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Alone and leaving republicans behind . Lets go out front. Good evening, im erin burnett. Out front tonight the breaking news. Kevin mccarthy with qanon supporter Marjorie Taylorgreene and could determine the future of the Republican Party in the United States. Because tonight the Republican Party is totally at odds over whether it will embrace qanon Conspiracy Theories as the core of the party and rhetoric like this from Marjorie Taylorgreene from 2019 thats just coming to light, will they embrace whats seen in this video uncovered by twitter user zedster . If we have a sea of people, if we shut down the streets, if we shut down everything, if we flood the capitol building, flood all of the government buildings, go inside. These are public buildings. We own them. We own these buildings. Do you understand that . We own the buildings and we pay the people who work in the buildings. Flood the capitol, flood the government buildings, we own the buildings. Sounds now so sinister, right . Now here we are, and we see what that can bring. Tonights meeting should be a nobrainer for mccarthy and greene has advocated violence against politicians and claim School Shootings were planned to Hurt Gun Rights and thats not all the socalled plane that crashed into the pentagon. Its odd theres never any evidence shown for a plane in the pentagon. There is anise lambic invasion into our Government Offices right now. Kennedy getting killed in the plane crash. Thats another one of those clinton murders, right . It should be pretty easy for mccarthy to say this stuff does not belong anywhere. Never mind in the Republican Party. It certainly does not deserve a Plum Assignment on the Education Committee which was just given congresswoman taylorgreene, but for every republican in the house their reaction has been muted or flatout nonexistent. Democrats have been much more vocal. Our big tent is not large enough to accommodate conservatives and kooks. Looney lies are not a part of the country. Senator ernst said i dont want her as the face of our party. Greene came out and responded to mcconnell today, statement saying, quote, the real cancer for the Republican Party is weak republicans who only know how to lose gracefully. This is why we are losing our country. That was her tweet. Now trumps refusal to lose gracefully is what ended with the insurrection that ended with five people dead including a Capitol Police officer who tonight will lie in honor in the very building he died protecting. Greenes conceding as a cancer shook me. This is what we teach our children, give it your best and leave it all on the table and leave it on the table and stand up and try again. It is actually what makes american politics so great and it is why we have strong institutions and why our Power Transitions are peaceful. In fact, no president ial candidate in modern u. S. History has refused to concede except donald trump. Its Donald Trumps support for greene that is behind so many republicans silenced tonight. Marjorie taylorgreene, right here from northwest georgia. Oh, boy. I dont want to mess with her. No, shes great. This one, i never, ever want to have her as a enemy. Marjorie taylorgreene. Where is she . She is so unbelievable. Also joining us tonight are georgia representatives Marjorie Taylorgreene, i love her. So we know why the house gop sits silent on greene. It isnt just because she is a republican, it is because she is a trump republican. The house gop at this hour has absolutely no trial calling out one of its own. Theyre meeting tomorrow to discuss liz cheneys future. Cheney. They have no problem slamming her all of the time because she stood up to trumps big lie about Election Fraud and voted to hold him accountable for the capitol riot and so this is how her fellow republicans have absolutely no problem publicly talking about her. How can you even call yourself a representative when you dont represent the will of the people . I dont think she should be the chair of the republican conference anymore. The reality is shes not representing the conference. Shes not representing the republican ideals. Shes not representing the trump republican ideals. Not a whole lot of outrage over Marjorie Taylorgreene in the house. Plenty over liz cheney and it should come as no surprise because the apples on this do not fall far from the trump tree. Weve got to get rid of the Weak Congress people, the ones that arent any good. The liz cheneys of the world. Manu raju is out front live on capitol hill and what are you learning about this meeting that we understand is imminent between mccarthy and green tonight. I was standing outside kevin mckarthsys office and they closed the door and the hallway and that door is typically open and this meeting could be happening right now as the house is voting. I have talked to a number of other House Republicans including the number two republican, Steve Scalise and asked him whether or not he believes that she should be stripped of her assignments. I said do you support getting rid of those committee assignments. He would not say. He says this is a discussion the republican has to have tomorrow and he has to discuss with Kevin Mccarthy. Do you have concerns about Marjorie Taylorgreenes views and ive been, quote, very, very vocal about it. I do. That is in reference to what he said last Summer Raising concerns when it first came to light about her controversial posts on social media, her videos and things and her conspiratorial views shes had with her alliance with qanon at that time. Since then scalise set aside those concerns and he got behind her like House Republicans did after she won her runoff race. Other republicans are clearly aligning themselves with her at the moment. Jim jordan who was a republican of the house member and a close trump ally just told me moments ago he does not support kicking her off of those two committees. She should stay on those committees and jordan himself is waging a battle trying to get liz cheney out of her leadership spot. Now the republicans dont move themselves, erin. Kevin mccarthy does not move then House Democrats plan to do so themselves. They plan to move a resolution to the house floor to kick her off those commites and steny hoyer told me he has concerns about the precedent that would set if House Republicans in the majority go after one of their members. It certainly does. Thats not the way you want to do it and it feeds into the same feeling of partisanship which this shouldnt be about as you hear mcconnell and romney and ernst and cassidy. This one is not partisan. Thank you very much, manu and manus going to come back up as we find out about this meeting. As he said it might be happening right now. I want to go to former republican Congresswoman Comstock. Let me ask you. You go through this and you see a house gop largely silent, not uniformly, there are the kensingguards of the world and largely silent on Marjorie Taylorgreene and call out liz cheney constantly. What does this tell you . Well, i dont think its going to be a tough vote tomorrow. I think marjorie green will be gone and kicked off her committees whether its done by republicans or democrats and im confident that liz cheney will retain her leadership position. So i wouldnt, the loud mouths that are out there all of the time attacking liz or attacking others, they dont represent the entire conference, and i think a lot of the conference is sick of these loud mouths intimidating them into this deadend policy of supporting people like marjorie green. Lets make sure people understand, it was jim jordan and mark meadows along with help from matt gates who gave us marjorie green. Steve scalise did have her in the primary. Im on a republican womans pac. We supported her male opponent, a Brain Surgeon. We could have had a Brain Surgeon in this position instead of her. I think her views are unacceptable. Id vote to kick her out of the conference. No one wants to be represented by her. You dont want members who want to have her face in their ads two years from now saying that they stood by her. So i think these loud mouths who are defending her are going to be a smaller number of people than you think. Do you agree with that, michael . Why hasnt been so hard for mccarthy to just stand up and say and do the right thing . I mean, he has tried to avoid touching this thing with a 100foot pole over the last week. I think that greene is far more emblematic and mirrors the vocal base of the gop than does cheney. Thats the reality, and Congresswoman Comstock mentions that runoff election. Its very instruct testify take a look at what happened. Dr. John cowan checked all of the conservative boxes. Yes, a neurosurgeon. By the way, married to an anesthesiologist, Second Amendment guy, proboard, protrump and all of the conservative Critical Issues he was there, but as he explained to me the reason that he thinks he lost 5742 is that the voters, the 14th Congressional District in georgia, they wanted someone figuratively to bring a grenade to washington, and he wasnt going to give them that. So what im suggesting is we need to take a look at what is it that drives people to vote for someone like her because she was this way during the campaign. Theres no surprise as to how she comforts herself now. Its true. More and more of these videos are coming out and none of them as you point are consistent with what was known at that time. They are all on the same plane of complete insanity and in others just dangerous Conspiracy Theories. It is different in the senate. You have heard joni ernst. Sen thor senator thune spoke out and said it is a distraction and marco rubio spoke out and said she is not good for the party and anyone that flies the flag is deranged. Why is this so much harder for House Republicanes . It seems that they go back to the base. It seems that their voters, that base may want that. Marjorie is from a very red district and to get to a majority, republicans need to have a much broader cross section. You have to remember that donald trump is the only president who lost two popular votes. He only got 46 . These people who are his fulltime defenders like Marjorie Greene and jim jordan, theyre such lousy defenders that he was impeached twice also. So this is not a path to a majority to have more matt gates Marjorie Greenes. We understand that we have to have a big tent party, but this isnt conservative this is conservative versus crazy, versus kooks and we need to stand up, republicans, and i think they will and reclaim their party as a big tent party, but not big enough for dangerous people like Marjorie Greene who is still making threats and i understand why both democrats and republicans alike feel shes a danger to the institution when you see the kind of remarks shes made. I personally was very upset when i heard the kind of remarks she made about 9 11 given id lost a best friend there. So theres just no place for someone like this and the body politics. Shes partisan and shes ill placed there and her constituents will soon find out she wont be passing bills and when shes not on committee she wont get anything done and i think she will be sent home pretty soon. I understand what youre saying and maybe this is reality and maybe some of it is Wishful Thinking and im not sure. Michael, let me ask you, to that point they said about Wishful Thinking, this is a battle for the soul of the Republican Party thats going on right now, right . Thats what wereness withing. When you see the disagreement between greene and cheney among the vocal it appears that we truly are at a fork in the road. 147 members of the house, the Republican Caucus supported President Trump on january 6th relative to the electoral college. Only five senators in that rand paul vote did likewise. Bottom line, i think the house is far more subjected to populism than is the Senate Perhaps because of the sixyear term. Thats why the difference. All right. Thank you both so very much, i appreciate it. Next, we have new details this hour coming out about trumps purchimpeachment defens. Is he still pushing his attorneys to say the election was stolen. Why is Lindsay Graham still the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee. Alexandra ocasiocortes doubling down on ted cruz fueled the riots saying he must resign as shes making stunning allegations about the Capitol Police that day. Did he not give us the Extraction Point Location because he forgot or was he trying to actually put us in a vulnerable situation . Alright, i brought in ensure max protein. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont Grunting Noise ill take that. Yeeeeeah 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar drink, play, and win big in the powered by protein challenge i made a business out of my passion. I mean, who doesnt love obsessing over Network Security . All our techs are pros. They know exactly which parking lots have the strongest signal. I just dont have the bandwidth for more business. Seriously, i dont have the bandwidth. Glitchy video calls with regional offices . Yeah, thats my thing. With at t business, you do the things you love. Our people and network will help do the things you dont. 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Hiv medicine is one part of it. Ask your doctor about dovato i did. Breaking news. Trumps new Impeachment Lawyers speaking out in an interview with the New York Times. David schoen saying he said, because its free speech. Schoen trying to make his case even as they remain in disarray and they misspelled the United States in the article of impeachment. What else do we expect to see as team trump as part of his defense now that theyre making it clear, First Amendment will be a big part of it. As were poring through these filings that were filed today with the senate. Its clear that the constitutionality can you convict a former president is going to be front and center . The trumps lawyers will argue that its simply not constitutional to convict a former president , someone who is no longer in office. The House Managers argued and detailed 80 pages worth of legal briefs saying theres no january exception. You cant simply have an exception at the end of the president s term and the new Free Speech Argument is interesting because the president s own words would be front and center in all of this and we all remember seeing him standing near the white house saying if you dont fight like hell you wont have a country left. That is referenced specifically in the president s lawyers briefs there. He was talking about election you are skoecurity, and he wasn talking about anything else is he ufrjed to march to the cal top and what happened in the 77 days between election day and january 6th. So that is what is going to be a central part of the House Managers case. When you break it all down. Is it constitutional for a former president to be convicted in most legal scholars is, and this free speech is coming into play, but the president did so much more than that. Thank you very much, jeff zeleny. The vast, vast majority of scholars all agree that it is constitutional. Out front now lawrence tribe, consultant tried on impeachment and jamie raskin has been frequent contact with you up to and including today. Let me start with asking you about the interview with david schoen with the New York Times Holding Trump accountable for the impact of his words, chilling the rights of any passionate speakers. Its a First Amendment defense. Will it hold up . I dont think so. Its a very serious point, but its wrong. I dont know anybody who is a stronger First Amendment advocate than i am, but i fully recognize that there is a difference between the right of an ordinary citizen to express herself passionately and the right of someone to run for president , take the oath as president and then stand by the president ial seal in front of the white house and urge an angry mob to burn it down. To go to the capitol and basically take it over. That is not freedom of speech. Justice scalia was a strong defender of free speech and he once said you cant ride with the cops and cheer for the robbers. Theres a big difference between the rights of an ordinary citizen and no citizen will be chilled if a president has been held accountable for what this guy did. In pfact, the usual trope about yelling fire in a crowded theater is within your rights of free speech doesnt quite capture it. Whats involved here is like being the fire chief and urging a mob to tburn the theater down. We are not talking about the rights of people to express themse themselveses. Were talking about getting rid of someone from government when that person is an enemy of government when they take it ap apart. The fire chief, and the crowded theater in any constitutional law class that we had. Let me ask you about Something Else schoen said because he went further. He said trump cannot be held accountable for his words and let me give you this in quotes because we cant control the reaction of the audience. So i want to remind our viewers first about how trumps words specifically, inspired, motivated and charged his audience. Ill warn you some of the language that you are about to hear is offensive, but this is important to the case. Stop the steal. Stop the steal stop the steal stop the steal well lose everything. Man, were going to [ expletive ] lose it all. Thats treason. Thats treason. Treason treason treason treason weve got to get nancy pelosi the hell out of there and were very can i speak to pelosi . Were coming, bitch and mike pence, i will tell you right now, im not hearing good stories. Mike pence is a [ expletive ] traitor. Is there any way, professor, in your eyes that an argument of free speech would protect the word echo that i just showed and by the way, i can show you something three times as long. I dont think so, especially because hes not just any old guy. Hes not some guy talking on a street corner. He is the president of the United States. Hes no longer the president. The january exception that he argues for doesnt protect him from being tried for what he did as president and was impeached for doing as president , but those words echoed by the mob show a direct link and there are pages upon pages of evidence in the trial brief filed by the House Managers today detailing in really painful detail how unbelievable it would be to say that the president wasnt responsible. Liz cheney thought he was. The Majority Leader thought he was. Anybody looking at this evidence would realize that the president riled this mob up and aimed it toward the capitol like a canon and fired. All right. Professor tribe, thank you very much. I appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. And next, democrats take the first step to push through a covid Stimulus Package and this is the first big thing out of the gate and they say theyre going to do it without republicans. Plus michigans Governor Calling for protrump lawyer Sydney Powell to be disbarred for comments like this. The entire election, frankly, in all of the swing states should be overturned. Michigans governor is out front. Did you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ok, just keep coloring there. And sweetie can you just be. Gentle with the pens. Okey. Okey. I know. Gentle. Gentle new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our Resume Database so you can start hiring right away. 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Of course, in going it alone without working with republicans on bidens first big legislation there making it clear that bipartisanship is not what this is about. Even after a twohour meeting with republican senators, we all watched unfold yesterday at this time, both sides described it as very constructive, albeit without a breakthrough. It appears bidens made the choice that theyre going to go ahead and do this alone without the gop. Yeah, it does. That twohour meeting might have been constructive, but it doesnt appear to have had a lot of impact with how the white house is viewing this because Chuck Schumer said today after a Virtual Meeting that democrats had not like the one that was in person last night at the white house with republicans. He said biden told limb and he told republicans their proposal and their counteroffer to his 1. 9 d 1. 9 trillion bill was too small. They were standing by the price tag that republicans urged him to scale back and saying that was not in the plans for the white houses line of thinking and they also said that President Biden supports these efforts that youre seeing by senator Chuck Schumer and Nancy Poli Pelosi to that process, the Reconciliation Process that would allow them to get this bill passed with no republican support. Youre right, they do have a razorthin majority so it is going to need every democrat onboard and Senator Manchin who is a crucial swing vote who says he does support to move forward with the steps. They have a few more to go forward and they are pushing ahead and that no republicans will be supporting this bill as it currently stands. Thank you very much, kaitlan. Lets go now to dana bash, our correspondent and coanchor of state of the union, so, dana, the democrats, this is their first big thing, right . And the whole mantra of joe biden is i can get things done, unity bipartisanship and theyve made the decision not to go that way this time and first big bill, theyre going it alone and how rfisky is this for any compromise or any legislation in the future . It certainly poses risks, no question about it because of the fact that republicans, you know, they were saying this publicly and im hearing it from them publicly saying this is joe biden and his administration playing hard ball. Having said that, a couple of things. Number one is the argument that youre hearing in constantly, the refrain from the president on down from the white house is this is not like a regular piece of legislation. This is an infusion of money that they argue needs to get into the economy and needs to get into peoples hands and it needs to get into the Health System for vaccines and so forth, and that theres no reason for them to compromise on that. So, and the fact that they had this meeting yesterday that you covered live, erin, is something that is going to be a down payment for these future conversations because they really did have productive discussions. Right. And that is according to both parties. I understand what youre saying. So so, let me ask you, david, joe manchin has become sort of a power player. In a sense we all saw it coming, a democrat who could be conservative and you dont know where he will go all of the time. Hes made it clear this time he does support the first steps of reconciliation, but there are parts of this package that hes not thrilled about and he certainly was not thrilled when the Vice President did an interview in his home state and he didnt know about it and does this make him the ultimate power player in all of this . Well, he is certainly going to be a critical vote. Any time that joe biden and his white house are going to go to the hill and try to get something through the senate on just democratic votes, that means theyre going to have to make sure that its something that elizabeth warren, Bernie Sanders and joe manchin can all agree on and i will say i think this is part of what the success was in that meeting with the republicans last night. Joe manchin came out today and called it a very encouraging thing to see that bidens first meeting was with his ten republican colleagues. Joe manchin went on to say i dont know what the right number is going to be, but i know this needs to be vigorous and robust. So joe manchin is sort of speaking right now the language that youre also hearing from the Biden Administration about the need for a big cash infusion as danas saying and heres somebody who now can take home to his voters in West Virginia if indeed, he ends up voting with it at the end of the day saying because joe biden extended his hand and he reached out to republicans, their ideas were included even if it wasnt the final number and this is something i was able to get onboard with for the people of West Virginia and thats giving joe manchin something to go back home with. As were speaking now there is a vote going on and Kevin Mccarthy went to vote and wouldnt talk to anyone and said ho im going back in to continue the meeting and what do you think is going on here and what do you think is the crucial meeting for her and the fate of the Republican Party . Right. At least the first step in that, and, look, the fact that its a lengthy meeting and were not im not sure what to make of that except for the fact that Kevin Mccarthy understands the pressure on him coming from all over. You have the Mitch Mcconnell argument and many others in the Republican Party and the quote, unquote establishment. Even beyond that, those who want to do what is right, politics be damned, theyre saying that she has to be reprimanded and she has to be punished and then you have a lot of people in his own conference, members of the house who may not agree with her, but are worried about setting that precedent. What i was told earlier tonight, erin, by a republican source is to look at the model of steve king as a potential one for Kevin Mccarthy to follow and that they had a meeting just like this going on right now. Steve king wasnt remorseful and so he was reprimanded and taken off the committees. Well see what Marjorie Taylorgreene is like in these Behind Closed Doors discussions after they end. Right. Which is a great point because you can say whatever you want Behind Closed Doors, but everything shes done has been public so it would be a Big Public Mea Culpa which shes shown no willingness to do thus far. Thank you both very much. Michigans governor wants cindy Powell Disbarred for trying to overturn the election in michigan. Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez with the Capitol Police and the deadly riot. As carla wonders if she can retire sooner, shell revisit her plan with fidelity. And with a scenario that makes it a possibility, shell enjoy her dream right now. Thats the planning effect, from fidelity. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance, shell enjoy her dream right now. So i only pay for what i need. What a great day what an ok day. What a messed up only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Just overturn, have the legislatures by fiat appoint electors loyal to trump. Its a stunning thing. Democratic governor witmer of michigan. You want her disbarred. Do you think youll succeed . I dont know if were going to succeed, but i know its the right thing to do. Our election was fair. It was safe. There was zero evidence that there was anything at issue with the tally of the votes in michigan. Joe biden won by almost 150,000 votes, and it was, i think, incredibly unethical for donald trump to send a team of lawyers to undermine our democracy and to violate their oaths and not hold the high, ethical standards that lawyers are held to and there should be a consequence to that, because it has fed this big lie that ultimately ended up in insurrection at our United States capitol, and its unacceptable and there should be consequences for it. Governor, axios is reporting on a meeting in the oval office. Anyone that hasnt read it, i encourage you to read it, Jonathan Swann there. It debunks the Election Fraud and it goes on and on and theyre all screaming at each other and part of what they say is at its essence the power of the president is this, we have the real information. These people, the white house staff dont believe in the truth, theyre liars and quitters put us in charge and this was music to trumps ears and he was desperate. In this meeting, governor, they say Sydney Powell recommends that the government, Fbi Agents Go And and get all of the dominion voting machines. Just take them, and and i mean, it was pretty stunning. It was essentially martial law by some sort of fiat. This is the Sydney Powell were talking about. Right. And thats why there has to be consequences. We cannot say, oh, well lets just move on and turn a blind eye to this. Sydney powell and the lawyers that trump sent all across the country to participate in the big lie that has fed all of the and fomented all of the ugly, scary, dangerous rhetoric in this nation has a consequence and frankly, as a lawyer myself, or our Secretary Of State is a lawyer and our Attorney General is a lawyer and all three of us have joined in filing this because we know that we are supposed to be upheld to these incredibly high, ethical standards and not only was it breached in this instance, but it put our democracy in danger. So i want to ask you about the coronavirus news weve gotten here tonight. The Biden Administration says it will ship the vaccines directly to retail pharmacies and they will do that next week and there is a huge caveat on this, in the early days many pharmacies will not have the vaccine or have an incredibly limited supply. It isnt what people are hoping, meaning i can go in and get it putting in efficacy and variants and all of that. What do you say to this extremely limited supply to the pharmacies . Well, i say that this is music to our ears and its not enough and we all need vaccines, but the fact of the matter is the Biden Administration has been in office in two weeks and theyve given us confidence in the plan to ramp up vaccines and they have predictability in term was what is coming in. Theyre focused on equity and these are leaps ahead of where we were just three weeks ago with an administration that couldnt tell us what was coming in on a given week much less tell us that there was a longterm strategy here. So were making progress. I was on the call with the nations governors in the white house today. We had a call last week and i know well have another one next week. Theyre Sharing Information and theyre being transparent and theyre ramping up and thats whats been so desperately needed in this country. Governor witmer, thank you very much. Thank you. And next, congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez with a damning accusation about a Police Officers response during a capitol riot. He was looking at me with a tremendous amount of anger. And moscow bracing for more protests after Opposition Leader Alexey Navalny was sentenced to prison. Bring it first time i saw you, you blew my mind i got this Feeling Everything was alright ive never known someone like you but when im with you every day is brand new new new new new new new new new first up is this french onion dip. Im going to start the bidding at 5. Thank you, sir. 6 over there going once. Going twice. Sold dont get mad get e trade and get more than just trading investing. Banking. Guidance. Breaking news, Democratic Congresswomanal Xant ria ocasiocortez intensifying her republican feud with ted cruz saying, he, quote, contributed to the carnage at the Capitol Hill Riot and again calling on him to resign, this as shes opening up about her experience as a survivor of Sexual Assault. She gave an emotional recount of it after the riot Sunlen Serfaty is out front. I hear these huge, violent bang on my door and then every door going into my office. Congresswoman ocasiocortez nobody identifying themselves, and just boom, boom, boom. Disclosing new, harrowing details of her experience during the January 6th Insurrection at the capitol help. And i just hear where is she . Where is she . And i this was the moment where i thought everything was over. Revealing that as hill Police Officer who she says did not immediately identify himself. There was no partner, was not yelling, you know, Capitol Police, et cetera, et cetera. Reporter and even after he said he was with capitol hill police, the congresswoman says she was still uncertain if he was there to help or hurt her. But then it didnt feel right because he was looking at me with a tremendous amount of anger. And hostility. Reporter ocho coasiocortez followed directions to go to a different room unescorted. The situation felt so volatile, i ran over and grabbed my bag and we started running over to the building. Reporter it wasnt until she got to that building that she realized he didnt give her a specific place to go. He did not give us the ex Traction Point Location because he forgot or was he trying to actually put us in a vulnerable situation . Reporter the u. S. Capitol police did not respond to r repeated attempts by cnn to give answers about the congresswomans claims. Federal prosecutors charged one Capitol Rioter with threatening in a tweet to assassinate aoc. I thought i was going to die. Reporter that was one part of her nearly twohour Instagram Live bringing a scathing message for republicans. That you want to be president so bad that youre going to allow people and your own colleagues lives to be in danger. Reporter calling out by name republicans like senator cruz, holley and roy who she tan goed with online since the attack saying to senator cruz you almost had me murdered three weeks ago denouncing them and speaking on a personal level about how painful it is some have suggested she just move on. These are the same tactics of abusers. Reporter and for the first time revealing her own past history with Sexual Assault. Im a survivor of Sexual Assault. And i havent told many people that in my life. Reporter and we did hear back from one of the republicans that the congresswoman called out directly in that video. Congressman chip roy is saddened to hear about the experience she had with Sexual Assault but he says that does not change her allegations he calls, erin, completely unacceptable allegations against senator cruz. We have not heard back from senator cruz about his being named in the video by the congresswoman even as she doubles down on attacks on him tonight and calling him, again, to resign. Thank you very much. Next, the Opposition Leader who says he was poisoned by putin has choice words for the russian president as hes sentenced to prison. When you switch to Xfinity Mobile, youre choosing to get connected to the most Reliable Network nationwide, now with 5g included. Discover how to save up to 300 a year with shared data starting at 15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. Come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. You can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. Stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with Peace Of Mind at your local xfinity store. Tonight protests erupting in support of alexa that Alexey Navalny. He called the russian President Putin the poisoner, yes and everybody heard it. Matthew chance is outfront. Reporter anger is pouring out onto the streets of the russian capitol. Protesters furious that the imprisonment of Alexey Navalny are Making Voices heard. Let him go they chant. Earlier outside the moscow court, Police Detained hundreds to make sure this hearing passed Off Undisterrurbed as the real drama was undisturbed. His wife drawing a heart on the pain of his glass cage as the judge read out the decision. Russias most prominent putin critic was being sent to jail. Outside, his lawyers told c nrks nn he took the courts decision bravely, as usual but they will definitely appeal. It was these images of the Opposition Leader growning in agony after being poisoned by a suspected nerve agent in siberia last year that shocked the world. His recovery and defiant return to arrest in russia has struck a chord. Last week, slamming his detention as blatantly illegal, telling the judge in his latest hearing that he was being persecuted because he survived assassination and that President Putin himself was behind it, something the kremlin denied. His main grievance against me he told the court is hell go down in history as putin the poiser. For the past two weeks, this country has been rocked by some of the biggest anti kremlin protests its ever seen. Critics say a heavyhanded response with thousands detained nationwide outlines how threatened the kremlin really feels but the kremlin tells cnn President Putin himself isnt even following the trials of his biggest critics, instead, the russian president was shown Meeting Teachers of the future generation. Its the generation of russians protesting in the streets outside Inspiring Alexa Ey Navay proving the challenges. Erin, supporters have urged their supporters tonight that protesters to disburse and to go home but they say, a government that peroisons and sends innoce people to jail wont be tolerated for long and they will be back on the streets soon to protest it. Back to you. Thank you very much, matthew. Incredible. He went back to russia by choice and he went home knowing, knowing it would be certain he would go back to prison. You can watch outfront any time on cnn go. Anderson in the meantime starts now. Good evening. Just about 90 minutes from now the United States capitol will receive the actions of Capitol Police officer brian sicknick. Taken to the rotunda to lie in honor that caused his death on the 6th of january. The United States senators whose lives and staffers lives he died protecting is being asked to show bravery, as well. House Impeachment Managers and the ex president s legal team today presented their briefs in next weeks Impeachment Trial and the insurrection is not ancient history. They will be weighing decisions with the seat of American Democracy and their workplace still showing the scars from an attack unlike any weve seen in ou

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