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Right now on early start, help wanted. Divided house seeks new speaker. Must be and you nighter. R. I. N. O. S need not apply. Must handle high stress environment. Job security low. Very low. Good day to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im kasie hunt. It is thursday, october 5. 5 00 a. M. Here in washington where the race for a new House Speaker is on with two lawmakers already throwing their hats in the ring. Steve scalise and jim jordan. There is of course some concern that jordan might be a bit too right wing for more moderate members tastes. He says that will not be a problem. I think were a conservative right center party and im the guy who can help unite that. I think my politics are entirely consistent where republicans are across the country. So meanwhile Steve Scalise says that republicans, quote, strength as a conference comes from our unity, ends quote. Uhhuh. This conference is extraordinarily divided. And the reality is that getting to 218 votes to be speaker is simply not the case right now. And it has gotten so bad that some House Republicans rightfully fear it could ultimately cost them the election. This move does need the majority. It puts the majority in jeopardy when you see disunity. Do you worry that it could cost you the majority . It could. And other republicans, garrett graves for example, he is a very close mccarthy ally and is very frustrated with the man who led the charge against mccarthy, that of course matt gaetz. Take a look. Effect definitely someone threw a grenade on the house floor. A reason this has not been done well over 100 years. The house is frozen. They cant refer bills. You cant legislate on the house floor right now. So this effectively has frozen the country. Lets bring in annie grayer. Good morning, always wonderful to see you. And since we just heard mr. Graves there talking about the country being essentially frozen, you have some really great new reporting out this morning about just how bad this all is. Just the shear level i mean, they cant do anything. Tell us about it. Reporter they really cant do anything right now. I cant emphasize this enough. Without an elected speaker, they cant bring bills to the floor. The interim speaker Patrick Mchenry has extremely limited power. So without being able to bring bills to the floor, that means that republicans cant make progress on Government Funding. Now, that deadline is november 17. This was a critical time when the house was supposed to be passing bills and trying to come to a deal so we dont come right up to the deadline like we did october 30. And you also have the Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden that is really called in to question right now. This was another key time where republicans were really trying to build momentum, this has been a top target of theirs since they took over the house back in january. And they were really trying to bring reluctant republicans who didnt see the evidence and werent necessarily on board with the inquiry effort, this is a time when they were trying to do all of that. And withouten a elan elected sp there is the question of whether or not they have the power to enforce their subpoena powers. Were in untested legal territory here. While the committees of injuries sdiks technically can hold hearings and maybe issue subpoenas, it is just really unclear what they can do right now. And there is an irony to all of this, that the eight republicans who joined with democrats to oust mccarthy, these were some of the most vocal proceed phone nentss of focusing on Government Funding, single Subject Spending Bills and trying to impeach the president. And their actions have turned the house into chaos and essentially stopped all the business that they wanted to happen from happening. Ill just tell you one anecdote that kind of encapsulates all of this, a little wonky, but after mccarthy was ousted on tuesday night, mchenry took over, he never officially gaveled out the house. Which is what is required to kind of end the enlgtlegislativ. So when we came back wednesday, we actually were still on Tuesday October 3 legislative day. That just shows you the Twilight Zone that we are in the house right now. That is crazy. We should take their friday away for this, it should just be thursday forever until they figure this out. That is really fascinating. And the impeachment stuff i have to say, everyone should head to cnn. Com to take a look at this story which is just out a couple minutes ago, but that was really the thing that stood out to me. These guys who stood in mccarthys way, they were given this Impeachment Inquiry and it is their actions that suddenly they cant execute on any of it. You used the word irony which i think is the right one. You also had other Great Reporting that stuck out to me about liz cheney who of course no longer in the house after she had a primary challenge. She lost. She and Kevin Mccarthy have there is a lot of bad blood between the two of them and it goes back to january 6. And you have new reporting about what she did as mccarthy was trying to convince democrats to help him save his speakership. What did she do . Reporter yeah, so in the days leading up to the vote to oust mccarthy, liz cheney saw congressman dan goldman, democrat from new york, on tv talking about what democrats were weighing at the time. And sources tell me that cheney called goldman to discuss the threat that mccarthy presented to the country after everything that she felt like she had learned from her work on the january 6 committee. She talked about mccarthys relationship with former President Trump and all the work that she had done to uncover trumps involvement with january 6. And then goldman shared that conversation with the entire Democratic Caucus when they met behind closed goor doors tuesda that is really democrats came together and united behind the idea that they were not going to help mccarthy up until that point, there had been some conversations about maybe there is some concessions that we can get, maybe there is a Power Sharing Agreement we can do. That meeting was the decision absolutely not, we are staying unified. And that conversation between contain any and congressman goldman ways just one of the Motivating Factorsany and congr goldman ways just one of the motivating factors that got democrats united. The texture Behind The Scenes is really so interesting and i think underscores the way, you know, cheney is in the minority in her conference in terms of how she feels about january 6, but she then stakes her entire political career on it. And stood up to this. The one wrinkle here too is that jim jordan is running for Speaker Of The House, he tried to help in what if you watch how it played out on the floor, it would have been sort of a gentlemanly thing to do and liz cheney was like you are not a gentleman she said to him, you fing did this. And he may end up Speaker Of The House. What a disaster. Annie grayer, thank you very much for being us with us. I really appreciate you bringing us your new reporting. Just ahead here, we have new attention on a deadly car crash in new jersey. The driver involved . Future wife of senator bob n menendez. Plus u. S. Transfers weapons to ukraine. The twist . They were seized from iran. And he has been a bad first dog. The latest on commanders biting incident. We go now to a cnn exclusive. The u. S. Transferring weapons they seized from iran to ukraine. The move could help alleviate some critical shortages as the Ukrainian Military awaits more money and equipment from the u. S. And its allies. It could also help drive a wedge between ukraine and russia. Nada bashir is live with more. How much does this help ukraine . Reporter this is not going to answer august of all of thet it will be a boost to troops particularly as questions continue to swirl around the long term supply to ukraine. Were talking about thousands of weapons, more than a million rounds of seized iranian ammunition which has been transferred to ukraine already according to the u. S. Central command. These weapons are set to have been seized back in december of last year by the u. S. Navy. They were en route from iran to the houthis in yemen. Of course there are questions around the sourcing and legality of transferring these weapons to ukraine. We know of course that iran is facing sanctions. Already it is under u. N. Arms embargo and typically the u. N. Would require these weapons to either be destroyed or stored. Up until this point, these weapons have in fact been stored at u. S. Central command facilities across the middle east. But we have heard from the u. S. State accident defending the legality of this move. Take a listen. In the legislative language authorizing the department of defenses Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative which of course im sure they would be happy to speak to you more about, Secretary Of Defense is authorized with the concurrence of the Secretary Of State to make available to the government of ukraine weapons and other Defense Articles from the United States and other sources. This obviously is one of those other sources. Reporter of course the intention here is to alleviate some of the pressures that ukraine is facing when it comes to shortages in ammunition and weapons. Weve heard the warnings, the concern from nato officials that that supply of weapons readily available to be supplied to ukraine is running out. We heard that warning from the pentagon earlier this week that while funds in the u. S. Budget at this current point in time are sufficient, there is long term concern with congress decision. So of course this will be a positive move for ukraine, but in terms of the long term viability, there are other issues on the table of course. Nada bashir, thank you very much for that. The u. S. Transfer of iranian weapons to ukraine also comes as western allies become increasingly divided over whether to continue sending their own supplies. Max foster is joining us Live In London with more. Max, good morning. I cant imagine why there might be nerves about whether or not the u. S. Government could get it together enough to continue funding this. Lets talk a little bit about that. But i also have to say, i see kind of in this like, yes, these weapons will obviously help the ukrainians. There is the tactical Battlefield Discussion to be had around that. But they are also kind of twisting the knife a little bit with the russians. The russians we have to remind everyone are so tight with iran, likely that lot of these weapons came from russia. Yeah, one analyst describing it as poet ticic justice. Iran has been sending drones in particular to support russia. And now iranian weapons will be used on the ukrainian side. I think the other optic here really is how desperate the situation has become that nato is effectively having to send iranian weapons to ukraine because it hasnt got enough of its own. We heard earlier this week from a Senior Member of nato saying that they are staring at the bottom of the barlg of their Weapons Cache if you like, they are running out of ammunition to send to ukraine. So really desperate situation. And it has been complicated, the legality around using the iranian weapons and sending them off to ukraine. But it is an interesting one, but as nada says, not a game changer, but useful weaponry for the ukrainians right now. So lets talk about the politics of this situation. Because President Biden was asked about the House Speaker race on wednesday. It obviously is challenging for the United States government to do anything at the moment. Annie grayer was just reporting that everything is functionally frozen including this piece of it. President biden is going to give a big speech they have said about ukraine aid. But i know european leaders are meeting, they are worried about this. And the Ukraine Question is becoming central in the speakers race. Jim jordan who is a top candidate saying he doesnt want to do it or tie it to specific conservative Policy Changes in other areas here in the United States. Honestly, it is not looking good. No, and there has been a lot of coverage about this in the u. S. , but i have to say, in europe, i think people are so confused and befuddled by what is happening in washington, they dont really understand fully what is happening. But the reality is this money could potentially be running out from America To Ukraine and that will have a huge impact on the war and all the alliances across europe who are also supporting ukraine in that war. As you say, leaders meeting, Prime Ministers and president s meeting in spain today. And president zelenskyy has arrived there as well. And Behind The Scenes i wouldnt quite describe it as panic, but the only conversation is who on earth are we going to do if america stops sending money to ukraine. Because europe will have to try to make up for it. But if you look at the finances, no way that they can. I dont think that there are any answers right now, but there is real worry about how they will respond if america cant keep providing that money and how you know, certainly they will be looking at the biden speech to see how he explains it. For sure. And i know some of our reporting coming out of our International Teams yesterday said some of this money runs out in december and were facing another possible Government Shutdown here in mid november. The time line is very tight as you point out for zelenskyy in trying to keep his troops supplied with weaponry. And the dysfunction over here, i could very easily see it even if Congress Wants to do it, i could see them basically running out the clock which is obviously tough. And sources say that the bigger Challenge Zelenskyy is sort of facing is he is looking at what is happening in america but also concerned about the right Center Governments in europe thinking that that is happening in america, maybe we should fall back as well. So a lot of dynamics going on. For sure. Max foster, wonderful to see you. Rudy giuliani now suing President Biden. Well tellll you why. And new yorks Attorney General warns donald trump. Stay with us. We have quick hits across america now. New York Attorney general Latitia James blasting Donald Trumps attempts to turn the civil fraud trial against him into a political stunt and fundraising expedition. I will not sit idly by and allow anyone to subvert the law. Lastly, i will not be bullied. The case threatens his businesses in new york state. Court resumes today with the crossexamination of trumps exaccountant. President biden has approved another 9 billion in Student Debt Relief in what the white house calls fixes to a broken system. It comes just days after payments restarted following a three year pause. And Rudy Giuliani is suing President Biden for calling him a, quote, russian pawn, end quote, during a debate that happened three years ago. The move comes as he faces multiple lawsuits for his alleged interference in the 2020 election. We had extremely heavy rain overnight in parts of oklahoma and texas. Take a look. A soccer match just rained out in frisco, texas after the skies just opened up. Lets go straight to our weatherman derrek van dam. Good morning. What is the situation there . Look, i mean, i played soccer all my life and i think ive played in heavier rain than that, but look, if there is lightning involved, you dont want to be on the soccer pitch and that was the case. Dangerous to be a spectator as well. That is why they delayed the game. And guess what, that saw about 2 to 4 inches of rain in a matter of a two hour period in and around frisco, which is just north of the dallas ft. Worth region. This is the bigger part of a system that brought wind and hail reports throughout texas and oklahoma. Here is the latest scenario. This is the current radar. And you can see lighter Rain Stretching across arkansas, but it is heavier further south you travel. Interstate 45 and 20 running east and west. Heaviest of rain fell just to the northeast of dallas ft. Worth near the text texarkana region. There is one Flash Flood Warning still ongoing affecting about 20,000 people in northeast texas. This is the storm system responsible. Remember yesterday we talked about a onetwo punch of cold fronts. Here is the first one, there is the second one. That will bring us the Autumn Weather that weve been previewing for the past couple of days. It is advancing through the midwest. It has its eyes set on the northeast. Check out how the temperatures cool down dramatically for the weekend just in time to do a little bit of fall color leaf peeping. I dont know if you are into that, but i just love seeing the colors this time of year across the northeast. And this weekend will be ideal for that. I do too. And as weve discussed at length, im dying for it to be fall. Tomorrow i need a Weather Report for the first alds game because im going to go see the orioles play at 1 00 in the afternoon. So just for your information for tomorrow. 78 and sunny. Perfect. See you tomorrow. Up next here, new Video Surfaces of an old accident involving a senators future wife. How it could have triggered a bribery scandal. And furious finger p pointi llowing mccarthys firing. Well tell you who is doing what and to whom on capitol hill. Good morning. Thank you for getting an early start with us. Im kasie hunt. It is 5 30 here on the east coast in washington. 2 30 out west. House majority leader Steve Scalise and congressman jim jordan both now officially in the race for speaker after Kevin Mccarthys Unceremonious Ejection from his job. Scalise announcing his bid in a letter that he sent to colleagues on wednesday. He wrote, i firmly believe the republican conference is a family. Well, if that is true, it is pretty dysfunctional. I guess we all have some of that. But hey, the mounting anger and frustrating frustration and finger pointing is going every which way right now. A lot of it aimed at matt gaetz who of course filed the motion to remove mccarthy. New york republican mike lawler told cnn that gaetz should be kicked out of the conference. And then there was chip roy of texas who just spend a second digesting what he had to say about matt gaetz. You want to come at me and call me a r. I. N. O. , you can kiss your ass. You thump your tchest on twitte . Come out and debate. [ bleep ] people buried in normandy who deserve us to stand up for what they fought for. So that is what im going to do. All you [ bleep ] out there saying what you are saying out on social media, you stick it. Im going to go down to the floor and do my job and im going to stand up for the people who fought for this country. When we try to explain to you that there is an incredit pli high level of anger inside the Republican House conference right now, that says better than anything i could ever tell you exactly what is going on. That man is angry. Mccarthy ally garrett graves was especially outraged overgraves especially outraged over nancy mace. She was Fundraising Oofff of he vote to oust mccarthy. And this is a violation of the rules. Watch. All of a sudden my phone keeps sending text messages. Text messages saying hey, give me money. Oh, look at that. Look, give me money, i filed a motion to vacate. Using official actions, official actions to raise money. It is disgusting. There is more of that anger. And in the meantime senator mullen, former member of the house, aimed his fire at sgats oig and all the right wing hard liners who voted to get rid of mccarthy. They are republicans by name and registration only. If they are for the party, they would have done what was best for the party. What is the party doing now . Were not able to do anything. Were not able to do anything. That of course, that complaint echoed from other senators who were unhappy with the quote unquote dysfunctional family. I cant i dont buy the family. Anyway, the dysfunctional family has brought legislating to a standstill. Meanwhile the president , joe biden, just seems glad that, you know what, it is not his problem. Unfortunately it means we cant do other things which i would like to be doing. The house can vote on no bills. No appropriations work can get done. It is messy. No denying that. We dont even know what is happening in the house of representatives. What is your advice to the next House Speaker . That is above my pay grade. Oh, boy. Unfortunately for him nothing is above his pay grade at this point. Lets bring in kain kathy lucy. Appreciate you being here. Lets start off with that. Biden laughing there. But the reality is our government is at a standstill to the point that our colleague annie grayer reporting this morning that it was still actually tuesday when they opened the house on wednesday because nobody even bothered to gavel out the chamber. And that will be a problem for the white house, a problem for our government bottom line. Yeah, i mean, if this is a family, it is kind of the family that maybe needs to skip thanksgiving this year because you cant be in the same room. Biden said this is below his pay grade, but he also said a number of very serious things yesterday. He complained about what he called the poisonous atmosphere on the hill, you know, said that Bi Bipartisanship needed to happen. And a key thing that they are worried about as you know is what is going to happen Going Forward with Government Funding and aid to ukraine. There is a lot of anxiety in the white house about whether obviously who will be the next speaker and how the house gets their affairs in order, but what this will mean for the president s promises to support ukraine Going Forward. And the Ukraine Question is really a big one. And jim jordan who has thrown his hat in the speakers ring, my Hill Colleagues caught up with him yesterday and he essentially said that he doesnt support doing a standalone vote. He suggested anything for ukraine would have to come with strict new Policy Changes around the southern border, that it is likely democrats could not accept. I think there is a very real possibility that he ends up the one becoming Speaker Of The House. Well see. Well see if they could pay anybody to be Speaker Of The House at this stage. But the reality this issue of ukraine is a central fulcrum in this fight. I dont think that that bodes well for the white house and what they want with that. No, this is a real concern for the white house. The president yesterday was trying to project some hope saying that there are members if will both parties and both chambers who want this. He has said that he will give a speech about the importance of the u. S. Commitment here to ukraine. He spoke with allies this week trying to, you know, urge them that the u. S. Is in this. He is not able to control what happens with the next speaker and it is cheer that there are members in the house who have real concerns about this or dont want to do this. And you just dont know how this will play out right now. Yeah, we dont. And our reporting here at cnn is that they will run out of money in ukraine for these weapons as soon as december. And you and i both know, we have another looming shutdown in mid november before that will happen. First they have to pick a speaker and then it seems very likely that well still be fighting over this by the holidays. Catherine lucey, thank you very much for being with us this morning. Really appreciate your time. Thank you. And we have new details this morning about embattled new jersey senator bob menendez and his wife nadine. The two of course are already facing multiple federal charges including bribery and now there is this according to a police report, Nadine Menendez struck and killed a pedestrian in 2018. That is an incident that is mentioned in the indictment. Well show you a bit of this, but we want to warn you the video may be disturbing because it does show her hitting a person, backing up, and then not checking on him after the crash. The New York Times reports that she was never tested for drugs or alcohol and she was allowed to leave the scene. I just want to confirm that you do not want to give me your phone, correct . Yes. And that is your statement that you were driving this way, the guy came from this way, and he ran into your vehicle . I jumped on my windshield. Wow. Lets bring in former prosecutor and current legal analyst for the law and crime network. Thank you very much for being here. This crash, no charges. And there was no media attention. We should note this is before they were married. But five years later it does add new context to federal charges that the two are facing. This is very, very hard to watch on a person aal level. But legally, what does this video say or do in the context of the case that they are facing now . It is important to recognize that sometimes an accident is just an accident. And if were taking what we know about what happened that day, there was not enough for police in bogota, new jersey to look at this and find reasonable grounds to test her for drugs or alcohol. You do see her in that video refusing to give her phone over. And what is raising the Question Marks here, or questions, is that it was somewhat of a hushhush investigation, things were done, this was declared an accident and that was that. What we see now though providing this narrative to this impactful Bribery Indictment against bob menendez and Nadine Menendez. And it gives you the back story and the narrative of how some of these Bribery Charges came about. We do know that after this accident, we saw a somewhat of a quid pro quo allegation going on here where a 60,000 mercedes was given to Nadine Menendez in order to replace the vehicle that was involved in this accident. And that is really giving the framework for prosecutors to make those allegations against the menendez for those Bribery Charges. Right. And to underscore ithat, one of the things that they asked their friends for as they were trying to allegedly help they will what they wanted from congress was a car to replace this one that was in this accident. Can i ask you, is therefully evidence of preferential treatment here . You mentioned the investigation was hushhush. We dont see her on camera saying anything about who she is or her connections for powerful people. What do we know about any of that . We dont know anything concrete to support that. But i will tell you this, as a former prosecutor, when there is a vehicular homicide, whether it be an accident due to negligence or an accident due to intoxication, typically Law Enforcement and investigators and the local prosecutors will look into that, do a thorough investigation, bring the driver in for either testing or questioning and further investigation into what happened. And what we see here on paper and the narrative happening after this, we see somewhat of a swift resolution to the investigation. We know she wasnt tested for alcohol or drugs. You see her not handing over her phone. There was no warrant obtained to see if she was texting or on the phone at the time of the accident. And of course there is nothing concrete. I need to make that clear. But it does raise Question Marks whether if there was any sort of undue influence on local prosecutors or Law Enforcement that we dont know now because of Bob Menendezs position. That is a question being raised now particularly in light of the indictment that we see in the federal court. All right. Imran, thank you very much for bringing us your expertise. Thank you for having me. And House Republicans of course scrambling to find a replacement for their speaker job that is open after Kevin Mccarthys exit. And commander biden, the white house dog, out of the white house and in the doghouse. White house and in the doghouse. It has been an unprecedented historic week in washington. One person who might want to forget about it, former speaker Kevin Mccarthy who became the first speaker to be voted out. Mccarthys down fall detailed in a new piece in the atlantic, the fall of House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy today demonstrated again that the one sin that cannot be forgiven in the modern Republican Party is being seen as failing to fight the democratic agenda by any means necessary. And the man who wrote that piece joins me now, Senior Editor for the atlantic, ron brownstein. Are you up late or up early because you are out in l. A. Im trying to figure that out. Were on the borderline, that is for sure. And i really appreciate you being here because i read your piece with great interest because the state of our politics really is such that on the base side honestly of either party but particularly on the republican side, the idea that you would work with people that are on the other in the other party from you is just completely unacceptable. And it leads to a situation where weve seen this week it makes the country ungovernable. I think you certainly see it in the rise of donald trump. There is a Critical Mass within the Republican Coalition that feels that the way america is changing, culturally, dep demographically, that is replacing them and what they want are leaders who will fight those changes by any means necessary. That is the fundamental way that donald trump has, you know, surfed to become the leader of the Republican Party and it is the same emotion, the same sentiment, the same anxiety that fueled the rebellion against Kevin Mccarthy. In one sense, you can trace it back for almost half century now. Newt gingrich and webber rose to prominence in the 80s and the conservative Opportunity Society which was built on the idea nat Republican Leaders of that era were too conciliatory for democrats. And begigingrich faced his own rebellion and we saw similar dynamics with john boehner and paul ryan. The difference of course is that mccarthy went much further than any of them in trying to placate the right and it was still not enough. And that i think is the controlling dynamic in the Republican Party no matter how much you are seen as fighting, resisting democrats, there is a portion of the party who believes that you are not doing enough and the cycle of that is unleashed, and that will leave us with a choice of Steve Scalise and jim jordan probably the two most conservative speakers in more than tmodern times. And annie grar was reporting ab grayer reporting about the level of dysfunction. And they also have inhibited their own Impeachment Inquiry. You know, the right that Kevin Mccarthy handed these hardliners, he opened the quirtry without holding a vote, basically a concession to them over the objection of his moderates. And now those hardliners have shut down the house, the Impeachment Inquiry cant go forward. But at the same time, they are out in front of the cameras raising money much to the i mean, it is the anger, the level of anger over that is just off the charts right now. I mean, i dont understand how any of these incentives ever get fixed. Yeah, it is worth noting that democrats had the exact same majority, narrow majority, in the previous two years. And they passed essentially the entire party wish list. The breadth of the agenda they passed much of which of course did not clear the senate, but everything from election reform to assault weapon bans, dreamers to the expansive build back better, with no more than two democrats voting no. They found a way to coalesce around some ideological obvious ideological diversity in that party as well. But i think because of the urgency and the sense of anxiety and threat in much of the republican base, incentives are different for at least a portion of the republican conference. And what you saw in Overthrowing Mccarthy i mean, the idea that the offense that failed Kevin Mccarthy was that he was too quick to make a deal with democrats, you know, twice to avoid potential Global Economic uncertainty and instability through a Debt Ceiling Deal and then domestic Economic Uncertainty i believe stability through a Government Shutdown, that was the offense that took out Kevin Mccarthy . I mean, this is a person who voted to overturn the 2020 election, tried to undermine the january 6 committee, launched the Impeachment Inquiry as you said on his own authority, and in a variety of other ways gave the right almost everything that it wanted and it was still not enough. Very different incentives at this point within the two parties. Very quickly, ron, the president is out there saying that this atmosphere is incredibly poisonous. Other members of the house saying well lose the elections. Does it all add up to democrats potentially having a much easier time holding the white house potentially winning back the house in november . I dont know about holding the white house. But i certainly think that holding the house. I mean, it is true that americans do not pay a lot of attention to kind of the inside the beltway fighting and dysfunction and chaos. But the fact is that in 2022, we saw and historically large percentage of voters who said they were unhappy with the economy, disappointed in biden, vote to democrats anyway because in fors spolls they considered alternative too extreme. And republicans are setting up a dynamic in which they will be vulnerable to that again. Certainly there were reports that mccarthy aides are making calls for jim jordan as speaker. I would expect that they could recruit a lot of democrats to join them because jim jordan as speaker would be precisely the kind of image that democrats want to portray. Republicans on the other hand, either of these choices as you noted are going to make life more difficult in a practical sense for democrats. There is a view the worst the better in the sense of electoral politics, but in terms of practically getting things done, this could make for a long period until the next election for President Biden and democrats in the senate. Sure could. Ron brownstein, very grateful to you for being here. Thank you. All right. He has been a bad commander. Not the commander in chief, joe biden, but his 2 nlyearold gen shepherd, he has been removed from the white house. He appears to be involved in more biting incidents than just the 11 reported. The number is much higher. And betsy klein is joining us. Thanks for being here. This is a sad story, but obviously this is dangerous. What is the bite count . So we know that there were 10 documented incidents back in july. And yesterday or last week we learned in the course of my reporting that there had been 11 biting incidents with Secret Service personnel. As i was talking to white house sources, it became clear this week that that number is actually much higher. It includes members of the Executive Residence staff, other white house personnel. And 11 bites is a lot, but more than that. And i think there is recognition inside the white house that this is a problem and that something needs to be done here. Ive talked to sources who have said they are very worried about Workplace Safety. We know that the white house, it is a home, but also a workplace for hundreds of people. And what the president and first ladies really recognize, that something needed to be done here. So we learned last night as we were asking these questions to the white house about Workplace Safety that there had been the decision to move the dog from the white house until they could find a solution. We heard from the xlun skagss director for the first lady telling cnn that commander is not presently on the white house campus while next steps are evaluated. The bites ranged in severity. We know that some of the bites, one person had to go to the hospital for treatment. Other people had to be seen by the white house medical unit. And some were not treated and not reported. So we may never really know how many bites there were total. And i think, you know, the whole situation belies the tension between the biden family and the Secret Service. We know back during the president ial transition, there were questions about secret Service Political loyalty to former President Trump. And that became a bigger issue back if 2021 when the bidens had a similar situation with their dog major who also had biting incidents. So secret Service Spokesman says that that is categorically false, but another person categorized the relationship as combustible. Indeed. Well, sad for commander but our hearts go out to those who were injured. Betsy klein, thank you for that reporting. Up next, a manhunt under way for the gunman in a mass shooting at a maryland college. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Its true. Plus, when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. Its happening. Welcome back. Tell me if it sounds familiar. Simone biles leads team usa to another gold medal. Coy wire is here. Good morning. The u. S. Women have now won a record seven Straight Team golds at the world championships. Good morning. No nation has ever won seven straight worlds in gymnastics. And simone biles has been part of the last six. Per her first gold exactly ten years to the day and in the same place. She has more than devices a many as any other woman in history. And biles, blakely and the word Silver Medal List dominating. And biles has potential five more events this weekend and even more history on the line. Her 33 medals at worlds and liks are tied for the most all time. So top three finish in any of them means that she would stand alone at the top of the record books yet again. Fast Wall Ball Hit in the a. And he will watch it go. A grand slam for bryson stotts. Putting an Explanation Point on the phillies 71 win and series sweep over miami to send them to the nlds in a Playoff Rematch against the braves. Diamondbacks, rangers and twins also sweeping their wild card series yesterday. Minnesota won its first Playoff Series in 21 years. For arizona, it has been 16. And for texas, 12 years. Here is a look at the divisional round which starts saturday. Rangers get a date with your orioles and they just won 100 games for the First Time Since 1980. Lets go os . Love it. And travis kelce says the nfl is taking the whole taylor swift thing too far. He told his brother that the nfl needs to calm down, they are being for a loud about his potential relationship with swift. Is the nfl overdoing it, what is your honest opinion . Take away your feelings for taylor. What is your honest opinion on how the nfl is treating celebrities at games . I think it is fun when they she who ashow who all is at the game. I think it brings more to the atmosphere, more to what you are watching. But at the same time i think that they are overdoing it. They are overdoing it. The nfl cut away to taylor swift 17 times and posted a bunch on social media and the nfl hand to defend

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