets first talk about this trip to ukraine from mike pompepompe. This comes as the president s personal lawyer. We should point out, thats not done yet. That could benefit trump politically. It comes days before congress convenes to hammer out details it seems at the very least, the timing of this trip is awkward, right . What message is the white house sending here . I think what you see is this bifurcated two track ukraine policy that got us into this whole mess in the first place is still very much alive and well. We have Rudy Giuliani traveling to kiev, trying to dig up dirt on joe biden and hunter biden. And mike pompeo trying to do the work of diplomacy. The president s lawyer, the secretary of state. Who are the ukrainians supposed to listen to. Who are they supposed to believe speaks to the president. If we dont know, they dont know. If we had to guess, the reason pompeo was going, to reaffirm the core of the u. S. ukraine relationship. Its a grip and grin. Its going to get up there with the president of ukraine, theyre going to smile for the cameras. Say Something Like everybody is going well, thanks for all the aid, everybody is hunkdory. The president s defense to claim that everything is fine, theres nothing to see here. Basically, that confuses the situation even more. Until the president of the United States decides who is his envoy to the ukraine . Is it Rudy Giuliani or mike pompeo . I think that confusion will continue. Theres a the ambassadors got shoved away in time for pompeos trip. Usually theres a person that has that responsibility. Lets talk now about this New York Times story from this morning. We know in late august. The defense secretary who was a National Security officer at the time. They tried, but failed to convince him that holding back that aid was against the interest of the United States. When trump said go a a favor, he was actually talking about the u. S. s best interest. How does that square with what we know, three members of President Trumps cabinet. They were all pretty loyal to President Trump. Its just another example of the president s entire national Security Team going to the president and telling him that something hes doing is reckless and not in our National Security interests. We have a ton of these exam. S over the last three years. There was a similar meeting in bedminster days before that, where pompeo, esper and bolton tried to convince him to do it. What went on inside omb, and between the white house and the pentagon as early as june leading all the way up to when aide was finally released in september. Basically what you had is, mick mulvaney, chief of staff coming up with all sorts of reasons to delay the aid, and using all sorts of bureaucratic tactics to delay the aid, and calling on his lawyers to come up with creative and species reasons to justify holding up the aid, while the rest of the system was like whiskey, tango, fox trot. Even people inside the administration didnt believe. So we knew a lot about the sort of flea amigos doing their mischief on their side. Now we know a lot more about what mull vagueny, duffy and blair were doing on this side. If you put them together. They come together at one point, thats President Trump, thats why its so crucial in terms of this impeachment inquiry. Whether or not they actually testified still seems unlikely at this point. You would think it would be a good idea. Well, if youre trying to get to the bottom of it, you would think if you are, thats right. That may not be the end motivation for some of the players involved. Josh rogan, thank you for your insight. The United States on defense, whats next after sundays air strikes on targets in iraq and syria. The reason for the attacks and how they could complicate foreign diplomacy. If your glasses arent perfect, well fix them. So will we. No we wont. Dont forget to use your vision benefits before theyre gone. Now innetwork with vsp. Visionworks. See the difference. Gimme two minutes. Eligible for medicare. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza. [mmm pizza. ] is your part b medical expenses. This much about 80 percent. Medicare will pay for. Whats left. This slice here. Well. Thats on you. And thats where an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company comes in. 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The pentagon says those facilities are tied to an iranian backed militia. A u. S. Civilian contractor was killed in fridays rocket attack. Cnn Global Affairs analyst david robe a website, he joins me now to discuss whats happening in that part of the world. A series of attacks in that region. When you look at the recent history there, iran shooting down the u. S. Drone. Do you think this situation will win to escalate. When the Trump Administration attacks iran, iran pushes back. Theres been protests going on in iran. Economic protests by average people. The administration wants that. I think it lets the Iranian Regime paint the u. S. As the aggressor. Im not sure how this is going to play out. The next stage, iran is threatening to retaliate in some way shape or form, what could that retaliation look like. I think that could go what happened earlier this year. These were the attacks on various oil tankers in the persian gulf. Thats the Pressure Point that iran can push on. There was a separate strike on saudi oil facilities. That is where i think they can push back. They can impact the global economy. American k34e. This could prove to be a mistake where youre pushing iran to push back, they will push back. They have a pattern of doing that. This involves iraq, this continues to be a chaotic part of the world. The Prime Minister called this a violation of the iraq sovereignty. Iraq may be too close to eye ran. What does that tell you . Is it clear . Theres a lot of pressure on leaders there, theres been protests in iraq as well. There are a certain number of iraqis who push for the u. S. To leave the country. They have, you know, terrible experience with the u. S. Invasion, this could lead to calls for that to happen. American forces are in iraq to fight isis. They have no legal justification for carrying out these attacks. Theyve put iraqi leaders who may be pro american in an awkward position. A foreign nation is carrying out attacks outside iraq, and the leaders seem to have no control over those strikes. Thank you for your insight. We appreciate it. Thank you. He fought for freedom and equality. Now john lewis is fighting pancreatic cancer. New information about his diagnosis and the road ahead when we come back. Really save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance . Do woodchucks chuck wood . Hey you dang woodchucks, quit chucking my wood geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Legendary civil rights icon and georgia congressman shocked the world with his stunning announcement sunday that hes been diagnosed with stage 4 p pancreatic cancer. Hes in the biggest battle of his life, but he will not resign from office. He was diagnosed following a routine medical visit and will undergo treatment. Former president S Barack Obama and bill clinton along with countless others have expressed an overwhelming amount of support and prayers. Elizabeth cohens senior cnn medical corporate joins me now. Lewis is 79, what does a diagnosis like this mean for someone of his age. This is a difficult diagnosis. Its a difficult diagnosis. We know that representative lewis has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Thats the most advanced stage. Hes shared that with everyone. The average survival for someone with this cancer is only one year after nose is. Stage four means its spread to other parts of the body. Sometimes to the lungs, the bones, the liver. This is a difficult diagnosis. The treatment for it can be difficult to endure. But the representatives have said that he goad willing will be back on the front lines to fight. Cancer disproportionately affects fringe americans, do we know why that is . You know, the statistics are consistent across various kind of cancers. Africanamericans are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer and less likely to be successfully treated. There are many reasons. Sometimes its genetic, for example, with Prostate Cancer or triple negative breast cancer, genetics plays a role. Economics play a role. When you dont have access to care, that means youre going to have a worse outcome. Theres evidence that doctors can have racial biases. The care theyre going to get is not going to be as good. All those factors put together lead to those statistics. The good news, the disparities, the differences between white people and black people theyre getting less significant the difference is getting smaller, thats a good thing. The congressman mentioned that recent medical advanced have made this cancer treatable. Tell us about those advances. About 10 years ago, you came up with a new chemotherapy, it did improve survival. However, just to be clear eyed. And i use that term because representative lewis uses that term. These new kinds of chemotherapy increase survival by months, not years. They are better than what we used to have, but still its hardly the treatment that anyone wants. Doctors are really fighting to do better than this. Elizabeth cohen, he is obviously beloved by people from both sides of the political aisle. Everyone waiting anxiously as he attacks this next big fight of his life. Former president jimmy carter returned to the public spotlight sunday for the First Time Since he had brain surgery last november. President carter along with his wife attended sunday services at their home church in plains georgia. The couple sat in their usual front pugh. Carter did not teach his regular sunday school list sons. He was released from the hospital just before thanksgiving after surgery to relieve pressure on his brain following a series of falls. Carter is a liver and brain cancer survivor. Hes 95, and the oldest living former u. S. President. Its been nearly a month since the murder of tessa majors in new york. And the investigation is far from over. 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Police say this investigation remains active, even though no ones been charged. Whats the latest. Its very active. Police are waiting for the results of forensic testing, dna, they believe once they get those results, charges against all three of these teens can be filed. Theres two 14yearolds and one 13yearold. One of the 14yearolds was taken into custody. His attorney was there at the police precinct. And there was a court order from a manhattan judge to obtain forensic testing on his person. That was done. So we know that was done. And the fact is, that if they have that, they have swabbed her body, the inside of her mouth, her clothes, and also clothes they had of the suspects, what they could obtain. Once those results are in, if you get matches, prosecutors may be beyond a reasonable doubt. What does the Police Commissioner say on this . She was stabbed to death december 11th, so its been a while. Theyre working hand in hand with the manhattan prosecutors, they want the charges to stand up in court. Thank you for that update, we appreciate it. Thanks for joining me. What was supposed to be a celebration of hanukkah, became a scene of unthinkable horror this weekend after a man stabbed several people gathered for a party at a new york rabbis home, today he was officially charged with federal hate crimes. One of the survivors spoke to cnn about his efforts to help others from small children to a senior citizen. There were kids in there so i decided to run back in. I heard people screaming, hide, hide. One baby was pushed into a coat closet. There was a boy hiding beneath a pile of coats on the floor. I saw that and said, lets go, come out, come out. The guys still here. He was bleeding. He said, im bleeding. I said, so what, come out, lets go. The governor of new york condemning the incident. The rabbi at pittsburghs tree of life synagogue says that saturdays stabbing is renewing fears in the hearts of his loved ones and congregants. For me it was an oh, no not again, along with the antisemitic violence thats been taking place in new york the last several weeks. I dont recall them selling licenses to have open

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