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School was wrong to punish her. A trump family rift. He is miffed at his soninlaw Jared Kushner over a book deal. Plus, a big meeting of cdc Vaccine Advisors tries to settle some big questions. Will we need Booster Shots and when, and is there a link between vaccines and Heart Problems in a small group of kids . We have been receiving reports from other countries of potential issues of myocarditis. Theres been this question as to whether its associated with these mrna vaccines and if it has, what the risk is. I think the data well see this afternoon at this meeting will overwhelmingly demonstrate that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks. Up first, the Biden Administration at a crossroads. The president wants a big and bipartisan deal on infrastructure, but progressives in his own party are mad that the president and moderate Senate Democrats wont chuck the filibuster to make progress on another critical agenda item, Voting Rights. Here in the studio cnns jeff zeleny, rachel bade and britney shepherd of yahoo news. Happy wednesday to all of you. Jeff, let me start with you. What are you hearing from your sources at the white house about just how difficult it is right now and how critical this week and maybe even this day is to the biden agenda . These days are really very critical thanand theyre number. Time is running out for a bipartisan deal. The grumbling from capitol hill democrats is time is rubbing out. Theyre wasting time. The president still hopes that can be a deal. His team is up on capitol hill meeting with Speaker Pelosi and senator schumer. Its not entirely clear still how this plan is going to be paid for. The argument has been the same. There still seems to be enough energy to keep these conversations alive. The white house is a little more optimistic than i thought they would be. Because i think the president is still optimistic. This week will test something thats been pretty remarkable for the Biden Administration. Theyve kept democrats together. Will democrats Stay Together after all of this . Thats going to be pelosis huge task here. Right now its looking like no. That is just based on What Jamal Bowman A Progressive very outspoken democrat said on this program yesterday. I want to play what he said and also how the white house, jen psaki in particular, responded. Hes not absent, but he needs to be a lot more vocal and a lot more out front. Those words are a fight against the wrong opponent. He signed a historic Executive Action just several weeks ago that puts in place a number of protections to ensure that people have the ability to vote. I would say thats hardly being silent, thats Hard Hily Sittinn the back bench. He will be standing with advocates for this fight in the foreseeable future. He of course is the president , frustration that he is not more active. Yes, of course hes been active in infrastructure, but the question here is about Voting Rights, which didnt even get on the senate floor for debate yesterday because every republican voted no on proceeding to the bill. Hes certainly not absent, but he iss certainly quiet compared to his overt input on the infrastructure decisions. On Voting Rights, not so much. He has left that for the Senate Democratic caucus to work out its own Little Family differences. You see Vice President harris on the hill saying yesterday the fight is not over, try to energize the base. But there are serious concerns about what can actually happen. I think the focus is obviously going to look to potentially more Executive Actions, more actions by the justice department. But on the legislative front, it does seem over at this point. The problem for biden is that the bully pulpit only goes so far, particularly with very stubborn senators who are set in their ways about how the senate should function, what they are and are not willing to blow up to advance a Policy Measure such as Voting Rights. Senators joe manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have made it clear that they are not willing to do that and no one, including the president of the United States is not going to change their minds. When you talk to progressives outside the hill, theyre saying that fight hasnt even begun, that it takes only 5 minutes to walk from the oval to the brai y briefing room. Theres a lot on the president s plate, putin, immigration, gun rights. Theres a slew of things you can only cash so many poker chips on. Progressives are saying, we try to deal with republicans. They are against certifying the election in your name. If you believe theyre against democracy, why do you believe they are faithful negotiators . Thats the frustration on the hill and otherwise. Republican states are still passing these restrictive Voting Rights laws and democrats are pulling their hair out saying, well, who cares about joe manchin, please come to these states and help us or no ones going to be able to vote and this narrow majority in the midterms will just go. Its like they wanted to see the effort. They wanted to see President Biden go up to the bully pulpit, go to the microphone and talk about this more, bring democratic legislatures from across the country to washington to do some sort of big event, some sort of big focus on Voting Rights. The issue that the democrats have is that they made Voting Rights, s1 and hr1, theyre talking about the end of democracy, theyre saying this is a top priority. And yet there was clearly a lack of action from the white house to even just try to move public sentiment to put that pressure on the senators to get something done. Activists want to see more. I want to play something that jim clyburn, who is not in the senate so he doesnt get to vote or have a key voice on filibuster, but because he is a member of the house leadership, what he has been saying about it is quite interesting. Im going to play what he said. I have never asked that the filibuster be eliminated. I do believe we ought to do it for constitutional issues what weve done with the budget. We ought to use reconciliation, demand democratic principles and move forward with our pursuit of a more perfect union. This is note worthy. This is where the conversation is happening now. The Voting Rights bill, hr1, s1, theyre dead right now. Do you think those kinds of conversations, getting out, having Kamala Harris do what she was assigned to do, which is go and get public support, is going to have any effect on joe manchin, Kiryrsten Sinema Sayin were not going to get rid of the filibuster no matter what . Its hard for me to believe it would. We started talking about infrastructure. Thats connected to this. I believe, talking to sources, that is why President Biden has been a little bit more restrained and not calling out some republicans by name. He still wants to get a deal on something. I think that is why hes been a little bit more muted in his response on this. Im a little skeptical that even summers of rallies can change minds of Senators Manchin and sinema. What you said is so important about how it is all connected. Youre seeing infrastructure still going on two tracks. You have the bipartisan negotiations about the traditional infrastructure, roads, bridges, things like that, and then you have Bernie Sanders whos the Budget Chair Working on a very big package which hes hoping to get through with democrats only. Progressives are saying were going to protest some of them, were not going to even support the bipartisan bill unless you, leadership, you, mr. President , promise us to get more involved on these other issues which they consider existential to democracy, meaning Voting Rights. Right. Thats the leverage we have. Right now in the senate theres no margin for error among democrats. Theres also very little margin for error in the house. Its been progressives in the house Democratic Caucus who have been more willing to protest against their leadership to get Policy Measures they want. They know they have the leverage. I think youre going to see Democratic Leaders shift focus towards picking up more seats in the 2022 elections, because the more democrats who support eliminating the filibuster in the senate, the more likely that is. But that obviously isnt going to come enough for a lot of activists. Which could be determined by how the voting laws are in each of these states. Its a whole circle. Up next were going to look at the Supreme Court, which sided this morning with a High School Cheerleader in a landmark free speech case. The lawyer for that cheerleader joins me to discuss. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro [sfx] typing [music starts] [sfx] baby crying [sfx] foot strikes ball [teacher, in asl] two whales swimming together. [sfx] whale sounds [sfx] woman shrieking with joy. [sfx] lock click [sfx] happy screaming [music ends] your mission stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some, rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive Immune System attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred as have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. 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The school itself has an interest in protecting a students unpopular expression especially when the expression takes place off campus. Americas Public Schools are the nurseries of democracy. That protection must include the protection of unpopular ideas, for popular ideas have less need for protection. How far reaching is this decision when it comes to Free Speech Protections . Is it limited to students . Is it limited to Public School students or does it go beyond that . It is around Public Schools. Private schools have always had an extended liberty in terms of how theyre able to regulate student behavior. This goes back to the 1969 case tinker where students protesting the vietnam war wanted to wear black arm banlds to protest. They said a students right for free speech does not stop at the gates. This is about where the schools purview extended beyond the gates. The court said, look, a school does have some interest in regulating behavior that might impact school, bullying, for example, extensive issues surrounding the conduct that might implicate students or be disruptive in some way. Here it was a snapchat. Hundreds of people, yes, had seen it. It wasnt about targeting a particular person. This was not that case to get you over the hump of That Tinker Decision that said its got to be truly disruptive. This is going to be widereaching implications, though. I want to bring in sarah rose, an attorney for that cheerleader. Thank you so much for joining me. First of all, have you talked to your client and how is she feeling . I have talked to brandi. She is thrilled by this decision. She is no longer a cheerleader. Shes no longer even in high school. At this point she was fighting for the rights of other kids. Shes happy with the result we got today. Shes a College Student now. What does this say to you . You are her attorney and also a senior staff attorney at the aa aclu in pennsylvania. I think this is the most significant decision for young peoples Free Speech Rights in 50 years. We were pleased the court ruled in favor of brandi that the school violated her First Amendment rights when it punished her for the snap. The court also put in place protections for students off Campus Speech that are really important in this digital era. Congratulations. This was a long battle. Its not every day that a lawyer gets to win a case at the Supreme Court. Laura, i want to go back to you. You said there are farreaching implications. What are they . Remember, were talking about a school trying to say, wanting to say to the Supreme Court if its off campus, even if its off Campus Speech, if its a student at our schools, we can regular hatte that. What about the advent of social media . Just because youre a student you get 24 hours of censorship. The Supreme Court said, no, if its off Campus Speech that is not disruptive, even if its vulgar, look, you have students who are going to express viewpoints that are critical. Imagine the world of criticism a student might have who are particularly ly adept if school was able to silence through discipline statements critical of a school, imagine how they would be silenced and their speech would be chilled in the political context, social context and other things. The court said, look, we can regulate things that are truly disruptive, but we cant act to suppress your Free Speech Rights. The court got it right. The limit they put into the Majority Decision about suggesting bullying, you and i are both parents of young children. That was note worthy certainly to me and im sure to you as well. Coming up, there is an early front runner in new yorks democratic mayoral primary, but can eric adams keep his advantage . More on that next. More protection, more sun, more joy. Neutrogena® beach defense® the suncare brand used most by dermatologists and their families, neutrogena® for people with skin. Rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. Visit petmeds. Com today. Manchin. Were still waiting for a winner in americas most anticipated primary for mayor, new york city. Brooklyn borough president eric adams is off to a substantial early lead followed by Progressive Favorite Maya Wily and former sanitation commissioner kathryn garcia. Andrew yang conceded after he placed a distant fourth. New yorkers might not know the winner until next month. The city voted using ranked choice. Because no candidate received more than 50 of the first choice vote, the count will continue in the weeks ahead. Joining me is a political reporter for new york one. Thank you so much. I know its been a very long night and morning for you. Leading the field, as i mentioned, is eric adams. He is a former nypd captain. He campaigned on cracking down on crime in new york city. Based on your reporting, how much do you think his lead has to do with crime, the spike in crime being such a big issue in new york city right now . This was really a central theme of not just his entire campaign but specifically of the eric adams campaign. As you said, a former nypd captain, someone who ran a campaign focused on the fact that he is a former Police Officer and sold it as part of the reason he would be the one to both reform the nypd, which is something we know new yorkers have been talking about in the last year, but also to get a handle on the rise in crime that we have unfortunately seen around the city in the last year. This is something thats not happening just here in new york city, but in other major cities across the country theres been an increase in crime, s. Specifically here in new york, shootings. He really made that a part of his campaign. He drove the message he would be the one to address this immediately and he certainly had a lot of support going into this in what the polls showed. It looks like he for now is very comfortable in the lead. Tell us about maya wily and kathryn garcia, who are second and third right now. In some ways this is historic. Weve never had two women topping the ballot in new york city before. New york city has never had a woman mayor. Theres been 109 mayors, all of them have been men, one black mayor. Eric adams could potentially become the citys second black mayor. Kathryn garcia in third place. Maya wiley in second place. She ran a very different campaign. She has sort of been embraced by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party here in the city and has a lot of support. Kathryn garcia ran a more moderate race with similar messaging to that of eric adams. So we only have the early vote counts for now. Explain how the vote is going to play out over the next few weeks when they begin to count mailin ballots and so forth. Theyre going to have to wait. The board of elections is going to be count ing. June 29th is when the first round of ranked Choice Counting will begin in this election. A this is the first time the city is using ranked Choice Voting where voters get to rank their choices. Unless somebody pulls off 51 of the vote, we go into these counts. Its expected next tuesday. We kind of get to do primary election day all over again. Then theres also the factor of the Absentee Ballots which will also make a big difference in the totals going into next week. Thank you so much for joining me. Thank you. So the question is what does this race in new york city say about the Democratic Party right now in 2021 . Were going to discuss that after a quick break. Up to one million dollars. Thats how Much University of phoenix is committing to create 400 scholarships this month alone. 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Thats why i use keeps. Keeps offers clinically proven treatment, and the sooner you start the more hair you can keep. Get started for 1 a day at keeps. Com. In off year elections like this one, political nerds like those of us here like to look at what the results may portend, if anything, for the bigger National Races coming up in the midterm elections this year. What can we learn about the state of the Democratic Party from the new york city mayoral primary . Eric adams is currently leading the democratic field, beating out progressives with a tough on crime approach as the city grapples with a spike in Violent Crime this summer. So far the results show this race as an example of moderate candidates and that wing of the Democratic Party thriving. Another example was earlier this month Terry Mcauliffe one the democratic primary in virginia, beating out a field of progressive candidates attempting to frame him and his ideas as out of touch with voters. Im back with our panel now. Jeff zeleny, repeat what you said about this during the break. [ laughter ] joe bidens party. He won the primary. Obviously theres a very progressive wing on the 2020 campaign. He won that. Right now his centrist view of the party is winning. The progressive voices are the loudest ones on twitter and other forms, but theyre not the largest ones. Theres just one example after another where there is a sense that progressives have done too far. Crime, exhibit a, the defund the Police Argument hurt democrats in the 2020 campaign without question in senate and house races in particular. This is something that is a warning sign for other democrats who are running. For all of the loud talk about the aoc wing of the party and other things, joe bidens moderate lane is winning out at this moment. Will it be like that forever . Who knows, but the loudest voices are not necessarily the most important. I just have to follow up on that with a tweet that really struck me as relevant to that. Dave wasserman of the Cook Political Report tweeted, eric adams has less than 2 of andrew yangs twitter followers and is on track to win twice as many votes in new york city, lol. Its scathing. I think its important to realize which voters the eric adams message is resonating with. I wish i had a magic wall. Eric adams is doing well with more suburban, queens, staten island, bronx, hispanic and black people. Who votes for democrats . Surprise, hispanic and black people, who we saw in 2020 felt they were being looped in with progressives too heavily. Look at miamidade where republicans were able to go to reliably democratic areas and say they dont really care about you, theyre socialists, theyre going to come into your house and take all your things. We saw a very tight race there and around the atlanta suburban area. You have to wonder if joe biden and the white house are trying to approach black and hispanic voters, lets figure out the message thats working. As youre talking, im thinking of four years ago. Aoc won a primary against cjoe crowley. She was one of the first really successful social media candidates. Does that tell us anything about how the Democratic Party is shifting, if at all . Social media, theres a huge Progressive Following on twitter. Aoc was able to harness that. Democrats control all of washington. Theres got to be some thinking going on in terms of whats going to happen in 2022. Traditionally whenever one Party Controls all the levers of power in washington, republicans, if past is prologue, are going to flip potentially as much as two dozen house seats. Theyre going to win back the house and potentially the senate. Party leaders are thinking about 2022, what sort of message is going to resonate with people we need to hold onto. Lets talk about that, because the message republicans think is resonating is the fact that crime is spiking across the country. I want to play what lisa monaco, the Deputy Attorney general said about that. It is staggering. It is sobering. Its something that doj is committed to do all we can to reverse what are profoundly troubling trends. Trends that people are seeing when they read the newspapers all over the country. We have examples, chicago tribune, San Francisco chronicle, tampa bay, phila philadelphia, new york. They cut the police budget, Homicide Rates are up 45 . L. A. , philadelphia, minneapolis, similar trends. Right. This is clearly a concern as you heard lisa monaco layout. This is a concern for the administration. This is where President Biden is using his kind of stature to project action and really focus on this issue. I think we are also going to see happen this afternoon is not only President Biden focused his attention on the rising crime rates overall but also really focus in on gun crimes. This is an issue that obviously President Biden has focused on for a long time. His administration has already taken several Executive Actions but hes really going to highlight that as a key issue for them. As you say, republicans are looking at this as a political vulnerability next year. Hes going to be talking about violence, but gun violence, which spreads the blame responsibility around a little bit more because republicans have done zero on guns. The white house is worried about this. State and local officials sounding the alarm, this is the chief concern. It has a huge impact on the economy and other things. Thats why the president is coming out this afternoon. Two bills passed through the house. These two gun bills that are going to try to close loopholes. Everybody stand by. Before we go, we want to say we were talking about the democratic trends. In buffalo cnn is projecting a selfprofessed socialist will win the democratic primary for mayor there. India walton is a nurse and community organizer. She left home at age 14 when she had her first child. She defeated four term incumbent byron brown and is likely the winner in novembers general election. She told cnn her Leadership Style would be a complete 180 from the status quo. We have lived through decades of the trickle down theory, believing that if you build it, they will come. And we have not built anything, many things at all for the folks who have stuck out economic downturn, population and job loss in the buffalo community. So we are looking forward to doing things differently. Again, this is a difference in the trend we were talking about here. Walton would be the first Big City Socialist mayor in 60 years. We have breaking news just into cnn. Vice president Kamala Harris is heading to the u. S. mexico border on friday. The trip will mark the first time harris visits the southern border as Vice President , heading to el paso, texas. It comes after relentless criticism from republicans and some border democrats and elsewhere for not going earlier this spring amid a surge of migrants, including unaccompanied children. Right now, cdc advisors are meeting to talk about rare complications from Covid Vaccines in kids, plus a timeline for Booster Shots. Were going to bring you the latest just ahead. No, hes not in his room. Dad, why didnt you answer your phone . Your mother loved this park. She did. You need a Financial Plan that can help grow and protect your money. An annuity can help cover Essential Expenses in retirement, so you can live the life you want. This is what an annuity can do. Learn more at protectedincome. Org. I had the nightmare again maxine. The world was out of wonka bars. Relax. You just need digital workflows. They help keep everyone supplied and happy, proactively. Lets workflow it. Then you can stop having those nightmares. No, i would miss them too much. Whatever you business is facing. 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Write down Phone Numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. Pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and cant go home. Remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. Making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency. The cdcs Vaccine Advisors are meeting right now with two main topics on the agenda, reports of Heart Inflammation in young people after getting their Covid Vaccines and when and how to implement Booster Shots for the wider population. Dr. Yasmin is a former Disease Detective for the cdc and author of viral bs. She joins us now. Thank you so much. Lets talk about the reports that the cdc says its getting 300 cases of Heart Inflammation among young people, mostly young men, teenage boys after they had the vaccine. Explain what those conditions are and put it in perspective for us. Sure. Let me explain what were learning about these cases. Typically teenaged or young adult men who have received a second shot of the Covid Vaccine, usually an mrna vaccine. What were seeing and we still dont know if its completely linked to the vaccines or not is two conditions. Either swelling of the heart muscle itself or swelling of the sack that surrounds the heart. Earlier this month israel said they do believe the vaccines might be linked to these heart conditions. Interestingly theyve still gone forward with making sure younger people, teens, young adults are still getting vaccinated. Here in the u. S. This cdc committee is meeting today, tomorrow and friday to audiocassette about this to really weigh the evidence and to do a risk to benefit calculation to say that the perspective part especially, weave had about 30 reports of these cases. We still need to figure out is it linked to the vaccine and who might be most at risk. Out of 300 cases theyve happened out of 20 million teens and young adults who have gotten vaccinated. I really worry about this part, that people will just hear about these reports or headlines that are quite misleading talking about Heart Swelling and not understanding the benefits of these vaccines can really outweigh these risks. So important to talk about in terms of context. I want to touch quickly on Booster Shots which the committee is also discussing right now. What do we know about that . What we know is were still learning about how long the duration of immunity is from when you get your first and second Covid Vaccine shots. We know theres really good durability, 90 efficacy more than six months out from getting those mrna vaccines. Weve all had to get our Booster Shots because that vaccine duration, the strength of the protection it gives us does drop a little bit over time. So the committee is trying to look at the data we have right now to say look for how long people who have been vaccinated really have protection and should we be looking at Booster Shots in the next year. Fascinating. Thank you so much for joining us. Appreciate it. Thank you. The more former President Trump gripes about the election, the more his inner circle appears to be changing. New reporting on his relationship with his daughter ivanka and soninlaw Jared Kushner, next. Sive, we love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. Thats why progressive Car Insurance covers your pets for up to 1,000 if theyre ever in a car accident with you. This mini majorettes gonna march her way right into your heart. Im sorry. Can we stop . I know that were selling Car Insurance here, but, you know, all the cute little animals, its too much. Define too much. Whats wrong with cute animals . So are we doing this or what . Nah, its over. 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Former President Trumps constant complaints about the 2020 election are driving away his daughter ivanka trump and soninlaw Jared Kushner according to new reporting by cnns kate bennett, who spoke to 12 former Trump White House officials and family friends. One maralago party goer says the couple was absent from usual spring and summer events. Two acquaintances say its all a strategic effort by ivanka trump to undo the entanglements caused for years by being at her fathers side. So i want to bring you in on this and also on reporting from kate that the former president is really mad about his soninlaws reported six figure book deal. One person who spoke with the former president in the last two weeks recounted a conversation in which trump complained about Kushner Inking a book deal he thinks his soninlaw will use to take credit for some of his achievements. Im getting there will be no surpr surprise. I think that the former president i heard with several people he was not thrilled with mike pences book advance, which was supposed to be relatively large. Im not surprised hes not thrilled with Jared Kushner getting an advance at least where he will put his own stamp on the time in the white house. I do think theres something strategic to be seen as moving away because there is still so much controversy around the former president s behavior relating to the election. I also think there is a fundamental disagreement between Jared Kushner and the former president about what happened in the election or at least the aftermath and what should have been happening in those final ten weeks. I think theres one piece of that. Kushner is still around. He was involved in, for instance, the effort to try to appeal the facebook ban on former President Trump. So hes there and hes not there, but theres no question that the former president s oldest son donald trump jr. Has sort of taken on a more Signature Role in trying to be involved in the former president s political decisions going forward. I think one thing that a lot of people took note of was that Jared Kushner and ivanka trump had dinner with nikki haley in south carolina. She is an ally of theirs, but she is also a potential 2024 candidate and that is going to raise attention. We know the former president has been stewing and then some about the 2020 election. He released a statement yesterday lying about whats going on in georgia. Is there any sense i know to the answer to this question, but i want you to talk about your reporting about the frustration among people around him that he is not letting up on this. There are a couple of people who do indulge his belief that in his repeated claim that the election was somehow stolen from him, he has made false allegations that there was widespread fraud, you know, enough fraud that would have completely overtaken the election. There are a bunch of people who have gotten tired of hearing it and have given up on trying to push back. We know a couple of weeks ago he was talking to a number of people about his belief that he could be reinstated as early as this summer because he was insisting these audit, which have been heavily criticized, were going to put him back in there. Yes, there is a level of frustration with a bunch of people around him with that kind of talk. Not everyone, but a bunch. Not enough for Republican Leaders here in washington to distance themselves from him. Thats an important point as well. Maggie haberman, great to talk to you. Before we go, some really scary pictures just in to cnn. Here in washington, d. C. , a Bridge Collapsing directly onto the interstate. A Pedestrian Bridge in northeast d. C. There you see the highway. It crumbles right onto i295. Authorities are telling us at least three people are hurt this hour. Its minor injuries but we are obviously going to look at these remarkable images and hope that nothing gets worse in terms of people getting more hurt. Thank you so much for joining us. Ana cabrera picks up our coverage right now. Hello on this wednesday. Im ana cabrera in new york. They were sent to the peoples house by the people. But what are they actually doing for them . One day after republicans blocked a major voting reform bill, the focus now shifts back to another key piece of President Bidens agenda, infrastructure. We know Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell firmly opposes the other sides proposal. And making the picture even messier, house progressives are signaling they might hold that piece ofla

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